i love reading for 24 hours and hanging out with my friends ✨ 24 hour readathon vlog

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hello everyone it's me jamie welcome to another video before we get started i just want to say a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video which is squarespace squarespace is a stunning platform that lets you build a beautiful online presence using your own website or domain but we'll get more onto that later in the video but again thank you so much squarespace for sponsoring this video and making it happen okay so today we are doing the monthly romance readathon that i always do with my friends kevin kaitlyn and chloe you have heard their names so many times on my videos before so yeah we're doing our monthly 24-hour read-a-thon it's a bit awkward because they've actually already started they started last night and i was like guys don't think i'm not feeling it so i'm just gonna start tomorrow so they are a bit ahead of me but that's okay i think caitlyn at least is still kind of like i might do a 36 hour readathon and like continue to when you finish which will be so fun but yeah i'm starting it now it is 10 30 on saturday and so i'm basically going to start my readathon at 11 and then go to 11 a.m on sunday i'm going to be a bit different to my friends and i'm not going to try and read exclusively romance just because there's so many books on my tbr that i want to get through that aren't necessarily romance but i'm still still going to try and sprinkle a few in there the most books i've ever read in a readathon in a 24 hour readathon is six i want to see if i can match that but i feel like i'm being really overly ambitious because a lot of the time we spend time on facetime together and we don't get that much reading done but i'm just going to see if i can i really doubt it but that would just be stunning excellent i'm not going to stay up all night but i'm going to try and stay as late as possible let's start with my tbr first of all i'm in the middle of two books i have started the astonishing color of after by emily xrpan i am only on page 50 but it took me about like 20 minutes to read those 50 pages so i think this is going to be a very fast and easy read this is going to be my main priority i think this is what i'm going to be starting with for the readathon but basically this is a y contemporary about a girl whose mother has died by suicide and then she comes to her in the form of a big like red bird and speaks to her and all that sort of stuff it's a very beautifully written story so far it's very lyrical i can see that the writing style is very very beautiful and i feel like our main character is going to be learning a lot more about her heritage through this creature that has that has her mother's voice i think this is gonna be really beautiful it might make me cry i will say that like the death happens basically first page so i imagine that this that's what this book is entirely going to be about like her grief and coming to terms with it and all that sort of stuff but yeah i'm really excited to get through this one and it's definitely going to be my first read that i try and finish and then i'm also in the middle of a book on my kindle i'm in the middle of the dead twins club by hannah capen this is a white contemporary and as well and i am i think 40 of the way through this one this is a shakespearean retelling of henry viii i think henry v i honestly don't even know what the number is i call myself a shakespeare fan and then i don't even know which look i don't pay attention to the historicals i pay attention to the rom-coms and the tragedies but yeah anyway shakespearean retelling we're following this girl who's like guy best friend is this guy henry and he's got all these different ex-girlfriends despite being like 17 and there's all this drama that has happened with these ex-girlfriends our main character is also a journalist so i believe she like is writing this expose on his ex-girlfriends because two of them have died like it's really random really crazy i'm not loving it the first 40 has been really crap to be honest and a little bit like i still love hannah caban's writing style and her sense of humor and her dialogue but i feel like it's been all of that but not much substance and it's been a little confusing with all the introductions of all these different characters who we don't really care much about because they're too busy like talking to each other and like these witty quips rather than us like hearing about these characters and their lives and who they are but it seems like our novel has taken a turn and i feel like it's going to get a little bit more interesting from here so yeah we'll see how we go i think this is a book that i'm going to pick up like when i'm just like in between books and i just need to like pick up something short and easy because i've already read like half of it i think i have like 150 pages left so yeah this is something that i'll definitely pick up a bit later on in the readathon and then onto my physical tbr i really want to read the female of the species by mindy mcginnis i think this book will be another really fast read it's another why contemporary actually and this was another book that was on my august tbr that chloe picked out for me basically