Crowd Appears Magically When The Boogie Starts

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you ready oh you ready yeah [Music] okay hello [Music] wo [Music] are [Music] oh [Music] out [Music] [Music] r I the piano all day long I'm Bing the piano all day long here where you [Music] pi [Music] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] a [Music] you [Music] one more [Laughter] [Music] time hello [Music] you [Music] rocking rocking rock rock [Music] all where's Jamal go go [Applause] [Music] Jamal for M for the show where's Jamal go [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] rocking rocking rocking [Music] rocking Ro rocky rocky rocky rock rock last [Music] go thank you very specie foral we were told we weren't allowed to play the Pian so I just thought I'd come and Bash I got in trouble with the security guard last week he he actually told me he actually told me I was playing it too hard so so I just thought i' been a rebellious soul I thought I'd come back but it didn't turn up so but thank you very much God bless you all check out do do K boogy w on YouTube if if you don't if you don't have my I've got my card if you want to watch on YouTube that's my card so I'm not your witness if you want to watch YouTube That's I'm trying to get subscribers to my channel I play piano on YouTube so that's my card if you want to get it it's basically I do piano on YouTube so if you want to look me up on YouTube I'm trying to get subscribers for my channel as you watch YouTube okay all right one only one only one only there you go it's my card on YouTube if you want to look me up yeah there you go anyway there we go so there we go we played the piano day it's royally bushed and uh no one Jamal ever showed up hello you waiting to play no that's we not been taken out by CP yeah I know we got M here yeah no no we I got in trouble last week I said play down here Jamal the the security um gave me a bit of a hard times I just came back vindicate bit fashion I think I need the coffee after that one
Channel: Brendan Kavanagh
Views: 160,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3rVfXo_6v0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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