Bob Proctor: The 11 Forgotten Laws - COMPLETE COLLECTION

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[Music] you [Music] hello there and welcome I'm Bob Proctor you've probably seen me in the secret well we're going to expand on the message from the secret we're gonna go beyond that do you know in the secret we talked about the law of attraction there's been two three hundred million people impacted with that message but I want to take you a little further there's eleven loss laws these leavener laws that go along with the law of attraction I think you're gonna find rather interesting and I want to share a few thoughts with you that lead up to this and I want you to prepare for these lessons as they come out you know the author said that we should proceed to use our thinking faculty and take care that it does not use you well I think that's true you know most people are controlled by what's going on outside they're not using their mental faculties to really control their life the author says master your mind and guide it intelligently well you know if you look at the the results of most people that's not happening people are not mastering their mind they're not using it they're not controlling their own life as you get involved in these laws each one of them brings a specific message and as you bring your mind in harmony with these laws your whole life is going to change let me continue here he said learn to think as you ought to think give your mental life to the matters that are absolutely essential to your welfare have you ever wondered why 1% of our population earns ninety six percent of all the money that's being earned you know things are so totally out of balance that when you hear those statistics for the first time you think they can't possibly be true but they are and you know Huxley was right he said there's only one corner of the universe that we can change and that's our own self now this other said the balance of all thought two themes of beauty truth and progress in other words live with the ideal but do not neglect the practical he said aim to adjust the two and strive to be on the outside of what you idealize on the inside your thoughts make you and your ideals principles or ruling desires will determine your destiny now I have studied this material since 1961 october 1961 is when I really began to study this so naturally I've watched a lot of things changed I watched things change in the world I've watched the attitude of people shift and it shift primarily because we're starting to understand ourselves better we have here learn to use your powers unless you wish to be used by them make a daily effort to use the knowledge that you have gained try to improve upon all of your opinions endeavor to obtain a truer and a larger conception of each of your personal views now I have found as we start to understand this and as we start to dig into these laws that everything in our life starts to shift do you know what the laws are think about it for a moment did you really understand the law of attraction before you saw the secret do you know a lot of people saw the secret and they thought that the law of attraction just came into being that's like hearing about the law of gravity and think we just invented it yesterday the law of attraction is always been here it's based on another great law the law of vibration well you're gonna find as weaken into these seven laws I'm going to give you a short overview on each one of them and if you take the videos that you're going to get and then take each one of them and watch one every day for a week now that may take you a few weeks to go through this but let's face it you've gone all your life without understanding in another few weeks the dedicated to understanding and it's gonna make a huge difference this is a phenomenal program that you're a part of I am so pleased that I have the opportunity to dig into these laws in some depth and share them with you you know then the author points out that man's problems are mental in nature they have no existence outside of themselves and it has been discovered that nearly all will yield up their solutions subjected to a broad and exact analysis you can acquire the ability by studying the law of life you know I mentioned on the secret where dr. Wernher von Braun said that the natural laws of this universe are so precise that we don't have any difficulty sending people to the moon and we contain the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second it wasn't it's strange that you would go all through life and never really understand these laws and yet these laws are impacting every aspect of your life from your relationships to the health of your body to your business to your personal skills everything is based on law when we violate the law we lose when we live in harmony with the law we start to win now he said you can acquire the ability by studying the law of life and the modes of expression then by constant effort usual thinking faculty in constructive ways as you work with these laws now have a good and sound reason for all the views you hold isn't that an interesting concept think of that for a moment you'll hear people say well I believe that doctor you hear yourself saying it why do you believe it if you ever really analyzed your own belief patterns why do you believe these things as you try to find why you hold these views many of your old-time views are gonna fall to pieces form a clear and definite idea regarding your convictions as to why as you do as you do and to why as you think as you think to see most people never really ask themselves why do I believe that do you know almost all your beliefs you've inherited that's true dates way back into your genetic nature from the moment of conception your ancestors I built right into the genes and we've got a lot of ideas locked up in our mind that violate the laws of this universe and that's what's causing our problem see it's no accident that a very small select group of people live really meaningful lives if so many others are struggling all the way through their life well you're going to find as you get involved in this program and I would encourage you to really take this serious this is serious work it's helped me are in millions of dollars build a company that operates all over the world make really meaningful friends on every continent if it's done that for me what can it do for you now keep in mind when I started to study this I only had about two months