Bonanza - My Son, My Son | Episode 150 | BEST WESTERN SERIES | Wild West | English

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[Music] [Applause] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hi all right hello hey paul you uh horse threw a hue or something your father let me win that one oh i did not we just about got the fence finished the boys have done so much for me since i returned seems like i'm always saying thank you ma'am our pleasure hey listen we don't stop talking around here we'll never get it done doing a good job boys they're wonderful ben i wish i could repay you well you could if you'd have dinner with us tonight it's been a long time catherine too long how can i say no but i'll have to stop by my house and change first oh well we'll take the buck board back then we'll have the boys bring the horses all right [Applause] let's not be late for dinner boys mrs saunders is joining us paul how many times do you ever remember us being late for dinner bring the other horses you know horse i think you better get your blue suit out of mothballs and make sure it still fits why who died nobody i'll never wear that blue suit except funerals in the weddings weddings i wouldn't be a bit surprised [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] blue that water is so blue so serene makes me think how small we really are yeah even makes our troubles kind of small too doesn't it i'm glad you came back catherine i thought maybe if i opened up the ranch eden would come back that's been over three years now hasn't it since the trial he shouldn't have run off like that he was acquitted oh by the jury but he never believed that anyone around here thought he was really innocent not even his father yet charles drove himself into ill health over that trial i know but i still love my son want him back believe in him is is that so wrong ben i think it's kind of hard to judge the right or wrong of love thank you ben hi i can't tell you what it means having you as a friend well then why didn't you come to me sooner as a friend i want it to be you'll never know how much after charles died and eden left i my whole world collapsed and now i don't know ben well kathryn if uh if i can if i can help in any way no then you have you have we've we'd better get going [Music] yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is katherine seeing how wonderful to see you forgive me hopsin overwhelmed with happiness oh how i've missed all of you house call and silence until this very moment hop saying i want you to prepare a very special dinner but a very special guest for missy katherine hopsin prepare dinner make banquet look like picnic lunch you see [Music] so [Music] oh this dependable old desk i always love this desk your house hasn't changed over the years ben it's still beautiful so much more beautiful so much more alive with you here this house just needs a woman's touch oh ben this is probably the best run household in all nevada you don't need a woman to help you that's not true you've done such a fine job of raising your sons oh well they've missed not having a mother why haven't you married again ben well uh there's just no one i wanted to ask what about you same reason i guess no that isn't completely true i've had eaten so completely on my mind i i haven't been able to think of anything else and since i've come back i oh ben why do people still say such horrible things about him do you know people talk he was acquitted of that killing why can't they leave him alone they haven't even seen him in three years well you know people people like to guss if they stories come back stories lies you can't go on forever building your whole existence around eden he's he's living his life and you must live your life i'm the only one that ever understood or protected him charles was always disappointed in him catherine charles is dead eden's gone you're here i'm here you have your sons i'm alone you're alone because you want to be alone you're living in the past one of these days my boys are going to be gone they're gonna be off on their own building their own life their own future that doesn't mean my life is going to end and i hope i won't be alone haven't the last few days meant anything to you [Music] then you don't know how much for the first time in so long i felt alive and happy laughing with you in the boys i i've been blind haven't i to you to me oh ben hold me i don't want to be alone anymore [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i'm saying that's magnificent thank you missy kathleen [Music] if that ain't the dead murder saying i ever seen what's the man supposed to do with that hop saying eat it or stick it in the fireplace [Laughter] well i'm going to serve it i'm sure sorry adam isn't here yet i thought it'd be back from town by now maybe a little show with that load of timber dog gone that looks good chinese blandy make angry man smile happy man green i'm laughing all over obviously i must be adam catherine adam how good to see you good to see you i'd forgotten how lovely you looked at our table sit down sit down hop sing get some food for adam uh never mind i'm not hungry i ate before i left town well uh at least have some wine what kept you so late oh just some difficulty we can talk about it later thank you well he's to my favorite lady thank you adam well we'll all drink to that right