BIG TOUGH CHEF vs. 7-Year Old! (S1, E6) - Man vs. Child: Chef Showdown | Full Episode | Lifetime

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ADAM: You're about to witness a culinary revolution. Tonight, five of the most talented cooking prodigies in the world go head-to-head against executive chefs with years of training and decades of experience. I like that kid. I wanted to beat him. I don't want to be teated like a kid. I'm a chef. WOMAN: You just can't underestimate these kids. I'm gonna crush that competition! ADAM: It's a culinary showdown in three rounds, with our final round judged by the world's most critically acclaimed chefs in a winner-takes-all blind taste test. It's the superstars of tomorrow... Way to get in his head. ...against the titans of today. MIKE: Coming down to the wire. CLOYCE: I want to show the world that kids can take down executive chefs. HOLDEN: This is cutting it so close. ADAM: This is "Man vs. Child: Chef Showdown." --<font color="#FFFF00"> Captions by VITAC --</font><font color="#00FFFF"></font> Captioning provided by A+E Networks I'm your host, Adam Gertler, and this week, it's a culinary showdown in three rounds. Our first judge is chef/owner of several restaurants, including Graffiato and Kapnos, Mike Isabella. Our second judge is a butcher and private chef to Hollywood "A" listers, Alia Zaine. Our challenger today has been an executive chef for over 20 years. He currently owns and operates his super-popular food truck, the Culinerdy Cruzer. Being an owner of a food truck, I get underestimated constantly. I'm actually a certified executive chef from the American Culinary Federation, too. I can cook. I run a food truck because you may turn to your friend and go, "You've got to taste this!" Biggest compliment I can ever get. You know, they say there are these prodigies. This would have been me 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 40 years ago. I got the skills, I got the background, I got the talent. I'm gonna make them work for it. Please welcome Executive Chef Keith Breedlove. [ Cheers and applause ] He looks very aggressive, like he'll fight for it. He's not exactly what I was expecting. -Keith, welcome. -Hey, guys. How's it going? Prodigies, for the first round, who's it gonna be? So, he's nerdy, he's obviously out of the box, right? I think I can do it. -Yeah. -Okay. We choose Chef Dylan. Chef Dylan, enter the kitchen. -You can do it! -You got this! Chef Dylan is very inventive, and he's very creative. He also has that five-star, upscale quality to his food. He could win this. ADAM: He's 12 years old and loves drawing and photography. His artistic skills don't end there -- he considers himself an artist in the kitchen. Chef Keith -- he's kind of like a tough guy. He has tattoos all over him, but hearing that he's, you know, in the food-truck business -- well, maybe he's more into the fast food and not really, like, you know, the more gourmet, so, I'm excited to see how this is gonna play out. Please welcome Chef Dylan. [ Cheers and applause ] Dylan, welcome back to the kitchen. Thank you. Okay, guys. Welcome to round one. One of my favorite grilled sandwiches would not be the same without this staple ingredient. Cheese. -It ain't easy being cheesy. -Those puns were very "Gouda." You know, here I thought I "bleu" it. [ Laughter ] Your challenge for the first round is to create an appetizer using this wonderful, ubiquitous ingredient -- cheese. KEITH: The versatility of cheese is wonderful. I've seen cheeses in so many different ways. I'm excited to do the first challenge. Sounds great. I'm a huge fan of cheese. I just am falling in love with this challenge. Judges, any advice for how to make a truly wonderful cheesy appetizer? Know which cheese you're working with, 'cause every cheese offers something different. You have some that are hard, some that are soft, some that are strong, some that are more mild. I love cheese. I want you to have fun with the challenge, 'cause you have some many different types of textures and flavors, and you can really make them the highlight of your dish today. Our judges will be looking at creativity, presentation, adherence to the spirit of the challenge, and taste. Now, remember -- they will also allow the chef with the best dish to choose an advantage in the next round. Whoever scores the advantage for this round has a better chance at keeping the advantage for the all-important, winner-takes-all third round, which will be presented and blind tasted by our master-level chef. Okay, chefs, take to the burners, and prepare to begin your first cook. Good luck. You have 30 minutes to prepare an appetizer featuring cheese, and your time! [ Cheers and applause ] CLOYCE: Dylan! Get your cheese! So, where do you go with cheese? I mean, cheese on its own is an appetizer. You don't even need to do anything to it. You can go the way of a fondue. You can go cheese sauces. You can go dressings, fritters, and so many good things to work with today. I'm really excited to see what they're gonna