The Do's & Don'ts Of Catfish Business

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13 is a new trend needed in the body for growth and cell development we get protein for the foods like beans milk egg animals like fish and meat on this week's episode of community reports were looking at the community of agriculturist these are professionals who have mastered the craft of this family welcome to community reporting channels television and Victoria Nigeria imports fish annually to meet up with a protein intake that's lacking in most of the Nigerian meals in 1944 aquaculture a branch of Agriculture which is also known as fish farming started in Nigeria the advent of fish farming in Nigeria has improved the agricultural sector of the country notable amongst the fishes that are red are the tilapia fish and cod fish which contains more than 40% of the animal protein essential for growth at Gilbert's David's farm Omo why he gave me a graduates of agricultural engineering with interest and passion ones this fish farming business it's been four years enough time to learn the ropes of the business I'm a barcode tourist so in Lima and fish farmer and I'm going to this business for the past four or five years and this is where we have presently we have a place we are going over the years Nigeria practiced additional methods of aquaculture in Tridel closed for recently there's been the introduction of cages otherwise known as pawns apart from the earthing pawns known as swamps pawns are usually either treated wood concrete or PVC plastic ranging from a few hundred liters to several thousand Kubiak's [Music] the popularity of the use of swamps has grown at a gimme is one of the few who have mastered its use this comes with its advantage I've Charlie's been challenging I started from hobby a very beautiful and during the course of wearing those fishes is quite expensive the no description of the country we face a little city of problem and pumping the water sometimes in the day I use seven to eight hours without like I know the cost of running the generator so I just think and say well if I can't see being business with this lethargy let me look for alternative that is cheaper than what I'm doing so that was what led me into swamp area every fish forming stage starts from the hatchery i know i cha is those who are in charge of ash free and ashley is a chain of eggs on that official condition in a poultry or fish for consumer of work insertion purpose to become a feed from a basic knowledge of fish farming is needed I'm Charlie before you go into fish free we employ your advice you need basic knowledge you know it's just like education the purpose of going to school is program seek knowledge on a particular field likewise fishery you need knowledge there are no jobs bring millions and say I want to invest in fish so you need to know is sudden some certain things for example if you are going to fishery new to understand what our management you know those are the basic things that I need to know before you going to eat to survive and grow the fishes must be fed use a different feeding pattern from the day is talk from Cuba nine to four weeks you have to start with floating feet floating feed we have and we have a local teen and imported so those imported a lock wire it contains that we use because of the percentage of the protein because witches need fourteen to grow up quickly with a lot of strength and carefulness a two-man team enter into the swamp pond to get fishes out for customers we have our water and you can't see the ground so it's easy to scoop but we have a lot of water now so it makes it difficult thank God we are able to bring some house the APIs to Tremont approach when an extra month in my show for sale apparently the artist is contra 70 kg and are going to walk eg if you achieve 1 kg per fish [Music] it's very expensive but when we come down here we dog the pond we started on a brighter note but on the long run we have issue with flood and apart from floods in the markets when we started we have so many adulterated feeds so does it challenge sometimes we are putting money inside the water and I'm not sure of what you are getting back you know it's been very challenging and the community as a whole are not it would happen because we've gone through local governor will sit with the city that our belt the Kincaid concrete's an enabling environment for us but at least with the literal experience I'm able to gather over the years we have been studying the ship gradually and at least with the glory of God we are seeing business to be [Music] [Music] with no record of a total number of fish farmers in Nigeria we meet others developing the industry Jordan a gowanni a graduate of physiology inherited the business from his father I started this business from years ago my dad was wandering it before so after I finished school tried looking for job but I couldn't get a good one so I decided to take it over and since then the business I began to grow from me it was too big a level of well the team of specialists Jordan runs his day-to-day activities on the farm today is a good day so what he do first bring out the home stairs bring us some fish my brain you hope you've changed the ponds yeah you change so you can start feeding we start with this once you can pour it [Applause] they just want in similar to the adaption [Applause] reproduction is an aspects of fish production which is important so Ashley first we have to do is to get matured female a milky much female a male has to be a year and above engagement so he take the female fish you press out the eggs and playable you kill the male as such we milk you get the milk a study reduce from it's easy to mix the female then after mixing then you prepare what yeah you want to spawn it so that VAT doing the most effective water at least we did before you spread the eggs on it inside the water so once the after 24 hours the eggs we are so the fishes will pass through the next they go to the bottom body eggs will remain on the net so that we can be able to separate the eggs from the fishes for healthy live in the fish pond is washed and what her is changed regularly after harvesting all the fishes you live the pond for a day to dry when it gets right we scraped the Auggie's the dry dog is away from the pond wash it with soap and water they used boats to sterilize it then you fetch what I need but due to concrete ponds you check for cracks see anyway account touch before you put the new badge of fishes so after doing that you soak it with water for a deep drain it put fresh water on you before you put the fish [Music] running a fish farm like this comes with these challenges well there are different problems across the catfish first if is lack of vitamin like vitamin C you'll notice crack on this course blue Ted stomach so you know there's something wrong with it so he treats for lack of vitamin and also for infection but most times when it's in a regular body fish you know there's something wrong if the movement is not as fast waited or the skin is not as that the way