Bookshelf Tour | 2020

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hi people I'm so I had a computer last for this bookshelf - her updated bookshelf tour it figured I do more of a block style because I was I think for like a long time I was trying to like just mimic the same set up style and format that like someone like alien book landed which I like herself but like I find it when I like keep seeing the same books over and over again my eyes start blazing over it's not quite as interesting so I thought I would do more like of a vlog II style okay so um yeah I'll show you like kind of how I organize my books the books that I have and if you like I actually have a decent collection of books that is not like the same New York Times the sellers over and over again and also people asking like how I organize my books weave my books and whatever so I just want to show my books and if you cannot afford a collection this big don't feel bad okay I am I'm quite looking myself watch sales look on book outlet also you have your own priorities I am single I have no children I spend all my money on dogs and books okay that's that's that's how I throw it doesn't have to be how you thrive okay use the library if you gotta use all digital stuff if you want to I like the physical books I like the large collection it takes up in my head and just don't feel bad about yourself okay because I always see that in comments about like book tours I'm also one of those white that has bully book cases you don't have to have that okay this is lawyer just the only like sturdy book case I could find that wasn't like four hundred dollars here so yeah let's if there's a book that piques your interest just a comment below if you want more information on or can't quite see it or something like that I'll try and be really good um yeah so bookshelf tour 2020 so I changed it kind of so I've I've organized it now so that all of my completed series are together until we get to this little lamp here and then I go to my incompleted and my standalone series over there and we'll deal with that but yeah so on the top I don't think much has changed on this shelf honestly it's all of my bardugo I I did finally get the last book in the winter of the witch series last year which is an amazing series and I actually have read basically everything up here except for the shadow and flame series I'm hoping to get to this series soon so and then I have my Sherlock Holmes fungos I didn't end up getting everyone I'm still missing Watson but by the time I went to buy him they were like dollars so never-ending Watson and I have both of the covers of the Grisha these are the hard covers and that is the paperback of the new covers and it's alphabetized by last last name of the author because I'm a librarian and I can't organize things any other way but I have the UK covers of these and then I have the Australian covers you can see the different sizes of the definer series also the fun goes on here are scrubs I didn't get Elliot because I hate her as a character and I can love the aesthetic of all of these being the same size and try them I couldn't get all of the books of the naming same one because these together the spines have a map as you can see so these are the four books and then this is like the this it's not I don't know if it's spin-off but the novella after it beside all my sebastian tickets now if I could get that to fit over there I could finish fit crown breaker in here so all of my summer should you guess that would be on one size but I actually made sure to you to put my like swashbuckling Funko's here because Sebastian dick Estelle's is very swashbuckling stuff so we have Prince Charming from once upon a time and then hook who are like the best male characters not then we have the end of the Sebastian de castel-jaloux one day get to fit up there the battle from one the series which I feel like is a really underappreciated series and the Koreans affront Thea series rejected finish and then the one that I really did get finished buying this year was the Theodora cross ones they're the Athena club and I've got some of my beauty and the beast' Funko's appear then we move on to this very aesthetically pleasing because everything is almost the same size the Maureen Johnson series is canoe who completed the hand in the walking met earlier this year and then I started just because it's all the same I just like just changed things up a little bit like I did up there and again we have mostly my once upon a time bungalows here this is bow it Snow White Emma and then a little murmur because I just don't know what to do with her anywhere I also have this little like the Jay Kristoff series before he hit it real big the Lotus War series I also have crazy rich Asians I have the regular pink one but I'm currently like literally reading it right now so it's on my bookshelf somewhere somewhere over I don't know where I put it but I read right now and all of these again completed I really wish more people would read Leslie Livington series here I have the Mindy McGinnis not a doctor during question really really need to get to I love her stuff but I just have to be in the mood because her stuff always hits me in the fields then I have the rain of the fall and duology there and all of the character cards that came out for pre-order swag this is where my hope is focus pocus ladies live to Jodi meadows I really need to finally read the orphan question quality but I finally got all three of these