BONANZA s. 14, ep. 11 / EN - whole series

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[Music] yes thank you thank you come again Thanks that'll be seven cents - I'll be right there miss winters I've got customers waiting three cents change [Music] seven cents [Music] [Applause] what you doing hi-c [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's where that time gets bigger every week and the people everybody running don't think Apple of know where they're going now they sure were able to get there fast I saw on the children again today he was running to but at least they got sense enough to know they ain't going no place in particular none of those fellas up in Boston know they'd end up charging seven cents for a bitty old box of tea he wouldn't attempt in the ocean [Music] I don't think I ever remember that walk in the town taking so long [Music] just closed my eyes for a while [Music] it's good to get home Alice it's good to be home [Music] they're very fine boys aren't they Tim Robby oh yeah job Tim Robby look up at mr. mrs. Holcomb he's shy that's all could we speak to you about mama please certainly miss Gaines take the boys out in the hall please miss Kay's yes I'd like you to stay if you would right out there fine-looking boys aren't they there are a few questions that I have to ask of course from the time the boys first came into the room for a little one huh you never spoke well he's very shy as his brother told him yes but you asked Tim to say something and you didn't ask Robby why was that Miss Gaines can avoid speak have you ever heard him speak well no I haven't but but I know he will how long have the boys been at the orphanage about six months have you had the boy examined yes we found nothing wrong he'll be all right mr. hope and believe me it's you see it's just that they've been through so much being deserted by their father and mother and then coming to a strange place to live I understand that but you have to understand our position raising two boys isn't easy I I don't think it would be fair to my wife or to myself to attempt it if one of them has a problem but I told you the boy has been examined he's alright and make him speak bring him in and make him speak we'd like to adopt him we'll give him a good home the boys are brothers all they have is each other mr. Dawson please I understand how you feel miss Gaines but our job is to find homes for the children sometimes it's impossible to keep them together mr. Dawson I beg you that'll be all miss Gaines take the boys back to their own house only to be ready for the boy as soon as possible there is some paperwork but if we rush it we can have everything ready in a week happy hi I uh I do hope you understand the way my husband and I feel of course I do [Music] I'm away [Music] you have no sense [Music] [Music] hours an expectant any company the season it's not you not welcome you understand you're more than welcome it's just that I usually entertain company in my front room he doesn't be scared of boys I can cinnamon bread and hot tea bro and you're welcome to join me [Music] yes I can't blame him they must find it with all folks is it I've changed your mind front doors open [Music] my cinnamon breads pretty good if I do say so myself [Music] got some extra pieces of cinnamon Brad case changed your mind [Music] well you kept yours in the pot so it wouldn't get cold nothing worse than cold tea except maybe a cold nose hmm sorry's good you fellas from around these parts nope just passing through oh I see oh yeah heaven San Francisco San Francisco mighty nice place I never been there myself but here tell about it Fallon kinda late thank you we managed oh sure you do by the way my name is Jonathan May what's yours Jim what's your name young fella he's my brother names Robbie you don't talk much smart fellows usually don't oh you're welcome to spend the night get plenty of room you don't want to put you out oh no by the tall doctor you change mine that's right in there well my pitch in travel makes a man hungry yeah sure it does hasn't that'll sign up I think on the town report it to the sheriff get dressed take me just a minute there's no reason for you to have to go yes there is I'm responsible for what happened what are you talking about I knew they were going to run away hem Tata you didn't have to I could see it in their little faces Oh Mayan heaven's name didn't you stop him mr. Dunson what was I supposed to do tell them that they lost their mother and father never going to lose each other but it was for their own good I'll just be a moment [Music] [Music] to turn them in what the folks must be worried sick about Jake run up as many men in a couple minutes that's a few more questions what reason do you think the boys have running away I don't know what you're implying we treat the children very well at the orphanage I'm not implying anything it's just why they ran away might give me a better idea what hello mr. Dawson found a home for the older boy but