Boosie on Diddy, Kodak Black, Playboi Carti, Luka, Nicki, BG, YFN Lucci, Usher (Full Interview)

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all right here we go booy welcome back to Vlad TV filming a booy Estates right now first interview of 2024 and I just got bit by your dog I'm suing for 500,000 but I'm a settled out of court for a free interview and from what I understand I make the the third person that got bit this week by a dog yeah in the last 48 hours oh last two days I got get him I got a I think I got a and everybody had on all black it's an all black thing okay I think it is bro like man he just he overprotective bro I mean yeah hey man it happens I have a crazy rot while at home so I'm not really tripping but you know it potentially could be a liability you got someone that comes over here broke he might he might try to sup do something stupid you know what I mean I saw you kind of scolding the dog outside he's like peeing on himself yeah he know I'mma whoop his ass so he he go to running and it's all good man it's all good like I said I I got a crazy dog myself it's just a small little little cut on my finger not a big deal not a big deal all right so let's get into it top of the news Big Meech is getting out early he just got 32 months taking off his sentence he's getting out in 2025 yeah you excited yeah you know I'm kind of excited because you know uh I mean I was I was doing my thing when Mee left the streets but you know I never got to meet him oh you never met him nah man I seen him come through I mean I didn't seen seen the ca and [ __ ] coming through you know yeah but uh then you know I rock with his son so man you know I want meet them you know get a flick with them put them in the house you know yeah Legends you know I respect dudes who who stay solid I ain't tell on nobody there only a few of them left so I you know I value them dudes bro I look at them dudes in a whole another light especially in these times you know uh I got nothing but nothing but respect for me you know uh always said he had a good ass heart man so God don't forget about those bro those who give to others when they when they in need bro and people who stand up for their self and be solid bro like them dudes really need to be saluted you know and and uh I can't wait to meet him and you know take a picture with him and you know hopefully I can hear some stories you know uh uh but uh I'm happy for him I'm happy for Li me too man yeah I'm happy for yeah I mean I got to hang out with BMF and actually at big meech's house this was maybe 2004 I think and uh you know me me and him had just a brief conversation he was just really quiet and just sort of scoping out everyone because like BMF was very inviting like if you parted with them they they really like come on through here's a bottle of cryistal here's all the weed you can smoke yeah here's all the Magic City girls in the house they ran it out the whole Penthouse of some Hotel it was just filled with Magic City girls yeah oh yeah oh yeah man I remember slow motion was the biggest song during that time they just kept playing it and the girls Soldier right exactly no man it was a it was a movie it was a movie but it was also when I was there it was just obvious what was about to happen yeah it was like okay I'm smart enough to know that nobody's making music money here right they had one artist Blue Da Vinci that was not you know popping at the time yeah Jeezy wasn't really around when I was there okay um and but they had Billboards they had 30 Lamborghinis and they had ice sculptures that said BMF it was like okay like this is going to end really badly so I'm just going to party tonight and I'm going to quietly move back and and stay out the way because when this goes down I don't want to be anywhere near it and and sure enough that that's what happened it was sad because they were all like really good guys you know but uh me is gonna get out and it's going to be a movie right it's going to be a movie I can't wait I want to see the I want I want I want to see who going to shoot the movie for the life St it yeah well I mean you already have it I mean you know the BMF Series yeah yeah so you already have that yeah I mean a series goes into much more detail than a movie ever could because they're about to season 3 I think by the time this comes out season 3 will be out yeah hey you watch the BMF series N I watched the first little bit of it I just I don't have time to watch the you got to catch up solid Series yeah little me did his thing on yeah well I interviewed big meech's lawyer Drew fining yeah who was your lawyer as well yeah I didn't realize until afterwards there was actually big meech's lawyer I'm I'm kicking myself right now oh yeah yeah you didn't you just realized I just I realized it afterwards after I announced it everyone was like did you ask about Big Meech and I'm like ah I forgot it wasn't in my research unfortunately but uh Drew fining is a beast out here my God what what case did he represent you for uh 2016 uh I was pulled over had a gun in the car me and my security and like 28 gram of weed okay like 30 bands on it and what ultimately happened uh gun charge threw out uh 6 months probation I went down to the courthouse the same day and paid for my probation I Pro off probation the same day yeah I mean he calls himself the best criminal uh attorney in the country right right right because you know like you know he he a shark man he a shark man yeah and it's basically you know it's man it's just certain different states of different states man like you know you got to throw it out my security my security claiming to the gun man I claim to the marijuana you know but they just be trying to stick it to you and Drew Drew Drew Drew is one he don't he got a passion for what the criminal system are doing to the rappers that's one of his passions he don't he don't like that at all bro you know because he see that we good people you know he don't he don't look at us in the light like like somebody else would and uh he he's one of the best at it man I mean he's one of the best at it how much does it cost to retain tro I mean I mean in terms of a retainer how much of a retainer I need to give you to just kind of get the ball rolling it it it if there's no getting the ball rolling we're going to hit you with a number and that's going to be the number okay but it's going to be big depends on the charge what's the minimum a federal charge is 300 like 300,000 yeah Federal charge okay I think what he charge l oh y Luchi yeah I Tred to ask him he kind of danced around the question I think like 300 yeah okay that's where it starts and that's yeah well but if your if your life is on the line that's the best 300,000 you'll spend in your whole life yeah man yeah I mean a state charge won't be that but Federal you got to you got to pay it well in your case it was a state charge yeah so how much that cost uh I think like a dollar 100,000 yeah but look what happened you could have gotone in jail right there you have it you get what you pay for right right and I mean the reason I brought him in was because of the YN Luchi case so Luchi I think was facing like 30 years or something at one point because there was you know someone died uh there was a RICO that they try to throw into the whole situation there was a gang sit situation they try to throw in and ultimately he kind of broke it all down Luchi pleaded to a gang associate or something right where it's like he's not actually the gang but he may know some gang members type type thing which is a reduced charge right I think the RICO got thrown out right and it was like 10 years but with time served you only do 40 months on it right you're already 36 months exactly he pled to being an associate uh in a gang related charge and he got a a 10-year sentence uh with 10 years of probation um and he under because of the charge because he did because it wasn't um the homicide charge the homicide charge would have required at 85% of the 10 years the RICO would have required substantial amount of the 10 years but because of the charge that he pled to under the PE guidelines he's eligible in onethird of 10 years so when you said what makes this unusual here's the two things that makes it unusual he's given credit for all time that he served including the house arrest time he was given credit for all of that which was over three years and the thing that that the judge commented on the record was the first thing he had seen in his career which was significant to our resolution we again there's no guarantees on parole right it's it's a subjective analysis but we wanted a letter from the district attorney's office that assuming over the next because remember three and a half years was only going to be three and a half months away we wanted a letter from the district attorney saying that if during the next few months Ray behaves himself the District Attorney's office has no objection and will agree to him being released at the first available date which is a few months away and they agreed to that letter he basically is getting out once once he got you know once he pleed out it was three and a half months left so from this point I think it's like three months left right that's that's a hell of a deal right there hell yeah because and that let you know it wasn't that strong yeah cuz she ain't giving a lot of other people deals you know so that let you know was that strong and luk called me the night before the deal he said booy this what they got on the table for me I said what you wait no why you talking to me for he said I just wanted to call you man you know you know you my I I said man what are you waiting for bro like what are you I say run with it man I see you this summer right he like man he say I just want you know I like man bro you know get back to them kids man you know yeah oh yeah no once he played they basic got to shave his head they took him straight you know to the penitentiary to just start as quickly as possible so there's no more delays yeah and yeah quick little three months I mean cuz it it was messed up he got stabbed in prison I mean in jail yeah uh you know it was it was a dangerous situation for him he didn't know what was you know in store for him so the fact that he can get out in three more months sweet I know he Ain want to cut that hair I know I didn't so you have to cut your hair for the pen yeah when you go to DLC you got to cut your hair B they had to go get the warden for me what do you mean they had to go get the warden for me to cut my hair cuz you didn't want to cut your hair hell no I went crazy they put me in a warden office and made me cut my hair cut okay yeah I end up having to cut it booy fade gone yeah man allhe the booy Baldi I was pissed I already got this time you know for these marijuana charges now I gotta go ball like I was pissed that day man so were you the one that referred fining to uh to Luchi yeah okay that's that's real talk this ain't no he called me like man what's up with with Drew you know cuz he got a hell of a lawyer Banks man he the the other guy he got he had a dream Team bro like that black guy is a bro I went to I went to every day I went to uh what three days in a row I went to jury selection oh fuchi yeah fuchi yeah uh you know they was in jury selection oh yeah no he he told me Drew said like they were in the trial this was not like a pre-trial plea this was like we're in the middle of the Tri and he wouldn't tell me what happened but something happened that made the case kind of stumble and they I was in there bro this was the worst part bro this I said I wasn't going back Drew I walked in there me and three of my guys and sit down they got this white guy who they asking about he said he said uh I don't think I can be a part of this case look at those guys who just walked in and they're scolding me right now oh my heart dropped bro like you might mess up Lucci's case my heart dropped unintentionally of course yes bro I'm like did he just pinpoint me out that's crazy cuz I'm looking nice man bro he like they're they're watching me right now and look go back there boy Drew went off Drew went off this man doesn't need he drew Drew went off he's bro drew it off did he just say that like he this man bro this man then he asked him about he was like do you understand that this is not the Young Thug case he said I don't care they're the same people oh he say have you ever heard of Luchi no but I've heard of uh the YSL thing and all of these people was the same people oh I was like man this Jeweler right bro I I was like like I'm not coming back bro cuz I didn't want to bring yeah no harm to the case and people looking at us in the back like I was just trying to get my boys some support bro but I wasn't going to go back after that man that did they throw that jur out or no yeah he got they they threw him out they threw him out but still you know the words are echoing with the other then the other lawyer was like then he said that yeah cuz nobody wants to be part of this jury we was talking about that in the back so he contaminating the whole everybody back there right I was like man this bro I I I was like man I'm not coming back man because I don't want to bring no harm to this case my by me just looking fly I mean well yeah I mean I talked to Drew about this Luchi refused to cooperate against Young Thug right and it was just I talked to him about that he just was like you know my client wants to not cooperate we're not going to cooperate that's it I didn't try to talk him into whatever he don't want to cooperate we're done I I made it very clear to the prosecution that my client is not looking for any type of cooperation deal he's not snitching he's not doing anything of that sort there's there's the only deal that you have seen is the deal that was publicly filed that he said no to and and how we ultimately resolved the case um which under Georgia pero guidelines makes him potentially eligible and now less than three months um and other than that that's that um we've been very clear publicly which was very important to Rey um that everybody be well aware of the fact that he's not testifying in any case um and I think I've said before you know he wouldn't even testify in a traffic ticket so he's not going to testify in another courtroom he wants to be as far from courtrooms as possible he sat through over two weeks of jury selection I know it's enough to burn out most people um and and he's one of them and look even without cooperating he still got a hell of a deal remember interview most time when you don't talk you w yeah yeah man and the the fact that he was stabbed by someone affiliated with YSL and still would not cooperate against YSL because most people would looked at as a reason well I wasn't going to cooperate but then they stabbed me so you know I did what I had to do you know how many people I I interviewed from the mafia who have a reason kind of like that I was going to cooperate then I heard a tape of John Gotti talking about me so I cooperate against 20 people n they just rats they just they just they you just make excuse you knew you was going to R you just had to find the EXC if that wasn't the excuse they'll use a [ __ ] yeah he [ __ ] my wife he [ __ ] my cousin yeah he touched my underage daughter that's what they use [ __ ] yeah this I know the streets like the back of my hand right they use [ __ ] to betray to betray others it's been going on since the early Roman days that's what they do if it ain't a [ __ ] they going to use a [ __ ] mhm try to coincide that with with the Bible and [ __ ] you're not supposed to touch a man's wife so I'mma turn a [ __ ] snitch they've been doing it from the MAF [ __ ] down that's what they' been they've been doing now I've interview these guys so so I'm fully familiar man but listen I can't wait I already talked to LC's uh manager I'm like yo I want that first interview you know I [ __ ] with Luchi me and him have had multiple interviews you know I've always been cool with that label from Rich Homie Quan to everyone else man like I think I did Quan's first interview actually yeah you know what I'm saying uh yeah uh to to Trinidad James I'm the one that helped break that music video I put on my YouTube channel and it blew up so I I've been you know YSL I don't know I don't know anyone from YSL but yfn and and that whole label yeah I I rock with them man so I was really happy when I heard that news yeah fly fly fly was there every step of the way yeah yeah I love fly every time I walked in that courtroom solid every time I walked in a prayer we had prayer for Luchi every fly up bro and I yeah you know solid dude man that bro I love fly man shout out to fly I respect it well the YSL RICO case is still going on though and that is a mess that is a mess that they hacked the the TV screens at one point yeah I saw it they were like Mist trial free thug some guy with like an accent sound like he was from Europe or something uh you know fonnie Willis they're saying that she had a relationship with the dude that got killed uh you know now they have a 911 call uh and you know Young Thugs I guess they're trying to use the lyrics and Young Thug's attorney actually played a whole bunch of songs where a bunch of artists were using C's instead of B's and everything else like that yeah I mean how do you feel about lyrics being used in that case uh cuz you had that happen to you yeah in your murder case I think they should have learned from me with that with that like like man they in my case they played two days of straight music yeah I remember you told me and uh I just feel like I feel like it shouldn't be done because you know it's a freedom of speech you know but we got to realize too that that's a part of the game now you know it's just like if they start giving you tickets for running yellow lights everybody start getting running yellow lights yeah it's accepted as part of the game now you know uh and I I don't like it but I mean it's a tool it's a tool they use and you know it came out our mouth you know I was pissed and quick cuz they was saying all the wrong [ __ ] like they was you know they don't even know the slangs like we know the slangs you know they