READING VLOG: 3-13 January | Book Roast

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hello how is it going I thought I will start another flaw even though I probably should have done that two days ago because it is Wednesday do it so first of all Happy New Year I will try and unlock quite a bit this year so hopefully we can hang out often so I think first of all I'm gonna tell you what I've been reading because I've started a couple of things yesterday actually which is kind of fun because at the end of 2018 I sort of started meeting like one thing at a time which was never my thing I would always have at least like three things going on so I want to go back to that because I felt like when I didn't and I didn't really feel my Korean read I would just wouldn't read which is fine in 2019 I'm also I don't want to sacrifice any like reading but I also want to incorporate more other things in my life because I also really stop like playing games in 2018 at some points because I just didn't find the time so I just want to like manage my time better yeah so I'm sort of waiting for that and I really want to have it because I want to plan things and start things fresh because you know what is New Year's not for that you know to actually go ahead and try and track things my last tracker I have gone like furthest I've ever done I still didn't track every day because of course not easy since this has been really annoying today I'm back to work but I thought I'd check in with you for a little bit and just tell you what I've been reading so I have started the book called wake of vultures yesterday I've read I think 74 pages the book is not the longest I think is 360 or something it's an interesting well I'm key I'm gonna keep most of my thoughts for the live stream because it is a quarterly book club I can see this being an amazing read for a lot of people but I think for me mainly because of the theme I just really don't like the theme it's just not my thing I known this for forever I just know that this is also gonna have that theme but seventy four or something they just might might be as far as I go with that one cuz I sound like skimming at the end they're like I just didn't care at all that being said I also started renegades which is a book for our book in that jar I am currently just at the start of chapter 4 so that's page 54 so I read that straight after I sort of stopped reading awake of vultures and so I am just here this is a monstrosity so I still have a lot of left this is printed in such an awkward way look so not only though does the text go like event hired of the page but it just goes all the way in there and this is not a floppy paperback and I always like maybe I'll just have to go ahead and break the spine which I don't mind too much but at the same time this is a big spine and it probably made you would bother me I don't know and I just didn't like the way this is printed at all like even the font I don't I didn't like it was straining my eyes so when I got a Kindle which I hate doing if I've already purchased the book and it makes me purchase a second one and I very rarely come across the book that is like really annoying for my eyes to read but this one was so oh well but um I'm gonna maybe swap between I don't know we'll see but I'm reading that as well and the third thing that I am currently reading is an audio book actually and this is Sadie or study Sadie I am on not very far at all on chapter 4 how many hours I don't know but I still have 7 hours and 20 minutes left I've decided to go for the audiobook of this I heard many good things about it because it's done with a full cast and I do love myself a full cast audiobook and this one has is set up so far mainly through a podcast which is really interesting to listen to just like the style of it and then we have our main character Sadie who's walking about so now to tell you a little bit about these books cuz one thing I've noticed in the book sometimes I do is that I like mention the book and then expect you guys to know I don't know I just like I forget about like actually telling people what the books are about so the wake of vultures is a western paranormal I wanna see a Western fantasy like stuff so it definitely just starts off as a Western about a black girl that has been orphaned and taken in by this very cruel couple they really mistreat her and it is but at the time we're being of color was very difficult and being a girl was also very difficult and she's trying to survive and she's you're like typical you know a girl acting like a boy type of thing she actually pretends to be a boy because it's just more beneficial for her and she's going about doing this stuff and and actually there is a panic paranormal twist in this book which it was a very it was a very interesting world it was a very unusual so and I have to say the writing style is very intriguing and definitely it took me by surprise I did quite enjoy the writing style I just really like westerns like I just really can't I don't like Western and this is one of my most like dislike themes it's very different from a lot of things that I've read and the way it's written and the themes and the way the world is billed I think that was very interesting it's definitely done well by writing about the person of color in that time I think that was done really well so it's not I'm saying it's a bad book I will speak more about it