the adopting parents didn't feel they could take them bolts we do our best in these cases it isn't easy believe me the younger boy can't talk and quite frankly I don't think we'll ever be able to find a home for him it wouldn't be fair to hold him back to deny him a chance for a family did you ask him ask him what whether he wanted to leave his brother way Rumney often it's not the children all right if there's no more information [Music] oh I'm sorry Jonathan you wanted to see me what what see me no no I just wanted to wait the dry place the rain beat up a bit hey right here's one like I can't hide you fellas what to do first of all I got the idea myself secondly it's your decision to make [Music] all I can tell you is they're looking for you and you start heading for San Francisco now they're bound to find you how you're welcome to stay here as long as you want I promise I won't say anything why why what why didn't you tell me where we were well I guess it's cuz most folks would say I'm senile let's see now that's a very interesting question it's a word a lot of people use so they won't have to pay no mind to what older people think you know what I mean well what about it you want to try out the air for a while we'll try to for a while all right then your boys left doing your fair share Tim you look like the henhouse find some eggs Robbie everyone outside get some firewood and I'll make breakfast all right get to work yes sir yeah - sure Jonathan will do fine right Jonathan yeah most folks don't pay no mind on what we think either I guess it makes us all to be seen around oh yeah suppose it does [Applause] I'm traveling a pretty smart company house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] Wow all right god I just saw two boys come running in here yeah sure did hey how's Ben doing they see him in quite a while he's fine listen those boys fit the descriptions of the one we've been looking for hey Otto everyone Oh how'd you breakfast yeah I did thank you well when did you find him yesterday well II didn't exactly find him Hey just dropped in for a little visit you mean that they were here when we saw you in the sheriff's office last night that's right hey yeah I got something to show you you ain't gonna believe this would you believe if they get my seven cents for this video box of tea Jonathan why didn't we tell us you know where the kids were yeah that's a second time today I've been asked a question come on what's this all about we've been out all night looking for them boys I know I know I'm sorry about that happy well sorry just ain't good enough anymore I want some answers well we'll do our best all right boys can come out now they know you're hiding Griff like you to meet Tim and Robbie boys this is Griff king well how you fellas now why don't we sit down and talk this thing over proper mm-hmm hey come on fellas now Grif this ain't gonna be easy cuz we ain't got all the answers but well you remember what that man was saying about Ted Tim and Robbie not seeing each other anymore yeah you don't think that's right do you well know why I know it I know the way Grif was talking to that man he was put off by the whole idea and I hold on I look just because we think that Dawson's in the wrong doesn't make what you did right you can't keep these kids here why not well because it ain't right well Grif you sure are a hard man to figure out you just got through saying that what that man is doing it right and now here the three of us trying to stop them and you're telling us we ain't right now one of us gotta be right one of us gotta be wrong now who is it Jonathan you just can't boil this thing down to a question of right and wrong boiler Stewart afraid I want an answer to my question I don't know any why see we're all the same boat now you just admitted you don't know what's right and what's wrong and we know what's right but well we just don't know what to do about it no way I look at it all we need is a little more time a little more time you gonna hurt nothing is it well I suppose not see I told her Grif was our kind of folks now look Jonathan I can't keep this thing a secret forever you remember that all right I'll stop by the orphanage in there well I'll tell him that there that Posse still looking thank you this is just for a little while Jonathan and you remember that mr. king me and my brother thank you we sure are glad you're senile - oh yeah and that's just a little expression we use it don't pay no mind and thank you thank you [Music] I'll stop by [Music] [Applause] before they bite oh that's hard to tell I wish they'd hurry up why got someplace to go no hey no hurry then I ain't never caught a fish before well maybe he wasn't patient enough no I just never been fishing before I didn't think what's efficient he said it was kids stuff is probably right I guess don't make sense to a lot of people who spent hours trying to catch some fish they could buy in a store for just a few cents how can we do it this well two