Bored Smashing - GROCERY STORE PHONES! Episode 13

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hey guys what is board smashing grocery-store phones well i buy an unusual phone unbox it play around with it durability test it then i smash it why do i have to keep on explaining this especially when i'm on the 13th episode well let's just say uploads in this series are not exactly daily and I don't want my newer subscribers to feel left out of the cool kids club why is it called bored smashing grocery store phones just binge watch the last twelve episodes here for an explanation if you're now caught up welcome to this brand new episode of bored smashing grocery store phones today we'll be finally doing the iPhone no not this one the first one well yes but actually no in 2005 Apple announced the Motorola ROKR e1 or the iTunes phone the first phone that had iTunes support and a music playing interface that looks like iPods and I bought one a while back from eBay I wonder if the Motorola ROKR e1 is rare cuz there was only one listing available for me and it was from China for $50 if we know anything about the Chinese they just love making knockoffs of iPhones so hopefully for the sake of this video this is a legit iTunes phone I don't trust the Chinese and with that let's unbox this e1 I don't know what this thing is [Music] can someone tell me why every time I get a charging brick from China there's no holes in the prongs like why is that for safety reasons well unsafe reasons probably charger definitely not USB see and the phone itself it looks pretty used so hopefully it's a good sign that this is a legit iTunes phone complete with ear gunk and a Russian keyboard batteries already installed let's plug her in oh this is just great America once again does things better charger is kind of weird there's this big port but you only plug it into this side it doesn't even go in all the way oh battery charging and let's power it on insert sim just ignore that it's not letting me exit come on do I really need a SIM card to be able to play around on this thing god damn it this is what happens if you don't plan ahead hmm I found this old AT&T SIM card it's not the right size but hopefully it works that the pins are touching so stupid this is the first phone on this show that needed a SIM card just to play around with it says searching for network but hopefully we can just bypass it since it has a sim card yes it works honestly I didn't think that was gonna work looks like we might have to change the language it looks to be in English but I never seen that word before it says men such as here but it says message here for some reason okay we find out if this is a legit iTunes phone by seeing if it has iTunes on it whoo and there it is pretty laggy though we'll get back to this in a minute let's take a look at the camera on this thing there it is all right and I didn't think about this before but I have to take out the battery again so I could put a micro SD card in it hopefully this works there was a light show back to the camera I really like this joystick kind of thing switched to storage device trans unformatted I'm guessing that's it format it trans just trans 999 remaining all right three two one sure let's store that oh yeah this thing had a flash even though the first like three iPhones never had a flash gotta try with the flash and it's just the flash that just stays on all the time that's much better the flash helps and I also read that this thing has video oh we got to see that videos street scene I love this five frames per second LSD scene I want to shoot video come on where's that Oh new video fifty-eight remaining 58 minutes 58 videos 58 seconds who knows hey guys now I'm recording video on the first I think there's like a five-second limit yep there's a five-second limit on videos this thing is basically vine before it was cool I gotta make this video quick hey guys oh god anything else games Java crazy or safe let's be crazy key criteria unlucky potential what is that is that a penguin with huge glove hands oh it looks like it's similar to that worms game yep that's the worms game with creepy penguins oh okay I made a mistake I should have played it safe safe with a safe also by key criteria uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh except password is this the game at least five characters yeah oh I don't think this is the game you have to make a password for some reason oh this isn't a game this is a place to store your personal data that was weird cuz the same company that made the creepy penguin game also made this as this button do ring lights I like hyperactive the best whoa tsunami I don't know why it's named that that's pretty cool there's some pre-loaded pictures on this knockoff spider-man uh flower fish with creepy face people ignoring sexual assault I don't know softcore porn default sounds let's play expand oh Wow there's a bunch of pre-loaded songs themes let's change it to groove we get sausages lifting off the plate as the wallpaper Club thick and look at that face well keep it on this and yeah that's about all the features on the iTunes phone huh it still has the screen protector on yes I left it for a while and appears that started a screen saver well that's a great use of battery now the moment you've all been waiting for they didn't call this the iTunes phone for nothing let's see if we could get some music on this from itunes after doing some research the included cable is only for charging so I had to buy this cable from eBay if I actually wanted to sync data great more money wasted on obsolete plastic let's put this stupid thing to use I highly doubt a 2016 MacBook Pro if the newest version of iTunes will recognize it but we'll see we got the iTunes do not disconnect like the iPods disc not ejected properly yeah the do not disconnect just disappeared maybe