Bobby Conner at Shekinah Worship Center - Sat. Feb 8, 2020

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edan Jesus wonderful oh man one time I took this podium in a big old Colosseum not scream you know there's no one on Jesus that's what I said and the Holy Spirit said yes and that's such a shame Wow see it's a plan to God to make us all just like Jesus all we want to be more like you Jesus we want to talk like you walk like you Love Like You Lord we want to be more like you it's the will of God to conform us into the image of Christ and one of the ways he does that I think his chip off everything off of us that don't look like Christ you heard about the little boy walked up to a sculpture a family sculpture this sculpture just started a work on a gigantic piece of granite and he's hammering and chiseling and the little boys standing back to looking and he says hey Misha said yes what you making he said I'm making the elephant little boy I said our elephant hain't gonna make a elephant out of that he said I'm gonna chip off everything off this rock they don't look like an elephant that's what God's are doing with us it's called correction it's called discipline you better be thankful for correction and discipline it's the only way in the bible you can tell for sure you're saved what being corrected is the only absolute failsafe way in the Bible you can make sure you're saved don't ever let anybody brag to you about well I'm a Christian I can get by with this if you can habitually get by with the sin without God chasing in your illegitimate you have no birth papers every son in whom every child who whom he receives he chases and corrects we we need it it's always to help us not to hurt us always to make us better not bitter his plans are great aren't they because he's a good god now my favorite verse you've heard it a lot of times Nahum 1:7 that's my favorite verse in the Bible right now make up 1:7 the word Nathan means the one that brings consolation the one that brings a word of encouragement do we need that we need to be encouraged because the devil's doing everything you can to get people despondent despairing I can't do it any longer oh listen his strengths made perfect when you're weak but make them 1:7 says God is good that is so elementary but it is so deep God is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those that are clinging to him and so I'm thankful it didn't say God was good our God is going to be good he said he is good right in the middle of the mess he's good and he's a very present help he's not slumbering nor sleeping he's alert and a aware of every situation that you're going through he's got every hair on your head numbered Wow that's what the Bible says have you read the Bible had two Psalms 139 it says in verse 16 and verse 15 16 17 18 it says in verse 16 he saw my yet unformed being and he wrote down every day of my life in his book that's what it says so in that amazing that just simply says somewhere back in eternity past God picked up a pen and wrote you'd be sitting in this chair this not this Saturday not February the what 8 that's what I said that's what I didn't that's something all of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them I don't know about you but that gives me purpose God knew and to be sitting he needed me sitting there that's what it says God likes to write in a book have you found that out and when he got saved he wrote your name in the Lamb's Book a lot play praise God for that here's another book he writes in it says if you'll get a lot of your buddies together sit around and talk about how good god is he'll take notice of it write your name in the book that's in the Bible what if you'll get a bunch of your friends together sit down talk about how good god is God will take notice of it and write your name in the book you go where's that at Malachi 3:16 that's where that's at so it's amazing how we can get together talk about everything with Jesus we need to talk about Jesus he ought to be the centerpiece of what we talk about really it's really neat now I want you to know something Jesus is real he's real he's not some character captured in a leather bag book he's come to my house Jesus Christ the Son of God I'm not lying I'm kidding Jesus Christ knocked on the door of my cabin scared me I'd already just had a visitation from about 14 to 18 angels sit down on the couch I'm way up in the mountains no other houses were built in there and it's at a cold November night the fires was a crackling there in the fireplace a knock came at the door I cannot replicate that sound Wow my heart jump all the way up in the Tipene of my throat and I sounded like a little girl come in and a voice in with total authority says no you must come out and I get up and walk with trembling legs to the door open the door of the cabin there stands Jesus Christ the Son of God not a trance not a vision just like you are right here he had a bottle in his hand he said to me we're going to have a christening service but you don't know anything about christening well right Tommy walked into the hallway went down the bedroom slammed the bottle against the wall bottle burst liquid started pouring out down the wall and I didn't say it I thought it I thought oh my how am I gonna explain to the man that built this cabin the first night we've been there the walls destroyed the moment I thought it Jesus wheeled around and rebuked me he said you never have to apologize or attempt to explain what I do look and I looked at the wall in the oil it was running there turned into a map of the world a war map and he would take his finger and he'd touch a place and it would light up and he touch another place it would light up and he said you can only target what I target or you'll become a target talk to me all night long my hair stayed out like this for days this is all true every hair on my body stays extended like this wow you can't get in count that kind of presence and remain the same these people go I went up into glory and you came back the same no you didn't go into glory you get into his presence things change Moses walked with him little bit came back his face was what glowing I got a picture of me glowing I started it's crazy man I was preaching in Ogden Utah and started glowing just like Matthew 17 didn't that crazy yeah I I don't care if God's for time for these things go away I'm a brother we have to be careful no that's a religious spirit just jerk the cover off and say yeah I'll do anything you want to do with me why run from me where to run to him we need that and we need what happened to Ruth in the Bible when they almost said to Ruth you anoint yourself put on your garments and you get down to the threshing floor and uncover his feet and lay there quiet till he tells you what to do oh boy now I love what Ruth said this is all Ruth chapter 3 verse 8 she said all that you've told me to do I'm going to do shooting of pop who do you think you are to tell me something see we've got to learn how to obey nail in the Book of Ruth is the top of the Holy Spirit Ruth in the Book of Ruth is a tap to the church Boaz who is talking about is a type of Jesus Wow you're to study I'm rewriting the whole book man I'm not I'm rewriting the book about the Book of Ruth you know who are you talk about something I'll guarantee a thousand percent the Book of Ruth is the endtime message to the church God is busy trying to get us close to our bow ass our Kings kinsman redeemer Wow we'll talk about that it's really something I've spent nine months going up and across the nation's preaching The Book of Ruth I'll guarantee ya pop promise you it's a prophetic message to the endtime Church so I'm looking forward to that but we're looking forward to the service tonight yeah the Lord he wants to interchange with us he wants us to come to him and go away different you can't get in his presence and remain the same now his presence is what this whole things about Moses said Oh God book of exes God if your presses doesn't go with this don't carry us anywhere only your presence is going to make us unique and that's true now but the presence of God there's several things we must do if we're going to get into his presses number one we're gonna have to have holy hearts Psalms twenty-four three and four Psalms twenty four three and four it asked a question but the Bible never asks a question without releasing an answer now philosophy raises questions no answers every time the Bible raises a question it gives you an answer Psalms 24 34 who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord answer he that hath clean hands and a pure heart so if we're going to get into the presence of God we got to have purity it's not optional book Hebrew says pursue peace and holiness far without holiness no individuals see the Lord 2nd 2nd Corinthians 7:1 says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us purify ourselves from every bit of the contamination of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holiness and the reverential fear of the Lord one translation says bringing our consecration to completeness we need to be pure and clean you may say all Bobby I've already searched my heart I'm alright well according to the Book of Jeremiah