do. KEITH: I'm used to having a very small space, so to me, it looks like a palace in here. I'm just gonna cook up a little bit of this pancetta. I smell bacon. Ooph. Bacon and cheese. Cheese and bacon are the two greatest things in the world. We're gonna do a pancetta and pear cheese fritter with a pickled grape relish on top. This is an aged Gruyère. The age gives it that nice, beautiful cheese funkiness. I love sharp, aged cheeses, so I'm gonna use aged Gruyère, sharp cheddar, and white cheddar. I think we need more bacon. I mixed the bacon, the pear, the cheeses, an egg for binding, for lift, and flour to hold it. Let's get the flavors to meld together, so let's just go ahead and make a fritter, a latke, essentially a pancake. ADAM: Chefs, 20 minutes left. Hey, how you doing over there, bud? Fine. How about you? Good, man. You having fun yet? Oh, I'm having the best time of my life. My whole family loves to cook. My uncle's, like, a total foodie, and my mom is, too, and my grandma, so, like, I kind of grew up with gourmet meals. HOLDEN: Is that mozzarella or burrata? CLOYCE: Burrata. That's the burrata cheese! DYLAN: You know, I'm a huge fan of cheese. I love mozzarella sticks. I make them at home all the time. But today, I'm gonna elevate it and take it more to the gourmet style. So, I'm planning to make burrata fritters with a spicy tomato sauce in the style of cheese sticks. My burrata mixture is burrata, one egg, baking powder, and flour. I'm just whisking it up together in a bowl. When I think of burrata, I don't necessarily think of it as being a strongly flavored cheese, so, you know, frying it, making a fritter is an interesting choice. But I'll tell you this, the consistency of a fried burrata fritter is gonna be amazing. It's gonna be oozing right out of the fritter. KEITH: For the pickled grapes, I put together a very quick pickle solution of apple cider vinegar, a little bit of sugar, and star anise. There's a great trick with an iSi container -- the whipped-cream containers. Now, we're gonna charge it real quick. [ Gas hisses ] Chef Keith, what are you doing with the foam? Actually, I'm pickling the grapes. By adding the CO2 to it, it pops the grapes to open up and allows the pickling liquid to infuse inside the grapes. That's awesome. KEITH: Cooking against these kids, it pushes you. Kids don't have that pre-conceived idea that, you know, "I can't do this, I can't do that," 'cause they haven't been yelled at for 20 years. Right now, I'm working on my spicy tomato sauce. My tomato sauce is caramelized onions and garlic, bay leaves, crushed tomatoes, a little bit of basil. You know, I really got to focus on this dish, because I have to make sure my sauce tastes amazing. HOLDEN: Red pepper flakes -- that might be red pepper flakes. Gonna add some heat. This is very runny. It's not thick enough, so I'm getting a little bit worried. I'm gonna get the paste. I get the tomato paste. I'm not really knowing if this is a good idea or a bad idea. It's just the first thing that popped in my head. But it does make it a little bit thicker, and I'm hoping the judges like my idea of that. Chef Dylan, how's it going? Great. What are we frying, brother? That's one of my burrata fritters. I'm just gonna test it. Did you want to try one. Yes! Perfect. Wow. Could have been in the fryer a little bit longer, but... That is not like the heavy, crusty, oily mozzarella sticks of old. I think you've ruined a whole generation for mozzarella sticks. DYLAN: I'm really happy he said that, because if he likes it, hopefully the judges will like it. ADAM: Chef Keith, what's going on? I'm doing good. So, I love hearing about what you were doing in the iSi with the grapes. Can you tell me about that again? What it'll do is just quickly pickle it, and what happens to your grapes is, like, the grape becomes grapier. It tastes like it's been marinating for hours, but it doesn't have a texture like it's been marinating for hours. Wild. All right. Good luck to you, Chef Keith. Thank you, sir. Three minutes, chefs. This is a really interesting battle -- cheese. We have two very different takes on a fried cheese. Chef Keith's side -- it's more of a latke with pear in there and cheese and then the pickled grapes. The pickled grapes are really phenomenal, by the way. On Chef Dylan's side, I've never had a cheese fritter like that before. It'll be interesting to see how that pairs with a really kind of traditional tomato sauce. You guys have your cheese cut out for you. [ Laughs ] Coming up on one minute! Biggest motivation, really, is let's get something on the plate. I'm not thinking about round two. I'm not thinking about advantages. I'm thinking, "Get it on the plate. Make it good." It's looking nice and sharp. The flavors are nice and bold. DYLAN: I'm waiting on my fritters. I want to make sure that I am going for a crispy outside but still very light and nice and creamy on the inside. CLOYCE: Keep going, Dylan! DYLAN: I took them out of the fryer, they look amazing. 