Bob Ross - Before the Snowfall (Season 31 Episode 2)

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Holy shit, I had no idea how nice a of person Bob Ross was. I knew who he was, but I guess I'd never really actually watched any of his shows. He was almost like an adult Mr. Rogers. I don't think I've ever seen another video of such a naturally kind individual.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Pr0cedure 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

America, he was the best of you

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Falstaffe 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

This man was too good for this world....

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Nox_Stripes 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TubeUnblockv1 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Every living thing in that video is now dead. Now I has a sad.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Landlubber77 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Because he slaughtered parent-squirrels en masse.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TruSchool 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

This man makes watching paint dry interesting... I actually miss watching his show as a child.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ESC907 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome back, certainly glad you could join us today. I thought today we'd just do a little scene that's a lot of fun, I believe you'll enjoy it. Let's start out and have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with us. While they're doing that, let me show you what I've got up here. Have my regular old 18 by 24-inch pre-stretched double primed canvas but you use any size that's convenient. And today I've just covered the entire canvas with a very thin coat of liquid white. The liquid white is still wet. We depend on that being wet through the entire painting. So with that in mind, let's just go up here and just have some fun. I tell you what, let's do a little winter scene today. Maybe something that's nice and chilly. Start with a little Prussian blue and midnight black. More black than blue. All right, a little two-inch brush, and let's just go in here and just begin dancing in some little shapes that hopefully will end up being clouds. There we are. But we'll just start and just dance in little things. Don't worry about it. Painting should make you happy. And here, we try to paint in such a manner that anybody can do it and everyone can enjoy it whether you paint or you just watch or you just enjoy watching, we get letters from people, say they just sleep better when the show's on. (chuckles) That's all right. That's okay. There we are. Wherever you think maybe there should be a little color. Now since this is a winter scene, I like to work in the grey hues a great deal because it gives the feeling of winter. So that's why we're using mostly just blue and black in this painting. We'll bring it down to about there. It doesn't matter. Anything that we're not crazy about, we'll just paint over it. 'Cause on this piece of canvas, you can create any world that you want. Have unlimited power here, unlimited. All you have to do is believe. Okay. Maybe down here on the bottom. Let's take the same colors. I don't really know what's gonna be down here yet so let's just put a little color. If we put nothing down here but snow, this will end up being the shadows. And if we have time maybe we'll put a little water in there it just sort of depends on however things go in this world. There we are. Something about like that and that's all we need for right now. And we'll wash the old brush, 'cause that's the most fun part of this. And we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner. There's this green in the bottom of this bucket that I scrub the bristles against. That allows the solid materials to settle and the paint thinner remains pretty clean. And then that's the fun part. I usually wipe the brush on a little paper towel just to make it's as dry as we can possibly get it. I'm gonna take a little titanium white. Just plain titanium white, two-inch brush. And let's go up in here and let's just begin dancing in some little things here and there. Just some little pretty areas. There, something about like that. I'm just putting some white paint on the canvas. Maybe we'll use a little blender brush, it's so soft and nice and does beautiful things. We'll come back and just blend all this together and you'll be shocked at what you can achieve doing nothing more than this. There. Okay, let me grab a little blender. Now these little blenders are just a soft, tender, tender as a mother's love as my father used to say. There. And with my mother, that was certainly true. She certainly was a beautiful lady. Miss her very much. There we are. And we can go back in here and pick up a little bit of color here and there. And I'm just gonna take this little brush and begin defining some of these little shapes. You can actually paint with this little blender. And what makes this blender unique, it has a round handle. You can spin it and it's fatter than most blender brushes. There we go. Can spin it, sometimes that's very important when you're painting to be able to turn the