it's supposed to be or there are injuries in noticed on spot of injury or around them the crack on this core so you have to take note of any little slight change in their behavior so that you'll be able to catch the disease on time because when you neglect it by the time it spread around it would be too bad by them to be hard to contain there are different kind of medications when you go to the vet store you just may your complaint to them they'll tell you the regular drugs are supposed to you because you can use all kinds of drugs for them they have their own specific drugs the one the government has asserted for farmers to use so you actually look outfit for it they will tell you what is wrong with your fish and advice for how to use the drugs [Music] let's meet Mac Morgan whoa coma an agriculturist he has mastered the use of Taplin pawns instead of the traditional ponds I've been doing this for three years and by the grace of God everything has been well the truth fish for me out of all our hero destined because this is an essential values in our army clearly Manjeera unspool is always eating one of the fish in the market an example catfish catfish is very affordable is easy the preference of the fish feeding is important a clean pond means the clean fish when it's time to sell they're already mature stock scaling is an important aspect to weigh the fish to know the correct price [Music] so what we have here at the try size in the business well put them on the scale I would grab about three sizes that may come on kid [Music] and a healthy fish means a healthy pockets [Music] we meet beliefs nature he is also fish farmer specializes majorly in fish processing this is how tried catfish is made it takes three days for me to dry a hole or this oval of fish because if the fire is too much the temperature are to be rated are the force it will be high then later gradua I started this one three days ago with the help of charcoal he uses the traditional oven to smoke the fish [Music] [Music] for 15 years the spammers continued to produce large amounts of fishes distributed and sold globally I possess it for people so they bring if I do have fish for possessing then I shy them per kilo of what I Drive for them and I also do live from a pond to dry process and package and sell to people from here essentially jeah centric eating package then I'll give to them a discount rate which do we sell I also get their profits when the fish is really developed cod fish can be made in two different delegations from the codfish pepper soup so the codfish barbecue and to this a lot of challenges come with it the challenges from production usually the parent of a father says the swampy area so it really about you during the rainy season got off load so wet floor comes so no search your farm if we and we lost you know major part of our fishes noted afloat so not only that feet or fish is another area since the problem of bukhara we did not does Leah potatoes because that's we make your part of our input like soya beans knees and some other greens are coming from so since there are problems that ad so the cost of feeding us really good enough haven't the pond is one thing getting customers to buy the product is another clue we further those that have worked for no he gets is over go to the fish so those farmers already Buffy some people need where can I get fish drag those are got in my contacts even or to VI and do we get me on phone and just call that I got your phone number from sufism entendre fish then all our customer those who are coming to a bad wet fish those women are coming in the market or come and buy so most of them do sell us outside 20 people really buy fish so through that maybe Papa Mia if it is the only week we said three times in a week and B the fresh fish Monday Wednesday and Friday so because of that people in their numbers so the fish farming takes months before he becomes eatable that process takes a lot of nurturing feeding and cleaning a catfish pond or they want out you put cod fish in the pond you have to cross all them into a particular place ready be eating because if you slightly sweet not although they will be able to take it and so they will be confused but when you call them and tell them that this is we eating on deliveries before you get to the farm yeah happy for you when they are hungry so until you are passing on you see them rushing the a shows that they need to be fed then you feed them from that from that that please so all the fish just like baby you let them know they are Danny table we re eat so that is what you have caused them to be these are necessary tools needed to run a successful fishbone part of the equipment you need for fishery one is Pompey machine I'm pumping machine as through outlet it's also shown outlet and discharge outlet as you can see this is this is the social outlet with the app of the O's and the social valve that is inside the water we if we study machine which we solve the water and go into the machine through the discharge pipe it will come out and the water is going to the drainage and the water inside the pond will be going down gradually [Music] this is an example of a pH meter although it is the multimeter you can use this to test the pH of the water these slightly neater of the water the conductivity of the water and temperature of the water you can also easy to test the hardness of the water how hard or soft the water is so it's very necessary for inertia to have something like this so you can use to monitor the what I use in Russian because if changing any of these parameters can lead to mortality of these fishes it's a bit expensive but the necessity to die so farmers can get [Music] [Music] so when using it first whatever item you want to put the fish in the first skiing that I turn into the skill so this is the buff want to use this way to fish this buff is about 1 kilo so first out clearing the weight of the back into the skin light happens there so now it's as balanced as there so anything you put inside it buff now we show at the readings so you can put the fish so this is the 1 kilo fish standard table size so we look for a bigger one now see there's a one point two kilo fish she can see the weight change so just put everything fish farming has grown over the years of Nigeria the mechanization of the industry will go a long way to improve the output of families well as you can see anyone can be a fish farmer all you need is information I'll do for us on the program city thank you so much for watching if you miss any part of the show or other episodes you can check it on our YouTube channel you can also send your comments through the social media handles going on the screen until I see you next week be good [Music]
Channel: Channels Television
Views: 120,711
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Keywords: Channels Television, Channels TV, Africa News, Top African News, Breaking news, Nigerian Top Stories, Community Report
Id: 7dp9E4sPPSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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