during the livestream and I'm also very excited to see what people think the livestream is on the 26th of January so if you guys want to join maybe you still have time to do that that the renegades by Marissa Meyer is the book that you guys voted on for a suite and it is about a world of superheroes and this started with very typically of our main character losing the parents and the family so it looks like when you read series like watching a Marvel movie specifically I think x-men because it seems to be like almost so basically anarchist versus renegades and it almost reads like the renegades are you know Professor X school and then anarchists are like Magneto's gang so this is this basically how it reads to me so far I did really enjoy the first few chapters and then we went straight into action with a lot of people that I'm very confused about but I am just starting and three chapters and you know so but the last one was a bit like a bit too much for me so I took a break and I can't wait to get back because I haven't checked I do like superheroes and x-men where the things that I grew up with with their cartoon and I love the movies so it's promising I just wish we knew the characters but more before we went straight into the battles and whatnot but I'm sure we'll get there it's just that the way I prepare to go about it is well knowing the characters a bit more before we go win the whole shebang which I'm sure is like gonna be flipped around and then Sadie is about a again a podcast that is basically following these two is following a case of a girl who had went missing and then was discovered dead and this sister of that girl that has now ran away because she doesn't have like closure I think obviously it's a thriller so I don't know much about it and I wouldn't say if I did because obviously right learn don't wanna spoil it so basically we have a runaway bigger sister and a murder that hasn't been really closed off yet it's sort of investigated through the podcast I think or maybe they're trying to find Sadie I don't know but Sadie has basically gone to purchase and I think Sadie from what I've read so far is the first person I came across and the that's not sure is the second person that I come across and literature that has stuttering issues the four there's also a character in sleeping giants the Themis file series that so just that has that but this is only a second character that I read about but if you're interested in web for that this one has it and this character I think also has it I think I'm also I'm reading a book called fire and ice because this is our this is like a tiny part of my like daily work thing for fail it's that sometimes I host they be the lungs and I obviously have to prepare in advance for that so I'm currently meeting it the really long stars and a couple of days so it's kind of but it's very busy at work so I just really need to squeeze that in and make preparations so technically currently reading for things and I also really really want to start something today later on I hear that sunspot which is a second manga and the series speaking because actually because I was really not feeling manga mood at all recently but we watch your name anime movie yesterday and it was really good I really enjoyed it it was a beautiful love story at the cinematographic was like just some scenes were really stunning I didn't cry because a lot of people do but I'm pretty hard to get in the fields if it's like humans if there's animals involved I will be a hot mess but they weren't so it's all fine but I really got me wanting to go back into this because I'm I love the first one so so much I really want to read this one as soon as possible so probably gonna start today so it was gonna be five things which is it just feels so nice to be back into like multiple reading things because that is how I operate and I seem to have forgotten about that hello it is 10 to 7 actually so I am going to put these for these ridiculous slippers on cuz kitchen is freezing and I'm gonna go make some bruschetta things for me and Logan and I'm gonna listen to Sadie while I do that [Music] I did not end up reading yesterday I also did not end up sleeping yesterday for some reason will you sleep but you don't really that's what I had but it's okay it's another day hey I am just finishing up work it's been a very hectic couple of days which means that haven't actually had a chance to read the book for the read along that I'm gonna be hosting cuz it's more of a you know fun site for my job but like my main job is it takes priority but that means that tomorrow I just do a little bit of reading in between everything else that I needed to do so I think I've done like 30 pages or something of the heissen fire what that means that I have to finish this baby tomorrow which hopefully will happen that happen I might have to work a little bit longer I've stayed up for now where extra here as well because fix a lot of things to do so it's been a bit busy but um I wanted to come in and check in I did film one video during the lunch break and that was my December wrap-up so I'm gonna go sit down and edit that now I don't know if I mentioned that but I also really have a couple of goals for this remaining of this week so I think the whole of the Saturday is going to be gone for me because we are visiting Logan's family I do want to also clean out my that section it's like a makeup section