just know the names they just know the names I said I said uh and it affects the jurors because uh my prosecutor was I said this clear I said Mar Mike up in the back seat begging for about it and I saw the juror's face they was like and it seemed like it affected it more than the pins on the towers and all that and I was looking like damn you know and it affects the jurors listen to what come out your mouth I saw they Expressions they were looking like what did he say like then she said it again they G say it like five times and I was looking at the jurors and it was it seemed like they was they was they was looking at it they was you know but I don't think it's fair to us as a artist like you know uh I don't think it's fair to us as an artist at all man Marlo mik was uh sense to life without without parole right yeah did they talk about the tattoo yeah in court so apparently Mike has a tattoo that says yo booy who next yeah and they use that in the courtroom yeah you think that was a a big part of him getting convicted or um nah nah nah I lo he got convicted on uh his statements you know I feel like he got convicted on his statements telling about the crime or whatever oh he made statements yeah yeah okay he made statements on probably multiple multiple stuff I think I think his statements was to pinpoint on you know believable to the jury you know I mean every case that I'm familiar with where people have gotten heinous sentences have always been because of what the person have said themselves right or have said on the phone have texted had a recorded conversation or like you said made statements it it's it's very hard to convict somebody off hear say and everything else it does happen right right you know Big Meech that's how he got hemmed up but I'm saying that most times like you know like my man taxstone they they found like his Discord and they they found statements that he made about the case right right that's you know I remember when I talked to his lawyer his lawyer told me he talked to a juror and they said that's that's why we found him guilty you know the Troy AV thing we weren't really buying that obviously Troy had a reason to to say whatever but when it's someone's own words it's very hard to get over that gu yeah yeah and with low I don't think he had a witness on none of his none of his cases against so it was just him yeah you guys still talk nah nah yeah sad situation man yeah sad bro you know I think about it all the time you know what I mean how old was he when he got uh convicted I think he was like eight 19 18 19 damn he was a teenager yeah yeah man that that life ain't worth it yeah yeah life is just it's just man it's just it's a sad situation you know cuz you know he on the murder charge you know killing my best friend too you know uh B yeah oh oh that's why you don't talk to him yeah I'm sorry for your lost man we don't really talk about open cases in detail but this case is done at this point the old block six got found guilty of killing FBG Duck yeah yeah I knew duck in the sense that we did two interviews okay yeah and uh you know in both interviews I told him he needs to move out of Chicago and he argued with me in both interviews only to have the worst possible situation happen to him but you know but you said that you already knew what was about to happen to him because of that song dead [ __ ] yeah I had told my boy we was going to Linux and he was uh he was playing it for me like dude be snapping and he he liked that you know my boy he a big chubby [ __ ] you know he anybody kind of big he like him you know he so he he was like man just listen he I was like bro that sh right now that's too many people he I man I remember bro you know probably five six months later he he was gone well all I like that song If you going to slide [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] with rapper no yeah I I like I that was his first hit song I like that [ __ ] yeah I like that [ __ ] duck was raw man like Duck I I really like Duck I like it that song no he he was dope but you look the six people that got convicted C murder different sea murder than you know of course 32 Kenny Mack 30 Los 32 see thing 24 muap 24 Tey 34 you got to think they've been locked up for three years so some of these dudes were like locked up at 21 right and they're all facing mandatory life sent why do you think from your point of view that six people would get together to kill someone in broad daylight on the most expensive Block in Chicago knowing there was almost zero chance of getting away with it I mean I don't know if they did that hey just because the jwor say they did that that don't mean I'm G say they did that okay but if they did if they did why why do dudes why would you throw your life away you don't be thinking you g to throw your life away at a time but you know when you go get somebody like that it's a bag involved okay so there's 100,000 involved I mean the rumor was that that uh King Von put 100,000 up I don't know I I don't know I just interviewed FBG butter about this situation he actually testified in case uh that was the room King Von is gone at this point he got killed a few few months later so at this point it just is what it is it doesn't even matter yeah but but 100,000 over a murder especially if there's multiple people involved but you don't understand the situations of of of Street gorillas I do not you don't yeah 100,000 is a lot of money I know it's not a lot of money to US BL you looking like no it's not that's why you looking at it like that I think it's insane but $100,000 bro when you from a place like oblock across the track you're rich we don't look at a million like Rich $100,000 you're rich right and and and the [ __ ] [ __ ] bust a [ __ ] head for nothing so you know if a bag involve uh come and get you bro just I I get that part right and I think and sometime it don't even be about if a [ __ ] cross the line too much the badge is extra right [ __ ] just won't put you down you you know I I get that and I get I understand the anger part and I understand that okay he diss my Dead Homie and you know I I hate this [ __ ] and you know maybe his side killed some of my people they're talking about people they actually killed I don't know I'm just I'm just guessing but my whole thing is okay you catch a [ __ ] a basement or an alley somewhere there's no no one around there's no cameras there's a reasonable chance to get away with it okay if I kill someone in lenx M you know in front of the Louis Vuitton store I don't think there's any chance that I'm getting away with it you know with literally cameras everywhere and you know a 100 witnesses around that's your frame of mind that's my frame of mind but but that's also basic human survival isn't it n that's your frame of mind you know a lot of people you know you put something on your face and you know that wasn't me you know I mean well and when and when when it's and when it's up when it's up is it's on site vad you know ain't no telling when somebody going to catch you again and let you make another song so when it's up it's it's on site wherever wherever somebody catch you at that's how it is in the hood that's how it is in every raw City I just left Baton Rouge yesterday and I and I did the news for the first time yeah I saw you on you know that was big for me you know I never been to the news station I went to every news station and uh did interviews about my booed badge and I was sitting down and uh waiting to go to the back and they played the news and it was seven different shootings in the last 48 hours probably six dead and I'm looking just like sheit was like a action movie I'm looking I'm like it's wilder than it was man I'm looking at I'm looking at it like then women shot women it's it's crazy bro I mean we got to we got to we we as we as Mogul and people we gota we got to encourage y people to get up out that bro because man I came back I told to that you not if you go to Baton Rouge again I'mma kidnapp I told I came in here mugging he said what's wrong with you Dad I said if you go to [ __ ] B I was so so I was mad because man bro it's it's like that BL like I can just imagine Chicago I just interviewed FG butter and do you know the story about this girl Ki I don't really know the story about I mean he he watched the D something well Ki was a girlg butter the dude who be he be telling right yeah he he cooperated yeah right he cooperated I think on his dead friends and he also took the stand the FBG Duck case but he had been a war with these guys he had been shot like 13 times it was a mess but the story basically was there was this 15-year-old named Tuka right yeah you know when people say smoking Tuka like that yeah Tuka is a 15-year-old he was good friends with butter and Ki um he got killed uh at a bus stop by uh by o AKA O Block okay you know what I'm saying and then the story is was that Ki who was I think 14 at the time killed Odie Odie Perry O okay and they said at that point she was rumored to have killed like 20 different people yeah the girl the girl that's the one they say the female Assassin of of Chicago that's the one they say van stood over right that's the story but FBG Duck was there when she got killed he got shot himself and he actually gave a statement and the person he described was not King Von he said a dark skinned dude had a mole on his face that's the opposite of who King Von is yeah you know what I'm saying so people were saying the police were saying it was King Von I don't know whether is just telling a different story for his own personal reasons but yeah that's the story but it was crazy to hear how this young teenage girl was out there catching bodies one of which he said he she stabbed somebody at a party to death like have you ever heard of girls being like this yeah really multiple murders yeah Tang SW who's that she was like that she was from Baton Rouge yeah you knew her personally I knew her from seeing her around and holling there what up booy you know yeah was she pretty nah she wouldn't really pretty she I mean she wasn't ugly but she wouldn't really pretty okay she was a ganger how many people did she allegedly kill I don't know uh is she alive still n not they killed yeah I mean that's what that's what butter said he said ain't no killing without killing once you start going down that road it'll start going both ways yeah man it's sad you know I remember you said in an interview you know you told Jay the young to get out of his City yeah yeah I interviewed Jay the Young yeah I stay telling J and he got killed Where in the city in the city exactly and his mom own yeah it's awful man it's awful the number of people that I've interviewed mostly young black actually all young black men actually I've never interviewed any white guys or Spanish guys that got killed after our interview it's always young black men yeah no Asian guys no Jewish guys all young black men probably about a dozen of them at this point yeah from Young greatness to chinx drugs to Jay the young um I was supposed to do um uh what's his name uh from Brooklyn um pop smoke pop smoke uh I was supposed to do king Von we were scheduling it at the time it it was uh yeah man it's sad it's sad and and I feel like 99.9% of the time is unnecessary it could be avoidable meaning that if they just moved out the city you know if they moved to Arizona no one's going to go catch a PL ticket to Arizona and start hanging out at the mall trying to find them somewhere n these are all crimes of opportunity yeah yeah I agree oh he he's a mile away all right let's go get him I just saw him down the street he don't live right now he's on live right now oh yeah I see the store in the background oh look you can see the address behind him oh look you got a bunch of designer [ __ ] with him we can grab that too oh look at all the jewelry you wearing oh yeah I know where that's at I just saw a street sign sad man sad rest in peace I just hope that people watch these interviews and just take a lesson from it because there's nothing cool with ending up on a t-shirt there's no glory in that you're just going to have a whole bunch of hurt family members and friends and children and you know everything else like that and it never stops it never stops it keeps going especially when you kill you kill a hono well look at the big Juke situation yeah big Juke who's yog Gotti's older brother just got killed after leaving a funeral and I heard he was with his mother when it happened I think they were coming out of a restaurant or something like that did you know Juke at all yeah Juke with my partner really okay I never met him yeah J my [ __ ] a long timeo probably about five days before his death really he was setting the verse up with this dude with me and c I had sent him the verse too he was setting his verse up me and this dude in California Juke know I'm a husle he can go get that money and bring it to me you know Juke bro yeah yeah and you know there was a lot of uh just a lot of really bad talk that happened leading up to it you know if you look on YouTube big Juke was uh laughing about young Dolph on live you know CMG don't miss twice uh you know talking about snakes and stuff like that and you know I don't know if it has anything to do Dolph I have no idea you know from from the outside looking in though that's what it unfortunately appears to be and once again in Memphis it's ugly I mean when you heard about the news would you think I just shook my head bro I call man matter of fact I call Boogie who's that big Boogie that is the artist one um oh yeah yeah okay yeah big gu artist and I [ __ ] with big boo and I just told him I said man get your ass from Memphis bro I say man stop going down there man I say man I told your little girl need you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bro you know and it was I just shook my head with big juk man and people was sending me videos I'm like man [ __ ] was sad bro like death sad bro especially when you when you Dolph was sad to me bro you know yeah J was sad bro you know J J a good [ __ ] bro J J you know I mean big J he yeah he going out of Legend he went out of Legend bro big J Man J yeah man listen I remember when I first heard the news news about Luchi getting out in three and a half months the first thing I did was call fly and next time you talk to him ask him about this conversation the first thing I said number one is it true is he really getting out three and a half months he's like yep I said okay please promise me you get him the [ __ ] out of Atlanta yeah the day he gets out please please please please I don't care how much it costs put him in Vegas put him in La put him in Miami put him in New York I don't care get him the [ __ ] out of Atlanta do not have him step foot in Atlanta at all I agree there's two many bad feelings and too many interconnected stories and everything else like this in Atlanta right now because you know I interviewed Luchi right before he got locked up and we were talking about all the [ __ ] he had been the the the shootings and yeah him getting caught up and [ __ ] not anything he did but [ __ ] that he was essentially a victim of you know what I'm saying and it was it was it was a crazy amount of situation oh this video shoot shot up oh this situation we got shot at you know what I'm saying like yo just get the [ __ ] out of Atlanta there's no good reason for Luchi to ever come back to Atlanta right at all he's got money he's got fans it's not a financial it's like well I can't afford to move no you could afford to move get the [ __ ] out right you know yeah man I mean I agree with you I agree with you look at you you got the [ __ ] out of Baton Rouge yeah and look at me look and that was I feel as someone that's known you for 20 years that knew you before you moved I feel that was the smartest thing you've ever done in your entire life I ever did in your entire life the best move I ever cuz you got to understand that it's not just the it's not just going to be your enemies and your Ops it's law enforcement too law enforcement can put a gun under your [ __ ] see in it like man I mean it's not just your option that and when you do that kind of time four five years you got the other people who you don't know yeah from the Ops the little cousin he a big cousin oh yeah you know you got you got it's just not worth it bro you know I won't luch you move too man I wouldn't thinking like that but I I definitely I definitely want him to move I just I just left the Jewel and got him a piece oh yeah I just left the Jewel and got him a Lucha piece okay how much you drop on that uh I think like 25 okay that's your homie though yeah that's what's up so as soon as you gets out you're going to throw it on his neck yeah hopefully somewhere other than Atlanta you know bring about t you know throw it on his neck yeah cuz me and his mama me and his mama that's my dog there me and his mom uh well you don't know this yet but I just interviewed Terence Gangster Williams okay and we talked about a bunch of stuff number one he was very happy when you mentioned him it actually helped the social numbers and everything else like that and we talked about some of the some of the stuff that he accused you of yeah so you know I I pressed him on the whole PC thing yeah because he claimed that you were in PC yeah and when I pressed him on it he admitted okay no booy wasn't in PC he was in a section with all the death row inmates at the time which he was forced to be in and then at the point that he was clear to that then he moved back to the general population so I'm like that's not PC booy is a man from the streets boo is a man that that have a big voice right and when he speak people listen so calling me the rat and all that okay cool I get that he mad about to be call say he was in PC but when you say he wasn't in PC though yes he was FL but Lo yes he was yes he was in PC that's not what I heard listen hear me out that's not what I heard your guy uh E40 who was in who was actually in Golden with booy right he must said booy and booy say he was on death row right death row have two is two Death Rows you have the old death row and you have the new death row all the inmates that were sentenced to death