Bookshelf Tour (2019)

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oh hello my name is Mara and welcome to books like whoa okay guys today we have a video that has been long requested here on books like whoa something that I have been trepidatious to film because of just the number of books involved and I finally found a way to do this that I think will satisfy the kind of underlying gist of the request but will be in a way that does not drive me insane so that is today we are doing a bookshelf tour of all of the books that I have around my house I have I guess eight bookshelves scattered amongst my various rooms in this house and I am NOT going to do a traditional bookshelf tour where I take out every single book and show it to you I love those like I like watching them I totally get why people want me to do that but I have I think like probably about a thousand books and physical I just don't I don't want to do that like that's just what it boils down to that doesn't sound like fun to me in the future at the end of the year I'm going to do a similar video to what I did last year where I did my penguin clothbound collection and showed every book I'm going to do that for all of my classics and then I will also do that for all of my Agatha Christie collection because I said that I would do that so I will have like a more traditional bookshelf tour for those two collections but I'm just gonna go shelf by shelf and talk with you guys about where like what kinds of books I have you'll see them all you just won't see all of their covers there's a couple of things that I want to say before we dive into this first of all if you were somebody who just like doesn't like these please don't watch this like this is something that some people enjoy watching other people won't if you're somebody who won't enjoy watching this you have my permission to click off now second of all if you are somebody who will feel bad seeing a lot of books on someone else's shelves in terms of like maybe you're just an in place in life where you do not have the space or you do not have the funds or whatever to have a big collection you would like it if watching this will make you feel bad about that please don't watch it because the coup coolest most awesome thing you can be doing is using your resources to address your responsibilities and using your space in a way that makes sense for you I this is the first time in my entire life where I had carte blanche to start really digging into like acquiring physical books for a very long time I was moving from place to place and I really just couldn't justify I mean don't get me wrong I still had a large collection but like I mean right now in theory I have enough space in my home where I could have as many as I want and I'm also if for the rest of my life in a place financially where that is not something that is irresponsible for me to do I can pretty as long as I just didn't go absolutely wild and in any given month whatever book I would like to buy for myself I can and that is the first time I can ever really say that so I just want a caveat there that like if you either will just not enjoy this please don't watch it or if this is gonna like stir up things in you that you don't need to have stir it up also please don't watch this finally I want to be really clear I love collecting physical books I also love collecting ebooks I like collecting books of any kind this is like a hobby for me it's something I really enjoy it's also a key part of sort of like my overall decor or like ways to make my house feel homey that I really enjoy but that does not make me like a better reader or a better book tuber or whatever like the number of physical books that somebody has has zero correlation to how much of a true reader they are like that is ridiculous since the printed books have been a thing there has been a market for people who literally buy books by the yard like interior decorators still do this to this day because they are aesthetically pleasing somebody could have an entire beauty and the beast' library of books and have read 0 of them and therefore would not be a reader you do not have to own physical books to be a true reader that is what the library is for like some people only read on their e-readers and I will link below read with Cindy's video about why she chooses not to really own I think she owns like five books something wild that is that is it completely that does not make her ideal of a reader so anyway I know that that's a lot of disclaimers but like this is something that always goes through my head when I see bookshelf tours and when I see some in the comments I just want to put that out there that like this is meant to be fun we're not like five minutes into this video and I'm already still talking about this this is just for fun please take this with the spirit which is with which it is offered which is people want to see my books and I love my books I really do they bring me a ton of joy I don't feel guilty having them this is like the thing in my life I most enjoy buying and so there you go all that to say let's jump in we're gonna start here in my bedroom with my smaller shelf and then we will make my way around the house I hope you guys enjoy this and I'll catch it here at the end to say goodbye okay guys a bookshelf number one is going to be my what I call my imminent TBR shelf and you guys see you guys you can see that this isn't made better than this is my bed right here with my am covers and whatnot this is something you guys see whenever I'm doing my what I'm reading right now videos I keep it a little more cash and kind of like to sit in front of my imminent TBR shelf here and I don't know in general whenever I'm trying to be a little bit more casual this is a pretty quick setup for me so I will often bring you guys in here for those kinds of videos I call my imminent TBR list because there's like this is basically my shelf where things that like I am planning on reading in the next two months can sometimes live flash like things that I want to pull sometime in the next two months can live so as of this moment in July this is kind of what's on here so yeah it's like a bookshelf tree and then over it penguin postcard collection quote-unquote art that I made I basically made myself a poster out of a bunch of penguin postcards so that lives here as well so coming in a little closer I don't necessarily have a very specific way that I organize these books this isn't much more about kind of doing load balancing because while this I think is a much more functional bookshelf for me than when I had a TBR cart in here the is definitely a lot more useful it is kind of a flimsy kind of bookshelf like this is not super sturdy I got this for like $50 off of Amazon and it looks nice and it works for me but I do try to be pretty careful that I'm kind of balancing the weight of the books as best I can so some of these things are not even imminent TBR things they just kind of help with the load balancing I try to have like lighter books on the top and then have your books towards the bottom so that's really how this is organized right now do you like a slow pan and yeah if there's like no there's no real rhyme or reason here other than just how much these books way and yeah this is pretty typical actually sort of light right now I usually have a few more books on this TBR shelf but that is this bookshelf right now okay and then this