it has to be tighter plugging it in again got the do not disconnect again and we got the diss not ejected properly again and nothing showing up in iTunes which is what I expected this is why I collect vintage Macs I've been waiting for my entire life for these things to be actually useful ignore that please we got iTunes version 6 on this which came out in 2005 which should work with come on yeah we got that same message on my modern Mac uh I'm still upset I wanted to sync music on to it it's probably a problem with the phone or the cable who knows ok we might have some hope I putted the microSD card from the phone into the computer and there's a file on it called iTunes and right now that file is definitely empty so we're gonna put some music on to that and see if the phone will read it moment of truth why is it still saying do not disconnect nothing's plugged in mmm restart I think I bricked it this is the first time I bricked a phone just by playing with it oh wait no it just took a long time to stop for some reason usually - oh come on uh it's being super laggy oh my god this is the slowest most buggiest feature phone I've ever played with maybe because the battery is low I never seen a phone act this horrible and the battery was almost dead oh my god [ __ ] uh I need to call 9-1-1 on my itunes phone I'm moving the joystick come on iTunes fine I'll just let you charge up okay yeah after I plugged in the charger it looks like it's acting normal again okay iTunes come on you can do it let's see if the songs on there of course not okay this phone has disappointed me several times already will it disappoint me again in the durability tests before I begin the tests I want to introduce a competitor the iPod Nano some more history on the Motorola ROKR e1 it was announced on the same day as the first iPod Nano making the CEO of Motorola accused Apple purposely undercutting the ROKR e1 because the iPod Nano was better in every which way except for phone stuff I guess but who cares about the functionality between each one I just want to see which one's more durable but instead of destroying the first gen iPod Nano I'm gonna be destroying the second gen due to a recall making the first gen more rare and prices higher on eBay the second gen Nano is pretty similar to the first but more importantly it was $13 [Music] first up the scratch test these locking Chargers are pretty good now the front side iPod Nano metal was grinded down pretty good still works ROKR e1 not too badly scuffed on the back on the front some of the buttons are wearing down but working the branding is gone though next up the drop test and I'm gonna try to do video on the e1 rocker backside three two one the iPods still works but the e1 restarted which means the video didn't save second test corner three two one I hit save on the video but then in white screened and I think it's restarting again I doubt the video saved and now it says insert sim so I gotta fix that but the iPod is still working uh-oh but I think the clicker stopped working I can't hear any more clicks alright got it back on can we get one video to save final test face down three two one and yeah it's restarting again yeah I didn't save any videos but it still works the iPod also still works uh but an iPods not an iPod without the clicking oh I miss it I'm gonna give that round to the ROKR e1 because even though I kept on restarting every time it was dropped nothing broke unlike the iPod which the clicker broke and now let's take things to the extreme ludicrous drop test iPod and it's completely fine I'm surprised actually ludicrous drop test ROKR e1 guarantee the video won't save but it's whatever one look ah I see the screen is on the screen cover popped off and the keyboard is bulging out but it still works but I'm gonna give this round to the iPod since nothing fell off or popped out now for the water test but with a twist to fit the themes of these devices instead of using water I'm gonna be using apple juice both still working come on can what just die already a little bit more okay I think that's long enough as you can see by the ipod screen it was definitely affected by the juice and the phone has a white screen and it's working now oh wait the phone shut off huh it said low battery before it shut off out of no fools because of Oh what whoa I don't know if it was because of the juice but now it has this ms-dos thing battery low cannot program the iPods still on though although the screen is glitching out so yeah I don't know who to give this round to you decide this video wasn't supposed to be on the iPod so I'm just gonna put it out of its misery oh do you hear that it's saying put me out of my misery still alive okay yeah that's more like it and to finish off the iTunes phone we're gonna be drying it off I highly doubt it but zombie well the down below camera view wasn't such a good idea so we can now conclude that the iTunes phone is a phone I can't come up with a better outro I'm still tired for my trip to VidCon watch the vlogs and so of that thank you guys for watching I'm gonna get back to watching the office now comment like and subscribe and I'll see you guys later bye Oh what was I thinking the way the table broke was pretty cool though at least I finished this video on the last day I could film outside
Channel: Plainrock124
Views: 2,886,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, break, wreck, destory, hammer, bat, phone, smartphone, smart, cell, cellular, cell phone, cellular phone, iphone, android, apple, tech, technology, grocery, grocery store, grocery store phones, bored smashing, plainrock124, iTunes, iTunes phone, Motorola, Motorola ROKR, Motorola ROKR e1, Rokr e1, drop test, water test, durability test, scratch test
Id: tV2CtjBm0j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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