row were actually placed in the cells on death row on a new death row the old death row that's what booy was housed at by himself booy was charged with the murder he wasn't convicted with the murder so of course he's not going to be in population with these people because he's still going to court blad and he admitted he said once I beat the murders I had a chance to either go to population or stay in death row I mean stay in PC he said that on your channel cuz I took it in ran with it and that's what made him mad even mad and cussed me out right but my thing was this that's not a bad thing to go on on PC it wasn't he didn't go in PC for check it in because he scared to go to population he was placed on that tier because he couldn't go with the rest of these guys because he had that murder he was fighting wait you said E40 E40 was a lot no not E4 remember the d uh e um e solid okay it's a has not been in prisoned ever I said that before in my chan it's a little short guy named e solid from New Orleans that was actually locked up with booy he know about all that um man there plent people I know from Ang go that was locked up with booy that tell you the say I'm tell you black think about this vag when you go to trial you know how to look paperwork up when you go to trial you going to get senten you going e get senten to life you going get S to numbers life or death row boo was never sentenced a death row you never saw that paperwork right around no he was never sentenced uh okay then so death that's what I'm saying so for when he said I'm I was on that road you wasn't actually sentenced to that road you came from Wade because you got in trouble they put you there on that tier now eventually he did come off there cuz he was in public seur and all that right that's all I was saying so boo got saying you and went off from it and say about me like I say right so he was just sentencing the section where other people that potentially could get death right were sented so it's not PC it's sort of special was not in PC he goes okay yeah that's not P Bro this how you know he this bullsh Vlad on death row it's not a dormatory it's individual cells it's individual celles death row inmates can't even be around each other right you people can't even cut your hair you have to put the Clippers in your cell and you have to cut your own hair when you on death Road you die in a cell they don't put you in population and let you walk around again only time you walk around is that 30 minutes you come out your cell to go to the phone and shower yeah man come on man gangster no man right well he actually said that based on your criticism he has changed his name he is now Terrence civilian Williams he say he's not a gangster anymore he don't want no parts of that he is happy the YouTube money has gotten him his own apartment he's got a nice little car he's living his life he don't want no piece of that in fact he even said that when he got out he went to Baton rou sorry he went to uh uh New Orleans and baby called him said man you need get the [ __ ] up out of there and he he got right out he moved he's living a nice quiet life but what what's crazy and for some reason when I did the first interview with him this part didn't register but when he cooperated and you know they gave him what's was essentially somewhat of a profer agreement and he told on his dead friends which he admitted that he did he admitted himself to 40 murders that surprise you I mean nah it don't surprise me in that City man I mean but ganga got [ __ ] in bro I don't want comment on it but well we we talked about the the the wearing the wire allegations and and I I'll be honest with you because I I pressed him on this as well you know what I'm saying you know how I do we pulled up the paperwork where and and I heard about the allegations about how he wore wire and he got these dudes in MDC Brooklyn like uh life in prison but when you look through the actual paperwork and I found and I actually looked up the original paperwork his name is not on that paperwork and the other piece of paperwork that they found they try to kind of Link the two together has nothing to do it was it was a random like a fear of your life situation but it had nothing to do with the with the paperwork of him uh wearing of a person a a confidential format wearing a wire so I'm not going to stand behind that what I feel is the most serious accusation is what happened in MDC Brooklyn M you know what I'm talking about already right right so I pulled up some paperwork there was some paperwork that was floating around and I I pulled up some of the actual government paperwork and so forth so we're going to stick with the facts on it right but what the accusation is I'm not saying this is true but what people are accusing you of was that you were locked up in the federal facility in Brooklyn with two guys Timothy Pinkney and there's another guy named Shawn Taylor and the paperwork claims that these guys were hanging out with you while you were wearing a wire you're a confidential informant and you had conversations with them and Pinkney said that he admitted to a few murders that's what they say that during these conversations this guy admitted to some murders and then you turn around and took that to the feds this guy got life in prison the other guy also I believe got a serious sentence and that's how you got out of prison I saw that U people been sending me that that's not true um the paperwork I read it my name never showed up in here then what they was doing they was taking stuff from my actual case what I did cooperate with adding with that paperwork and he like okay yeah he did tell see cuz when you transfer I mean when you travel you're going to go through different uh holding facilities but man I I never uh War while nobody in prison no I'll do a war while my codefendant there's another piece of paperwork here that does have your name on it uh it's dated 8:30 2013 we'll go ahead and show it and it said Terence Williams AKA gangster was interviewed at the United States courthouse Brooklyn New York president this interview were special agent sa Thomas J MCN and detective Jeffrey valenzano New York City Police Department Williams provided the following information Williams say that he Williams heard from a Muslim brother who was in transit through MDC that Angela rerio was going to make trouble for Williams if he Williams Willam takes a stand Williams also stated that he was in conversation with a prisoner McCullum not further identified who stated to Williams that esot is my main man Williams believed that McCullum may be jailed on an insurance fraud charge do you know what this is have you seen this paperwork before I saw I saw that's the first one that's what I trying to tell that's the first one they come out with so it was like okay we gonna put this with this now Angela rerio guy uh when I Googled him he was dead but then I found out he have a son so the son uh was in Jeff with me but when I read that I was like okay so what does this have to do with these murders cuz this is an Italian guy he don't have nothing to do with this you know but like I say man um I never had nothing to do with that stuff I never w why on the dude in prison nobody there's nobody to come forward to say yes this man put me in prison um but like I say in the way this internet go it don't tell it what they do cuz I know they' been trying to get all kind of people but here's the thing that no matter who come forward no matter what paperwork they keep trying to put together you just say now the original paperwork don't have my name no way in it no I looked it up so so the original paperwork I found by doing some go the legal paperwork yeah I mean it's if you go it's it's a whole PDF file off the government website and like I said these two guys really are charged with murders and Drug selling and everything else like that and there was a confidential informant that supposedly cooperated about the murders but your name is not on here you may have something I don't have but from what I saw I didn't see it you can not comment on it if you want I don't want to comment on it like people didn't s me so much [ __ ] on this dude bro and we went over all this [ __ ] we went over all the papers it is what it is man yeah but I don't I don't want to talk about Gangsta I mean I'm glad he a Civ civilian mean you want to talk about civilian yeah I don't want to talk about yeah civilian I mean man long as he Ain bad mouth than me seemed like he didn't cooled out with bad mouth me no he he G say nothing about him no I I don't let people bad mouth you on black T yeah I mean I a't I ain't got nothing to say about Gang Stop me there you go let's switch gears let's talk about the NBA so someone just stole your jersey yeah what in the hell happened um they had a girl came up to me saying that uh you my role model you're my biggest fan um can I take a picture with you uh what happened was I put my jersey on the on the counter and she stole it oh she stole it yeah um was it inside Jersey nah it was from Cole Anthony off his back though DNA Jersey okay and uh call me call call do after that and tried to sell it back to [Laughter] you yo the nerve of some people they going steal this [ __ ] and sell it back to you how much she want for it then I got the how how much she want I think like $1,500 and then she say well okay you going to have to give me a feature for this a feature like bro like this was some of the most crooked and I was nice enough to take a picture with the bit and uh then she first she she just was getting caught up in live first she said I dropped it then she said that uh I gave it to her friend to take the picture and I'm then she said they got put out with the she couldn't give it back cuz they got put out for twerking and the thing it was just Buu lies bro so I found the video with me taking up taking a picture with her and my jersey on the ground and when I turned to the side I'm going show you I'm going show you after after the interview okay she pulls my jersey so you have the footage of it yeah after that she she went on rambling on Instagram putting uh adding all the the shade rooms and all that oh so she she wanted some Cloud office yeah it was to be a thief yeah it was a cloud move and you know uh I got I found out she was some kind of [ __ ] with trick Trick Daddy so me and trick got on the phone trick like I'm go go over there right now and get your jersey so I was I sent my people over there and they went got my jersey from Trick's a good dude man I just interviewed in Miami a couple weeks ago he's solid yeah I appreciate trick man and trick go way back yeah man I I love Trick Daddy me and him go back during the DVD days but back back when you and I met yeah around that time he's always been solid he's always been solid and it's interesting I remember then she posted what I DMD her I'm like man yeah I I remember I was just on drink Champs right by the time this comes out it's going to drop and I remember one of the questions nor you know CU Nory has little drinking games at the end and he said uh respect or loyalty and I said I said respect because loyalty to me isn't isn't a real concept you know what I'm saying like loyalty is something that you have to work on every day with somebody you know a person going to be loyal because a person I feel like humans they reciprocate you can't expect for a person just to be loyal just forever based on something you've done for them 10 years ago they'll find a re certain people are lawyer to certain people exactly respect stays respect stays right and the story I told was the interview I just did with Trick Daddy right so Trick Daddy when he got his first million doll check you know he he told Ted Lucas don't give me the money I want you to cut a bunch of $20,000 checks to all my people you know all the people that helped me come up when I was hust and everything else like that and one of the dudes who he cut the a check to who he had been taken care of and everything else like that when he came back to his hood the dude told him he a he ain't allowed there no more he he ain't allowed to come back to that hood no more that that particular basketball court that he was playing at trick was so hurt that he went to his car and got his gun and pulled out the gun on the dude and said your daddy got killed up this street from someone came back and killed him your brother got killed down this street someone came back and killed him I'm coming back and I'm going to kill you right now and I'm going to call your grandmother and tell her that [ __ ] press charges on him sued him got a restraining order every time he perform in a club the guy would show up so he couldn't perform he would go to court the guy would show up so he' have problems working in the courtroom the dude who I got the dude who press charges on me that I thought it was I thought it was my friend damn we had did a lot of [ __ ] together we had spent a lot of time together and it was all over a basketball game it was all over the fact that a lot of time you have to when you in this business and you in any type of business where there's money involved you have to be careful of who you dealing with in life because people think when your business blow up y'all business blew up people think when you made it we made it we made it right that's why I always tell the young athletes NBA NFL I give what you do be careful everybody some King you ain't family be careful how you move be careful how you talk be careful how you dress and be careful while you go around him had I pulled up around him in a raggy old car not looking good not feeling good he probably think oh yeah he still one of me if hear him tell me I'm barred off the park I can't come back I'm the terror in this [ __ ] neighborhood what you mean I can't come back when I got in the car I realized I had my gun on me I was like well that nothing but God so I told my my cousin I said ride around the park when we got back around the park he he said um man [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro you got too much little I like stop this man I'm not stopping I reach and I grabb the [ __ ] stering um the shift stick shift out his hand Bo that b before that [ __ ] stopped good I was out that [ __ ] yeah and what really hurt him was the things I said to him his brother and Daddy had got up his brother and his daddy on different time different occasions within a quarter mile from each other got an altercation with somebody that came back to kill them so once he called me [ __ ] and flaw and I can't come back once he tried to hit me in the face with the ball when I wasn't looking I told him I came back to kill you like that [ __ ] came back and kill your brother I came back to kill you like the [ __ ] came back and kill your daddy over there and you better not cry before you die cuz you tried me like I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I showed you nothing but love dog I said one tear drop on the barrel this pistol while I Jam this [ __ ] in your nose and blow your brains out and I don't want nobody I'm I'm G call your grandma and I'mma tell her what I just did I don't want nobody to call her I got when I got in the car I was like why the [ __ ] did you do that why the [ __ ] did you say that I was hurt I thought you was my friend you went to jail when you was in college I helped you I coach you through it you needed a girl I put you down with my sister in college you already you already talk to my steps sister I put you down with my other sister in college and my step sister don't even know I did this and now just because I'm selling records and I got I got a nice house and nice cars now I can't make going to part no more I ain't come on bro I don't think I'm better than you I got my first million dollars I sat that I told Ted don't give me that I said I give me a piece of paper and a pen I wrote down everybody that helped me sell that mother got make that million everybody got 20 or 30,000 a piece wow every [ __ ] body don't talk to me like that bro don't do that [ __ ] to me and then got a restraining all on me and every time I came to court he stood by the elevator when I get ready to walk in he walk in and every time I went to a club he came and I gotta leave when I caught my friends trying to do something to him I said please if y'all do something to him I'm going to prison just leave him alone bro I'm just G to stay out of his way Dam I got the lawsuit a lawsuit he sued you damn you sent me to jail and you sued me damn yeah from that day on I realized that money was the root of all evil man the the [ __ ] that people would do to you are for you for some money if they'll do it for you they'll do it to you this is what loyalty gets you sometimes someone who you think you're loyal to who thinks going to be loyal to you they'll find a reason to [ __ ] turn on you and try to take you for everything you got so I don't I don't believe in loyalty like that that's my life that's my life story see what I'm talking about everybody who done this to me I was loyal to right you're goingon to be loyal to someone but that that's not going to be reciprocated no so so [ __ ] a loyalty man just put in expect to get out of a person what you put into that person yeah that's that's a lot that's something you can count on a lot more than loyalty one of the highlights that I saw from all your NBA courtside appearances was that Luca signed a jersey yes after he scored how many points 73 73 points I called it the first quarter if anybody behind me they tell you I said he going for 70 tonight I called it man I called it man and the crazy part I was trying to get the Jersey before the game I don't think Luca really knew who I was he might have knew who I was but I'm like Kyrie cuz Kyrie always give me a Kyrie tell Luka I want the Jersey like all right oh so that's how you got the Jersey I'm like I asked him before the game I'm like Luka man I'm asking Tim hard man tell Luka man did you this before the game this before the game and and he walked over and blessed me bro hey you were the only one he did that for yeah and he left bro bro I heard he don't even give his jerseys well it wasn't his jersey he