30 seconds! And 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Time's up! Step away from the plates. DYLAN: So, time's up, and I look down at my dish. I'm really worried about the consistency of my tomato sauce. I did put tomato paste, and that's really thick. I'm just hoping that the judges are gonna like it. Okay, chefs, please bring your plates up to the judges. DYLAN: My fritters look really good. I just hope the judges think the same. Are you doing a little cheese dance? [ Chuckles ] [ Laughs ] Chef Dylan, please explain your dish. I prepared for you today burrata fritters with a spicy tomato sauce. A nice, simple dish. I grew up on classic mozzarella sticks. It seems like you have a nice, elevated, puffy cheese fritters with a spicy tomato sauce and some basil. Semi-spicy. Semi-spicy. Not too spicy. No. I'll let you know that after I taste it. [ Chuckling ] Well, it looks beautiful. Thank you. Chef Dylan, these are definitely not the cheese sticks that I grew up with -- these are much lighter. The idea of taking cheese and frying it in oil sounds very heavy, but these are very far from that. But the tomato paste -- it's very assertive. I think you have such a nice balance of, like, really light and fluffy, airy fritters. It'd be nice to have, also, a light tomato sauce to go with it, but everything else is just really on point. I really enjoyed it. I think I do have a huge advantage that I made the cheese the star of my dish, and I feel really good about this. Dylan, I thought you had a very good dish here today. I liked your fritter a lot, but I would have liked to see a stronger cheese flavor in the fritter. If you could have maybe put a little extra burrata just to make it so when you get to that middle, you also have that really, just, straight cheese. That would have, you know, took it up to the next level. But besides that, it was a great dish. Thank you. Chef Keith, please explain your dish. Today, I've prepared for you fritters made out of an aged Gruyère, white and sharp cheddar cheeses with a pickled grape and micro green relish. I love your presentation today. I like it in the cast iron. I love the colors of the dish. It really looks beautiful today. Thank you, Chef. Keith, I'm also a fan of using cast iron to plate. The black really allows the fritter and all the garnish you have to really pop, so curious to see how it tastes. I'm very happy with how everything came out, the choices I made, the plating I made. I'm thinking, "Huh, I just may have to make this again." Chef Keith, I liked your dish. I did taste the cheese. The age was the finishing element in my mouth, which I really enjoyed, because you did put a couple different flavored cheeses in there. I really liked the acidity level that you had balanced in the grapes with the salad to compliment the fritter. The fritter was just a little bit too heavy. If it was a little bit more airy and lighter, I think it could have been a perfect dish. I appreciate how ambitious you were with this dish. You have a lot of different flavors going on. With that being said, I think it was a little bit hard to taste the cheese because you have so much else going on on the plate. KEITH: Are you kidding? There's three types of cheeses, but the wheels started turning a little bit and going, "Okay, might need to change my tactic a little bit for the next round." Chefs, today, both of you guys prepared two great dishes, two awesome fritters. Give us a moment so we can figure out who the winner is today. Nice job. Nice job. Those look good. I think that Dylan actually sounds better because there's so much going on in Chef Keith's dish. Mike, Alia, who gets to pick an advantage from the menu for the next round? We've decided that the advantage goes to... We've decided that the advantage goes to... Chef Dylan. [ Cheers and applause ] It was surreal. I mean, it was kind of, "Aw, man!" But then, at the same time, it was like, "Well, he deserved it." That was beautiful, what he made. I was very impressed. It's really an honor to find out that you won against an executive-level chef. We're going into round two with an advantage, and that's just awesome. Chef Dylan, you must now select one of your remaining teammates to compete with an advantage in the next round. But before we get to that, I bet you're wondering what round two is all about. This staple food is served in brassieres around the world and is incredibly popular in Belgium, France, and the United States. Chefs, your round two challenge for today is... Steak frites. Yeah! Yes! I love steak. I love French fries. I love everything that goes with steak and French fries. Definitely hoping that Dylan picks me. Mike, Alia, any advice for the chefs? Steak frites is an ultimate classic, but it's really about the cut of meat that you're using and really about the execution on cooking it perfectly. But don't forget the potatoes. It can make or break this classic combination. Chef Dylan, it's now time for the big question. Which one of your teammates will be competing with control of the menu board for round