BONANZA | S2E16 | The Courtship

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you know I was just thinking about something there's no reason why we both have to go see Josh ladies Widow yeah listen big shorty you ate a bout to saddle me off seein some poor we'll know about myself maybe in theirs I gonna help her ready yeah but it's gonna help me now you're going and that's it why what the cause mr. Layton was one opposed best friends we're supposed to be here doing everything we can to help besides Paul Paul told me to keep an eye on you in here I told you to keep an eye on me what in the heck for you can get chased all the way back to the Ponderosa but some pumping Matt daddy the shotgun his hand what's gonna happen huh come on Joe you ain't about to take over that pretty little filly I seen you make a nice lift down the lobby while ago you're going with me and that's final Oh late ladies you I'm sorry out the way just a minute now how'd you soak yourself real good now the porter brings you something to wear oh and then ladies ladies I want to thank you very much for your patience you wait right here ladies and he'll be out in a minute Joe I'm gonna win for sure dadgum it you get out of here I can't pay any bills get out and leave me alone ma'am I ain't no bill collector I I was sent here to help mrs. Layton who are you Hoss Cartwright what's my gonna get you anything a glass of water i smelling salt it mamuh I sure didn't mean to upset you like that Oh forgive me it's just a lot I was so touched that you came all this way for me you miss Layton yes I wonder if you have a handkerchief why are you looking at me like that oh I'm sorry never didn't mean to stare I just had it in my head I reckon he was gonna be a little different until a minute ago I was half dead don't you worry ma'am ma'am I'm here to fix everything up no wonder you feelin support a empty house like this you have anybody that crawly skin.i I had to sell the furniture man that's that's water under the bridge now yeah you go get yourself dressed dressed sure I ain't gonna eat by myself beside you you gotta show me where a good place it I ain't too familiar Sacramento yep well mr. Cartwright I can't tell you how happy you've made me by asking me out to suffer this evening pretty girl like you well not to have to think about nothing but living every minute every day I'm gonna shake up that attorney of yours and see what's hanging up that will oh it it really isn't his wart Josh had a lot of bills and all the creditors have filed against the estate that's what's taking so much time mr. Cartwright would you come in for a moment please I just can't get the back of this dress hooked by myself Jemaine but I'd lawyer can't do the job we'll get somebody can uh how long has it been since I've had a strong voice like that you caught right - magnificent that's the only word for you hold on there he's not anything special about us fact is we're probably about the onerous but you ever run into him you can ask anybody in Virginia City about that what would they say well well for one thing that they tell you that horse cart ride was about the meanest hungriest man this side of st. Joe and he got meaner than hungry he got hi mr. Cartwright whatever's the matter I don't know ma'am maybe it's a perfume oh I was in hope she'd like it no I I do what I meant to say was oh there it's all done that wasn't so hard now was it oh well you poor man you must be starved why don't we go get some supper good evening mrs. Layton it is so pleasant to see you again thank you it's good to be able to be out among people again your favorite table in the game room that the new roulette wheel has arrived oh really I'm I see it yeah you feeling poorly again oh no no I'm fine Shawn it was sweet of you to remember the table I had the last time I was here but I wonder if we couldn't have something a little more private of course madam the right here our very best vintage 1854 the champagne was brought all the way from France sir I'm sure you will find it your custom taste this is Layton convert for the year it's excellent here than you say what's the matter nothing ma'am I'm I'm just a cowboy I don't reckon I fit into a place like this very good oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you unhappy oh no ma'am you didn't it takes some doing to make him an unhappy when he's pleased with you see if you like it Oh three good man here's to a to a whole lot more happiness and you know in the last couple of months BAM oh thank you mr. Cartwright I know I'll have it now Hank I don't think that that vendors don't make me sneeze you think you can go on avoiding me I came by to see you this afternoon I was busy mr. Hammond I'll bet you were but I won't stand for any more but I want that ring back I don't know what's the matter with that man um you're a lady and a lady ain't gotta explain though me melodrama he was a friend of my husband's ever since Josh died he's given me trouble he actually has some ridiculous idea that that this ring Josh left me belongs to him would you pay no man to that mr. Cartwright please take me home everybody's staring at us yes I guess I really messed things up for you didn't it wasn't your fault he hits you first didn't hurt ain't got the manners of a dang goat mr. Cartwright we're gonna sit down and enjoy ourselves and don't you worry any about your manners you stood up for me my honor you have no idea how that makes me feel inside don't know that someone cares you're not only a gentleman mr. Cartwright you you're wonderful now let's sit down I had no why idea how late it was ma'am all that good food and champagne right now and apologize to you for keeping you out so late please don't mr. Cartwright can't we just just sit out here for a minute longer yes on me if you like do you think I do you think I was wrong about one now because I I was so happy with you tonight because for a moment I was able to forget am I supposed to shrivel up and die