Body cam: Traffic stop leads to arrest of man wanted for 1994 Atlanta cold case murder

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what's your what's your last name it's the kim yes okay all right i'm gonna have you guys step out the vehicle for me she's gonna come and get me yeah so you're about 57 minutes away from me i was almost at the hospital all right okay um just uh yeah just tell me what the information you put in your in your gps because that way i didn't vote the same thing i don't know the name of this place right we'll get it figured out we'll text it to it that's prince avenue all right so here's what's going to happen to kim okay um unfortunately i'm gonna have to place you into custody today okay you have to go down to jail oh no i gotta get booked in i'm gonna take your fingerprints and picture and you'll get a bond but because you're driving on suspended license you've got to go to amazon so i did not know i have children i have a sick uncle and i run the household well i really don't have a choice at this time please please they put me on the arrest right now dave i don't know for driving with suspended life unfortunately the law is different here in georgia than it is in south carolina if you have a suspended license you have to go down to the jail and get booked in oh look but sir can you speak to my aunt we're on the speakerphone okay no please speak to him i'm the only one that can help with my uncle that's sick and i see you right now sorry about that car without valid insurance my son you got that taken care of because you're already driving a car without valid insurance i won't registration my cousin trust me i swear to you i'll walk away from my car so we're going to walk you back to this other car please sir we're gonna walk you through my car sir my aunt is old she's 80 years old sir please i swear please check me okay please check everything out i'm going to search you and send you a rest see which is emergency nine one one yeah praise towards that movie okay so separate your feet okay a little bit nothing in your pocket sir please what all do you need how do you have a sir i have a child at the house that they cannot take care of what do you need out of your car sir i beg you i beg of y'all i will not touch my car you will take my keys out what all do you need out of your phone um i don't have a choice here man i'm telling you that i told you i was not going to get in my car i wasn't going to get any suspended license you're driving a car without insurance you got that taken care of they're doing it every day spending registration you have to go down to the jail and get booked in just take your photograph they're going to take your fingerprints they'll give you a bond amount you can bond out and then you can get on the way up to the hospital but you can't drive sir i will have a seat okay please okay may i speak after you have a seat for me are you going sit down and then i'll listen to you okay so what do you want to tell me on everything my aunt just had a stroke my uncle just had a stroke two and a half weeks ago i'm here helping my family i don't even know who can come and buy me out i don't even know who can come and buy me out i'm not a criminal i'm not a crook i'm if you i look how old i am you get a ticket or something i didn't get taken care of why would they suspend your license in south carolina i just found out speaking to the deputy yeah i just found out that maybe when we had a car that i had to get repossessed that i didn't take my name off of it okay um i wouldn't imagine that they'd suspend you for a repossession but that's what i'm saying i did i don't but but no information is coming up i won't drive i'll have my cousin can you slide your legs in for us you're not gonna speak to me no unfortunately you i told you i've already played my position oh this hurts i don't have a choice so sir sir okay so the way you're sitting right now is not a good position you're a tall guy you've got long legs can you slide your knees over this way and sit at an angle watch your knee so cam i'm putting your headphones in your little black pouch do you need anything outside of your car um just just know that can you speak to my aunt just just speak to my aunt because i do everything for the house okay i do everything my son is there he's only 13 years old he doesn't know he does not know what's going on this is this is i don't can you let my cousin know wherever it is i'm going to come over here yeah so when you get there you'll be able to call them how can i call them when you when they book you in they'll give you some phone calls so you can call them all right yes because i don't yeah why i thought she was gonna let me just let my cousin pick me up why did this happen i'm i'm sorry deputy so many people rely upon me you do not know you can look you can get in and get out all right i can get in and get out yeah like they'll book you in if you have somebody that can bond you out you have a preset bond so you can bond out of jail you don't have to wait to see a judge well how much is that uh i'm not quite sure they'll give it to you when we get there okay we'll work with you all right we'll try to get you out as quick as possible this is my own food is sick all right well the quicker we get to jail the quicker you can get out okay doors are all locked all the windows are up all right cool what what is it i've never been to jail in my time okay all right it'll be fine i promise all right all right we gotta get you to the gym all right [Music] oh eight five zero 36 unicorn show me a route to the jail mail 1095 beginning miles and ready nine eight seven zero three nine eight seven zero three ten four so one thirty two three eighty closure 36 44 20 10 27. zero four eight two six three zero five seven zero four eight returns no want on a sheryl street at a walk-in field good right there i just have to go by what the law states okay yeah absolutely i'm helping my family and i and i i believe you i believe you are helping your family but i i at the end of the day i have a job i have to do i'm trying to fight you and i appreciate you being cooperative okay i'm afraid because my uncle is in the icu and i'm the only one that goes okay my cousin who is 16 years old her mother who's 80 years old i do all the runs for the house i do all the cooking i do all the cleaning i don't even know you said she lives in conor's i live my
Channel: 11Alive
Views: 8,941,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: local, news, 11alive, 11alive atlanta, 11alive investigates, 11alive news atlanta, 11alive news atlanta live stream, 11alive news open, atlanta news, atlanta news live, atlanta news live 11, atlanta news live today, news first, news today, atlanta crime stoppers, crime atlanta, crime in atlanta ga, cold cases solved 2022, cold case finally solved 2022, atlanta cold case, atlanta cold cases, atlanta cold case solved, local news, body camera, police body camera
Id: 64PlvvYGkWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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