brush. Most blender brushes have a flat handle and they're sort of a son of a gun to work with. There we are. See there, how easy that is? And it begins creating that illusion of clouds. Maybe there's a little floater that lives right here. He just sort of floats around, has a good time all day. There. And we'll blend him a little. But basically that's all we're trying to do. Mostly black, mostly black. A little bit of blue. All right, something like that. And that'll give us the impression of some gorgeous little clouds in a winter sky. Okay. Now then. We'll wash the little blender. And we wash it the same way. Oops, hit the bucket. There we are. Now maybe back here in the background, we'll go back to our little two-inch brush we were using. Same color, mostly black, a little bit of blue in it. But I'm gonna tap it so we load the top bristles. See how we're tapping there? See the back of the brush is not hardly touching. Just mainly the top. And with that we can go in here and let's just begin deciding maybe there's some little bushes that live far back here in the background somewhere. I wanna start at the base of the bush and then blend upwards so it'll get lighter and lighter toward the top. That way the shadows are automatically on the bottom. There, something about like so. And sometimes you can take this little brush and just give it a little, see? Just push. It'll make the indication of a little tree that lives back here somewhere. Speaking of trees, this is where my little squirrel Peapod would love to live. I got a little bit of footage I wanna show you and share with you today. I'll just put in this background while you're looking. Isn't he the cutest little devil that you've ever seen? This is Peapod, my little pocket squirrel. He's been with me for a long time. But isn't he precious? Little rascals love fresh corn. Tell you what, you could have a whole farm and feed these. I must have 15 or 20 of them that I've probably raised and turned loose that live around the house and they expect me to continue to feed them and old Bobby's a soft touch. How can you turn something like that down? I'm telling you, how can you turn him down? I would sit and play with them almost continually if I could. I have four, five around the house that I'm raising right now. By the time you see this, they'll probably be grown and released 'cause we don't keep them. We don't keep wild animals. All we do is raise them. I work with a lot of the people who take care of injured and orphaned animals. We just sort of help them out, then we turn the little rascals loose. But they don't make very good pets. They are better just to look at and enjoy. All right. That Peapod can eat up some corn, can't he? There. Okay, I'm just putting down a few little background trees here while you're watching Peapod there. But look at that little rascal, I tell you he was only a couple of months old when that was made. He really is gorgeous. You know, we've had so many letters from, especially our young friends all over the country saying they want, they would like to see Peapod into a cartoon form so they could have coloring books and all that. So recently I got a friend of mine who's a cartoonist to make us a little cartoon of Peapod. So I'll show you. Isn't that the cutest little thing? But we'll have all kinds of little Peapod things here pretty soon. All right. There. Okay so that gives us this nice little background and all we did was take the top corner of the brush and just tap it in something like so. Now maybe in our world there lives a couple little evergreens. Let's take some Prussian blue, crimson, black. Mix them together. Want a good dark color here, should look black. Let me wipe off the old knife. Let's take, we'll grab an old fan brush. There's one. Number six fan brush. Load it full of color, both sides. And let's decide in our world maybe where a little tree lives. Big decision time. Right there, see? You just drop it in. I'm gonna push sort of upward here, make a little, this tree will have some upward limbs on it. There we go. Sometimes we make them with old arms hanging down. Sometimes with them up. It's up to you. You decide. You decide, maybe, yeah. Tell you what. Got a friend who lives right there. Got a friend, there. I've lived in Alaska for over a dozen years and you become so impressed with the winter and all of the beautiful scenery in winter. I know it sounds cold when you hear the temperature in Alaska but you become used to it very rapidly and it becomes interesting. Tell you what, let's do maybe yeah, why not. It's our world. We'll put one over here too. Just like so. Just push upward. Give it a little upward bend. There. We'll come back and put in a few highlights on these but all we're doing is putting the base color in now. The back of the tree if you wanna call it that. And we'll come back and we'll put then front of the tree in, or the highlights. I need a little more paint here. Didn't mix up enough. Let's take a black, Prussian blue and Alizarin crimson. All right. There we are now. I want another one right there too. These two are really friendly. There we are. But you put as many trees in your world as you want. Each one us will see nature through different eyes and that's the way you should paint it, is the way you see it. Get a little two-inch brush, let's