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hello everyone Darren here and welcome back to satisfactory now in the last episode we switched from our biomass burners to the superior automated coal generators with quite an ambitious build for Just 4 hours in the game I think I can admit I may have overestimated just how much needed to be done especially considering we had a lot of grunt work to do back at the base in the first half of that episode so while I did managed to eventually power on the factory and it is working it's not up to its full throughput yet not even close it doesn't even have walls or any customization and there's a few things that need to be clarified so everyone can follow along a little bit more easily so today we're going to be going over this Factory again albeit much more quickly powered up to its full potential for where we are in our progression right now and then just generally clean it up so it doesn't look so damn ugly then we'll have the power literally to build pretty much any Factory we desire for many hours to come but first there's a rather uncomfortable matter I must attend to you just keep looking at what you did you did a great job okay you did great fix it is proud of you I'm so sorry don't make this any worse than it has to be this is on you I didn't want this God damn it stop making it so difficult Jesus oh God it's like he's trying to wave at me one last time there goes the coffee cup and it's back what the hell okay all right so now that that uncomfortable situation has been dealt with I thought we should explain the build once more just to address some of the comments and concerns we had in the previous episode and also just to bring everyone up onto the same page in case it's your first time joining so effectively what we've got in front of us are 18 coal generators this floor is going to be split into four groups of 45 the generator is going to be placed on to the orange tiles you see in front of us for Simplicity sake I've removed all the other generators just so we can see the bare minimum that we can actually Supply right now in terms of just two groups we'll build an additional two groups in the future so why four groups well it's because we have four coal deposits here each with their own minor currently our technological progress has allowed us to transport up to 120 resources per minute on our Mark 2 belts our miners are by default getting 60 coal or per minute out of each resource deposit but we can overclock it with a couple of power shards to 200% giving us 120 resources per minute to travel along the belt we're keeping the belt separate so that then we can overclock each machine bringing in 12 four times over into each of the four respective groups one group is done right now which is why you can see nine of the generators currently firing and giving us power there's nine that are in place that have not received their ore yet and then there's two other groups in the distance that have not even been built yet but we'll do that so got a lot of questions about why we're doing it this kind of way why is it been broken into four groups well basically each minor in the future will be capable of doing 600 or per minute and that's too much for multiple belts to handle so they need to be on separate belts so we keep them isolated to their own four separate groups that's the reason for that why are we underclocking the generators to 88% well it's for Simplicity sake when it comes to the water extractors so by default a water extractor makes 120 water per minute the pipe can basically handle 600 when we get marked two pipes currently we can only handle 300 per minute let's just say 600 per minute is what we'll have eventually 600 divid 120 means five water extractors per pipe so that's totally fine now if we had let's say not underclocked our generators they would consume 45 water per minute it so 45 in from one pipe would mean that we can supply 13.33 recurring generators from just one pipe yeah bit of an awkward number I thought as this is a beginner series at least here at the beginning as we bring people along with us in advance into the game it would be easier to work with numbers that aren't so difficult especially in terms of getting the layout right because 13.33 that's awkward you need 14 generators you have to underclock one and then the PIP have to be the layout of the actual build then has to change it just gets a little bit messy so what I decided to do was underclock the generator so they only consume 40 water and that means we just need 15 generators so that's why we have lines and groups of 15 so what we're going to do over on the right hand side of the screen as you can see we are going to be building the rest of the coal generators ow and we're just going to get to work on that immediately so you can get the spacing as you can see we've laid out the orange tiles to show you where all the generators are going to go in the future so let's just hop up here and get started on the next two groups and we can do it really quickly now I think cuz we know our spacing so we'll go into Power grab a coal generator rotate it around the inputs facing into one of the lanes here that's available for us to kind of walk down we'll bring this all the way towards us we'll lock it in place we need to be just before the vents not on the vent but before the vent and the inputs need to be on the vent okay so this bit before the vent this bit on the vent and then we'll put that down we'll get this one in the same place we know that it's lined up when we get our green line and we can see that that looks good inputs on the vent next thing basically is then rotating this around locking it into place and we can see that the seams the back of the generators actually kind of join if we move it you can see they're separated now they're joined that's where we want it to be another way of checking is just to see are you on the vent with your inputs yes we are we rotate around again lock it in place and see are we good we are good all right that one's that done all right bring that together that should be that and then this is the final one it's as easy as that I think we're good right good so now all the generators are in their correct lines right so the gap between the edges is three so we have a walkway of three all the way around and it is correct some people are wondering if this is meant to be this way it is we can kind of build around that but this is the height that you need to be at in case you're just wondering um if so in the previous episode I actually made a mistake and I was building a little bit lower so I've actually now increased the height of my floor it you don't have to do that and you can even argue that maybe it'd be better if you didn't I don't know it's fine I just thought it'd be better to do that so I tried to raise it based on what I was speaking about in the previous episode cuz I did instead of putting four Wall height down I put three Wall height it won't change anything in terms of logistics down below so don't freak out if you've done it it's purely a kind of a cosmetic thing so it's not too big of a deal now all we have to do is grab our generator and put down three in a row like so I just do this for every single line and then we just have to put down the floor holes and the pipes in front which we'll talk about in just one second all right so super easy just holding control and rotating around means it's just going to snap in where it needs to excellent It's also worth mentioning because we're underclocking these to 88% instead of taking I think it's 15 coal per minute they're only taking 13.2 so 13.2 * 9 that's 118.5 so we're actually being slightly inefficient because our conveyor belts are taking 120 so we're going to be left over with 1.2 coal um we'll fix that at the very very end but for now that's just totally fine obviously it's such a small amount doesn't really make a difference yeah if you wanted to balance it you know if you want to play around yourself you could just clock the last machine to to count for the amount that you'll need uh you don't actually see the amount until coal actually starts getting fed in all right so next thing anyway now that the generators are all in position we're just going to put down the pipeline floor holes which are actually having a bit of a bug in the game at the moment so if a pipeline floor hole is placed down and a pipe is connected to it and then you put a pump on it it breaks the floor hole where it won't work anymore so you need the pump to be down first then build the pipeline floor hole now it doesn't matter here it's only if the segment attached directly to the bottom is having that pump issue if it's a few segments over that's okay it's fine so these ones won't have that problem but the ones downstairs do have that problem and did have that problem and I uh failed to mention it to you but a few people pointed out in the comments that they were having issues with their pipeline floor holes I thought it'd be good to kind of address that and show the fix for it and why it happens all right I guess that's pretty much it that's all of our floor holes in position for the pipelines now we need to do the same thing for the actual conveyor lifts to the logistics of coal traveling up so I'll just go around and do this really quickly and then we'll resume all right now that all the floor holes are in position we're just going to hook them up so using the noodle build mode for pipes just sink them straight down into it I'm just going to go ahead and do all of these