BoostedBoiz INFAMOUS Car Collection + Garage Tour (Record Holding Hondas)

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welcome back to the channel guys we just got back from 3,000 Mi of Rocky Mountain race week with the black Wing if you've seen the videos you know we have a lot of dirt on this car it's probably the dirtiest it ever be we're going to show you just how effective some of our 1320 Street shine products are there two that I want to highlight today there's our iron remover that's going to melt the brake dust off of this and then 3,000 Mi a bug are just going to disappear with our bug remover let me show you right now after doing a rinse on the front of this car we're going to put our bug remover on and let it sit for about a [Music] minute now that it's set we just have to wipe the bugs away and look how easy this is I've never done it on 3,000 Mi worth the bugs that is ridiculous look at that next there's our iron remover and this product turns red when it hits iron to show you that it's pulling it from the surface you can use it on paint or your wheels it's acid free so it's safe on anything look how much red there is dripping off here that's all Iron deposit so we're going to rinse it off and it's going to look amazing that's some good right there big shout out to JS detailing for L us uses our detail Bay hit the link in the description below for your 1320 Street shine check it out today what is up 1320 fans welcome back to the channel and welcome back to another episode of 1320 garages this week we are in Tampa Florida checking out a garage by a good buddy of ours they're really into Hondas and diesels and stuff like that uh you guys might recognize the shop and the cars around me we're going to knock on the door and uh see what they got for us today what's up Fred what's up guys guys here for a garage tour hell yeah hell yeah you guys are here in Florida at the booster boy shop my name is Kyle and I'm W how's it going fellas I guess we should probably open this main door got a little more light in here H yeah let's do itle yeah this is our spot it's about uh what is it a 2600t it's a 40x 60 so very nice very nice not bad houses all the projects for us does pretty well for us you guys used to be in Colorado when did you guys move down here and was this the first you guys move straight into this yeah straight into this I moved out here about 3 years ago now and then why came maybe I think it was like 2 months after you did maybe a little more than two months not too long after why it came with me and we both moved out from Colorado all right down to this nice Florida weather very nice yeah fulltime hot St I'm I'm sure you guys appreciate that you guys it's uh I don't know what the temperature is in Colorado right now but it's not this it's cold right but we definitely had to get a AC unit installed and definitely helps keep it cool in here this place isn't fully insulated yet either just the roof but it does pretty good during the summer nice nice nice well show me around this is the main shop Let's Start over start I guess over here what are we looking at right over here so some of our square footage is taken up by this office space over here this is where we fulfill all of our merchandise we do it all in house so we just have these shelves right here with all of our merch so this is really just for t-shirt storage and that in here we fulfill the orders right here it's nothing too crazy just a full inhouse operation all our little stickers keychains and all that good stuff and then we have our bins and stuff ready to go for when we go to events and stuff like that okay and then this room back over here is our kind of part storage room then a little overflow for the merch as well so this is just where we have is this a lot of broken parts or new parts or comination of all of it we got some brand new turbos we also got used turbos we got broken trans Mission Parts um it's somewhat organized we got you know a spot for like all of our electronics and ecus we got all of our flywheels and clutches and stuff down here we have a box full of like OEM Honda parts we have lots of ker stuff laying around cuz if you guys don't know who we are we K swap a lot of vehicles K series exhaust manifold gaskets intake manifold gaskets uh we got a whole bunch of accessories for K series as well and just kind of all the little stuff we have we got wastegates laying around got our scooters for the events those carbon doors right there belong on the Civic that we're working on currently but that's pretty much the office so it does suck that that takes up some of our usable shop space but it's definitely nice to have all that because our shop is definitely a decent size and we're pretty happy with it but it's also not the biggest shop in the world we only have enough room really for this one lift here we were talking about putting other lifts over here but some of our nicer cars we like to keep inside like these nsx's and stuff so we also had talks about putting like two post or four post storage lift we just don't know if we want to really take up that much room and commit to that so this works cuz we're always shiming cars around and just kind of makes it simpler gotcha gotcha this lift looks like kind of overkill for Honda stuff to be honest with you yeah every now and then it'll see a truck or two wise race truck it's not a light one I was going to say as many times as a transmission comes out we need this big here yeah so this is just our Ben pack two post lift right now why it's working on this thing this is our 2JZ Ral Drive Civic they're working on that's the transmission for it down there an MTH 400 and the motor's back over there so we're hoping for a little bit more reliability at the speeds we want to go the four cylinder stuff works great but if we're trying to go bottom sevens possibly High sixes consistently um it's just not as realistic with a four cylinder with a K series and we want to try to build this to go on drag and driv so it's cooling system all that stuff okay so I want a more gnarly drag and drive car cuz we're just kind of showing up with the fun stuff but I kind of want something that can hopefully hang with the big dogs out there not looking to win but if I'm at least in their class having a good time and running some fast respectable times out of it that's what we're looking for and completing the week and all that other important drag stuff right right all right now since we're back here we're already in here let's go over to the few cars you have in here okay I was going to say two real quick show you just back in there oh let's do it I didn't know there was more rooms there's a little more space nothing crazy it's just a little bathroom and stuff back here so yeah back here is just a little bathroom in the corner nothing too crazy and then there's some tires behind this door for storage good storage and then we just got you know our like spray paint cans oil fluids in this