BONANZA s. 9, ep. 12 / EN - whole series

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sure is beautiful look at a few like this makes you feel that might insignificant yep it's almost ashamed it cut a logger note through there yes you're not breaking any records doing it Ali that's been happening back to nature get away from them smelly cows Ito perk up a mess of trot every night four separate oh why didn't you tell me you were wrestling boulders what stumps look I'm just a surprised about it as you are I only touch but plod told me okay hey you know that a silver dollar would come up head you know right be right now San Francisco Barbary Coast a lot better off right where you are the things your wrastlin don't razzle back and you don't have to buy him champagne halo he's gonna bit slow yeah we hit a lot more stumps and boulders and do a lot more blasting we figured out oh you got enough warnings posted yeah I think so that fella didn't see him we get for your for more up around there right away oh hey oh yeah gun extra shovel here five gonna give me a hand oh that's a mighty good looking shovel you should be doing a lot of work with that me I got things to do up there bye bye who was that when your Cowboys I don't know it's too far away I didn't tell [Music] honey okay you ought to know better than to try to rope the cowboy Otto who's just try you know what a stubborn woman I am no I don't know about that I just know you're a woman got some bad news they said no didn't they they were nice and polite the bank has its obligations - they said you know that ever since your father died they wanted to take this ranch over there they gonna call alone today sheriff's on his way to post the property and take all the animals maybe a court auction in Renville tomorrow [Music] oh yeah by honor was just having some fun they have to be sold all of them yes don't you worry about the caballo no honey see nobody else knows what he can do how your father and I trained him I know where I can get enough money to bid him back he's doubled a rope impossible to ride but he can gather us up enough wild horses to have one of the biggest remuda Zin the territory the way you say it I almost think it's possible like a boy at home is nothing you and me we can we can get married have the ranch everything hussy and rim bill tomorrow Jase what about your uncle who tries to stop me I'll kill her [Music] and then clever ship fellows appreciate the trouble we go to to harvest this ponderosa pine oh you recognize Cowboys appreciate all effort it takes to get our pants closed all the way from Boston San Francisco it's good point hey come on we a powder man we're waiting I'll let us think dug up before you get it blown up you boys take cover up there they're gonna blow this stump me a shovel odor [Music] Oh he's alive oh yeah the others turned pale right off [Music] so you slow up the bleeding for I take that stake out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out here we got a man hurt bad morning sucks I'm back get away I just started take it easy now easy we're taking care of you happy I've gotta get to Renville just lie back now you heard I don't care if I'm hurting who are you Ben Cartwright you know logging camp at the edge of the Ponderosa now your legs hurt real bad so my back with it I've got to get the rim built before noon tomorrow buddy you might as well make up your mind you ain't gonna be riding with that leg sometime hey there's a horse ocean over there tomorrow there's a black the only one in the string and I got to have him just lays more important than any horse I know where's my kick I have money take it easy let's go right I don't have any blast him to do for a couple of days I'd be delighted go to rim moon take care of it for him broom boo is not just over the next hill it's a long ride overnight we got a bike I could go along with candy you keep an eye on hell we could keep an eye on me too first time you volunteered for anything in over a month know what that's the reason I'm doing I feel kind of guilty about well I got plated through here $500 in there five hundred dollars for one horse has he made of pure gold I got to have that horse he's the only black in the string I gotta have him don't worry we'll get him for you just take care of that leg sorry you got into this mess but that land was posted for blasting mr. Fredrick's how'd you know my name looked in your wallet not gonna defy your family I got a family but thanks for trying [Music] are you all I do we gotta get this election the horse place bought and paid for bring out the first one Oh righty here we are man that'd be too broke what a worker a good animal what are we here first starter 20 25 30 30 anybody good workforce can't go wrong on this one good work horse toy here 30 that looks like I made it just in time you're missing a chance I got 30 I got 30 we're 35 35 35 going once twice three times there soldier the bowlegged cowboy for $35 Tommy let's get that good-looking black ninja [Applause] [Laughter] yes you mean halter shy don't chase it good animal by an animal for the man they can seem him I like you as it $5.00 per as is $50 yes a man that know the fourth place and knows what he wants $50 looking for a hundred one hundred you got it 150 exactly 200 dollars and no cents he's worth two hundred he's worth three I hear three don't I you just heard it three hundred you just bought yourself a horse friend I've got 300 we'll hear more 350 going once twice three times and four three other hey the Italian select your bill of sale I also had to get a hold on him why anybody wants to buy him only right now good luck heading in a row [Music] [Applause] stay here [Music] now that mixed tourists let's see next animal is one you can last soon [Music] there you go bartender windows it liven up around here mister this here is Renville yeah they call it Renville because it's right on the edge of nothing good place I saw coming into that hotel is that the only place to stay there across the street damn well has afraid oh oh sometimes things liven up about sundown can hardly wait flat rim though [Music] things pick up anymore I just don't think I'm gonna be able to stand it you rest up from all the excitement over the hotel you know about the chambermaid will be 72 as a matter of fact he is [Music] 400 hundred dollar profit I'll take the bill of sale for the black that's sure a nice profit mr. Brent I'm sorry I'm not interested double your private and Gabriel Bingham and I want that horse I don't remember you inviting in bill over here Joe did you invite anyone over here hmm no I didn't but anybody do right something I didn't invite anyone over here hello I'm sorry mr. mr. Bingham but I can't sell the horse it's not mine to sell see it belongs to a fellow was in bed hurt and to hear him talk that's that's the greatest animal in the world so sorry hey cowboy you know who that was hmm oh yeah that's Gabriel Bingham hey you likes black horses I got a strange feeling our exciting night in rim village just come and go yeah give me another look at that bill Sayle that's just a bill of sale I got them curious I must have missed something when I looked at that horse no I counted four legs in the head hey bartender what are we late for the champagne to present under glass and the dancing girl huh the bill please Oh two dollars and six bits I'm going back over the stable and take another look at that horse all righty I'll be up in a row figuring on exciting stories to tell brother horse when we get back you see that was a fool in 6 min special yes they buy beer for the lady [Music] hold it right there put that horse right back where you found you hold it right there mister drop your gun go ahead get your hands up and turn around real slow [Applause] all right boys I'm all right get the horse out of here [Music] come in and close the door ma'am I I think maybe I have the wrong room just come in and close the door [Music] you can't expect me to believe you I know chase wouldn't let anybody buy that horse for him look lady if you would just try telling me half as much as I'm trying to tell you I think we'd get along fine I explained he had no choice he gave us 500 hours to buy a horse we spent $300 and I've got 200 dollars left over now I know you're lying Jason never had $500 in his whole life what say use why don't you just admit you work for Bingham what lady I wouldn't work for Bingham him what the heck happened to you you said he was 70 I was wrong again what happened over 35 very bad man hit me in the head and took a block away from me who's your friend she hasn't said she been to was he calling me a liar come on sit down what do you lying about I'm not alive she just thinks I am he's got an idea we bought that horse for a Bingham they know well no that's gonna be very easy to straighten out you give me a couple of minutes to get cleaned up the night's young there's wine and music next door with a lady's shut up she's not very friendly is she mm-hmm show her the bill of sale they got that too they got that yeah figures you have any idea where they went I didn't notice I was taking a nap but I did get a good look at one of them it was that ramrod that was bidding against us of the auction I'm one with a scar on his face his name is Rio he's binghams Foreman Oh binghams form so binghams Foreman steals a horse from us that we paid $300 for now you still think we're working for Bingham or are you beginning to believe what I've been telling you I guess I was wrong please take me to see Jace right away it's very important I'm sorry to say this but you're gonna have to go without me I'm gonna be busy yeah hold on you're going where I think you're going you need help lady needs an escort I'll get that horse please take me to see Jace right now all right first thing in the morning if you'll do me one little favor what put the gun away [Music] funny we're gonna find a sheriff yeah what you want to see him for well I'm gonna go try to catch a horse thief thought he might want to come along this stole horse that wouldn't be too black you and your friend bought at the auction yesterday would it could be it's too bad I recollect mr. Baker more with you and your friends poor my fair price for that piece of horse leg could be but that doesn't give him license to send us form steal it son you take my advice don't accuse mr. Bingham of anything you can't prove beyond a shadow don't need advice just directions fair enough no advice where's the sheriff you know something your beers lousy too you [Music] took you long enough to get him here well that ain't just a horse Bingham he's half horse and half pure devil maybe I took a few punches getting him too but you aren't done yet I told you to bring in Jace - well how am I gonna do that I don't know where to look for him and you call yourself smart took me one minute with a hotel clerk to find out it was Joe Cartwright bid in that horse cart ride huh and Cartwright himself said he bought him for a man who's hurt and in bed well the Cartwright's got that logging camp up near sawtooth so start there but find him real and bring him in why do you want him mr. Bingham dead or alive yeah dead or alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] No too bad killing your hair I'd save the time and trouble of hanging yeah for what for coming after a horse that I've bought and paid for you got a build a sale walk where or I can keep an eye on you until the law gets here sure we should go for that gun man kills a horse thief he's doing the world a favor [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's hurtin in bed so if he's here he'll be in the bunkhouse [Music] you're packing those saddleman ride while you still can hold your fire Jace will leave [Music] jace your troubles are your own until they involve the Ponderosa and then all of a sudden they're my troubles I'm sorry one of my men goes off looking for a stolen horse and doesn't come back and three gunmen shoot up my logging camp they were trying to kill chase yes dear that's what I mean by becoming involved like one of those gunman was killed right not the door you and one of my men was wounded I gonna have to explain that to the law before I can you're gonna