that's impossible Jeremiah 17 says r9 says our hearts are so deep and so dark and so twisted because we can't know him who can next verse Jeremiah 17 10 it says I the Lord try the heart it Psalms 139 verse 23 yes it is we should be praying at that prayer search me O God try me see if the bending wicked way in me and lead me in a way that's eternal and everlasting remember last night for those of you there here ask the three questions ask all of the earth if not now wind if not here where if not you who and listen we need we need to think about now see a lot of people Irv they're paralyzed by the past oh if I lived in a Allen's day if I lived in Smith Wigglesworth day if I maybe William Brennan snake you didn't you're living now we need the timing if not now when and I'm gonna tell you what anything they had we ought to have more everything that say everything everything about the kingdom expands it does not decrease starts out a mustard seed ends up a tree and here we go well if I can be just know what they had is embryonic of what we should grow fool man now I appreciate all they did but listen I'm telling you I love the little word now paralyzes a pathway of the past can't live back there with Branham and hey Allen and Smith Wigglesworth and then I like to work now it blockades a pathway the future and traps us in the present we need to move with God now so if not now when if not you who see been grabbed quoted this verse to me one time we standing in that airplane I love an airplane 33,000 feet in there somewhere between Moscow Russia and Vienna Austria dr. Graham had just finished a big conference there in of the Moscow Sports Arena and I said to him I said dr. Graham God has shown me he's going to use supernatural signs and wonders to win the end time harvest he said son I believe every word of that then he put his hand right there on my shoulder said let me tell you something about harvest time I was reared on the farm and one thing I know about harvest time it's short if not now when time short the Bible said there'll be a day coming that no man can work anymore we must work the work while it's day Wow today if you hear his voice it's now is the time you've read it had your second Corinthians 6:2 I dare you pull it up always read it out amplified classic if you could love those cookies that's not second Corinthians 6:2 but cook is good yeah I had him wrapped by my computer and then later I moved him a little bit further summer mentor entered the ministry let me tell you she she made me some cookies I'm trying to you know I'm trying to exercise a little restraint you know got a little you know but they're really nice ekend Corinthians 6:2 says now is an acceptable time we're talking about if not now he says it is an acceptable time it's a time of assure welcome second Corinthians 6:2 it's a time of his favor if not now now it's the time in there so we got to eradicate any race every one of these excuses well I don't think people are now's the time now's the time of favor now's the time enough sure welcome that's you read the head you second Corinthians Corinthians 6:2 is Paul quoting Isaiah 49 verse 8 fury if you've read that it says he'll give us power to restate the world from his present state of ruin that's quite an ambitious don't you think get that heared going man wouldn't you grow your beard out a couple of months ago oh man I grew one and it looked like a mad walrus my grandson grew one and he looked like a beaver with all alone it come on just went out like that and looked like my wife said howling he's gonna wear then then she said one morning shave that off you look like a goat a goat yeah oh man I don't get no respect no that's so good but anyway if not now when I think we already let me throw one little verse out real quick concerning this this issue I mean Psalms 90 and I'm reading now if you will verse 12 concerning if not now when Psalms 91st whiffed so teach us to number our days that we may get get a heart of wisdom show me how short my life is so that I'll make the best use of it that's what this is don't let me waste a single moment that's what he should five says let me walk with the gold lame and true purpose let me redeem the time let me make full use of every opportunity so okay we've talked about that enough if not now when if not here where if not you who now you say it's a yeah are you sure I'm equipped Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who empowers me he infuses me and here's what it says in this anointing you're gonna receive that why women lay hands on me you're gonna get an anointing out of Hebrews 13 20 and 21 Hebrews 13 2021 says now the God of peace that brought again from the day of the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the everlasting never-failing covenant make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you're sent to do I looked up the word make you perfect in the Greek it means missing no component have you ever tried to put something - and let me get this out I've been mad about this ever since my second son and my older son he's fought 54 now the other ones 47 but when they were younger boys they had these jungle gyms you could see on TV channel chains swings slides so my wife discussed it with me she said it'd be nice if you got one of those and put it in the backyard for the boys to exercise on so I go down to Sears in the mall and I got a picture of the thing I want so I said I want to buy me a jungle gym the lady said that's really good pull your truck around back and we all loved it I thought okay so I pull I paid for it pull my truck around and then here comes some guys rolling some big old cardboard boxes about this thick and this tall I got a jungle gym they go that's what we're learning thank you okay it wasn't it was not a simple and I get it home got it back to the backyard pushed it out of the truck oh it's a mess I am you've never seen so many parts in a jungle gym they got them in sacks hey bzp and listen and hear my boys they were younger I'm out there having a meltdown I'm bleeding out of every knuckle of God I've skinned up everything and I can't find nothing that joints that to this and and finally my youngest son he wore glasses they pushed him up on his nose he says daddy I bet you need to read the destructions destructions pinyin instructions and then I kind of settled down thought I'm shaping these kids here so I got and found the destructions and unfolded them and they go bag a goes to this did you know God hadn't left us without and manual to instruct us how to assemble this whole thing called life I like to have never got that thing together but we finally got it oh boy that was some they should put a weight limit on them though you know what I mean you know don't don't you know if you don't want a sudden jar don't get in the swing it'll it'll launch you you know it's who have you ever tried to hit the ground and act like you ain't hurt ya ain't alright I'm gasping for air oh man I could put I'll pull some stunts in my life I was trying to teach the boys how to do a wheelie on a big bike ain't no way even do if wheelie on a big bike not stay on it if I was showing them Oh Lord ended up with no helmet had a concussion it was awful now here's here's the wait here's here's what happened I'm out in the yard and it's a big big motorcycle and I'd scooch up by the tank and break the tar loose and I'd run it smoke just flying and then I jump on the back of it and the cool it take off like that you know so the first couple of ones did pretty good but that lasted I had her going on the tacks all you know my wife had already said I'm going in the house you're fixing to get hurt prophesied it over me that's what she did but my last run on it I guess the tire was really sticky when I got it on the pavement it bit it went not quite as high said but wait hiring that light there like this pull em Oh Lord so I didn't want the boys to know how bad I was hurt I'm wobbled in the house and collapsed and my wife says she didn't she didn't say honey do I need to call the medic oh man what anyway that's a long way from uh but don't you want to under let me let me get to where I got to here with it says make you perfect the Greek word perfect means missing no component you didn't think I'd get back here digits I've had more concussions than any of these football players yeah listen we used to catch fat before they'd rules this is true crazy we'd hit one another in the head to see who could stand up the longest that ain't smart is it that'll get you the Vienna style guarantee you sit there and hit one another in the head to see who could stand up the longest that's our friends not the other game crazy stuff man it's all true don't lie in church you know what I got to looking back over my life and one of the things I just stopped and praise God about is this I got saved before the Taser listen I'm grateful for that they too lit me up like a Christmas tree you know they hitting them head words playing knocked over my head but listen I don't blame them you know what I mean I look back now the Bible said they bear not the sword vain they're not a terror to those that are living right there a terror to those that's dumb living wrong anyway I have the judge it used