high school I had no business experience and my whole life changed like that there's so much good stuff here this author says clear and exact thinking gives a very great necessity it is in fact a sure means to advancement on the mental as well as the spiritual plane now I'm gonna leave you with something here that I think is very important a line of distinction however should be drawn between mere surface thought that is ordinary trivial and commonplace thinking and real thought which is associated with the understanding of these laws with the understanding of truth the latter is deep thinking which arouses dormant powers quickens of perception and leads to the enlargement of life on all planes to see most people's thinking takes them to last night's ballgame maybe the weather or who won the election what we're talking about is deep penetrating thought really dig into our mind let's figure out how we can take quantum leaps just jumps ahead rather than small incremental changes let's find out how we can turn our annual income to a monthly income like that because you can do it if I do it you can do it and I'm gonna show you how I did it and I'm gonna take you into each one of the other eleven laws and I will in fact elaborate on the law of attraction because when you really understand that law everything in your life is going to start to shift see the truth the real basic truth is everything that comes into our life we've attracted we're literally magnetized to it do you know that your brain is an electronic switching station it controls the vibratory rate of this massive energy that we call our body I'm not my body I'm not my brain you're not your body you're not your brain but you do have a brain we have a marvelous mind and we can control the vibration we're in and when we do we start to control what comes into our life you're going to love these laws and you're gonna want to share them and you should share them givers game I want you to get them I want you to study them get involved in this program and then set the site a time to really study it don't treat this as just any recorded program this is very special since october 1961 i have been absolutely obsessed with studying one subject why you do what you do and why you don't do many of the things you want to do I want you to think of what you really want to do what do you want to do with the rest of your life you know if you go to my website I tell you I'm there if you tell me what you want I can show you how to get it and I can but you've got to decide what you want and then you want to get into these lessons 11 laws it's phenomenal at the 12th I'm going to elaborate on it for you make sure you get involved set aside the time and you're gonna love it the videos that you're gonna receive here will change your life along with the rest of the program life will never be the same again this is by procter and thank you and I look forward to meeting you in the seminar sometime in the very near future mind is the master power that molds and makes and man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and shaping what he wills brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills we think in secret and it comes to pass our environment is about our looking-glass you know James Allen wrote those words a little over 100 years ago I began to study them close to fifty years ago every year they mean a little more to me I want to talk to you here about the law of thinking thinking is a powerful force it's been said that it's the most powerful force we're capable of do you know Archibald MacLeish a Pulitzer prize-winning playwright had a character stand up in a play one time they called the secret of freedom and the character says the only thing about a man that is a man is his mind everything else you'll find in a pig or horse you know it sounds like your funny line but it's true everything else you will find in a pig rehearse you see the mind it's the most powerful force in the world and thinking is a very very powerful form of energy thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space now as we go into the laws of thinking I want to refer to a few points from Raymond Halliwell he said to the average person life is an enigma a deep mystery of complex and incomprehensible problem or appear so but it's very simple if one holds the key you see mystery is just another name for ignorant all things are mysterious when they're not understood but when we understand life it no longer appears mysterious you know until I was 26 life was a real mystery to me it was an incomprehensible problem and of course I had many problems but then it began to study and I began to study this information and you know it took me a while but as they started to adopt the concepts and adapt my mind to them my life started to change my problems started to sorta disappeared I started doing a lot more money I was living in a healthy body very rarely ever being ill I noticed that I started to attract different people into my life more interesting people to see the truth was I was just becoming a more interesting person a persons interesting because they're interested and you see as we start thinking powerful thoughts everything starts to happen now let me share something then Raymond holliwell said he said we're progressive beings you and I a creature of constant growth before whom lies and in limit emotion of progress to be now have navigated and conquered only by development and culture of our inherent powers the progress of the individual is largely determined by what what do you think it is now let me share that again the progress of the individual is largely determined by its good question isn't it it's by his ruling mental state because the mind is the basic factor in governing power in the entire life my life and your life you see attention should be given to the predominant mental state for it will regulate the action and direction of all one's forces faculties and powers the sum total of which will inevitably determine many particular experiences and the personal fate you see the ruling state is like the CPU you're familiar with your computer well that's that's what the ruling state of the computer see the ruling state of mind is made up of various mental attitudes which the individual adopts towards things events and life in general if the attitudes are brought in mind optimistic in tone and true of life his predominant mental state will be correspond and exhibit a highly constructive and progressive