Traffic Stop Turns Up $100,000 Worth of Cocaine

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[Music] [Music] on march 23 2021 an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle after observing it going 90 miles per hour in a 70 mile per hour zone in osseo wisconsin the driver and passenger were identified as 27 year old eric larkins and 28 year old chavante powell [Applause] hey officer volk the osceola police department here's my stop user [Applause] you speed how fast you're going nah you want faster than that man yeah i saw you you're coming around the corner i i know you yeah yeah your brakes yeah you're going going both that fast when you run past me i do a 90. yeah you saw me when i came around torpedo brakes i mean i get it where are you coming from indiana all right is this your rental then or what you got your id with you anything inside the vehicle i need no ball what's that no any marijuana what's that no cocaine methamphetamine heroin just questions i asked when the officer asked if anything was illegal in the vehicle chavante eventually became annoyed with the questions yep traffic stops leading to a lot of different things man traffic stops leading to a lot of different things when you go from one state to another what no i'm just asking questions by knowing making sure everyone's on the straight and narrow you know it's all that's all wow oh god nope you'd be surprised what we find out here you know found a bunch of coke and stolen guns the other week traffic stop simply for speed so all right fair enough well i'll be back with you all right with the officer's past training and experience he learned it is also common for drug traffickers to use rental vehicles in order to avoid detection from law we got enforcement on they were going 90. they were going 90. they're going 90. but they're saying that they're coming from indiana going back to the cities but they have they rented it at 10 58 p.m on the 22nd so like six hours ago it has to be returned tonight by nine p.m back in chicago and they rented it in chicago yeah because they're coming from indiana yeah that don't line up does it yeah you want to ask she rented it it's under her name the driver uh passenger asked them and what their plans are how they're supposed to return it back to chicago after the officer spoke with each individual their stories did not match hey i'm just gonna have you step back here i'm just gonna chat with you a bit alright just want to go right back there over more of the shoulder is there anything on you man guns knives not anything mind if i pat you down come on over here man spacer there you go all right are you on probation out of minnesota no i'm not doing that were you on probation before no sir no what was the last time you got arrested uh probably like a few months back or something like that what was that for uh i got arrested in the car in the vehicle with some guys so right about like two three months ago or something like that probably two months ago all right what'd you get arrested for though uh being with somebody i guess they was that's not illegal what'd you get arrested for i got arrested for being with somebody it was like a basically they was coming somebody had a warrant and they were following like he had a warrant for his arrest yeah he was in the car with me i was trying and that's when i got pulled over i got arrested what would they charge you for though uh pc um weapons okay all right the officer noticed eric's demeanor change and he became nervous his breathing increased and could not stand still i don't know to be honest like trying to think back but like i got arrested like probably like a month ago or something like that and that was for what you just said anything that was for what you just said yeah all right what was i saying you got a drug charge that you at least got charged that was the same thing that was i guess it was paraphernalia in the vehicle when they towed the vehicle is there anything inside the vehicle tonight man if you've got a little bit of weight or a pipe i'll toss it but i don't have [ __ ] bro all right about that she just really just picked me up from indiana i would have flew but the [ __ ] cost too much yeah and i was trying to take the bus but i still didn't have no way from indiana to get to chicago pretty much the megabus is the cheapest [ __ ] yeah they don't have that how did you get down there say that they hope you get down there where to indiana yeah i drove down there i drove with my brother to indiana this is a while back probably like a few weeks or something like that all right a week ago two weeks ago nah yeah it's like two weeks ago it ain't that long i've been down here for like four days my sister basically had a housewarming party so i've been down here at her house okay just chilling wise did i do something wrong well this is a little weird man less a little bit like a rental it's supposed to be returned in the same city to go up to go back you don't know how long you've been down there you have a pretty good criminal history going on i just told you how long i've been down there my girl already she got the rental because i've been down there a couple days and i couldn't get home so i would have been came home she actually doing me a favor why didn't you why didn't she just get you a one-way and you go drive it to minnesota and turn it in and be done bro it cost 700 800 to do a one-way in that vehicle leave