this was a main character whose sister has died and now i think our main character is going to try and like figure out who like the murderer is i really don't know but it seems really exciting it seems also like a pretty short book as well it's yeah like 340 pages actually that's pretty standard but the font's pretty big and i feel like it's why contemporary i can get through this really fast so yeah this is definitely a priority as well i want to get to this and then also these next two books i'm not sure if i'll get to them but i would be really keen one of them is open water by caleb azuma nelson this is about two young black people in england and i guess them finding love i think it will be a discussion about race and being black in the uk um while also their relationship chloe read this for a romance readathon that we did last month and she really liked it so i think i would really enjoy this as well i just bought it so i'm really excited to get to it and it's also really short so yeah i would be very keen to pick this one up at some stage in the next 24 hours and then i also would be really keen i'm not sure if i'm going to be able to but i would be really keen to pick up the wisteria society of lady scoundrels by india holton this is a historical romance by a new zealand author basically we follow our two main characters cecilia who is like a victorian lady but she's also a thief and then ned lightbourne who is a an assassin and his next job is to like kill a female main character who's the thief love that there's a romance involved between the two i believe this is going to be like very comedy of manners like oscar wilde's importance of being earnest vibe because i think it's like a romance comedy and yeah it's set in victorian england i'm just so excited to read this and i'm not sure if i'll be able to get to it but i'm definitely hoping to and then also on my kindle i really want to get to the chase by al kennedy i have talked about this before in other romance readathons it's always been on our tbrs but we've never gotten to it but basically it is a new adult college romance and it's the first book in the briar u series by al kennedy and i believe this is going to be a buddy read with chloe and caitlyn if we get to it i really want to this is going to be more of a priority than the others except for the ones that are on my august tbr so i do want to get to this eventually we'll see i'm really excited and then i also have some novellas on here some like romance novellas that i really want to get to specifically i believe it's called darting temptation by talia hibbett which is charlie habit's new novella i don't know anything about it but it might be nice to pick up a little romance novella during this like romance readathon but especially because it will give me like a short little break from then like a full-length novel but yeah those are my plans for the readathon i have like 20 minutes before it starts so i think i'm going to jump on facetime and talk to the gang before we before i probably get started with my reading and then maybe i'll make a coffee and yeah i'm so excited so i hope you guys enjoyed the video and stick with me on my journey through at least 24 hours and i'll talk to you when i get started no offense but how stunning is this physical tbr i am literally so blessed so i'm 20 minutes late to my readathon because my mum decided to make me some food how dare she but i'm gonna get started now and i've got these losers cool so i'm gonna get some reading done i'm really excited let's get started okay so i've made it to page 108 of the astonishing color of after i believe it's 12 30 so i've been reading for like considering i was 20 minutes late i've been reading for just over an hour i'm still really liking the book i am pretty tired though so i'm kind of finding myself like drifting in and out and having to catch myself but i don't think that's the book's fault it's more my fault for not getting enough sleep last night but that is fine yeah the book's really good we are starting to learn more about our main characters like past life in a past relationship with her mother so we're kind of flipping between chapters of her growing up and her mother's and dealing with her mother's depression to present day where she's staying in taiwan with her grandparents and learning more about her heritage so i am really enjoying it and i think i i'm estimating if it's 12 30 now i'm estimating i'll probably finish this at like four if i'm being generous to myself and my reading abilities but now me chloe and kev are actually gonna do a fortnight stream on chloe's twitch because kevin's feeling a little bit sleepy and he needs to wake up and then also it might just be a nice break so we might do that for an hour now and then i might make a coffee because i'm feeling sleepy too it's messed up i'm feeling sleepy as well yeah don't believe me please um so yeah i'm going to play fortnite and then maybe make another coffee and try and finish this talk soon good afternoon everyone okay so i'm on page 240 of the astonishing color of after so i'm at about halfway it's also 3 45 so i definitely was wrong and my prediction that i would finish this by 4 o'clock i don't know why it's taking me so long to read when i thought it was gonna take me like not long at