Codependent Mother/Daughter Relationship Ends in Brutal Murder | Paige Conley Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Paige Conley just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Laura page Conley was born in March of 1978 and lived in Independence Kentucky this town is 30 Mi south of Cincinnati Ohio she went by the name Paige her parents divorced when she was young Paige lived with her mother carlen Paige was no stranger to getting in trouble she was impulsive angry violent and unable or unwilling to regulate her intake of substances in 2008 she was convicted of shoplifting but was allowed to participate in a diversion program in October of 2014 Paige was arrested for stabbing her Livin boyfriend with a kitchen knife she also bit him during this attack in January 2015 she was arrested again for biting him it appeared as though her biting habit would not bite the dust now moving to the timeline of the crime on March 14 2015 page called 911 and said that a home invasion occurred at her mother's house house on Summit Run Drive where Paige lived in the basement she reported that her mother had been harmed when the police arrived they found 69-year-old carlen connley dead on the kitchen floor here's what the police found during the course of their investigation there was no sign of for entry or any other evidence of a home invasion carlen connley had been stabbed 77 times cut 27 times and Bitten Twice multiple knives were used in the attack attack and some of them had been broken the knives came from caren's Kitchen Paige connley was covered in blood when ask what happened she claimed that she came home and found her mother dead a few hours earlier Paige had an encounter with four or five female trick-or-treaters perhaps they were the ones who stabbed her mother to death considering it was March I guess these trick-or-treaters must have been trying to get a jump on the competition Paige could not seem to keep her descriptions of these early bird trick-or-treaters consistent the police searched the neighborhood but they couldn't find anyone matching those descriptions the police transported Paige to the independent Police Department for an interview there she offered another possible explanation for the homicidal violence according to Paige she owed drug dealers money maybe they killed her mother her story about how she discovered her mother's body changed now she said that she had been in her downstairs bedroom and decided to walk upstairs this is when she found her mother dead on the kitchen floor the authorities came to believe that paig Conley was the killer she was arrested and charged with murder here is the theory of the crime offered by the state carlen was going to prepare a birthday dinner for Paige and caren's Grandson their birthdays were close together she asked Paige what she would like for dinner but Paige did not respond carlen made lasagna which was her grandson's favorite this made Paige angry in the brutal attack that followed Paige killed her mother on March 23 2017 Paige Conley was found guilty of murder in May she was sentenced to 27 years in prison in 2019 she appealed her conviction and was successful the court determined that Paige had been denied funds to obtain a proper mental health assessment rather than face a second trial Paige accepted a plea deal she was sentenced to 20 years in prison Paige conly is eligible for parole in 2032 now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one Paige Conley had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety panic attacks and dissociation she had a long history of erratic dangerous and attention-seeking behaviors on occasion she would stay up for days at a time perhaps because of mania she was a regular user of drugs and alcohol not long before the murder she had used excessive quantities of vodka and Dramamine item number two according to various family members Paige had been involved in a number of disturbing incidents here are a few examples during an incident where Paige's niece was visiting caren's home Paige tried to break down a bedroom door to reach reach her niece she accused her niece of not loving her on one occasion where carlen had taken her niece out shopping Paige called her mother and said that she had injured her leg and needed her to come home right away carlen and her niece went home only to find that Paige had a relatively minor injury on her leg it looked like Paige deliberately injured herself to attract her mother's attention there was an incident involving a dog that Paige brought to caren's home with the apparent intent of keeping the animal carlen was not happy about this and told Paige to return the dog in response Paige tried to hit carlen on the head with a dog bowl carlen attempted to give her niece a cell phone to call for help but Paige interfered the niece ended up calling the police using another cell phone and they arrived on the scene carlen would not pursue charges against her daughter Paige during one incident carlen locked herself in a bedroom after Paige allegedly attacked her Paige went to the kitchen retrieved a knife and stabbed the countertop several times carlen did not want the police to be involved so nothing happened on another occasion Paige allegedly attacked carlen with a broom handle the police were called but carlen would not pursue charges Paige was taken to a mental hospital but she was released right away carlen allowed her to return to her home shortly after this item number three based on the descriptions of PA's Behavior it appears as though her outbursts were often motivated by Envy and a fear of rejection she could not stand her