Bombshell Filing Implicates Odin Followers in Delphi Murders | Richard Allen Case Analysis & Update

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well this is Dr Grande today's question is can I offer an update on the Delphi murders including the Odin conspiracy theory just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll provide a brief background of this case including the timeline of the crime move to a summary of the memorandum about the Odin conspiracy theory then offer my analysis in 2017 14 year old Liberty German and 13 year old Abigail Williams lived in Delphi Indiana this is a small town with a population of just under 3 000 it is located about a half hour Northeast of Lafayette on February 13 2017 at 1 35 pm Liberty's older sister dropped Liberty and Abigail off on County Road 300 North so they could hike on the Delphi historic trails Liberty and Abigail hiked to the monan High Bridge which is also simply called the High Bridge this railroad bridge which crosses Deer Creek was built in 1891 and abandoned in 1987 at 207 PM Liberty posted an image of Abigail walking on the High Bridge the girls were never heard from again not long after this image was taken Liberty and Abigail were murdered the girls failed to meet a family member as planned at 3 15 pm and were reported missing at 5 30 PM their bodies were discovered on the North Bank of Deer Creek the next day the crime scene was brutal Abigail was found wearing Liberty's clothing and Liberty was not wearing anything there were sticks positioned across their bodies and Liberty's blood was on a tree near her body the blood appeared to draw the letter F on the day of the murder February 13 at 2 13 PM Liberty used her cell phone to record what has now become a notorious video of a man on the bridge as the man approached both Liberty and Abigail one of them said the word gun in audio that was released separately the man appears to say guys down the hill after this no outgoing Communications were made from Liberty's phone the police investigated this case for a few years there were a number of suspects but the case did not appear to be moving forward this dramatically changed on October 26 2022 when a 50 year old pharmacy technician named Richard Matthew Allen was arrested two days later he was charged with two counts of murder Richard has maintained his innocence information about the case against him has been greatly restricted and it is shrouded in mystery in September of 2023 his defense submitted a 136-page memorandum to the court which contains a lot of new information and a compelling argument supporting Richard's innocence here is a summary of the memorandum much of this is paraphrased and I changed the order of certain items so the narrative makes more sense a key part of the argument made in favor of Richard deals with a Pagan religion called odinism the memorandum asserts that followers of odinism murdered Liberty German and Abigail Williams odinism is a pagan Norse religion which involves a deity named Odin the followers of this religion who are called odonites are fascinated with Viking culture and Nordic culture the religion has an association with white supremacy it is not well organized and does not have a lot of members symbols that were found at the crime scene could be connected to odinism the symbols were formed with sticks tree branches and painted in blood for example sticks were positioned around Abigail's head in a pattern similar to Antlers which is a symbol used in odinism investigators spoke to a professor about these symbols left at the crime scene the professor dismissed the theory that odinism was related to the crime so investigators gave up on that angle when investigators were asked to revisit this Theory they could not find any record of the professor and they will probably never be able to identify him the defense is essentially arguing that the connection between odinism and the crime scene was arbitrarily dismissed by investigators this is important because Richard Allen doesn't have any ties to odinism the memorandum talks about how a retired police chief and two of his colleagues believed that the evidence against Richard Allen was less compelling than the theory about odinism these Three Investigators believed that a group of men who lived in Rushville Indiana and practiced odinism were connected to the murders Rushville is about two hours from Delphi in addition the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI believed that those responsible for the homicides were involved in Nordic beliefs the memorandum describes an odonite who I will refer to using the pseudonym bill he has a connection to Abigail through his son who once dated her Richard's attorneys argued that bill left Easter eggs indicating how he was somehow involved in the murders there are several descriptions suggesting that particular symbols in Bill's social media posts looked a lot like items at the crime scene understandably none of these images are available to the public based solely on the written descriptions the similarities between the images and the crime scene appear significant I don't know if they can be fully explained through coincidence for example one social media post contains sticks that formed the letter f the same letter was painted on a tree at the crime scene using blood despite evidence pointing toward Bill the police cleared him as a potential suspect on March 16 2017 which was only about a month after the murders an associate of Bill who I will call Edward allegedly confessed to his sister that he was involved in the murders and supplied her with details about the crime scene after being questioned by the police he was dropped off at his trailer Edward turned around and walked back to the police cruiser and asked the state trooper if his saliva was found on one of the victims would he still be in trouble Edward did not have a good Alibi but he was cleared as a potential suspect anyway Bill had another associate who I will call Jim Jim's ex-girlfriend said that he borrowed her car around Valentine's Day in 2017 when he returned the vehicle it had dried blood on one side of it the police never investigated Jim consistent with the Odin Theory the memorandum talks about how it would be extremely difficult for one person to have committed both murders the document listed 92 actions that Richard would have had to complete alone in order to facilitate the murders for example crossing a cold River while keeping control of two victims killing one victim without the other victim running away and managing not to leave any DNA behind all these activities took between 17 minutes and one hour and 17 minutes after the man was captured in the notorious down the hill video at 2 13 pm another component of the Odin Theory suggests that two odonites work as correctional officers in the jail where Richard is being confined these officers allegedly displayed patches containing odonite symbols they threatened intimidated and mistreated Richard and they interfered with him having private conversations with his attorneys the memorandum argued that investigators falsified information to support their timeline for example the police told a story about a woman