reasons what is it no matter what happens on this earth fella can always go out and catch his own supper arrived for himself and his family that's a great feeling what's other reason cuz it's fun that's the most important one it's just great fun ninety-eight not yet I'll tell you when Wow [Music] take these every level car don't stick your finger pass it I told you we'd catch a fish tonight Robbie got the first fish why do you think of that Robbie [Music] come on sit that's that's all the fella see if we can get some fish we can I just know [Music] yeah there we are now get into bed we've had a long day you have to say our prayers oh yeah that's a good thing to do bris kind of private I'll see you in the morning thank you good night well God was still here we asked him last night for a few more days you remember well we changed our mind it's all right with you we'd like to stay Jonathan forever I know that's not a long time to you God but it is to us he's a nice man I know you'd like you but anyway would sure like to stay with him well that's about all amen oh yeah god bless Paul help them to be happy [Music] [Music] forgive me for listening Lord but you know I'll notice the old folks are besides would save a lot of time listening to me because I was going to ask you the same Savoy did amen [Music] can I help you miss Dawson my name is Jonathan May I want to adopt some children I see I'll be honest with you mr. May we usually look for parents who are well younger than yourself younger don't mean better no more courts not them might I ask your age and the age of your wife oh I'm a widower I see I got a five not far from here it's small but mighty nice place for raising kids sounds very nice and a case like yours the financial aspect would be a prime importance yearly income money in the bank how is your father been doing well I hain't been working my farm for a few years I get everything we need I got chickens and I got a garden and a efficients awful good around there mr. mayor I really think we're wasting each other's time I'm afraid there's no way for you to qualify well if you had a good working farm I'm sorry good day mr. May a working fire good working firm well that's what they want Donna that's what they're gonna get that snake on the whole valley [Music] [Music] we gonna bite to eat in about a half an hour all right I know where they are what I said I know where the boys are why didn't you tell me this before I couldn't oh yeah I promised them and I promised Jonathan Jonathan Bay yeah yeah they're over at his house and the boys are fine you mean to tell me that you kept the posse call me this countryside night and day and all the time you knew were those boys work why the old man he just wanted some time time for what I don't know he didn't want those little fellas split up and I don't either of course you hey whoa you know you were wrong keeping this to yourself I know that don't you understand I can't face Jonathan and those two little kids tell you what we're right into town until Clem Jonathan doesn't have to know that you took me anything then clam and Dawson can ride out and sort of drop in on Jonathan I'll settle my wish [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please get up [Music] I'll deal Oh [Music] [Applause] I think he'll be all right you'll need rest lots of it he's just physically exhausted himself 25 years ago I could never work the fields again I don't know what got into it and his love I guess he wants to see you but don't talk too long he needs his rest sir mr. king I had no idea the old man would do anything like this don't you call him an old man he's got a name he's got a hell of a lot of pigs of you they get the boy back to the home come on rub a it's time to go Bobby jonathan is gonna be alright mr. Dawson I'd like to talk to you what's gonna happen Tim and Robby nothing has changed mr. Cartwright Tim will be adopted tomorrow at 10:00 mother Holcomb's that'll be the end of it I don't change decisions because of the ravings of a senile old man on a young X country [Music] oh I didn't come in I don't blame me for taking a little catnap Jonathan I put it on a hard day I gave my foot I was your age I could work a mule into the ground yeah I can't believe it are my boys what it fine they're just worried about you that's all I let him down I promise of everything would be all right oh you did the best you could Jonathan that's what counts I lied I lied to myself first and that made it is your light of that I knew I could never give him a proper home not really I guess I always know that it's been so long since I had someone to love you understand you have understood don't ever separate my boys doc [Music] he just asleep you better go I'll stay don't worry it'll be all right [Music] I think I'm the best judgment what it's good for these children and I think the boys are strangers to give them a chance just give him a chance to be happy I'm sorry as soon as Miss Gaines has Timmy ready I'll be leaving