Boho Living Room Makeover 👉🏻 1900 Farmhouse Renovations

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if you're sitting down for a break and you're trying to find inspiration from like a fashionably dressed mom her whole life is just together and she is redecorating and reorganizing everything is just picture perfect well this is not the video for you number one this dress is really dirty i was outside working cleaning up number two i'm out of laundry i have no dresses to wear living in a house that's being renovated is really challenging basically the story is with this house we're doing a bunch of renovations currently my husband is gone for two weeks and he's coming home tomorrow the end of the two weeks so i'm quickly trying to wrap up a few things that i've been trying to surprise him with it's kind of been the whole theme if you're new here trying to surprise my husband with some things that he didn't realize we're going to get done before he gets back why am i hiding up here in my son's room well there's still a lot of people here there's still a lot of contractors they're down in the kitchen they're dry walling today by the way um anyway and i'm very shy to vlog i like to be on my side just talking away to the camera with so many people around me so quick thing about my living room so i went shopping to target to all over the place the other day sadly i won't be able to have this whole room decorated like i wanted i have curtains and various things that were a little bit further out in ordering so my husband will come home and then i'll have to finish up the living room completely which in all reality he won't care basically what i'm planning to do is i want to go through alexander's books and toys i'm going to bring some of his books up here to put beside his little bean bag he already loves it like this morning i found him over here quietly looking at books in his corner it was so cute he just sits there crosses his legs and looks at his books also i want to quickly go through his toys and put like over half of them in a laundry bag and put them up in the attic he doesn't play with you know all of them they end up just making a big mess for me to clean up and then i'm gonna start putting things back together in the living room and by the way i have my furniture back in and i also have the wall map completely hung up um if you haven't seen that video i'll have that linked up here somewhere um i love the wall map i want to try to make it look a little bit more homey so i'm going to plan planning to hang up some greenery around it so it doesn't quite look so officey i don't know if you would say it looks officey but officey is that even a word and now let's go downstairs and i'll possibly even whisper in the camera so they don't hear me vlogging [Music] look at this the joys of living in a renovated house just everywhere [Applause] [Music] this bag full is all little people stuff and he doesn't play with it much so put up in the attic and then later we can get it out and see if he wants to play with it a few months from now because it'll be new so yeah the old old little people toys that i had when i was a kid just loves to play with anything that like you build things with any type of blocks legos magnet blocks like these blocks i've had for years he plays ever since he was like way little he just loved them so i'm gonna put them in here it's gonna be their new home it used to be this until xander started using it as a stepping stool now it's all broken and bent so we'll just get rid of that all right so remember that amazing shop i went to yesterday i got this basket oh isn't it so cute anyway i thought it should be perfect to sit beside the toy area and put some of his blocks into i'm quick trying to finish this and get his old toys out before he wakes up because even though he doesn't play with them there will be tears [Music] i love it i dumped all the books out here on the floor when i was trying to get that moved over so i'm just going to go through some of these are pretty bad shape pitch some this was our old magazine rack i'm going to put this up in xander's room so i'm going to have books for his room and then um have books down here as well but i think we need to thin them out a little bit no one's too far no one's too broken this is one of xander's favorite books curious george is like pretty much all the books not quite or maybe it is the complete adventures loves that book [Music] today is the day that nolan comes home i cannot wait to see him again and i'm so excited to have him back in our lives [Music] [Applause] we need to go to the airport he said he just landed we might miss them [Music] [Music] i'll come back to you if i'm a thousand miles away dear i still come back for you this highway that i'm driving right here will lead me back to you [Music] even though [Music] [Applause] hey i also rearranged the furniture a little bit and i really like it i have the love seat over here and the recliner more in this corner because since there's a chimney running up through here and it sticks out a little bit i think the love seat in this corner looks really nice i was trying to find like a wicker style end table i didn't find any for there so i'm just gonna use what i had so i'll go get that right now [Music] if you remember the clock that was on that wall this one i still like it i think it'll still go with this room okay i'm thinking i'm gonna hang it right here where's my hand and we'll see how it looks there so i need to clean it first so next up i got this at lowe's i'm not even sure what it's called it looks like a snake plant i love it now let's see if i can keep these plants alive i got a whole bunch of plants for this room and i'm like i gotta be dedicated because i'm really bad at keeping plants alive and then the other day i found this tree of life very unique i think i'm gonna set it on here i think it would look best on there [Music] not sure i like that it went differently in my mind with the round clock on top and that round thing i'm not sure if it goes i'm so terrible at this stuff maybe i'll try this on the end table maybe that would work better and this got stained ah i'm going to figure something out no definitely not kind of bummed i thought this was going to be awesome but now i'm not liking it this whole thing just doesn't really do me for do me four i'm thinking i like this better without the clock i always second-guess myself so much with some of this stuff not real sure what to do anyway i'm like the type of person when i start decorating i start thinking