Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag | 2021

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Oh, hello! Today we are here to do the mid year  book freakout tag, which is a perennial favorite   here on BookTube. And it is not quite the middle  of the year- that is July 2, but close enough.   So we're going to go ahead and do this. I want  to try to restrict my navel gazing in this and   make this truly like a tag and have this be  pretty rapid fire. I will just say that upon   reflecting through what I have read so far  this year, I realized that this doesn't...   it's a weird year, because I don't feel like  there are that many like super high highs,   nor have there been a lot of super low lows,  I feel like the average book I'm reading is a   little bit better than my expectations. Like  I feel like my average book is about a three   and a half star. But I haven't had a ton of five  star or four and a half stars- not as many as I   would have hoped or wanted. I did go through.  Like I'm still sort of coming out of a slump   in the spring. So maybe that's a part of it. I  don't know. But all that to say just a general   kind of commentary on reading so far this year. I  definitely have things I'm excited to talk to you   guys about. But as a whole, that is my comments.  So without further ado, we will try to keep this   going pretty quickly here. So straight out the  gate. The first question is what is the best book   you've read so far this year? My actual answer  to that is this book but because it's going to   be my answer to the next question. I will say  my second best book that I've read this year is   The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin- it made me  weep. It's a classic of nonfiction for a reason,   especially the letter to his nephew just  like destroyed me, in the best possible way.   Highly recommend. It's very short not... I  was gonna say very easy to get through. It's   it is in the sense of it's not difficult  language. It's not dense prose. The thoughts   in it are pretty thought provoking. But it is not  a overly difficult piece of literature to read,   other than the kind of content and emotional  components and it deeply affected me and I really   loved it. Then the second question is what's the  best sequel you've read and I that by definition,   the fifth book in a five book series is a sequel  so Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian. This is   my favorite book I've read so far this year. It is  such an appropriate ending to that original five   book series, the fact that it's called the last  Olympian and thematically what that means kills   me. I loved the plot. I loved the characters. I  loved everything about this book, I can't really   tell you much about it because it is the last book  in the series. But this is my favorite book so far   this year, what and by the way, I'm making my  way through the Heroes of Olympus. And once I'm   done with that, Ashley is going to come on from  Bookish Realm and we're going to do a live show   about both series. So I'm excited for that. Next  question is a new release that I've not yet gotten   to that came out this year that I need to one  is Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews, right up here,   which is the first in a spin off series of Kate  Daniels, which is probably my all time favorite   series. So I need to get to it. I've been sort of  like saving it up. And I don't- I don't know, do   people do this with books they're really excited  about I've been sort of saving it up. Similarly,   the reason I haven't yet read Amari and the Night  brothers by BB Alston is because I'm saving it for   the moment where I'm perfectly in the mood, so  that I can just enjoy it for what I'm sure is   going to be just a delightful ride. So those are  the two books that I've not yet gotten to that   were released this year that I really want to get  to most anticipated book for the back half of the   year. Honestly, there's a lot of books I'm excited  for. I'll talk more about that later in July,   a lot of the books that I was really pumped for  have already come out. I would say if I had to   pick one that I'm most excited for, I probably  would say The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang,   just because we had a year off from her little  kiss quotient series, and I'm really excited about   the hero for this one. I have a digital art of it.  So really, I just, I'm probably gonna read it here   in the next couple of weeks. And I'm really  excited to get to it. It comes out I believe,   at the end of August so I will say that's probably  a things that are actually confirmed to come out   this year that's probably my most anticipated,  though, actually, I will say tied now that I'm   thinking about it... I will say Sam's book in  the Ice Home series. I think I know who her hero   is. I hope I know who her hero is. And if  it's who I think it is, I think that will   be a really good book so I will say that's my  other anticipated one. I believe that one's out   in September. Biggest disappointment of the  year? I'm gonna say generally the Lord Peter   Wimsey series from Dorothy L Sayers guys,  I was expecting this to be like some yummy,   delicious mystery candy for me this year that I  was just gonna get to just savor and enjoy with   y'all. And that is not how it turned out. I  guess I'll say Whose Body? because that has   been the most disappointing of them so far, but  i'm not... i'm going to DNF that series. I did   finally finish All the books I wanted to read  in that series, so I can at least sort of like,   be done with that as a real bummer. And I'm sorry,  like that's, you know, sometimes when you pick   something for a group read you've not read before  doesn't work out the way you were hoping it would.   So that has definitely been the case for that  series. Unfortunately, I have books in it that   I really did enjoy. So like The Nine Tailors-  I thought was good. And I believe that I if I   went back and read Gaudy Night and Busman's  Honeymoon, I would still really enjoy those.   But yeah, just not not as good as I was hoping.  Sadly. Biggest surprise? I'm going to say 2,   I'm going to say Dead Dead Girls by Nekesa  Afia, just because I was expecting it to be   somewhat of a cozy historical mystery. And it  actually ended up being a pretty hard hitting   serial killer thriller set in 1920s Harlem- really  recommend I thought it was a very strong debut,   but it just wasn't the kind of book that I  thought it was going to be. And then The Tenant   of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. Just knowing what  the setup of this book was, I thought that I knew   what the titular tenant's backstory might be.  