two? Now that I've seen Chef Keith's style of cooking, I feel like, as a team, we can totally take him down. And I do know somebody who also is really good with steak. I choose Chef Cloyce. Okay. [ Applause ] Cloyce is probably the best chef of all of us. He has really good knife skills, and he is really good with steak. It's kind of like a no-brainer. Our next chef has a photographic memory. He made the starting lineup of his basketball team on his very first try. I'm a little intimidated going up against Chef Keith. I bet you he's been cooking steaks every single day for 25 years. I definitely have a good idea of steak cookery. I definitely know how the judges want it to be cooked. Let's get into this! Please welcome Chef Cloyce. [ Cheers and applause ] I'm a little bit nervous about this kid just based on the confidence. The confidence that Cloyce has is epic. Today, the menu items are... Chef Cloyce, it's time for your decision. I'm gonna go with, uh... CHILDREN: Check Your Work! Check Your Work! Check Your Work. [ Cheers and applause ] I'm trying to take as much time from him as possible, so I think this is gonna be a good choice. So, Chef Keith, today, I'm gonna have you peel six potatoes... Yes, sir. Grate 1/2 cup of cheese, and finely chopped one bunch of parsley. Yes, sir. The items that you mise en place today cannot be used in your dish as part of your cooking time. Okay. Make sure you do it right so I don't have to make you redo it. Yes, Chef. Okay, chefs, please take to the burners and prepare to begin your cook. Whoo! You got this, Cloyce! You got this, Cloyce! Whoo! You have 45 minutes to serve up some savory steak frites, and your time starts now! [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah, you got this, Cloyce! Don't let cold food be the stake through your heart. Look, steak puns are rare. They're usually well-done. I think the stakes are pretty high. How did she come up with that -- the stakes are high? She's genius. KEITH: I've got to peel six potatoes, fine dice a bunch of parsley, and grate 1/2 cup of cheese, and I have to get Mike Isabella's approval on all of these. So, knowing what a stickler he is, I'm making sure that each thing I do I'm doing very clean. Still on his mise en place. I got to give you a head start. [ Chuckles ] I want to beat Cloyce. I like that kid, but I want to beat him. EMMALEE: Cloyce, what is that purple thing? Red wine butter. Ooh. Ooh. For this challenge, I'm gonna make a rib eye steak frites with a red wine butter. The red wine butter is gonna go on top of my steak, and it's gonna add that nice buttery flavor, and it's also gonna add a nice complement to my fries. Chef, check. Coming. Closer, Chef, I wanted the chance to meet you. [ Chuckles ] Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Pass on potatoes. I look over at Chef Keith. Five minutes have already gone by and he's still mise-ing all of his ingredients, so I'm thinking, "Good decision, Cloyce." [ Chuckles ] I just noticed I got a nick on my finger. Make sure there's no blood in my parsley. So, I threw my hand behind my back and chopped parsley one-handed. That is very impressive. He's doing, like, two in one. Looks like he's getting arrested. Yeah, I always said I could chop parsley with one hand behind my back. Yeah, there you go. [ Laughter ] He's an animal. He's not even stopping. Nice, Chef Keith. Chef, check. All right, Chef, you're ready to move on to cheese. Parsley is good. Right? Starting to get a little bit worried about the time. Be nice if I could use this stuff in my dish. Chef. That's a pass. Discard these elements and begin your cook, Chef. Steak doesn't take that long to cook, but I've got to get it done fast. Having cooked steaks for 20-something years, just a simple cooked steak I don't think is in the repertoire anymore. So, the plan was just not to make steak and French fries. It was to flip the dishes. A perfectly cooked potato and a fried steak. This is a flatiron, the second most tender cut of meat. He's tenderizing the meat and flattening it a lot 'cause of how strong he is. I'm a little bit afraid of him now. I'm gonna take this flatiron and vacuum seal it to help just get that seasoning up inside of it. ADAM: Chef Cloyce, how are we doing? Pretty good. What's your method here? I see you're getting your pan nice and hot. Sear it, finish it in the oven, pull it out, baste it. I see smoke coming off that pan. Is that good? Absolutely. [ Sizzling ] Hear that? That's bueno. All right. Good luck, Chef. Awesome. Thank you. Next step is to move on to the potatoes. I love the creaminess of fingerling potatoes. When you smell it, you go -- you go caveman. You start to salivate. Gonna throw them in, brown them with a little bit of onion. Get just a little bit of sear to them and slowly start adding stock. ADAM: Chef Keith, you pounded the living daylights out of that flatiron steak. Had to take a little aggression out for that time waste. Yeah. [ Chuckles ] What's gonna be your take on a steak frite? Well, we got this flat iron. Just