all so yeah now i think i'm probably gonna take like another two hours to finish it but i'm not gonna like try and force myself to like finish it by that time like i'm just gonna read and see how long it takes but yeah i'm really objectively considered like the writing style is really good and it's a really good book i just feel really emotionally disconnected from it i don't know i'm just feeling really emotionally unavailable at the moment it's really strange because i'm in a really big reading mood like i'm not being slumpy or anything and i'm enjoying reading it i'm just in my head kind of going like who cares but i can objectively see that it's good but i would feel wrong to like impose criticism on this book because it's not really a book for me i'm white with both parents still alive so yeah and there's also like nothing wrong with it anyway i think this is just a me thing like i'm just feeling emotionally distant and i i can't explain it but what i'm gonna do is i'm going to take a quick break by going and making a snack kind of vibing like having some microwave popcorn okay i love that make a snack and then come back and just try to finish this book and it's going to be a good time and i'll update you as i go but i think my plan after this is to then finish my book the dead queen's club because hopefully by the time i finish those two because i think i have 150 pages left for the dead queens club by the time i finish those two then hopefully everyone will be ready to start the chase which will be a really fun like late night romance read so yeah obviously we'll see how we go but i'll talk to you soon once i have my snack [Music] can you please play cindy with an s for my viewers [Music] is that cindy with an s it's the intro no but they only know the bit that's like she said cindy don't cry because it's in my videos every single one of them really yes it's my outro you knew this it did not get banned when i tried to use the full song in a video i got copyright claimed but i still use it at the end of all my videos [Music] is [Music] amazing live performance live yeah live performance acoustic sessions thank you for that you're so welcome the viewers are gonna love it and tell me zany hall um cindy with an s can be found on spotify and apple music is that correct yeah yes and also do you have any other songs out on spotify and apple music but you also have another one called space isn't that correct so you've got two songs out on spotify and apple music and are you releasing an ep soon maybe wow you heard it here first guys see ya bye exactly popcorn may be the most unattractive food to eat because you're just like i'm crisp moment but yeah i think it's fun all right it's not like a sexy food to eat forget like having your mouth like do this piece as sexy as you can okay hello everyone so it is oh my god why is this ear so red and then this one's not can my body relax i think since i was lying on that one anyway that's so it's six o'clock on the dot and i finished starting color of after i cannot believe that my prediction to finish it at six was correct oh well done me hello second time's a charm so yeah i finished this i didn't cry which is uh saddening and disappointing because you know i love crying so i didn't cry despite being like his story about grief and everything but i thought it was very beautifully written in the end and there were a few like big plot twists that i 100 coming like i could see that from a mile off but i don't think that's necessarily bad i still think it's a really well crafted story and the writing was just beautiful so i actually ended up giving this four stars because objectively i can see that it's absolutely stunning it's just my own fault that i feel emotionally closed off i don't even know why i feel emotionally closed off maybe it's locked down and not seeing people and stuff like i'm kind of in a mindset now where i'm just like nothing matters happens happens and so i'm not really like getting emotionally touched by things at the moment god i wish i could feel something i think the last time i cried was when i watched love island ugh anyways yeah so love that i finished the first book in my read-a-thon now i think i'm going to have some dinner and just chill and then i said i was going to finish the dead queen's club but we'll see how i feel after some food because i love the idea of starting something brand new because i had already started the astonishing color of after before i started reading it today maybe i'll like yeah i don't know i don't know we'll just see what happens we'll just the ovens i'm gonna have some dinner and then maybe by the time i come back i'll have a cup of tea and i'll be ready to read another book with you guys hello guys i just wanted to briefly talk to you about the sponsor of today's video which is squarespace everyone say a big thank you to squarespace sponsoring this video yes exactly thank you squarespace is an absolutely stunning platform that helps you build your own website and domain with so many easy and free to use templates they have so many on the website and squarespace also comes with so many amazing features that makes it easier for you to build your own website and to run your own online space very effortlessly there are some incredible tools that squarespace provides to