as well all right and of course you'll have to do the same for the actual conveyor lifts all right so all the lifts and the pipes are now in place so what we have to do now is underclock every machine to 88% a little bit tedious admittedly when I did want people to do that I assumed we could copy and paste the settings but for some reason that is just a little bit bugged at the moment you can normally do it with pretty much every machine and you can do it with fuel generators so coal generators just have that issue now a kind of a quicker way of doing it just slightly that might help you a bit is you can run straight along here so you could just kind of run click down the bottom do it click down the bottom do it and just keep doing that over so I'm just going to do that for every machine now all right now that they've all been assigned their 88% we need to actually build the power poles so I didn't actually show this before but I tend to put it between the machines in the little seam like between the cracks and effectively you just link a cable to two of them and then link this one to its little sister and then link these two together and then you just keep doing that so that'll be the idea going forward but obviously we're only building just a small amount of generators for now but that's the idea just to continue it along all the way the length of the whole building all right ladies and gentlemen there you have it that's an additional 18 coal generators now in position with their floor holes all hooked up the power poles are connected and they've been underclocked to 88% underclocking them to 88% means we get 66 megawatt of power out of them and currently we have have 36 generators in place so 36 * 66 megaw means we're aiming for 2376 megawatt of power once this place turns on fully So currently we are producing 594 we can see that one quar of our generators are burning so 594 Time 4 cuz we're going to have four groups is 2 376 so it's correct and we can see we have a nice stable Network right now now the capacity is actually higher and that because we have the biomass burners still hooked up to the network ready to turn on should the demand reach a point where they have to so that's what the capacity means but the production rate means that we're currently burning that much coal and it's giving us that much power all right so with all that in position now we're going to travel downstairs let see if I can just go one floor down now it's quite dark in this floor and it's quite foggy as well there's not much we can do we're in blue crater it's just naturally foggy sort of biome what you could do is open up the console by pressing the Tia key or the grave key which is the key next to the number one if you type r. fog and then type zero so r. fog space zero so that's disable fog gets rid of all the fog but it doesn't really brighten anything up I just doing this to show you cuz some people did suggest that I try this doesn't really brighten anything up we're playing with global illumination turned on so that's one of the reasons that it's just going to be dark until we get lights which is actually the reason that I wanted this room to be four wall Heights up because if you remember I made a mistake in the last episode where I only builted three wall Heights and I put the ceiling here that was just a mistake on my part it doesn't really matter if you do that or not it was just so that eventually we could also get some lights in here and brighten the place up so I wouldn't worry about it too much if you did it or not it doesn't really affect anything upstairs there's a little bit of terrain creeping through the foundations upstairs but don't worry about it we'll can kind of work around that it's fine all right so I'm going to turn the fog back on cuz cuz I think it just it actually if anything brightens the place up and that's just because of the bounce lighting the bounce lighting that's happening thanks to Global illumination so we've got a problem here we've painted out where all the generators are going to go and this is something I actually asked you guys about on YouTube in a poll I know not everybody sees everything but I put it up as soon as I realized that we've got a a pretty grave error here so if we head over to this location this is our Central pumping area and we can just open up the floor here we know that we made a 3X3 so it's like 1 2 3 1 2 3 and 1 2 3 3x3 Foundation area and on each Square in each corner is going to be where all the pumps go right so each one has three respective pumps for the three rows of 15 generators for one category of 45 generators in total but unfortunately I've realized that I positioned these wrong they need to be placed here so you can see that the Orange is where our coal generators end so if this line has to naturally travel all the way out here to feed all the generators above me our pipes are going to start crisscrossing a little bit now you can do that it doesn't affect the logic of the game or anything like that there's no height problem in terms of whatever the pumps will take care of it no matter what so there's actually no real massive drawback but I put up a poll asking should I show people how to work around it or should I tell people and just redo it now the solution to fixing this means that we have to move everything down four foundations in total but where that gets problematic is with the water extractors the water extractors are a kind of an uneven size they don't fit into foundations very nicely so what it means is we actually have to remove them all remove the walkways push everything up for foundations and then relay the water extractors if that kind of makes sense so effectively what I will be doing is going like this 1 2 3 three and four and then I'm going to look at this so we won our walkway here so it's going to be 1 2 3 and four so here is where the walkways are going to go out like so and then the water extractors is going to be placed in the same distance away which I think is two tiles over yeah so you count this one cuz we're talking from the walkway right so one two and then it just creeps over the edge another way to think about it is you can work from the end right so the end Foundation are staying in Bish and we've got 1 2 3 4 and that's where we just creep over right that was the rule of how to build this place go four foundations over and then just creep your sort of uh metal walkways over the line a little bit and that's basically how you get what we need so I'll just get rid of this actually so we can see a bit more clearly so one two three and four and then this just comes pretty much just over the vent line so hard to see man but it is there it's just over the vent line so what you'll need to do is make this eight so 1 2 3 4 and then it's got to be five 6 7 and eight so we'll need a water extractor to come just over this vent line here and that's why it's not as easy as just chopping away one and putting one on the end unfortunately the whole line has to be removed and pushed up now to avoid my power tripping because we're removing the kind of source of the power the biomass burners will kick in and buy me some time but I'll probably just do one row at a time hooking them back up where they need to go it also means that unfortunately so the good the good news is that these lanes are staying in place that the alignment of these stay in place basically they just need to be moved up for so if you can always leave one in position you can still realign it much quicker than you'd otherwise have to the pumps need to just be removed and the pipes up here need to be removed and it just needs to be moved forward to this Central Area here so this will be the 3X3 so the DI will be on screen I'll take a moment to kind of show them on screen show what I'm talking about but effectively everything's just moving over by four and you don't have to do it I think it's better that I do do it and I think it's better that you do it as well before we build out the rest of the factory CU it'll just make things look more symmetrical and actually be easier to build if you could just put up the time at the front but I would say if you've already gone ahead and done a lot and you did more than it was done in that Original Episode just leave it if if it works it works the groups and the logic stays the same it's just about having a bit of a cleaner pipeline effectively so I wouldn't worry too much and I'm so sorry that this happened I don't know how I misaligned it it's so crazy cuz in Photoshop I have the grids overlaid on top of each other and for some reason I just didn't really clock the fact that the pipes are going to get in the way of each other really uh but like I said you can draw pipes through each other and logically it works just fine but it will look a little bit messy all right so what I have to do now is get to work on this by shifting these water extractors up and then I'm going to resume time and resume recording and show you building out the extra ones uh just like we did before so I'm just going to shift these ones and then we'll continue on building and hopefully that kind of makes sense anyway when we get to it all right everybody I've actually got a way that I can make this a little bit more approachable and not so anxiety inducing to have to move everything over for foundation so what you see in front of me is the original pipes pumps and water extractors not moved not touched just the walkways have changed a little bit and we're going to leave that there it serves two purposes one it keeps power going so