BONANZA s. 9, ep. 25 / EN - whole series

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[Music] whose turn is it to clean up yours I'm gonna go check the stone booze on that chest we'll keep an eye on that hammerhead he's mean this time in the morning we're all [Music] [Applause] you yeah let me see I think he got me say that again I told you to be careful you're gonna have to get you to a doctor there's one in Angeles it's not too far away [Music] company town yeah a run by the Angeles mining company company store with armed guards even the customers away what's going on I don't know it's none of our concern that's Doc's office over there company orders mr. Reagan I'm sorry well so am i Harvey hey Steve Steve Reagan what's the matter you can't remember all threatened oh just surprise good to see you Joe how you doing fine fine what are you doing in town passin through you got time coming out and see Stephanie I wish I could but I can't I got a whole string of horses I gotta get to the ranch next time for sure hey candy well what you made a friend of mine Steve Reagan not of course before we married the best-looking girl in Angeles I can't say I blame you what happened to your hand oh nothing much horse stepped on it horse stepped on it hey we'll be honest alone having a beer how's that sound great come here watershed Emmett somebody broke into it last night here's I can tell 1015 cases of dynamite are gone what happened to the guard slugged and tied up fifteen cases of dynamite you gonna take some man and search the mind I'll chicken what's missing even five cases of dynamite planted and one of those side tunnels will bring down all the lower levels you want that mind searched you get somebody else oh wait wait maybe we won't have to do it put a couple of extra men on guard at the entrance you'll decide what to do and we know exactly how much is missing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know it's hard to believe it's been a year since I was the best man at your wedding I don't know how many times I've ridden by Angeles and I meant to stop I know how it is gentlemen get busy Stephanie's missed you too yeah how's she doing have another beer no no no I never sponge more than one drink off a friend it's a habit you're broken like the rest of the minors here in Angeles mine's closed down and company store just shut off all crazy what's the problem man asking for higher wages or what no the mine ain't safe especially the lower levels no we just we just walked out ah don't you worry about that we'll make out all right Joe look won't you come back and work for us on the Ponderosa I never never figured you for much of a miner anyway yeah me neither but you you get caught up in things I'm know I'm committed here now how do you mean committed I'm the one that talked to miners into walking out and they're depending on me well thanks for the beer Joe maybe next time my treat wait a minute there must be something I can do to help Steve now like I said we'll make out all right man well buddy looks like you're gonna have to do all the work going back to the ranch that bad huh Steve how about giving us some help we could use it'd be a day's wages there's a miners meeting here tonight I'd have to be back for that you'd be back in plenty of time what do you say all right good enough let's go pasty we've got to talk to you later on the paten give him do here at hand with his horses I look bad you member joke right right mr. wall chick hey how you doing I'll see you in a minute Joe right good to see you again Joe got right what about the meeting tonight I'll be there well you'd better be you know we got decisions to make [Music] no matter I'll ride this when you pick my horses your rough string we picked up I can still write anything you can jump get me suit yourself the next time you gotta listen me when I tell you what horse again are you alright hey Steve Steve [Music] he's dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] joke right oh come in won't Steve be surprised to see you I told him you'd come I told him I just made the cake you can't stay can't you I mean I'll just make a little coffee Stephanie please Jeff what's wrong Stephanie Steve's dead [Music] no I don't sleep [Music] [Music] was an accident just a few minutes ago it was reversed [Music] Steve would still be alive you hadn't talked me into going with you go away [Music] misty was gonna help us drive some horses to the ranch he's not gonna work a couple hours [Music] [Music] if he hadn't come here talk Steve into getting on that horse [Music] and cases of dynamite a box of caps 50 maybe a hundred feet of fuse more than enough to blow the mine closed we better fight it I don't care if we have to rip out every board in every miners house we're gonna find that dynamite let's go yeah make your search but don't look too hard think about it you could work out just fine for us [Music] [Music] not much help your honor wait for you outside history [Music] I want to go see Steve sure you're up to [Music] search the house this is a private house you can't break in here like this Joseph Cartwright these men are under my orders mr. Cartwright nothing here concerns you I suggest you go back to the Ponderosa where you belong and I suggest you get out of here I'm sorry mrs. Reagan but we have to search your house for what 10 cases of dynamite stolen from the company warehouse there's no dynamite here you're a husband mrs. Reagan he my husband is dead now get your men out of this house come on guys I'm sorry to hear about this mrs. Reagan your husband and I had our differences but we don't often get to see Cartwright's in Angeles say hello to your father for me when you get back I would advise you to leave soon how is he it's a bad boat but he'll be all right I want to go see Steve will you take him home Joe I'll take care Bob stop watching all right folks overlong don't block the streets as my horses mr. Lima Lima long I said turn him loose you turned those horses loose they're gonna take two days to round them up you figure to do that what that gun away sure as soon as he gets away from that horse it lost I want this street cleared I got enough trouble handling these minors I don't want strangers getting in my way getting hurt I'll give you 20 minutes to get out of Angeles [Music] or