is the bookshelf that I kind of feel like I am most known for at this point in terms of like the books you most regularly see in my back drop just because this is in terms of lighting and whatnot one of the easier places to film in my house and also they just they look nice I like the way they look at least and this is kind of what I think of as my main collection shelves so any kind of series that I'm collecting in terms of like a Edition type series for example the penguin clothbound classics obviously but also every men's library a couple of others those kinds of collections live out on these three bookshelves and right now I really I mean I really like the way this looks but I also do have a little bit of room to grow on here which is good so yeah I really these these are very aesthetically pleasing in my house these are very like this is a very big focal piece visually so it yeah I think it works really well for me in terms of sort of the overall design and feel of my home but also you know has a lot of books on it that I really really love so to get a shelf by shelf and talk about what's on each shelf and maybe pull out a couple of highlights so we will do the Whistlestop version of this now and then at the end of the year I'll give the full bookshelf tour so let's get closer shall we okay so the upper left-hand shelf is three different collections and then a few random books so first with the random one so I've got a couple of like manners type books and I just like the way they look so they live out here and then I just have dipped my toes into collecting this pulp the classics edition so the one that I have lives here right now I think if and when I get a few more they will live up there I also have three of these editions which is the Macmillan collectors library this is an Edition I get sort of when I can't find another hardback Edition that I like so I have two graham greene's and then North and South from Elizabeth Gaskell in that one and then as you can see the majority of the ones on this shelf are the penguin clothbound philosophy class X so I have done roughly color organized ish it's kind of hard with this particular Edition to do that perfectly but I'm happy with the way that it looks right now so that's all of these these are the ones that have the weird dual color value I don't know why they decided to do that on these but all of them have that so just FYI I always mention that when I'm talking about this edition because it's a question I had before I bought them and then here at the end I do have I think most of if not all of definitely most of the penguin poetry clothbound classics and I really enjoy those as well so this is the upper left-hand one and I try again because these at least bookshelves so I got these bookshelves from Amazon they're like made out of bamboo their latter bookshelves they are not the sturdiest and so this is another one sort of like the one in my bedroom where I do think a lot about load balancing I say that I just realized that I pretty much feel that way about almost every single bookshelf I own I just I don't want to put the super heavy books up here on the top so like for this one I focus some of my smaller editions as being what it's up here along with some paperback ones anyway so that's the upper left hand and then the upper middle shelf our Myka simile editions of Agatha Christie and if you can't tell I am like officially at capacity for the Shelf like I can't fit anything else new on it so there are a couple more ones that I would like to get I think when that if and when that happens I will probably start snack stacking some of them vertically or sorry horizontally like I'll move some of them onto their side and stack that way because there's probably like two or three ones I would still like but yeah these are super cool editions they're like my favorite Agatha Christie edition which is why I collect collect them and they all have the original covers that were published for each Agatha Christie the original UK covers that is I should specify that and I just think that they're beautiful I really enjoy having them yeah there's some of my favorite things to collect and one of my collections that is still actively growing because there's ones that are out that I don't have that I would like as opposed to a penguin clothbound that's more of as they release new ones I get them so this is the upper middle shelf and then here on the upper right shelf I have a couple of paperback editions that live up here as well as a collection that I'm definitely hoping to expand on so I've got this every man's library pocket poetry a few of these and that is I think gonna be one of my next collection focuses I'm gonna be getting more of those so I foresee the Shelf being where those ultimately will live but for now I'm also housing the Borrego modern classics these beautiful green spines this collection will live out here for right now and then I also have my penguin orange spines living out here but like I said I foresee these paperbacks eventually into my office and this is getting replaced mostly with these penguin clot bomb ones in terms of this little teapot a dear friend of mine got a miniature tea set and each one of the people in my little friend group at that time took a different piece of the tea set and so that one definitely has a lot of special meaning to me because it reminds me at that time when I was living in Vancouver that was from the tea shop that we all loved going to and kind of treating ourselves to and we could and it makes me think of that friend group so that is the topmost shelf okay so in the middle part of my bookshelf out here is where I have all of my penguin clothbound classics and this is sort of at like height like chest height level or eye level and since this is my favorite thing to collect I kind of wanted to have that be where your I went to most prominently right now I do have a few of these facing out just because I have room to grow on these shelves so I just had them a few facing out the Odyssey is one of my favorite covers that's why I chose that one to face out on this section that little quote Oh fake succulent is fake and it is from Target I have a lot of little succulents like that throughout my house because I think they make nice little tchotchke things to help kind of make things feel a little more homey yeah and so this first shelf this these are all of the blue and kind of green tone ones beginning to verge into the yellow kind of over here on the side like I said at the end of the year I'll do a full bookshelf tour where I will pull each of these out and show you what the full volume looks like but for now this is my blue and green penguin cleft palates then here in the middle are the books that you guys see a lot of in my videos so this is sort of what's most prominently behind me often and we've got a couple of different editions going here so first of all in terms of like how the penguin clothbound classics are arranged I have like kind of yellowy brownie ones over here I have like the purpley ones here and then these this is meant to be sort of the ones that are like neutral here and this is often always like behind my head when I'm sitting he usually I'm sitting like qirush so I think as more books come into the overall collection this will start to change a little bit more I also always have to think about this like the amount of space I have on a given shelf so