cabinet right here um these are our ignite barrels we're actually down to our last one keep our fuel in here as well so we only run the MR2 right now on ignite 90 so all the other cars are just on pumpy 85 for the most part but yeah nothing too crazy in here just sink fridge and little microwave for that's it what is in the shop fridge we got to check out the shop fridge yeah she might be pretty pretty light right now let me see she's pretty light we just got some waterers and some Sprite we actually we just cleaned this out like a week ago cuz it got really grimy in and we had it out there and we were power washing it so yeah not too water and spray that's all you need this is Florida and then right here this is our bolts and nuts assembly from bolts and this has definitely been one of the biggest game changes for us by far so we have tons of Fasteners and Hardware here so now we don't have to go to the hardware store down the street and it just saves us a whole bunch of time and then right here next to it is just more used bolts so this is stuff that you know we've taken off a cars and it's organized as best we could all our little Honda it's mostly metric cuz we take a lot of Honda stuff apart but just some miscellaneous stuff down there we got a little tub full of Honda Bond cuz as every Honda boy's dream right here to have a full tub of Honda Bond just ready to go we actually have a guide what's the most extreme use of Honda Bond you've done I don't know I don't know if we should talk about that VI probably one of those we filled some pretty big holes with Honda B we usually use it when we're taking oil pans on and of and uh rebuild the Transmissions mostly got okay all right let's go over the the whips we got in here so in the back garage we have the 2JZ Civic and we rear wheel drive all that cool stuff and then what do we got here so if we start with this one this is a th000 horsepower K swap NSX currently the fastest NX currently the fastest NSX in the standing qu a mile it has a fully built K series this one was built by a couple buddies of mine originally built by Brandon and uh Matthew Stelly and they went way back in the MR2 world so when I first built my MR2 this kind of got built a little after that and it came up for sale and I looked up to those guys and I had to hop on it once it came up for sale so we took it to the drag strip and sure enough first time out it went a 88 at like 166 mph which no one really pushes this body style of NSX to do that yeah I can't say I've seen anybody else other than you drag race one of these things yeah I don't know if I've ever seen another one in the world do a wheelie but this one did a wheelie going down the drag strip a lot of guys do turn them into road course cars cuz right that makes sense course cars but uh yeah this one is very fun very fast and with it being Mid Engine and rear wheel drive they're very fast on the street cuz they can put the power down and they're what they're all aluminum aren't they yeah full aluminum body as well cuz I'm sure you guys have seen the MR2 video that you guys posted with many years ago how that thing just dominated that was seeing that video is what inspired me to build my mrr2 originally because when we started I had my hatch it was front-wheel drive once you make like 6 700 horsepower no matter how much weight you throw on the front of that thing it's going to just blow the tires off so I wanted to build an MR2 cuz that's back when we were street racing I'm like all right I'm time I'm ready to go [ __ ] everybody else great platform for it and then as the channel grew it turned into more drag racing and going down the strip and keeping it off the street and not having cops show up at our house right so that's where how the MR2 came about and the NSX is just a even better version of the MR2 at least my opinion there's more wheelbase which will be better for the track you can a bigger tire it's MR2 XL yeah exactly there you go so I think there's potential for the NSX chassis to go faster easier than the MR2 chassis can especially it's also already lighter from Factory it's already aluminum but that makes putting a cage in it a little more difficult and all that stuff but we actually have a third NSX that's not here right now being built in Colorado that we're hoping to go even faster than the MR2 with damn okay so drag NSX drag MR2 what's the middle one what do we got here this is a stock NSX but this is the high mile one or what yeah high mile I think it has like 200,000 on it got it for really good deal for what it is it's very clean it was recently repainted and we got this one to turn into a race car but after I picked this one up a different one came up for sale it was already cut up it was already gutted it was already about to be a k swap drag NSX like say windshield carbon fiber doors it's already cut up in half packed up and I got it for you know a decent enough deal to where I wanted to pick up this third NSX instead I sent that one to my friend Hayden in Colorado to get the cage and stuff done and now we just have this stock one kind of sitting here and I haven't decided what to do with it because this is the one that we were going to originally cut up and turn into the race car cuz I also didn't want to cut up this NSX cuz it's such a good street car I'd have to completely change everything on it for what I would want to do so now you have a spare ansex you don't know what to do with yeah it's just gotta it's kind of there that's rough that's rough stuff gentlemen that's rough life man all right that's the drag NSX this is your one you don't know what to do with yet and then we have the MR2 over here yep what do we got on the MR2 what's the setup so this one has a fully built K20 it used to have a Billet block engine in it uh that's actually back over with our guys at jbr just to get rebuilt we had some issues with it but we had it out at World Cup actually and we were about to run a PB and then it didn't click into gear we ran our first 490 to the eth it's currently the fastest MR2 in the quarter mile um big Precision 8385 um yeah just aluminum rod motor with a sequential qua transmission Twi injectors on ignite red and we are actually looking to put it on methanol here soon as well cuz our exhaust temps are getting a little up there both your M engine Japanese cars are the fastest of what they do yeah the MR2 and NSX are both the quickest and fastest in the quarter that's a bit of a flex I'd say is this does this thing still start yeah it runs right now I could fire it up [Music] yeah [Music] so yeah that's the MR2 smells like a race car yeah smells really nice very nice very nice and that makes how much for power uh the most we've seen was I think it was like 1440 or something or 1426 on fuelex HUB Dino holy [ __ ] and We've ran more boost since then and it's on a bigger turbo so we're probably on 1500 based on the fuel use it just about 1600 Jesus yeah especially on that last pass the test day after