And I was completely wrong about that. And in   a way that delighted me, like I really loved  where this book ended up going in terms of   the themes that explored the things that it was  tackling in its time, I think are fascinating. I   love this book. This is one of my favorite reads  of the year. But it really surprised me in terms   of like going there in a way that I didn't think  it would. Next a favorite new author, either a   debut or sort of like new to you? I'm going to  take this in two directions. One, a new author,   who I now consider to be an autobuy is P Djeli  Clark, just because I tried Ring Shout last year.   And then I think, actually the first book in the  series, A Dead Djinn in Cairo might have been the   last book I read in 2020. But the first book I  read in 2021, was The Haunting of Tram Car 015.   And I also read A Master of Djinn. And between  all of that he is just an auto buy author for   me at this point. I love his world building  his storytelling. It's all just really, really   wonderful, dense, imaginative, fun, thematically  rich, great characters. I just really love what he   does. So I would say he's my new auto buy author.  And then I would say that in terms of an author,   I found, I would say, Honey Philips, because while  her stuff is not as good as Ruby Dixon, like,   it's just it's not in my opinion, but I think it's  the closest thing to Ruby Dixon that I've found   and she has such a big backlist that it's  been fun for me to like start diving into it,   and have something that's at least approaching  the vibes and the delight of a Ruby Dixon book.   So I would say she's my other favorite new to  me author. Newest fictional crush? Not really   something I do but if I had to say I do love the  hero in Last Guard by Nalini Singh, Canto Mercant,   I just love him. If he were a real man, he'd  be my type for sure. He's pretty dreamy anyway,   I can't wait for you guys to read that book. It's  really really good comes out in July strap in.   It's great. I also recently interviewed Nalini  Singh if you want to hear more about that book,   I will try to remember to link that somewhere. And  then favorite new character again, technically we   met her I met her the very end of 2020 but really  2021 and I would say that is Fatma El'Sha-arawi?   I believe it's how you say her last name. She  is the detective in the series. She is a dandy,   she is queer. She is smart. She is fabulous. She's  a great family member. She's just great. I love   her- great detective great main character down to  read pretty much anything that she's starring in.   Then a book that made me cry. I already  mentioned The Fire Next Time by James   Baldwin definitely made me cry, particularly in  that letter to his nephew. And then the other   one I'm going to say is Firekeeper's Daughter  by Angeline Boulley. This is a hard hitting YA,   it's like between a YA contemporary and a YA  thriller. It's it's definitely a thriller, but it   reads more like a hard hitting contemporary. Man.  All the content warnings like everyone you can   think of like racism, SA, abuse, substance abuse,  like just everything. It has this and it's...   ripped my heart out and put it back together.  But I wept reading this book. It is so good. My   mom read this recently upon my recommendation,  she couldn't put it down. She read it in like   two days, which is unusual for her. It is so so  good, but it is also very emotional. So strap in   for that. And then a book that just made me happy.  I'm gonna say Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells,   because this is Murder bot literally solving a  murder mystery... could this be more squarely   aimed at me? It could not. And I don't think  this is the best in the series, but it's maybe   the most fun in the series. And it just made  me smile. I had a great time reading this one.   And the most beautiful book I bought I would  actually say I just got this big beautiful   bind up of Monstress the first three volumes of  Monstress, but since it's art that I already had,   I'm gonna say Monkey King by Wu Cheng'en. This  is one of the latest penguin clothbound classics,   designed by Coralie Bickford Smith and I Just love  the color story in this one as well as like that   wave pattern that's obviously inspired by the  source material. So I'm gonna say this is the   most beautiful one that I got. And then in terms  of things I need to read well, in terms of my 21   books that I want to read in 2021, I'm actually  doing pretty well on that. Because I'm now done   with all the Dorothy L Sayers stuff. I also read  both of the Robin Hobb books on that list. And I   think I read one other one. But I do want to keep  making progress on that. So for instance, I want   to finish off the Heartstone trilogy from Elle  Katherine White. So when I read both of those,   I want to finish up the Scythe trilogy from Neil  Schusterman. I still have, I'd say, probably   nine books left on that list that I want to finish  up this year. So I want to do that. Now that I'm   done with the Dorothy L Sayers project, I have  some more sort of like mood reading room for   classics. So I have read a few classics, you've  already heard me talk about a couple of them   so far this year, but I want to focus more on  that for the rest of the year and make my way   through my classics TBR for the year, because  I'm really hoping I can read a lot of those. So   fingers crossed that like I can get some energy  and Mojo around that going. And then I also   want to focus more on my Nora Roberts, reading  project Reading Roberts, in particular Year One,   and this has Irish Thoroughbred in it for reasons  that you guys will be hearing about very soon,   these two in particular, but I'm also looking  to read a lot of more Roberts for the rest of   the year, at least I'm hoping to. So between that  and then the ARCs that I still need to read not   as many but I do still have a few that I'm hoping  to get to that will be a pretty full reading list.   So that is my Mid year freak out tag. I think I  kept that moving pretty snappy. So good job me.   Let me know how your reading has gone so far this  year? Let me know that in the comments below.   And yeah, I think that that will do it for me. So  if you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe,   follow me on the social media if you're so  inclined. I have all that information listed in   the description box below. Including merch By the  way! I just put up some merch for the first time.   So check that out if you're interested. That link  is in the description box. And yeah, that will do   it for me. Hope you're having an absolutely  lovely day and I'll talk to you soon. Bye!
Channel: bookslikewhoa
Views: 5,121
Rating: 4.9840956 out of 5
Keywords: books, reading, booktube, literature
Id: c8BVWHsQ3Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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