to lock me up bought me my first preaching suit judge Winston Reagan bought me my first preaching suit came to me later and said preacher you know why I did that I said uh no I don't he said I'm a Methodist and Methodist don't talk this away he said a voice came to me yeah and that's how it coming bought my first preaching suit when I first started preaching the first few rows would be policemen to see if it was really mean this is true this is true it's absolutely true I broke in the jail hey yeah now I know y'all didn't hear come to hear my delinquency but I'm telling you if I can make it you can I'm telling you guys that's true broke in jail but anyway that's no no nothing good comes from that other than he's dead and I guess I'm probably only guy ever broke in Henderson County Jail but it was short-lived you know next time next thing I know I'm in the grass one time straddled me with a gun at the back of my head going we know yet did it we got you on video talking about video this 23,800 video was a meal on YouTube and I've never put a single one on myself 23,800 the good bad the ugly it's on there listen guess who's my biggest audience this little Grammys yeah one God came to him he's mad as a wasp he said I got a bone to pick with you preacher I go what have I done he said well my wife so fixated only whatever you call it she he said she gets up and I'm watching Bobby Conner you know he was so I apologized to him I said I'm sorry I hope she keeps the volume up you know this yeah anyway I want to talk to you tonight okay I want you to have a good time I don't I don't like nervous preachers huh I don't like people go what do you think's going on ask the Holy Ghost John 16 jesus said he will announce and declare to you the things that's going to happen in the future you don't don't get a a socket you can't get the future from a psychic you can get a demon but you can't get the future yeah I'll show you the future go with me into John 16 if you don't mind please I'll show you I'll show you the future I like this past record II did while ago brother Joe did one day when he's talking about the Holy Spirit will take the things of God reveal it to us listen this I'm reading out of John 16 verse 13 I'm talking kind of fast but it how sell there but when he the truth the spirit of truth the truth giving spirit comes he will guide you in all truth the whole truth full truth for he will not speak his own message on his own authority but he will tell you whatever he hears from the Father he will give the message that has been given to him and he will announce and declare to you the things that are to come that will happen in the future does it say that right here if you want to know what the future holds ask the Holy Ghost Nehemiah 920 said he gave his good spirit to instruct them the Holy Spirit can talk to you and teach you and tell you what God's doing John Tim tree said my sheep will hear my voice and so listen don't be like Adam Eve they heard the voice of God and they took off now don't know Lissa's say like saying will speak Lord your servants listening we shouldn't flee the voice of God we should run to it yeah that's good but anyway so I hope you'll go by the book table here's the one aisle this one here it's where Jesus appeared to me look saying he's not sad but he looks sad and here's what he said Bobby my people don't like to talk to me the least attendant service in any church is prayer meeting that's true the least attendant service a name to churches prayer meeting but jesus said I'm gonna give you a phrase that will change that it'll turn prayer from a drudgery to the life from a duty to desire then he said with the twinkle in his eye I'm gonna give you this raise it'll change your whole paradigm I said I wanted and he said tell the people of God what true prayer is and here it is it's an audience with the King that's what true Prairie is no potay don't earth offers it we can come to God anytime anyplace anywhere and he'll listen listen no other potent head will do that but God says you can come to me anytime day or night he's a very present help in the time of trouble I'm telling you and so we studied the great the great men and women that made statements about prayer and I'm telling you Billy Graham here's what he said I put his statement in here he said before we can get a nation back on his feet we must first get them back on their knees we've got to get back to prayer heads we're to pray without ceasing and here's a great verse about prayer Jesus said it's John 16 20 for up until now you've not prayed ass now and you'll get what you're asking so your heart will be happy ask now up until now you've not asked first John 5:14 it said this is the confidence we have in God if we ask him anything according to his will and his word we know he hears us if we know he hears us we're totally confident we're gonna get what we're asking the book of Hebrews says he that comes to God number one must believe that he is number two that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him so I want you to get in the prayer book oh man and the only thing that disciples ever asked Jesus to do was teach you in the pray did not one verse in there said Lord teach me to preach Lord teach me to heal Lord teach me to pray and boy that's what we're trying to do here there's absolutely nothing we can do on earth that is more powerful than and productive in prayer nothing you can do this more powerful than prayer prayer moves the hand of God you know what happens the devil will try to get you not to pray saying your prayers are insignificant that's not what the Bible said the Bible said when you pray your prayers go up before God God catches your prayers in a golden vase the Bible says I've got it in this book and then one day he'll scoop up your prayers mix with the fire off of his altar and he'll throw it back to earth and we'll tell you what happens when your prayers mix with the fire of God comes back it said there's lightnings and thunderings those are those are words that means God's power explodes well we need to learn to pray don't we after this manner pray you well I'll tell you something well if you want to know it years ago the devil saw he couldn't stop the intercessory prayer team so guess what he did he started infiltrating intercessory prayer teams with witches most churches in America are split up with the intercessory prayer group because the devil so couldn't stop it so he infiltrated witches in it I said to God god I'm never saying that till you tell me the antidote for it he said it's been before you face all this time after this manner pray ye our Father which art in heaven which you'll have a hard time praying that our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come see if you'll pray that pattern it'll ferret out the witches uh-huh what we were in a meeting once and that was it was we said in basketball arena and the people had come for ministry and they all lined up just like dominoes there and the pastor's with me and there's a tall guy over there about ten or twelve feet down and I could sense that he's got cancer and God's gonna heal him so I my spirit is already tuning into that and two rows behind him was a little bitty granny little kind of gray-headed of blue looking hair and she's praying loud in a tongue but my spirit turned away like this I said Lord what is this he said she's cursing you in a tongue and so I thought okay so I said to the pastor I leaned over to him I said pastor the little lady back there is cursing us in a tongue guess what he said to me he said that's absurd she's the head of our prayer team now here's the deal I said okay God what do you mean dude he said I want you to command her command her in the name of Jesus to speak in English what she's speaking in this tongue I won't say the word but she cursed you know I'm telling she used the f-word loud and strong the you and your Jesus that's what she said and the pastor turned wider and the sheeted started shaking says what are we gonna do I said let's take her off the prayer team honey thing don't you think that would be a start but I'm telling you it's rampant and so what we got to do is this will give the pattern for prayer we give them we give the have you the idea they give the the pattern for making incense to burn before the Lord that's your prayers get the prayer book it you're like that dread champions old boy good gracious I hope you'll get this book I'm telling you God is raising up willing warriors that'll run into the fray they'll be bold and brave they'll be very courageous they're not afraid they know that God is with them and so we talked about the valiant warriors and the lying in light men and I told you last night some of the greatest warriors I know in the church are women but listen this the Lord told me one time he said body I said yes he said I'm gonna give you the key to the court of your ministry I said okay what is it he said I want you to raise me up an overcoming generation that transcends gender or age I said okay God give me that in Texican that's what he said I want you to raise up a generation that transcends gender and age and soon overcome generated that's okay give it to me in English he said I want you to raise up a