help you run your website for example if 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squarespace video you will know that i am actually in the process of building my own website to market myself so keep an eye out for that i am having so much fun planning how my website is going to look and what it's going to feature and all that sort of stuff so i hope you guys take advantage of this opportunity because i'm genuinely having the best time and i wouldn't use any other platform to do this make sure you check out squarespace.com for a free trial and then when you're ready to launch your website use my code which is squarespace.com jamie's library for 10 off your first purchase of a website or a domain the link will be down below so genuinely like make sure you take advantage of this opportunity because i think it's just excellent i'm having so much fun trying it out and hopefully i can share the website with you guys soon so you guys can take a look maybe get some inspiration all that sort of stuff so again thank you so much to squarespace for sponsoring this video it honestly means so much and yeah everyone just make sure you check it out because it really helps out my channel and my life and i also just genuinely recommend it so again thank you so much and now back to the vlogging portion of this video i hope you guys enjoy okay so i've just had some dinner it was delicious thank you mom for making dinner but i'm kind of vibing starting open water i feel like while this wasn't very high priority i just very much feel like starting something that's a little bit more adult because i just read like a 500 page ya and this one's really short so i'm kind of vibing this right now i'm gonna jump on facetime and see what the girlies say but this is just social i feel like i can just read this so quickly and then i can get started on the dead queens club and then i can read the chase i don't think this will take me long at all and i'm just i'm really feeling like something adult right now because like apart from this like my entire tbr is like why and anyway i think i've already made my decision i don't think there's any point contemplating i think i'm going to get started on this vlogging queens everybody needed themselves why i'm talking spoilers you guys are like back to back like talking to your cameras on my laptop go off girl bosses okay hi ignored the disgusting lighting but hi um i just finished open water and oh excuse me excuse me sorry my computer just turned on but kind of liking the neon lighting wow anyway this book had me by the absolute throat it had its hands around my neck at my jugular and i liked it i wow i was yes exactly okay so this book definitely isn't as romance heavy as i thought it would be like i thought it would mostly be about these two characters and the connection they find both being black living in london and the romance sentences from there but it's definitely not just about that in the 144 pages i just read it encompassed so much and it wasn't just about this relationship like this was a big part but it was also about trauma and the lack of freedom that our main character felt being a black man living in london and just the way that this author like wrote everything it was so beautiful it was also told in like second person narrative which is a writing style that i think is very brave like you don't see it often but it was just done so well like it's something that i really love as well i really love being transported into this world and experience that i never ever ever will experience in my life i mean obviously like it's not really lyke can relate to this book in terms of like his overarching plot and storyline but there are so many themes here that i think a lot of people can relate to i also think this book has so much heart because it's so obvious that our author caleb zuma nelson has put so much of himself into this book like there are so many times where he references different music artists and novelists and movies for example like he talks a lot about kendrick lamar and a tribe called quest and then like zadie smith and he talks about a lot of movies like moonlight and if beale street could talk and i think it's just really clear that this author has connected so much to like other black artists and having him reference them so many times in his book just feels so real and just so like he's put he's poured so much of himself into this book and i just feel like that makes it not necessarily accessible but just like it just feels very full and it's 144 pages and i just loved it so much i will now be reading literally every single thing this author writes because this is his debut novel and i'm just obsessed with it i'm obsessed with it obviously wow so the plan is now me and the girlies are ready to start our buddy read of the chase by l kennedy we are finally doing it it's going to be a very very very different vibe to what i just read but i think that's fine right now it is like 10 o'clock so i'm gonna go and quickly make a coffee in the kitchen and then come back and get started reading with the girlies um so yeah i'm excited it's i'm not really sure how i'm gonna feel about reading this new adult college sports romance right after i finished reading like something so beautifully written so stunning but we'll see