books this year so I think I'd have to do like a Jody Meadows read sometime next this year probably especially cuz none of these have audio books so it'll take me a little bit longer to get through them along with the lunar Chronicles cuz I'm a white girl everyone has to have lunar Chronicles the rest the the completed renegades series which finishes yours the rook series here I don't know if there's any more books coming in it everyone needs to read this series it's so damn good though then we have the remnant Chronicles I had that last time but the spin-off series fit in here is is new I got this for Christmas thank you very much Melanie this is where my some of my BTS huncles are and then I have my Sara Raasch collection here I really do need to read these divided Shores soon and that's Jimin on top and I don't think any of these are new but my copy of the tol there is new these are the rest of the BTS crew here on top of the Royal Basterds it's just another series that I'm definitely going to get on finishing reading this year so definitely new one here is the exact opposite of okay zoology there it's the Lucy O'Neil zoology I think those are the UK covers that I was very lucky to get my friend again Melanie for Christmas they were in series the whisper of the tide I think that's a new addition and then the code name Verity there and then I've got my two Aladdin little mini funcles there and that's the end of the finished series that I have completed or this series is either complete and I have all of them or if there's another book I don't plan on buying it like the DC icon series I won't be buying the Superman one and then I have the regular size a lot in Funko's and I think this one's like pretty pretty normal shelf children a blunt bone7 deadly shadows is a new one I'm Cindy Anstey I finally read some of my city entity books this year - and the hold king there by Josiah Bancroft is new it's the third book in the books of Babel series I've just been picking them up when I've seen them on discount I've been watching and that one finally got that so I'm just watching for the rest of them this is another one that I feel like has a lot of like no I'm serious you know grace and fury the White Stag one Leigh bardugo is in here the kingdom of souls one errant Biddy I really have to get to that because I know that's like a controversial series that I really want to read and better understand Sandra side which was an amazing book I'm waiting for the sequel shortfall to get its paperback release and I will pick that up and the Bergquist I feel like it's a nun not a not a super well-known why author i'm terry bailey black she has a book coming out soon called chasing starlight which i am so excited to pick that up the cover is horrible but I loved girls grade so much and don't think any of these are super super new for the most part I have this equal to this pre-ordered but it hasn't shipped it's just been sitting and idling oh the dangerous alliance is brand new they're actually I think I bought rather weird this year too so there's a couple of new editions here that are not like big-name releases or anything like that and these again are more Beauty and the Beast and then it's little mini shelf there's Brae Gilmore there with a little thing you can put a picture in there I just never seem to you and then the cards for the gilded wolves pre-order swag this is my like this is like these the the deceptively quiet but good books so I have Kristen Kish Orton here si Chakrabarti the third book I have pre-ordered who I'm so excited for that one I'm still waiting to get the the storyteller in paperback I really want that flame cast her I really am going to try this book within this probably the next month or two finally and then um oh my god I'm looking on her name any chance Keith's book that I have there and I actually just haven't put it on my shelf yet I bought the third book for the Irish a series which just came out a couple of weeks ago hello okay we show book now come here alright so so I feel like this one's like like a lot of like relatively unknown ish book so I mean there's the Ascari series down at the very very end there if I can to show they're from the Canadian author I picked up our modern new this year because I know it's not as good as what a player won everyone's told me that but I'm going to refine aliy read it I picked up the water dancer I'm hoping to try and get through the invisible library series this year as well the binding I have the UK cover which is beautiful the under death track is gorgeous I picked up the labyrinth of scams and sorcery my own physical copy at a discount price cuz tour is extremely expensive in Canada and I found it on book outlet and in the cube near kahani is signed by the author I got that at a conference I was at I really do need to read license to quilt this totally just reminded me so I'm thinking new on this shelf bringing down the Duke was a pick up I got this year cuz it just it came out late last year or no I got it late last year I came out but after this the last book tour I think other than that these are all pretty pretty well-known or I've talked a ton about them on my on my channel winter would I guess is a new one because that's a new release since the lack of video probably the paragon hotel as well even if man I really highly recommend people read that I still had a write king of fools just because I know it's gonna hurt so I'm waiting for Queen of volts to come out and I'm just