just because my husband is dead no no I don't think that'd be his wish at all mr. Cartwright I just can't go back into that empty house it's like a tomb and I'm still alive I can't go back ma'am if you could just manage it one more night what I mean say is I'll figure out some way to get you out of there but what get you to I'll think of something I promise good time like Joe huh yeah I ask you do you have a good time tonight no no I came right back after I left been a lot better off better go and see that old with a woman with you don't make no difference I didn't meet you tall you feel all right yeah ain't never felt better are you talking kind of fine what'd you do tonight what the supplements lady what she like doesn't like we thought even worse huh no no no it's different you been drinking hey little champagne champagne 18:54 was a good year 18:54 is a good year for what hey Joey you ain't gonna sleep in your boots are you come on nano fun oh yeah I had a great time tell that gal I met disappear and took my money pouch with her sorry to do that you're sorry to hear that how come you're being so doggone charitable I figured you'd pound me when you got back here what what I will pound you for a manatee why did you she's a real lady Joe I know what we're gonna do that done made up a man we're gonna take miss Leighton back to Ponderosa with us Oh ice come on okay I know how soft hearted you are but paws sent us here to help her and I'm not to adopt her and bring her back home with us Joe I can't just leave her here yeah well you can't take her with us look you got to think about it we got a long trip ahead of us we got we got two days by stagecoach just to get the summit then we take the buckboard it's another day through the pass now what kind of a trip is that for an old lady to make some think maybe she'll be able to stand up wondered yeah well I don't think so I think it's one of the nuttiest ideas I ever heard of no making a decision to select you better we're gonna when I have lunch together tomorrow noon I done made reservations with the cárcel all right where is she she'll be irked while she's probably out shopping or something pretty fancy juggler gonna hit ya it's not bad not bad at all what'd you think I'm her the girl over by the door women like that just don't run around loose they lost owe me 20 bucks second thought better make it 55 okay I can't oppressive on bro come on look she's smiling it but give me that money hello Joe for you before you run off of that other gala I'd like you to meet mrs. Layton ma'am this is Joe Cartwright how do you do it's very nice meeting you man oh no Greg she's ever seen any country like this before I guess not yeah well she wouldn't brought all this stuff along well there's somebody on the verge of poverty she sure had a lot of clothes not to mention all those rings on her fingers Oh lady's gotta have closed you beside you wouldn't even expect her to sell a stuff for husband you would you well if I was hungry I sell him Oh mr. Cartwright is it all right if I woke up and take a look at the lake sure ma'am but be kind of careful over those trails can get tricky at night don't you worry I'll be careful yeah well it's my turn to fix chatter night won't you let me take a look at the lake Stoppers gonna be ready in a minute miss Layton does the Potter also look like this ma'am this this is a ponderosa it is sure we've been riding through it for the last couple of days ever since we left the stagecoach it's unbelievable that if anybody could actually oh no this ain't exactly holding regular ponderosa holds about as much claim to us as we do her it's more like a partnership like we're all sort of beholden to one another what I mean to say is it poem let us cut a tree down unless there's a another tree growing to take its place or take a cup of water out of the lake if it makes a late go down that much ponderosas got a got a mighty lot to give like paul says we take one ounce out of her that she can't grow back oh my life I I never had enough of anything my father was a drunkard and we were trash poor when I married Josh thought that was all over with now I right back where I started maybe I I don't really understand what it means to have enough but I do know one thing what's that now if anybody could have enough it it would be the Cartwright's are you your Kings and the Ponderosa is your empire what chance is a commoner to become a cart ride I'd not be as hard as you think become a cart ride even for somebody like me especially for somebody like you why haven't you kissed me ma'am I write not figure if I put my arms around you you'd you'd break up on like one of them little china doll well let's just try let's see if I do Hey Joe come here horse what's the matter Joe me and Helen we're gonna get married me horse you're joking no hate we're gonna get married congratulations both of you I can't wait to see the look on paws face wonderful Paul yes yes it's tell me oh tell me about it at all not so so suddenly yes I like to speak to your father alone for a moment come on are so I don't get it Quinn I'll get you stuff you don't approve of this do you mr. Cartwright Oh mrs. Layton I haven't said anything I've been led to believe that you'd be quite a different sort of man I'm afraid I don't know what you mean what do you want me to do pretend that I'm mourning over the death of my husband mrs. Layton I wouldn't want you to pretend anything I just assumed and I assumed that you and I could be honest with each other honest I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about I'm talking about what you and I both know about what Adam told you when he returned from the funeral I'm told me about Josh's death nothing more I mean he he didn't tell you the circumstances what circumstances to something more that he should have told me of course Adam would want to spare your feelings Oh mr. Cartwright huh I've been very rude mrs. Layton tell me what it is you think I should