um now that we're all together there's something that i mean there's certainly something that uh catherine and i would like to tell you catherine and i have decided but i tell you joe what do you mean what did you tell me what did i tell you wait a minute i haven't finished telling you anything oh everybody in the county besides my mule and a fence post near with you and captains are going to get married and i'm going to be the first one congratulations congratulations thank you thank you my congratulations to you both thank you for that thank you can i see you man yeah sure what is it eden's back they say he killed a woman i got a posse out looking for him now he got back sometime yesterday and he spent most of the day drinking in the silver dollar and telling a lot of people what he was gonna do to frank miller for marrying his girl you remember her linda holmes yes yes frank wasn't around he's been in san francisco all week linda was home alone well miller's brother carl found her body this morning he's got the town all riled up and they're out looking for blood [Music] what's sherry sheriff coffee doing he was out of town i sent for him [Music] i'm gonna have to tell catherine i know i think we should be in that posse [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you get a horse's saddle up and i'll send the boys out after you know what's taking part so long i imagine it's a little difficult to tell the woman you love that her son is a murderer yeah i guess so adam you don't think he really did it do you we believed everything's been said about him he'd have been dead a long time ago i don't know miller said he saw somebody writing off that looked like eden he took a shot at him uh carl miller i wouldn't trust his word as far as i could throw one of these horses i just wish paul wouldn't take so long i'd hate to think what had happened with that posse found him and we weren't there also you wait for power joe and i are going to ride on ahead [Applause] right it isn't true i know it isn't true i don't care what they say about him i know he didn't kill that girl catherine it it's just impossible to be that certain ben and you don't think i don't think anything i i just don't want you to be hurt if that posse finds him what'll they do well it's hard to say adam says that some men in town are pretty riled up then he needs our help then we've got to find him first we've got to find him of course i'll i'll find him i'm going with you stay here it's not a woman's work it's too dangerous ben when you find him what will you do i'll seek to with it no harm comes to him [Applause] i can't promise anymore [Music] bye [Music] miller that is good [Music] now what do you think of that your wolf cubs lost his teeth well look at here if it isn't big old ben cartwright himself oh by the way ben i found your boy's gun he can't be too far you know i'm a little surprised to see out here ben i sort of figured you'd be busy holding the widow's hand but then i suppose she figures her young wolf pups innocent huh too bad we're no different ain't it we had enough troubles it is mother without you stirring up anymore i didn't stir up any trouble but i sure aim to see it's finished you face a jury not a lynch mob yeah well i figure it's all according to which one of us finds him first [Music] all right boy spread out he must be around here somewhere [Applause] and the other side of the board no but mill is right he can't have gone very far he's on foot on foot and we found his horse a while back pulled up lame [Applause] well of course keep an eye on miller you'll turn this into a lynching part if you can where you going for i go back to ponderosa catherine was awfully upset of the news i don't want to leave it alone got right they say you used to treat eden like one of your own sons so you know him pretty well um this about the right neck size [Applause] that's right huh ugh [Music] like i said benign mother [Music] my [Music] [Applause] oh my son my son oh mom you oh my baby is there anyone with you oh it's all right now you're safe now i'm never safe but you are ben will be here soon he's out looking for you now yeah him and half the rest of the country i guess i couldn't expect anything else they never did give me a chance around here why should it be any different now you don't understand ben's trying to help us you can trust him i can't trust anybody not even me oh i didn't mean you i trust you mom and i trust ben with all my heart oh ben you are right kathryn of course then we found him my son is safe it's been a long time mr cartwright [Music] you don't need that gun i better get inside the house oh yes you must be starved i am i haven't eaten in two days to get you fed ben everything's gonna be all right now isn't it yeah everything's everything's gonna be [Music] fine i'll have help saying wrestle up some food well then don't bother him i'll fix it i want to well it might be a good idea i'll have them stand guard outside let me look at you here in the light oh you look so tired poor baby mom i'm a grown man of course you are and a fine handsome one but a dirty one mom you don't think that i have of course not [Music] you go along now get cleaned up well i fixed you something to eat [Music] take that off and from there i went to texas now there's a rough country texas you can ride all day and never reach your horizon i mean it's