Mysterious Death Diverts Attention to Pacifier Tragedy Years Earlier | Angie Rodriguez Case Analysis

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hello this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Angelina Rodriguez just a reminder I'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon I will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of the crime then offer my analysis Angelina Rodriguez was born on May 31 1968 in Queens New York she went by the name Angie she grew up in an 11 story apartment building in the far Rockway neighborhood of Queens her father left right after she was born her mother worked two jobs to provide for Angie and Angie's older sister Angie was mostly raised by her grandfather allegedly he repeatedly mistreated her over the years as an adult Angie was extremely active in her efforts to engage in romantic activity at the age of 19 she married a man named Hector Gonzalez they divorced in less than a year Angie enlisted in the Air Force and was sent to Florida there she met a man named Tom Fuller Angie and Tom married on June 15 1990 in November of that same year they had a daughter named Autumn the family relocated to lak California and later moved to nearby Santa Maria in August of 1992 the couple had a daughter named Alicia in July 1993 Angie purchased a $50,000 life insurance policy for Alicia about 2 months later on September 18 1993 13-month-old Alicia choked to death on a pacifier in her crib when First Responders arrived they noticed that Angie was not with Alicia they found this to be strange because in these situations a mother typically would not leave her child alone despite this everyone assumed that Alicia's death was an accident right after her daughter died Angie blamed the manufacturer of the pacifier and filed a lawsuit against them sometime before this The Pacifier had been the focus of a voluntary recall Alicia's death put a tremendous strain on Angie's marriage she filed for divorce in October 1994 and moved to the town of Paso roblas in March 1996 the manufacturer of the pacifier paid $710,000 to settle the lawsuit the money was paid to both Angie and Tom Angie received 60% of it because she claimed that she had endured more emotional trauma due to Alicia's death than her ex-husband did after attorney's fees and other costs Angie received $246,000 not surprisingly Angie quickly moved on with her love life she married a man named Don Combs but they divorced within a few months in February 2000 Angie met a special education teacher named Jose Francisco Rodriguez and they became romantically involved he went by the name Frank and was about 9 years older than Angie they were both working at a camp for troubled youth in San Louis Obispo it was called Angel gate academy on April 8th 2000 the couple married not long after this Frank found work as a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District the couple moved to a house on Marone Street in montabello along with Angie's daughter Autumn who was now 9 years old in July 2000 Angie and Frank met with an insurance agent about taking out a policy on Frank's life in front of the insurance agent Frank asked Angie why he needed more life insurance when they were already covered at his work and through the National Guard despite being confused Frank went forward and purchased a $250,000 policy now moving to the timeline of the crime on September 7 2000 Frank Rodriguez went to the emergency room at Kaiser Hospital in Baldwin Park California he complained of both diarrhea and vomiting a physician diagnosed him with food poisoning Frank was discharged with the instruction that he should drink a lot of fluids including Gatorade on September 9 at 3:19 a.m. Angie Rodriguez called 911 from her home in montabello First Responders arrived and found 41-year-old Frank Rodriguez dead he was faced down on the carpet in his bedroom they noticed that Angie was crying without tears and her behavior seemed rehearsed and forced it was not immediately clear how Frank died an autopsy was performed but no cause of death was identified here's what the police found during their investigation 7 hours after Frank was found dead in his home Angie contacted the life insurance agent and inquired about collecting the $250,000 benefit the agent said that Angie was matter of fact over the next few weeks Angie talked to the agent several more times and repeatedly asked when she was getting her money money the insurance company advised Angie that without a cause of death they were not going to pay on the policy all of a sudden Angie seemed very interested in solving the mystery of her husband's death she told many different stories to people about what she thought happened to Frank she said that he drank himself to death he died of a stomach infection and she even suggested that he could have been poisoned by someone at the angel gate academy when she was asked how that poisoning could have happened Angie said that they could have prepared him tea containing Oleander on September 19 when Angie was riding with other people in a limousine to Frank's Funeral she pointed to some bushes on the side of the road and said that's orander the police noticed that in Angie's backyard there was a large orander Bush growing over the fence Angie decided to stick with her story that Frank must have been murdered by someone at the angel gate academy she claimed that it could have been a man that she and her husband had some type of disagreement with named Chad maybe this was Chad's way of getting revenge Angie claimed that she received a phone call from a mystery man who implicated Chad as the killer the mystery man told Angie asked them about antifreeze the police found this to be curious because it was the first time anyone had ever mentioned the word antifreeze in the investigation Frank's Body was tested for ethylene glycol the active ingredient in antifreeze the results indicated that he died from ethylene glycol poisoning and that he may have also been poisoned with olander the police investigated Chad and discovered that he had nothing to do with Frank's death they recruited him to call Angie as they recorded the conversation Chad called her and asked why she had accused him of poisoning Frank Angie contacted the police immediately after this conversation and claimed that Chad said to her that he would never get caught and she better watch her back in reality Chad never said anything like that in addition to this incriminating Behavior the police found another key piece of evidence Angie had a friend named Palmyra who had an interesting story to tell sometime around June or July of 2000 Angie had a conversation with Palmyra during which she revealed that she was not happy being married to Frank Palmyra asked her why she