gonna bread it in strips and cook it real fast, real high. I think she likes to pick things up and eat them. The one who's probably more delicate is Chef Isabella. That's what I was thinking, but I didn't want to say it. [ Laughter ] Well, this is really exciting, because you're going against a much younger competitor preparing a much more classic steak frite, so I can't wait to see what happens. I can't either. [ Chuckles ] Okay. Good luck. To flash fry the steak just is traditional, standard breading -- flour, egg. Got that set up. I chose flatiron steak because the fat in it lends itself well to a high-heat cook. Ahh. As soon as my steak comes out of the oven, I'm butter basting it. Yeah, we'll make this process nice and quick. I cook steak all the time with my dad. We like to barbecue. We do all sorts of different seasonings. I really like to experiment with different flavor combinations with steak. The only thing you can do wrong to a good rib eye is under- or over-cook it. This little guy has just got it together -- knows his classics, got nice knife cuts on those things he's making. I'm impressed. He's making me a little nervous. I do not expect these kids to take it easy on me at all. I may be old, but I'll put up a fight. You know, on our truck, we run -- we do whole Brussels sprouts just like this, and it is the biggest selling item on the truck. I go through more of those than I do French fries now. I think about what a traditional steak frites is, and I know that an arugula salad's gonna go really well with all my flavors. So, this arugula salad's gonna add a nice flavor and freshness and a good presentation. Now, it's a matter of finishing. I want that menu board because these kids are tough. All in all, the flavors are strong. Flavors come out good. Steak's nice and tender and flavorful. And unfortunately, I did finish too early. It was a poor time management on my part to where I finished too early. I think I could have made a change for the better in that last four minutes. That clock is -- it tricks you a little bit. I pull my russet potatoes out of the fryer, and they look great. But time is almost up. I need to start plating. I first put down my perfectly cooked rib eye kind of askew, and then I take my red wine butter, and I'm about to start plating my fries. I taste it, and... And they are not crispy, the fries. They're starting to get a little bit soggy. Soggy fries are not acceptable. I need to make sure that my fries are perfect, so I throw another batch into the fryer, and I let them cook with three minutes on the clock. All that matters right now is getting the fries on the plate. I'm moving as fast as I can, but I'm making a whole new batch of fries, and I hope I have time to finish. Two minutes, chefs. Two minutes. You're not supposed to be taking this long! I only have two minutes left! Cook! Please win, Cloyce! Please! CLOYCE: I'm moving as fast as I can. There's not very much time on the clock, but I'm making a whole new batch of fries, and I hope I have time to finish. Those are good. They look great, they look colorful, and I need to get them on the plate. 20 seconds. Get it on the plate. You got this, Chef Cloyce! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Step away from the plates. Whew! That was an exhausting round, but I know this plate's gonna be delicious. Nicely done, man. That looks good. Nice job. Looks good. I got it. I got this one. Chefs, please bring your plates up to the judges. Please remember that the menu board will not be taken into consideration by the judges during tasting and evaluation. They will be judging you based on creativity, presentation, adherence to the spirit of the challenge, and taste. Chef Cloyce, please explain your dish. I have for you a rib eye steak frites with a red wine butter sauce and an arugula salad. Thank you, Chef. Chef Cloyce, you got a nice caramelization on your steak. I think of steak frites, I think of the thinner cut potatoes, so I'm glad you went that way. I'm excited to try it. This looks like a steak frites I would get in a restaurant. Got some greens, some fries, so it looks really pretty and it looks like a very classic dish. Thank you. Chef Cloyce, this -- the steak is cooked absolutely perfectly. Whew! The seasoning is on point, you got nice flavor from that crust on the steak itself. The salad is seasoned perfectly. It's nice, light. But I got to say these potatoes need to be crispier. No! You can't have a steak frites without good fries. Chef Cloyce, the fries... aren't crispy. Leave them in the fryer. Patience. Leave it alone. You didn't go out of the box here, but you did execute the steak perfectly. If I lose because of non-crispy fries, I'm gonna lose my mind. I'm just gonna... find a new profession. Chef Keith, please explain your dish. I have an herb-crusted flatiron steak, flash-fried, topped with bacon onion butter accompanied with fingerling potatoes and flash-fried Brussels sprouts. Chef Keith, I think you really nailed it in the creativity sense of this