Boogie Woogie Left Hand - from ZERO to INDEPENDENT in 15 exercises (time-lapse)

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if you're thinking about your left hand then it's not independent it relies on what's called muscle memory or procedural memory it's largely not conscious okay so if you're thinking about it that's a sign that it still is conscious I chose the left hand that I didn't already know I don't know how to do it I'm gonna show you some creative ways to get this left hand independent or any left hand for my case it's gonna be this one I've never done starting from zero here we go it's weird right but it's kind of cool [Music] I just know if you talk while you're doing it that's one exercise [Music] so far I've been playing this for about ten minutes straight just the left hand we're gonna take it to the next level try moving my arm around while still doing a left it's a challenge this can be important anyway [Music] I probably didn't lay for about 15 minutes my future you can read a book they value try to color a little bit see how that goes it's okay patience [Music] I've been at this for about a half an hour sorry to tell you but I think that's probably [Music] one thing I realized about this it's different when you played it happen the shape of the your hand on the keys is different and also G is different so that's gonna be interesting okay the next day now coming back to it a lot easier just retaining arrest I can now [Music] the [Music] try editing some chords the right hand just like the hand independence exercises that [Music] give you my head vigorously for about 30 minutes toll every 35 minutes so including yesterday I'll play defeated right hand morning on day 2 can I put the right [Music] try some licks see all that work I did yesterday just the left hand the paid off my legs are working [Music] the thing about this left hand okay so I didn't see about 40 minutes I mean over the span of two days and I think that sleep in between really helped my brain form for those connections I was trying to make yesterday forty minutes all at once I wouldn't be able to do that did thirty minutes yesterday took a break came back to it today much easier but this left hands got a different fingering and different shape over the F and the G so that's gonna take me more time to do the same thing we [Music] this can be a very good try to play a different song [Music] I'm gonna try G still [Music] let's plate it in 12 bar blues that's the real challenge [Music] then be able switches window shades [Music] we're all gonna work on now in 12 hours [Music] [Music] my god [Music] okay so this is day three had time for desync in overnight it's gonna be things a little more independent but probably not there yet but it's gonna be good enough to get on stage so I'm gonna try it in a 12 bar blues put the metronome on 70 where I had it before we'll see how it goes I'm just going to improvise a riff with the right hand and see if my left hand can keep a steady [Music] so it's not totally independent I still thought about it sometimes but I think it's good enough to get on stage and start working it into the repertoire that in itself when you perform something over and over again it becomes more and more solidified so not quite independent yet but it's gonna get there probably in another week or so all right so as you guys can see even though I've been playing this kind of music for 30 years still took me three days of practice probably about an hour half hour 40 minutes total practice time to get this left hand independent that's quite a while it's not like I can just sit down and pick something up like that you know even the pros have to work on stuff if you're beginner give yourself time be patient might take you a month a couple months of working diligently day after day don't give up you're gonna get there hopefully this video gives you some ideas some creative ways to get that left hand independent you
Channel: Arthur Migliazza
Views: 252,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play, boogie woogie, piano, left hand, dr k, hand independence, tutorial, lesson, school of boogie, do you know boogie woogie, blues piano lesson, train station
Id: lfvCrwHWmkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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