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good morning addicts I mean it is like kind of late morning we drove way too far woke up way too early but we got kind of a little bit of a different episode today because I got nobody in the back and pretty much the job of the mission of this morning is to get the guy holding the camera it's not you got a nod like I tell Sean he's got to like interact like you know the guy holding the camera his first winner steelhead Marlon sent me on a special Mission he said go up there see if we can get Alex a fish and then we've got a special shuttle driver who hopefully is going to pick us up at the bottom of this and maybe show up so if he doesn't it's going to be an interesting hitchhike back back or back up to the top so we're gonna see it happens but we're gonna get the GoPros on we're gonna get the chesties on and since I'm stuck here we're gonna walk down and see what's going on so let's get Alex his first winner of steelhead foreign I think you're about good depth there up in the Slick right on the inside scene of that what's about as pretty as it's ever going to look closer towards us right there all right bring it out six inches deeper oh baby that's that's that's the one if it's getting down come on come on I guess it's not the one all right we're going home screw it no fish time to bail there's only one chance there's your one chance my turn I need to catch another 30. it's Trump oh I got real scared they're addicts nice trout nice Cutty hey hey I'm not trying to death oh I wanted to get a pic I wanted your picture come on man first spot Cuddy I'll leave Alex which means that he's gonna probably promptly hook one and I'm gonna be with the camera up here and not get it but I want to go tow the raft off the Gravel Bar head down to the next run and see what's down there this looks pretty damn juicy though I don't know why they wasn't fishing it but it's gonna keep trying different stuff [Applause] we got fish on I just we got in the hole and Alex sorry guys couldn't get the bobber down it's a two-man operation I'm a one-man band right now trying to reel my rod in oh it's a pretty one feel on a little bit he ain't done with you yet I don't think give me a jump baby damn you GoPro damn you GoPro what just what just happened he broke off messing around with the GoPros you guys went under the boat we come down into this hole you get a bobber down this is it and then like I got to give you guys the play-by-play because I don't know what and I had that GoPro I had half battery half card and it just kept shutting off so I don't know if that fish was a I think it was a hatchery it was a hatchery fish for sure but I don't know if it was a late summer or an early winter fish that was just colored up but I can't believe it just happened there dude damn cameras we need a camera guy we'll get another one now I know what it feels like to have one on yeah might have been too light of a leader the other rivers I was fishing on have kind of smaller fish so I'm gonna put some we're gonna bump it up with some 12 floral here and and then that was on a that was on one of our addicted tail out Switcher one of these shrimp pink just because the water is just so freaking clear I'm sorry but he hit it twice so we might be in the game we might have found something that they wanted they didn't want my beads but we'll get it re-tied get us back in action doing a little just a little trimming clear water you put a lot of material on these jigs guys just because you can always do exactly what we did you can always take it off she can't put it back on so that is that is going to murder right there all right camera on just in case it happens again brand new battery in there brand new battery fully charged ready for some action let's see what happens this time what what give that's fish he's got him he's got him he's got him got him again oh that's a nicer one [Music] holy cow nice and easy nice and easy this time nice and easy oh look at that on a on a dime dude push on oh not again not again keep the tip down way down way down pull some gray oh my gosh he's gonna break it again didn't he don't be still here oh like this is like a repeat that's a bigger fish I'm gonna get out of the boat I gotta go get him look at her go what's Jordan say he's migrating he's my migraine me another nice looks like that one's definitely a summer oh keep the tip way down under the boat when a fish goes into the boat they think it's cover so he's trying to do that now just crank a little bit he'll sleep out of there you'll realize he's not safe there he is nice fish I'm gonna grab the net I got a knotless rubber coated second in here for this situation oh yeah a little summer darn it's okay steelhead let's bring him right over here and let's put a net on him and then we'll probably just let him go but let's get a picture of him yeah I'm ready nice and easy nice fish it's pretty summer yep please have a nice buck though dude oh he could be a late winner but I don't think there's any like winter hatcheries In this River so he's probably uh he's probably just summer fish from tion to very next cast there he is all right Alex's first steelhead here folks a little Hatchery fish but you know what it's good enough all right nice summer a little Hatchery fish but you know what he's a little beat up so we'll let him hopefully come back next year heck yeah dude that's awesome well you got Redemption yeah nice little photo too let's see what we're doing here boom look at that guys on the board [Music] looks like we got quite a drop coming up here I can't see the river pretty much past 50 yards so we'll uh see what this is about but it's really low and really clear and there's some really good looking stuff up here but haven't seen a fish in the water no Barber down yet but it's only been the first hour of the day so got a long way to go but hopefully I don't stick it on this Gravel Bar too I think I might oh big time thank you [Music] oh I don't know that's a winner dude that's a winner nice here he is easy easy buddy I was just tying up because I'm an idiot and broke off had the camera on oh that's him you got the summer boys and now we got the winner we've got the winner [Applause] nice and easy nice and easy he's going everywhere flashy oh he's a chromer nice fish Here Comes stay in there is that on that that shrimp jig again nice okay is it a keeper oh it looks like it is all right get to the ballroom let's get him do you want to keep a fish oh you like keeping them huh oh no we're gonna keep this one trust me I need this one I need this one get to that barber I want this fish nice and easy it's a hand come on here comes yes yes there he is Buddy Alex mission accomplished nice hen Hatchery fish coming in the boat for sure that's him dude that's him boom your first summer first winner and a break off we don't talk about that yeah you didn't need to bring that up all right the deed is done what's that now oh you said I cast it a little too close to the boat and you're you said knee go a little bit further out and sure enough cast a little bit further out and don't don't look at this it's just an absolute got look at The Jig got him in the lower part of the jaw that's kind of weird like it was hooked like in the lower part there nice little fresh winner just a you guys can't see that the camera just an absolute Chrome blinger I'm sitting here eating my cookies our shuttle guy going to be a little late but he's also bringing us lunch so I don't think we can hold that against him but I want you guys guess who the shuttle guy is going to be because he's late I know you guys can figure this out but we're gonna chill here Alex might get another fish I don't know I'm pretty content I just feel like I should just roll us out this bottom of the river and just be go home right now and have an adult beverage or something because mission accomplished but I think there's gonna be some more fish to have what do you think he's not giving up he's not giving up all right okay I just heard the ominous sound of marlin system bumping up on the hill so let's catch any fish or what did you get your stink off camera man yes you did is it good or what good fish good summer good winter it's all as good as the summer is going to be we gotta shovel the truck and then go yep let's go do it real quick and we'll be back 336 minutes later picking up another takeout spot right here no love but maybe we'll get some really good bobber Downs or something we're gonna unfortunately we got a long way to go so we are gonna start burning water like crazy right game time I think the shuttle like we're driving down to the shuttle and it's like are we there yet are there are there at the bottom no no oh crap we got a long way to go yeah I'm gonna get on that rock oh he's coming at us he's trying to attack us yeah Jesus yeah I got him he ain't that big I'll just tighten the Greg I'll tighten my drag that was such a juicy bobber down it's a hatchery are we wanting to keep these it sure looks like it definitely a hand it's a summer though I think isn't it well maybe not the winner right so yeah definitely dropped her eggs it's super Chrome super Chrome super nice I mean that's an attic fish first fish on this river by the hell dude all right I gotta get one now I have to get one I'm gonna I'm gonna get one now it's got a nice little chromey hand here Marlon you're gonna drop that anchor you're just gonna let her go see you honey we'll do it again you're down you're down you're down fudge called it yeah put your fish to the left let the father go through there all of it we're gonna double it up here boys if barber went down I don't know if you guys saw that earlier but I heard this crack Alex broke a stick for us I heard this break and just as I'm looking yeah really nice buck get him double I suck no double no double action gotta release this fish isn't it Hatcher wow it's a hatchery thank you so much to wdfw's Hatchery Department if you guys would only just do this in more Rivers weird it's got like this like Square punch now I know like on some Rivers they'll do like a circle punch on the Gill so that means this fish probably went to Hatchery and then got put back in the river and then got that little punch see that right down the Gill plate so they put these back they let these guys go back in the river so Anglers can get another shot and if everything goes right for her because we're going to be good stewards and let that fish go hopefully it'll go out rewrite come back and be bigger and get bigger and spawn again so that's a really cool fish that's she's she's a warrior well addicts I make a better guide than fisherman yeah let's go you got a long-ass way to go [Music] oh my gosh that's a nice winner double check that was a while a little Wild Buck a little Wild Buck that's why you always double check before you rip them in the boat I know in one of the previous episodes we kind of ran into this situation so we're just gonna get the jig out good day addicts now this is an after work challenge right here three fish to the boat already oh bye-bye [Applause] if he's gonna bite it's gonna be right there gone I mean it went under exactly what he said like this thing thank you oh my God oh my God got him did you see me set the hook in my mail was not lift lips went out oh my God oh my God that's a nice one dude we're hitting the Wilds right now boys through the Audrey Hatchery you gotta do it oh my God look at The Jig that was epic so look at this guys another this is a super bright winter fish but you know what it's a hatchery again but it's already spawned out you can see how it kind of it's already laid its eggs so you know what once again we're just gonna let another like fine Hatchery fish go because you know what this fish goes and does this thing you know it might come back next year and it's probably still a really good quality fish nice bright fish but probably just one of those