dish, changing it up and not frying the potatoes, rather frying the steak, but presentation on your dish, I think, needed a lot of work. There was a lot of brown on the plate. We have a lot going on. We have the steak, we have the potatoes, we have the vegetables. Probably should have tasted everything together. KEITH: My heart sank a little bit, but I knew every component had just a unique and strong flavor. There's a lot of flavor in this dish between the potatoes and the steak. We saw you sous-vide it with, like, aromatics and some herbs. It really comes forward. I'm tasting a lot of that. But the steak is too well-done for my liking. Chef Keith, you had a very fun, whimsical dish. I really liked the creamy potato, the style and the technique where you kept stirring it. The starches came out. The sauce kind of got nice and thick with the caramelized onions. The only issue I have with this is the steak was well-done. KEITH: So, I'm doubting myself. Should I have just seared that flatiron and just made perfectly crisp potatoes? CLOYCE: I'm starting to feel a little better now because he sous-vide it and deep fried it, so he basically cooked it twice which makes for a well-done steak. Well, both of you chefs created two great dishes, two on the total opposite spectrum, so give us a minute while we figure this out. KEITH: At this point, I want that menu board, 'cause these young prodigies -- they can make one plate dynamite. [ Sighs ] I need to pull off a win to give the prodigies the advantage because round three is the winner-takes-all challenge. ADAM: Well, Mike, Alia, who gets to pick an advantage from the menu for the next round? We decided the advantage goes to... We decided the advantage goes to... Chef Cloyce. [ Cheers and applause ] Yes! We're going to the third round with an advantage. Nice job. Great job. KEITH: What am I doing wrong here? I got to stop thinking like a 45-year-old veteran chef. I need to really focus on simple. Okay, chefs. Welcome to round three. This round is a trio challenge, meaning each chef will have to create three different dishes. Chef Cloyce, your team will compete with control of the menu board, but before we get to that, I'd like to introduce our master-level chef to present and judge round three in a completely blind taste test. Relais & Chateaux named him one of the 50 greatest chefs in the world. He has judged three seasons of "The Taste." Oh, my God! I already think I know who this is. He's the executive chef owner of the wildly popular... Trois Mec. [ Screams ] [ Laughs ] Where he's earned multiple four-star reviews, and he has no fans in this room whatsoever. [ Laughter ] Estie, do you have any idea who this might be? Ludo? Please give a very warm welcome to Chef Ludo Lefebvre. [ Cheers and applause ] Hi, everybody. Ludo Lefebvre is here! KEITH: I'm a fan. Ludo runs an amazing food truck. It's one of our inspirations for a food truck. I was getting a little nervous. Chef Ludo, please tell us -- what is our round three trio? The round three trio is something I'm very obsessed to cook with, something that's very, very, very difficult, very, very French, and very magnifique. Voilà! Poulet trois. You have so many different techniques with chicken. You have a lot of different ways to go with that. There you have it. It's a poulet trio. Chef Ludo, thank you so much for your help in presenting round three. We'll call you in as soon as our chefs have completed their cook. Thank you very much. And, uh, good luck, chefs. Have fun. Now, Chef Cloyce, the big question -- is there anybody in the bullpen who would particularly like to cook for Chef Ludo? [ Squeals ] Me! So, who are you gonna choose? I'm gonna go with the tiny but mighty Chef Estie. Chef Estie. [ Cheers and applause ] CLOYCE: It's super cool to be able to give Chef Estie this opportunity. I know she's gonna put out a great product. Chef Estie, you may enter the kitchen. [ Cheers and applause ] She's seven years old and has a palate as big as she is small. The only food she won't eat is imitation lobster. I like Ludo 'cause I go to Trois Mec often and I see him, and he cooks the best food in the world! This is the perfect challenge for me, 'cause I love making French food. Please welcome Chef Estie. [ Cheers and applause ] Estie! Okay, Chef Estie, the menu items for this round are... Chef Estie, make your choice. Sous Me. [ Cheers and applause ] So, you will be provided with an executive-level chef to assist you during this cook. ESTIE: I'm only a little kid, and this is very hard work, so it'll be really handy having an executive chef helping me cook. She's no stranger to competition. Please welcome to the kitchen your sous-chef, Chef Jamie Lauren. [ Cheers and applause ] Hey, Estie. All right. CLOYCE: Chef Jamie Lauren comes in. I've seen her on all the shows she does, she's a great chef. Estie's gonna have a huge advantage with the extra help. All righty, chefs, let's take to the burners and prepare to begin your cook. I'll go take out two knife boards. Okay, chefs. You have one hour