sometimes I can't like - for the overall balance you can't have things exactly the way you would like like in theory I would like to take this sort of purpley one and put it up here but it doesn't totally work with the books that I have right now so it's the gray background of it I haven't lived with the neutral ones so those are the penguin clothbound classics and then I do have a few face out Agatha Christie editions just because they're some of the most beautiful covers that I have so I like to show them so this these two up here are in a special edition from the UK that are clothbound hardbacks and they are I think essentially their HarperCollins and I think they're basically made in collaboration with the cliffy estate if I'm remembering right Lee so you can see HarperCollins right here I had to get these through Book Depository though I did see them when I was last in London I did see these in the bookstores so I think that they're more easily available still at least as of the spring in the UK so I just absolutely loved those pretty much all of those are train themed so each of the four ones I have you'll see the other two when we get lower down each of the four ones that I have have some sort of train or transportation theme to them which i think is super cool then I also oh I should mention I have this mug that Liana from Lana's library gave me recently so straight out of Mary Mead which is a nice little reference to how savage st. Mary Mead is and the Miss Marple books so right now I have it living out on this shelf for as long as Mission Marples going on it's it's gonna stay right there I may move it once that is over but I love that I thought that was such a fun gift from her and then speaking of gifts so first I got these these are both the two Christie leather-bound Barnes and Noble at and Bethany from beautifully bookish Bethany gave me this book for Christmas last year and I absolutely loved it so I went out and got the other one that kind of matched the style yeah I just think they're beautiful again those are Barnes and Noble editions so you can get them there and then there's like a random little magnifying glass that lives there as well okay and then the last of my penguin clothbound shelves are my kind of like red and orange II pinkie ones also including some more neutral colored ones I like the overall effect that this gives also this is Don Quixote one is the one I have faced out because it's probably my favorite cover in the entire collection so I really that was the one I definitely wanted to have displaying prominently I think depending on kind of which releases they have and what they look like coming out in the future this will likely change but for now this works pretty well for me in terms of like big color matching I do have days where I'm tempted to just totally give up on the color like the rainbow II effect of it and just go totally blended and I don't know I may do that we'll see right now this works pretty well okay and then moving left to right on some of my lower shelves so first on this one I have the beginning of a bookend you will see the end of it on the other side of the Shelf but this is sort of my I have two two shelves that are sort of like miscellaneous classics and depending on how my collection evolved over time they may stay out here they may move back into my office but for now just based on like the space that I have this this is working so I have like my JD Salinger's I have another one of those beautiful Agatha Christie HarperCollins editions from the UK face out I have some Marilyn Robinson my Harper Lee's and then a few hardback classics to go with that so this is sort of a hodgepodge a shelf but it's lower down so it's not as eye-catching and that is just fine then I have my Reds find every man's library editions and this is definitely in my preferred Edition for every man's library I just like the way the red spines look better than the black personal preference yeah this is an ever-growing collection so there's a good chance sometime in the future this will have to expand probably out to these sides but for now this this can get the job done and then I have this like random little gold ruby thing as a decoration and then on the far right shelf for this level with you see I've got the other bookend here and then I've got a few different collections going so I've got two random books I have the heart is a lonely hunter and then this copy of Little Women my grandmother actually gave me before she passed away so I definitely enjoy holding on to it it is right next to the Little Women Edition from the penguin in bloom collection so I have those four books I have a few peek adore modern classics so some like women writers some classics from them which I quite like the way those look there's another facing out Agatha Christie here and then I do have a few of these penguin drop caps Editions this is not one that I foresee getting the full edition they're like the full collection for but I did want a few I'm happy with the ones I have so let's move to the bottom down here on the bottom shelf so first these are the blacks find every man's library editions like I said I don't personally prefer them as much but they are still very nice so no complaints if that is what is available for a given title I also have a few these Library of America editions there's a couple more that I'm interested in but I think that's always gonna be sort of like a tertiary collection for me not my preferred Edition so that is the left bottom o shelf in the middle bottom of shelf I have the Bantam faux leather editions of Agatha Christie that they put out back in the day and this is sort of a haphazard collection for me whenever I can encounter them in the wild I definitely scooped them up but I'm not like seeking them out it's more like a used book store or find kind of thing and yeah I mean I definitely have a room if I can find a few more of them but also I think looks fine just as it is right now and then the last shelf out here on these three bookshelves is the right bottom most one and I have a couple of mystery classics I have Sherlock Holmes and the Father Brown mysteries and then I have a bunch of books about Agatha Christie basically I don't necessarily foresee this being the long term home for this particular group of books but for right now I think especially given that these are some heavier books this is a good place for them to live so that is my out like out in my living room shelf tour and then to kind of orient you overall to the layout of my office which is where most of my bookshelves live or I guess five of them live I've got my computer and stuff over here this is a new bookshelf I just recently got that you got we will be touring more specifically and then these are my three biggest bookshelves and this is where I'm keeping like mostly books that I have read and one hold on to so we'll we'll talk about that I haven't fully like landed on the aesthetics for this particular bookshelf but I don't know it's kind of a work in progress and I'm liking it so far and then over here is where my TBR bookshelf is I've just recently reorganized to have this only be TBR books and actually really I'm very happy with this sort of an organizational choice so I'm going to start with my newest bookshelf where I am housing mine on classic collections like my series collections basically okay so this is sort of the overall view of this