already had a jersey yeah I heard don't even really really do that [ __ ] bro cuz they was like all right I'll try I mean I mean but I I was happy as [ __ ] I mean that that's a very expensive piece right now yeah yeah yeah got a lot of them man who do you think is the badest white Bo in the NBA Luca or Larry Burt uh P his white boy in the NBA of all time of all time of all time yeah cuz obviously bird ain't played anymore uh remember bird bird ain't no [ __ ] joke bird got a lot of rings and went up against everyone remember him and Magic Johnson were Arch enemies at one point I would say bird a and Luca I mean you can't decide I mean I used used to hate bird man why cuz you're a Lakers fan Jordan oh you're Jordan fan okay yeah I used to man bird bro bird was just a problem bro and he was one of the most vicious trash talkers bro all time see know who else was good who PE Mel okay Mel was he was good as [ __ ] too bro like that Boston team I did not like them my daddy didn't like him so you know I was one of them them boy kids who who my daddy didn't like that's who I didn't like but oh yeah no I interviewed Gary pton and I asked him Gary pton was considered one of the most vicious trash talkers ever and he would fight you but I asked him who the worst trash talker was he said oh Larry Bird he said Not only would he talk trash to you but he would tell you what he's going to do to you so I'm about to shoot this three from the left side boom okay I'm about to go to the right and shoot this layup boom like he would tell you he would tell the five greatest white boys that I had seen was bird nisy niskey uh Jason Williams uh that's for um yic oh the joker I'm the Joker like the Joker man I got to get a joker Jersey too so Jer next year when you come back to Atlanta look out for me man right I'm a collect if you go back this Jerry West never seen him play yeah it's before our time yeah never seen John Stockton John Stockton yeah John Stockton was bad I just used to love white chocolate though white chocolate was a bad [ __ ] boy he pull up on the dime I usually like white chocolate bro white chocolate was a bad [ __ ] yep well you said uh I don't think they want me to Allstar games they know I'm going to turn up I ain't tripping though I'm getting the back this weekend you know for real for real the people love boie so so what happened with you in the allstar uh it just felt like a lot of people was blocking me bro like you know like I wasn't too happy about it man I mean I was all over the city sold out shows every night three four shows every night but every time I'm trying to get into Allstar venues or things that's going on was like a blockage V and you know I'm not crazy you know cuz you know at the allar it's not like uh the games you can just buy front row seats right they already got they yeah the whole things those are spoken for it yeah and they can give to who they want but you know you know I I just feel like you know I'm one of the biggest supporters of the NBA you know yeah like I mean how much do floor seats cost in Atlanta depends on who playing what's the r uh if the Pistons playing it might be uh two seats cuz you can't buy one seat two seats might be 3,00 3500 if the Pistons playing per seat or both seats both seats I not back but if Lebron James playing or Stephen Curry they probably 7500 a piece okay so it depends on the the team yeah I mean I just went to a Clippers game for the first time yeah and uh I think some of those seats like 25,000 or something like that yeah it depends on it depends on who they play so they're playing Sacramento yeah it depends on who they play so it was kind of crazy how the Clippers with a a team that stacked lost to Sacramento you talking about kawhai Leonard yeah James hard I just got Ka I just got kawh L Jersey when they when they came last week yeah yeah man well uh Chris Brown was supposed to play in the NBA celebrity All-Star game then he got Uninvited in the last minute you heard about that yeah they need to lead Chris Brown that's that's [ __ ] shame not many [ __ ] that had domestic violence cases in the industry that swept under the rug like it it bro I I hate what they do to Chris Brown right this was what he's the he's he's next under Michael bro as far as performing as far as bro Chris Brown is is that [ __ ] you bro Chris Brown is a bad [ __ ] you put Chris Brown above Usher Yeah H yeah I can see the argument for it yeah you put Chris Brown above R Kelly uh performance yeah that's true yeah performance yeah AR is D AR K he just lick his tongue and lick the to well yeah I mean shut actually talked about it he basically said you know there's a double standard where they're not forgiving Chris Brown but they let Dr Dre do the Super Bowl and Dr Dre beat up D Barnes back in the day you know about that right I mean i' I've heard I heard I heard he he beat up a TV host named D barns it's a real thing I learned from your interviews all this [ __ ] that's you know when I watch you I hear some real thing she actually I mean when he did a documentary he even brought her on to talk about it some real [ __ ] it's not it's not some madeup sh double standards bro like well but I think like also really you know really what did it for Chris Brown was the photo yeah there was no photo of D Barnes beat up yeah and when you look at a lot of these other domestic violence situations there's no photos that photo was ugly like her both of her eyes were essentially you know swollen up had that photo not come out I think that nothing would have happened at all I think he'd be at a Michael Jackson level potentially right now but that photo will will you know that photo was a [ __ ] and look I interviewed an investigator who was on that case on Chris Brown's defense team and he basically said that Chris Brown was attacked first by when they stopped her and and took her in because of her injuries you know Chris had injuries but they weren't seen for several days okay because the story was that she was beating him up as well yes how bad did she beat him up I haven't looked at the pictures but I have his pictures in my in my file at home so he had bruises and scratches he had markings you know again he he's kind of a I don't want to say a tough guy but he's you know he's he's not a 90 lb weak right but Rihanna's actually pretty big also she's like my height I met her before and it's a confined area they were fighting in the front of or well the front the only part of this rented uh Lamborghini right and you know again just just back and forth now according to Chris she started it and he was defending himself and kept telling her to stop and stop and stop and I get it you know but but the police again it's the same thing we talked about before they arrest first and investigate later and she had mark on her and Chris left the scene she put you know people need to stop like saying that this doesn't happen a lot of times the girl is the aggressor right A lot of times you got to get a [ __ ] off yeah or you going to have the black guy exactly they got some [ __ ] that punch the [ __ ] out you no Chris Brown had marks on him as well they got a [ __ ] that punch the [ __ ] out you oh yeah you let Chris Rock punch on your [ __ ] head Yeah Boy your ass GNA look like you've been in the room with um Mike Tyson have you ever been around Rihanna uh no Rihanna's big she's bigger than you I was at a game one time when I interviewed her back in the day she was with heels she was my height and I'm 6'2 yeah and she was she's big framed she's not a dainty little girl yeah Rihanna could beat up some men yeah yeah I feel that I feel that bro I feel it you know so now it's up to the man to respond uh in in a minimal way I understand it but but you know like for example I I interviewed Roger bonds right he used to be Puffy's bodyguard right and he told me flat out that he'd be in the car with puffy and Cassie and Cassie would just smack the [ __ ] in his face you know smack puffy in his face and then he would jump in the back seat and they would start tussling and he'd have to roll up the windows and people would be watching not that I'm saying that that's right by puffy you know I mean you mind your business and a girl punches you in the face yeah sometimes you just react when relationships all that you going to have them feisty type of women who you know they going to do they happened to me a couple times bro yeah three four five times different women yeah you just got to know how to you got to know how to you know not inflict harm on them too much but you got to know that you got to know that that that that little that little that little restraint move yeah sit sit your [ __ ] ass down and you have to take a step back in your life you ain't got to punch them in you got to put him in that [ __ ] booy that booy that booy usy right I've been in [ __ ] up situations too up man a woman right but you do have to realize at some point that unless the woman has a weapon of some sort they really can't do that much damage to you not like a man you know what I'm saying yeah they might maybe bruise your eye a little bit but they can't like knock you out they can't knock a tooth out right you know it so so you have to kind of take that into to account but as a human being sometimes when you get attacked you're you're you don't you don't even think about what happens next you just right right right I don't agree with it man I used to I used to get on my one of my cousins ass bro like he he'll be he he bro bro his [ __ ] get out of the line he go put timbering boots on yeah and then ultimately it won't matter who started right he's going to be the the one getting putting handcuffs right well Draymond Green he's back yeah did you see that whole stabbing thing that he did bro I was on the kitchen floor I was on the kitchen floor like did just threat stab somebody what the [ __ ] just happening I was on the kitchen floor ask my boys bro man I was on a kitchen floor with tears in my eyes bro hey bro yo who does this I mean does he not know that cameras are watching him right now did he not know he just got suspended indefinitely bro four days after he was hosting uh allstar game yo I don't get it I'm starting to might think they they bro this [ __ ] is crazy bro I was like damn that just happened now he hosting the allstar game Draymond might have have a body buried in his backyard that no one knows about that like Draymond seem just like like the more you learn about it the crazier he just becomes you know what I'm saying man my boy ran in the kitchen booy your boy flash out booy I'm like what man I don't know what he F to show me he say watch what Draymond do man he said stab stab stab stab stab I love to have him as my teammate I'm sorry man oh yeah I would tell him to do the mo if he listened to me I would tell him to scare every [ __ ] back I would be S as [ __ ] hey [ __ ] just drop the ball and run I wish I had a teammate like that bro like come and choke [ __ ] bro I wish I had bro that that what you looking for bro like oh yeah Draymond could have played on the Bad Boys oh completely oh completely Pistons completely 100% 100% he's the new bill lamb beer he could have played on the The Bad Boys Pistons team right now I'm telling you yes I agree I agree Uh Kevin Durant he said uh how come he's never in the goat conversation he said what haven't I done does he have a point yeah why do you think that when people talk about these conversations KD gets left out of the conversation because he joined Steph Curry cuz he jumped around yeah cuz he joined Steph Curry there that's what I think at that time but LeBron did the same thing right LeBron went to Miami then he went to Lakers the big three he went to Miami yeah I mean I mean Kevin Durant is one of a kind who that height can shoot like that who that height can dribble like that who that height can play defense like that yeah like Kevin Durant is a is a goat bro yeah you got to mention him in the top five top bro yeah Kevin Durant is a bad [ __ ] but he never gets mentioned though he noticed that I mean he has a point in what he's saying he just just never really gets mentioned bro I'm telling you what he's got rings and everything how many how many rings does he have one ring or I think he got two two ring two maybe three two hold on two I think he got two two he got two so you got one um with the Warriors got two with the war two with the Warriors okay you're right you're right yeah two of The Warriors yeah well listen he you know he played in the finals with a tore an ACL and tore up his ACL even worse I mean you know I mean you can't even say he doesn't have heart yeah he got it all yeah KD is he one of my favorites I I love Annie a good person man I mean yeah I got three Kevin Durant jerseys every team almost yeah no he he hit me once I remember he DM me and was like Hey man like you're one of my favorite interviewers I watch your [ __ ] all the time like keep doing your thing you know and they say he making music now a heard yeah yeah yeah he rapping now is he straight he I haven't heard of him and uh stal oh okay song I saw it on social media that he was making mus no man like I I got to meet him one of these days we've never actually met face to face when I try to DM him back he had like that weird setting where you can't like respond because he has so followers and [ __ ] so okay yeah man Kevin hit me up man you know I just want to thank you for the compliment yeah I said I don't want nothing from you I just want to you know say thank you for the compliment well you had made some statements about uh the trans uh high school players yeah um you said the female Rodman is hting all the girls on the basketball court in Massachusetts two months ago a trans uh girl knocked a girl's tooth out her mouth like what the [ __ ] all our teeth all our teeth yeah parents need to stop letting the kids play against men female Rodman schools across the country need to Forfeit every game it's not fair to our kids this nation this is sick you say he has a full beard oh my God Parents we have to fight for our kids dreams and rights knocking out our daughters teeth out parents we have to do something about this simp about this simple as that it's unfair they need their own League they need their own League yeah have a trans Le America transcontinental they need they need their own and the people cross seeds are transcontinental yeah they they need their own League I mean every person who plays against them the women when they come on a ground on court they should sit down and forfeit it will stop if our parents get on get on Capitol Hill and say we're not engaging in no more women's sports that has that in that bro the female robman hurt like8 nine people in 3 months it's sad bro you knocking people teeth your elbows are too [ __ ] sharp and heavy yeah a woman elbow might might give him a knot you have a [ __ ] force field in your arm sit your [ __ ] ass down like I tell the swimmer go swim against Michael Phelps go jump in that [ __ ] pool with Michael Phelps and watch what your ass get yeah it's not fair to us kids who've been training against women their whole life yeah to break records and you come in wide ass back wide ass shoulders swimming your bones are different yeah it's not fair get your own League I'm sick of them I don't care what no I'm sick of them you gonna box out every [ __ ] body it's not right bro it's not right you going to have a [ __ ] looking like Shaq in a minute yeah she going we going to be 72 71 and it's going to be acceptable and and and our Center is 5'7 it's going to have 110 rebounds in one game 84 points a game 84 to three like you bro we got we got as parents we got to say when they walk on the court it's a forfeit forfeit yeah laws has changed was standing up for rights true if our parents not going to fight for us how the kid going to fight for us do you know what happened in Canada no so so they passed the law in Canada saying that they can't uh basically discriminate sporting events based on the gender that you're born with so a male powerlifter entered a female powerlifting competition and broke every record just to prove a point so he basically competed against a bunch of women and broke every world record in women's women's weightlifting just just to prove how stupid the law is they need their own league with their own mascots yeah they gotta have trans mascots everything right yeah got kayin Jenner you know could uh could be there kayy Jen could be the uh the CEO of the league the coach she can get some she can get some portions of the leag right she's an athlete so she knows she's an athlete she can be on the board yeah it's ways they can control their own environment but don't take that away from something you're not yeah I agree something you're not next they going to be going to softball every pitch that [ __ ] going across the [ __ ] Wiggly Field bow softball no [ __ ] go go play with usamo uh Utama y go hit that ball yeah you going to go to softball I I let me bro cuz you Hey cuz I had daughters in sports okay it wouldn't have went down if I was there so if you were going to a sporting event that your daughter one of your daughters was playing yeah and there was a trans player on the other team you would tell your daughter to sit out yeah I would tell my daughter to sit out and encourage the the I will go to the coach and tell them to to sit out also or put a suit on me suit me up you're going to play for the girls yeah I'mma tell all the gods every time every time that [ __ ] go clip her yeah put on put on your Bob Marley uh dread man bro like bro that's not fair to all girls no I agree you know I agree a woman can't hit a man but she a woman can't hit a man but he can go play her Sport and elbow yeah you go to jail for hitting a woman but you don't go to jail for boing her and knocking her damn teeth out this has to stop in the United States this has to stop because if you give somebody an inch what do they take a mile a mile right and you've said you feel like you're the only one speaking up for straight people I am I'm like I'm like the cuz everybody's been bullied yeah the LGT the LGT BQ whatever it is whatever it is I don't hate them I just did a song called my