gonna binge that trilogy there and then we're a family Doyle we get in there with the feels long for a forest I'm very excited for it the shadow wanted to come out soon and hear the rest of my father Doyle speaking to speak love very underappreciated book everyone should read it it's so good the women's war another very surprising read that I'm so excited for the sequel of very soon and then Michael Grant Sally green I really have to catch up on both of those authors grimoire Nora is a graphic novel I'd really highly recommend to everyone it's so good and then the first book in the winter has series there and then on the bottom shelf here is the end of the winter ball at the end the second book in the winter woods serious the third one is out as of December so I have to pick that up the library then written really good book really highly recommend everyone can battery I'm waiting for the third book from the milady Janey series to come soon I think it comes at May or June so I'll pick that up the deathless girls is the UK copy it's very gorgeous the tender the ten thousand doors of January I think was a new one that came out this year that's added in there get a life Chloe Brown I think that's another new one that I've added lady of magic this is the second book in a series they didn't have the first book when I was that book I thought so I actually have that board from the library right now so I'm gonna hopefully read book one and then get to book two and watch for them all and bookoutlet if I really like them and then there's the pages of Cove series right they're really good middle grade series and then the bottom shelf here I still only have my arc I really need to get a finished copy of the Lost Girls of Paris that book was so freakin good so dang good I wanted to reread pretty soon then there's ek Johnston and Jordan the the Kings questionnaires anyone it doesn't have great reviews on Goodreads but it was given to me your work so I'm excited to read that squirts Dagon's I'm hoping to read that this summer I'm doing a reread of ice walls for the TBM Beyond group in May so probably good timing I will eventually get the sequel to occur certainly one of these days I'm watching for an on book outlet I'm so excited the Nemesis is coming out later this year so I can finish that duology by as you can say so good life likes third book is supposed to be coming up this you two I have added the dragon Republic I loved that book too and I finally tried at Jessica leaks book I feel like I took forever to do that but beyond Arkansas so I'm excited to keep watching her one of these days I will buy the sequel to cadaver in Queen to biolistic Whitney I will get it I'm just watching again on book outlet for it and the last shelf on this wall is a good one a really good one so I have all my mackenzie least up here 211 seller standalone book sanctuary because the third one is not out yet I'm really excited to pick up that by Karen Lix she's actually she's another Alberta author and Emily Lloyd Jones I need to decide if I'm going to actually read the heart to be sold or just on holic because I keep moving it I haven't actually like picked it up so the wall that faces sir this is where most of the arcs go so these are arcs that I've had and I just I have to get to this is the collection of like books you need to read arcs sorry specifically these are arcs that I have read and I've gotten and I'm keeping the arcs because either like the series or signed or whatever it may be these books here are books that I pulled that I need to read them or I need to unhaul them I need to make a decision on them so they're there so I don't keep forgetting that they're on my shelf right now then they have a little candle this is like the most superior flavor hot cocoa and cream it's so good and then beside them I have my this is what I've read for this month because I always do monthly wrap-ups it's just easier for me to keep them all out so I put the books that I've read on the Shelf together and then when I'm done filming my video I will reshelve them so it's just easier and then these are my arcs that I've gotten that are very very new arcs that are like their upcoming releases that you should really really try and get you so they're like essentially that from that original pile but like pulled of like get to them you really need to get to them and because I'm a white girl I bought one of those carts well actually about so far several of them most of them are not used for book stuff but this one is so this is my currently kind of active these are books that I've had on my TBR that I'm currently reading technically to these and they're just sitting there that I'm not putting them back on the shelf because I know I'm not if I'll forget about them they're pulled so I need to read them ASAP then there's my BTS stuff that I have this shelf here is normally like what I'm currently reading so I don't lose them so this is where I have crazy rich Asians I had my Ark for thorn and I have Crescent City and that I'm actively reading this week and then below is normally I do monthly haul videos so anything I get in the month I put here and so I have the number tilting world the court of shadows between before and after the grace here under the broken skystormer eyes rage the knight gardens and then the curious house trilogy I've you'll see the other book the third book somewhere by Lawrence Lauren Oliver so the Shelf here is just a continuation of the other shelf at the bottom so