when we add other water extractors everything just kind of powers on naturally and should be fine and two serves as a great reference point for us to look back on and see where we've moved so like I said we're just moving everything for foundations over in One Direction so this is the old walkway that we had before and this is the old kind of pumping floor right we had the 3X3 little foundations we could stand on and the walkway connected straight over now we've shifted did that 1 2 3 and four foundations over to create this new platform here now unfortunately for me my recording software died and it didn't save what I talked through so I actually talked through building a good chunk of this stuff out in fact I even did this area but I decided just to delete all this start the recording again and just show you how to align correctly on the New Foundations moving everything for foundation's over okay so if you're wondering why that's done it's because it's a failed recording basically and we'll leave that where it is now that's all done but I wanted to show it one more time so deleted everything out of the way really is a cursed episode today cursed Factory but it should be good all right so we're four foundations over the new center point is now aligned with the tower and we're between the coal generators that are a couple floors above us we have our floor holes that show us where things will need to go basically so what we're going to do to start us off is we're just going to we're aligned with the height of the walkways we're going to go one layer over that right so Foundation one just in the the Four Corners so already I've done those two of course and we're really going to be leaving this side so we're just going to focus on this one now we'll grab our floor holes and put them in the four corners well really just the three corners the three outer Corners facing towards the water that's where they got to go and basically these can aim straight up now so you'll just have to map that to the ceiling in the same position so the three corners basically yeah easy enough so we'll plunk them all in together the next thing then is aligning our actual water foundations or sorry our water extractors on their foundations so effectively this has to be two foundations out from the walkway right so the walkway starts here so we have to go one and two so you could also think of it as in it has to be one Foundation out for where we just did those pipes so one and we're coming over here so the water extractor has to go down but it has to be aligned in the center so we actually push it more to the right bring it all the way forward so that the ladder comes over the vent line and obviously because I've done a row now it's giving me a guideline to let me know that that's accurate so we can see here the ladder is just over the vent line yeah it's over the black seam between the two foundations it's over the vent line and the sort of walkway that's on the edge of the water extractor is also creeping over the vent line as well and that's how we know we're aligned so that leaves us with a space of one two foundations before we get to the walkway yeah that's the idea there so we're creeping over the foundation just slightly but that's how you align it now obviously we only need one water extractor doing 120 water cuz it's the most we can really use at the moment but I'm just going to forward plan and build all five that we'll eventually need and we'll give them their pipes in just a moment but we're just going to align the other ones and then we'll show you how to get all the pipes rearranged and back to where they need to go so we're basically following the steps we did before there we go let's just make sure so we can see again the oh no there we go yeah I was thinking I had a little problem there we're still aligned so yeah the ladder needs to be on the vent line and we're aligned with the one behind it so that's all good so just another five in a row down here all right simple as that and then we just need to do the same thing on this side so we'll just find the snap point there it is push it back so that the ladder is in line with the vent and there we are all right and then we just put those down five more times now the interesting thing is we can actually see the difference of where the old group was compared to this new group so it used to be 1 2 three and four foundations and that's where it would start right it would start to creep over that fourth Foundation but now it's 5 6 7 8 and it starts to creep over so it's just a solid four foundations further along this way and that's why it would have be nice to just chop away one and add one to the end but unfortunately it's not that easy as you can see they're not really aligned with each other so you'd almost have to get rid of two and add one and then you it just won't work ultimately you have to delete the line and rebuild it for foundations over from where it started all right so that's all kind of set and done now we'll get these pipes to come over and join friends with the floor holes over here so just get rid of this bit and we're going to build out a two foundation on the ground leading it all the way over to here and bring that all the way down 10 m and 10 met or 10 foundations I should say and the same down here all right so for time's sake I'll do the rest but I mean I'll do the rest of these machines we'll just hook up the first one right cuz everything else is obviously just in a row you just need to build these I don't know why we're getting some weird snap points over there I guess it's to the pumps or something for some reason yeah so you just build these in the line and just connect them all up obviously so we'll just do these first three extractors the only ones that can be used now anyway so we have our floor holes there we're just going to align a pipeline support here and a pipeline support there and another one here go to horizontal to Vertical just feed them up to their friends Auto 2D bring this guy into that one connect him to him and then obviously this is just going to whoops this is just going to continue down in future but we'll just do these first two soon as that's ready all right so that's that now we need to hook up these two ones so this is a really easy one actually so the pipeline cross is there you don't want to creep over the foundation line right so that's over the foundation we don't want that we want to come in by one so hook those up together and then drag out the pipe and we just bring it to the seam of the foundation and we just send that right in that creates a nice right angle for us all right we'll do the same over here it's slightly different but basically the same drag this with us so we're trying to aim for over there so we move it back to okay and that's really it that's really all there is to it that's basically it we'll have to do the pumps in a moment the other thing would be doing the power poles so the way I'm doing it is I just drag out a power line and then I put it on a found like the um walkway scene and I just do that every time we're in line with the machines you don't always get a green line but if you do that's great and I'm basically leaving these ones just not hooked up so when I come back to this Factory and want it upgrade it all I have to do is drag a cable and connect it that's it so all we need now is the front two ones just those two and then this one as well of course so this one's actually going to power on so that's going to start sending its liquid over to this pipe now we have to put our pumps on that'll be the next thing to do uh the other thing I'm just going to also drag this together this will actually power on all of the water extractors now all the first row I haven't done these ones yet actually just continue down here and make sure that I get the power PS in the right place all right we are wearing powering on so now we got to bring the liquid upstairs right with pumps so very similarly to how we did before we can chop this away now these platform well I guess I'll leave that for a future these ones aren't needed anymore and now we can come out with some walkway and the corner here all right so that's what we're in we're we're left with right we have this little walkway with the floor holes protruding quite a bit then we go all the way up so we need to add two pumps to it so we go into Logistics pump make sure it's facing the right way we've learned that lesson and we could probably start there's actually like these little seams on the pipe you see them there's a little seam there probably just want to start two seam on the second seam roughly around there is good if you hold control it should snap into itself then although it doesn't always work like this one won't do it now but at least we know that we're on that second scene so we can just do that and then it wants to go all the way to the top I'm just going to go slightly below the top just go slightly below it because there's a bug in the game with the floor holes so we'll just go slightly below and that'll actually kind of help us if we have to reattach them cuz if it's too high up like that one's actually too high up if it's too high up it has a little problem kind of connecting so just go right below where it needs to be all right there we go and then lastly we just need to hook them all up so each one's going to need its own pole and uh in future we'll have nicer looking poles we'll have the just the power connector that attach the walls so for now we'll just have to like connect them like this I guess so