have to explain it to me started six years ago car broke his hip he was bedridden after that my uncle gave Bingham ran the ranch you're supposed to teach me how to run it but all I was ever allowed to do is clean the stables and dig postholes I'm a fairy Haim with horses so I took to the high country chasing the wild ones I met Cathy their father and we decided to throw in together and build a horse ranch I needed money to get started I went to pas Jason wild horses was like chasing the rainbows a lot of men feel that way and yeah these father and I started to Train black Caballero how did you know well JC it was a little feverish and he did a bit of talking was it then round up other Louis's with a lot of money it's just the best one you ever saw any way to make it short ha died as will said that I didn't get the ranch until I was married settle down in the business of my own making money that's why I needed the cow by auto that's why Bingham stolen tell him the rest anything happens to me Bingham gets the ranch today's you give Joe $500 and what you get and the ranch safe back wages Bingham wouldn't give me you say I stole it it's Jace's money he earned it you don't believe me yes and it's not a question of believing or not believing I think I might go over and talk to Bingham all right over there with boys staying right here you know condition to write anyway Gabby you stay here with him you stay here to the next bed [Music] that you'd like so chase what are you doing out of bed wasted too much time already I'm alright darling you're just not well enough yet I'm going Jeffy I got to be there when Bingham talks to Cartwright I'm on my own rein on that cowboy Otto hand me my gun please I need my horse saddle mine up too [Music] thank you please yeah [Music] my name's cart Rider I'm looking for mr. Bingham please mr. karge ride I've always wanted to meet you mr. Bingham won't you come in well we should have met long before this cars right didn't know what of the three car drives preferred with their branch water I always think men can look at things better through a glass oh thank you mr. thinga but I suppose your men told you what happened over our logging camp no oh I didn't send anybody over there I don't know what this is all about well let me explain it to you you tried to buy a horse from me for six hundred dollars I wouldn't sell him so you sent your man Rio to steal him now you watch who you're calling a thief boy I saw you weren't going to sell so I passed Rio yeah he's a thief but he doesn't work for me anymore I caught him stealing threw him off the place more than a month ago how come that he and two of his friends came over to try to get Jace Frederick's out of our bunkhouse Jace oh he's staying with you yes yes I had a loco nephew of mine what did he tell you and I don't treat him right I'm trying to steal this ranch from him first thing he tells everybody did he mention that I took hold of this ranch when his paw was crippled that I worked freeze and drought flood and dust and built it to where it is today yes he said you ran it without his help well he wouldn't mention that that boy never did an honest lick of work from the day his paw was hurt he run off every chance he got and he's a thief too and I can prove it sure yes why'd I ask you to write over Sheriff - to investigate a robbery what did you find oh it's a pretty ball face back and mr. binghams nephew chase Frederick stole $500 out of the ranch strongbox well who told you it was Jace Frederick stole the money well let me ask you a question how much did Jace give you to buy that black $500 oh yeah I'm having that drink invitation still open Sir William do you know it was Jace gave Joe that $500 [Music] [Music] stay here you're hot guys let me come with you stay here [Music] Hayato [Music] [Music] somebody shooting rats around the barn now what I was trying to explain we can't let them leave this ranch we know now down here just a minute I don't mind telling a liar too but killing them on [Applause] touch that roadblock kill you [Music] as you understand you a whole lot better and happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] sure is beautiful look at a view like this makes you feel it might insignificant yep it's almost ashamed it cut a logger know through there yes you're not breaking any records doing it Ali it's been happening back-to-nature accessible get away from them smelly cows Ito perk up a mess of crowd every night four separate oh why didn't you tell me you were wrestling boulders or foot stumps look I'm just a surprised about it as you are I only touch what plod told me okay hey you know that a silver dollar would come up heads you know where I'd be right now San Francisco Barbary Coast a lot better off right where you are the things you're a sling [Music] honey okay you ought to know better than to try to rope the cowboy Otto let's just try you know what a stubborn woman I am no I don't know about that I just know you're a woman that's bad news they said no didn't they they were nice and polite the bank has its obligations - they said don't razzle back and you don't have to buy him champagne he's gonna bit slow yeah we hit a lot more more stumps and boulders and do a lot more blasting we figured out oh you got enough warnings posted yeah I think so that fella didn't see him bigot for your form or up around there right away oh hey oh yeah gun extra shovel here Bob gonna give me a hand oh that's a mighty good-lookin shovel you should be doing a lot of work with that me I got things to do up there huh who was that when your Cowboys I don't know it's good for a way I could until [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know that ever since your father died they wanted to take this ranch over what are they gonna call alone today sheriff's on his way to post the property and take all the animals maybe a court auction in Renville tomorrow [Music]
Channel: notarobot
Views: 186,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: 4qUq7uVdmm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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