skincare section whatnot I want to go through that properly if we know the things that are um like out-of-date things I don't want to use anymore or things that are basically empty and I want to get rid of all of these drawers and minimize everything so it fits into one of the drawers on the desk and to move skincare bits into like a little basket in my bedroom so I make a habit of like cleaning my face there just before I go to bed and stuff and the second thing is to actually continue and finish up going through all of the shelves and scanning the books and there's a couple of things that I want to get to this week I am also very behind the schedule and filming everything I think I already said that I honestly don't even know anymore I also really want to get my bullet journal so I can finally set it up she'll come tomorrow but I wonder how much time I'll have for that so it's kind of little bit frustrating but it's okay I thought I'll pop in I'm mainly gonna be editing now so there's nothing super exciting just finished editing it took me way longer I feel like I should have known because my video and was split in like four parts because it wasn't enough space in one video which means that it was so very long hope you will enjoy it but why it's being exported I thought I will take this time to sit down and answer some comments because I haven't had a chance to do that in a while some girls sit down and just open my previous vlog and go through the comments and answer them and chat to you and the comments while this exports [Music] I'm now sitting here thinking what exactly do I want to read oh I still need to clean up after filming it is 9 o'clock god dammit Oh found my lip balm I think I am gonna go and read some all renegades because I should get all a move on on that one I think because it's such a be hasty beast I think what I'm gonna do is interrupt in the broadcast of this with the manga once I'm like further in the book so it's like breaking it up a little bit and hopefully hopefully I'll finish that other book heist a fire fire and heist tomorrow yeah let's go ahead and start this one so currently I am just about the star chapter 4 which is page 54 so let's go ahead and it read some and I'll let you know how I get on [Music] hello so I what's the time yes I see so yes quarter to midnight and I have read up to chapter 11 so I am currently on page 141 so not too bad whoo looks like nothing go because the book is big and yeah I'm gonna go to bed and hope for a better night's sleep I swap back to this site so they can don't bother me as much see how it goes and I will speak to you tomorrow morning is actually a Sunday now and we are gonna go visit Logan's family and apparently we're going on some sort of walk I don't know we'll see we absolutely fail to wake up these days it's not even funny really really shake that also really means that we need to take a Christmas tree bounce Oh one we're going to the train station now and yeah no that's that [Music] okay so change of plans with them actually get a chance to do my channel we just visit the Miller family that was today look we've got a dressing go just and gone so now he can retire and be a very old man because it's like a how can one as well sure I don't know if it's a cup but you're like that and we're on the way back it's actually kind of raining outside yeah and then I'll try and film the bullet your own video and get that out so sweet today I'll see cuz it's gonna be dark so need to use the light but yeah didn't show you anything because it was hello and so we are I need to put away all of the book that I had out for yesterday's livestream I was an back channel if I always let you guys know on Instagram if there's any type of life that I participate in so you know follow me on Instagram I've opened a couple of parcels yesterday but I don't think I filmed anything yesterday so I got a little parcel from Jade that was supposed to be like a Christmas home but got away delayed which just makes it even more special because it's like a post Christmas thing so one of the things in there was a find a penny pick it up type of hand in this really cute jumper I think I put it in my bedroom or maybe yeah this hoodie that says the dream chooses the dreamer and I really like the botanical thing here so really sweet there was another card from one of you guys it was from Priscilla yeah Priscilla from Netherlands so thank you so much for Sheila for your card and your letter I have a reddit thank you so so much for all of the words that you have told me and it's just it's the sweetest sometimes when you guys tell me how much you're up my videos meant to you it's a little bizarre but it definitely keeps me going we've been when there's times when I'm just like can I keep going with this you know sometimes I feel like I need to cuz there's moments like this and I know it means something to others as well you know anyway regardless let's go ahead start doing the thing [Music] okay so I uploaded the video but I didn't end up doing anything else so it's still a hot mess had a long chat a long call what AG so you know what it's all good I finished high on hikes is basically about these we're dragons that are in a society like openly now they can turn into the dragon form and there's girl I think I said I think I told you what the book was about but it was so more fun that I thought it would be it was very humorous and I