we keep going with M's and LS this is a really good shelf highly recommend red white Moro blue I don't like contemporaries really or romances but it's good I'm really excited to for the last magicians the book and that trilogy to come out so I can binge that trilogy again there's a mini McGuinness amazing author I do want to get the rest of this series and the paperbacks as I see them I've been able to find them really really cheap so I've just watched for the sale prices and also the final six and light years on here I want to buy the sequels I haven't seen them with bookoutlet and I actually all completely sold out of the sequels right now on indigo so I think there's a paper shortage and issue with distributions centers right now so I'll just wait and pick those up eventually then I have I feel like this is a lot of like unknowns up here especially Nocturna I really enjoyed that they have it's the most beautifulest covers I'm excited for that sequel getting the ninth I think is probably the most dish well no no and appeared that in the gross paper and fire I have my amber Luna to ship here she's a Canadian author that lives in the States I really like her stuff I have Cristina Perez is another really underrated author I have all her stuff up here I'm very excited for the third book and the sweet black wave series to come out this year I'm really excited for the lost Queens and its sequel probably my favorite book arguably up here is blood countess by Lana Popovic so freakin good so freaking good this is another shelf of like really goods but I feel like it's predominantly not why a but there's like crown of feathers this is Veronica Speedwell glory series one of these days I will put them in my special collection but I reread them just so much that's handy to have them out in the main living room area for me I'm still watching for the third Nixie a book to get it I do want it though watching a book outlet trail of lightning is supposed to become for books I think it was Rachel just to so I'm watching you know I'll pick them up as they come out name of the wind I have this like really pretty 10th at 10th anniversary edition I haven't read it though because I know the third book is not even close to being done and everyone's like uh waiting for it so I think I'm gonna just keep it and wait until we at least know that he's gonna write the end of that series um Madeline rue is an author I finally started picking up this year and enjoyed that least this one so I'm gonna try more of her stuff and these books here at the brennan center some stuff that if I don't pick at least one of them up this year I'm gonna just unhaul them at the end of this year I just don't think I'm going to read them at that point but I do like his why a series here I read skyward really liked it I'm gonna read star sight very very soon and yeah there's another shelf of like at last known but goodies I want to try and get all of the older covers of this series the Michael Scott and immortals Nicholas Flamel series and they just did a cover change so I need to do that very quickly and I'm waiting for ember Queen I have a feeling of getting Amburg queen for my birthday so I'm waiting for that because I it's two more contracts now and they both sound amazing so I'm really excited for 2021 for her and Samantha Shannon I have um her bone series still because I'm not gonna read it until she's finished it and she's already been like oh I want to do a prequel story to prior the orange tree and like she still hasn't put out book 4 so I'm and they're gonna probably do like 4 more cover changes I'm not touching that series until she's finished writing yet at this point it's not worth my time but I just want to keep a couple of it's not a super big collection so keep that so I don't forget about it also I have the sequel purchased of the oh my god the name is catch it as the archer at the dawn purchased it that's the sequel to tiger at midnight one of my favorite books of last year and so underappreciated the covers are awesome like the the quality and everything of the book I wish more people had read that series fantastic fantastic series and my banged-up edition of prior of the orange tree might have Schusterman content there Tara sim I am watching for the paperback of Firekeeper which is the third and final book in the time keeper series so hopefully I will get that this year too I'm probably going to pick up Circle of Shadows sequel whenever I see it on sale London Shaw's another one that I really wish people would more read at least the first book this is her first book the light at the bottom of the world I'm so excited for the sequel whenever it does come out oops and then I have a couple Shakespeare plays here that I picked up off of picked up off of book outlet that I think the only one that I haven't actually read on there is Twelfth Night but I've read about you're like retelling some it night spinner I am reading that very soon I've caught up on basically all of Megan Whelan Turner stuff so I'm ready for the last book to come out in the Queen's thief series I have Criers Mar which is a really really good read there I'm Jay Walters series I wish more people would read that if you're interested in diverse more diverse readings the author's office wife but having cast of heavily influenced by indigenous characters there's lots of indigenous authors you should pick up too but I really enjoyed this series - and loveboat type a Laura way mouth I would just finished reading