one pipe for two the central pipe connects to both and then this one can connect out to the center oh the center's already maxed out so I guess we'll just break a pipe somewhere here in the center sorry a pipe a connection and there we go they all have what they need so we should start seeing them pumping already although for some reason they're not don't know why ah there we go just takes a minute and they'll start going up now some of these might be blocked I'll check upstairs in just a moment but right now I'm just going to do the same to the other two sections that we have to deal with all right everybody that's every single pump and pipe now hooked up so we're looking good I still haven't you know moved the original grouping so that's going to just stay there for a little while we're going to go upstairs now and start working on the actual pipe Logistics so we have done water extractors now it's quite a long time but that's coal generators and water extractors done now we're on to the pipe management just upstairs Happ been saying we're going to go upstairs for quite a while but we haven't actually built the stairs yet so in the center of the tower now that we're actually aligned with the center I felt like it made sense to move the door more centrally but in order to line up with the railing it's probably best that it still is you know a door that's off to one side so whatever we're on the right side now coming in we have one little stairs that brings us down and leads outside so as we come up and around now what we'll just do is basically just follow this pattern so two like so and then we just copy the ground and then we just keep doing this just keep going around and around all right just like that we have our staircase that leads all the way up to the coal generator floor and it's just made by sets of two stairs and then a break and then two stairs and then a break and then it's actually one stairs here just for the logistics floor so that's a little bit of an offset but then it's two again two again two again and then we're down to the floor where our basement floor our water extractor floor we have our silhouette of the pumps in the distance all right so now we can get up up and downstairs quite quickly just to get up to the logistics floor and obviously in the future I like to Reserve this Central band here for possibly a hyper tube and you can put two or three into it and get off at different floors then all right so here we are the pipe Logistics floors so currently we are serving nine generators over there but we know that we've moved everything four foundations over to make way for the coal generators that are going to be on the floor above so this is our new area for where water is trying to come up so we effectively just have to mirror what this is doing but just push it back a bit so see this setup here we need the exact same thing so we're just going to go like this horizontal to Vertical rotate it so it's facing out and just make sure it's like that yep and then just put it there and then this line can actually just continue all the way down and like I said we're actually mirroring it so we'll just put the brakes at the same area and we'll put a brake maybe somewhere here and then this can just continue all the way past doesn't matter that we used horizontal or vertical the pipe is straight so that's all that matters and as you can see we are aligned with the floor holes above so that's all that matters there all right we're just going to do this again but for this side so again we're kind of copying what this one's doing so it's going way off to the left and then aiming down uh and if we wanted to even look at where it's doing it one is turning on the seam and one is turning just a bit further in similar to how we did it downstairs so kind of works out all right so this the far in one was on the seam so this is the line we can easily see it now bring this all the way and it's got to come to here I think right we just change that to Auto oh no it actually has to be horizontal to Vertical yeah is that correct though yep now we can do auto 2D and we can just go all the way down but we'll just match this so that we hit the same seam points it's going to be a little off there actually if I did it that way so we want to be here there we go all right we just bring this down so the next one is here and the next one is here and then this can just come all the way to the edge all right and hopefully we have a nice straight pipe that's right underneath the floor holes that we're going to be going up to and I make no noise on this pipe it seems it's kind of interesting feel like that's that's new all right so again pipe horizontal to Vertical this one's going to come out a little further to about there I think that's it and then Auto 2D so just to make this a little easier on myself I'll just put down the floor um the supports first all right now they just connect in much nicer all right and that leaves us with with nice right angles and straight pipes leading all the way towards the floor hole and they're traveling right underneath so I'm just going to do this now for the other sections it's just going to be a complete mirror copy so we'll just get the ball rolling with this one just so you can see so this one here again horizontal to Vertical we're going to be bringing it this way but we're going to bring it towards us this time see any difference uh then this one would be going as far out as that and we'll just lock that in place just to check yep that and then this one will be coming all the way out to the seam point and that's going to be traveling down and we'll just look at how many how many foundations it was to put in the foundation God I keep call them foundations look at how many Foundation seems it is in to count it just to be symmetrical and have it look the same oh my god I've done something hor horrific that pipe um Grew From The Bottom for some reason not from the top never seen that before is that okay yeah there we go that's better all right yeah I'm just going to finish these off then and then we can show it all right everybody so this is what you should be left with it's 12 pipes in total all coming up from their respective floor holes and traveling down their respective Lanes to get to their various generators now I've actually gone ahead and done it already for the ones that we haven't hooked up yet so of course the original powered on water extractors and coal is over there and that's all hooked up and working and you can see we've just moved four foundations over basically and we have everything ready to go here so once I'm ready we'll just connect this pipe straight in along the same line there shouldn't really be any difference and that's why I was saying it should make a little bit easier to do it and we'll just leave this waiting in position for us to get ready to do that so again we'll just connect that straight up in there and we'll connect this straight up into that one um but we're not going to chop away yet you know we want to keep the power rolling until we get the others up and running at least very much the water extractors feeding the co coal generators and the miners as well being powered on so that they get their coal so we'll leave all that still in place until the very last minute and then we'll sever the connections and reh rehook them up and rebuild the water extractors hopefully everything will go smooth all right so our pipes are now in place they're nice and symmetrical and out of the way of everything that's the kind of benefit for doing it correctly I guess and uh now all we have to do is hook up pipes vertically so we need just to feed three coal generators now like I said I'm going to do it where I do feed them all but just for now we'll just hook up the ones that are necessary so we can actually see right along the seam here is where we need to put down our support let's do something like that and then we hold control rotate around and it's as easy as that then we can just go straight up now we can get rid of the bits we no longer need all right so we're left with a pipe that just kind of ends like that it's actually a support really close to it I'll just leave that it's fine but in future I'll probably remove it when we grow and build out further all right so that's basically all of the pipes now now hooked up for all of their respective categories of course we're only feeding the first three generators in each row I will of course go ahead and do all of the generators by the end of the episode but just for now to keep the ball rolling and also just to show you what the minimum amount viable right now is for 12 120 coal per minute on traveling on belts it's going to be three generators in each row so three and then three and so on and so forth so we've done that now in every category so it's 36 generators all hooked up with their pipes all going up to the top floor now we've toggled that off the list we're going to do belt Logistics so very simply again we just get our splitter now a nice little kind of way to know that you're lined up is just to have it in front of one of the pipes here if you can't necessarily just look up obviously you can just do this now as well so what we're going to do is rotate it around so their inputs are coming from the far end over that way where the coal is coming from and then we just need to have it where it's just creeping over the line just there so it's going to be one two and three and then we just do that again similar to the pipes three times over and connect all these up Mark 1 