how we go also eating some chocolate hearts then my aunt got me for my birthday made in greece stunning yep physically i am here mentally i am here all right let's do this hello okay so it's 11 20 and i'm already on 21 of the chase and so far i'm actually really enjoying the vibes um so 21 that's 81 pages out of 366 so obviously i'm not like a whole lot of the way through yet but already i'm really liking the vibes basically it's about our two characters summer and fitzy summer is like a spoiled brat like she's super rich she got kicked out of her old university which was brown like an ivy league school and so she's been sent to briar which is the university where like the off-campus series this year and now obviously this new series and her brother dean managed to get her into a house with like three other hockey players so they're all roommates summer had a crush on fitzy and then she overheard him saying like gross things about her in new year's whereas fitzy doesn't know that she knows this and he was just saying it to like his friend because he was trying to like convince himself he doesn't like her and all the reasons he shouldn't like her and all that sort of stuff already i really love their dynamic it's really cute because summer's like party girl like very loud very fun like you know very fashionable loves her like shoes and her designer clothes whereas betsy's like this huge nerd who's a little bit more reserved and he like designs video games and like reads fantasy novels and honestly i really love that dynamic honestly can't wait to be in a relationship like that because i am also the life of the party so like stunning but yeah i mean it's pretty good so far like i don't think this is going to be a five-star read i mean already we have had a character say uh ablest slur which we don't love and i don't think i can really look past that it is a character that's like i guess supposed to be unlikable but he's still part of the friend group so i imagine he might even have like a romance book where he's the main character and it's like i don't really want to read about someone who uses that sort of a language how disgusting and i just don't think al kennedy realizes how harmful this language is okay i play girl oh sorry sorry how dare they so anyway yeah i'm enjoying it so far i'm really hoping that it gets so good that i can kind of move on from that gross taste in my mouth um but it's not really my place to move on from it i don't know i feel very connected to like that sort of stuff like it really rubs me the wrong way because i have someone in my like immediate family who is disabled and so it's just like oh like i can't really look past that but yeah anyway i'm gonna keep reading um it is going by pretty fast because it has been like maybe an hour since i started and i've read 20 so basically just five more hours of that well four more hours actually which will make it like three a.m that's fine that's fine okay i'm gonna get back to reading talk soon okay so i'm 33 through the chase and there are just some parts that are just getting kind of annoying like for example miss summer whom i love i think she's a girl boss i love her i love her vibe she starts trying to have like a feminist conversation and she's like i believe in girl power i believe in building women other women up instead of body shaming each other i'm like okay we've heard this before like agree agree but the whole like girl power sort of feminism is very like it's not very nuanced as it's it's it's very like you know we see it on a t-shirt at forever 21 like it's that sort of vibe and then she proceeds to say i'm not a radical feminist or anything for example i don't think all men should burn in hell i i think men can offer good things to the world and i'm just kind of like i don't even know if that's what radical feminism is like there's not like girl power feminism and then like all men die feminism like it's really a bit more nuanced than that yeah i don't know it's i just feel like al kennedy should stay away from like that sort of stuff because it's quite obvious that like i i i'm trying not to sound pretentious or mean i don't know i just feel like she's a little bit ignorant like it's just classic white feminism isn't it it's just classic like girl power girls run the world girl bus and it's like i don't know like you can say that you just believe in equality because at the end of the day that's what feminism is but you also have to acknowledge that women do not have the same privilege that men do white women have a lot of privilege but not as much as a white man but i just don't think elle kennedy is the sort of person that's going to go into that and that's fine i just don't think it needed to be mentioned at all like summer could have literally just said like yeah i'm a feminist and moved on instead of going like girl power feminist except i don't i'm not one of those other feminists that hate all men it just it's just a little bit like pick me vibes but then also like i don't even know how to explain it it is like 1 30 am so like forgive me but that aspect is just kind of annoying and like i literally just want to get to the flirting in the romance like i'm not here to read like the feminist manifesto i'm here to read the romance so al kennedy like don't even try it that's