really enjoyed it I don't think it was like five stars but like definitely like four probably because it was like there were things that I could do without but it was so much fun anyway I'm looking for like I'm trying to find things to clean my face with but I'm like wait it was everything everything's such a mess also we needed another scratching post and the bedroom they had this but it's very worn off this is more interested in the box at the moment but they were both like scratching us which is very good it's surprisingly hard to get at all like a simple tall scratching post that would also not be destroy the venue soon because we want them to like have a healthy scratch you know like so they can like stretch and scratch instead of having to like a hunch at the bottom because uses a knife hunching huh give me give me cheese oh boy I only have eight whole cats so hopefully this will last long and I'm very happy initially but it has a little ball here as well mother they're gonna play one more my play actually really I don't know go boys hello so it's the next day it's Monday and it's such a Monday Monday that is like insane I just finished work will no finish to work a little bit earlier good my hair thing and I'm gonna cook some food I would really like to continue on with my like audio book I'm not like in love with it but I would like to continue while I like peel somebody's I want to make homemade fries to have what our schnitzel my phone's dead so I think I'm just gonna listen to some music well I cut them up um and then I really need to not that I really want to but I really need to go ahead and clean the room where I live because getting on my nerves now so [Music] hello I film during lunch and I missed you guys on Instagram which video you want to see first so I knew which one to film it was between a whole and 2019 meeting goals and it was 50/50 so thank you for nothing I'm just okay it's funny cuz I thought it would be definitely a hole I decided to still film the hole because mainly I wanted to get the books from that corner there that they've been sad for forever and continue on claiming but like the room was like semi clean and now all of these are here but I will put them away after work and going places anyway I also ordered a coffee machine the time has come because one of my actual personal goals is to kick the habit of energy drinks and I am so spoiled in coffee because I didn't used to like coffee that much and I taught myself to like it but I'd like the coffee machine once anyway I know it's silly anyway but I'm an adult now so I can let myself have this and it feels magical I've been wanting it for a very long time now so hopefully it works I'll show it to you when it comes in tomorrow actually I should probably like end the vlog at the end of this day because it's Tuesday but anyway back to work and I'll see you a little bit later because I'm actually like going outside scary I know literally all of my cards run out of space at the same time I just filmed another video set right here which is a new place for me to sit so I had all of my lights out very fancy and Logan is on his way back we are gonna go and try to join the gym because we fat we need to like get on that so yeah I have a thing to show you what can I put you so yes I have my a glossy box I'll link it down below if you wanna see what it is it's just like a little makeup skincare what-not box it's like around ten pounds per month comes in like that very exciting I got it when I went for their like advent calendar thing because it was like cheaper that that's how they get you and I haven't actually been really enjoying it because I've been getting things that I would actually use so I decided to keep it for a couple of months I think the next time I get one that's like I will cancel but so far I'm still just like getting them and it kind of like this like nice okay there's quite a few things here okay so the first thing I see is shea butter vitamin b3 sea water sweet almond that is a very long name H nu Trio revive deluxe oh my god acid vivifying vivifying face a9 night cream okay it's a night that's how it looks like I really like the packaging is just like nice and black all got something in my eye lash and also I as it happens I actually need it a night cream that is specifically nice that is actually it says that it's full size so more bad another thing is there's 417 redefine facial micro loofah foaming gel mmm is this like a cleanser thing it is a cleanser yep I think I've heard of this brand before but I'm not 100% certain but I will definitely check it out was a very generous size as well you know this is a full size or not it's a deluxe mini oh my god this is this is actually pretty perfect because I was just about to go and get dry shampoo the other day and I didn't ended up doing that but I still need it oh it's a dry shampoo and damage control for hair that's weak or damaged to know that was a thing perfect this is definitely a mini but it's a deluxe mini do they get even more mini but that's really really good and batiste is a brand I like for Hera for dry shampoo I try not to use dry shampoo I was always thinking if it dries your roots out which is not something I want to do but that one seems to have some added nutrient things so I will try it and see how that goes but I still would rather not use them very often and we have this which is a very odd thing and I do