World Cup it was about to be on a pretty solid rip yeah Jesus so all right let's take a look at the other stuff what do you got out here in the yard all right so the yard if you guys come over here so this is the platy of course our most recent build so this is a Tesla Model S plaid with a 01 Honda Odyssey Minivan body on top of it was pretty straightforward yeah was looking to create the world's ultimate sleeper and I think we did just that uh over here's just kind of like a junkyard we get this stuff cleared out every now and then we have a scrap guy that come so this is just cut up stuff that we throw up over here is that a is that a Honda Bugatti yeah no one has seen that actually that's a Honda Gotti it's really not off limits but yeah that is that is a hotti what the I've never seen that I was like I know what they're trying to do here but that's not what I haven't introduced it to the channel it's just sitting back there it was a gift yeah you guys can check it out you can get the inside scoop I wanted to do like a really funny Reveal video on it it just never happened maybe this is it it'll still come what the hell what do you guys think the chassis is I don't if we have it what you expect Honda Honda Civic yeah you'll just lift the hood up and you'll find out right away Prelude or what is this like a Civic a cord it's a Civic what generation uh EG so like 92 95 so it has a turbo D16 Z6 in it and I guess it was built a long time ago and at one point a lot of time and money went into this thing to make it how it is cuz it has like has a crazy sound system I mean look at the seats they have Civic Gotti stitched into the seats like they definitely was this a Marketplace find so I got it from tarish the YouTuber tvarish he got it off eBay or something and he made some videos with it he was going to crush it he was going to run over it with a monster truck or do something crazy with it and and he ended up not doing that he's like hey you want this thing like I'm just going to get rid of it and I was like sure so I stuck it back here and it is sat ever since I got it fired up we drove it down the road it backfires really loud that's a pretty Rowdy twep for what it is cuz it had a stock ECU in it so it came to me and I plugged in one of my Hond datas and I set up an rly twostep and stuff on it I got it shooting Fireballs underneath there but uh yeah so that's all that this is uh an ' 06 Porsche came in S I picked this one up almost 2 years ago now it's just been like my daily and I do have some plans for this thing in the future but right now it still runs okay the motor has a slight piston slap the Cayman are a little known for that so it has like 140,000 Mi she's on her way out probably but it takes a long time I guess for the engines to let go on these things so I'm just going to keep driving until she lets go cuz it's been a good car other than that it still runs really good I actually have no idea how long it's going to go but that one's going to have a motor swap at some point and then this is just uh 2021 Type R we just recently gave this one away full bolt-ons makes 350 wheel horsepower nothing too crazy and the giveaway winner is coming to pick that one up actually here in a couple days nice very nice and then this over here is a Tesla Model S that caught on fire and we still have to figure out how to dispose of this thing but this one came about before we cut up the other Model S so before I took a perfectly good Tesla that is worth a lot of money and make it worth you know hardly anything after I cut the body off I wanted to test that the van body would fit so we got this one and even though it was burnt up and stuff it was still good enough for me to cut the body off and I had the wheelbase and stuff on this side that was still pretty untouched from the fire and I was able to put the van body on top of this and just kind of confirm my thoughts on how it would go together and then once I saw that that was good to go we pulled the trigger and cut the body off the other so this was a fitment test mu right here y she was just a test dummy for the van body before icked up a good one and Suzuki Sidekick what do we got here so this one is currently engineless because her motor went to Wyatts Corolla that you guys will see in a second so Wyatt just went on sick week he hurt the rotary that was in it and this one had the same engine nothing in there right now but it normally has a 13B two rotor and it goes to a Ford C4 transmission this one's an automatic we originally built it as like a fun little burnout car to kind of take to cletus's events stuff like that but it's also kind of nice when it's actually all cleaned up it looks pretty dirty right now but it's in really good shape it looks like it's pretty clean honestly I didn't want to beat it up too bad so we might actually put a manual back in it just so we can kind of enjoy the car more the original reason we have an auto in it is for the burnouts stuff like that but kind of like dumping clutches and just kind of having fun that way so we'll see but yeah that one has a two RoR in it it made like probably 450 horsepower I think it ran a low 11 if not a high 10 so it was pretty quick for what it was oh yeah but fun little car and then this was my OG van over here so I was going to originally cut this one up to turn into the platy but it was easier for me just to go to the junkyard and find one that already had the motor and stuff already pulled out because we'd have to find a place for all this crap or like throw it away and it was actually less work just to go to the junkyard and get a shell to cut the floor out and go from there smarter not harder exactly so now we got two of them and we might have another Tesla on the way and we might end up with two plates so okay so we got how many how many cars do you have do you even count do you even know I'm not sure probably around my guess would be like 15 we have a couple more in Colorado as well I got the Prelude out there and some other stuff but yeah somewhere around there okay what do we got what do we got over here now so this is just a Honda Pilot this is Ryan's so this is just what he drives to work every day that's why it's CRV so those are their dailies big Honda guys out here yeah oh yeah oh yeah this right here is our smart car this push vehicle or what do you okay she's for the MR2 cuz when the MR2 has the Billet engine in it we need a push car to car push it to and from the lanes yeah cuz it has no cooling system so I can actually go ahead and move this one out of the way real quick That's All She Wrote boys all righty all right now what do we got oh the waggo yep so these two right here are kind of the more OG cars that started the channel so this was the hatch obviously this was my first real race car I learned pretty much everything on this one and the setup is still pretty much the same as it was almost 6 seven years ago other other than it being on a fuel Tech now and being all-wheel drive