Bored Smashing - MacBook! 100K SPECIAL

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oh no YouTube revenue is down well it looks like I have to sacrifice one of you guys to get my ad revenue up again let's see who shall be eenie meenie miney moe well it looks like you're the lucky winner hey guys welcome to board smashing today we have this very beautiful MacBook no it's not the newest one it's the 2007 model do you think I'm wealthy or something just a little introduction to this thing I bought this used on eBay of course excuse for around $50 and it didn't even come with a battery so it's gonna have to stay plugged in Oh am i also forgetting something thank you very much for a hundred K subscribers don't worry I included some of your comments of your suggestions in this video now obviously I cannot include everybody's comments so please understand and to everybody who got into this video Congrats now for everybody else let's start the video [Music] first things the comments want me to do is run it over with the car [Applause] what it's it's far he's we gotta try that again just in case [Applause] uh-oh it's stopped what the hell look at this the screen is fine but for some reason it's giving me the pinwheel debt but nothing happened much even the hinge works huh actually the whole computer is kind of frozen it's just for shutdown turn it back on again oh we have the missing hard drive icon ah you know what happened we broke the hard drive that's what happens ah doesn't look like there's that much damage on the bottom but we killed the hard drive next people want me to throw technology at it how about the Dell monitor first now the IBM ThinkPad thumbnail photo now next people are telling me to use a USB killer hmm I do know what a USB port is but I don't know what it USB killer is but I have this thing maybe this is a USB killer so I'm just gonna take this thing and put it in here uh-huh this USB killers too big let's find a smaller one this one should be better ooh now if the other one now you can't plug any USB 2.0 into this macbook just like the most recent Mac books next people want me to throw an apple at it haha get it because it's a macbook made by Apple let's try this oh oh whoa guys that was epic so as you can see right here the damage is what are you so I don't know if this thing will work we'll probably have to try later mom it's not what it looks like this only cost me around $50 I will kill you up well let's take a little look at the damages so far uh yeah the screen is starting to come apart from the body let's see if it still works yep it's still closed hey guys welcome to day two of your comments right now people want me to pour water the laptop Lots turned on I think of absolutely no consequences if I do that let's go three two one and now I'm pretty sure it's dead next it's been a popular meme on my channel for people to want me to recreate that scene from Marmaduke if you don't know what that scene is here it is [Applause] [Music] the Petkovic get over here dog so I could cook you the poured now next I like to imagine that this was a deleted scene I got it I got it such a waste of money you dog I'm gonna do unimaginable things right now all right fresh change of clothes my neighbors thinking I'm a freak let's continue with this but first it's kind of dirty dry it off now people want me to throw it off my roof slash out the window well I'm pretty high up so I guess this will count as both my window and my roof throwing it out of I don't know quick before anyone sees hi hi hi so let's see what happened real fast hmm looks like the fall to even do that much landed perfectly flat now people are commenting that they want me to do a Ludacris drop test let's do it the bezel flew off and that's about it and now you're watching plain rock 1 2 4 welcome to board smashing this is the corner where it landed on nothing too bad let's try one more time well if the magnets from the MacBook flew out and stuck to the garage flew out and stuck so taking a look at the MacBook again nothing much except whatever this is snapped and this thing fell out I know what that is now people are commenting that they want me to throw a rock on it let's get things started [Music] [Music] so as you can see this rock caused the most damage I would say hey what's all that noise you're making out there huh is that my favorite decorative rock we're sharpies mom it's not what it looks like oh yeah is this your laptop uh yeah now it's really uh okay thank you I don't know son that was only half of your punishment now I cook you welcome today 3:00 today I'll get more into the standalone Commons do what you did with that 5s in the stream lol alright if you didn't know this is what I did live oh oh all right here it is a near-perfect recreation of the live stream but to make it legit we actually have to livestream welcome guys today we're gonna be doing an our live stream of smashing another galaxy s5 oh my god I hit a hundred K subscribers woo thank you to all those who came and we're confused dang that live stream was harsh on it next someone wants me to snap the computer in half maybe I should have done it a bit sooner but still doable imitate the YouTube tech channel jerry-rigged everything ok hey guys welcome to Gerry scratch everything today we have a possibly scratch proof macbook pro is it scratch proof is it not scratch proof let's find out with my scratch tool scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch as you can see by the scratch test the MacBook does not pass the scratch test because it's scratched all over so do not buy it unless you wanted to scrap now I'm gonna test my wrist is scratch proof imitate the scary maze game video it's so narrow I can't fit it through it's like when I'm having second little bit like a bottle okay I don't need to repair another g7x I'm gonna flip it and see if I could get to land on this MacBook stained like whew close [Music] [Music] you know what screw it screw it oh my god it landed it landed waste of time there I got the screen to do it that's good enough [Applause] next the Commodores want Peter and Tanner to come over to smash it hmm I don't think that's a very good idea though I mean they can be give me one second hello no this is in a Chinese restaurant do you think Kings gone yet no but I'm scared of the dark [Music] now's our chance to be famous yeah yeah all right okay bye man [Music] wait who did that I was planning to do this Tanner Peter are you there Oh guys I can't stay mad at you come out here and help me do it come out here and help me smash the Mac look coming out Tanner Peter coming coming I'm coming Peter don't shovel most of the kilometres wanted me to hit it with a hammer and a bat but I thought it'd be more fun for the video to do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] gonna get splinters thank you guys - watching bored smashing Macbook sorry I took a long time on it but finally finished it once again thanks for watching King you didn't see my client so I'm gonna do right now no no what are you doing that's my dream and lastly how could I forget people let me just set it ablaze well the problem with that is that this is a classy neighborhood and I don't want to get us kicked out for starting a fire so I hope this will be sufficient enough [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] patreon plug
Channel: Plainrock124
Views: 2,592,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, mac, macbook, imac, smash, break, wreck, destroy, hammer, bat, pc, windows
Id: MGdqmCI5hhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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