tendency as almost all the forces of the personality function through the conscious mind in one way or another and as the daily mental and physical acts are largely controlled by the conscious mind it's obvious that the leading mental state must determine the direction which the powers of the individual must proceed to see the ruling mental state is everything I know that you and I have been trained to believe that we've got to change what's going on out there you know we've got to fix this and fix that and we have literally been programmed to live through our senses to go by what we hear see smell taste or touch but you know there's been little thought given to our higher faculties perception the will intuition memory reason imagination and see they're all our inner faculties and that's where it really happens this is where it all begins inside you don't have to worry about changing what's going on out there I don't care if it's your bank account or the healthier body you're gonna find the x-rays will show different you the bank account will show a different balance and everything in life will begin to change as you take over the power of thought that is a very very powerful force let me share something that Raymond holywell says on thought he says thought is a subtle element although it is invisible to the physical sight it is an actual force of substance as real electricity light heat water or even stone we are surrounded by a vast ocean of thought through which our thoughts passed like currents of electricity or tiny streaks of light or musical waves you can flash or thoughts from pole to pole completely around the world many times in less than a single second now think of what he's saying you can flash your thoughts right around the globe several times in less than a single second scientists tell us that thought is compared with the speed of light they tell us our thoughts travel at the rate of a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second we have a hard time comprehending that he goes on to point out that our thought travels nine hundred and thirty thousand times faster than the sound of our voice no other force or power in the universe yet known is as great or as quick it is a proven fact scientifically that the mind is a battery force the greatest of any known element you see the thinker is like the computer processor you know when it's finely tuned it really works fast you can think in what you think ultimately produces the results in your life see there's laws to thought I'm going to tell you something that I've learned beyond a shadow of a doubt the thoughts that you think and turn over to your emotional mind instantly by a law control the vibratory rate of your body your body is a massive magnetic energy it truly is you know if you put your body in front for an infrared television camera in a completely dark room you just see it as a glistening radiating gleaming form as a matter of fact yes you could hear it it would be like a symphonic concert being played oh I know to the eye it just looks like a thing you know but it's not a thing the body itself is one of the most magnificent instruments on the planet and you live in one and it's how you think that is going to dictate what this body is going to do we know that our actions produce our results if we want to change our results we've got to change your actions however if you don't go to the thought the action center both the actions may change temporarily but believe me the thoughts that you think repeatedly become fixed in your subconscious mind and those thoughts are going to determine what happens in your life make no mistake about it now play with this for a moment we hear a lot about positive and negative attitudes or positive and negative thinking well some think that we deal with two forces that is we attract the good and we must do away with the bad you've heard that many times we attract the good we must do away with the bad well that is not true for example if we are cold we do not work with cold and heat alike in order to get warm this is very simple processing that we're going through here mental processing we build a fire and we gather around the fire and we enjoy the heat that is extended from it and we become warm as we build warmth the cold disappears for the cold is the absence of the heat just like dark is absence of the light let there be light to be warm we give our whole thought to those things which can to create warmth we ignore the called and thinking of heat and bring forth heat prosperity and poverty are not two things there are merely two sides of one thing the same thing there is but one power rightly or wrongly used we cannot think of plenty and then worry about the unfavorable conditions that may seem apparent if you want to change the results in your life and I'm just working on the premise that you do or you wouldn't even be watching this film right now give your thought to your mind give serious thought to this series of overviews that I'm doing on the laws that you're studying to see Huxley was right he said the only corner of the universe that we can be certain of improving it's our own self that's all you know all those things we want to change outside we're all a reflection of what's going on inside well that may be a big idea for you right now but as you study this for a week a month a year and then come back and hear me say that it's gonna sound like a totally different statement you choose your thoughts and your thoughts create your life you truly do become what you think about there is a law of thinking make no mistake about it this is Bob Proctor and thank you hello there how would your life change if you woke up this morning and find that someone had deposited nine million dollars in your bank account how would that affect you how would your mind shift if next week just like that you attracted a thousand new clients into your business a thousand what would your life be like if things just like that you realize to add the energy of a twenty year old how would your mind shift if mensa recognize you as the smartest person on the planet they're good questions I think well let me tell you something there's a lot more than nine million just waiting there to come into your life there's an infinite supply and the thousand clients there's tens of thousands of people out there just waiting for someone to come and serve them and the twenty-year-old energy do you know all the energy there ever was or ever will be is