um the turbo kit the motor all of that has been unchanged after after all these years so here pretty soon we're going to be up a little bit more get the engine bay painted and then I got the outside painted recently but then we got waggo over here so this one's just a stock K series all-wheel drive so this is the car that all of the Honda guys are stealing their all-wheel drive parts out of so all those all-wheel drive Hondas you see they take the parts out of these wagons cuz these came Factory with the drive shaft and the diff and they got them out and they put all that stuff into their race car so it's pretty rare to find one of these actually all-wheel drive with all of its components still intact because so many of them have just been scavenged so I don't plan on taking anything off this cuz I really like how they are and uh yeah this one makes like 450 horsepower nothing too crazy but it runs good I think this one's been like a 104 so it's definitely pretty quick actually actually I want to say it makes like 550 maybe almost 600 that's that's a pretty solid number for that yeah we cranked it up a little bit more I forgot very nice and then over here we got this hoopie so this is a twin turbo J series made to a STI all wheeel drive transmission this one got put on the back burner a little bit we were making pretty good progress with it right now it does start up and you can click it into gear and puts it around the yard but we need to finish up the cooling system get the front end completely on this thing and just do a little more work to the drivetrain it also has no brake rotors or anything on it so the brakes haven't been done yet gotcha but this was just a setup that came out of our 240 and this guy had this Subaru shell laying around that he got for next to nothing and another friend of ours had this adapter plate and we were able to adapt the J series to the all-wheel drive STI trans I think the best part is the engine sticks out further than the car and it looks ridiculous yeah that's the best part for sure and then the minivan and then the minivan so this one is the Ry the other electric one with the Tesla underneath it is the platy I guess the story for building this one came from the hatch cuz I used to street race the hatch a lot in the OG days and this has an H22 in it as fun as it was to race the Civic I wanted something even more like sleeper stre especially foring content I thought it be fun just to build a badass sleeper we originally going to build one of the second with the V6 but the parts were expensive and kind of hard to come by there wasn't much support for the the van so I found out that you can fit an H22 in the first gen hondt Odyssey and there was literally mounts to plop it right in there so I copied the setup that was in the hatch and I put it into a first gen Odyssey and that's how this one was born and it used to be front-wheel drive it used to have a full exhaust with a cut out and it was actually really quiet and it was sleeper but but I could never really put that power down being front-wheel drive right so we eventually took all that stuff out and put a K series in it cuz at the time there's no way to make an H all-wheel drive so I put a K series in it with the all-wheel drive sequential transmission so now it is all-wheel drive with a fully built K series and this one makes just over 1,000 horsepower godam and it has a hood exit out the front so now it's not as sleeper when you see it roll up on radios and a hood exit you know but I think it's as cool but yeah it's still a minivan at the end of the day and it Stills its full interior in it and we recently went a 95 in this one at 153 so we have wild the two fastest haunt Odyssey on the property I was about to say didn't yours did your you did a 95 in the in the platy too so both both do 95s yep technically the platy Has It by a couple hundreds I think that one went a 955 and this one went like a 959 or 957 gotcha but they're both right there on 95 nice so the only two 9sec Odyssey you will see are on this property that's pretty awesome kind of a lot of flexes going on over here yeah they're they're weird flexes but they work and this one I can back it out [Music] too this it's the meanest sounding minivan you'll ever hear this thing sounds absolutely insane it sounds like a Honda race car we see like World Cup everyone freaks out when they see the turbo cuz it's so big under there God it really is compared to like everything it's just crazy yeah it's really just cuz it's a large frame housing with the smallest inducer wheel that you can get for that size housing so it looks way bigger than it actually puts out horer something crazy yeah well that one can actually be opened up I believe to like a 104 oh my God so this same housing is capable of like a 3,000 hor power turbo but it's just the smallest inducer for that housing gotcha and we got toys over here here yeah couple toys couple trailers so this right here is our trailer parking this is our Texas Pride 2 car uh this trailer has been huge game changer for us when we first got it cuz um I still have cletus's OG McFarland racing trailer over there and that did great but we needed to take multiple cars to events and we eventually got this one and it was just game changer for us so now it really just sits until we do events cuz we end up taking the race trailer that we just picked up this one's brand new and now we take this one a lot more because it is decked out with tools and all the stuff we need at the track whereas the open trailer uh we'd have to take stuff from in the shop put it in the bed of the truck where this one is just ready to go so we have a Jack in here all of our tools in the tool box which is locked right now has AC this very nice oh hell yeah yep got these cardboard flaps just to help direct the air cuz that's another thing when we're out at the track especially once it's closer to Summer having the AC in here it's so nice when we're on the laptop just trying to make changes to the cars and stuff so yeah this is our newest trailer and the two car definitely could not do it without this one either so I think a lot of people don't realize that to go to the track and stuff it's one thing to have the car and take care of that but having like a good tow ragon setup is another huge deal so that was another thing that last year I just kind of said screw it and I wanted to upgrade our tow rig and our trailer so we have these now and then if you look back over there that's our new truck 450 yeah F450 but I guess before we get to that we can show the the skis in the boat so this is uh Yamaha gp1 1800 I picked up recently we were just going to do some bolt-ons to this make it fast and fun because fueltech actually came out with a harness to adapt from the jet skis stuff to the fuel Tech so this one will be on a fuel te here soon really yeah so that's the main reason I picked this one up so we could put it on fuel te cuz I thought that would be cool so this