too much about it i'm like does this look weird does it look stupid i think it looks stupid no it doesn't looks nice i don't know was it too much too little not enough anyway it's kind of where i'm at right now my head is not working i had gotten this pillow for a new bedspread i had bought ended up not using it i brought it down here and i thought it would fit my theme but do you put these long thingies these are more like bed pillows aren't they i don't know but i think it looks kind of goofy on the couch i should put this one here that looks better i'm not sure what to do with this all right the weekend is over it's monday and i'm trying to still get back into life plus i went shopping and i got a bunch of plants and pots and i can't wait to start hanging up my macrames by the way don't you just love my new coat no one brought it home for me and he left the tags on i feel pretty spoiled so today is monday nolan came home friday night and i confess like i just kind of hit zombie mode once he returned it was almost like i just crashed mentally and i was a little bit worried this would happen i was trying not to let it happen and he had been set telling me not to overdo it in case that would happen anyway i feel pretty bad about it but today i'm feeling much better i think it was just i worked so hard i'm not trying to make some kind of sob story here but i worked so hard and just dealing with xander and [Music] his burst of three-year-oldness it was just a lot for me like it was just everything we have going on just upset his world and nolan saw it too when he came home he's like wow you know some of the little fits he would throw and stuff anyway he's been doing much better the last couple days before nolan came home and now that nolan's home he's definitely not nearly as bad so that's a huge blessing i think his life is slowly settling down a little bit into normal having nolan back was amazing but i felt like i was unfair to him because suddenly i just almost crashed a little bit mentally and sort of retreated into myself and that's not good not good for him not good for me and today i'm feeling much better so anyway so i ran to town today got some more plants some more planters and once he gets home i'm hoping he will help me hang up get some hooks in the wall so i can start hanging my macrames and amazon just updated me i'm super happy they are going to be getting my curtains here on wednesday lord willing and um yeah i'm kind of struggling a little bit to pull this room together but hopefully hopefully we'll pull it together ink i also got some frames today i'm really excited i'm getting a lady to paint um some of my favorite photos like when we were in paris some family photos i want to put them in a collage um i got her to paint them in kind of a color palette um sort of like down that kind of boho looking minimalistic stylish so i'm not sure how it's going to pull together but yeah i can't wait to show it i can't wait till she's finished can't wait to try it all but yet it's one of those rooms that i'm kind of struggling with a little bit pulling it together but i better head back in xander's taking a nap if he wakes up and doesn't see me he's gonna freak out because he can't get outside right now the one door's kind of stuck so i best take my stuff inside and go in heartbeats only happen one at a time one at a time you can't rush a moment so don't even try don't even today my curtains came from amazon i hope i like them they're kind of a boho style with like tassels on the side so i'm thinking i might try ironing them and hanging them up big magic in the mundane the big picture in a small frame everything is [Music] so this is definitely kind of giving me the serengeti plains vibe where all the giraffes and stuff are oh journey said if i like it it kind of definitely gives this whole room more of a definitely more of a travel feel but is it really boho i don't know my themes i don't know kind of like it kind of don't kind of on the fence but i'm gonna go iron another one there's no use in chasing nickels and dimes nickels and dimes riches all around you open your eyes open your eyes all right i think tonight is a night that nolan is going to help us hang up the macrame i also just got back from target and i found these baskets i think i'm going to swap out with the previous baskets for toys and put them in here i like how they look so much more but now i'm gonna pick up alexander's toys with his help and then we'll start hanging up macrames [Music] that big picture in a [Music] [Music] is [Music] there we go see if you look [Music] the big picture [Music] small is [Music] what do you think buddy that is cool now we don't have to go out to the garden to get lettuce we can just go behind the couch oh i think i want that one there i might have you move it then but i think i'm overdoing the greenery oh i think it's kind of cool okay further off china that's too bad off though i'm such a blonde sometimes just too lazy to go somewhere else and i'm potting soil on my new carpet i need to quick sweep it up perfect thanks babe i grew my own hair i think he knows how to put one in look at that wow it's a new day we got all the plants hung up i'm really really loving it i wanted to mix in kind of a travel theme since we love traveling so much thus the wall map what i wanted to try was take some of my favorite traveling and family photos that are kind of like adventure based and make a collage out of them but have the color palette sort of the same and all the pictures had different colors and different themes and the only way i figured out that could do this is to get someone to paint them and give them the liberty to change up the colors a little bit in the photos i went to one of my favorite websites which is called fiverr i'm not sponsored but there's so many freelancing artists and graphic designers and anything on there you can imagine and i started hunting for an artist whose paint style i like and took me a little bit but i found a lady in russia and i believe her name is ilana i'm sorry if i butchered that so she had a few different styles that she could do for me and pitched a few of her work to me and i found a style that i really really loved so i sent her six different pictures that she painted for me and i was just blown away i was absolutely thrilled so i'll show you each one but in the end i actually decided i'm not going to put them all in one collage it looks a little bit too much so i'm going to do four pictures and then add some words to the collage i'm a little bit worried still because this