generation that are strong warriors I don't care whether the young or the older male or the female see that doesn't have a thing to do with it's a hard thing the heart of the matter is what the matter of the heart okay so what are we going to talk about tonight let's talk about the norming you want to yeah let's do it that that Hebrews 13 2021 let's go there just real quick yeah this'll be good Hebrews 13 20 and 21 the Lord told me said Bobby I said yes he said go where I tell you to go do what you tell you to do when you get there I will give the people whether they want it or not an impartation for be bruised 13 20 21 so I said holy God how can I promise them they're getting in an anointing where they wonder or not he said you get around somebody infected you can be infected that's exactly right is that right that's what they're talking about about these diseases right now we just need to pray those things away no pledge you'll come near your door the sickness cannot come near your door okay so we just rebuked these these viruses and plagues I prophesied Ebola before it came here that was a crazy moment I go in the trance I'm in some kind of jungle there's 10 billion billion little biti look like a snake warriors but they wouldn't any bigger than an ant and each one had a spirit and they're walking through the mist in a jungle act at me like this and all of a sudden they stopped and pull back the spear like that when the spirit hit the person behind him they multiplied I said Lord who in the world is that what is it he said that's that's a disease coming to the earth called Ebola I said what does it do he says it causes the insides of people melt and he and so wish you can get back in some separate jobs and find where we said we've got to bind this Ebola and it did they was it didn't yet came but it didn't do what's right isn't that something prayer stops things doesn't it prayers a shield it really is okay here we go Hebrews 13 29 god of peace who is the author in the giver of peace I like that don't you now the God of peace Romans 16:20 said that got a piece of crush Satan under your feet so I'm already liking that how do we get near this God of peace second it says in Isaiah 26:3 that will keep him in perfect peace we'll keep our focus over him but anyway now maybe they got a piece who is the author and the giver of peace who brought again from among the dead the Lord Jesus Christ that great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood that sealed and ratified the everlasting agreement covenant and testament verse 21 this is what you're going to get strengthened complete and perfect and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out his will while he himself works in you accomplishing that which is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ the Messiah to whom be glory for ever and ever two ages and ages without end amen make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you're sent to do that's the Norn you're going to get now if you will after a while we're gonna lay hands over you I assure you verse after verse tetra first says gifts are imparted by the laying our hands well if you've got a piece of cloth I'll touch it if you want to because in the Bible it says we've seen dead people raised with pieces of cloth in the Bible it says God did extraordinary miracles they took off the body of Paul fake words or handkerchiefs or anything that does did scan and send it out and sick people got well if God did it then he'll do it for us Deuteronomy 29:29 said the secret things belong to God but the things that are revealed belong to us that's been revealed so it belongs to us we should pray over handkerchiefs so Correa announced it they bought every handkerchief every napkin you could find in Seoul Korea you can google it they bought all the stores out it was a craziest thing and the Lord said I want you to pray for everybody in the building all right my wife was with me we're in the floor with 3,000 people just like this what I didn't understand was the floor under them was 3,000 and the floor under them was 3,000 9,000 people we pray for every single one of them and not a single person in any floor left he'll only been prayed for crazy I thought in America they'd be trampling one know they're trying to get to eat and join but these these Koreans sit there and they thought little pieces of napkins they bought handkerchiefs and they put them on their head and we could just come back pray for him in that something there's a great faith church in Seoul Korea in that while see if God shows it to you in the Bible you can do it do it now Old Testament or New Testament now I like that people somehow we go well no that was in the Old Testament Paul said what happened only taste of Testament was be a teaching tool for us in the new yeah so anyway it's supposed to come together everything's gonna be okay I enjoyed her dance I know she moves you over there yeah yeah god bless you guys y'all are precious did you know that can't you feel that whoo I can I'm telling you listen I only tell you I don't like how we treat our old senior citizens in America these Hispanics could give us a teaching lesson they don't house them off somewhere waiting for them to die they bring them home and treat them the Hispanics they've got a new they got a different appreciation for the elderly and I lured helpless that's why you need to go to nursing homes and preach you need to go there and sit down beside their bed and take their hand and Stroke their hair and read him a Bible verse first person who ever saw a raise from the dead was when was doing in that nursing home ministries you say you preached in there some yeah you know why they used to be like us their eyes used to be bright their hands used to be strong and we owe it to see people rely on me on ministry there's one you don't have to preach like being a grammar Oral Roberts just get there and read him a Bible passage hold their hand I could tell you stories grotesque by the you know a lot of mine heart I had a man on community he was a good moral man but he was lost did not know Jesus his wife was a great Christian wonderful prayer warrior but here's what this man would do every time I would bring up Jesus to him he point out false and and sins and leadership's lives in the church and most of the time he was right let's see you know I've had people go oh there's hypocrites in the church yeah there is but listen why I go to hell where they're all you understand that so anyway this this man he didn't he did he he didn't like me would respond to the gospel and I will go there to the nursing home one time and I'm there and his dad was old and very feeble but very precious and so I go there that day and I'm talking to the dad I'm the only one in the room and they had brought his a food and he's trying to eat the food and he gets strangled and somehow this is the grotesque part sucks his teeth into his and he's just in a mess so I jump up and I'm pushing and dig digging the vomit out of his mouth and guess what happened his son walks in there I am with my hands dripping there's dad's just getting his breath and it broke his heart that's how he got saved by me treating his dad in a gentle way there with the vomit and the teeth in the breakfast dripping off my hands but see we need to be in places like that so we can show the love of God and that's something mr. Mormon and it will hit that everybody called his son buddy and that's how buddy got saved great friend oh I'm kidding that amazing but see God set all that up because I'd witness to him a lot in here but when he saw compassion say God what God wants people saved and you and I are the conduit for it we can't truck we can't just turn it over and say well there's TV in there's this thing that no we're we're a county if I tell you to warn the wicked and you don't horse happening his blood will be on our hands but anyway I want you to look at this anointing you're going to get what you need to accomplish the task you're sent to do you say well what task am I sent to do the same works that Jesus did that's what I said these works of I didn't greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father if he studied the New Testament that you have not a single miracles recorded that Jesus did until he was filled with Holy Ghost acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power that's the pattern we need to follow we need to be anointed the Holy Ghost and power acts 1:8 says you'll receive power so anyway this anointing we need it don't we say yes all right now now here's Romans turn over there if you will to Romans chapter 1 please this is a very unique passage for me I I like it I like I've studied the English words and the Greek words because it's pretty profound honestly okay you got it Romans chapter one here we go Romans chapter one verse 11 this is what Paul's saying to the Saints but I am yearning to see you the thing that thrills me is that word yearning we don't have a word for it look it up in the Greek it's a word that talks about emotional stress here's what it literally says this is on me and such a dimension is twisting me inside out he said I yearned to be with you what's all this about I yearn to be with you that