mother paying attention to any other relative Paige wanted to be the center of her mother's world when paig would become angry she would sometimes display a cold stare or have a wild look in her eyes it was like she was a completely different person people around her were frequently frightened of her beh Behavior item number four Research indicates that the murder of a mother by her daughter is extremely rare but it has occurred enough times to where a few patterns have emerged the daughter is typically single middle-age and living with her mother the relationship is dependent and hostile the only victim of the crime is the mother and an excessive level of force is used during the attack Paige Conley appears to meet all these criteria item number five at her trial Paige no longer attempted to blame mysterious March trick-or-treaters or other unidentified Intruders instead she admitted to the killing but argued it was not murder it sounds like Paige was hoping to be found guilty of something like first or second degree manslaughter by accusing her mother of provoking the attack this brings me to the question was paig connley guilty of murder let's take a look at the evidence both forn against the idea that she was guilty starting with the inculpatory factors there's no question that Paige stabbed cut and bit her mother carlen died as a result of being stabbed Paige claimed that klen struck her on the head with an object and she could not remember anything after that due to this memory problem Paige did not know whether or not she feared for her life furthermore her mysterious memory problem seems convenient considering she could remember events both before and after the attack Paige had a long history of alleged violence against her mother and of erratic behavior in general initially she' lied to investigators to escape responsibility if Paige acted at self-defense why did she mislead the police even if Paige did act in self-defense why was it necessary to stab her mother 77 times with multiple knives maybe the attack started as self-defense but then turned to murder moving to the exculpatory factors it is possible that carlen attacked paig first after all Paige did sustain multiple injuries maybe some of these injuries were defensive that's pretty much it for exculpatory factors when considering all the evidence do I believe that Paige connley was guilty yes I believe she was guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt the fact that she had consumed substances cannot be used as a defense if the substance use caused the attack then Paige is still fully responsible what do I think happen in this case this is just a theory my opinion Paige was impulsive irresponsible excitement seeking attention seeking self-centered aggressive vindictive envious had a sense of entitlement and required admiration in addition she appeared to have dependent personality features like separation anxiety Paige's relationship with her mother featured a childlike Dynamic it's like Paige never grew up she desperately sought the attention and approval that a mother would normally show toward a young daughter not an adult daughter the relationship never transformed into something more mature Paige remained in a permanent state of being incompetent she did not want to risk her mother believing that she no longer needed support she did not move out of her mother's residence she didn't work and the flow of resources was always moving in P's Direction she repeatedly demanded verification that her mother would not abandon her and would be there for her under any circumstances when Paige violated boundaries begged for approval and was aggressive carlen thought the best way to deal with it was to give in Paige and carlen were codependent afraid of driving Paige away carlen allowed facilitated encouraged and enabled the bad behavior carlen believed that she was doing the right thing but unfortunately she had selected an inferior strategy she was trapped with a daughter who needed her too much and would not feel secure under any circumstances everything that carlen did or failed to do represented a threat to Pa's sense of well-being and security on the night of the murder Paige misinterpreted Carlene's preparation of lasagna as her mother favoring another relative the combination of Envy insecurity a sense of entitlement impulsivity and substance use facilitated the lethal attack it's possible that carlen tried to defend herself and propelled Paige into more of a rage but either way Paige committed murder Paige killed a person who repeatedly tried to save her from herself in this sense she killed her own Redemption now moving to my final thoughts codependent behavior in motherdaughter relationships is Insidious there is a fine line between being compassionate and enabling bad behavior it is often difficult to identify EX exactly where that line is located in this case carlen had a Perpetual sense of hope about her daughter's future she believed that Paige could turn her life around carlen thought that someday Paige wouldn't be a disappointment wouldn't be dependent on her and wouldn't be violent carlen falsely believed an investment of undeserved compassion and endless permissiveness is all the Paige needed unfortunately poor Investments often yield dividends of Destruction those are my thoughts in the case of Paige Conley please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 68,614
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Id: rpMFKhrihA8
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Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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