not think that I'll use it it's a Wilkinson Sword Beauty eyebrow shaper it is supposed to be like little blades for your eye brows it says shapes eyebrows and exfoliate skin I mean maybe but that's like shaving your eyebrows right I don't want that like you pluck your eyebrows if you shave your eyebrows that grows back weird well I don't know I might look into that a little bit but I really don't think that I'll use that one but it's an interesting thing I suppose and that's obviously full size and this one and then we have that which I kid you not you know this is sound so oh so weird but I kid you know I had this oil and this is probably this is like this feels like a mask or a conditioner but like I had an actual oil thing of this brand in my basket yesterday but I didn't end up getting it because I went with the one that I've been using for very long time and Trust of the same brand I just thought it was a funny coincidence it's this full-size but this cannot be a fast-talking but it is actually so I'm confused but maybe it's like a full-size treatment thing because this is a conditioning treatment so it's like a mask force actually there's actually quite a bit in it and I have a lot of hair I might not look like it because it's very fine but I have like a crap ton of hair so I will 100% try this maybe next time I do have a mess that I am dye ride and die for if this is better than that I'll be interesting because it's probably I know it's not a cheap brand with strongly cheaper than the one that I use because that's the one thing I really splurge on my hair is that mask because a hint it has always saved my hair because I he treated a law this was actually one of the strongest boxes that I've had from them probably anyway as I said I'll link them down below if you wanna I do think they have both American and UK versions so issue to pay like too much for shipping where if you live in one of those [Music] this was kind of a ridiculous experience because we went and signed up for the gym and and then like true Fatso's went to Frank and Benes and had pizza and chips each but yeah just going back home now I'll pop in and tell you productive morning so I've decided to go ahead and just finish filming on Sunday instead I'm hoping this is not gonna be too long I think it's gonna be over a week just because it's such it I just started finishing up these vlogs and such random days it's messing with my head so I'm gonna finish on a Sunday and then start a new one the next week so also gives me a little bit more time addressing these things that I haven't had a chance to as I mentioned and previously I wanted to like sort more books and also saw the makeup drawer but like and now I just want to do like one of these maybe two we'll see so today during my lunch break I want to edit the video and also need to call boots for my contact lenses because I haven't changed my address and I have a feeling that my another cuz it's like every three months I get sent contact lenses and I have a horrible feeling that they have been sent to the wrong address which I only have myself to blame I also wanted to mention that yesterday I have done some reading I've done like an hour I think so I currently have 4 hours and 50 minutes or left of Sadie it's not quite halfway but I'm not very intrigued I'm not gonna lie like I thought I would like it I really like the format cuz it's like half podcast and half normal storytelling but and I think the audio book is good I just don't feel the intrigue which is weird this is supposed to be like a thriller thing I don't know a trigger warnings definitely there should be trigger warnings for abuse and sexual abuse but yeah I'm just like I'm kind of disappointed but maybe I'll still get into it cuz still a little bit left of that so anyway just popped in to see hi hi hello darling what the hell I have finished work an hour later it's one of those weeks go my god like the work this week has been hectic I've edited and uploading my reading goals video now I'm gonna cook up something real quick to eat because I'm famished and I then want to clean or just move this no I really would like to like because I still haven't cleaned everything properly so I really would like to get that then but at the same time I really need to wait a little bit so we'll see how dad goes I asked a bunch of questions on Instagram so there is a lot to answer when I have a chance honestly half of the time when I'm doing something as either an audiobook or are you good with you it's like I don't really go further than that hello I think I am feeling Iligan which annoys me to know and I don't have time for this also just then I'll come on so my plan is to ignore that and hope it goes away tomorrow good we good we good reasons good news is that I actually have read a little bit yesterday I just turned my Kindle and my bed I have read a couple of chapters I think it was three chapters that I read or two or three chapters which I'm very happy with because I thought oh I'm not gonna be reading anything so you know that was good so of renegades yeah but three chapters so I'm currently on page 189 which is right here I actually didn't realize I was that far and you know I have like a very weird head space they like tired and just like feeling feverish I also really really really need to pop it into the town to buy something but I can't tell here because it's a gift but I don't want the