to create a poulet trio. And remember -- this round is for the win. And your time starts... Now. [ Cheers and applause ] HOLDEN: You got this, Estie! ESTIE: This one looks pretty good. That one looks really good. KEITH: First thing I'm gonna do is get a poaching liquid of white wine; once that's done, I'm gonna do a fry and then also just a really light braise. My strategy is to make three different cuts as well as three different preparations, so I'm making butter-poached chicken oysters, chicken drumettes braised in white wine, and I want a good Southern fried chicken. This time around, I'm just trying to keep things real simple; I'm very confident, calm, composed, ready to battle. You want me to slice this or chop this for your sauce? Um, slice it. Okay, ma'am. I have Jamie doing most of my mise en place, and I'll set up all the heat on the pans. Add some salt on both sides. Salt on both sides. And then, in the bag, add some olive oil and some garlic. Yeah, Estie could be really settling into this executive chef position. Yeah, she's ready to bark orders at a young age, I love it. JAMIE: How should we cook this chicken? I think I should sous-vide it, 'cause then it'll be nice and juicy. Very smart. I'm gonna be making a creamy mushroom sauce, and onion soup sauce, and a puttanesca. The chickens go on exactly the same, but the sauces are different. ALIA: What if her chicken breast does not come out nicely? She's putting all her eggs in one basket. KEITH: So, we got apricots, dates, figs, and dried cherries. The liquid for the chicken drumettes is based on a Shakespearean-era recipe. I seared the chicken drumettes off in a pan, get a little color on them. That way, they're not completely white. Drop those in there and get those going. I've been listening to you guys. [ Laughing ] Less is more. 45 minutes remain. ESTIE: I think once those shallots get a bit brown, we should add in the mushrooms. Ludo loves creamy mushroom sauce, and he really likes morels, so I think he'll really like this. Once that has kind of reduced a bit, I think we should add the cream. How's your sous-chef doing? Good. She's really nice. Would you hire her? Yeah. She could help me cook at my parties on Monday night. [ Laughter ] KEITH: To do a really nice Southern fried chicken, have a little bit of buttermilk, soak it for a little while, and toss it back in with some flour, and then back in the buttermilk. What could be more bold than serving fried chicken to one of the 50 greatest world-renowned chefs of all time who also happens to have a very lucrative fried-chicken business. Yeah, no pressure. I'm not one to shy away from any challenge, so, no guts, no glory. What do you want these onions to look like, though? They should be soft and brown. The onion cream sauce -- all you need to do is caramelize the onions and have some butter. Adding the red wine makes the char flavor into there, which is really delicious. I'm so excited -- I'm gonna show all this cool food that I'm making to Ludo. KEITH: Estie's the same age as my son, and it tugs at your heartstrings a little bit, but to not give my best just wouldn't be fair to her. Halfway through the round. You have 30 minutes left. Add a little spicy. Mix it up a bit. When I prepare the puttanesca sauce, I add in the onions and garlic, some crushed tomatoes, and capers and olives. Getting a little thick. There. KEITH: Just gonna make a simple gravy. Add a little bit of flour and then finish with a little buttermilk. Got to have Southern gravy, right? Ooh, that's good. Chef Estie, how are you? Really good. What is your favorite dish that Chef Ludo prepares? My favorite one so far is the lamb tartare. So, raw lamb? It's really yummy. It's, like, the best thing in the world. You think a lot of other kids your age like raw lamb? No. [ Chuckles ] So, it's probably nice to have such a great sous-chef today. Thank you, Cloyce, for winning. Thank you. Chef Estie, I look forward to seeing what you make for Chef Ludo, and I can't wait to see what he thinks of your dish. Thank you. Good luck. EMMALEE: He's grating cauliflower? KEITH: I'm gonna shave it down like a couscous. HOLDEN: Cauliflower is one of the most versatile ingredients because you can change it into really anything starchy. Chef Keith, how are we doing? What's going on, brother? What cut is this right here? We have the chicken oysters. Gonna brown them up real quick. Well, that looks like a gorgeous color. Right, well, you have less than 10 minutes left. Good luck. Thank you, sir. What's this pan for? The chicken. All right. It's time to put the chicken into the pan with some herbs and butter to get some nice, crispy skin and then baste it. Kind of hard. I'll hold it for you. Okay, thank you. No problem. He's plating already? KEITH: I'm bringing everything, every ounce of skill, every year, every sore foot and broken back. I'm gonna throw it all on that plate. Estie, you have to plate. I need to do the plating perfectly, waiting till the very last second. I have to cut the chicken diagonally and put