letter to the lgbtq and I'm explaining that I don't hate you know but they have bullied every athlete actor celebrity in the world you can't even go on an interview and say I'm straight I like [ __ ] you you ain't going to hear no athletes say nothing because you know what they're afraid they been bullied and if you if you if you say something about them they going to turn it on you and say oh you gay if you say you're not gay they gonna say oh you gay everybody's been bullied we're scared to even say we like [ __ ] PRS going to every every every interview and say do not ask about anything with that I didn't seen it I didn't seen it Vlad the whole world is afraid they're afraid to say anything people don't want lose their [ __ ] and I respect Mo cuz I wouldn't want to lose my [ __ ] neither but I pay myself listen man shout out to your gay Road manager he's the one that helped make sure this interview happened today when I couldn't reach you I reach sh out to your to your gay Road manager he hit me right back he was professional he was on point he was like okay can't do this day we're going to do this day on this time I called him in the morning he said we're set and here we are we get you know what I mean I have gay employees I have gay friends shout out to my man Jason G in my family I mean it's not it's just I I have G people in my family too everybody we're bullied the whole world has been bullied yeah they can't even say they like [ __ ] you're a grown man with you're masculine there but out your mouth you can't even say you like puss it I mean it's it's it's crazy man well uh did you watch uh mace talking about uh dwade wearing nail polish he compared it to seeing Jordan lingerie now that's an image that had a hard time getting out of my head when he said that man BR hey [ __ ] that [ __ ] was funny as [ __ ] that [ __ ] was funny that [ __ ] was funny I was dying laughing bro I I'll be honest man I I really dislike the whole man with nail polish thing man it's sad I I just don't it just doesn't make any sense to me it's sad it's nail polish it's a it's a female thing it's a female trait a female thing since the 1900s since the the the 1500s probably you know what I mean it goes way you know before that it it's a I I don't know why got doing what women do women have enough challenges facing other women to be prettier than them yeah social media is everybody wants to be they don't have time to go against the men too right they don't have that time let the women get their Glory most of them they underpaid they let the women get their Glory yeah and the women I blame them too they tolerate they tolerate it you've never heard a woman you don't hear these women nowhere on the podcast nowhere saying that you look like a [ __ ] right oh you saw him he look like a hoe well I mean because they will stop it V right Gabriel Union obviously ain't saying nothing bro bro bro list if I was Gabriel Union i' would have been like take that [ __ ] off listen listen listen if if our you know if your son wants to be trans and this is the way he wants to do it that's fine we support him this is this is your child this is my stepson but you don't have to join into this you're not why would a man yeah want to put what a woman does to their body right I mean well Russell Westbrook wore a dress see remember those pictures you remember those pictures the question is why would a man do this yeah I don't get it I mean and the women have to speak up we all we do everything most men who like who like women yeah who like women I'm not going to say everything we do being flashy getting jewelry we do that to impress women yeah putting on nice clothes putting on a nice suit yeah we do that to impress women right what women are impressed when you put on na polish I don't know of any the freaky ones the ones that like to get freaky freaky freaky ones like to put strapons on yeah the freaky freaky the freaky freaky [ __ ] we the women have to start speaking up man because if the women start speaking up it will die down Vlad I agree it will die down tremendously cause I don't give a damn we care about what a woman says of course a man can tell you something but if a woman tell it to you it hurt much more so the women have to speak up yeah start getting the hashtag for [ __ ] boy H ass [ __ ] [ __ ] nail punk I bet they'll stop it get them a hashtag make all memes out them social media number memes with the nails and the purses and I make put them on memes every time they scroll their [ __ ] phone they see they ass right yeah all the woman there put Daisy Dukes on their ass on the males and had their ass cheek sticking out right to where when they kids go and scroll down they see their ass cheeks and they nails and say Dad I didn't know you was a woman too I bet thaty get you right if your [ __ ] son walk in there and say Daddy I didn't know you wanted to be a woman 5y old or sixy old dad dad I didn't know you wanted to be a woman let's talk about the Super Bowl great game by the way it broke it broke viewing records great game my boy did you bet on the game yeah yeah and you of course bet on the Chiefs yeah I I don't go against patri yeah I know I'm from the bay so I was obviously rooting for San Francisco it did not work out for me it seemed like it did we were right there and if they hadn't changed the rules for overtime we would have won I don't think they knew the rules themselves you know they scored that field like we won no no wait wait what they get the ball too what yeah uh but it was a hell of a game and you're right it's it's hard to bet against Mahomes yeah you know he's the best quarterback ever oh better than Tom Brady yeah he got Tom by far well he's not there yet but he could be he doesn't have the ring he doesn't have the Rings yeah he doesn't have the Rings he has he has years ahead of him he has years I think he's going to catch Tom with the Rings and overall he's a better quarterback yeah and you know Tom Brady is a pocket quarterback yeah yeah you know with a hell of a line yeah let's keep it real Travis Mahomes as a pocket quarterback uhhuh he's a rushan yes he can throw sideways have you ever saw Brady throw sideways no have you ever saw him pitch that way n like bro he this is a diff I watched since Joe Montana yeah Patrick Mahomes and when he throws the ball the ball is right here on a platter I man you don't have to do like this no it's right there it's right here put your fingers out he's the best I in seen yeah no I just interviewed Michael Vic uh maybe about a month ago or so and I feel like he kind of follows the Michael Vic blueprint of quarterbacks who could also run and everything else like right you know what I'm saying which know Tom Brady is not like Tom Brady just has an extreme amount of throwing skill right you know let's not get that part Twisted but I feel like Michael Vick set the stage for the next generation of quarterback oh he did definitely yeah def no R cutting him yeah then Michael yeah yeah you're right let's talk about the halftime show though I would say that the Usher halftime show was second only the Michael Jackson's halftime show I thought it was that good agree or disagree I didn't say it wasn't good do you think it was great uh I don't know about great I mean which halftime shows do you feel are better aside from Michael would you say that Michael Jackson halftime show uh I don't even really watch the halftime show to you know oh okay I I usually don't either but this right here I thought was a standout I thought I thought they just killed it I you know I I don't really watch the halftime show okay but you did comment on the halftime show right you said that uh Usher needs to apologize to Swiss beats yeah for the Alicia Keys Embrace yeah the memes were ruthless yeah when that picture came out of him hugged up it's like your wife with her work husband on Monday you know something shout out to Swiss man I know him I hit him up right afterwards iwis after he I saw what he said and told him man bro I said what I said because that's how I feel now you know I got love for you bro I look at you like he's OG he's OG no I actually know him personally I texted him I said listen man uh don't let the [ __ ] take away from the level of greatness that your family's experiencing right now your wife was in the goddamn Super Bowl halftime show like that's that's going to hold on forever right you know what I'm saying so so [ __ ] and what happened is going to hold on forever too let's keep it real she was caught off guard so do you feel she was caught off guard she wasn't expecting that huh she wasn't that wasn't in the rehearsals it wasn't in the [ __ ] rehearsals because if it was in the rehearsals she would have had time to ask her husband she know what's going to you know what's going to go viral if it was in the rehearsals you would have had time to say honey you think this would be okay with and was probably I mean anybody she would have said no because she know the reaction of social media yeah she was surprised he got sucker punched bro I mean us should know what he did he did it to Nicki Mani slapped her ass yeah I remember that then he went backp ass bumping her ass then slapped it then he just said on thing I know I should I shouldn't have did that with Nicki like you shouldn't have did that with with with this man this is a man's wife if he would have did that to a Muslim his head would have been cut off well yeah it's funny because you know Usher obviously has a history of this type of thing def he's Immortal to a ass whooping he thinks he's Immortal to a ass whooping right like it's I'm a Usher fan for his music yeah but what he is disrespect man right I just interviewed Michael blackon and he said that uh us sure only pulls this with the women who have light-skinned boyfriends he he did that stuff to mostly women that have lightskinned boyfriends you know Dark skinn Men we ain't going for that you know coming over this dance and grind on my woman in front of me or around me if you know I got a if you know a dark skinned man has a woman you're not touching no dark skinned man it's a complexion thing man it's a black thing you never understand Vlad you're very white he never he's never pulled that with anyone's got a dark skinned boyfriend or p and if you look what you think Will Smith would have did to him slapped him tap his ass we would have been waiting in the tunnel my wife man we would have boy you can't do bro like what he did he's know he he knows what he's doing he's laughing afterwards he's he's he's laughing afterwards these motherfu bro that was that lady was she was did he just do this did he just do this yeah did he just put his piece on my ass ass let's keep it real around my hip this wasn't in rehearsal it wasn't what if the rehearsal lady right here looking right now you come on vad TV yeah and you better not lie she was caught off guard Alicia did this this is not a movie Just Go With It this is not a movie it wasn't scripted and wrote in the yeah it's not a movie she plays the piano this is not this is not a Tyler Perry movie no no she plays the piano yeah and she s when have you ever saw somebody on back of Alicia Keys like that I haven't seen it I was mad because I [ __ ] with Swiss bro yeah I I look at at the Swiss as a legend how he stayed in his own lane what he produced for DMX yeah like bro like I mean hey I mean it's just certain things you don't do especially when that W is involved wife yeah that's a whole different yeah man listen I [ __ ] with Swiss s is the first person I ever seen where Richard Mill watch I didn't even know what it was back then you know I'm saying swis has been getting money been has been functioning at the highest levels songs with everybody from Jay-Z DMX of course to he had my boy mad two of my boys yeah yeah they was pissed off cuz these you know these these G's like they was pissed off he say man [ __ ] making lightskinned they was pissed off they was pissed off but I but you know some people got strong marriages and you know that that don't affect [ __ ] man I mean but I just had to speak about how I felt about the situation it's just man you don't do that man you don't if it's in a rehearsal if it ain't in the rehearsal man you don't do that you give a you give a woman a wife that respect to ask her husband is this cool if I come then you smile then look he freaking out the [ __ ] looked there smiled like yeah I just did it I just did it people talking about booy you you so [ __ ] insecure I'm a insecure Scorpio [ __ ] I'm a you you sure right cuz I would have been thinking he wanted her for me I'mma take it there well I mean you saw what happened hey bro I'm I was I was I was I didn't like it well you saw what happened to Kiki Palmer after that whole situation off stage right they end up breaking up and then there was a bunch of domestic violence that happened another lightskinn dude by the way I just want to point that out just want to point that out man don't make me think he Tred light skinn dudes don't make me think he tried all light skinn dud he Tred the lightskinn dudes man okay he ain't going try Chris Brown what's Swiss Brown's uh what's Swiss Beast complexion light skinn what's uh Kiki Palmer's boyfriend's uh complexion yeah see where I'm going with this well you said if R Kelly would have got in trouble his songs be amazing Super Bowl halftime show you can hear the voice now I Believe I Can Fly Step In The Name of Love I believe I can fly I wish the world I wish I wish Fiesta the world's greatest Fiesta Fiesta who would do a bro who would let's let's keep it real let's keep it real now the songs I name and we talking about more than that those songs have so much power yeah with that voice When a Woman Loves nobody would be able to compete with a halim show from R Kelly and I and I didn't name one sexual song This the greatness of it I did name one sexual song so you can say yeah there's no bumping grind in the there's no bumping grind SE part two wooy woo wooy W I'm talking about no ignition it's no no Ignition Remix you remind me of my none of that yeah none of that nothing Trapped in the Closet none that no definitely not definitely not that song but just that song for the after party got them s bro if the songs oh yeah it would be amazing think about he would do I Believe I Can Fly And dubs would like go there flying do flying you know I mean man we got to keep it real I had a lot of people say booy I can't stand that [ __ ] R Kelly this was in my but you're right you're right I just was listening to every song you played Fiesta Fiesta all of Mexicans coming around everybody just step in the Name of Love Tity Jake out there [Laughter] then you bring the war with user and they Argan over the same girl right oh my god oh let's keep it real yeah but unfortunately it's never going to happen nah no I mean like you know how you say Never Say Never I'm saying never there is no way in God I don't care if relly gets out at 89 years old and everyone who remembers this is dead they're still not going to let perform the Super Bowl it will never happen it will never happen but it's it's a nice it's a nice what if next year the Super Bowl is going to be where New Orleans that's right in what state Louisiana and where are you from I'm the king of Louisiana you see the jersey in there right now uh Dion Sanders said that he was talk to Roger Goodell about having a little Wayne performed at the next Super Bowl yeah we got if it go down we got it bring me out I mean you got to give it to Wayne as a [ __ ] force of Louisiana yeah you know you can't take anything away from Wayne in his catalog never right now to bring booy but you guys don't have any songs together nah that don't mean nothing he can bring me out for the for the culture right what song would you perform in Super Bowl uh wipe me down or Set It Off H not uh independent uh I mean I'll perform rocking man Ian whatever they ask you to perform you know that that that'll be big for me bro yeah and I if they give it to see I'm the type if I bro somebody give me a chance I'mma I'mma show outo I mean you can't even say Well they're not gonna bring out Wayne because he's a gangster rapper because they just had Dr Dre right right and who Dr Dre brought with him that whole West Coast yeah I mean Snoop I mean you're right and if you talk in Louisiana yeah who you got to bring right Dr Trey BR out Snoop F50 bro who you gotta bring bro you know what I think is gonna happen though what I think Jay Z go perform JayZ go perform he's in charge of that [ __ ] oh yeah okay okay so Wayne ain't gonna be calling the shots well Wayne is not calling the shots so when you when they pick you do they do they still have the if you want to bring somebody in to perform got to deal with the bosses uh yeah tell them it's part of your set no no the whole thing is a negotiation obviously it has to be signed off like for example like if you remember the the super time half uh halftime show the noise yeah that's my ankle monitor oh is it going off nah it's it's fully charged we going to keep this in the footage this is going to be part of the footage yeah I Can't Let It Go De man well well like like for example like when you remember that the halftime show with Dr Dre he brought out Kendrick yeah and Kendrick had to censor some of his lyrics oh okay from from the song he performed okay and they asked you know Dre whether like Kendrick had a problem with it he's like no everyone understood the gravity of the performance and no one was trying to you know have an ego about it everyone knew okay cool these are the rules we're going to go along with the rules cuz obviously this is the biggest stage in the world right now right you know what I'm saying so but from what I understand Jay-Z is in charge of kind of coordinating everything so and I think they actually asked him they said how come you don't perform yourself he goes well I I don't you know I don't want it to really be about myself I'm trying to you know I don't want to be selfish about it basically but I think at some point Jay-Z's gonna be like yeah it's my turn now okay and it might be next year you don't know well Jay-Z if you perform in New Orleans right me out yes a closed mouth don't right