person to know what I'm buying I need to pop in there but I'm also waiting for Amazon delivery so my hope is and maybe the Amazon people are gonna be kind enough to actually by accident deliver before my lunch break which would be great because then I could just pop in the town and don't have to do that after work but if not hopefully they'll at least deliver before I and my work because what Logan comes back it'll already be too late for me to go into town because he works in Glasgow this week so that bad I thought I'll check in so I am still reading this I really need to get on with it I really really need to get on with it yeah I think I'm gonna skedaddle doodle I feel so angry that I feel so elegant like I hate it hate it where my vitamins look what just came in damn hell yay I love the colors of this one I don't know if you'll be able to see how beautiful it is but dang it's beautiful okay so I am going to look dead that's okay the town as we said to buy something and also wrapping paper hopefully and also become America is it just so happens to be very nearby where I need to go so gonna go do that I know that my worms if I got there because I had to pay some customs I have those like chills when you're like unwell and you just like food okay I'm about to leave I would like to say that I'm listening to Sadie but in reality I'm just gonna list and uhm so music just now I do later but I don't know [Music] Blackpool's didn't have what I needed but I went and found another shop and something really unexpected happened which I'll tell you but I also have to get off the bus because apparently some road is closed when I'm walking halfway why do they even pay for the bus anyway and back alright also so like one of you guys actually recognized me in this shop first of all girl if you're watching thank you so much for actually saying hi that must have taking a little bit of Gasca and it was so sweet meeting you but like i don't get recognized you know outside like bookish events so I'm very sorry if I initially reacted really weird or like awkward oh it's just like it really threw me off and I wait that I was like what do I say oh my god it's so like it's it's so sweet I just didn't know what to say so I'm sorry if it was awkward at the beginning I hope that I like recovered it was so lovely it was so so lovely if any of you guys actually like noticed me anywhere at some point it's just really like such slim chance by like if you do do come say hello I really really do appreciate it I'm just if you are watching please like message me somewhere cuz I would love to talk like help continue talking with you I just I didn't think to ask for your like handle but I didn't like all over the place I'm sorry also like I'm not at the brightest today cuz I'm still feeling a bit else so thank you and also sorry if I was really awkward I swear I'm like not always like actually really late I'm just like taking my makeup like he wouldn't tell by looking around but I have put into Goodreads the rest of my shelves up until the very last one with the graphic novels because good reads have this weird thing that they don't allow just can like more books than a certain number and it's such a pain to actually look for the graphic novels so I'm just gonna do them when it resets I don't know why and I put my whole books in here because that's what they were like taking all the surface so now I can sorta tomorrow I'm Way too tired oh yeah coffee machine arrived so I basically spent like over an hour reading the instructions and like seeing how things work so I don't like mess it up I'm very excited for that I put like a question on Instagram for asking suggestions for a name because of course now I also pack the gift for my friend who now dad is sorted I need to just like take them well by the labels and take them and I could have again listen to city but really feel like it so if I'm not mistaking I haven't done any reading today I look I do what I did with reading yesterday which is unlikely I do want to go just sit down real quickly and fill in the tracking cuz I really do want to do the tracking just I'm like the police actually have the numbers at the end of the month so I'm gonna sit down and do that for today and yesterday a way I remembered what I also wanted to say we have unfortunately found some blood in the litter we think it's from Zeus cuz he's been acting a little bit like not super unusual cuz he's still like you know lively and whatnot he's just been yelling quite a bit so but that's like no unusual again so sometimes it's hard to notice a sense what we think it's him but we're gonna what Logan's gonna take tomorrow off and hopefully we'll get the appointment tomorrow but if not on Monday to take them to the vets they're both really do know their shots so we're just gonna take them both before like checkup and stuff yeah I just thought it was like hungry and grumpy which I also be the case but we come back to the same food now maybe it's the new food like irritating his stomach I don't know we'll see I will see you tomorrow morning I got it's gonna funny hell are we doing in here you're not allowed to I'm just about to make my first coffee yay I am so triggered I saw something on one of the book boxes stories they really triggered me I'm also very PMS is some easy to trigger but it really triggered me and I'm just doing all I can to be the better person and not like passively