have some fun. We'll take just plain titanium white. Snow is one of the easier things to paint in this technique. So all you gotta do is basically decide where your snow lives. And put it in. Allow it to pick up a little of that tree color because that makes a shadow for you automatically. Automatically. Allow the paint to work. This is certainly the lazy man's way of painting. There we go. Maybe over here on the other side we'll have just a little bit right over here. See there? That easy. There you go, you put it wherever you think it should be. Now we can go back to our other two-inch brush with the dark color on it. We'll just use that old tree color, it's sort of blueish. Maybe, yeah. Perfect place. Perfect place here. Let's pull down a little thing like so. Maybe we'll have a little water in here. All right, where does it go? It just wanders around and has a good time in here. We don't know exactly where it goes yet. We'll decide that later. There. One thing that's so fantastic about this is that very quickly you learn to compose as you paint. There. That way you don't have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to paint before you start. 'Cause painting is quite easy, anybody can learn to paint very quickly. What becomes difficult is not how to paint, but what to paint. So learn to compose as you work. That way you have total freedom. You could do anything. Anything. Now I'm gonna go to a fan brush here. And we'll take the old fan brush. And we'll just pull that down. Make a little bank right there. That easy. Winter scenes are probably the easiest ones to paint in this technique. Probably easiest and maybe the most fun. There we go. We don't even know where that's gonna go yet. Don't care. We'll make that decision when the time comes. Yeah, see there? There's another little peninsula or whatever you wanna call it, pokes out there. Has a good time. You just put him wherever you want him. And, here's your bravery test. Let's put one right in here. Right so you can make that little, maybe this little stream is all dried up or froze or something. It goes way back into the distance there. That easy. That easy. Shoot, I'll tell you what. I know, I know. (chuckles) You know Bob, if you've painted with me before this would be a perfect place to have a little cabin back here. So I'm gonna have me a little cabin. Let's just sort of scrape out a basic shape. Maybe right there. All I'm doing is removing excess paint and it sort of gives you an idea of what your little house is gonna look like by scraping it out first. We'll take a little Van Dyke Brown. Start right in here. And all we're doing, little dark sienna in there too, all we're doing is blocking it in. Just blocking in a little bit of color. We're not worried about much of anything at this point. Just blocking it in. There we are. We'll come back and highlight him in a minute. Over in here. And we'll take a little titanium white, dark sienna, Van Dyke Brown, mix it together and we'll make us a very nice little, little wood looking color here. Don't over-mix the color though. Don't over-mix it, leave it marbled like that. So you have all kinds of things happening in there. A little roll of paint, and we can go right up in here. No pressure. No pressure. Want this to look like old wood. It's old like me. Tired. There. See there? No pressure, absolutely no pressure at all. Now over on this side not as much light would be hitting it. Much darker. Just enough that it shows up a little bit. And take a little Van Dyke, make the indication here and there of a few little boards that you could just see the indication. That's all we're looking for. Need a door. Gotta have a way to get in and out of this little cabin. There we go, got us a door. Cut around it a little bit so it stands out. There, now we need a roof. So, let's have snow on the roof. There we go. A little more paint. Firm it up a little, there. A little bit on this side. Something about like that. There we are. Now let's do a cabinectomy. I wanna chop this cabin off. I know, you think I lost part of it there. In reality, I've decided I'm gonna put a big tree right there on the side. So there's no use putting paint there that we have to paint over. There. Just make it stand out a little more there. Oh, yeah. Okay. Now then, let's go back to our big old fan brush that we had. Bravery test. This is it. We have a big tree. Goes right off the canvas. Right off the canvas. There it goes. Just a big old evergreen tree that lives right here. Man, this is a monster tree. See, now we're gonna go right through the cabin. Now sometimes going through all this paint that's already on here, you might need to add a little paint thinner to this dark color so it'll go over the top without mixing them together quite so bad. Just a little paint thinner. There we are. Maybe it comes right on down like that. Doesn't much matter. Grab a fan brush that's got some white on it. We'll go right in here. There. And we'll take my little Script Liner Brush. A little touch of the liquid white. And we'll just pull down some little icicles here and there. There. Boy that is cold, phew. That one is cold. Now, I'm gonna take white, a little touch of the phthalo blue. Phthalo blue. Just mix it on the fan brush here. And let's go in here, maybe just a touch more, a little