who saw a man on the High Bridge and a vehicle in a parking lot nearby the woman's description of the man did not match Richard and her description of the car in the parking lot did not match his vehicle investigators claimed that a woman saw a man wearing a blue coat with blood on it the woman actually said the man was wearing a tan coat and his pants were muddy when stepping back and looking at the entire memorandum Richard's lawyers are essentially saying that there are alternate suspects the police concealed exculpatory evidence and there is no meaningful evidence against Richard Allen now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one in documents that were released earlier the state indicated that an unspent 40 caliber cartridge was found at the crime scene Richard Allen owned a 40 caliber semi-automatic pistol the state tried to connect the cartridge to the pistol by saying that marks on the cartridge indicated it had been manually cycled through Richard's pistol it is unlikely that the police were actually able to make this connection the science behind connecting parts of a cartridge to Firearms is debatable and filled with uncertainty I find it interesting that the memorandum only addresses the cartridge issue by mentioning how it was not photographed at the crime scene it does not appear as though Richard's attorneys are too worried about the cartridge item number two according to the state Richard allegedly confessed at least five times in recorded jail conversations with his wife and mother this is a bombshell allegation yet it's not mentioned in the memorandum perhaps Richard's attorneys are not too worried about it or they don't have a good explanation for the alleged Behavior there are some references to the idea that Richard is frightened and maybe not thinking clearly in jail perhaps this could explain his alleged incriminating statements item number three Richard's attorneys argued that multiple followers of Odin were involved in a conspiracy of some type to commit the murders they offered some evidence connecting these people to the crime but it's not overwhelming as they characterized it the argument included a lot of vague statements that Witnesses made and loose connections to the crime scene through these symbols of odinism I think the memorandum makes a better argument for a lack of evidence against Richard than it does for a strong case against these odonites the potential suspects described in the document do not appear to be sophisticated or capable of carrying out a complex conspiracy I think what happened here is that investigators chased so many leads they left themselves open for the what about this guy defense like every time the state points to Richard as a suspect his defense can point to somebody else the police investigated and say what about this guy there is always someone else for them to implicate item number four the memorandum is very detailed and almost has a conspiracy theory feel to it some of the language used in the document could be described as unrefined inelegant crude unpolished and coarse here are just a few phrases taken directly from the document which illustrate my point quote simply mind-blowing unquote quote any person with even a small amount of common sense or curiosity unquote so-called investigation unquote and quote the defense is not inventing fabricating or exaggerating these facts no matter how crazy those facts may appear unquote moving to the next section let's take a look at the evidence both foreign against the idea that Richard is guilty based on the new information released in the memorandum starting with the incompletory factors Richard lived within two and a half miles of the High Bridge he had knowledge of the Delphi trails Richard allegedly told the police that he was on the Delphi trails from 1 30 pm to 3 30 pm on the day of the murders Richard's physical appearance is somewhat similar to the man captured on the notorious video he is about the right age height and weight and he admitted to wearing clothes which were similar to what the man in the video was wearing the police claimed that a witness saw Richard's vehicle near the bridge the witness and another witness spotted a man in the area the police said these witness descriptions matched Richard one of the murder victims mentioned a gun Richard owned a gun it was chambered in the same caliber as a cartridge which was found between the bodies 40 caliber S and W Richard Allen allegedly confessed to the murders when he was on recorded phone calls in jail moving to the exculpatory factors no DNA and no electronic evidence connect Richard to the crime scene there is evidence that Richard told the police that he was on the Delphi trails from noon to 1 30 PM which differs from the story The Police told again they claimed that Richard told them he was there from 1 30 pm to 3 30 pm the police say a witness saw Richard's Ford Focus but the vehicle the witness described does not match this vehicle the police claimed this witness and another witness saw a man who looked like Richard but when examining their accounts it's not clear who they saw the same witness who allegedly saw his vehicle described a man in his twenties with a medium build on the High Bridge this doesn't sound like Richard at all the other witness described a man wearing a tan coat and muddy pants which does not match the man the other witness described three police officers investigating the murders believed the Odin Theory could be true the murders would have been difficult for one man to carry out yet the state has only arrested one man Richard Allen if Richard is innocent it is not inconceivable that he would make incriminating statements to relatives due to the mental health stressors being placed on him when concerning the evidence in this case do I think that Richard Allen is guilty no I do not believe he is guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt based on the evidence that has been released so far I think the problem for Richard is that jury members tend to overvalue incriminating statements made by defendants his statements from jail may get him convicted despite there being no other real evidence against him this case may come down to a mental health argument Richard's attorneys may want to work on demonstrating how being in jail caused Richard's mental health to deteriorate now moving to my final thoughts law enforcement was under a lot of pressure to find the perpetrator of the Delphi murders there wasn't as much evidence available as one would expect in a double homicide involving bodies that were recovered investigators made many mistakes and now the prosecution is suffering due to those mistakes increasingly it seems as though either Richard Allen was a master criminal who managed to pull off the murders without leaving any real evidence behind or he is a victim of a corrupt and haphazard investigation those are my thoughts on the case of Richard Allen including the Odin conspiracy theory please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 145,484
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Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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