a big wide open country with dust and heat and snakes and tough men it's a man's country how long were you there oh about a year i guess i i worked on a big cattle ranch about twice the size of the ponderosa i mean a really big ranch must have covered a hundred miles maybe more what did you uh would you do in this ranch oh i uh i worked as a cow hand for a while the owner mr williams he he wanted to make me foreman but i had the old wonderlust he begged me to stay but you know i i still have the prettiest mom in the whole world don't you think so mr cartwright yes yeah do you want some more potato son no i'm full up to here but i would like some more coffee i'll fix it for you eden what happened at linda miller's would you believe me i want to help you why because of mom yes because of your mother and because of you if you're innocent you think i'm not i didn't say that i don't know you haven't told us anything all i know is that you threatened frank miller oh people are always making a big thing out of nothing sure i was sorry frank from marrying my girl who wouldn't be and i was sore at her too i went over to her house to tell her what i thought of her but when i got there she was dead why did you run away when carl miller saw you why didn't you just stay and tell them the truth because they'd blame me you know how it is you get a little reputation and pretty soon everything that happens they blame on you i've never believed anything they said not for a minute neither is ben in that case how about you two figuring a way for me to get out of here just until all this thing is cleared up that's just what we plan to do isn't it ben mr cartwright i hear horses many many horses get outside and keep watching yes mr cottley you've got to give me a gun you'll get your chance to have a gun i've got a right to defend myself i'll buy it what do we get to the stable to settle horses i'll have to go on foot we'll go the back way look i'm going to take them up to that place on the lake by the mill as soon as you get a chance bring us food and horses [Music] there's fresh horses in the corral if you need them your saddle up will move out hey card right where's your old man hunting for sound is like the rest of us if you want him go find him what makes you so sure he's out hunting that killer he asked me it's more than likely he's covering up the kid's tracks well if you think he's hiding around here go look for him your cartwrights are all alike your cartwrights are all in this together sanders was your friend your friend killed my brother's wife you're not trying to catch him you're out to help him escape you're a liar am i where's your paw why are you here where's he been where we've been out busting our backs from the brush i'll tell you what i think i think he's got that dirty little killer hit out somewhere you keep your mouth shut no no yeah ask her go on ask her where your paws got that boy hit out everybody knows he's sweet on here where is he hiding katherine oh adam he's with your father adam you've got to help us you've got to leave that posse away from the lake that's where they are huh yes by the old mill where we had that picnic a long time ago do you remember yes i remember what's bar gonna do i don't know all i know is that they're a foot and i've got to bring the horses as soon as i can but you must give them time can you do that adam i don't know catherine has been out there in a mean mood and a day and a night on a trail that's suddenly gone cold hasn't improved their disposition any the men will listen to you won't they i hope so for your sake well she tell you where she hid that murdering son of hers all right let's go you're still telling us what to do cartwright well they're going to stand around let's make him shoot his mouth off but we're going to get this dirty work done so we can go home and get some sleep where we're going adam back to the river now wait a minute we're moving up to the lake i think we'll have a better chance of picking his tracks up back at the river we covered every inch of it look that's where his horse went lame that's where we found his gun and we've had men in that area all day he couldn't have gotten out of there without us seeing him he's got to be hiding out in the bushes somewhere he couldn't have got through us who do you think is the boss of this posse i am mr miller not just what do you men think you're doing taking the law at your own hands running around like a like a lynch mob we've been looking for that woman killer that's right sheriff what have you been doing i've been doing my job and i've been doing it properly i've been making up a warrant looking up witnesses that's how coming to find out what you was up to mr miller well we're not going to wait around for that legal stuff now that's just what you are going to do or waiting to jail cell one from now on this is a legally constituted posse you understand what's the difference just so we get that killer look sheriff i've got a plan yeah i know i heard it and i heard adams too we're gonna have another look along that river then we'll go up the lake if needs be now if you want to join this party you just go over there and get up on your horse [Music] she's not coming did you hear me i said she's not coming she'll come but suppose something happened we haven't got a chance on foot that's right we haven't so worrying isn't