belts are totally fine now we can get our conveyor lifts and snap them in now you'll actually see I haven't actually hooked up the upstairs part of this yet so I'll have to reverse the direction because it wouldn't have actually had that right so that's a small little thing they can trip you up it's because upstairs this isn't attached to anything yet I forgot to put on the lifts just for the set of generators that's right above me I've done them for all the others but I just thought I should point that out in case people ever have that issue so you just press R to reverse the direction but if the floor holes were connected it would have known it's an input so it couldn't it wouldn't have allowed me to reverse it if that makes sense all right so let's just do this one more time and then we'll be done with it so again we just look at the pipe that we want to kind of clear lock it in place and we just want it to come over no that was right yep then we can just use the guiding lines to show us where before things are going all right and then just the lifts that have to slot in okay it's as easy as that so we'll have to duplicate this area over here and start feeding the subsequent uh Splitters so actually I'll just make this case do these ones over here and then we'll be done all right that's the final Splitters now in position for at least this row of generators I also noticed that the water is Flowing cuz I heard it when I was connecting them together so water's actually already flowing on this and this is using one of our brand new pumps but I noticed that the other pipes aren't so it sounds like we have our bug to do with floor holes because none of the other ones are this one's if anything the bug because it works uh for some reason even though they're all built at the exact in the exact same order and fashion so effectively what this bug is it's if you put down a floor hole first connect the pipe to it and then put a pump on it the segment the floor hole breaks I guess but not the other ones the other floor holes are fine the ones that actually connect to the generators it's just the one that's directly after the pump so what you have to do I think is just literally clear clear them and rebuild them so we'll just put this back on it it's really tedious to have to do this so I do apologize but it didn't used to be this way it's just like a new bug I guess so we'll just open this back up so our floor holes are back in position and sorry pipeline no indicator we'll just go with horizont to the vertical just connect those two and this is why I told you to leave a little bit of a gap just so that we can actually see uh connect the two pipes there properly and uh yeah then we just should be able to just connect this straight across we can hear the water moving actually so sounds good all right so that's that you know it's fixed I'll just check that one to be sure yep okay so I just have to do this now in other places where water hasn't made it so these all have their pumps up and running but none of them are getting water so I'll just do this over and over again basically all right so that's all of the Splitters they're now in position and all the lifts feeding up to their various generators at the far end of the factory and at the front so now we're going to do the actual belt Logistics and feed them the coal that they need to get started so we've already done it for one section and this isn't going to change it looks great it works well we're going to copy it so what we'll do is we'll just mirror this on this side of the floor so until we get to the far end things are just going to be basically the exact same as we did before we can do it really quickly though because it's there in place for us to look at so we just grab this we send it straight in so that's that done that's as easy as that uh the next one is going straight out with this well actually the best way to do it is to start with the lift so we'll start with the lift here rotate it around and then we know that that lift is on the line so if we do this just get that together and now our lifts are in position with each other they don't have to be but it's just kind of nice too bring the belt all the way along the bottom that was in the center so sh nice nice right angle that leads us in there and then we bring this one out travels along the seam and that connects in how easy was that actually I think this is actually slightly off let's do that one again yeah I thought I was in the middle before maybe I went a bit off yeah better all right cool there we go so that's coal done for this section but now we're going to do the far section so the way we're going to do that is actually fairly simple so we have this belt here that's serving nine generators over there we have this belt here that's now serving these nine so we still have the top two belts to serve the back nine if that makes sense and the ultimately they'll be serving 45 each by the time this place is done right so let's get them to where they need to go so what we're going to do is build a splitter here but have the input on the far side so the input coming in from here we don't actually really need a splitter but we'll just do it with one anyway so we're going to grab the stackable conveyor pole just stand on the far side here and move this over to to got there this allows us to bring this in could do this at the exact same time over on this side actually it might make it a bit quicker cuz it's a mirror copy so everything we do is applied twice effectively all right so this then goes into there all right and that goes into there so now we'll start with a stackable pole which I don't have my hot bar in line with this right on the seam of the foundation and bring it up to three to a height of three so this can now just go straight in just like that I'll do the same over on this side so in line with here this can climb up so I'm not actually using this as a splitter I'm just using it as a right hand turn but it sits on top of the one that's there and it just looks quite nice doing it this way I feel like so leave it as is all right so now we're going to go 1 2 3 three four five and six I think not that it really matters go up all right we'll count across 1 2 3 4 five and six 1 2 3 4 5 and six all right so now we're just going to travel that belt in a dead straight line all the way across keeping it raised the whole way it has to travel over these pipes remember so there we go I'm just going to copy that on this side now as well all right there we go so we've now got two raised belts traveling all the way towards the center point here right so this is the 3 by 3x3 center point where all the pumps are and stuff comes up so just to have a look down below right in line with it looks good now that we've moved things uh so what we need to do is get this section over to these groups here and that section over to those groups so let's do it we'll open up our splitter and in the center of this Foundation God I can't see there we go we're now Center aligned stack up to three and then this can just feed straight in its left output can go into there at a nice right angle and then this one can go all the way down here so so ultimately that's where we're going and we're in the center of the foundation so we know that we can come up to here just go straight in that should have us have us be nice and straight so then it's the front output that will go into this one so very similar sort of system one two just make sure that that is straight no it's not straight at all there we go oh it's actually on the line okay that's good to know and then it goes just like that so there we go we have our conveyor belt traveling into a splitter and the splitter is splitting three ways into those three rows now we're going to do the exact same thing over here we'll just do it again do it nice and quick so one two and three get rid of the bottom ones if you don't want them or leave them there if you don't like to see things suspended in the air is that right yes it is let's get this front one travels along the seam now that we've learned that we can apply it just make sure that that's okay uh yep oh my God all right there we go so that's how we feed the back half so unlike the front half we're feeding them from the middle I guess right so these are getting it from the end and it's going to go all the way out to The Edge whereas this one is being Fred from this side and going all the way out to that edge if it was a complete mirror copy the belts would somehow loop around the back and come in this way you know what I mean so it's not a complete mirror for the belts slightly different and we keep them nice and high to go over the pipes and also be out of the way of the floor holes that'll be used all the way along here right the floor holes I should say really here so they're still out of the way now we need to do a little upgrade I don't know if I've got it I do I've reinforced iron plates these are going to be marked two so you don't have to make the mark 2 at this point but on before it enters into that splitter it's got to be a mark 2 belt and those would be the ones we'd be upgrading in the future so this is how we'll upgrade the factory when we revisit it we'll just literally run along this belt clicking you know Mark 2 or whatever and the important thing to not forget as well is anywhere you can uh you'd also want to do it for the elevators or the lifts so just bring this we'll follow this all the way back now then we'll go forward again with the other one yeah so here right so this could oh my God