they're gone the boys are gone again you'll know about this didn't you get something to do with it didn't you no but I sure wish I did I do I wish you never had anything to do with those boys now you tell me where they've gone all right here I've always came to pay me a little visit doctor been up all night we didn't want to wake him so he just borrowed his rig to come back with you've interfered with the law once too often mr. May what are you gonna do lock me out for the rest of my life don't hardly give me a chance to get my things unpacked oh I don't you just sit down and be quiet for a while or go on sit down you're the halkans and I guess you are the folks I want to talk to I think the boy should wait outside why SL eyes we're talking about in it fellas got a right to hear what's gonna happen to his own life seems like some folks know it's best for other folks without ever asking them what they think why don't you want Robbie mr. Holcomb oh come on come on why don't you want Robbie say in the front of the boy seems we got two folks in the room now they can't talk but I think Robbie's got a better reason as if he could talk what would he say what kind of questions would he ask why did my mom Paul leave me what's gonna happen to me now why doesn't somebody love me a much reason to talk is there and it ain't true that Robbie never made a sound oh it ain't talked him and I know mr. Dawson's never read it but I have it's fell in this world right now it's filled my old house for the last five years [Music] it's the sound of sadness Desalle the loneliness I hope to God you never hear it but Robbie has its host him don't let that sound Gordy louder give the boys a chance [Music] [Music] that's it I've said my piece I better be getting a doctor's rig back [Music] [Music] [Music] it's alright with the boys would like to heaven both [Music] I love you [Music] and 25 cents change thank you that'll be 8 cents only 7 cents last time well things go up you know and 2 cents change [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh to believe a chance for a video mock city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please certainly miss gays take the boys out in the pool miss Gaines yes I'd like you to stay if you would right out there fine-looking boys are they there are a few questions that I have to ask of course from the time the boys first came into the room a little one he never spoke well he's very shy as his brother told him yes but you asked him to say something and you didn't ask Robby why was that miss Gaines can avoid speak have you ever heard him speak well no I haven't but but I know he will how long have the boys been at the orphanage about six months have you had the boy examined oh yes we found nothing wrong he'll be all right mr. Holcomb believe me it's you see it's just that they've been through so much [Music] yes indeed thank you thank you come again thanks that'll be seven cents - I'll be right there miss winters I've got customers week three cents change [Music] seven cents [Music] [Applause] what you doing our eye and I see [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's where that time gets bigger every week and the people everybody running don't think Apple of know where they're going they sure were able to get there fast I saw on the children again today hay was running too but at least ain't got sense enough to know they ain't going no place in particular matter those fellas being deserted by their father and mother and then coming to a strange place to live I understand that but you have to understand our position raising two boys isn't easy I I don't think it would be fair to my wife or to myself to attempt it if one of them has a problem but I told you the boy has been examined he's alright and make him speak bring him in and make him speak we'd like to adopt him we'll give him a good home the boys are brothers only have is each other mr. Dawson please I understand how you feel miss Gaines but our job is to find homes for the children sometimes it's impossible to keep them together mr. Dawson I beg you that'll be all miss Gaines take the boys back to their own house only to be ready for the boy as soon as possible there is some paperwork but if we rush it we can have everything ready in a week that'd be fine I uh I do hope you understand the way my husband and I feel of course I do [Music] Devon Boston Oh they'd end up charging seven cents for a bitty ol box of tea he wouldn't have dumped into the ocean [Music] I don't think I ever remember I'd walk in the town taking so long [Music] just close my eyes for a while [Music] it's good to be home Alice it's good to be home [Music] they're very fine boys aren't they Tim Robby oh yeah ends up Tim Robby look up at mr. mrs. Holcomb he's shy that's all we speak
Channel: notarobot
Views: 104,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: rxcajNTTr5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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