all like it's literally the smallest thing it's literally just three lines that i just read i just wanted to mention it while it was in my head because i'm like what what in the world is this anyway yeah okay i'm gonna keep reading i'm not even tired it's 1 30. i think i can finish this i'm only 30 of the way through though but um let's keep going good morning everyone how we doing okay so it is like nine o'clock or something um i did just wake up i ended up falling asleep at like 2 a.m i think and i got to just over 50 of the chase so basically now i'm just gonna see how much i can read um try and finish it and then yeah all my thoughts about it um really remain the same like i'm only on 50 but i'm gonna keep reading this morning i've got my coffee and i'll let you know how i go when i finish it i reckon i can definitely finish it like this morning it won't take me long i don't think it's a it's a fast read so yeah let's zoom through this romance and then we can wrap up the 24 hour readathon okay hello everyone it is now 11 o'clock which means my readathon is officially over and yeah i don't think i'll be doing any reading for a little while like i think i'm just going to spend today just relaxing because my brain feels a little fried even though i read l kennedy which is not exactly like shakespeare but she seems to think her book is we'll get more into that in a second so i made it up to 67 of the chase i'm still enjoying it and i really like our main character summer but i did spend the past hour kind of like talking to caitlyn on and off about the book and we kind of share the same feelings obviously the feminism thing is like really just a little ridiculous like i didn't pick up this book to read really poor lukewarm takes of feminism i picked up to read a fun engaging like kind of nothing romance so it's kind of like we don't need this also there's this arc with summer basically summer has adhd she has and she has like other learning difficulties and this is obviously something that she feels very insecure about because people in her life have been like calling her stupid and all that sort of stuff and like that's a fear and security to have like it's obvious that she's going to be overcoming this and you know there's a fine character arc but i feel like while i believe el candy's message is like it's okay to have a learning difficulty and it doesn't make you any less intelligent than anyone else like i know that that's the message she's going with but the way she's writing it it's honestly like kind of ableist sometimes like there was this one part where summer is like uh when i was in high school and i was talking to my special ed teacher a special ed that's so humiliating it's like okay why are we on having a special education teacher like that seems quite ableist to me like it's really not embarrassing to need a special education teacher it was yeah just a bit bizarre to me and it just came across as quite ableist so i understand al kennedy's intention but i just feel like execution is a little bit wrong a little bit gross also i feel like she's trying to do a slow burn vibe but it's just not really working out like the book's not strong enough for it to be a slow burn but yeah i'm still enjoying the book i'm still addicted to the book while i still finish the series yes but there's just so much whether that's kind of like fun to make fun of basically like there's a lot in it that deserves to be made fun of and that's fine i'm also not loving fitzy like while i like their dynamic and i like the idea of it i'm not actually loving him but yeah that's where i'm at with it and i will probably finish it tonight because it's just so easy and fast to read but i'm done with it for the time being so yeah that's my 24 hour readathon to conclude i read 67 of the chase i read the all of the astonishing color of after by emily xrpan and i've read open water by caleb azuma nelson so obviously like i said in the beginning i didn't read six books like i did in the best 24 hour readathon i've ever done but i still read like three books this is also like 500 pages i still feel proud of myself like i completed a book that's on my tbr which is great so now i only have two more books on my august tbr that i need to complete and honestly by the time this video was uploaded i probably would have completed another one by then as well which is amazing i found a new favorite book like this was absolutely stunning and i started the chase which i've been reading to read for ages so i feel pretty successful this was so fun so yeah thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed this video i will also link kevin caitlin and chloe's videos down below so make sure you go and check those ones out if you haven't already and yeah just another reminder that all my socials are linked down below and another big thank you to squarespace for sponsoring this video i'm super grateful and make sure you check out their website and my link below as well cool so again thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you very soon in another one [Music] don't cry nobody [Music]
Channel: jaime's library
Views: 10,991
Rating: 4.9753084 out of 5
Keywords: booktube
Id: DirqjNvVfOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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