I ain't never I been told no a million times in my life that's what made me great right so if Jay-Z watching right now I mean put me on jig right and from what I understand Usher got paid $600 did the performance who Usher you don't get paid $600 that's all you get paid right but I mean but think about what what's going to happen to your streams and your shows and everything else like that what someone's going to say no I don't think anyone actually turned down a Super Bowl performance hell no yeah H don't know they could charge him to perform and they'll say yes yeah you know what I'm saying we need a million dollars I got to scrape a million dollars then yeah you know well you said uh Travis and Taylor uh Swift need to go make a baby yeah I agree I love them together yeah they're a nice couple yeah bro tra he just fly bro dude just yeah dude just BR they're trying to give him credit for uh for the fade saying that he yeah he got popularize the he got the gang [ __ ] up go get his b and sit his b on side we [ __ ] Travis Kelsey Fade up everybody in my DM Travis Kelsey got the new boo don't start with me early this morning I waste my damn coffee yeah you know what's funny is during my interview with uh uh Terence Gangster Williams he said vad you got a Boosy fate I said I do not have a Boosy fade said no you have a Boosy fade that's the first time my life I ever heard that yeah Travis Kelsey he can't can't touch this F yeah I agree but he said bro uh I will laugh my ass off at Travis Kelce celebration you gotta have some black in him you gotta fight for your right gota love Travis Kel oh yeah you heard his you heard his speech yeah you ever saw him dress look like Travis Kelsey going to a club in Atlanta man Travis Kelsey be fly as [ __ ] bro yep hey Travis k bro top of the world right now I like him bro I like like how he bag Taylor Swift he went for it and man I I just I like dude yeah for the baby in her G I would have been skiy he supposed have been skiy in Taylor will Pig Li the post size meat the meat he supposed to been sked than her yeah she's 34 it's time yeah you wait till 50 then she what probably 6 feet 511 yeah oh yeah that's a athlete God damn that's a that's that's another Pro 5'11 511 in him oh that's another a tight end that's another one oh oh bro wide receiver there you go bro that's a bro with the Taylor Swift legs lanky oh man USC stand out well speaking of football players the Cam Newton fight yeah I just saw it man yeah man you got a hand that that man wore a Wicked Witch of the West hat that never fell off he fought off six people and the hat and the witch hat never fell off his head cam the street Cam ain't hey Cam ain't no punk boy yeah I me I don't even think he was punching back he was just sort of just throwing him off of it I don't know I couldn't really see it I mean it was crazy but from what I understand though and someone actually posted a video of this cuz the two guys actually uh did an interview about it and then people start posting compilations Afters of what they were talking about that cam was just very verbally abusive to that team okay y'all ain't [ __ ] y'all ain't nothing without me you know y'all fuckups ra just over and over and over again until somebody just snapped and then I think the dude that got in a fight with him his brother saw what happened so his brother tried to jump in to help him and you know what I'm saying but I think that's why cam hasn't said anything because I think cam understands that he had he had a role in all this happening people don't just jump on someone like a Cam Newton for no reason right because they know what they're going to be in for so someone just reached a Breaking Point right but it was a crazy ass fight yeah let's switch gears a little bit Kodak Black he dropped your name in 11:00 a.m. Malibu freestyle yeah he said uh and NW has been scared of me from ever since I remember that's what the streets tell me I don't care about that [ __ ] though I'm trying to get rich ho who booy think he is who you NWS think you being yeah I heard him when you heard that what you think um what I say it really really really affected him bro I mean he not letting it go what I said about Tashi thing yeah and it seemed like since then he been down here so I think that that really I think he regret what he did with Tashi and you know I a't I ain't I ain't going to go hard on nobody in no situation like that cuz I've been there before but I just feel like what I said it really got under his skin every interview he been doing he been you know I mean I just feel like I I really got under his skin bro I mean that's basically it man we got to I mean I think it'll be better if see what we don't like to do is own upti mistakes bro because our pride I used to be like that when I was young you know I a used to ain't on up to my mistakes even when I went to I used to be but I just we got to start on to mistakes and be like man I feel I made a bad decision you know that make when you when you speak your truth that make people forget about a lot of a lot of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so I just think with that situation you know I kind of I kind of got under his skin and and and I think he I think he at a point where he he regret what he did well you responded on Twitter you said who booy think he is someone you will never be facts you gota you must still be mad about what I said because you keep bringing my name up Kodak Black you got to blame yourself you gave your career a black eye I didn't do it you did it you're supposed to be the focus on getting back out here with your family and getting help I wish you the best and I wish you Freedom yeah you know it's just yeah I want Kodak free man stay out of jail bro mean right BG you guys actually finally got to meet face to face yeah for the first time in how many years uh since since November 9th 2009 damn that is 15 years 14 and a half years yeah how did it feel I shed a teal bro really you cried yeah right because when you were getting out he was going in right right around the same time no when I when I went in he went in like eight months later aha okay well the whole thing about his case came up and I forgot who put it out there first it was either 1090 Jake or wack 100 but there was the whole thing about the gun charge right so from what I understand when he got pulled over with a gun he had a Fall Guy yeah who said that's my gun right and where the the criticism came from was I guess that the statement that the Fall Guy made when he came to the grand jury BG basically said the exact same thing that the Fall Guy already stated on the record and they tried to basically paint it as him snitching that's how it goes it's all orchestrated for who him to take the charge right this happens a million times in the neighborhood every day every day when when somebody gets in the car every day hey look when it when it something happens it goes to you you have no criminal record that's how it goes would you do a a grand jury statement if someone took a gun charge for you yeah and you would have no problems no I'm not testifying against nobody to put them in in prison they've already testified against themselves they've already testified against themselves right when we got in this car we already know who going to take this lck go listen to all the old rap songs what people talking about my legi he going he gonna take this lck in gangs you get recruited to take licks yeah you get put in the car to take licks so we got to tell this da who this for that's the plan right we not going against what he said we're not saying something different from what he says right everybody is agreeing that this is his gun yes and it might actually be his gun even if it's [ __ ] not yeah this is a neighborhood thing since the since since Al Capone since the 40s that you could call the dudes little lucky little Bobby the the younger kids who don't have a record it's not he saying that he's saying that I ain't do nothing with it and you saying that no come on after this came out BG got a chain with a rat in a coffin and then he did a song with finesse two times where he said uh my Edward booy went home my dog was steady blowing my nedward Wheezy steady toring but he a [ __ ] and a showing you heard that yeah did you and BG talk about that nah nah he didn't shout you out if we did I wouldn't tell you okay fair enough but from what I understand him and Wayne actually talked it out afterwards yeah they talked it up yeah but now I'm going to say this I'm I'm going to stay saying this because finess two times I remember did an Instagram post they said uh they need to stop killing these rappers and start killing these bloggers because finesse two times has paperwork on him as well so BG did a song with someone while wearing a rat in a coffin who cooperat would you do a song Someone cooperated sometimes you don't know who cooperate you know but i i a i a I ain't [ __ ] with that you know I I didn't did songs with people like local dudes and they didn't came back and be like booy he a he a snitch you know but it it was it was too late you know but know rats I'm not [ __ ] with them I I mean okay I that's not that's why I not what I believe in bro right I just got a call the other day I did a post for somebody and dude like man [ __ ] just a post you know just a business post like yeah he got a he got a brand or whatever and I did a post for him and dudes all under my [ __ ] right now just man I was just doing a post I didn't like man that's my first time seeing yeah well that started the whole thing with you and wack 100 yeah uh wack 100 called bgs snitch uh you call wack 100 a clown uh I think in an interview I think it was on cam cam Capone uh when you talk about wack 100 said you say you're like that but I'm like that yeah now I know wack me and wack are cool again we were beefing for like 10 years we didn't talk for 10 years we were beefing but we just didn't talk for 10 years over some [ __ ] that happened 10 years ago so me and whacker on good terms again uh and we did an interview on no jumper we basically says that he respects you you know I mean he'd been around you said that you've done him some favors and stuff like that in terms of like some music [ __ ] and uh he don't have a problem with you he's just putting out what he felt you know was accurate what's your take on wack 100 I a really got no take on out you know [ __ ] telling about they gonna do me something when they see me so I dm' them you know basically you know you dm' them yeah what you say uh I'm like that basically you know I ain't going to go into detail but I just told him you know I mean I just basically told him man man I don't really want to talk about it on here but ain't nobody ain't nobody ain't nobody bro like I basically told him man man a bro like I a these other dudes who you bro like you know he was talking crazy bro when I woke up when I saw that [ __ ] I was just like you know man we G we going to lay you down bro like real [ __ ] bro like my little [ __ ] Ain't Going for nobody putting their hands on their boss man well I can't tell you that whack he he does troll a lot but he is a reasonable person he's not crazy you know what I'm saying like I said I've had problems with whack where he talked crazy to me on the phone that's actually where our problem started 10 years ago there was a situation over a Ray J video shoot where he got upset over some photos I posted over the shoot and he called me and he started talking crazy yeah me won had arguments now before this yeah you know what I'm saying so I said had arguments before this about the Kodak [ __ ] yeah then we were straight again but but the [ __ ] man and listen I I may have a problem with whack in the future you don't know like whack is like that but but what I'm saying is is that ultimately you could talk it out with him and if it's about some business he's willing to put it all aside and get get to business that's all I'm saying but I don't want to see anything happen between any of y'all because at this point I know everybody you know what I'm saying so it is what it is I mean I don't hey bro like I don't want no op I mean I I live a I live a peace life man yeah you know I ain't looking for no op but I I ain't ducking no smoke bro you know I ain't ducking no smoking I ain't going to let nobody harm me FL right I got nor should anybody yeah you know me neither you know what I'm saying let's talk about Diddy for a second so from what I understand whenever you perform the WIP Me Down remix when it's time for the just left New York City hooked up with P Diddy that is no longer wrapped your in your performances no I skipped that you skipped that part because hooking up with P Diddy has taken on a whole different meaning these days most recently a man has filed a lawsuit against P didy claiming all types of insane [ __ ] and and what's crazy now is that uh Meek Mill and Usher are now somehow involved in this lawsuit allegedly over the the freak offs or or whatever else now now I can't tell you Meek will got a hold out a little bit because of the photo that he took with didd he you know the photo I'm talking about when they dressed light yeah I know it blad I don't want to see it blad I don't want to [ __ ] see it I [ __ ] with me I don't want to see it I don't really know what uh why Meek would put that on man I mean unless they just came no you can't even say they came and were just by chance it's not like oh okay we're both wearing the new Louis [ __ ] okay this could happen no that's an outfit that they decided to wear together a [ __ ] I know ain't [ __ ] did I ever tell you my puffy story I actually told us on drink champ no m is not [ __ ] puff no it's a no [ __ ] I'm going against it I don't give a [ __ ] let me tell you my let me tell you my puffy story real quick so so this was years this was maybe this before Vlad TV this was maybe around 200 six and uh I was rocking with this company called stal and Dean and they had these really dope throwback um jackets like like Negro League teams don't tell me he came at you bro but what bro just just hear me out hear me out oh my God all right so you going to go B well happened was I got this jacket uh for a team it was a Negro League team called the brown bombers right it was brown and it had like this kind of like uh you know football player dude on the back and had like the matching beanie it was fly right and I think I was the only one that really had it at the time because I was working directly with the company so I go out to a club and I'm wearing the [ __ ] right so this dude walks up to me and goes hey man um I work with Diddy okay cool yeah man um he really likes uh the jacket that you're wearing um he's wondering if you would uh sell it to him and I'm like man get get the [ __ ] out of here I'm not taking off my goddamn jacket to sell to puppy like what what type of weird ass request is that I said I'm good man no thank you I don't get it BL he tried to buy my jacket off me what you saying so he can see your body that what you no no no look he like the jacket she just want to so what's freaky about that you going now there's nothing freaky about it is just weird it's just weird have you ever seen a man out in public and and buy his clothes off of him have you ever seen some dude wearing a nice jacket hey man let me buy that off I'm just saying puffy a different kind of [ __ ] that's all I'm saying to have the G to do [ __ ] getting bad yeah I would have been fired for bankruptcy no I think you saw his money I would I would bro I P paid up too quick man he paid that [ __ ] in 35 minutes he paid up too quick yeah well you know Columbus Short uh the actor he actually did an interview recently he paid up too quick bro that's the whole thing bro I would have cast it yeah I would have made a wa you rap me I I we smoke crack together I would have turned to a crackhead we did LSD together the [ __ ] raped me I woke up something was in my in my [ __ ] ear yeah I say she had a [ __ ] man I would have flipped it on that [ __ ] oh no I would have say the [ __ ] had a a some a voodoo lady over me oh I would have flipped it I would have kind stand hey your honor she lying on me we crackheads together ain't no way I would have paid a [ __ ] in 35 minutes man well he didn't pay that much what he paid him it doesn't matter man I heard I heard paid too quick I heard the amount of I heard from someone not going to say who but I heard from someone and they told me what the amount was and it's not as much as people think it is he paid too quick but he did pay very quick he paid too quick now they got ghost is coming from [ __ ] oh yeah it's bad bro it's bad bro well you know uh Columbus Short the actor he did an interview and he was talking about how oh I saw that yeah he said he did it called him called him and said hey man uh I want to meet with you uh I'm I'm staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel you know was like 2 a.m. he like yeah man go you know come by my room goes oh who over there oh it's just me now to me this doesn't seem all that weird yes it is what I mean have they cocaine together before have they smoked a blunt before if Jay-Z calls me and said hey Vlad I want to have a meeting with you come to my hotel room at 2 A.M by and I'm here by myself I would absolutely go to that hotel room what's Jay goingon to do to me rape me like you know what I'm saying hold me and obviously it's weird because obviously because he probably heard something okay so you hear something so what I mean this is a mogul I know that everyone's trying to flip things you know I mean look now if some real [ __ ] that happened I understand you know kid Cy's car got blown up and you know the the whole male you know Cassie said that they had freak offs where dudes with big dicks with [ __ ] and well puffy watched you know yeah okay that should probably happen I'm just saying if if if a major businessman called me and said he wants to have a meeting with me in his hotel room in the middle of the night I wouldn't see a problem with that I would absolutely go to that meeting me too probably me too yeah cuz I'm thinking ain't nobody going to try me like that yeah exactly if I'm