wall is full and i'm planning to put the collage back behind the couch and i'm thinking this room is going to get kind of cluttered a little bit too quickly but i really really want these photos up so let me just show you quickly what they look like i got them printed at my local camera store this is when we were in paris a few years back nolan and xander down at inner harbor i also got a family portrait done but i don't think i'm going to be using this simply because it doesn't quite go with the theme i'm going with but i might put this somewhere else in the room it really spikes me but sometimes less is more this is xander digging in the sand down in florida this is my absolute favorite one this photo taken in front of the eiffel tower there's actually one other one she had finished let me find it in here i decided not to put it in an 11 by 14. this is when we went kayaking two kayaks we were laughing with zander i really liked that one and i was thinking of including it but um ended up not the other thing i quickly did and i'm not sure if this is going to be too small but my layout has 11 by 14s and 5x7s in the collage so i made i designed these where it says i want to live simply and have grand adventures and they'll be in two separate corners so we're gonna give this a try i have no idea how it's gonna look hopefully not too cluttered then i got these frames i think it was at michael's all righty so i love this layout the only thing i'm not sure of if it's a little bit too much in this room i know this type of boho style decorating is usually more cluttered like stuff everywhere plants everywhere but man do i ever love these photos so many memories i want to wait till no one can help me hang them up i can't believe i can't believe it he fell asleep on his own the first time he slept in his big bed he's been begging to sleep in it so excited about his new room and i just thought he wasn't quite ready yet with all the chaos we have going on here i'm like it's one less change he needs but there he is sleeping in his big bed i just can't believe it yeah hey xander has a new room at least hopefully i'm sure there's gonna be some nights he still wants to sleep in his crib but he's asleep now i'm gonna enjoy some coffee and get some editing finished oh can i finish my coffee then i'm gonna have to go out and get my level [Music] what do you think at the top of the whole collage was here would you be cool with that or you want it moved up [Music] further [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i asked him to please take this plant down so i can see if i like it better without and hang it in this corner maybe into the water way down a little bit deeper come join me singing are you singing look at that dad's the man with the plan strong and the arm and second head down there xander asked dad if he would please hang one in the other corner say please dad please dad please dad so my dear husband is running out you're getting the drill and stuff to hang out one more macrame but i think it'll really be awesome one more in this corner i have another one um anyway this little plant if it survives i'll be surprised but i had this extra one i thought maybe i'll stick this one up beside the map just because the other one seems to hide it a little much and then stick the other one up on the other wall but all right so i hung that plant in the corner and i like that better as it reveals the map more am i ever doing the macrames probably but i said dig the whole greenery thing the major trick is to be keeping this all alive but i ordered a special little watering can from amazon that's really cute i might actually use it as a decoration piece it'll be here in a few days anyway this whole scenario here i still haven't quite figured out what xander what do i do hold on to this you want me to help hold on okay yeah all right what are you measuring trying to measure this long line okay that's all the further this tape goes how much is it it costs 49 49 and 18 four inches yeah all right shall we pick up all these crumblies it's a good idea we'll put it in your truck bed and see if it makes it really full there you can put it in my dump bag yeah that's awesome there comes the man with the plan are you gonna take it to the trash can dump it in trash cans this way buddy careful careful that's gonna come out good job oh wow twist it just a bit my way oh yeah well okay can you turn it like a quarter inch your way there let me see if i like that all right i am definitely loving this there's only one thing i don't like that is the glass and the frames i should have left known this would happen it kind of glares takes away from it but nolan got him so perfectly straight i'm not really willing to take him all down to take the glass out so i'm gonna let it for now maybe i'll figure a way to get around it later once again super happy with these pictures they are just amazing i'm gonna have links below to the lady that you can go and get your own custom paintings done she does incredible work and i would say it's very affordable as well xander what do you think of all these plants in here they're like kind of like plant plants they look like plant plants okay i like them i think it looks really nice yeah okay should i watch you play toys now all right so for now this concludes my living room makeover i tried a few things like hanging beautiful baskets on the one wall but as much as i loved them and felt that it fit in with the theme every time i walked into the room it just felt a bit claustrophobic to me too many decorations all over the place so i took them down and simply put a small tree on top of the toy case for decor i also took the glass out of the paintings and it was definitely the finishing touch as it made them pop more and look like paintings rather than photos behind glass the living room is pretty much complete i simply need to touch up a few places with paint and maybe some filler i will have links to various products i bought from amazon down in the description as well as the website where you can get your own custom paintings i hope you enjoyed this episode and we will see you in the next video [Music] adios
Channel: the Mennonite Mom
Views: 34,774
Rating: 4.9698491 out of 5
Keywords: the mennonite mom, mennonite mom, mennonite, mennonite blogger, mennonite vlogger, boho, bohemian decor, boho decor, boho living room, living room makeover, farmhouse remodel, 1900 farmhouse, farmhouse renovation
Id: gW9CazJ_4Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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