me or not they're gonna they're gonna that's because they already factor the miles up she's going back to chicago though yeah her dad knows no that's why then they're gonna rack up the miles because you pay per mile i'm pretty sure no it's free mileage i don't i don't know what you're talking about it's free mileage that's this is the cheapest way to bring i wouldn't i wouldn't make that up i wouldn't i've been trying to get here for like [ __ ] three four days like lead but like i wouldn't that that's the easiest way you could google it right now 700 800 at the most it costs to leave in minnesota i asked her the same thing she said [ __ ] i would have flew back but it cost too much to leave the vehicle so i'ma just drive back i chose to drive here so she could sleep because she got to drive back you know that's too long you're a convicted phone right uh yes sir all right i have been convicted 2010. okay that was a juvenile so what was that for it was for uh aiding in a beta basically what was that [ __ ] that's the charge ain't in the bed and accomplish after fat okay what was the charge that you're eating in a bedding um i want to say it's like murder basically i was a jew now so somebody died basically i went to jail i was there told about everything you know yeah i got put on probation so that's the only reason i'm a convicted felon all right i was 17 what's yours inside the vehicle right now i can't hear you what's yours inside the vehicle what do you mean what's yours my duffel bag yeah is that it yeah she have any bags uh yeah she got her backpack all right you have a problem if i search your bag say that again can i search your bag yeah i'll say you can search it but i would want to know why like do you not believe me no at all all right well if i give you my bag and search my bag i can go about my way yeah if you guys got nothing you're going to be on your way what do you mean got nothing it's nothing in a car guns knives nothing in the car any large sums of cash large sums of cash no no that's why we're just trying to make sure that everyone's on the straight and narrow you know so as long as there ain't nothing crazy in there i don't have nothing but i don't i don't i don't like the fact that you want to search everything because it's like you don't believe me but i can give it to you and show you like oh yeah people lie to us man all right so you want me to get just any tighter i'm just going to chat with her all right i'll be right back all right sorry is there anything inside the vehicle you know about any any guns drugs large sums of cash can i search the vehicle from bumper to bumper like i told you before trying to make sure that everybody's doing what they're supposed to be doing you know all right so he already gave me permission to search his bag that's why i'm asking you because you rent to the vehicle and you're in the vehicle all right all right so do you have a problem if i search the vehicle i don't i don't think that's necessary i don't know what this is getting at but i'm starting to feel kind of like offended almost and i'm asking you because you're you run to the vehicle and you're in the vehicle because for what i see on on the on the interstate out here it's not necessarily common to get a one get a rental that's from chicago and be driven up to the cities and return back to chicago with his criminal history and whatnot well you have some stuff that's whatever and i'm not worried about that i'm just making sure that there's that he's not in possession of any firearms all right because he's a convicted felon and then you know you don't have any drugs and large sums of cash that you're not that you're not bringing stuff from one place to another all right you're still going with me uh searching your bag why would she say what happened bro i know she doesn't like me i don't think i'm gonna be honest she's she's upset she's tired yeah no but i mean she spelled it out of everything that's kind of weird you know what she spelled everything out that's kind of weird she spelled everything out yeah she talked about it i mean you know you know rental ass go back you know you you don't even know how long you've been in indiana [Applause] because when i first want me to get on the phone and call and verify you can hear my sister talk no but you know the first answer was a week and a half then you said she told me a week and you told me like a month back here see that's how i know you was over just listening it was a month because you asked questions in three different shapes and forms i'm very familiar with police information this is how you got it and asked all that eric then changed his mind and didn't want to provide consent to search his duffel bag once the officer stated he was going to deploy his canine eric immediately changed his mind again and wanted his bag to show he didn't have anything yeah i was there i'm familiar can i search your bag no all right hang tight i'm gonna go get my certified narcotics canine stay there i'm gonna get it bro stay there you girl i give her [ __ ] too to be honest you can get your dog out too but i'm telling you bro i really just like the way you said that to me like jumping around there can i set your back like i'm trying to be like you like she's upset bro she's pissed so that's that's getting on her like you pissing her off that's my girl bro understand me that's fine is there anything inside the vehicle no sir all right [Applause] check check when canine kimber was deployed she exhibited behavior changes which indicate she is on the odor of a narcotic [Applause] where is he covered [Applause] where is it [Applause] where's the camera trophy is it where is it [Applause] [Applause] all right eric you're gonna come take a seat in the background's car man come on all right i'm gonna have you step on now all right yeah my certified narcotics can alert to the driver's side door i'm going to have you step on up by certified narcotics t9 alert to the driver's side door and have you step on [Applause] getting anything on you inside the vehicle no no all right then this is gonna be quick and easy all right i'll have you go step in front of my squad career i got a question it's well not is it a reason the reason why we were separated for the video if it's because i have one seat in my car there's one seat in this car and he's here yeah i would like to be in this car there no there's nowhere to sit let's go okay there's nowhere to sit the dogs in the other path what's up please bro please i'll sit put me in that way she can't catch up [Applause] during the search of the vehicle the officer pulled back the lining on the left side of the trunk and located a rectangular shaped object [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] come here bring your phone huh come here step on up what whoa whoa whoa hold there's a kilo a what who's the key brian's around your back step one round your back i'll come travel with you in a bit yeah this wasn't even that side was good this side was popped the officer caught a small hole in the center of the object and there was a white powdery substance yeah bill just checked on a couple minutes ago yeah at all like i'll help you so that's it kimber was hitting hard on the driver's side that brown wow that could be wax paper too we'll find out yeah no i just poked it just to make sure i mean what wrap pull it wraps like that but oh i know yeah um she was hitting hard on the driver's side trying to crawl okay uh so i came back here notice that was still popped on saw that that was not the tap and then there it was right inside yep man bro can you please turn this off bro eric there's nothing but air pushing through here bro please yeah it's for the dog calm down no but i can't i'm cut bro i'm anemics on my feet feel my hands eric calm down i got a little blood bro eric stop hanging on my car can you put me in another car bro my feet i can't feel my toes and i can't feel my fingertips i wouldn't be banging on the door bro if i couldn't feel it i'm banging because i can't feel it i'm getting honest with you that's what i'm banging on all right so right now i'm just going to read this to you because we're chatting here and there you know you have the right to remain silent anything you say kenneth will be used again two and a quarter you have the right to talk to a lawyer have one present with you while you're being questioned if you cannot afford to hire a lawyer one will be a point of representing you before any questioning if you wish you can decide at any time to exercise these rights or not answer any questions or make any statements you understand that all right so already found what was in the truck what was in the truck man you don't know i don't think the last guy who runs that car forgot it in there are you going to be straight up yeah probably about the kilo that was tucked back there and you think i had that you did have it you were driving it's in the car all right i was driving it was in the car who's the guy you said had the car before us i have no idea all right well it's a bullet hole it looks like it could be on the side of the car too as well i said something to her but here we are this is where we're at though you guys are in possession of it you're driving the car all right yeah so you are under arrest for it yes i was looking for some cooperation as to what's going on where you're going with it and all that because i also have a guy from that works for the county yeah every guy that works for the sheriff's office he's going to come up and talk with you guys too he's going to be a little curious as to where you're going and see if you're going to work with us what do you what do you have with you is it cocaine fentanyl or math bro you keep asking questions you tell me what the [ __ ] it is tell me what's going on quit actually it was in the trunk it was behind you for this to be able to okay you're under the substance tested positive for cocaine it weighed approximately 2.5 pounds and had an estimated street value of one hundred thousand dollars eric and chavante were charged with felony manufacture intent to deliver cocaine however it was later dismissed on the prosecutor's motion do you enjoy our content and want to see more join the code blue cam patreon for early access to ad-free videos exclusive content not published on youtube behind the scenes and much more by joining it will help with the production sustainability and long-term viability of code blue cam see the link in the description for more 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Channel: Code Blue Cam
Views: 9,142,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police siren, police chase, traffic stop, bodycam, live pd, a&e, donut operator, traffic stop drug bust, k9 dog
Id: efuRAKq_w6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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