this could kind of trip you up if you forgot about it so this needs to be marked too that needs to be marked too and then up again that needs to be marked too we just keep going Mark two Mark two all right all good in fact we can turn that on now oh and I need to give it two power shards actually 120 per minute I'll have to go get more power shards I think I left some over in the container over there or some slugs actually just to power that one on as well and this one so I need four more in total um but yeah so we need to just upgrade this make sure it's Mark two that's Mark two all the way good so this will be the one then that needs to be upgraded so that's Mark two and then down below so this is really what it'll be like when I revisit the factory I'll just be like doing this it's like yep Mark three you know or mark four whatever we end up [Music] getting so nice and quick super quick in fact all right there we go so that's Mark two all the way so I'm just going to go fetch a couple of power shards and that should be the last thing now to actually Supply these guys with their coal and get the power ramping up massively and then we can kind of check against our expectation for power how much we end up getting all right great our other On's been spooling for a while I've just gone out and got another power shard that I was missing one have to find a blue slug Bon Love It All right so that's going to put a little extra stress on our network uh we can kind of go upstairs really quickly and see which generators are firing what we're currently getting for power and what we expect to get oh we did this actually at the beginning didn't we 2,300 or something I think is what we're expecting and just want to make sure these are on are they they are they have water actually which is great I'll just check one or two more yeah and they're connected to power power looks like it is hooked up these all have water excellent excellent so they just don't have their coal yet cuz that's just trickling on in now oh I will actually have to upgrade one more belt thinking about it all right cool so they have their power cuz the lights are flicking flickering red oh actually one of them is just powered on yes there we go all right nice so yeah we expect to see 36 * 66 237 six is the power output we expect to see once the manifold line sort of stabilizes it'll take a little while to get there uh so we're just going to run downstairs really quickly and upgrade this belt this is the last one that doesn't have Mark I this one here all right there we have it our Smoke Stacks are firing a little intermittently admittedly and that's because of the manifold system just slowly flooding the machines with the coal that they need so effectively what's happening if we have a look down below we can see that the way the Splitters work we have our belt of 120 coal here traveling in and then this splitter splits evenly so it takes half of what's going on that belt so it's trying to take 60 constantly feeding it up and that means 60 is always coming in here so this one's going to feed like fill up faster than the next one the next one is only getting 60 on the belt and then it's taking 30 and sending 30 up and then it's taking uh 15 and sending 15 up and so on and so forth so you have this sort of you have this massive delay the further and further out on a manifold you go before those things get powered on and that can be solved by just feeding things directly rather than feeding them in a line where Splitters are grabbing from the belt one by one uh so what ends up happening is it until this one reaches 100 and it gets completely backed up this will get full and then the splitter won't be able to like feed it anymore and then it moves on to the next one but then this will inevitably consume one and then take take one again and it'll still take a while so it's like a rolling start it can take quite a while to to flood them all but as you can see these ones are all flooded they're all working just fine um and haven't had any issues I'm right at the edge of the distance I need to be by the way where smoke might actually disappear due to like level of detail being a bit too far but yeah so I expect to see it sputtering for a little while we might have some hitches somewhere I'm not too sure but in fact these might be having a problem CU for them to go off is really unusual I didn't change anything with those so there our initial starting ones they actually have their coal but not their water this might have come at a perfect time because I'm going to be redoing these ones anyway right we're going to go downstairs now oh my God thought I was going to die yeah we're going to go downstairs now and change these water extractors to be in line with all of the new ones that we've built so I think I think it's time to do that now so I can easily just remove them all we keep all the materials anyway and then just place them back down here so I'm going to get cracking at that while our manifold system feeds all of the other ones now all right that is all of the water extractors now in the correct position so the last thing that I need to do for cosmetics in this place is removing all of the unnecessary foundations the ones that I just put in position so that we could see where we were and make sure everything was aligned correctly which I totally didn't make any mistakes on everything went very smoothly all of the pumps are now in position as well pumping in syn which is quite nice to see although some of them do flicker from time to time and that's because of that manifold system we talk talked about when a generator runs out of coal temporarily cuz another one is hogging it the water needs doesn't need to flow right so the pump slows down and then the pump comes back up so if we were to check one of our consumption lines we can see that it's flickering just a little bit it's kind of waving up and down the Orange Line the sort of black line is the one that we want to really pay attention to we're aiming for 2376 we actually hit it just along right there just for a moment all the generator is fired at the same time so that's what we're waiting for it to stabilize in the meantime I'm going to start removing all these foundations now I think everything is in the correct place so we can finally do that and then I'm actually going to repurpose those materials to be Walls by the way a nice quality of life feature when you're removing things that might have other things obstructing it if you press G you'll add a certain material to your dismantle filter so now if I hold control and I try to dismantle anything to do with found foundations 2 m it won't let me delete anything else it'll just be the foundations that get removed really nice all right so I'm just doing out some of the Cosmetics for the building some of the final finalizing touches that we can add and one of the first things was to add in a another Tower here so it matches the one on the opposite side it's just down that way the height of the walls are just going to come up to four wall Heights so that's going to be 16 m in total and inside I don't have the corner pieces for a roof yet so I'm just putting the roof tiles on here and later when we get the material for glass I would probably change it to Glass I'm also going to put some windows in here but I don't have them yet so again you could just leave it blank let some light come through might look kind of nice I'm just going to cover it for now and then I'll work with it in the future um I'm also removing the paint job now of the floor cuz I'm just going to paint out the rest of these machines I know where they end so just going to start getting rid of all those kind of temporary measures down on the water extracting floor I've been removing a lot of the foundations as as well so that area is clearing up as well so just kind of putting some of the finalizing touches on the place all right looks like we have reached 2376 we have reached stability 36 generators all operating at 66 megaw I've now cleaned this entire area so what I'm probably going to do next I haven't really fully decided and I don't want to spend too long on Cosmetics for this place just because we haven't unlocked everything yet that would make it interesting but we could use a concrete foundation down the middle of the walkways and that could look quite nice like the um sort of like the metal is on the edges and the the main support is the concrete in the center so something like that could be kind of nice and just lead that all the way around I had a bit more time I'd probably even recommend normally what i' like to do is this I'll get a foundation oh we don't even have it see yeah we don't have anything I'd use a half Foundation just so that the very edges look like they have like Vents and stuff in them and another thing you can do is if you go with a one met foundation on top and a 1 meter on the bottom you can have a different floor than you have a ceiling right cuz right now we'll have a concrete ceiling with you know M it's like we can see the walkway down below and you'd almost want to cover that up and you could go like this and that way you'd never see it because the top layer would be concrete and the bottom layer would be metal and that's why I often advocate for 2 meter foundation so that you can replace it later on and do a 1 meter and then a 1 meter why don't you do it at the beginning for reasons like this floor holes won't work if you put it on a 1 M Foundation cuz it's only going to go through that one meter it won't go through the the one