not gay yeah now if I was a woman I understand now if I had heard something about who calling me that's a whole different thing okay so so Columbus Short heard something okay that's probably why he was like by your by myself whatever what what they going to do my thing is like unless you show up and there's five [ __ ] in there and he's telling me he's by himself let's go down and me in the lobby then you know I don't feel comfortable but in general the problem is that right now it's a pylon right everyone gonna come with a story I'm gonna come talking about how puffy wanted to buy my jacket you know and people go take it a certain type of way you know I don't think there's any sexual I don't think there's anything sexual about it I just think he liked my jacket he was just basically didn't have enough respect for me to actually ask me where I got my jacket right which I would have just told him I mean puff was a cool dude when I met him man yeah I've never had any problems with puff I I remember actually I remember when those pictures of Cassie came out remember those naked pictures with the pier nipples and everything I like that we had posted the picture and it was going viral wonderful yes and I remember my man you are you are everything my man Sean pre called me because he puffy was calling everyone to get it taken down right and I remember puff called me no he didn't call me he called Sean who knew who he knew knew knew me and he was like Hey puff you want to talk to you and I'm like I'm not taking this phone call he said you don't want talk the puff I said I already know what this phone call is about I'm not going to sit here and listen to a man yell at me cuz you know I'm going to start yelling at him back and it's going to turn into a [ __ ] thing I saw on the news I mean on social media today a girl say puff shot her in the face well it was it was the sh it was the shine remember I just saw that before we got interview okay so so that story remember the reason why shine went to prison was there was a shooting that happened in New York Jennifer Lopez was there yeah you remember that right yeah so an argument ensued in a nightclub where a bunch of dudes basically got into alteration with puffy and his crew and he was like oh no [ __ ] we got money too and they threw a bunch of money in his face and from what The Story Goes was that shine pulled out a gun and shot and a girl got shot in the face and someone else got shot you know they they jumped in a [ __ ] car with Jennifer Lopez and puffy tried to get the the limo driver to take the gun charge and everything else like that but now the girl who got shot who got paid off a whole bunch of money is now saying that puffy was the actual shooter not shy you think her money gone yeah I think her money ran out and she just trying to hit another lawsuit with puff yeah it's too late right if she already it's too late and probably she's probably violating an NDA because usually when you have a settlement yeah you're not allowed to speak on it yeah but she probably just doesn't give a [ __ ] right now money's out she's broke you know what I'm saying because I can't imagine I can't imagine shine going to prison for 10 years when he wasn't the shooter at all not saying that he a civilian now well I mean now he's like a civilian a politician he's a civilian exactly I mean Shan just might be a soldier bro you know I don't know bro we he hated puff for years because puff basically got their cases separated and I think puff actually may have testified against him I don't know man I mean I just it was a messed up situation did it going through it right now yeah he's definitely going through it definitely going through it if I was Diddy man I'd just go out to Bali with Russell Simmons just layo for a couple years bring his favorite girls out there bring his new baby out there and just you know bring you young Miami out there you know what I'm saying you know pee on her every other day and just call call it a day [Laughter] man a have a bunch of his favorite water around you know so that's the craziest [ __ ] bro I will never I mean I would never peel I hate I piss smell I've done it before you done it before babe yeah one of my exes yeah she was in I did oh my God yeah I've talked about this before man bro I just hate our piss smell yeah I wasn't into I'm from the I'm from the hood bro I hate used to hate the smell a pissy [ __ ] yeah I know you know even in elementary school I know that pissy she asked me to do it right and you wet her ass up yeah in the shower in the shower you trying to you trying to make make it make it they want to [ __ ] my bed up you know what I'm saying man I bro I can't I just can't stand and that smell man and she kind of explained I'm like I'm so after we were done I'm like can you explain to me why why you wanted me to do this and she goes well it's like a closeness thing because we know we're so close that even like peeing is not like taboo you know kind of just it's like kind of like rocking down barriers and I'm like all well I ain't doing this [ __ ] again I'm good we're done like you know we weren't done no we still stay together but I'm just saying like it was something she asked me to do I did it it wasn't my thing though but clearly it's young Miami so French Montana did a interview recently where he said that nipy hustle murder actually stopped him from buying up his old block I ain't see that yeah I think it was a breakfast club maybe did you ever think about that buying up your old black no no interest why do you think people do that I don't know I don't know every person in they in they in they uh in they mind but uh I mean depends on what kind of person you and what you've done in that Community you know what I'm saying certain [ __ ] who ain't done nothing uh you know put nobody down might can buy your block man I mean even if it might bring Envy like you know you might can buy your block I mean nipy was trying to do it I mean not his old block but he was basically working on his old neighborhood right right right but you know was buying up strip malls and stuff like that [ __ ] Petty now bro you buy your own block [ __ ] set that [ __ ] on fire yeah that's what happened to uh javante Davis yeah bro like this [ __ ] before they bust a gun they'll flick a light you know know and know what your heart into you know my Mye KS did it though he has a a show on Netflix about doing it yeah my I just left his I just left his community oh yeah you checked it out yeah now I got I ain't get no more hotels in Indianapolis again I'm going to stay on Mike block oh yeah man I had so much fun with Mike G's family bro I felt like they was my family bro like Mike G Mike G are real [ __ ] bro what' you think about Mike EPs and Shannon sharp going at it cuz Mike EPS called him zesty yeah then Shannon sharp was like yeah I'm going to see you and I'm going see if you say it to my face my CS made a video said man I don't really do much fighting these days I do I do black and uh I'm G to see you at Allstar in my neighborhood in Indianapolis and we going to do some blank blank blank and I'mma tell you from my point of view Shannon sharp got scared cuz before you know took a picture together working it out I mean bro we got to understand you can't can't really threaten people on social media man yeah that [ __ ] going to stick in court BR you can't that that's a that's a liable case of selfdefense when you say you going to hurt somebody or when you see somebody you know that's a bro that's a liable case to get you know something to happen you know so I was like man I hope he don't try that naptown like oh yeah no and i' I've heard stories about Mike I don't think anything's going to happen to him in his in his hometown oh no they they love him way too much then they're not going to let an outsider come in and do something to him it's not happening it's not happening not in his home City it's not happening bro yeah and I think Shannon figured that out very quickly it's not happening yeah they love Mike Like Larry Hoover hm Larry Hoover Hoover I've never I've never heard nobody talk negative in naptown about Mike yeah and I've been there going there since 2003 H okay yeah me me and Mike used to talk years and years ago I was actually trying to hook him up to play M Dre in the movie okay oh he would have K it would have been perfect bro D would been perfect bro he would bro he would have killed and this was like 10 years ago so you know what I'm saying it would have been perfect perfect but you he say he going to do me a part in my twins movie I'mma hold him to it to okay yeah well speaking of comedians the whole Cat Williams thing happened right after our last interview yeah where he he blacked out on everybody he did Michael blackon Steve Harvey CED Entertainer Ricky Smiley Kevin Hart Diddy Jonathan Majors Tyler Perry Tiffany hadish Harvey Weinstein ludicrous earthquake also claimed you turned out $50 million three times to wear a dress he reads 3,000 books a day uh adopted 500 kids like everything when you seen Cat Williams go off what you think these numbers will never be done again I mean that was that was some that was some legendary [ __ ] like that at the end of the year they gonna be the front thing of the other paper you know when they had an Instagram flashback yeah K Williams yeah that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was but C my boy man K well yeah we talk it's funny because right when that happened that's when our clip with me and you yeah dropped about how he just threw you like $155,000 when you got out of jail right and I've been hearing these stories has been talking about it uh beanie seagull talked about it in our interview he gave beanie seagull a Lambo just a half here you go and he's the best or one of the best standup comedians yeah he's up there I've ever seen he's up there ever seen yeah he he he's definitely up there man uh and you know listen all that did was help his tour now his tours are packed out even more yeah and he's bringing in all the people that you know that are beefing with the people he diss with now you got Mo'Nique on his tour he got Kevin Hart's x-wife on his tour he's just like the the pettiness level is on 100 go Chas it is definitely chess it it is definitely chess um well you went to go see the color purple with your daughter yeah how old was she seven and nine seven 7 and N yeah s and n got it now you end up walking out over the the lesbian scene right yeah yeah now to be fair right because you know me and you always keep it 100 yeah the color purple is a PG-13 movie okay so your kids are technically too young to be at that movie to begin with yeah I guess yeah right so there's that but what made you actually walk out of the movie uh it was just uh it was prolonged like it was it wasn't just like the the last kiss or whatever with them with uh Oprah mean with Whi Goldberg them ass ass lip it was it was a whole [ __ ] it was a whole [ __ ] love story like it was going to the movies I mean it was just I just felt it was it was turning into a lesbian love story what I was looking at you know I was just like man and then when at at the second kiss uh my stepdaughter say uh and I looked over there and my other daughter was like this I'm like cuz I'm cuz I'm already whispering to my boy ear like man this [ __ ] is getting like this [ __ ] is getting gayer by the minute I'm like what the [ __ ] then I there in the horse and carriage you know like this [ __ ] is looking acceptable if you looking at it the screen like a woman supposed to love a woman so as a parent I have the right to say let's go because I'm raising my daughter to one day love a man you know what I'm saying and I have that right as a parent everybody's not going to agree with what I do right but your oldest daughter is gay right yeah right so so so it doesn't matter how you raise them sometimes kids are going to be what they want to be you you don't have control over that you can you can try to have control over you can have influence you can have influence you can't have control you can try to have control you can have influence you can influence them that's just like if somebody wants to play basketball doesn't want to play basketball but he's s feet and you want him to play basketball you have the right to tell your eight-year-old son you're going to [ __ ] play basketball right shout out toar because a parent shout out to Lavar ball yeah because a parent is a parent and a child is a a child if a child comes tell you at 8 years old she wants to be gay you can tell her shut the [ __ ] up you don't know what that is yet you don't know what that is you're GNA you're going to do this yeah that was a that that was a parent that that as a parent if a child tells it's the same way we just take it away from the LBG but it's the same way if if your son says Daddy I want to go shoot my teacher yeah you got the right to say is you [ __ ] crazy and it's the same way with with anything a child is a child you rais that child how you want that child to be raised as a parent yeah a a child can't raise a parent correct or besway a parents yes that's where the world has [ __ ] up at right we can't be our child friend we have to be the parent correct a friend you going to tell her I want to uh I want to kiss a girl girl you really want to kiss a girl is you is you really want to kiss but a parent took your [ __ ] lips in but but my point you have a husband one day right but my point is is that both those little girls were too young to see this movie anyways yeah but I didn't think I didn't you know cuz they cuz my daughter wanted to see it because she loves what's the girl name out mermaid oh uh Holly baile she was like Holly Bailey's in the movie Daddy you know yeah and I'm and I'm looking at it they saying it's a musical it is a musical I started I started watching it and I just was like I'm not in the musical so I stopped watching yeah yeah so you when I think musical I'm thinking Nickelodeon but it's got the PG-13 I'm thinking yeah but but when I think musical I'm thinking just Moana Moana I'm thinking you might have some you know I'm not thinking yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm not thinking that you know I hey I thought a tongue was going to go in somebody mouth I mean it was it was convincing to me I mean it was convincing you would look at that and be like it's cool then then the actors they had doing it was so convincing you know Taj she can play this [ __ ] you know and then she's the big shot on there yeah you know so all the little girls who not the big shots ugly you know looking like you know who not the big shots you know they [ __ ] might get wet from you know want to kiss the the big shot you know so you got to write as a parent to say it's time to go was teraji one of the ones kissing a girl yes oh okay see I haven't seen it yeah teraji was the the main kisser yeah okay Playboy cardi you see what he was wearing I saw him I got in the thong it's sad bro listen I I put under the thing SMH sad Iggy aelia posted a picture of herself in a thong and someone said I know IG your baby daddy was wearing the same thing she said well who wore it better man bro like man oh my gosh bro oh my gosh I don't want to speak for I don't want to speak for hey man it comes to a point when you got to say man should stay with swagy P I've never seen him in the thong pause man bro IG is too bad bro man yeah that was just like a can you imagine being a having a child with someone did you see it man and suddenly there's a picture of him and a thong man did you see it man it was awful like work at Strokers maybe he's on his way to Strokers I don't know man bro like it was bro it was bro bro it was man I was like man bro like you're wrong bro more women should have stepped up and bro the women are quiet bro yeah the women are quiet bro yeah like I said before more women should have stood up and said man I think think Su say uh told what you call look at your baby daddy right more women got to St she should have went in MO you know W you got to call men out their name you got to make a hashtag for them yeah Skittle booty see through sucker you have to make you women have to start man bro cuz a man going to think it is cool yeah if a woman ain't saying nothing about it they thinking it's cool bro listen if all the women out there said man we love men and thongs there'd be a crowd thongs thgs everywhere bit The thone Thong Song will get remixed Cisco would put it back at Cisco go triple platinum this yearis Cisco be man Cisco go in a month in a month the women all the women especially the women who who who people look up to I love to see a man in a thone oh they have men th them [ __ ] are being JayZ Penny listen now now I'm thinking about the Cardy picture with a Thong Song thing in the background it's [ __ ] my head up right now see got my head messed up now bro y'all got to do something man y'all bro speaking of women it seemed like all the the big female rappers are are beefing right now um Megan versus Nikki was kind of interesting yeah because when Megan dropped his she said these hoes don't be mad at Megan These Hoes mad at Megan's Law yeah and Megan's Law is a child molester registration law yeah I know that [ __ ] cut deep with Nikki yeah she came in with that Bigfoot response which was not it it cause cause Megan song went number one yeah Nick [ __ ] was funny too it was a little funny but saw picture that she zoomed in the Bigfoot that what the blogs was doing nah yeah that [ __ ] was crazy I mean well Nikki went on like a onewe TI raade where she told Megan to dig up her dead mother yeah I saw that think that was too far um I mean I don't think so I mean because a child molester accusation to the to the man it's not an accusation it's a fact okay well bringing that up bringing that up bringing that up I mean I mean I I like both of them as a fan of their music but yeah I think they're both great rappers I mean it's just I don't like to see them women arguing I mean ice spice and Lotto are going at it yeah yeah I saw the [ __ ] truck the truck got vandalized I was riding I was said man I just saw that [ __ ] truck I didn't even know what that was I thought that