bookshelf I'm sorry for the weird angle but I'm trying to avoid I'm having too many of my like friends and family members in the background of this just cos like this isn't their channel this is my Cailin they haven't told me I can put them in it so this is to present from my mother which was very kind of her this is on my Amazon wishlist and it's sort of like I just really like the sort of mid-century modern kind of vibe to it so it's sort of like this very square squatty little bookshelf and then as you can see I just have a lot of different series that I'm collecting displayed here and some of these are collector's editions and some of these are just the editions that I have so um I will start at the top and work my way down okay so up at the top so on top of my bookshelf right now I have a random elephant candle I have a random glass box I have a wooden sign that I made of the Nashville Skyline that we did that as like a work bonding thing and it was actually pretty cool I enjoyed doing that I have this white tea cup right there and that is the tea cup I bought when I studied abroad in Cambridge like from my favorite tea shop and so I never drink out of it because actually very sadly the little stem of it broke in transit I glued it back together but I never drink out of it it's just always been for pure just aesthetic sort of decoration I have the obligatory little felt board sign that everybody has and right now that's where that's living and then I have a fake plant I my cup overflows with fake plants in my house guys because I am a plant killer I kill everything I touch and so I really love the way green things look but I can't keep them alive so end up having a lot of fake plants around okay and then in terms of the actual show so on the left side right now I just have a couple of matching classics editions I foresee these eventually making their way over to my red shelf but for now they matched pretty well I think as I finish some more series and as series finish up and I have all them out I will start migrating more over here next to that I actually have you know what linen museum you know okay that's better so next I have a bunch of these poison pen press slash British crime classics library editions it depends if it's published in the US or in the UK I also have this is hiding in there but it's an Oslo penciler I think is that right Otto penciler presents it's the same size and the same idea it's just American versus so I moved it over here and as I get more and more of these I think that collection will probably grow it's it's more one that I'm collecting titles I'm specifically interested in not just like the entire collection these are some match books with original facili out of the Christi covers on them like this one is for the mysterious Harley Quinn mr. Harley Quinn and yeah just because these were mysteries I ended up putting them there for right now another fake plant if I didn't point that code and then just in terms of spacing wise the book of the ancestors series fit pretty well in this shelf right now so yeah this is the Shelf I'm least certain that it will look this way long term but for right now this works pretty well and then this is my Ilona Andrews and Rebecca Rome horse shelf so a very prized possession is this kinsman's Universe edition from subterranean press this is like there's only I think like 250 of these or something it has like these it's a beautiful book it has like these really cool illustrations in it I think this is a $75 one there was like a $250 one but you know it's son and this is copy okay there's a thousand of them so this is copy 789 and I was so sad when they did this for the innkeeper's Chronicles I was still in grad school and broke as a joke and I could not afford it and I was very sad so when they did another one of these I scooped it right up and actually I just pre-ordered the same Edition that they're doing for small magics so that will go well with my Kate Daniels series collection here so I have 4 the 4 that they have that are in hardback I have I don't collect mass markets so I don't have those but I do have the trade paperback version of magic bytes even though I wish that these were all in hardback and then I also do have the trade paperback of iron and magic that they sell pub so that is all Kate Daniels then I have the two hidden legacy books that they came out with and hardback and I definitely would love to have burned for you in hardback as well to complete that but I haven't been able to find it I do however have the sapphire flames hardback on or so I will have the ongoing series for hidden legacy and hardback so that is very exciting and then the two books that have come out so far in the six world series I put up here because I definitely feel like this is a continuation of Kate Daniels in terms of what it's what it's trying to do and so I will continue to collect those and they will at least right now I'll live together on this shelf okay moving to the middle shelf so right now I just have my Editions here so I basically only have two series like that right now and you can see there's a big gap that I've sort of filled with my reading a sexy mug but I've got wayward children's series by shauna McGuire and the murder bot Diaries by Martha Wells on the Shelf right now I foresee this changing a lot at some point but it works for right now while I'm still figuring things out then here in the middle I've got all of my Tolkien so I have this illustrated edition of The Silmarillion that I really enjoy so I have that I have this bound up one volume edition of Lord of the Rings which is really nice and then I have this beautiful cloth bound edition of The Hobbit if you can't cut this off of book outlet guys I don't remember but this is a really cool Edition I love the way this looks so that is why it sits right here in the center of the entire bookshelf I also have this little Tolkien treasury book like we'll get the book that a dear friend of mine in grad school gave to me as a gift and this little dinky mass-market Tolkien reader I'd love to get a nicer edition of that book but I haven't found one and then moving into the CS Lewis shelf and I guess I'll just move you guys over so we had the the bind up of all the space trilogy books this is a the simile edition of the original cover of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which I absolutely love and then the rest of the series is in this matching one from HarperCollins and then the CS Lewis signature classics just like a bind up of a bunch of his best-known works so that is the center shelf for right now okay and then forgive the tilt but I can't get this to go any lower so we're just gonna do it this way so down on the bottom like any good booktuber I have a Harry Potter shelves oh I am NOT someone who is prone to collecting a bunch of editions of Harry Potter I know that that makes some people really happy it doesn't really do a lot for me these are my original these for the original hardbacks that I got on release night when they were first coming out and like those will always be so special to me that I just can't imagine replacing them really but the first three I had in trade paperback when I first read them and they got tore up because I reread and reread and reread them so when I was in college so well while these books were still coming out I replaced those three books with hardback editions because I knew I wanted to have