one of her other books so it's not on here it's somewhere else white rose fantastic read my friend Muriel got me thief is a finished copy because I've read the arc and I loved it so much cat winters heavily underappreciated but author freaking love on and true so much so so much and the last one here just because you can't really see it the anthology of indigenous comics so that is my main collection collection the Shelf here I always normally put my book Snuggie thingies I have much heroin spokes I don't know what the heck I'm doing with them I have to figure that out my pre-order swaggy stuff that I'm just not sure what I'm doing with yet this is my shelf that I start building for the next month's TBR so may is coming I'm organizing for May and we're doing middle-grade May events so these are the ones that I'm considering reading for now so we've Seraphina the first book of the lady if magic series they're the curiosity how it's the first book they're Irish ah which I just mentioned their hopes the third book there I suppose I really really really really want to get to the twelve this month I'm really excited about that one the shadow are are Truman C by day a white I've liked his stuff that I've read so far ghost squad I'm so excited for ghost squad star thief this is a really underappreciated series the dreadful tales prosper writing by Alexandra Bracken such a good first books the audiobook especially I cannot wait to read the last of Prince Alistair and then this was I think a Christmas gift I don't know who the original sender was but I'm the last spell breather this is the UK copy so freaking excited you'll see a couple of these and here are arcs that I really need to get to so I mean the foil twins the ghost squad I have the arc in his out though same with foil twins and the miraculous is out and then the fire keeper which is the sequel but I've to a book I've never read the first one so I'm gonna read both so this shelf you know flexes it fluctuates until I do my official TBR and then it ends up going to this shelf and I reorganized every month so and normally this bottom shelf gets emptied because I start off a month without books right and then as I work through the TBR that goes up to there as I read it and then to there as I read it space on the bottom shelf becomes available for when I buy things so this scary shelf I have ledges all around my house so I'm very thankful for that um these are books that I've pulled that I've either read and I won't reread whether I liked it or not or I've you know whatever it may be a good chunk of them are arcs that I've read and I'm if I'm not gonna if I don't have an attachment to the series I'm just gonna donate it then all of these get donated don't worry I've just been at home for a while now so as I've been pulling them I normally pull and leave a pile here in every couple days when I go into work I bring some with me so it gets cleaned and catalogued and put in our collection for donations I just haven't been able to go to work for a couple weeks you know so it's building it's a it's a horrifying collection now that I look but it's going to a good home so lastly this scary kind of an organized mess is in my bedroom actually it's my favorites or specials collection so on the top there I have Neil Gaiman content so I have start Stardust and Coraline on the top along with my Princess Bride Funko's and my friend Mel got me the script book of the Good Omens series which was awesome of her and then I also on here have the black which this is the signed copy that I got from Laurie Forrest and then my signed copy of the arc for the sequel there just below that I have my Nevermore collection which I'm gonna have to eventually move as it grows because I think this series is at least contracted now for six books total so this is all book one so this is the North American this is the German and this is the UK for book 1 Nevermore and then I have the same thing for book 2 and then I have the book thief I have the special anniversary edition I have the cover with the movie and then I have the og cover there that's my all-time favorite standalone novel this broken thing that is literally super glued together I got to go to Germany Berlin for school for a couple weeks and I got this at Charlottenburg Palace and I'm heartbroken it broke when I was moving to Alberta so I've super glue it together it's just a cup holder thing now I will don't think I'll ever get rid of it so it's not gonna be drinkable but I will always have it at least down below we'll deal with this in a second but I have the foil of The Hunger Games with President Snow's Funko there that book was like something like that was the first time I think I've ever got involved like a cult music at the beginning with the movie and everything coming out like I will really always remember that series and the foils are just really really pretty and then down here I have a fan art and then this is where my math stuff is right now so I have this is the full throne of glass series I think I would eventually like to get them all in either hardcover or paperback and the queen of Shadows one actually came signed when I got it off book outlet so I think I'd want to keep the hardcover and find the rest in hardcover we'll see but I'm not super crazy about the covers period so maybe I'll just leave it as this and normally a guitar is there but I've been reading it this month so it's on my read this month shelf and along with frosted starlet I didn't read