I'm not impart to you that I'm not released to you and Lord impartation means a releasing over to that I'm not released over to you an anointing a charisma anointing an anointing to function and he said this is only so hard it's twisting me inside out look at verse 1 4 here we go ok chapter 1 verse 11 for I'm yearning to see you that I'm not in part and share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen and establish you that is that we may be neutrally strengthened and encouraged and comforted about each other's faith both yours as well as mine so in a moment we're going to release an anointing on you if you got a piece of cloth I'll touch the cloth but here's what I'm gonna do for any of you that come by me I'm gonna take my hand this hand right here and I'm gonna rub it on your forehead every priest in the Old Testament were a piece of gold right across their forehead and on the piece of gold inscribed in Hebrew was holy to the Lord when I touch you with this don't you come by here if you're gonna play around in sin it could kill you listen to me now don't you come back here for me to touch you if you're gonna get out of here chase women drink alcohol smoke dope because it'll be very deadly I could knock a stand right here and tell you the people that drop dead I'm consecrating you and that's designating you holy to the Lord and you go out and desecrate the temple God won't stand for it we okay here's one they wrote him they rolled a man into me Joe it was it was pitiful I had never I've never seen anybody in that that condition still and they'd roll him in tweezing every breath had an oxygen tanks hooked to the back oxygen tanks running up his nose and the pastor I love the pastor is a good friend he said this man's hopeless and helpless and the doctor says his heart is enlarged and it won't it won't last he could die any moment so I thought okay I said let's pray for him he's wheezing just it sounds likely I don't know how to replicate the sound but it's awful rattling pray for him laid hands on him pray for him Lord said that's it I took my hands off they wheeled him out wheezing just just loud s when they brought him in but guess what happened God gave this man a brand new heart watch this now they've got the x-rays on file they've got the one that was enlarged about like this the one that it was acquitting then the new one is about the size of my fist pumping like a champ the get the man according to the doctors got a brand new heart now guess what he did with this brand new heart he think he went to church and glorified God no he went to the gym buffed up a little bit got him a spray-on tan took his new heart off to Vegas and fell over dead chasing the girl brand new heart he could have got could have used him all him down America saying there's life but he took the life God gave him and desecrated it fell over dead Wow I'm telling you that hurt me see there is somebody that could have used that new heart for the glory of God Wow so when you come by I'm gonna rub you just just rub my hand across your head and it's going to put a mark on you a holy holy to the Lord and then I'm telling you God will remind you of that every time there's a temptation to stray away know you're holy to the Lord you've been consecrated you've been set apart that's what John 17:17 says sanctify them through the truth Your Word is truth sanctified means cleaned up set apart for the service of God you say I don't need nobody lay hands on me well no that's true but you should if you know biblical principle that's how gifts are passed down that's how things are exchanged yeah this sure is I'll show you verse 8 to verse after verse but if you don't want it don't come by okay I'm serious man so you say Bobby you really you really believe I'm gonna get a gift yeah well you've got totally ghosts you already got a gift the Bible calls it a sacred appointment a sacred appointment Wow Wow a sacred appointment I hope I hope you'll get the Shepherd's rod we've read a little bit about this function to function in the backhoe here and it talks about that yeah God's about to bring a fiery fusion whoo that's where I'll talk about that the church is getting yeah Wow anyway we're gonna have fun the Lord he wants us to enjoy you say no Bobby you tell some pretty scary stories I'll be honest with you I'm afraid of God that I am the devil I read the Bible it says it's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of a living God these people come around standing pulpits and say gods are God of grace you don't have to worry about anything God's got a grace but that God does not excuse us of our responsibility grace is not a license to live loose I don't care who says it that that hyper grace message the Bible said they repeat preachers preaching doctrines taught by devils that would have to be one that even the devil's can be saved hyper grace leads to ultimate reconciliation the devil is not going to get saved no and God's grace is wonderful but the Bible said if we sin willfully actually we've received the knowledge of sin they're meant remains normal or sacrificer that sin but a fearful looking a fiery indignation which will devour the adversary does that sound like a god easy to get along with he warns us and warns us and it's listen he wants us to live right he really does for own sake Ghana's Lynn for the sake of others is anyone so we got got some stuff going here I want to read a little to you about from the Shepherd's right here the Lord to me I want you to I want to I want to teach the saints of God how to soar and so they can soar on the wings and walk on the wings of the way and then we talk about this we talk about having a firm foundation he told me said the most important thing you can teach the body of Christ right now is a firm foundation he said if they don't get a firm foundation it'll-it'll they'll continue to embarrass themselves and the body of Christ I've seen ministry after ministry they get anointing they get a gift but they have no character and pretty soon they left their wife they swapped out with somebody else and they don't miss a ministry meeting something's wrong you know how I blame for that us you shouldn't go instead and watch a man who's got a corrupt character you understand that you need to admit you need to you need to examine the message and the messenger the Holy that bared the vessels of the Lord it says these people leave their wives take up another woman and never miss a listen I've been in this a long time I could give you a list of names that long I'm telling you guys it's important we live right especially if we're teaching the Word of God as a priest so the people don't you that's what the Bible said you said how Bobby don't you believe in forgiveness I believe in forgiveness I believe in restoration but there's no restoration without repentance and there's no repentance without a broken and a contrite heart most of them that I've met are sorry they got caught they're not sorry they broke the heart of the Lord and disgraced a lot of believers listen guys are okay but here we go I don't talk to you about firm foundation it's in the Sheppard rod and I'll find it here in a minute good graces here it is chapter one top priority building on a solid foundation yes we all should desire to soar higher and higher however the most important thing at this point in our journey is building upon a firm foundation it is so very crucial they will understand these essential principles before you can soar higher into the heavily realm you must first and foremost be stable on a firm Bible based foundation you know why I say that there's people that say I grew up there and I play hopscotch with Jesus I've had people I had to deal with a leading leader in the body of Christ that got seduced by a fake Jesus now how could that happen no biblical real firm foundation Paul said if anybody preaches any other Jesus than I've preached let him be accursed there's a fake Jesus out there I'll tell you how you tell the genuine the genuine will never contradict what this teaches he'll always validate it you know you don't want to pastor Tommy he said well the Holy Spirit told me two times to leave my wife and take up with the youth directors right because our ministry to be bigger you think the Holy Spirit told him that me neither you know it was fake Holy Spirit thank Jesus cuz you Jesus don't teach adultery he said if you'd think about it you've already done it Wow Wow well I don't sound like I'm scolding but I am but I scold the leaders right I get to speaking the largest pastors conferences there is and I'm telling you guys we nail it down I'm just listening okay I'm coming down was they I was up in the green room one time not this when I was up in the green room and I'm coming down the stairwell coming down to the platform and there's a preacher he I meet him in the stairwell and I'll man you've never felt such despondency and despair and I said to him hey brother how you doing he goes oh I'm just hanging on guess what hat came out of my mouth for God's sakes turn loose we're going to find out it's God feeling our fingers back because he wants us to trust in him you understand that if we turn loose we're fall into his arms but if we try to do it ourselves