basically a matching set so those were the original like I don't have a desire to have any other edition really I sometimes think about whenever I'm in Europe I think about getting the English edition and then when I lived in Canada I thought about getting that edition but like I don't know I just I just don't feel the need to do it maybe it makes me not a true Harry Potter fan I don't know but I just don't feel the need to do that over here I have Harry Potter and the cursed child you guys know how much I hate that and then I have like some I have the tails of the butyl bard that was when that first came out I got that edition and then these are two text books so one of them is fantastical beasts and where to find them and the other is Quidditch through the ages and I think that that was like a charity or like a fundraising release that she had back like when the original series was first being published so I think that's pretty cool I'm glad I have that I have a cent ik Hogwarts quill that I got I think when I was at the Warner Brothers said in London I got any that sounds right I think that's where that came from and then I do have Harry Ron and Hermione as Funko pops who live on top of that I also have McGonagall and Dumbledore but they live on my desk at work so if I ever don't end up having a permanent desk at work they will come back and live with Harry in Veronica Miami okay and then last but not least on these shelves sorry the tilt just part of my technical limitations here is the side handling series all of the ones that I have been collecting in hardback plus I do have wild embrace which was a trade paperback release so this is all of the side changeling books that were released in hardback I would love it if they would go back and release the earlier ones and hardback much like with the Ilona Andrews Kate Daniel series but can't have it all this is an ongoing series that she will continue to release in so this shelf will get fuller and fuller over the years hopefully I don't think that that series has like a definitive end point in sight right now so yeah more sigh changeling fun to come on the shelf but right now I've got another little globey thing to kind of work as a bookend okay and then for my TBR bookcase this is a recent change in terms of how I have organized my books and I'm really pleased with the slate this just makes a lot more sense I think for how I use my bookshelves so I've got these basically organized by both genre and how much they weigh so we will start at the top and work our way down okay so up here we basically have like what I would think of as sort of general fiction we also have Belle and the Beast as Funko pops because why not but just sort of like short story collections general fiction why a literary fiction historical fiction his and you know just sort of like non-speculative non nonfiction general stuff you can see that I've got the three three of the Elena Ferrante books I need to get the last one assuming that I like any of them because I've not read any of these yet and yeah I've not read anything as of this filming that is on the shelf so these are all to be Reds so this top one it's my general fiction and then the seventh to the top is my paperback mystery section so these are all mysteries of one shape or another and these are all to be read I put face out two of the ones that I think have the nicest covers just to sort of fill in this is nice because again I think you'll hear me say this a lot but right now I'm in a place where I have room to grow with my shelves which is great and if you guys watch this channel you know that I am a regular on Haller so even if the every single one of these books got read this year it doesn't mean that all of them would make it over to my read shoves which we'll look at last because I am you know a pretty routine on hollar I only hold on to books that I think I'll either want to read again or reference again or whatever so anyway all that to say there's a very especially with like these trade paperbacks unless I just really like it there's a good chance that I will on haul these as soon as I've read them or as soon as I finish talking about them here on the channel so anyway this middle section is mystery in trade paperback and then this sort of middle shelf is hardback either SFF or mystery and then a couple of just general fiction II ones that didn't fit well on other shelves because this shelf has more room that's why I did it this way so starting over here we've got more speculative fiction some of these are sequels to series that I've already started some of these are standalone Zoar just first in series that I haven't read so yeah that that is sort of most of this shelf I guess I would say and then I do have some hardback mystery right through here so ones that I'm not imminently planning on reading but do want to get to and then a couple of just like general fiction things that were kind of tall so they ended up living here on this middle shelf and then on another one of these kind of shorter shelves I put my trade paper bags genre fiction that is not mysteries to anything that's like so over here we've got kind of romancey section moving into fantasy and you know science fiction or whatever that is kind of what we've got here on this middle shelf I do also have this really cool wine glass here that my friend got me this this book's like whoa and it's I'm using a sort of like a bookend right now on this shelf but yeah so I've got a couple of mark Lawrence's face out because I really like the way those covers looked and yeah that is my genre trade paperbacks TBR so this show is my hardback genre fiction TBR except for this little series this really should be on the bottom shelf but for weight reasons I decided to put this on the second to bottom shelf and some other ones on the bottom we will get there but yeah so most of these are like genre fiction of one kind or another and they're on my TBR though I do see actually the lives of a lot more here that is a book I have read so I should probably move that over to my read shelf but yeah I've got scythe out by Niels Shuster man because I just liked the cover best out of the ones that were going to live on the shelf and these are kind of lower priority genre fiction picks that I move into it's okay and then here at the bottom again forgive the tilt that is just part of what we're dealing with today most of what this is is a nonfiction TBR that the books are physically rather heavy or weighty and because this is the bottom shelf I like to try to put my heavier books towards the bottom that is why the only exception to that are these three Stephen King's and this one Patrick Rothfuss little section that in theory should be on this shelf right here but I didn't put it there just because they're buried chunky heavy books and I wanted to have them assertive like anchors on on the shelf as a whole yeah so this is the rest of that shelf though is TBR for me of nonfiction books and some of it is philosophy some of its history some of its biography like a whole whole range of TBR nonfiction here on the bottom of the shelf and yeah I think that will do it for the TBR bookcase okay guys and finally we come to my biggest bookshelf slash three bookshelves smushed together to make my biggest bookshelf warning here is that lighting haven't been able to figure out a great way to do it also I can't get the whole thing in frame so there we go