know when Josh died he he wasn't the man you knew or the man I married there's no other way to say it Joshua's a drunk he drank himself to death I find that almost impossible to believe so did I until the debts started piling up till I started selling the furniture out from under us till I realized I was married to a madman Adam should have told me now you've realized why these past few months of mourning have been a mockery living all alone in that empty match gave him myself locked off from the world and then Haas came along it was so sweetie so I understanding for the first time in months I felt like a woman again I fell in love with him mr. Cartwright I couldn't help myself I wanted to be with him I wanted to make him as happy as he had made me that's all over now Oh mrs. lick hell Donna you misunderstood I yes I I had reservations but I didn't know all I want for Haas is the happiness that you want for him you don't hate me thank you what I've been waiting all these years for a daughter-in-law oh I didn't know you're gonna get this acquainted that's all wash you know the way pies were the ladies I guess this means that you're gonna give us your blessing ball puss when Adam gets back we're gonna put on the biggest wedding Nevada's ever seen fellas this is a pretty tough place I don't know whether you're going here and what could happen to me I'm with you are though besides it's so hot out there just dying for a cola lemonade is this a gambling place in here really how exciting what's this this is one of them newfangled contraptions you play a silver money it's just like gambling when you play with the machines did a dealer do you think I could play it sure you can't be careful your fingers don't stick to that crank though some folks these games I wonder if I could have that lemonade now yeah give me a give me a couple of lemonade's Charlie lemonade did you say lemonade one for the one for a little lady over there and one for me little lady seems to have changed you already is she cute already ever seen one of them before wish I had never seen it took $20 off me last week oh I know thanks so much fun I I wonder if you could give me a little more money oh you just won over there you already spent that oh but I just know I'm gonna make it pay off again I just know it oh thank you darling on the house total hungry beggar in it oh darn I was so sure I was going to win a can't don't gets China's had much experience making lemonade houses is there something you could do alone for about an hour or so yeah I gotta talk to a couple people about the wedding arrangement what are you gonna be done it's silly yeah I'm gonna finish my shopping well I'll go with you and talk to them later Hoss you know there are some stores where ladies shop alone yeah I reckon I thought about that you go ahead Oh aha I hate to be asking you from running oh well done this what we started how much you need but it's hard to tell well here you you just take it all it's $300 there you get what you need that ain't enough there's more where that come from thanks darling well we need how about the mercantile store down on the car Oh that'll be wonderful and you take these packages and put them in the buggy and I'll meet you in the wrecker to you in about an hour but a six-pack for your eyes cost you $100 to stay ma'am I'll see that and raise you 100 I'm afraid you don't have quite enough money there ma'am but I think the credit of the future mrs. Cartwright is good enough for us thank you Hey hey Bawa nice of you to decorate the place celebrate my return from San Francisco Adam good to see you sound nice to have you back I got the message from the telegraph office everyone the case I didn't think it'd be back so soon but I'm certainly glad you got here when you did well I had my fill of the big city bar now what do you think of decorations huh now what's the occasion that's because we won the case well that's not exactly hid yeah well if I Little Joe tele husband get all night horse is getting married why she's a real beauty and I'll tell them all about it just get the Adams respect to the stable to heaven what a damn oh yeah hey well tell him about the thing an arrest matter of fact I think you know the girl I do mmm don't tell me that girl over in Mormons cross and finally got to him with those gooseberry pies now it's heaven Layton Josh Layton's with him yeah quite a surprise it's more than that I know how you feel a little unusual assistant after her husband's death as a matter of fact I felt the same way about it until I I talked to Helen she told me the truth about Josh what she done it now what's the point of talking about it and they're genuinely in love with each other ah she never loved anything in her life except a deck of cards are you talking about she gambled away every penny Josh Layton had she dropped $27,000 in one night in a club in Sacramento City and that's what started him drinking she told me why didn't you tell me this before last time I saw Josh she was dying now what good would it have done to tell you about it he wasn't even cold in his grave and she'd found herself another man to buy her expensive jewelry and dresses and pay her gambling debts adamant he deposit it I am and not to tell horse I'm just gonna do it all I don't know at least he won't Mary Ellen your beauty always leaves me breathless still the same old flatterer it's good to see you again Adam are you surprised oh yes I was surprised listen let's get this buggy I love we can visit the rest of our lives horse why don't you let Adam with the buggy waiter I'd like to talk to you about something sure what is it Hoss can't you see your father wants to talk to you alone yep right now Paul if you don't mind son not good for you mr. Cartwright you just keep him busy while I go in and change what's the matter pause that'll bring home some bad news or something well in a way what is it it concerns heaven all right anything yet concern telling them turns me