aggressively responding on my stories I'm sorry I know this is annoying I'm not gonna tell you what it is but oh me let's make coffee Logan's calling the vets to hopefully get the appointment [Music] [Applause] yay hello so it's been such a busy busy week like haha today has been just ridiculous because I am still in my life job cuz apparently it was just one of those days I just got out of bed straight here straight to work and just never really got a chance to change it's half past 4 now so I'm gonna stop working because technically I would like to rather stay later today to do all the stuff while most of the stuff that I'll need to do tomorrow because tomorrow is Saturday and I don't work on a Saturday but I will tomorrow let me and Logan I actually wanted to go for a swim to de-stress and whatnot I just had a good experience of trying my leg swim pool swimming suit you know like the athletic kind to see if I actually still fit in it which thank god I do cuz that would happen I am back with my caught in here um I'm already feeling it which is not promising but me and Logan I think are gonna watch the office neither of us have seen it so that's kind of interesting we made ourselves some chicken like sweet and sour chicken and we're gonna go intro hello I'm going to the Stoppers and we'll good wait too late today but it's okay cousin actually kind of dark so I'm gonna I think this opportunity to do this like a chores they felt tomorrow but I still need to like do my hair we are all hoping I'm actually listening to see [Music] I finally called bids to sort out my prescription for my contacts there was something that I said I will do every every time we had lunch but I kept forgetting um I have to like hop into what continue working on something but then afterwards I'm hoping to do some reading I'm gonna put a face mask on and because I have to do my hair later on today as well but I just wanna Patty fresher look at my cat sleeping in the mess also as you sleep so his eye open and like what sighs like sometimes like they've been which is really important why you o'clock and it's dark and stressing me out because I feel like the whole day is gone I want to like so stupid I mean seeing that for the whole bloody week I want to like clean up so I'm gonna probably go ahead and do that and I also want to sort my makeup drawer so I might put that Sadie on but like I just don't care I don't know why I just seem to not really care about it which is sad but I might put it on in like finish while I clean and declutter stuff and then I really want to put either a sheet mask on my face I have I haven't had a mask in a minute now and I really want to put one on or I'm actually gonna even try actually even gonna maybe some type of maybe like a peel-off mask I haven't had that in a really long time and I do have this like cosmic pink Ruby glitter peel-off mask which is super extra but I got it in one of the glossy boxes so my try that thinking Ruby glittery is it and then while I have that on I will probably read so that is something to look forward to and then in the day evening I will just tackle my hair situation oh I did read like a chapter did I even finish the chap one thing that I did know I did finish one chapter sums on chapter 16 now of the Renegades why can't things just clean by itself that would be so great okay I have cleaned up but it's past six now so I think I'm gonna go ahead and like not do the makeup thing today because I still need to do my hair later on and I would really like to just sit with my mask and read a little bit so I think I'm just gonna go ahead with this because I really try not to use any masks that I need to then like clean up wash my face like properly afterwards once I do my hair because then like the roots get like that stuff with the water and what's the point so I'm gonna go ahead and try this and hope it doesn't like make my skin look weird I think it's important to point out that glitter does not equal skin Garrett I think there's a lot of like glorified ones out there but I'm excited to try it as well cuz like it's not I don't do them every day sighs fine okay energize revitalize and firm the skin cool - even layers really not a lot in here so hopefully I'll be okay so I'm gonna put that bloody audiobook now will I apply this hello so it's actually 11 o'clock I've done something oh yeah was listening to Sadie while I was doing my hair so I think I have like 3 hours and 41 minutes left and I don't think this book has been done well you know definitely on the second part of it but I don't really understand what her plan is I do still like how the audiobook is set up I felt like this book is written to be an audiobook however like I still don't understand what the hell is the point it definitely has important themes but that doesn't automatically make a book so what I'm gonna do now is sit down and answer some comments and I'm gonna light a little candle because this one's not so amazing so this one is gingerbread cookies one of Logan's sisters gave that so it's actually for Christmas I think this is a first like paraffin candle that I liked in a very long time I'm excited about that I'm gonna film tomorrow and stuff so it's gonna be a busy day it is half past midnight now I've answered a lot of comments which is great but Logan's still playing with some guys he's doing some PvP but I think I'm gonna go to bed because at least he's not