some overall comments is that this is a shelf that I've mostly now reserved for books that I have read and I'm keeping you will notice part the first that up in the upper right hand corner that is an empty shelf there are pictures now because ya didn't want to show people who didn't want to be shown but I have space to grow there you will also notice that there's several places on the Shelf where there is some slack so yeah in general there's definitely room to grow here I do have some unread books on the shelf if I decide to just like keep them together for sort of like an overall genre themed shelf so we will address that as I come to them but in general these are books that I have read and yeah so let's just dive on into it gonna start with the fiction areas of this because actually most of what is on this shelf is nonfiction because a lot of the fiction I'm keeping either like belongs in a collection of some kind so it's not here so anyway we are starting up here at my romance shelf which I've recently started building out more so in general I do not collect mass markets we will talk about one exception that is on this shelf because I just I don't like them and they don't hold up well and I just in general would rather have that as an e-book so because of that romance even though I read a lot of it and maybe it's one of the biggest categories of my collection it's mostly on my e-reader so I have a very select number of titles in print so let's talk about them well first of all I do have this really cool collection of postcards and I have it faced out just because I really like that but aloud if I try to do it like that but these are all really cool Original Penguin Classic covers so I think you guys saw in my bedroom that I put some of these together to make my own version of a poster but the rest of them live in here and I use use them whenever I'm sending a postcard or special note to someone who appreciates bookish things and I think the box is really pretty so it is face out and then yeah so I only most of what I have in romance is self-published paperbacks so I have all of the brothers sinister series from Courtney Mulan this book it's got such a special place in my heart because it was one of my main texts for my thesis along with this book over here called the hawk and the jewel don't like this book but it does have a special place in my heart just because of that project along with Jane Eyre this were kind of my three primary texts that I was exploring so I do love this series and I have all four of them in paperback but I haven't read the fourth one yet so it doesn't live on the Shelf yet then I've been collecting some Mariana Zapata and her trade paperbacks because again independent author I like to try to support them as I can so when some of my favorite romance ones are really seeing their own paperbacks I like to try to get some of my favorite ones my favorite mariana zapata is definitely the wall of winnipeg in me and I got this copy when I was in LA at the ripped bodice then I just have to point out to you that this this book is one of my most prized possessions this is the marriage deal by Sarah Craven look at the femme ilat on this woman on the cover and the quaff on him this was the first romance novel I ever read I was at the beach with a bunch of my friends when I was in high school and it had like just like a pile of these kinds of books in this bringing a bookshelf or the corner and so we all picked a different one to read and like read each other the naughty bits out loud together and yeah so yay go and Ashley they had a special place in my heart I had to like track this down years later to get my own copy yeah some Katie Wilde self-published books here a couple of Christina Lauren I've got both upon mom's books a couple of Tessa dears this one's actually signed because Amanda at the naughty librarian was kind enough to pick me up a signed copy which was so nice so that's pretty much my romance shelf okay and then moving to the right this is sort of like my general fiction and poetry shelf um so these are some of these books I don't think we'll end up being long-term editions because I do I really do try to keep things that I hold on to to the books that I either want a reference or I think I will reread so for example I think that probably with the fire on high in West Mills and beautiful of dust I think all of those are probably going to get unhaul not because any of them are bad just because I don't know especially with the fire I'm high I know so many people want to read that right now I'd rather take it to the used bookstore for it to get more life but anyway yeah so this is sort of like general fiction side of the Shelf Roxane gay zayeed II it was my favorite book of 2018 so I absolutely loved this definitely holding onto that tis pity she's a [ __ ] it's one of my favorite books I ever read for college I just love that title and it is a fascinating play from the restoration period really enjoy that one on how to be safe is another one I really like and then here you can see face out is my edition of The Great Gatsby which was designed by Coralie Bickford Smith this cover I absolutely love that so it lives faced out here for right now eventually it probably will move out to my collections bookcase but we haven't reached that point yet and then I have a couple of children's classics and then yeah just some poetry this this one is particularly meaningful to me this was a gift from my grandmother who has long since passed but I read this often as a child and really cherish this book so it lives up here and that is sort of my general fiction shelf that doesn't belong in a collection basically okay so I don't have books up here yet so we're actually gonna move down to my read fantasy shelf so and this is a shop that I foresee eventually moving completely over here you can already tell that that has started to happen but yeah I'm trying to think if there's any real standouts here yet some of these are series so like i pre-ordered the dragon republic I've already read it it was great so it's the poppy war and whatever the third one is I'm gonna guess we'll eventually probably move over to this shelf somewhere but for now it will live here I think now that I'm saying this out loud maybe what I'm thinking is that this will be speculative fiction that doesn't have that I don't have a full series to go with I do have the whole series of the mill Jean Brook series so maybe that will migrate at some point Yeah right now this is my speculative fiction that is not in a series that I'm displaying on another shelf at the moment so yeah some great books here and then like I said they are moving slowly but surely over to what is my memoirs shelf or like true life kind of shelf though I say that the uninhabitable earth is not that neither is when God okay here over our memoirs that I've read and I'm holding on to I would say my life in France is probably my all-time favorite memoir I absolutely love this book it's probably my favorite other ones that I really love include when women were birds by Terry tempest Williams this is just a really beautiful book very moving and has a lot to say about like women and women yeah it's it's super good Stephen King that is a classic it's called on writing but it's really memoir with writing tips infused I don't know it's a it's an interesting book in terms of genre but I do really love that one so yeah then I have