one's a cidu RPX 260 this one's supercharged pretty much as full bolt-ons as you could go before you like put a turbo on it this one makes probably like 3 350 horsepower sounds pretty Rowdy and it will go mid 80s on the water so right now this one will blow the Yamaha away but once we do some stuff to the Yamaha it should blow this one away I'm a land guy so going 80 on the water sounds scary as hell yeah I mean we took out our friend JP racings once and I went went I went 101 on it once and I told him I'd probably never do that again oh my God but we'll see maybe I might touch it one more time but it's it's fast that's wild yeah I figured if we moved out here to Florida we need to get some water toys that's fair that is fair you kind of see what it's about cuz we definitely don't have this stuff in Colorado it's not as common then back over here is our jetbat you guys could probably guess what this is powered by like many of our other vehicles here it has a Honda K series that's sick with a turbo obviously so this one probably makes a solid 450 horsepower when it's cranked up makes almost lb of boost through this uh comp turbo oiless Turbo so that's really nice cuz it's the oiless one so we didn't have to tap into the pan and do all that so that's a very common setup for the jet ski guys and stuff like that cuz they don't have to rely on the oil pressure to help keep the turbo lubricated but uh yeah this one's also on a fuel Tech if you look right up here just like about everything else we got going on over here so that will power on and then we could fire her up and she's ready to go we actually just just had it on the water last weekend and did great you can jump over logs go in really shallow water and just beat them up they got a 3/4 in layer of polyurethane on the bottom so they're really robust little boats and about to say that's they're just really fun that's crazy so these are the trucks so this is our new one this is a Ford F450 Platinum this was probably the biggest investment I've ever made it was this is the biggest investment I've ever made at one time at one time yeah so I had the Dodge before which at that time was the biggest investment I ever made every time I got a truck I was always like man this is these are not cheap Hondas are way cheap I was like why can't I just toast up with my Honda Civic but yeah this eventually broke down and I was him and Han about getting another used truck something with like low miles like maybe 40 50,000 it's pre-owned get a little bit of a break there but I was like dude with how much we drive I'm put another 40 50,000 on it in a couple years it's already GNA be at 100,000 like and then you know I found out just get a new truck can get a warranty it's a lot more money but I was like it will be better for us I think and if anything happens we can take it to a dealership it's covered for the next 3 years or 200,000 miles that just sounded really good for us so I ended up getting the Ford F450 it's been great I love this truck and then this thing has still just been sitting over here with a blown up motor that we're going to hopefully fix here soon and then back over here is our LS 240 I remember this thing okay yeah this is what originally had that twin turbo J series from the Subaru in it it was our burnout car it shot big old Fireballs was really loud and chaotic and it worked really awesome just the steering setup wasn't the best uh and we also had to hang the starter under the oil pan cuz the J series and cd9 transmission that we have in this thing none of those are engine side for the none of those are starter side so there's no for the starter to go there's no starter slot on the J engine and there's no starter slot on the cd9 trans so we had to uh put it up underneath through a little hole on the adapter plate and that made the steering all complicated and that's why I ended up just taking it out and putting a LS in it that's just a known setup that has mounts and everything good to go so I mean this thing hasn't ran in legit probably 6 months and it's probably dead as I mean I got lights on this switch but I think that's all you're going to get yeah she's done so it is what it is yeah this one doesn't get too much love it was just a burnout car I feel bad cuz we kind of beat it up and it was pretty nice for a 40 when I got it I say it's all one color and I think that's the indicator if it's a nice 240 or not so I didn't know you had a fan boat yeah so this is uh old Skippy our airboat okay she has one test run and it didn't syn so it was a successful hey that's successful did the engine run the whole time yes very good no issues it didn't the rights in theate and it was over boosting which was a little scary like it was it was trying to take off on us and I was like all right we're we're bringing it back this thing's scaring me um so yeah this has a K series as well right and it has a custom belt reduction Drive box that came from Russia so I actually had to wait almost 2 years to get it because the first one got lost in shipping and the dude had to wait for another batch of them to be made and then cuz right when I moved to Florida the first thing I did was like I got to do something with an airboat cuz that just sounded very Florida man to me so I got this one but then the Box took forever to get here eventually it showed up and now we have a k swapped airbo and we got a nice cinic carbon prop on there that's the prop alone is worth more than the entire boat and setup I was going to say that the drivetrain looks like it's worth more than everything else combin for sure yeah yeah that's about right very nice that's how a lot of our stuff is if you look at all the Hondas and everything what's under the the hood is the most valuable everything else is kind of whatever but I think this one does run still this one should have a Char we put like a good marine battery in this thing all right what else we got I mean that's it how big landwise is the property uh just over an acre okay but I just tell everybody an acre I think it's technically 1.1 but yeah we have up to the street there this is all our grass and all of our land and then this is our neighbor right here um the guy on that side down there actually has a whole bunch of project cars in that little shop right there and the day I moved out here he actually was standing out there he's like Kyle is that you I'm like perfect and he was out here twostep he has like a Scion tC that has some stuff done to it and he's out there two stepping it and I was like I think I'm going to like Florida car guy neighborhood yeah and right here you know these guys got chickens and just farm animals so we're kind of on the outskirts of Tampa it's pretty country-ish you could say right where we're at but I really like it out here so yeah just over an acre and then we have the house over here with the little pool area enclosed with the fence right there and that's why it's truck and trailer then the old McFarland racing