you can't do it yourself I said it's like get been too bad too short covering up with cover too too narrow to try to fix it yourself that's what it says anyway I'll read some of this and then we're going to pray for you how old are you how old 14 well that's good same lii good gracious six I'll be 77 next birthday I found a verse you can live as long as you want to I'm gonna be preaching when I'm 120 years old alright now watch it you go out you watch well you won't you laps it from somewhere else if you don't believe in longevity you don't believe in the Bible there's a verse in there I promise you sin that I won't tell you where it's at you have to search for it you can live as long as you want to it's in there yes sure is uh-huh all right I do what I do through superhuman and your energy that's the Bible superhuman energy that's how we do it I run these young books out their tongues are sticking out they can't they can't keep up with me I have schedules like you can't imagine I'm already booking it at 20 22 I'm telling you guys God wants us a jewel he wants us lively you know I feel like I got that don't owe me anything have you noticed these pharmaceutical commercials yeah you know they always talk about my arthritis my lefty my it's an invader and then have you noticed the pharmaceutical commercials it sent they got kids playing the yard they got you know the music playing and it says side effects cease breathing leg fall-off heart rupture Kuna and you go good God we got to get some of that listen I think we're over medicated yeah yeah anyway remember I stood and prophesied the greatest dope dealers in America or the pharmaceutical companies has that come true it sure is this opioid mess and here with China is sending over poison medicine and we're going to have but it's cheaper yeah it crazy we got it okay chapter one firm foundation top priority building on a solid foundation page 57 Hosea 4 verse 6 script you oranges my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge they don't know the Word of God the ways of God the wisdom of God okay the Word of God warns the people that have a shallow understanding of the Bible can easily be tossed about with every strange teaching that comes down the pike our firm foundation must be built upon the Word of God look what it says they faces chapter 4 verse 14 so that we are no longer children spiritually mature tossed back and forth like ships on a stormy sea and carried about with every wind of shifting doctrine by the cunning and trickery of unscrupulous men by the Seefeld scheming of people ready to do anything for personal profit Wow you better do what Jesus said over there in Matthew Matthew 7 24 through 27 he says anyone who listens to my teachings and follows it them are wise like a person who builds a house on a solid rock though the rains come and the torrents and the floodwaters rise and the wind's beat against the house it will not collapse because it's built on the bedrock but anyone who hears my teachings and does not obey them is foolish like a person who builds his house on the sand when the rains come and the floods come the wind's beat against the house and it falls in greatest the crash Wow so psalms verse 11 verse 3 says if the Foundation's be destroyed what will the nation's do you believe our foundation in this nation is under a under attack I'll tell you what America needs common sense we just need good old common sense why don't you think I do I do and do Kentucky where do we get it we get it from the Word of God we get it through the principles of the word of God they sound wisdom is that's what we really need and so I hope you'll get the the books on building a firm foundation it's in the Bible we got to get the Bible in us James 1:22 says we must become a doer and not just a hero didn't you only enjoy the praise time I've been in big old churches where they got orchestra size this congregation and can't stir God but I'm telling you when you're singing to him it stirs it stirs up the whole place and boy you couldn't feel that oh man he's worthy of our praise if you can't do it here you'll be out of place there we get that's what the whole things about eternally praising him everything that hath breath let it be one grace the Lord Wow isn't that good how old are you 59 years old that's hard for me to believe but I guess I'll believe you if I'm prophetic I'd know but you're at a crossroads you know crossroads but instead of turning right or left you're gonna turn up okay that's the place to do is turn up okay instead of going right or left you're gonna turn them you're gonna come a power if I just uh D denied for you go to bed revelations chapter 4 verse 1 after this our voice that said come up here and I looked in was a knower a gate a portal standing open in heaven okay that's the turning up we're talking about we all need to go higher don't we that's an invitation it says if you'll pin to the things I gave you to tend to I'll give you access to my presence so I looked it up you get access to his presses Wow Paul got it didn't even call it into third heaven I saw things heard things was unlawful to even utter anything you can find you can get it Wow I was got saved in a Baptist Church and I was studying the Bible and anyway when the Holy Ghost first came I'd come up out of my body I know this scary she would hang on I come up on my body like that and I make myself fall back down you know because the bad guys don't believe in doing that I'd come up at my body and I might fall back down after about five or six times like that Jesus appeared at the side of my bed and said Bobby I have more power to direct you than the devil does to deceive you so I let him carry me anywhere he wants to carry me if he called Phillipa away called Paul up he can transport you I've been in two places at once crazy stuff man I'm telling you we need to be more spiritual than we are weird but it needs to be with a biblical base you don't understand that yes I've seen people that did have the biblical base they felt had to get out there and get a three-toed alien to anoint you they're worthless in the kingdom right now they were great they had a great future but they couldn't understand Jesus was enough you can't get deeper than Jesus it please the father that the fullness of deity would really be and permanently you can't get deeper than Jesus I mean so these guys in Gaza teach you a little more than Jesus don't listen to him they got they they're not from God I'm telling you Jesus is everything he's everything God is and he's everything you need you don't jesus 17 you know man comes the father but about him but i tell you what he really loves you can you imagine this he knows every bad thing we've ever done and still loves us your friends won't your friends find some dirt they'll distance themselves but when Jesus sees you struggling he comes near he's a friend that does what sticks closer than a brother I'm talking to some people by where this media now you think that God has given up on you he hadn't he's going to give you a dream tonight your first name is Ricky and Ricky God's gonna give you a dream and in this dream he's gonna settle some things that you've been tripping over he's gonna show you the way out you get Psalms 40 I waited patiently upon the Lord he inclined to me he heard my cry he brought me up out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay he set my feet upon a solid rock he established my goings he put a new song in my mouth even praise under our God Ricky that's gonna happen that's gonna happen to you you think you've got so deep down that God can't deliver you but I'm telling you I'm gonna announce to you and everybody else in this room God is releasing Isaiah 61 verse 1 ICS 61 verse 1 said the spinner is upon me as an ornament to set the captives free we're gonna see demon-possessed people set free just like that an angel came and jerked his sword out Marinis finger crossed and his eyes here 61 verse 1 spirit of Lord God's upon me and on me to set the captives free and that's what's going to happen you may say I don't believe in that deliverance you will because God's going to put us in situations where we exercise that gift of deliverance and I'm telling you Jesus did it and you can do it never though I call him the new guru dude out of Mark 5 who comes running down to Jesus not a stitch on Jesus said what your name says Legion there's a bunch of us remember that aren't you glad Jesus didn't say boss load up we got to go you know he cast the devil out and then we find him seated clothed in his right mind that's the Jesus we search so Ricky Ricky's going to find out the devil dug the pit he fell in it but Jesus a rescue him you can't get in a deeper pit than Jesus the grace of God he'll leave the ninety-nine come get you have you every read Psalms 51 eight that the bones were sours broken may rejoice you've read that I read it oh there's all kind of theories about it so I went and talked to a shepherd a Bedouin Shepherd old old Bedouin Shepherd out on the side of a hill with the sheep and I asked said tailed him to explain to me what Psalms 51 verse 8 means that the bones were sighs broken may rejoice and the old man began to talk in a language I didn't know what