darker. And let's put a few little highlights on some of these little evergreens. I use phthalo blue just 'cause it's a warmer blue and it'll stand out. It will stand out against that Prussian blue that's up there. Other than that, no other reason. There, a little more of the blue. We'll come right in here. Put a few highlights on this little tree. We don't need him left out. There. Don't kill all your dark. Sometimes it's almost a natural tendency. It gets working so well that you just end up destroying all the dark. Keep this basically dark in here. Evergreens are quite dark in value. All right, we could even... Shoot, it's our world. Maybe we can see the indication of a second tree here. Just lives right behind there. I really just wanna fill this edge up. And we'll go back to our brush that has the phthalo blue in it. A little touch of phthalo blue. Put the indication of a few little highlights on him. He lives in the background so we don't care much about him. There. All right. Now then, we've gotta make some big decisions in here. Let's take a one-inch brush. We'll use some of that same dark color. It really doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. And let's go in here and just pop in some little, some little duders right there. Tell you what, while we've got that, let's go on the other side. Maybe there's a few over here too. It's our world, we can put them wherever we want them. Another one-inch brush and I have several of each brush. I'm gonna go right through, dip it into liquid white. Go right through titanium white. And with that, we'll just make the indication of some little, some little snow-covered bushes that live right in here. Right in here. See them? There they are. Few little duders here. Then on the other side, we're gonna need to put a little snow on them. A little liquid white, titanium white. The liquid white's in here only to make the paint thinner 'cause as you know, a thin paint will stick to a thick paint. Thin to thick. So we start with the thickest paint possible and then we add layers of thinner paint. Okay. A little fan brush here. Take a little white. Allow it to pick up a little bit of that dark color. And work down. Down down, like that. There we go. And we can, here's a brush that's got a little dirty color on it. There, see? Just to give it a little lip on some of these little banks here. Just to break it up. Ain't that neat? All kinds of little things happening. Take a little liquid white. There. Put the least little touch of blue in it. And here and there and there and here. Just put in all kinds of little, some little water lines or indications here of something happening. There. Like that. A few on the other side. Don't want him left out. There. You know if you have time, after you try some of these paintings that we show you in the series, if you have time, take a photo and send us. We would love to see what everybody is doing and share success stories. Every once in a while when we have a moment or two, we take and put them on a big old board and display them so everyone can see what people all over the country are doing. It's unreal. (chuckles) It's absolutely unreal. A little bit of paint thinner, a little bit of the brown. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Yeah, why not? Right in here. Lives a big old tree. Right there, wherever you want him. There. But if you paint doesn't flow, add more paint thinner. If it's thin enough, it'll flow right off your brush. It will literally just flow right off the brush. Just very simple. Very very simple. There. And let's go on the other side over here. Maybe over in here there's a few little sticks and twigs. Just some little things that live in here. You decide. You decide. A few maybe back in here. Maybe there's even a little tree that lives far away back here. There. He didn't have any leaves on him though 'cause it's, it's cold. All right. And we can just take the knife and scrape in a few indications here and there. All kinds of little things. These little evergreens here, I didn't put any highlights on so let's drop a little highlight on them. We don't want them left out. A little bit of the phthalo blue. See there? That's all there is to it. Shoot, I think we're about to the point we got a finished painting. Let's take a little red and sign this one. Hope you've enjoyed it. And as I say, if you have time, send us a photograph of your attempts. We would love to see them. There. I think we're gonna call that one done. I really hope you've enjoyed this little painting. From all us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, and God bless, my friend. (relaxed music)
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 640,584
Rating: 4.9552722 out of 5
Keywords: the joy of painting, bob ross twitch, tv show, bob ross painting, landscape, asmr, bob ross, wet on wet, painting, pastel, free, twitch, bob ross inc, snow, host, bob ross marathon, bob ross asmr, lake, kappaross, brushes, wildlife, coloring, steven ross, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross full episode, oil, stream, alaska, livestream, drawing, pbs, canvas, mountain, happy trees, art, happy accident, happy trails, joy of painting, ocean, full episode, paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
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