trailer sitting over there well this is a nice setup right here a setup back here yeah so we got this nice little pool and a hot tub definitely fun for having parties and people over dude this is this is makes it like the shop back there jealous of the shop and all the room you have and everything and then the pool too this is not a small pool either it's really nice it's really nice and when I first moved here I was kind of like I didn't really want the pool cuz I was worried it was going to cost a lot to maintain and I'm like how much am I going to really use a pool right but we actually use it pretty often and now that we have it here I wouldn't have it any other way hell yeah we need a like now if I were to move I'm like dude we need a pool and hot it's actually really nice when we're just chilling and it's hot out we can hop in the pool uh the guy that owned this property prior to us owned a well in septic tank business so most of the properties ran on well water and our master bath is ran on well water but the other half is still on City water and this property has four septic tanks something I didn't show you guys over there is there's full RV hookups under that awning over there with a septic tank so you can dump the waist as well so there's a septic tank in the corner for the RV hookups the bathroom has its own septic tank for the shop this ouse right here no way has a septic tank so we have a little ous need to clean it up but it's really nice for when we have people over especially when you're swimming you don't want people tracking water in the house we got this little ouse that so a guy being obsess obsessed with septic ended up being pretty cool yeah it worked out pretty good for us and then the fourth septic tank is I think for this bathroom over here gotcha but this house was built in like the 60s and then it's been expanded on several times it used to be tiny and uh yeah the dude did a really good job with it the guy that we got it from lived here um I think almost 40 years so he did all of this he knows everything he put the pool in he built all this himself like I was telling him when they were checking out the astro turf I guess they used to have Super Bowl parties here and that's why it has the astro turf out there and it's definitely a good definitely a cool setup I like it yeah this is very nice all right now what else we got Wyatt W stuff is in the front garage yeah yep yeah we could go grab him here in a second um you can get so this is the back side of the house and then yeah all his stuff's right in there so I guess we'll go grab him real quick you fit like half a dozen cars just under there yeah you could we used to keep the sidekick parked right under there where he's standing for the longest time every now and then we'll pull a smart car up in here if we need to move stuff out of the way cuz we can just kind of put some planks down right there and drive stuff back over here this is a setup right here man it's a Sol spot I'm I'm definitely happy about it you want me to go grab Wyatt and we can yeah some his stuff all right we're going to go find Wyatt and see what he's got cooking up in the front garage with his stuff yeah here is my humble [ __ ] a little bit small but uh she gets the job done hell yeah so yeah right up front we got my bike uh this thing just kind of sits cuz I don't really ride it a ton even though we've got the weather to do it and then uh my two babies here we just got the Corolla done you guys probably seen some videos on that we just saw that thing at sick week yeah yeah yeah yeah just got it done or just got through sick week with it made it through the whole week with relatively not a lot of problems and then we have my truck here which did sick week last year that thing was an absolute tank I really wish I had as little of problems this year as I did last year with that thing so yeah that's my uh, 1500 horsepower truck the Corolla makes around 400 horsepower and uh they're both a Blas to drive so cor's rotary cor's R rary what engine you got in the truck uh the truck is a lb7 Duramax so it's a diesel powerered like I said about 1 1500 horsepower Jes it's got a 91 mm turbo on it runs four stages of nitrous so Jesus Christ yeah all of it the the poor transmission behind it doesn't really love it about what transmission isn't it it is a 4l8 so like a white duty pickup truck transmission okay okay and what's the best ET in the truck uh it has gone in 876 at 154 and that was is that scary in something this big uh not really honestly it's like this is way more SK the coroll is way more sketchy to drive than the truck is so the truck's got power brakes power steering the whole deal so it makes it pretty easy to go down the track with and uh this year our goal is actually to go quite a bit faster with it the uh 870 pass was the only time I actually ran it out in the quarter mile and uh we've just been fighting some little stuff ever since then so we haven't been able to make a whole lot of clean passes but it did go a 551 in the eighth so is that's your best best eighth yeah yeah that was last year atth ultimate call out challenge we did that so [ __ ] yeah hopefully have it back out there this year and be able to are you going to UC this year yeah yeah I won't be competing in uccc I just run their odss class um but we'll be out there Racing for sure uh that's definitely a show not to to miss I mean you guys have been there before you guys know what I think we might be going there again this year it's just it's there's it's the craziest diesel stuff you'll ever see yeah yeah it's definitely the premier diesel event in the state so a little bit of everything there but that is the goal with it um and then yeah just in here we got a whole bunch of tools I mean it's a little tight like I said but uh kind of going through cleaning stuff we got the welder cabinet full of stuff Snap-on toolbox over there and another tool box in the other corner here with all my wiring stuff and a lathe and a brake and a band saw on the ground over here it's you know it's a little tight you got to kind of push some stuff out of your way to work in here but it's definitely better than working outside on the floor th% yeah 100% th% all right guys so now that we've seen all of your guys' stuff I want to take a few of the cars out what one are we going to take out first so right now we're going to go in the rowy row toy this is the gas powerered minivan yep on the 85,000 horsepower all-wheel drive Honda Odyssey this should be fun it's is this is this standard this this wrinkling so it just adds to the sleeper look of it but what really happened here is it was parked about right where that Civic is and we had a storm come through and a big old Branch off the tree broke and hit it right here I think that literally adds character yeah gave the hood in I tried to hammer it out from the backside as best I could but the whole Hood had a massive branch on it and it boed in pretty good so damn