was and this interpreter says here's the here's the tradition of a true Shepherd the tradition of a true Shepherd is if he has a rebellious sheep that won't stay in the fold the worst place for that little rebellious sheep out away from the fold that's where the Predators are that's where that's where his life won't last long so the Shepherd will go get him and bring him back if he does it again and again and he's habitual to run away the Shepherd will go get him you'll take the long shepherd staff put it around the little lambs neck getting and pull him up to him that the bones were sighs broken may rejoice then the Shepherd not out of cruelty but out of saving the sheep's life will take the little lamb lay the Shepherd's rod across his leg pick the little lamb up and break its leg that the bones which thou is broken may rejoice then the shepherd us what he puts a little lame lamb in a shepherd's bag have you seen the Indians want to make a Papoose thing that's the way the Shepherd's bag gets fits over the shoulder and the little crippled lamb all the time that his leg is healing is rubbing against the shepherd here's what the Shepherd's says when you turn the little lamb loose the he stays closer to the Shepherd than any of the sheep that the bones which thou is broken may rejoice God loves us enough to hobble us you run out there there's there's things out there that will consume you that the bones were sighs broken may rejoice he doesn't do it to hurt us he does it to protect us Wow who Israel you can learn a lot by talking to the native people I put it in the Shepherd job oh how we need to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem it's in here I put it I said the same okay now or two just read it to an angel came man alive came here idiot I'm reading out of page 153 pray for Israel Swift's Swift changes in Israel's political landscape is that happening see I wrote this last year in a very powerful prophetic encounter I was instructed by war an angel very strong and very fierce he approached me speedily as fast his light can travel suddenly his heaven this heavenly messenger is standing mere inches away from my face the brilliance of his being was overwhelming I wanted to fall down and hide from him from his burning gaze however this was impossible I could not move a single muscle I said in a week told who are you and why have you come to which he said I have been sent from God took a man you to await the prayer warriors to arise and stand up for the defense of Israel then his countenance changed from fierce to friendly I was truly encouraged by the change at this point he said you have your orders fulfilled your assignment and he pulled out his right hand and touched me in the center of my chest and then disappeared Saints you and I need to do Psalms 122 verse 6 pray for the Peace of Jerusalem may they be secured who love you we need to pray for this our president is trying to forge a peace pact with those guys but at the Palestine you won't have nothing to do with it will be but I'll tell you what we need to pray in verse after verse after verse listen and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a place a praise in the earth where to continue to pray to God Kelly blessed is Jerusalem and makes it a place of peace to all the earth and so we you and ice believers we need to pray for Israel shouldn't if we don't our handle swivel up we lose the use of our arm that's what the Bible says it's imperative we pray one of the greatest things our president has done has built a closer relationship with American Israel that's true God said I bless her I'll bless those that bless her and I'll curse those that curse me whether you believe it or not Jerusalem belongs to the Jews lying prove it to you by scripture and it says Jerusalem will be a whole cup of trembling for the entire world it's that way right now yes Wow but you and I have the power to pray in to bind one time I'm over in Tyler Texas minding my own business and Lord said go to the go to the computer and buy you a ticket to the Ukraine I said why he said because you're told to I go do I go got a ticket from Tyler Texas to the Ukraine I get off the plane I don't have nobody to meet me I'm I'm off the plane in Ukraine I said God why am I here he said I've sent you here to stop Russia from selling nerve gas to Syria to bomb Israel I said okay I send snow is this deep on the roads I said snow is three or four feet deep on the roads the hotel I'm staying in it's frozen over there ice fishing there so I meet with some pastors that and we do a thing we bind Russia from selling nerve gas to bomb Israel the Lord said that's it I thought I could have done this in Tyler but here's what he said he said announced to these men that this is full filled and a sign will be in the morning all the snow and ice will be gone this deep froze so help me God the next morning they're running boats up and down the lake that they were ice fishing on the day before and there's not a drop of snow and ice on the road we're in a flood but isn't that something but see God wants the prophets to help take care of Israel and so late an angel told me to warn you and to alert you of the importance of praying for Israel you can get in read it in the book if you want peace pray for Israel okay okay well anyway I'm gonna pray for you Joey you're gonna do the offering or what do you want to do I guess I'll hush for a while what time is it whew did you know that's the most asked question in the whole earth every day hey what time is it if anybody on earth should know the timing prophets should we're supposed to operate other Suns eschar having an understanding of the times to know what the people of God should be doing that's the number one question in the whole world worldwide hey what time is it Hosea said in time just think the Lord can be comes arrange righteousness smallness it's time to plow up the uncultivated ground it's time to see cumin we've been coming 22 years here I'll tell I love this place I don't know how to tell you you can't get ready for what's coming just do the best you can it's gonna blow your mind I'm gonna talk about it some tomorrow God is going to bring back to all God to the house of God he's going to shock a sister he told me said prepare my people to be surprised I said God how do you tell him to be surprised he said prepare the people because they don't have a idea of what's coming I promise you he's going to he's going to bring back all for our jaws drop and we go have you ever seen this God's gonna show us some things that he's got for us and the devil the devil is gonna do everything he can to disturb you distract you get you disappointed get you dissolution but he's lying it's just last-ditch effort to stop what God's going to do but it ain't gonna work God's gonna fill this whole place with the glory of God and so listen I'm excited about it so we'll be here what time tomorrow morning and we know we have prayer intercessory prayer at 9:00 a.m. right here and then worship service at 10:00 all righty I want you all to pray for us we got meetings all over the earth and I'm telling you listen there has never been a time to shake the world like right now and I'll tell you what people are listening that they're desperate they're desperate they're saying I destroyed the Council of God to here is the courts of God to hear his counsel I said god I want to be able to say I have I'm telling what God is jealous of his people and there you're gonna find out it's a bad thing to stir up a jealous God and he's jealous over his people now if you want to know what's going to happen with the modern-day media and the the mess going on I blowed about it last year it's it's every year God uses a psalm of that year to give us a highlight and Psalms 120 you can read it before you go to bed tonight says what are we gonna do with these lying tongues God said here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take a sharp era with a coal of the broom tree and shoot it through their lips that's what he's gonna do he's gonna stop the mouths of the liars and so you watch this it's already on its way God's lit the stump the broom tree if you look at it study Psalms 120 each year it's a it's the psalm for the the year that we're going into so this is 2020 so it's Psalms 120 and it's the lying lips of east be stopped and they'll shoot a tongue or they'll shoot the arrow of fire through the tongues Wow and in in the side of it the man says I want peace but every time I speak of peace they won't war that kind of seems like something going on in our nation doesn't it but God's gonna stop the mouths of the liars in the mockers so anyway it's a good it's a good time to be alive listen can you imagine the whole earth filled with the knowledge of God can you imagine every every knee bow every tongue confess in I tell you what now I believe it's going to happen in your lifetime we're going to see a move of God like we've never seen before well there's already stadiums being filled I mean that I'm with some of these young warriors they got dreadlocks down past their back in here and full of fire filling stadiums I'm talking about football stadiums big stadiums with thousands and thousands of radical believers