on above it so always start out your building with two meter foundations and then you can always like strip them and change them later if you want to change how things look but I think for this sort of starter power facility that while we don't have many awesome tickets and things like that there's not much Cosmetics we can actually get so I think I'll just run around and try to like add some concete trim to various things and try to clean it up that way and that could look quite nice so I'll I'll just give that a shot so I thought I would mention as well so I've gone with this concrete strip all down the middle of our walkway and then or our Corridor whatever you want to call it and then we have the regular Fixit on either side of that and then asphalt to go underneath the machines and in between the floor holes and stuff asphalt can be quite nice as a Flory Logistics kind of setting I don't know why but it's very clean looking and it's sort of like a just a dedicated area for all the machines to kind of go on and it's sort of a breakaway line that lets you know yeah you're not supposed to go there it actually treats patterns really nicely but unfortunately we don't have any patterns right now so we can't use those um obviously it's great for roads that's what asphalt's for but I think it just works well that's a kind of something I often go back to and I tend to put underneath the machines themselves to kind of just show you like Yep this is the sort of the walkway area for people to kind of walk around and this is sort of machine area where machines are supposed to be there does seem to be some sort of bug in the game where my power generators are going off periodically and I've noticed that if I just flush the pipe like the water it was full these were operational and it was totally fine then it just stopped not sure why but if I just flush that segment just the segment not the full Network they all power back on again it's like the pipe gets stalled for some reason I think it's a bug anyway hard to understand what it could be otherwise why are you off it's getting it water now okay yeah yeah not sure just if you run into that problem just blush it I've a feeling it could be to do with the pumps maybe aren't high enough maybe so you could always try replacing those but I'll keep an eye on it if I get a solution I'll let you know other than just flushing it all right everybody just to catch you up on what I've been doing I've added in a bunch of more generators although I'm out of rotors so there's just no more I can add I still can't really do the second half of the entire build I've added a wall all the way around so this is going to be the max height here which is seven walls High just like so and then if we get a foundation of just one and we were to let's just choose this area here and bring it straight across it intersects with the chimney stack just where that chimney stack has a line so that kind of creates a nice kind of cut off point now I won't use these I'll probably use the roof rather than a foundation just to kind of give you an idea that the height should roughly match that spot right there so in building out basically I've made gaps of two two walls across for sort of Windows we don't have any glass or anything right now but the place would get really dark if I just enclosed it all completely so gaps of two typically work really nice so it's a g you know you have a a pillar of one wall and then a gap of two pillar of one gap of two and then to do the bottom really easily it's just a wall press e to get a 1 M wall and then just pop it down so that's as easy as that for the corridor leading over it's a little bit more complicated actually because I feel like we'll be walking below uh so effectively if we think of it like this if you imagine this is what I did at first I just had a complete wall the entire way so this is going to be a wall of four just a little bit smaller than that one um and if you had a wall wall going all the way out the rule on this one is just a gap of one all the way right like that so you just carve it out and we have our windows but you kind of want like a little window sill unfortunately a regular wall is just too big so and one wall is okay but it leads to this other problem which we'll talk about in a second so what I want to do actually instead is put one wall down bring it up to two I'll just have to do that a couple of times here there's another way of doing this as well but this is just how I did it the first time anyway all right and then we get rid of the bottom bit and then we can put in a regular 4 M wall in underneath now I don't want to get much more complicated than this because without blueprints this just adds a crazy amount of time for very little gain so we'll also take away that top layer now the top 1 meter so what effect this gives us is we have our little window sill like we did before but it actually like goes down to the layer below so what we could do now is the gaps where there the wall hasn't continued yet continue that all the way down and now if we were to hop down a floor we have a little window the kind of top part of the window has a little you know one M bit that encroaches over so that's nice that we have that there so you could obviously do it in different ways but that's just how I chose to do it there and then we can cut away these bottom bits and now we can just put back in the regular 1 meter again cuz this is what I would consider the base of the build there we go yeah so that's just kind of the idea going around so that's basically what I'm doing I'm just kind of overall trying to block out some windows I haven't decided on the windows for the logistics floor yet cuz I want them to be a little different than on top and then I'll probably put some sort of paint job on the building but again still figuring figuring that out right now all right so I'm just on top of the little Corridor here now like I mentioned before we don't have the corner pieces for roof tiles but effectively I've just drawn out a line of 2 m incline uh just the entire way all the way down to the wall down there and to the tower that's going to be here now this Tower will probably climb up anyway but if you're ever wondering how to kind of plug these gaps effectively all you need to do is unlock the ramp walls and find the same meter incline that you have with the roof tile so 2 m will be r one so we just slot that in there rotate that around slot that in there and then for here a straight wall just one meter done twice would plug that Gap as well so that's how you can kind of do it if you need to I don't think we really need to actually because um oh actually do we yeah I suppose we do cuz that's the the roof is going to go on right here as well yeah so um yeah I don't have the corner pieces so we'll have to leave that but everything else is basically done then for this roof as we lead in here and again it'd be nice to have Windows or different materials or colors on the walls we get to that all right so I'm just beginning to do at the roof so I'm just using the flat tiled roof I thought about making it an incline but this height actually works really well for just being at the level of the chimney stack so just going to keep it that way so just a flat roof all the way across it's going to make this place look like a big rectangle again I can't avoid it um but yeah just thought it was worth mentioning when you're doing the roof uh just make sure you keep the black lines to together or away from each other so every second line you just have to rotate them they actually normally do it themselves but the first time you have to do it manually except for the first line and then it seems to just know what you're doing and it keeps the black lines together and then it keeps the separators together as well all right that took like forever but the entire thing has a roof on it now it's a super basic super flat roof but it's in position so I think what I'll probably do now is cuz it makes the room quite dark I think I'll actually leave it I I was going to say I'll carve little holes out but I think once we unlock the glass roof we'll just change the material of the ones that are in place it' be a bit of a hassle to remove them and place them back in uh we do have these big open windows that allow a little bit of light in at least so in the future once we unlock the glass roof we'll create sections of skylights that kind of go across the place that can look quite nice so yeah all right so I'm just at the base of the build at the moment and I'm going to add some pillars to the bottom so effectively just using the concrete foundation with four me and just going in line with all of the sort of branching well I guess pillars to use the same word again in between the windows just continue that all the way down to the very bottom on the edge now you might remember when we first built this place I won't actually be able to swim there and there's radiation behind me when we first built this place I had said to people that it's going to be this floor is One Foundation out further than this one and that was to allow for pillars to kind of come down so that's kind of the idea for that and if we just bring it down like this then what I'll probably do as well something like that is break out the material tool go with the fixer foundation and just create a band of metal across the middle kind of like that I just think it breaks it up a little bit again you can decide if you want to do that or not I feel like if it was an all concrete build I would keep