now she just has a wrinkled Hood okay well let's take her for a cruise [Music] still out the horn turn signals headlights buildings okay so what why is this one of your top cars so why are we taking this one out is this a favorite child of yours yeah this one definitely has this one's definitely responsible for a lot of the growth on the channel I was going to say how many how many of your subscribers would you say came from just this thing probably a solid chunk like I'd say at least 100,000 really the year we built this was the same year we went to the project car challenge in Florida that was our first time meeting quis and a ton of these other YouTubers and that was our biggest month of thr almost to this day really we talk yeah back when we took this out to the half mile and we did all that stuff so this van was like a really right here this is the [ __ ] coolest Min man in the world takes a second for that turbo to light up once she [Music] goes your average 9sec Odyssey this thing gets down dear Lord yeah the all wheeel drive just hooks up too yeah all right what does this car do well uh shoots big old Fireballs sounds cool and lately it has stayed together well I was going to say it was really good at breaking axles but we fully upgraded the drivetrain and it's been pretty solid knock on wood but what does it do not well at all what's the one thing is like this is the worst thing it does as a car right now probably launch in the back I no e bra or anything so it does not launch at all dear lord it's so wild I love this thing God damn yes officer in stock how many times you been pulled over in this thing only one time and surprisingly enough that ticket disciplined me back when I have the H22 in it I got a ticket going 104 and a 45 or something like that I had to go to court and it about took my license away and ever since then I started driving like a wuss really when I'm in a normal car yeah I go the speed limit funny enough the thing that almost took my license away was this van what' you think this is I I want to say Rowdy but that's like what you're it's a row a SE it's a rowy see well she living up to her name thanks for the ride this has been I've SE this car's I've seen this car race I don't know how many years now and it's really cool to ride in the thing and it's [ __ ] it moves out dude yeah I've been telling Kyle like we needed to for years d all right that was number three rowy is Rowdy yeah uh yeah this is the coolest minivan I've ever ridden then he has another minivan that's just as fast okay but not as race carry as far as like we're probably going to be able to like quietly talk like this yeah we'll be able to just have a normal conversation no one will suspect anything see it Go by be like look at they'll see the van go byy and look they'll just say look at that piece of junk and cuz it's like four different Shades of Gray yeah this one's pretty obvious when it goes goes by okay you know where the sound's coming from tires exactly it's definitely fun lives up to its name I love this thing but it just grew it just outgrew the sleeper aspect of what it was supposed to be it's it's freaking awesome I love this thing this is the coolest mini event I've ever written in all right let's go check out number two let's go check out the uh platy yeah all right let's go check out platy platy number two yeah all righty so they got quite the collection they have two minivans that both do 95s obviously the routy and then the plat I've ridden in a plaid before they're wild literally th horsepower all-wheel drive they get down from a stop this one's going to be a little different this is so wild it's so quiet yeah well there's no fire breathing case Series in this one so you found this thing it was wrecked but not but all the drivetrain was good yeah it was just rear ended and it came up on Copart and it was pretty much exactly what I was looking for cuz I was trying to find one that didn't have too much damage I still wanted it to run and drive okay I didn't want to deal with you know any wiring or Electronics cuz I'm not very familiar with any of the Tesla stuff so it was listed as a run and drive on Copart so I went picked it up after we won the bid and it eventually turned into this so this is a Model S plaid yeah instead I could tell first of all cuz we're so damn low in this thing yeah so the seating positions a lot lower naturally because it's made for a sedan right and that's why I wanted to do it again with the model X flat because the seating Position will be higher uh everything will be lined up better to fit the minivan bot is the is the uh wheelbase the same in the X yep oh both the same exact wheelbase Jesus F you don't know what I'm going to do it now yeah on race cars that's like I could tell when they're about when they're building up or when they're about to do a pull this thing you just do it whenever it's I I have no idea yeah on the r i see you hear the turbo getting ready like you know that I'm you're ready to go this thing is no warning if it wasn't for the wind if you just CL up the gaps in the in the body for the wind noise this thing would just you have no idea yeah we still have the gaps right there so you can actually like where I'm sitting I can see the tire rolling yeah same over so once we get all the gaps and stuff sealed up it'll be really quiet in here God this thing's just got to be the biggest sleeper in the world like I think it's safe to say this is the best sleeper that exists right now th000 horsepower all-wheel drive elect like it doesn't make any noise there's nothing to muffle muffle it's just jez it [Laughter] is whenever you need it to go it's just ready it's just ridiculous it's crazy how much power they have now what was there anything that did not work when you got the car cuz it was total right total car it was total from the insurance yeah so it had some bent frame rails in the back and stuff but everything actually worked perfectly there's not one thing that didn't function as it should like really we put a new back hatch on it the autopilot worked again like everything was fine so right now the only things that don't work just aren't plugged in so we don't have the autopilot stuff hooked up that mounts in a little camera array to the windshield it's actually up under that plate right now gotcha so we're going to try to put that back up there remount it up so we can have the autopilot working again and just do all of that stuff I gotta ask you the same questions what does this car do really well and what does it not do well at all well it it works well all the time like this is the most reliable vehicle you own I would say so I mean I have almost no doubt in my mind that this will not leave us stranded broken down we don't got to worry about an axle breaking or the motor blowing up whereas we have to worry about those problems in the other race cars I mean to make this kind of power out of like a four-cylinder you're going to to run into some reliability