anything else I can do definitely you must take care of her now I have mouths of my own two feet although what I can there's no check what's going on here what are the men afraid of is the dynamite that Hudson said was stolen is that it I don't know anything about dynamite have a strong like the mind that is what we are afraid of it is not safe that timber shoring no good Steve knew he tried to talk to mr. Chuck someday soon the tunnels will go I've been a miner all my life my father in Poland that is all I know it is hard work it is a good job maybe someday it'll be better for her sons hey Dad I hey what's Cartwright doing here he wants to help why don't you just go on back to your big ranch and leave us alone cape all right all right hey I just hold it Thanks so helping me mister got great and give us let's search your house yeah they didn't find any dynamite they can tear down every house in Angeles but they won't find it give it back to them Kate no dad no they got the guns when we got the dynamite and they're not getting us back into that mine did die like rats we'll blow it up first [Music] we're ready to go no we can't leave yet they've been ordered out of town what do you mean ordered by huh deputy sheriff that figures I got the same message myself Brady's gonna have some trouble with the miners he said once it's out of the way well that's too bad I can't leave now [Music] [Music] [Music] today wasn't a minor never even planned to stay in Angeles just got caught up in things got involved [Music] I'm pregnant Joe Steve talked about you so much hoped you'd come behind so did I I hoped you'd come by and see us god help me Joe I hate you for coming to Angeles now [Music] Joseph I'll say it again what happened to Steve was an accident could have happened to anybody you're not responsible while there's a woman back in Angeles who thinks I am and in a way she's right if I hadn't stopped an Angeles Stephen be alive right now the fact is I did stop and a friend is dead his wife's a widow and I'm expecting a child yes accident or not the least I can do is be around when she needs help joy I just feel that I'd I'd like it not to go back to Angeles until the trouble there is settled well I have to go back Stephanie's gonna need help well the other minors can't help her they haven't been working because the mine isn't safe there's another thing that troubles me what's that well there's a stockholder in that mine I get reports that one here dated about three months ago signed by an inspector Lee Federal Bureau of Mines you'll see that the Angeles mine is rated well above federal safety standards I don't understand it if the miners aren't my problem stephanie is would you I I would just rather that you didn't go back there isn't something I could do what does she need how can I help but I have to help her yeah all right would you be real careful yes sir are you going Angeles you have a responsibility to well no not exactly I can't do any work around here for a while and it seems like a nice day for a ride [Music] what do you think you're going Angeles well do me a favor go back to the wrench I can't I just quit incidentally I think you're a fool for going back to Angeles : how come you're going mom is responsible for Steve's death as you are if a clumsy footed horse hadn't stepped on my hand we wouldn't go on Angeles in the first place candy I'd say that was a pretty lame excuse it's about as good as yours all right let's go I didn't count on this kind of trouble in it what kind of trouble did you count on mr. Polk you know very well what I mean those miners out there this sort of thing could lead to an investigation you take care of your inspection reports I'll worry about the miners I don't know I'm it it's a little late to grow a conscience mr. Polk however you know I need the money you always do what does Mary need this time you leave my wife out of this Sam attack Hudson what is it oh that's all right there's some miners gathering in front of the store did you put a guard in the door two of them those miners are getting pretty desperate Emmett not desperate hungry they'll start eating again as soon as I go back to work if they tried to break into the store stop them I told you I didn't like it shoot one of those miners and you'll have a dozen the United States Marshals in Angeles and I told you stick your inspection reports I'll take care of the rest [Music] you should be home in bed I feel worse he bit me let me get you some cake no no cake Anna told me about the baby who will take care how will you live [Music] there is no word for women here and I I cannot help you mustn't worry about me I I was thinking about you and Joe Cartwright he's a rich man Stephanie and he feels responsible what happened to Steve if you lost it you could [Music] it was advanced in to say I am sorry please go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you go do what you got to do I'm gonna be in the bar I'll stay out of trouble peaceful as a lamb come in I didn't expect to see you back in Angeles again dad told me that you were leaving I am tomorrow why did you come back I thought maybe I could help Stephanie we were friends I told you what happened to Steve wasn't your fault now what more do you want I want you to believe it all right I believe it now if you're so anxious to help why don't you help the miners they need it more than I do [Music] I thought I told you to stay out of town I decided to come back but that got away you want to try them out with two good hands you go right ahead no need I made my point you me the guy get anything new broken no I don't think so you I know where to find the doctor I need you make it the hotel myself oh yeah what are you going to a meeting well over that get some rest yeah thanks yeah well your old man old man that's what you are the tired old men willing to sell the rest of us out what happened to you that you were with Steve when we walked out you told us we'd win how many miles do you have to feed cable Steve is dead we can't hold out anymore what else can do it too you know you know what we can do know what they're mine what good will that do who asked you at here I did he wants to help there sure he does and Cartwright's little boy come all the way back to Angeles to help what's the matter Conrad you miss a meal tonight your