it concrete but because there's bits of metal I feel like it makes sense to do that um if I had the steel frame I would definitely use that but I just I don't uh so yes so just basically going to continue just putting the finishing touches really now on this there's not much left to go and I'm leaving that bit exposed I just think it breaks it up again makes it look kind of nice but in future this will be Windows the windows will make it look pretty cool I think so as I was building the pillars at the back I realized there is a hard drive site here but I don't have what I need it needs rubber for rubber but there's encased industrial beams there's some computers screws is that it some reinforced iron plates yeah I'll probably throw the computers into the awesome sink or something I'm kind of desperate for tickets that seems to be it but yeah I'll mark this so we'll just mark it as usually give it the exclamation mark to let it know that I haven't found it and then on our map we know that okay that's a hard drive site that we need to get and the ones that I have gotten already I put a crate on it instead so at least that just stays on the map then all right well we continue these pillars all right I think I'm pretty much done with the pillars so you know every two Gap we have a pillar that comes down and then every four foundations down we painted it metal just to kind of break it up a bit I've also decided to build a little walkway right out the center as it goes between these two pillars right underneath the actual kind of walkway we have you know the corridor walkway so right under there it's just another way to kind of come up and in into the place cuz there is this little ramp that leads up this way so it might get some use May maybe um I noticed as well that this is just a little short so maybe we'll just fix that yeah all right I think that might be it I think I'm pretty much done because there's not much we without Windows there's not much we can do and without a lot of the different pieces like the different angles and things there's not that much we can do creative uh creatively but I don't really mind you know because it's kind of our first little starter Factory thing uh admittedly probably bit off a bit more than we could Chew in the beginning here but other than what's going on there oh this would normally come down that's why oh that's fine we could just do one of these jobs no big deal a pattern will look a little different but whatever uh so yeah I mean this would be a separate building that's why that would actually be a wall that does come down we'd have the conveyor uh wall holes for these things but we don't actually have those unlocked yet so there's not much we can do there I'm happy to leave this open air for now I just built a one wall around the entire thing we put the concrete following it around as well similarly to how we've done it before if we want to go upstairs now just take our little staircase up this way this one didn't have it ceiling put on yet actually and then and that was temporary and then we're into our Corridor so our Corridor has its roof on except for the bits that we missing in the awesome sink we have a lookout on the side are logistical floor has this kind of slit wall that goes across it so smaller uh 2 m wall basically that kind of cuts across just to kind of make it look a bit darker and less welcoming in that area and then we just have all of our generators with our walkway that leads between them still haven't built one there but that will go in place once I get some more materials and then I'm just waiting on finishing off and getting a few more generators we'll walk along this way though and just have a look so effectively we just have this giant Warehouse full of generators you know it's nothing too crazy but it's nice to have a bit of concrete to break it up the asphalt is where the generators begin if we go into our uh Tower we can head downstairs so we get downstairs we're out at the logistical floor these are operating just fine here I think from what I can tell power has stabilized and stayed positive for quite a while but I'll double check on it just to be sure yeah this is looking good obviously it's just going to be rows and rows and rows of these things feeding upstairs once we get all the floor holes in all right we'll head downstairs one last time oh I never put the wall on in here got I'm just eager to get done I'm running out of materials I don't want to run back and forth anymore all right down at the bottom then we're out into the foggiest area ever the actual water extraction site so we've lifted up pretty much all of the I just had some material stored here pretty much all the foundations there might be a few one or two Rogue ones hanging around that we can just just about spot every now and then but for the most part the foundations have been cleared our pumps are doing their thing and we have this nice symmetry going on with how we get up and down our various towers and this will just lead all the way back out around the back with all the pillars hanging out the back as well I said I was going to maybe paint the place but I decided I don't think I need to we'll just leave it as the default colors I was thinking blue and white for blue crater uh kind of a bright sky blue but especially for the water pipes and stuff I usually always color than blue but we'll leave it I think be better to focus on customization when we actually get the tools to do a bit more with it you know um but the last thing to do I'd say is this is just called construction site we're going to remove that marker now put it right smack bang in the middle I'll just call it the coal power plant selecting an icon uh I guess power icon then we'll go with the kind of a yellowish color for power I guess marker size on the map large distance let's say far pretty far and you can highlight it let's just hit that for now what does highlighting do oh it just puts a little thing around it yeah it's a quite a big map marker how what's the distance on Far pretty far yeah so it just extends just pretty much over to our grassy Fields area anywhere Beyond there we wouldn't really see it that's totally fine by me not going to highlight it we'll just leave it as is it's the coal power plant there is on our Compass right up ahead of us nice all right finally we did it uh I mean got to be honest you know definitely bit off more than I chewed or could chew I don't think I had it fully planned out as much as I thought I did when starting it but now that it's in place and hooked up it is going to be easy just to add more power to it all the time uh but I'm really looking forward to getting Mark three belts Mark two miners uh and especially the mark 2 pipes cuz that's really going to be the big deal breaker when we can actually fully utilize a full pipe of water not a deal breaker it'll just be a game changer if anything we'll really get the place ramping up massively then yeah I can't actually get up any higher but the chimney stocks are up there can we should we build a quick little Outpost and just have a very quick look at it I'll probably give you guys some cinematics of the place actually thinking about it that could be cool although all my mods are broken so I can't really fly around it well I could use the advanced game systems maybe actually yeah there we go so little bits not completely done but mostly done mostly done we're about 80% of the way there just a few extra walls and a few of those coal generators that didn't quite get done in time let's have a look from the very top where it all started today there it is all right looks awesome okay oh my God it'll looks so much better when we get some windows and I don't even have concrete walls unlocked I wanted to make the place out of concrete but it's out of metal uh which is fine for now because we make an even amount of iron plates and an even amount of concrete so using the metal walls actually uses an even amount of both so that kind of worked out uh but in future if we get concrete production ramped up we'll have we'll probably just build entire brutalist looking concrete build uh very last thing to mention I mean if people have made it this far I'm I'm guessing you're bought in but if you've made it this far I just want to let people know if future factories will be better thought out and they're going to be smaller than this one for a while it'll just be like copper Factory steel factory we don't have to plan end game factories for that kind of thing uh plan a little bit ahead but not too far ahead so it should be a lot more doable and now that power is just like done we can kind of forget about it for a long time and build relatively ambitiously which I'm looking forward to so that's going to be it for this episode thank you very much for watching I do apologize for any of the mistakes that I've been making along the way trying to correct it as best as I can and I've been putting a huge amount of time into the series to try and pl plan these things correctly so I am trying but I'll I'll try to get a little bit better all right that's going to be it thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 155,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory what darren plays, satisfactory darren, darren satisfactory, satisfactory blueprints, satisfactory update 8, satisfactory trailer, satisfactory graphics
Id: 5DhtxZ3maLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 19sec (4639 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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