a few just general nonfiction picks and then yes this is where part of my overflow from my fantasy shelf is is overflowing to I will very soon have the second adventure zone to go along with this one I have a little sampler here but yeah so these are some overflow antis II title and then coming back so sorry I'm trying to finish out the fiction here and then we'll start talking about nonfiction so this is fantasy and then the shelf below it is this is my mystery shelf now I keep very few mysteries really I've realized that more and more as time has gone on I yep for whatever reason I tend to get rid of most of the mysteries that I have I or I tend to have them as ebooks so for now these are the mysteries I have I will mention that I have a little overflow onto the nonfiction shelf next to it which is one two two two and I will be unhauling that as soon as I film a review of it because I did not enjoy so a little temporary over flu but I do think long-term that shop will become more mystery overflow assuming that I find more and more mysteries that I actually want to continue to own because I just I don't know I tend to like to have these as ebooks more than physical ones for whatever reason okay so now getting into nonfiction will kind of move in a u-shape I think through the bookshelf from this point on so on this half of the shelf I have essay collections from badass women so Mary McCarthy Nora Ephron Zadie Smith Dorothy Parker Hannah Arendt all those ladies and then this section is just sort of my like random general paperback nonfiction that well and then I have this this is an unread memoir maybe that's why I put that there I'm not sure but yeah kind of just random nonfiction lives on the Shelf and then moving down from this shelf by one we have on this part of the shelf are things about like nutritional science and one form or another so I just decided that this would be a section of nonfiction that has both read and unread books in it on the Shelf just to keep the genre together I have the color of law face out because that particular copy was the last birthday present I ever gave to my dad and this was the last thing he wrote before he passed away and he was really enjoying it so it is sentimentally precious to me and then on the right side of this shelf we have historical a nonfiction that I've not yet read as well as three essay collections from Marilyn Robinson that I haven't read yet so again kind of trying to find ways to logically route these even though they don't all wait like I it's I don't know whenever you try to group books in any way be a by genre or color or author neat like whatever you're always gonna have moments where you're like he's they're not fitting together the way that I would really like them to on this shelf so I'm just trying to balance my need my like obsessive need to have these categorized in some way with the realities of the space I have so and then moving to the bottom row so on this bottom row is basically all read historical nonfiction so this has everything from like a history of class in America called white trash history of the concept of individualism called inventing the individual we have we were eight years empowered by Tana Jose Coates here we've got some religious or like church history type things on this shelf as well the kiss of the lamu Hut is a really really great cultural history of France and I've recently been been really itching to read more from Robert Darnton just because I really liked that book so much when I read it in college yeah so this is just generally historical nonfiction oh I'm just double-checking I think all of this is stuff I've already read I think that's how I organized this so yeah so ooh sorry about the lighting that's just how it goes so this shelf one to the right is some things from grad school some of the binders of stuff I did in grad school and I think ultimately this entire shelf will become that once I remember to bring the rest of those binders back from my mom's house but right now I also on this bottom shelf have heavy in the sense of like physical weight Auto and buy autobiography and biography so we've got like March from John Lewis which is autobiography a fantastic biography of Shakespeare called will in the world one of my all-time favorite biographies by Stephen Greenblatt and then a few CS Lewis letters or biographies which are all really good so kind of a this this shelf is mostly organized by its physical weight and then moving up by one shelf so we are over the binder shelf is all of my women related nonfiction so I would say from roughly like here over are either histories related to gender biographies heavily or autobiographies memoirs heavily related to gender things about women in the ancient world there some gender philosophy here so you can see gender trouble by Judith Butler rage becomes her not that bad edited by Roxane gay like all of these are things that are in some way or other related to ladies either primary source things like I've got John Stuart Mill's on the subjugation of women here there's just a whole variety of different lady related stuff I've got a different religious lady related stuff section on another shelf that we will get to but then from here over are all things that have to do with literary studies of romance so a lot of these were things that I used as texts in my thesis so I held on to all of those I'm also so excited about this human in death book once I get far enough into the in-depth series that is a literary study of the in-depth series that I am so excited to read I asked to have the official Nora Roberts companion because that was on book outlet and I was like yeah sure I need that that sounds awesome so um this is my entire shelf related to women our problems our history our future all those things okay so now we're gonna move over here this is gonna be some of the most awkward camerawork guys and I apologize that I don't have like amazing camera work in this video but you know your girl's a hobbyist I'm not a professional we're just making it work so we'll just go straight up from here but the next three shelves are all having to do with philosophy or Christianity so this bottom shelf is somewhat organized by the weight of the tomes but it's also organized by things that are like truly very specifically related to Christianity a lot of these come from my time in grad school so like for instance I've got like my Greek New Testament here so if and when I ever get the fancy to read the New Testament I always try to make myself do it and either Greek or French just because like because I grew up fundamentalist I know those passages really well in English so it is a good way to kind of keep my skill set anyway so yeah there's a lot of like Biblical Studies types titles here if I were gonna recommend anything from shelf I would probably say it is the New Testament the people of God by NT writes this is one of those books that changed my life because it fundamentally changed the way that I read the Bible I'm so thankful for that this is interesting looking at because there was a time in my life we're like half the books I owned were related to Christianity and yeah that time has definitely passed so there's only a few shelves of it left at this point so it's really the things that I really wanted to hold on to from purge that I've done over this collection over the years so anyway let's move up one shelf okay so we see more of