issues at some point sure whereas in this thing it's just going to work every time it just does a really good job at doing what it needs to do it's pretty much a stock car other than the van body so that's wild to think about too yeah it's just completely OEM Tesla I tell everybody it's just like a big RC car and I just swap the body on it pretty much cuz underneath it's the same thing and what does it not do well at all what's the worst thing about driving this it's almost too quiet oh really it's almost too boring in a way like it does work well and it's exciting when you floor it and do all that stuff but there's something about the race cars that make you feel a little more in touch with the car when you're driving it pushing the clutch shifting it it's almost just a little boring for me I'm glad that it works so good but it just feels like it's cheating almost yeah I could see that like when we took it on SI week I didn't really get the sick week experience that was just cruising I didn't have to worry about something breaking in the track or any of that all I had to worry about was finding a charger and that wasn't as fun as you know getting in there and crashing on the cars what's your favorite kill You' had in this thing uh recently we were driving it back from s week with the generator everything loaded up in this thing and this dude pulls up on the onramp in a Maserati this dude and his girlfriend and and I he comes up hauling us and I just match his speed perfectly he's kind of looking at us like what the heck and then you can tell he floors it and takes off and I just leave him in the dust and he comes back over he comes back over his girlfriend's in there like laughing he's laughing and he's giving us a thumbs up and it was just it was a cool feeling that's got to like that's what we built this that's got to be awesome yeah hell yeah give it a little cheetah stance real quick here let this guy go we go full foot breake and then sure you've been in the Tesla before I won't take forever but can let her holy [ __ ] take off there oh my God you just hear those tires just barely chirping it really is like one of it's like the best traction control system it's as good as it gets yeah cuz it doesn't have to like like you said it doesn't tell the combustion motor to do anything to get the wheels it just goes right for have the sensors in place to know that you're slipping you have to you're at the mercy of that combustion cycle of the motor and where you're at in power is the turbo lit now is it not your RPM range is so different power-wise on those big turbo cars or whatever it may be so from a really loud thousand horsepower Odyssey to a much quieter one yeah that was wild thank you for the ride that was crazy oh hell yeah brother all right you ready for this I'm I think so I know you're not a big rotary guy hey I didn't I I don't hate and this is not going to change your mind but it's a blast to drive slightly sketchy but fun okay so go see what she can do man hopefully we don't run out of gas you what year is this thing again it's a 74 Toyota Corolla okay with a two rotor out of a 95 RX7 13B [Music] yeah and what kind of power does it make is it 400ish 450 yeah the dino 330 and uh we I turn it up a little bit of the [Music] track uh but yeah you probably ride around 400 uh but it's just got way too small of a turbo on it right now like on the trip we were able to make 5 lbs of boost at 1,00 RPM okay and it just like tapers off real bad up at the higher RPMs so once we change that up it this engine and fuel system everything's capable of like 6700 holy [ __ ] yeah this thing would be wild 6700 how much does it weigh uh it's less than 2,000 would be in it yeah just the car is like 1,700 I added a little bit of weight to it [Music] but what the [Music] [ __ ] but yeah man it'll be up blast uh really you just need to get a rear ax on it that's going to be the biggest thing stock suspension oh yeah yeah it floats like a boat definitely need some break upgrades but for the time being it's a great little fun street car not too terribly obnoxious what does this car do really well and what does it not do well at all it makes all of the right sounds okay very good fair fair stopping does not do that very great the uh stock brakes from 74 oh [ __ ] oh yeah I've got go-karts with bigger brakes on them so yeah that's that's its pros and cons [Music] okay [Music] like I said man it makes all the right it does it really does that's all it's good for [Music] though ah all the right noises 100% like I said it does that one thing very good now I just need to I need to button up the t a little more so it'll just light a flame and just ride out the whole time it's the one thing it's missing right now but otherwise she does pretty good you have a name for it just AER right now man everybody wants to call it the Rola you know like I love it but it's almost like too common CU every Puerto Rican I know is said name it the rotola it it's definitely catchy it's hard to say no to [Music] that oh my God I can't hear [Music] anymore solid what a trooper didn't have a single hiccup the whole time no it's funny you can watch the gas gauge just disappear bro it's bad I don't know about you but I like number one quite a bit from the other side what about this thing's this thing's like so the other two are fast and they're pretty serious about going fast this thing's just a this like like the party I might need this thing likes to party this thing has a good time yeah and I love how you timed out the explosion going off right as you passed dude the first one I was like yeah that was loud and the second one went off I was like I can't hear anything my ears are ringing it was crazy like I was telling Fred man the things this does really well is makes all the right noises yeah makes all the right all the right noises the suspension is old as [ __ ] so it Body Rolls like it's a like a truck from the 90s but it's yeah this is a good it's a good party good time number one was good yep all right guys that's going to do it for this 1320 garage shout out to the Boost boys Kyle and white thank you guys very much for the rides and the cars and everything and showing us around first time I've been to you guys' property it's actually pretty impressive I'm jealous of the big shop the pool the garage everything it's you're more than welcome to come by anytime hop in the pool oh I'm say I think you just have to jump in off the roof I might have to do that I might have to do that do you guys have any garages we should know about anything crazy like this or crazier put in the comments below and we'll check it out see you guys in the next episode oh my God this look this look freaking [Applause] [Music] Epic this is so ridiculous
Channel: 1320video
Views: 283,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1320video, 1320
Id: -bWXwFgdPP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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