old man turned you out here nice soft bed cape what's he doing here he don't care nothing about us his old man owns half the territory father owns a piece of this mind to Dhoni yeah maybe Ben Cartwright sent you it's your father's money you're interested in ain't it Kaiba that's enough you said you could help how all right first of all you're sure the mine isn't safe I'm sure oh I read a report from the Federal Bureau of Mines saying otherwise well why don't you go down and one of them tunnels and find out that's exactly what I intend to do sure he'll go and we'll get ourselves another fake report you go ahead cut right I just hope you're down there when all the d-level comes down tape the dynamite where is it in the mine ready to blow it apart [Music] it may seem that way to you mr. Cartwright but I'd say you've been talking to the wrong people I've been talking to the - that's exactly what I mean they filled you with a lot of lies mr. Paulk here is a qualified inspector from the Bureau of Mines he completed the report your friend is reading just this morning save us mine in the world so in that case you can't object if we have a look around the mine is closed mr. Cartwright because of the strike I can't take you down there you either show it to me today or show it to my father tomorrow that's up to you well since you put it that way since your father is a stockholder mr. Garrett we need the sheriff for these are troubled times and Angela's mr. Cartwright we wouldn't want you to get hurt [Music] that's God [Music] I'd needn't concern us mr. Cartwright if you were a miner you know things are always shifting and moving about underground something to do with the earth ties that timber in your only God I saw the oldest in the whole line [Music] the water out there let you step window God all the rest of us just the same [Music] whenever your minor friends mr. Cartwright is about to set off that dynamite bring the whole mountain down and kill us all yeah because he knew what I just found out that every timber in this mine is right we all this one a blow to Thanks you just solved all our problems [Music] stay right where you are what do we do now we blow up the mine that's it that's right it's your own fault you know if you just read the report and let it go with that you wouldn't be here now yes you grab all you can and the mine destroy the evidence and they'll blame it all on the miners they've been threatened to blow up this place for weeks and what do you tell them when they find us they're not going to find you unless they want to move a million tons of rock that's why we hauled you a half mile further into the tunnel [Music] did you find some rope that's a fuse let's go it'd be nice to have a cot right staying [Music] and plenty of fuse be sitting safe in my office when the blast goes [Music] all right let's go [Music] get it here foggy here okay oh he's still up they go up tonight let's get out of here you got any matches matches right they tied us up with fuse yeah yeah I think you're still pissed this right here see you get it uh hi this way back what is it this way [Music] that's an installment alter all right there so go [Music] quick yeah it is come on hurry we got a half a mile ago Thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Cartwright well it's it's always a pleasure to have one of our stockholders my son Joseph I don't know exactly I believe he went into the mine to make an inspection did he well then we'll make an inspection to know yes yes of course Garret we've been having a lot of trouble with the miners here lately mr. Cartwright almost anything could happen here these days [Music] showing there a lot of man [Music] why stop a little if it set off the blast [Music] he's good it's not so serious that he can't stand fire it goes for you too [Applause] [Music] that's it you wanted to see me your father's a good man Joe extending credit to the miners until they can work the mine again they'll be back to look real soon but that's not why I wanted to see you I want you to forgive me I was so frightened and all alone I just had to blame someone do I understand I'll be staying with Steve's folks in st. Louis so maybe you'd come visit me sometime maybe you'd even be a godfather to Steve's baby I know Steve would have liked that [Music] it's alright [Music] I can't say I blame you what happened to your hand oh nothing much horse stepped on it horse stepped on it hay will be I run a saloon having a beer how's that sound great come here - [ __ ] Emmett somebody broke into it last night here's I can tell 1015 cases of dynamite are gone what happened to the guard slugged and tied up 15 cases of dynamite you gonna take some mana search the mind I'll chicken what's missing even five cases of dynamite planted in one of those side tunnels we'll bring down all the lower levels you want that mind searched you get somebody else wait wait maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah let me see I think he got me say that again I told you to be careful you're gonna have to get you to a doctor there's one in Angeles it's not too far away [Music] whose turn is it to clean up yours oh yeah I'll go check the stone booze on that chest look even iodine hammerhead e's mean this time in the morning we're all [Music] you won't have to do it put a couple of extra men on guard at the entrance you'll decide what to do and we know exactly how much is missing [Music] [Applause] company town yeah run by the Angeles mining company company store with armed guards even the customers away what's going on I don't know it's none of our concern that's a docks office over there company orders mr. Regan I'm sorry well so am i Harvey hey Steve Steve Regan what's the matter I can't remember old friend oh just surprised good to see you Joe how you doing fine fine what are you doing in Paris passing through you got time coming out and see Stephanie I wish I could but I can't I got a whole string of horses I gotta get to the ranch next time for sure hey candy man what you made a friend of mine Steve Reagan not of course more we married the best-looking girl in Angeles
Channel: notarobot
Views: 176,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: 8eAALp9UcSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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