the sauces down and put the chickens on top. ADAM: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Step away from the plates. I feel pretty good about my plating, but I'm breathing so nervously right now. I need to prove to Ludo Lefebvre that I'm a really good chef. Okay, chefs. Please bring your plates up to the judging table. ESTIE: I feel pretty good about my plating, and I think I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win. Chef Estie, what did you prepare for Chef Ludo today? I've prepared a poulet trois. The first one is a creamy morel mushroom sauce. Moving on, there is an onion-soup sauce, and a puttanesca. Thank you, Chef Estie. Chef Keith, what have you prepared for Chef Ludo today? I've got a butter-poached chicken oysters over a bed of cauliflower couscous, Southern fried chicken with a buttermilk gravy, and chicken drumettes braised in white wine and dried fruits. Thank you, Chef. MIKE: Best of luck, chefs. Thank you. Thank you. Chefs, please welcome back our round three poulet trio guest judge and master chef, Ludo Lefebvre. [ Cheers and applause ] Chef Ludo, welcome back. Hi. Hi. Estie, how are you? Good. When's the last time I saw you? At Trois Mec. She's a regular at your restaurant, huh? Yeah, I know that. Yeah. My mind just exploded. He remembered me. Oh, my God. Chef Ludo, this is a blind taste test. Please remember you're judging the dishes based on presentation, creativity, adherence to the spirit of the challenge, and, of course, taste. Chef, please start with the dish on your right. ESTIE: I feel really nervous once Ludo starts to eat my dish. I really just -- Ba! ADAM: Chef, what do you think of this dish? It's clean. I like all the different flavors on the trio. The skin was very crispy. I mean, everything is really well balanced, I would say. Ludo said he would have liked to see more of the chicken, but I think my sauces are good enough, so I'm still extremely confident. I really think we're gonna win. Now, would you please try the dish on your left? Chef Ludo is a master of fried chicken. I can't read his face at all. There was a moment when Chef gives a quick look to Adam. "He's happy! He likes it!" ADAM: Chef Ludo, what do you think about the dish on your left? Definitely a different style. Less refined. All the colors are the same. Yes. KEITH: My heart just sank. It was like, "Oh!" 'Cause I'm not happy with the color balance, but it's all about the flavor, and I know that I have the flavor. But, at the end of the day, it's about the taste. Love the fried chicken. Fried chicken is very difficult. Making sure the meat is moist and crispy. ...was a little dry but with the dried fruit, it was pretty interesting, the flavor. Chicken oysters are the best part of the chicken. Yeah. So, it was good, too. I mean, definitely. Totally different style. One, I would say... more restaurant style, maybe this one more home style. Pretty impressed. I mean, wow. Thank you very much, Chef. Now, before we announce the winner of tonight's "Man vs. Child" challenge, prodigies, you may enter the kitchen. KEITH: Estie's adorable, she's loud, she's precocious, but anybody who underestimates that little demon -- that's a mistake. ESTIE: I really want to win because I hope to work for Ludo one day. Will raw talent and imagination defeat years of training and decades of experience? Who displayed the best technical skill, overall presentation, and creativity? Who was truly bold, and who played it safe? Well, Chef, who's the winner of tonight's "Man vs. Child"? So, my favorite dish was really... This one. [ Applause ] KEITH: I feel I cooked strong, and I learned a lot from these kids. They're good. They're talented. And they could come work on my food truck any time. Chef Keith -- congratulations, Chef. Chef Ludo, did you have any idea who made which dish? Not at all. No. The best bite tonight was this one. Best bite. Your morel sauce was amazing. I would love to have the recipe. ESTIE: I really wanted to win, but I'm still happy, 'cause I got to see Ludo, so... it all went good at the end. ADAM: Thank you very much, prodigies. Congratulations, Chef Keith. And we'll see you next time on "Man vs. Child." [ Cheers and applause ] All right, Estie! [ Estie laughs ] You did a good job. It was very good. I'm very proud of you.
Channel: Lifetime
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Keywords: FYI, FYI shows, FYI channel, FYI television, FYI network, man vs child, chef showdown, man vs child chef, cooking show, cooking competition, man vs child cooking, celebrity chef, diana stavaridis, france, french food, Man vs. Child season 1 episode 6, Man vs. Child se1 ep6, Man vs. Child s1 e6, Man vs. Child s01 e06, Man vs. Child clips, man vs. Child shows, lifetime, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, man vs. child, BIG TOUGH CHEF, Viva La France
Id: Gd-jZj5PgMA
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Length: 43min 6sec (2586 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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