Bone Token Run | Inscryption Kaycee's Mod

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[Music] we're gonna get even more bone tokens let's see how many bone tokens we get this turn four eight twelve oh another 16. uh so I kind of just found something crazy and uh that's this totem here now this isn't usually a particularly great sigil this is the scavenger found on the Raccoon and malaccard bearing residuals on the board opposing creatures also provide bones when perishing but uh turns out it makes for a really good totem did somebody say gold do this that's a lot of coyotes you gotta you gotta chill out there leshie okay here we go so I have hands Queen I have well this guy's not there yet so I'll just throw a cockroach there and here's a worker ant so check this out right we're gonna knock out the coyote all three of them are gonna trigger we just got three bone tokens for that and uh that's just the beginning watch this okay well we need to open a pack first hold on one second oh yeah that's a lot of tentacles all right well you couldn't really see it there but I just for for toke I just got eight bone tokens that turn that's kind of crazy man I know there's like ways to get infinite bones so okay now my entire board is full of uh well that's not good I have nothing but cockroaches and tentacles now yeah I mean there are ways to get infinite Bones the problem with totems in general is that it's very unlikely to get any specific sigil on a totem but yeah I never thought of this like interaction like that because it's kind of not a great sigil normally raccoons uh thing but I mean when it's on multiple cards like that they all trigger for every enemy killed which is kinda crazy kind of insane you just get a lot of bone tokens [Music] uh hopefully I can get like some kind of payoff for all these bone tokens maybe like a lammer or something that'd be cool yeah this is kind of a cool run it's not exactly the bone token run that I was going for uh but I don't know that interaction just kind of surprised me all right what have we got here Hodag question mark he's looking he's looking a little spooky another I have enough cockroaches don't you think I don't don't think we need another one [Music] well okay [Music] okay hold on a second one of these Is Not What It Seems hmm I think we'd better get to the bottom of this [Music] no no everything is in order here everything is normal and there he is foreign [Music] this whole extra I don't know scavenger totem I I don't know why this is so cool to me but I never realized that this just Stacks like this or even if I did I just thought you know you're never gonna have enough for that to even be like relevant but apparently if you just have the totem it's kind of correct actually turns out here let's let's put this cockroach here so that it can kill and get me more bone tokens even though it's only four so that didn't really didn't really profit there uh I really need to find a lamborgh now uh I guess we could combine our cockroaches that'd be kind of funny [Music] but I'm not gonna do that see if we can get lammer from three blood [Music] yo okay all right now we're getting somewhere now this strategy is going somewhere well he's he's hard countered our strategy with all these waterborne creatures dang it I've been foiled again but she's got my number oh man he's completely ruined my entire strategy here whatever we'll do it anyways because we're gonna get bone tokens for free that okay it wasn't even lammer whatever but he did gain extra attack from the bone tokens [Music] heck yeah cracked so what I wanted to do with the bone token run another blackout I'll take it what I wanted to do was um like do the beaver and direwolf pup strategy but this is just better this just makes even more uh bone tokens the bone Lord was deeply satisfied with your offering why do you gotta say it like that unless she it's just weird man man unless she you're just you're kind of weird bro so we start with eight bone tokens pretty good thank you oh hell we're gonna need them all because this hand is no he's got waterborne again I can't defeat him though he's too powerful unless she's hard countering all my strategies I don't appreciate that well that's a that's a pretty good card if only I didn't have to waste all of my bones to summon these cockroaches okay what never mind it was each Rock again that works of the okay well that that kind of works that works technically all right sure I'll take it for raccoon to uh do something finally this is the bone token run I guess Go Fish no you know it doesn't really help that this flies that's kind of counter into he has more waterborne creatures uh don't take my pack red please it's all right we'll get lammer for phase two of this fight and uh it'll be cracked just uh give me a few turns no don't take my Boulder oh lushy oh my gosh how could he how could he do this to me all right let's stall for a little longer let's get raccoon out here let's get some bone tokens nice oh now he's gonna take my raccoon here this will be funny we'll get to see his bullfrog go flying off the table get it out of here get that frog out of here yeah there it goes can we get an instant replay on that heck yeah here's lammer 10 attack okay I think that'll do I think that's enough [Music] Go Fish nah no easy uh let's see if you would stop having waterborne waterborne creatures that would be that would be ideal thank you okay I can get rid of this Pelt that's good oh we can sacrifice another black goat and get another eight bone tokens that would be funny okay these cards suck give me something better oh my another black goat really okay this will get us some bone tokens one two three four five six seven eight nice a lot of bone tokens oh there he is probably enough bone tokens there's a couple more oh yeah okay here we go let's get another eight bone tokens real quick foreign yes please [Music] the bone Lord was once again deeply satisfied with your offering okay what do we have here wait what what happened so you can only have one uh whatever it's called Big Big Boon big Big Boon of the bone Lord I guess you can only have one of those because I I don't have 16 bone tokens that's for sure that's kind of disappointing I what's up with that man smhing my head leshie is just a cheater but she's only giving us half of the bones that I rightfully deserve what's up I sacrificed two black goats lushy there's lamber does he have five attack yep okay that'll work [Music] okay so what did we learn today leshi is a cheater uh let's be honest we already knew that what have we got here uh literally don't care because I'm just gonna fly right over it so yeah I have another one cool but we have Hodag Hodag has not gained any uh attack yet [Music] uh it's fine maybe [Music] sure [Music] okay well that might be a problem um now this works never mind it doesn't okay [Music] should have probably just cut his mole man but whatever that's a lot of mantis cards let's see oh yeah that's helpful ah well it looks like he doesn't actually want to take anything so what if he takes the vertebrae though whatever I don't care we're gonna do this the hard way yep he took he took my he took my bones he literally took my bones dude can't believe the slushy guy okay well here's the uh uh bird eight eight attack that's pretty good I think what's next a stump okay evade Cody doesn't matter because lammer's just gonna attack him all right let's see what item we get okay that was the direct turns out um kind of want raccoon to deal the finishing blow so I'll take them you got this raccoon I always knew you had great potential buddy and finally I was able to prove it look at that one bone token was within the Moon
Channel: Exxo 😎
Views: 37,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption, Kaycee, Leshy
Id: 4-dOaQlizGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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