didn't divorce Frank like she divorced all the others angre responded no this one has a life insurance policy she then said something like if I were to kill him at least I'd end up with a little bit of money later in the conversation Angie told a story about a woman who tried to kill her husband using Oleander tea one or two days after this conversation Palmyra and her boyfriend were talking to Angie about how a dog had bitten pyra's son Angie recommended killing the dog with anifree she added that antifreeze has a sweet taste and animals would drink it without thinking twice a couple of weeks later Angie and Palmyra had a conversation on the phone Palmyra could hear a blender running in the background and inquired as to what Angie was doing Angie responded that she was making Frank a special milkshake Palmyra was aware that Frank liked to consume milkshakes when he was not feeling well therefore she asked Angie if Frank was sick Angie responded not yet on February 7 2001 Angie was arrested for Frank's Murder She was not too happy about this development and insisted that she was innocent while in jail she had a recorded phone conversation with her friend Palmyra Angie unsuccessfully tried to convince Palmyra not to testify against her just over a year later Angie resorted to a more direct approach when she allegedly tried to hire another inmate to murder Palmyra in July 2001 a man who had a romantic relationship with Angie came forward to the police he had been involved with her around the time that Frank died he informed the police about something Angie told him right before Frank was murdered on one occasion she mentioned that she had left some type of gas on inside the garage so that Frank would die the gas would cause an explosion or poison Frank but one way or the other he would be dead the police checked records from the gas company and found that Frank reported a gas leak in his home on September 3 2000 the technician from the gas company found two gas Saks in the garage one on the water heater and one behind the closed dryer in October 2003 Angelina Rodriguez went to trial for Murder She was convicted of first-degree murder in an attempt to dissuade a witness she was found not guilty on the charge of soliciting murder again she had been accused of trying to kill Palmyra in January 2004 Angie was sentenced to death at the time making this video there's a moratorium on the death penalty in California so Angie will probably have to complete her sentence the long way now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts on a few areas that stood out to me in the this case item number one the state never charged Angie in connection with the death of her daughter Alicia but they presented evidence of her guilt at the trial there are several reasons to believe that Angie murdered Alicia for example several months prior to Alicia's death the family visited relatives in Michigan when they were in a restaurant someone passing by mentioned that Alicia's pacifier had been the subject of a recall by the manufacturer Angie mysteriously purchased a $50,000 insurance policy right before Alicia died immediately after reporting her daughter's death Angie left her daughter alone Angie was highly interested in how she could financially benefit from her daughter's death she later murdered her husband Frank and one expert said it looked like somebody used a tool to damage the pacifier there is no way to prove it now and the debate is somewhat academic considering Angie's current housing situation but I believe that Angie probably murdered her daughter item number two Angie had an extensive history of mental health symptoms including those consistent with depression and anxiety she was promiscuous for much of her adult life and she always wanted to be the center of attention and seduced men on a regular basis none of her marriages lasted very long although if she had not killed her last husband maybe that marriage would have lasted for years there's no way to be certain many people were Amazed by how Angie was emotionless when talking about the death of her daughter and the death of her husband Angie would pretend to cry and be hysterical but she wasn't very good at it people said that she would snap back into a calm state in an instant to answer questions before going back to feigning emotions unconvincingly item number three what do I think happened in this case this is just a theory my opinion Angie appeared to have antisocial narcissistic borderline and histrionic personality traits although it's not clear if she had any of the corresponding disorders Angie was self-centered impulsive irresponsible sensation seeking attention seeking sexually seductive vindictive cold callous greedy sadistic manipulative and had a sense of entitlement she lacked empathy remorse or guilt and she thought of people like objects and did not form any genuine attachments she was able to build relationships with men due to her sexual behavior but there was no meaningful connection based on sensitivity caring or compassion to Angie people were nothing more than objects even her own family members when Angie heard someone mention that her daughter's pacifier was the subject of a recall it gave her the idea to commit murder she purchased the insurance policy and allegedly killed her daughter when Angie found out about the toxic characteristics of antifreeze and Oleander she decided to eliminate her husband for insurance money Angie talked to other people about Annie freeze and O Ander because of her lack of empathy in her mind killing people was okay without any awareness of how other people were feeling she projected her own feelings onto them and she did not realize that other people did not feel the same way that she did furthermore she never thought anyone would betray her Angie was confident in her ability to manipulate and control now moving to my final thoughts this homicide case reveals a familiar pattern the same personality characteristics that facilitate homicide facilitate getting caught it's unlikely that Angie would have ever been arrested for killing Frank if she had not mentioned the poisons that she used Angie was trying to solve the case to collect insurance money ultimately she accomplished the first part of her goal when she led the authorities to the real killer as far as collecting the life insurance Well Angie will have to be satisfied with collecting life in prison those are my thoughts on the case of Angelina Rodriguez please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 84,112
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Id: qMuMJalWIY4
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Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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