I'm going to hear it it's not gonna be pleasant what is it us you don't know Helen very well go on say it Paul then when you're done I want you and Adam and Joe would keep still about Helen no all right this is the news Adam brought back he'll miss Helen is a gambler a compulsive gambler before Josh died she gambled away every penny he had very true yes it is there's more Josh Layton was hardly resting in his grave when she began running around with another man to get more money to gamble with Paul you said just about enough I'm not finished horse you can't think of getting married she'll ruin your life she's no good Paul don't you talk like that I ain't gonna listen with my eyes Adam was there Hoss he saw Josh Layton drink himself to death over her where are you going I'm gonna go and talk to Helen I want to tell her what I'm saying behind her back Adams telling the truth it ain't it's a lie it's a dirty line I'm gonna make Adam Eve ever filthy word Helen's got an explanation for this now I'm gonna get it's me horse just a minute darling come in I just couldn't resist putting it on this is what I wanted to buy when I sent you away house you you don't like it yes so pretty singular of us all Helena I got to talk to you about something oh darling it's it's so wonderful to have someone to talk to I'm afraid I I don't feel much like talking right now what with your arms around me and mr. Assad it's been so long since I've been happy like this if you only knew how miserable as last month's with Joshua how he twisted the truth until believe in my closest friends were telling the horrible lies about me then you came along and there were no more yesterday's only tomorrow's but people will still talk I suppose they just have to be cruel and and twist everything into a black awful lie yeah I suppose they do you wouldn't believe them what you ask you won't believe what they tell you about me no sienten don't make no difference even if it were true just wouldn't matter what's done is done and I don't want you worried about it no more to hear you're the kindest most understanding man live Oh Hoss what was it your father wanted to talk to you about it was nothing just forget it well son I know that you ain't had a mean well sorry I lost my temper I didn't mean to call that I'm a liar as far as I know maybe a part of what he says is true as far as I'm concerned Helens and my life started the day we met I ain't interested in her past and I don't hear no more about it what's at stake is your brother's happiness Wow don't you think I've considered that look I told you what kind of a woman she is I don't know what kind of woman she was it could be a difference maybe Hoss is right people can change ha yes Joe Frank so to see Frank little out of your way aren't you right Adam now don't tell me one of my boys has gambled away the Ponderosa not one of your boys Ben then I'm a businessman same as anyone else I took that in good faith figuring you'd honor it well not kind of proof so what I said doesn't I wish she hadn't lost that much weight things are I can't just forget about $5,000 I'm I'm sorry it happened Ben and I don't discuss my customers private affairs that's why I came out of here thanks Frank thank you very much you want to count it I don't have to carve it Ben huh I guess this I owe you ought to show us the truth not a word of what you've seen here either one of you shouldn't have turn it up he was only thinking about horse that's all any of us are thinking about we have to do something about this we put a stop to it also get hurt but I'd rather see that in power trying to pick up the pieces the rest of his life you're right now what do we do about it where we're going Virginia City Virginia City whatever for I heard about your little experience at the Sazerac yesterday afternoon oh you mean those silly coin machines wasn't that awful no I mean the IOU for $5,000 the dealer presented it last night for payment what are you talking about you know what I'm talking about I'll paid it off in full and now you're going to ship me out of the country to protect your little brother is that it no that's not it horse doesn't know a thing about it then what are you up to we're gonna take it back to the Sazerac I'm gonna give you a chance to win back that $5,000 you mean you actual stake me I'll stake you Adam Cod right I like your way of thinking it's 5 10 10 make your bet go 100 and 100 more kings up deuces are having a bet Jack deuce is a high make it bet I'll see you out it and a hundred more falyse don't go to kill you better have a degree from bringing me all the way in here this is Layton it'll cost you a hundred more to see if you can improve them Conn's mrs. Layton that's time pad on these they beat a flush man how much he lose out well let's see five ten fifteen $20,000 don't worry boss they're good I signed for every one of them I'm sorry if there's one thing that offends me it's any display of violence oddly enough I was thinking that very same thing I wonder if it would be asking too much to to ask you to take me out of here dear lady nothing would please me more we might even have dinner together dinner oh that would be wonderful I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more I think Joe and I enjoyed doing it there was no other way I I know you meant well maybe there was no other way well house is the only one who can decide that you fellas gonna just sit here and mope all here you're gonna go out and go to work with me
Channel: Retro Central
Views: 414,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Television, Episode, TV, Free, twilight zone, 70s, Landon, Ponderosa, Show, DVD, Blocker, Episodes, Lorne, hbo, Dan, Classic, YouTube, Green, Full, Virginia, Online, Roberts, Michael, Location, Watch, Western, Pernell, City, Bonanza, Movie, West, Nevada, Wild, popcornflix, Neo Cinema
Id: HT0tKynuRe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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