stree maybe once I can do that no I would like to you know no I have to wake up super late tomorrow but it doesn't seem that way possibly gonna continue with the renegades I'm actually wait what is that like 38% N and it doesn't feel like it I know there's still a lot of pages left because this is a big book but I almost have to like not like force myself I really encourage myself to go back into reading with this because I'm not invested yet I feel like it's been quite a long time but I'm just maybe cuz I don't really read for an extended period of time so I I don't know but like I keep putting it down I'm sad I'm scared and I'm not gonna like it but I'm not like disliking and I'm just like not connected to the character so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and hopefully hopefully get some reading done I suppose although Oh so sleep loose so as he said I had a friend come over earlier that was really lovely we just had a little catch up with some coffee because now I can brew that and I filmed a video with Logan and the film two different videos by myself has a set of delights because it got so dark which is actually good because it took a while and it's like hopefully dark now outside this is how this looks like now and I've set up the two soft lights no idea cuz our dosti should be on me but my background is super dog so I had to set them up like that and we will just have to go ahead and see when I edit if that's like an okay way to set things up so yeah I am now procrastinating having to tidy all of this up but I know I have to so I should go and see you do that why do I stick like this I don't know I did do some reading yesterday in bed I will let you know where I am with renegades I would love to do a little bit more um what is the time now it can be bad late I did get my hair care order from Amazon while we were filming with Logan so since I'm here let me oh okay I almost build up let me show you what's inside of that I actually gone back to the things that I use I ran out of my hair oil and I legitimately have used this for I want to say like six years now and I just itched all that was a fail and it also just ran out for like second time I think so it really best hurts you a long time I love the smell of it I love the texture is nice so I just like I just love it a lot is this this is the luxe oil from SP and from Bella so and that is how it looks like it's absolutely lovely if you have I just worked this into my damn hair before drying and it lovely sometimes afterwards as well if I'm having a particularly dry time and I have I want or if my hair's like sticking everywhere because I have fairly dry hair to begin with so it's brilliant for that I've been trying out a lot of different shampoos but for now and I haven't actually used this one for a good three years maybe and I used to love it it's from the same line so I thought I'll go back to my you know good all good all tested one because I still I've tried so many and obviously takes a while to finish the shampoos because I always do unless it's like really bad but like it's a shampoo it's not like usually you know it's fine but it never really blew my mind as much as this one does so I'm just going back to it and I'll see if it's still great as I remember it being and as I said is exactly the same I'm so excited so excited to use this again anything that gets me excited to wash my hair though is also a plus and then I am trying something new I didn't go with my usual heat protecting spray and I am trying a new one so I usually used a Kerastase one but I ran out of that one and I thought I will try the ght one make that is the brand on my hair iron like the straightener I felt like it would maybe make sense because it's the same brand so was and their reviews were really good because I always look for these things on my views long is gonna be long I think obviously it's more days than usual but also I'm just speaking and maybe a bit more than usual so my bad and I should start on the Block because that would maybe be okay to go out tomorrow that'd be great I don't know we'll see hello got entirely distracted by trying to learn something so it is now almost 10 o'clock I think we're gonna hang with Logan I don't know what we're gonna do so I thought I'll just let you know where I am at because this is the last entry in this massive walk I am just starting chapter 19 which is 43% and in my book best page 237 all right here so not in the middle we had but getting there I think that's everything I'm gonna go I hope you guys enjoyed this chat to me down in the comments would have you been reading have you been enjoying it did you like the vlog what you liked about it what you didn't you know just basically chat to me yeah I'll see you and the next one hopefully a week's worth not like a week and a half or two weeks or whatever yeah it's gonna be two weeks worth oh okay it's gonna be a a to edit anyway thank you so much for watching stay awesome stay kind and I will see you with the next one ie
Channel: Book Roast
Views: 6,697
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: books;, bookish;, book;, booktube;, youtube;, bookworm;, girl;, book, addict;, reading, reading vlog, january vlog, life vlog, day in my life, new years, glossybox unboxing, unboxing, harry potter
Id: hBsWcboGkKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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