going to help any is it i'm sorry mr cartwright i i guess i'm just a little nervous i never did like running very much [Applause] mr cartwright do you remember when we were little kids joe and me and used to bring us up here hunting and sometimes at night we'd sit around and talk things over yeah remember i could always talk to you even when i couldn't talk to my paw i guess he figured i was no good am i as bad as he figured don't i don't believe you he paul figured you for being bad it's just that he found it hard to understand you understand me i never could do anything right for him not once sure i made mistakes but what kid doesn't the only one who cared i mean who really cared was mom why didn't he ever give me a chance mr cartwright believe me i think he gave you a chance i think he gave you every chance that the father can give a son until your credit ran out you mean that shooting it was self-defense i was acquitted it was him that taught me a man has a right to defend himself so what's so different about me look how do you know it wasn't carl miller killed linda he wanted to marry her too even before his brother did why is everybody so sure i did it it's gonna be up to a judge and a jury to decide who did it i loved her oh my life i love that girl do you think i could kill someone i loved eden do you know what what love really means [Music] i have trouble getting through it men everywhere even around my and we're trapped no the east road is clear adam's kept the posse down by the river they won't be here for a while we better start out right now wait a minute there's no use you're getting further involved mr cartwright i'll make it alone and having ma along would just slow me down let me have a gun and i'll be on my way i'm taking you to port churchill fort churchill what what for he'll be safe there catherine until we can arrange a trial in virginia city i'll get on your horse boy a trial what kind of a trial would i get that as soon hang me as look at me you know that give me a chance mr cartwright i'm giving you a chance eden the only chance i can give you then we know he's innocent and he'll have a chance to prove it i'll never see a courtroom they'll tear down the jail to get at me you saw him they won't tear down an army starcade you'll be safe there now get on your horse both of you good luck we'll be able to make port churchill by daybreak mom mom talk some sense into him he's as good as put a rope around my neck now he's right don't you see after the trial when your name is clear we'll be able to start a new life no more running away all right but i still think i won't have a chance at any trial let's get moving [Music] wow let's ride out of here carl we're wasting our time no it's not wasted yet i still don't see why we had to leave the posse supposedly find that kid down by the river like cartwright figured you mean you swallowed all that yeah you're even dumber than i thought you were are you calling dumb you look there [Music] hey [Music] hey get down off your horses move throw your gun away ben [Music] you're right back down the trail and fetch the posse [Music] hmm all right kid move away [Music] i said move away then he'll kill him you want to try me now ben you killed her why don't you admit it it was him that done it i knew it shut up you dirty little killer shut up you loved her you loved your brother's wife shut up my son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] eden put that down you don't need to do that mom come on mr cartwright double-crossed us i told you we couldn't trust him i had to have a gun you know that i mean when i have a gun people sit up and and take notice see when i have a gun in my hand why they all give me a chance because they're scared now come on hon give it here you just don't look right with that thing in your hands stay back now you know you wouldn't use that on me mom i'm your son remember listen i've got a plan that posse would never shoot me if you were alone they just wouldn't dare now [Music] what's the matter it's all any of us ever meant to you isn't it just someone you could use oh you're wrong mom i love you you don't know the meaning of the word you never have and you never will [Music] you'll have to use that gun on the eden you think i won't oh it's true you did kill that poor girl [Music] in [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] hmm [Music] oh take care of that arm ben i wish you weren't going so soon you've done so much been so kind ben i understand just this couldn't work out for us now i loved him no matter what he did [Music] i know i'm sorry goodbye ben bye kathryn [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 776,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: series western en netflix, western series full episodes, Bonanza, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, Cowboys, western mini series full episodes, western series movie, My Son, old western series, full episodes, full episodes movies, western, old western tv series full episodes, western series in the 70s on tv, westerns, best western, western movies, best western series, classic western movies, series western, western series trailer, Lorne greene
Id: obGlDoDCeRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 18sec (2898 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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