Bobby Fischer | Mental Health & Personality
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Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 196,503
Rating: 4.8283238 out of 5
Id: ZmkM7eZm4BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
There was this interesting comment in the video:
"So, Bobby came over when he was 16, my mom was 21/22 at the time. Bobby was visiting Aruba for some chess competition, my grandfather was also participating. As all the other players were old people, my grandfather took pity on Bobby and invited him over for lunch one day. Mom says apparently he lacked a lot of basic skills. He ate with his hands, didn’t seem to know how to use utensils. Lunch in Aruba means a hot meal. And he ate it with all ten fingers. He could only talk about chess, he had no proper education in anything else. Like they never bothered to teach him or develop him in anything else in life, except for chess."
It reminds me of Lee Changho who in his teens walked around with open shoelaces until someone tied them together. Later he got shoes that didn't need such a difficult procedure.
This reminds me of myself who two years ago walked in a shop shoelaces wildly jumping around. In the self service checkout the lady supervising things said: "Mister can I tie your showlaces?" Now that's good service.
Haven’t watched this yet, but for anyone interested in psychology, this guys channel is an incredible resource.