like early spawners so we just figured you know what let them swim and next year somebody else is going to get them back okay I'm glad somebody has because there he is caught him Autumn boy we are on them we've been rally right now not even in a hole like this I think it's another freaking uh recycle it's a buck oh yeah it is yeah the restock I thought it's my jig in the corner of his mouth look at it let's get it nice one foreign thanks for Rolling me down the river can ya the hell of a pickup look at that fish attic just pop that jig out little prototype tester jig you guys can worry about that later in here close yeah look at that what are all these are those uh sea lion oh man he's been through something because that's a lot of marks even on the other side of them and for how fresh he is I mean turn them over does he have any sea lice he's gone well good relief see you buddy see you buddy yeah I don't know watch it let's go you were the one you were the one who hated that one right here I thought I could clear that oh damn it I got it out and then it sacrifices with a tree oh my God we're getting that bobber I've had that thing forever please tell me you got that trying to keep that thing it's a lucky ass float right now and things drained a lot of fish I get a lot of them where you're at like just way back is for some reason all of a sudden just a slow slunchy dream oh my god oh got him oh my God that could have been a double dude oh that was so dirty I got one guys I got my first one almost oh my God only lead horses to water can't make him drink no freaking way what is going on right now it's got to be a sucker or something right no it's a steelhead what is that it's a soccer okay I was like it's gonna be a sucker or something going on right now he ate it though dude that's a trophy sucker that's a big sucker all right guys Bridge lip sucker look at that show people like I feel like there's a lot of addicts out there that aren't educated about this cam they kill these things yeah so let's talk about I think they're mainly like algae and Bottom Feeders like I don't think they are too detrimental I mean when you talk about I've always been told to release him yeah I always unless you're gonna eat it I don't kill it so you are one lucky sucker no pun intended oh look at that fish there it was freaking awesome he's going for your jig he's going for your jig going for the Prototype hungry [Music] [Applause] what a good afternoon of the witching hour baby dude I'm gonna be taking that one home that's a nice fat little head losing them now roamer look at that he's got look at this Top Fin right there he's got a little Pond rub oh you've been hanging out in the Hatchery a little long just a nice little spot oh my God this is like here don't worry about my fish dirt oh [Music] summer summer summertime Alex this is crazy good day of fishing out of nowhere too well this looks like a a summer fish Attic So this River out also gets Hatchery summer plants and so we're just gonna pop this thing loose and then hopefully it'll come back Chrome sometime in April and we'll be able to catch it again oh what do you break that fish's neck I don't think I'd even do that to a small mouth I won't do that Marlon missed that one on purpose for me so thanks bud they're stacked we hit the mother freaking load out of nowhere guys we're in stupid water I want to feel like yeah I know it's Chrome that's about it oh it's freaking nice it's a big Wild Buck guys just a Bruiser I get off like literally trying to keep this fish away from marlin so you can hook another one I love bucks like this that come in this early addicts and they already start coloring up like right as they get in the river super nice he's got a lot more shoulder than you think he's got some like pretty good girth on his you got him such a nice one hop out Alex we're gonna take a good look at this fish nice look at that oh War wounds I just suck right now I suck at filming it's like a holding fish today whatever roast me in the comments I don't care [Music] all right guys I'm B we're closing this thing out because it's really dark and I know we still have a couple miles to row and Marlin of course is right there still fishing but I mean all in all what an incredible day we got Alex his first summer and his first winter steelhead we got a shuttle from this guy and then he just proceeded to catch like all the fish I guess and don't forget I also brought you lunch you did bring us lunch so that's why he had the good fish Karma on cleaning up the place got a couple Hatchery fish good stuff it was an amazing day amazingly now that is the after work challenge I've been wanting to show you guys so thanks again for tuning in with us you guys want to see more of our content click this video right here and if you're brand new to the channel don't forget subscribe and all you subscribers down there if you don't know there's a little bell down in the bottom down here click that little bell and turn on all notifications we've been putting out videos every single Tuesday and every single Sunday for all you addicts out there that are supporting us so thank you so much here's today's comment of the day and if you don't and you're seeing this video don't call the rescue team let's see on the river
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 48,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: float fishing, bobber down, steelhead fishing, steelhead, winter steelhead, winter steelhead fishing, steelhead trout, fishing for steelhead, bobber downs, float fishing steelhead, float fishing for steelhead, steelhead bobber downs, fishing, addicted fishing steelhead, small stream fishing, small stream, raft fishing, river float, fishing with friends, river fishing, addicted fishing, catching steelhead, steelhead trout fishing, catching steelhead trout, fishing videos
Id: ySSR0NeoKOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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