that one this one and then this is the Shadowhunters Academy collection that I have here I didn't end up continuing on with the series after the Infernal Devices just I've tried both of the the lady at midnight and the sequel and I just didn't like them so I'm just gonna stay with the og series and again I was obsessed with this this is like the first book I started serious I started pleasure reading after grad school and the Infernal Devices is somehow better than the original series and I just will never get over how good that series is I've never cried like and of a book I don't think like The Book Thief made me cry at the end but I was so shocked but like this one I just wept for like literally the last third of the book just continuously and then at the bottom here is just my collection of coloring books for now that when I feel like covering coloring those are their family moves back up here so this is where the Outlander books are currently there's two books missing here because they are currently serving as props for my computer monitors because of how thick they are and how sturdy the books are because none of my other books we're sturdy enough to do that so they are being used there now instead of just sitting on the shelf but this is I have them all in hardcover and then I've been collecting the paperbacks with the TV show covers as they come out so I have up to book four of those and then I have the anniversary editions which those are pricey but I have they're a little bit cushiony like you squeeze them essentially and then there's a bookmark ribbon thing in there they're beautiful so I was they been coming up for their 20th 5th ish anniversary I've been picking them up or getting them as gifts and then on this shelf I have my Outlander Funko's I did have Clare at one point but Watson knocked her off the shelf with his tail and then ate her so and then I went to rebuy her and she was like five hundred dollars so they have some Reiki here so I have at least Sam heughan as Jamie Dougal and blackjack then move on to the cult stuff as you can tell so this is the Percy Jackson series I really need to like keep working my way through them because I have liked all of them for the most part at least almost here so I had books one and two of the Apollo series and then the Magnus chase series and books one and two of the Kane series and I need to finish I think I got to the third book in the series and just having got back to it I have this really nice slip edition of the lightning thief and then I have the just like the cheap box set of the lightning thief five books thing at the beginning this shelf though I have lots of very Potter Funko's as you can see the the lunar with the lion head I have two of her actually one of them is at my office and then the Dumbledore's glasses broke off and then I have just this like it's like a Harry Potter travelling chest thing that I put there for now the collection keeps growing I have to figure out where the heck to put the beast though so I also have this Ollivanders box with like a wand in it and then I've been collecting the house editions as they become available and in by the most recent ones because they're like excessively expensive in Canada right now because Bloomsbury just wants more money it seems so I'm waiting for those to go on sale I have the box set of the UK covers though for the actual original series they're I think three the adult UK covers and then I have the Illustrated editions which have been so worth the money and I've been able to find them on really good prices and then I also got the fantastic beasts Illustrated I think that was gifted as well you can see by little guy up there that I don't know where to put this right now so he's just chilling and doesn't have space and then I have Quinny there in front of the fantastic beast stuff the scripts there and then I have all of my fantastic beasts and where to find them Funko's as well as the baltimore Impella tricks on the top there so that is my collection um as it sits right now I have more Funko's kind of just all over the place because I was cleaning and pulling books to the front so you could see them but they're the same I haven't really bought me Funko smash the same ones that were in the last video if you absolutely detest this format then let me know in the comments below and next time I do it I will try and think of another way but I like to talk about books and I feel like that's more entertaining than just pulling the book out showing the front and I'm putting it back in for like a book that everyone already owns you know what I mean and if you have any questions on books that you wanted me to highlight or tell you what it is if you can't really tell um just timestamp it in a question below and I will answer that uh other than that stay inside okay don't go out if you don't need to go out okay if you all would just do that we would have this show right now okay thanks I will link all of my social media in the comment section down below um and I don't have anything to link most of these books are on my Goodreads self summer if you get super curious and yeah that's it I will see you on Sunday for the next weekly wrapup you
Channel: Sassenach the Book Wizard
Views: 1,935
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: sassenach, book, wizard, booktube, bookshelf, bookshelves, 2020, tour
Id: 2ZkKDmmKivc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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