what's left of my physical CS Lewis collection here I used to have every single CS Lewis book in physical form and actually as his books have been going on sale for in there ebook form I've been trying to convert out of that to the degree possible unless I can get a really nice hardback so for instance I really enjoy this Illustrated Screwtape Letters so I'm happy to have that as both that book as both an e-book and as a physical book but mostly converting these into ebooks just because they're taking up so much space on my shelves and then a lot of this stuff over here is what I would call specifically Christian related philosophy of various stripes I let's see here things that I would highlight so this is a great book called the flesh of the church the flesh of Christ by T yard and yeah this basically the paper I wrote about this was kind of one of the takeaways from this is that until the American South has integrated churches it probably shouldn't be taking communion to sideout um so so there's there's that let's see what else do I got on here we've got a little bit of Frederick Buechner for people who know and love him he does a lot of like interpreting the Bible through story and reading it as like literature and not just does it's like a holy like reading it as a holy text that is told through literature if that makes sense um so we've got that Oh samuel taylor coleridge is one of them interesting theologians who ever lived I think most people only know him as a poet which like rightfully so but I actually find his theology much more compelling than his poetry so yeah some more like I said I think most of what's on here is mostly pretty Christian specific but we will move up one more shelf and we will get into some broader philosophy as well as all of my lady lady theologians so this is the last religious related shelf and from about here over are things that are definitely still religious but I consider them to be more philosophical then I do strictly speaking dogmatic in a lot of ways they're more like contemplative or like for instance sources of the self this is like a life-changing book I absolutely love this this is basically a history like from a philosophical perspective of how our idea about what a self is came to be so there's a lot of discussion in this book of like ancient pagans up through like Greek ideas about self through to someone like Rousseau and how he changed the game like it's a very interesting I wouldn't say that this is like purely objective philosophy I guess if you could even say that there is such a thing like who anyway but I really love that Buber is a Jewish theologian who I really enjoy I know is a great book um what else is notable here oh I love I think anybody who calls himself Christian and as an American should read this book crossing the lynching tree by James cone he is a black theologian and this book is like this really black was a game-changing book to me in terms of thinking about how you could do theology and this specifically is essentially drawing out comparisons between lynching culture in America and the crucifixion and it is so good so I love that Bonhoeffer yeah this is just a lot of the books that I want that I still really love from that have something to do with like philosophy or Christianity and then starting here is our Ito theologians or histories of women in religion some notable things in here I really love this book evangelical identity and generally life basically this is making the argument that the whole complementarian versus egalitarian split is much more about a symbolic separation of the world and not how families actually function practically this was very it had a lot of descriptive power to my experience in fundamental evangelical circles I really love this one ungodly women gender in the first wave of American fundamentalism that's a great book by Betty de Burgh the bend broth is also really good which is fundamentalism and gender 1875 to present that is excellent yeah so anyway this is like God in the ladies this section oh yeah women in early man this is just made me excited about some of these books this is an older one but this is really really good anyway yeah so that is this shelf a lot of transformational books on the shelves for me and then last but not least we have my shelf Oh writing slash literary studies that were not specifically about romances so pretty much all of these have to do with writing itself some of them are specific genre studies so like talking about detective fiction by PD James that's specifically about mysteries but some of them are more broad some of them are style guides like Dreyer's English Wonder both this is a beautiful book about writing from Jeff Vandermeer and I think for speculative fiction this is a great one and it just has a lot of really inspiring illustrations in it I should like dive more deeply into that book it's beautiful you got like your bird by bird which is a classic Flannery O'Connor's mystery in manners I wish more people would read this this is just really really good it's kind of a new more it's like a collection of her writings about writing but it ends up being very memoir ish I don't know it's super good and then oh yeah and I would really recommend this by the way this is probably the best book on editing I've ever read which is the force for the trees by Betsy Lerner yeah editor's advice to write is a really good book so there's that and then this from here over are all different types of literary studies you'll notice that there's several from CS lewis that is at this point in my life i would say his work as a literary critic as maybe my favorite stuff from him like i find him to be a really insightful critic in a lot of ways i always agree with him of course but like i think he's got a lot of really interesting things to say about books in reading you can see here is Dorothy Sayers introduction andante she was a very noted Dante scholar as well as a mystery author so there you go planet Narnia is about Narnia yeah just some literary studies a couple of books about books all of that so with that I will relieve you guys from my incredibly shaky camerawork that is my main shelf and I think those are all of my books guys I will send you back to the studio okay so I hope you guys enjoyed that sneak peek into all of my shelves and - all of my books and I hope it lived up to your expectations and this was a happy medium of giving you all a bookshelf tour without driving me insane so let me know what you thought below be kind to me and to other people in the comments please and I think that that will do it so I hope you guys enjoy this video and if you did please like subscribe follow me on the social needs if you are so inclined I have all that information listed in the description box below and I think that that will do it hope you're having a super lovely day and I will just talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: bookslikewhoa
Views: 10,815
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: books, reading, literature, booktube, bookshelf, bookshelf tour, bookcase, bookcase tour, tour of my books, consumerism, book collection, penguin clothbound classics, everyman's library classics, all of my books, shelves, favorite books
Id: uYhsniUxgR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 7sec (3787 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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