that won't say I give up so I'm telling you it's pretty and I'll tell you what God's doing he's raising a generation willing to die for what they believe hard to get their parents to live or what they say they believe but there's a generation coming that are willing to give it all and I'll tell you what's gonna happen the senior st. you're gonna stoke the fire I got caught up in heaven and I'll talk better tomorrow or than joining the generations if you ever if you ever find out we are the Joshua generation it's going to bring a power source to this earth we've not seen before but I promise you I promise you we are the joining of the generations the young and the old and it's going to release power like the world's not ready for I can prove it to you when when we announced that in Longview Washington it blew out every light in Longview Washington you can google it to power lines 15 feet apart that fed the city of the electricity when I announced it they jumped up together and wound together and blew out every light in Longview Washington see God's gonna join the generations they won't be a power grid big enough to handle it right now but yeah it was blue fire shot from the Transformers Bob Jones and I sat there watching Oh every light go out laundry Washington when the Transformers would blow up big blue fire just shoot up blue is revelation see all right well good can you turn on your mind I can't I think right now how many how many will be able to be here tomorrow morning we see your hands okay I'm gonna give you I want to encourage you tomorrow morning if you can come come at 9 o'clock Jesus said my house should be called yeah now how many know that our nation's in a in a crisis right now so we're gonna pray tomorrow morning the worship team will be up here we all played pray together and we're gonna pray for our president good I'm gonna pray for an awakening in the body Christ how many here have family members or loved ones close to that are lost or backslidden okay we're gonna pray for them to come back to the Lord yeah we're gonna pray for them to come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and get saved we're gonna bind the mind blinding spirits off of them so tomorrow morning from 9 to 10 it's our worship and prayer a little bit worship and we're all gonna pray together I want you to come at nine o'clock and pray with us and if you don't have prayer a the church at your at I want you to go back and talk to your pastor and say what do we have to do to get a prayer meeting going and get one going in your church we need to be praying for our nation for an awakening in the body Christ and for the loss to get saved okay so that's what we'll do there tomorrow morning that's my plug okay good remember dear in the meeting I saw a man named Ricky and if it's okay Ricky I want you to respond to the Lord and I want you to get in touch with a pastor honestly if they can do they can right they can go our website contact us email or write to us it'll come right to the office it really will help you it'll be a friend to walk beside you but this is a new thing for you so don't be timid about it you can you can you find out how to contact them and just let them know hey I'm the guy who talked about being in a horrible pit I'm the guy that's standing on the solid foundation right now so God will use your life to help a lot of others okay amen Shekinah worship calm contact us email on there good I like that when you know can I tell you one quick story for us are you I got invited to a radio program a live radio program and the Lord said I want you to go I wouldn't have gone if I'd have known what its gonna be like so we get there and it's a outside of Oklahoma City and so big radio networks anyway I'm there and the guys that are hosts of it seem really nice that's offsetting then I got me some coffee the things fixed is starting just a few moments and so they were chatting and so justice is 5 4 3 2 1 Bing the last turn red here's what the hope said well we have so-called prophet Bobby Conner and since we don't believe that is an office what do you have to say that was my introduction I starts well I wish I'd stayed hotel that's what I started to say and I said God these people are hostile to the know the prophetic in order what do you want to do he said tell him what you see so I said oh I'll tell you what I see a trailer truck driving down the freeway I see the logo on the trailer truck I called out the logo I called out the number I called out the driver's name all going down the freeway in a big ol 18 wheeled vehicle carrying a tanker truck called up the the whole thing about it and so I looked at those guys like surely they'll believe now and here's what they said smoking mirrors and something you know that kind of hawk a snake oil and smoking with mirrors I said god this ain't going very good and then guess what it's a live program phone ring guess who it is it's Michael the guy driving the truck and guess what he says he said how did you know this I said God showed it to me if he showed me that he'll show me some more things about you next thing I know Michael drives his 18-wheel truck up to the radio station and God would do that open up and tell us about people pretty soon there's a whole bunch of people out in the parking lot and guess what the two hosts said can you come back tomorrow I said no no I ain't coming back tomorrow I'm telling you though see God wants to make the prophetic no no Amy he wants to show up and show off is what God wants really and he'll tell you things about yourself that you you know that you nobody would know about it I could tell you stories all night long but that you were about done it but tomorrow don't don't miss the prayer meeting I'm telling you the Lord showed me one time I was up in heaven and the Lord said Bobby look at this and he did like that and blew away the second heaven and I saw down into earth and there was a little bitty little bitty frail woman and she's on her knees beside a old fashioned type of rocking chair and she's got her face buried down in this rocking chair she's really really old and very feeble looking and the Lord said Bobby you see that little woman praying I said yes Lord I do here's what God told me said Bobby that little woman on her knees there has more power than all the combined armies put together Wow prayer is powerful in heaven it may be almost muted here that's what God told me said Bobby this sounds almost immediate in heaven but I'm muted on earth but it's amplified in heaven I said Lord what sound he said the sounds of a broken heart and shattered dreams see the person next to you could have a broken heart and shattered dreams and you not even know it it's muted here but it's amplified in heaven when your hearts broken God hears you okay but anyway Joe let's pray for you okay I Love You Man I do too I'd love I'm telling you don't any of you write it off the best days of this church or head of us the best days of this church are ahead of us and here's what he told me said tell the leaders make plans as if money was no problem I said God that sounds very responsible he said what's it responsible it's not to do what you're told to do so start making plans as if money was no problem come on because we got a god named el shaddai that means the God that does for you what you can't do for yourself one translation says God that's more than you'll ever have need of and he is in me well Joe we love you too loved your family yeah god bless you we've watched him grow up yeah they were a little skinny not made kids and now they're grown man and married two beautiful good-looking too huh yeah well yeah look at your mama everybody tells me that all the time I don't all the time I've been five kids are all adults everywhere we went people always tell me you've got a really good-looking kids then I don't think they meant to but they don't always say they don't just like Melinda yeah I know you know now my boys look like me oh man that's pretty pre rup I'll pray forward okay yeah we're pray for anyway listen I want you to extend your hand towards pastor okay Lord Jesus thank you for a job thank you for all the call of God upon his life Lord holy to the Lord he's a dedicated consecrated man and lord I pray for double portions I pray double double lord I pray Lord that it'll be a river flowing out and in that cannot be stopped and lord I thank you for this now I thank you for New Horizons I thank you for new words and fresh vistas Lord lord I thank you that right now all lids limitation are removed in Jesus wonderful name amen amen good thank you holy to the Lord come to me check the book table let me get my stuff all right you have a song to take out now I've got more stuff a kangaroo look out now there's my hotel Mac getting there excuse me excuse of you but uh I'm just listener before we all dismiss let's all give the Lord praise right now [Applause]
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 31,018
Rating: 4.8930483 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center, Bobby Conner
Id: qmOb10OgwCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 48sec (4968 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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