was a Chuck and Cheese truck but you know I I'm G tell you like I I heard the The Ice fight song that you think of the [ __ ] yeah you're not even a fart like that song goes that's actually my favorite ice byy song ever like that beat the way they kind of Switched the beat up like the way that th track comes in I'm like oh okay you heard the song yeah I heard it I heard I thought it was dope man but it's just sort of crazy that all the big female rappers are once again once again all fighting each other that's crazy Lil Kim and Foxy Brown Mick and everyone what like it just keeps it keeps going yeah n not gonna be the new stuff and that is that is not not gonna be the new Star remember I told y'all that I hope they don't get to hating on her because right I mean that's with this music with this music now especially for the women you got to be bad if you ain't bad but that that was always been the case yeah no that's always been the case Kim and Foxy they were both bad in their day yeah yeah come on Nikki got she came out she was bad yeah you got to be bad bro that's if you got the look it's the look if you got that look you going to get booked because man bro it's bro and honestly I I feel bad for the women because when you look at the top male rappers none of them are like sex symbols right you know what I'm saying right in the straightest way possible right now okay the straightest way possible Kendrick Lamar jcole Drake Jay-Z none of these men are like heartthrobs and you know have their shirt off and are all muscle bound and greased up like 50 Cent used to be you know what I'm saying like none of them are selling sex to women the way women are selling sex right I feel like the same bar is not there for men like Kendrick I feel is the best worst dressed rapper ever Kendrick is always wearing something that just makes no goddamn sense to me yeah but a lot of people consider himself consider him the best rapper out right now when he drops think about it everything else stops when Kendrick Lamar drops right I agree what does he have like 20 Grammys or some [ __ ] like you know what I'm saying like but none of these dudes got lipo none of them you know got well actually Dr got got like Bo I heard but you know but I'm saying that none of them are have the shirt off and whatever else whereas all these girls got bbl's lipo titties done yeah hair you know tons of makeup it it's I think it's unfair and they all end up fighting each other just is what it is I mean it is what it is I mean it is what it is I mean I'm not mad at it because as a man I actually you know I wouldn't mind no I don't like I I don't mind seeing it you know what I mean yeah that's what I just say it's the look yeah you know ice spice that ice spice video was was nice to watch yeah man when ice spice bro I spice B it bro know I she I think she's the baddest one out of the bunch cuz she seems like she's all natural I mean all of them bad I mean just think all the ones who ice spice lot Nicki Megan I mean sweetie yeah uh man I mean it's a it's a different flavor to each one I mean and it's something that going to cater to the man eye but they ain't no ain't none of them no bugaboos no ain't none of them no bugs no you know so it's the look yeah NBA young boy he did an interview and he he said he's not really into being a father he has 11 kids I know that you and you and young boy have a understanding not to speak about each other you know so I'm not looking for you to bash them or anything else like that but you have how many kids again I got eight you got eight kids there someone with a similar amount of kids can you give young boys some advice on fatherhood because it's a beautiful thing to be a father no I can call him and give him some advice oh you did I say I can call him yeah but not publicly N I don't want give okay fair enough you like having a lot of kids though matter of fact you you want more kids yeah how many more you want uh two more two more yeah two more little boys had to make five boys and five girls well you you can get boys if you want with in vitro yeah I think I'm going try like that i' I'm shooting blanks you been shooting blanks recently I'm shooting [ __ ] blank oh so you've been trying to make a bit uh last year sometime before my yeah before my troubles and [ __ ] okay I was trying to yeah but I'm shooting [ __ ] blanks I get mad talking to about well there was word out in the news that you're getting married yeah I can't talk it's part of my case part of the case okay fair enough how's the case progressing it's cool uh I go back on on uh I go back on March 7 I think and uh I mean it's just progressing I think from last time the judge the judge getting kind of irritated she ready to get this behind her I'm I am too man I'm just you know I just think you know I can say I got a judge who don't hate me man I always had judg you say you have a good judg yeah I don't you know I don't really know her I don't but you know I mean I'm doing what I got to do to show show the courts you know I'm I'm perfect in everything I do right you been speaking to kids yeah man just not that I don't miss curfew I don't yeah you don't smoke weed I don't I pass every test I mean tomorrow I'm I'm on Twitter I'm interviewing uh Robert F Kennedy Jr oh I interview I interviewed him before yeah I'm I'm interviewing him tomorrow on Twitter live about about gun gun laws and stuff I got a call from Jay called me this morning said the White House called me really about com and sit on the panel oh about gun uh about gun stuff and you know man congrats yeah man I'm going speak my mind about nonviolent felon should be able to carry man I mean I agree man I'm a I'm I'm a celebrity man I mean yeah a man who has charges for marijuana yeah should not be allowed to carry who's from South B Rouge who's been shot yeah you know who's never been off of rehab for his drugs M who's never been caught with weight yeah 27 gr 23 g 17 yeah and sent to prison for 10 years yeah come home a a citizen yeah pay taxes I paid taxes the last bro the last three four years yes I want to I wna I want to talk to these powerful people and ask and see if they feel my pain well speaking of voting you voted for Trump or Biden this time around I didn't vote for either I I haven't I haven't voted I Haven okay well what do you think about the Trump sneakers oh they ugly as [ __ ] would you rock them nah they ugly as [ __ ] they ugly as [ __ ] look like Apollo cre head of [ __ ] on rocky rocky well Trump made a statement he said that he feels his criminal indictments have boosted his appeal to Black voters I would agree really I would agree because I heard [ __ ] around me like man they trying to [ __ ] over Trump he ain't do all that [ __ ] so you feel he has a point I feel like he has a point bro I I mean cuz I heard it all my own is people be like you know uh man they trying to [ __ ] over Trump just when the when when charges come and [ __ ] but you know if we going to keep it real man black people like Trump cuz the money yeah you know we we we I'm not going to sh Co [ __ ] just because skin black you know most of the people who my color who love Trump feel like he you know he he gave us money the economy was better when Trump was President easy yeah easy yeah I'm I'm undd I'm I voted for Biden last time but this time I'm kind of undecided cuz you know one thing about Trump he let a lot of black [ __ ] out of jail Little Wayne and I think that was part of man he let he let some [ __ ] out of jail bro but it might been chess you know it was definitely chess chess everything Trump does is chess come on but uh the reason why the main reason why and I didn't heard this out my own africanamerican people mouth is I'm voting for Trump trump gonna pop it off the exact word I'm voting for Trump trump gonna give me some money you know so I'm going to keep it real about that that's what that's what our black people we ain't worri about no damn laws and all we worri about them the money money well uh the Griselda series on Netflix yeah you watched it yeah I watched it it was man uh shout out to sopia verar cuz she killed it she killed it woo I want a picture with Sophia oh yeah me too she she getting emmies for that like bro she guarante she killed it and when I saw her I doubted her because I didn't think she can play the Godmother because how she looked she yeah she's pretty she's kind of she does comedy I was like they wrong when I was reading it in the magazine on the plane when it was F to come out I was like they picked the wrong person for this but when she they did it when I she had that fake nose and oh yeah no she killed it oh she killed it I give her A+ on that right well you know right after that came out I've been filing the god mother yeah well right after that came out I had Charles Cosby okay who was her lover SL right drug business partner right and he what he did you got to hand it to him you know because he was in Cocaine Cowboys too like the whole cocaine watch a million times exactly I can tell you down everything he said on the do right can you imagine yourself would you would would could you have done what he did if you knew that a female cocaine Kingpin was in prison who's twice your age and twice your weight can you go in there and start [ __ ] her three times a week so she can connect you with with her business I would love to you would have done it I would have done it in the I would have done it in the blink of our I would have done it in the blink of ey right cuz cuz I brought up to 100 kilos the first drop yeah that's what he got 50 kilos and and I'm and I'm and I'm selling quarters and oun right rocks I'm selling right cuz he was like kidnapping drug dealers to try to get by he was really scraping the bottom of the barrel yeah yeah like like he that was that was that was a great movie man was not a movie actually happened I say a move a move sorry my yeah that was a great move he made oh yeah I mean you got hand to I mean that's some Oakland [ __ ] too man I've known so many you know I had so many black friends that had fat white girls at home that oh that's all you seeo I went to Oakland they living with her they got a PlayStation they all [ __ ] girls on the side I went to Oakland and over the years of going to Oakland for I say 20 years man I mean Oakland [ __ ] hey like getting money off of [ __ ] is a real life style it's well I mean if you think I see a real lifestyle it really The Pimp [ __ ] is really deep remember the movie the Mac you know where that was filmed Oakland that's right I ain't know that the first Pimp movie was filmed in Oakland man Oakland is bro like man bro like I don't even want to speak I don't even want to make Oakland hot well speaking of uh TV living like that yeah well speaking of TV series I remember you made a post that uh you had a crush on the on the hole in New Jack City oh yes I loved her with a short hair yeah I used to always beat my meat off her when I was little oh youed to jack off her yeah yeah yeah New Jack City I felt I'm going to say that that's the best gangster movie of that era New Jack City was up there I just watched it again you forgot how good it was that was Wesley in his prime it was good it was the introduction of iced tea as an actor yeah it was good you know what I'm saying I me it's to the way the way I'm G to say he's better than Menace yep they right there they right there I'm going say it's better than menace menace was great and Menace had an incredible opening scene and stuff like that but like but this was on another level you think about the budget like how they took over that whole building and you know I mean the actors like Menace didn't have a Wesley Snipes caliber actor in it no see what I'm saying I agree to that see what I'm saying had great actors and shout out to the Hughes Brothers I interviewed him yeah but Wesley was a superstar yeah Menace didn't have Superstars like that he had had very good actors yeah but not a superstar like a Wesley that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying man great series um before I let you go any updates on the whole young blue situation uh nah man I mean I just served him uh in Louisiana now so I fired on him in Louisiana more lo yeah yeah I fired on him in Louisiana still fighting on Empire in Tennessee uh I don't know bro I just just wish they would have gave me my money cuz I I kind of regret going back and forth with him bro cuz nobody makes no money when the family fused bro like you know I mean I agree he's been very very quiet for a while now bro he he just vanished off Instagram bro and I feel I had something to do with that bro and I kind of regret all that [ __ ] you know you know I'm looking at Friday I'm like d he got blue spot I'm looking like Dam yeah you you kind of say that I was looking like Dam that I mean like I wish they just he would have been respected so much more if he just would have say man just work it out pay let's work it out pay Boost his money yeah you know cuz he he posted something the other day about a bike and I went down the comment 80% of the comments was saying pay Boost yeah I was like damn bro like I was like damn I was feeling more for him I was feeling more for him than them oing me all the damn money man I was just like man we shouldn't even took that [ __ ] that far but you know a man got to stand up for his family and and his bag bro like if you ain't no man you know I I had but I was like you know uh blew a hell of a artist man and that just that [ __ ] up my CEO status a lot bro like you know but you know keep on I'mma keep on going it's just like I just feel like when it first came out if uh he would have did the right thing Not only would his fans but my fans would have respected yeah respected it more they would have thought about all this all the stuff that we said and done it would have got washed to the table realness always over capital fakeness or or things like that when you own up and you know it's just I don't know man but we just going to we just going to fight it out in court man I mean hopefully guys of them will pay me hopefully blue them blue them will pay me I mean that's what the courts are for man when things I I I had a you know I had a f lawsuit myself recently and luckily just got worked out but you know I'm saying sometimes you got to put your foot down people people people don't take you could sit there and argue with people all day long but it's some point that the arguing there's no more arguing it's time for the lawyers to get involved time for they got to deal with the repercussions of law now they got to spend money to to defend themselves against the lawsuit so now now we're both spending money okay yeah and I told him I I say bro these people putting us against each other to put you in a deeper hold right he was telling me man I'm millions in debt with a lawyer how both our lawyers say five star and they saying you 2 million in there but I'm only 250 yeah you're not it's not right not Millions Deb in a lawyer that that I know how much lawyers cost you unless you're doing a triple murder you are not you are not Millions man they want us to argue man they don't want you to resolve it yeah exactly so everything you ever make is going to belong to them exactly they sit right there and let you sign that knowing yeah knowing that you was my audience in everything right you know and when it come back guess what they do they did that that's what they arguing on the in the argument yes that TQ and blue did that that they didn't they was in The Blind yeah when I text guys for months asking him this is my artist when we going to take care of the the business so yeah they they they they they put us against each other man yep yep but seemed like uh you and your mom are on good terms again all huged up after the whole thing with your brother yep Y and you gave all your aunties Rolexes for Christmas that was kind of cool I like I gave other aunties who didn't come I gave him roaxes yesterday yes I held them for a minute because they didn't come and I just want to say before I let you go and and me me and you actually had a conversation about this uh the song type [ __ ] I feel is your best song since Rocket Man and I've seen it like playlisted now on on Spotify and I feel like this is the first song that's gotten traction for you in a while so congrats on that appreciate it great song man keep doing your thing until next time booy peace hold on hold on hold on wait I got a blues album on the way okay let's talk about it the booy blues now you already had one before I got one before part two no this not a part two it's called the booy blues okay stay tuned let me tell you what else I got the twins movie that I'm shooting next month okay also got am I going to be in that movie yeah I got you you got to find a twin uh a twin yeah okay I call him Nicholas Cage me me and him we're be it together I got another album I'm working on it's called My Russian Alliance okay am I in that I got a producer from Russia who been doing a lot of Beats for okay I got you and I got the me and Dad's album yeah I've been waiting for that we shopping that right now okay uh me and BG still finishing our album oh yeah that that's the one I'm really waiting hopefully me and we going to get in and finish y album okay I just talked to Rich Homie Quan about doing the album nice last week other than that I talked to PES about doing that oh okay so uh just be on the lookout all year for boo all right man when you guys drop all the joint albums man we'll do we'll do a little media run and we'll get you and everyone in collaborating with together to talk about it I'll help promote it you know most of the people you mentioned I've interviewed at some point shout out to richw that that's my man and interview P before I interviewed D before me and BG trying to work something out I got got to hit him back uh yeah man looking forward to it that's what it is till next time boo
Channel: djvlad
Views: 555,976
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Id: c_Z50muVv-8
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Length: 178min 29sec (10709 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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