a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time no one gets energy everyone releases energy and desire is the triggering mechanism that releases energy and as far as being the smartest hey listen the smartest some more times are not the most effective being smart isn't the answer being effective as the answer and you know that all the knowledge there ever was or ever will be is a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time I'm by procter and I want to talk to you about the law of supply as we're going through and giving you an overview in this video series of the laws those eleven loss laws supply is one of them do you know Holly well said that man's never satisfied never satisfied the fact is deplored by many but God did not intend man to be forever satisfied you see dissatisfaction is actually a creative state that's right there's a lot of people that mix up satisfaction and happiness you can be very happy and very dissatisfied I am never satisfied with the results that we get in our company any of the companies that we have I'm happy with but never satisfied see dissatisfaction is a creative state it was dissatisfaction that led to the the incandescent light Edison just got sick and tired of dealing with a wax candle her kerosene lamp you think it was dissatisfaction led the Wright brothers to introduce us to a brand new Kingdom it was dissatisfaction it took heed me Hillary right to the top of the world it was dissatisfaction that caused John Kennedy to make a statement that we would be on the moon in this decade he said that our way back in the 60s now I hope you are dissatisfied and if you're not well I'm gonna say a quiet prayer for you see we believe therefore that it is right and good for people to seek to gratify all pure desires and ambitions now I know there's a lot of people that don't agree with that but they don't agree with a lot of things but you're gonna find out the small select group of people that really understand these laws understand there is an infinite source of supply everything comes from one infinite source everything's made from the same the difficulty with some is that they can more easily look to the creature as the source of their substance and to the creator just beyond the average person's grasp we don't really believe that God is the support source of our substance yeah when we start to believe it I think it starts to happen let me share something with you that I read a long time ago dr. Wernher von Braun was whether the greatest scientists that ever lived he's considered by many as the father of the space program think about this for a moment he said after studying this Specter before I mention this let me also mention that for a long time science and religion were antagonistic they just could not come together but they since have come together now von Braun said that after years of studying the spectacular mysteries of the cosmos he was led into a firm belief in the existence of God yeah I'm not trying to turn this into a religious dissertation I am just mentioning my own personal belief after studying these laws were very close to 50 years I see the law as the uniform and orderly method of the omnipotent God a law is something that happens every time with every person everywhere and everyone that has accomplished anything will be quick to tell you this see as we look back everybody loves a dead genius they really do but you know all of these great geniuses from history that we look at they would consider geniuses when they were alive the Wright brothers were considered real heretics they really were see the people that made it happen they were out of the box they weren't ordinary thinkers but they understood that there was this governing process called the law you see before we're able to believe in abundance of good we've got to then see and enjoy and that everything comes from one infinite source of supply and when we really understand that everything is going to change direction for us nothing can be made from something any more than something can be made from nothing but where does water come from let's give it some thought if we went outside on a nice clear day and stood there with the cup just stood there and we were patient and we stayed there long enough to know that that cup would fill with water yeah you would see in the no thing no thing you would see a cloud formation and the cloud would become very heavy and very dark and before long water would fall out of it now if we stayed there with that cop where would the water go to he'd go right back to where it came from she has above so below as below so above would you think about that nothing is created or destroyed everything's in a constant evolution change we literally live in an ocean of motion you and I have the godlike ability to create images in our mind and as we create the images in our mind we controlled the vibration that we're in and that vibration sets up an attractive force in the seminars that I conduct I hold up a little acorn sometimes that comes from a giant oak tree but the little acorn is nothing but a mass of energy in a high speed of vibration it's just a little physical nut now if I kept that acorn in my pocket that a garden would disintegrate because it's governed by a berries very basic law I create or disintegrate and it's not in an environment that's conducive to its unfoldment but let's suppose I take an I plant that acorn in the earth do you know that there's particles of Earth that are in harmonious vibration with that little mass of energy that we call an acorn see if you looked at the acorn through a microscope it's not solid it's just a little mass of energy that's dancing let me digress for a moment but suppose I took two drops of water on a glass top table and I pushed them together until they touched then I'd have one drop wouldn't I had to have a bigger drop let's suppose I put another drop and I pushed it together what do you think the odds are of me separating that one little drop the one little puddle I guess I could say back into the same three little mass of molecules those same three dots you know it's not going to happen you know what God hath joined together gives it new meaning doesn't it well do you see there's particles of energy that's jammed right up against the Acorn in the earth that don't vibrate in harmony with the Acorn but there's particles of energy that do vibrated in harmony at the Acorn and the Acorn is like a magnetic force and if you could see it with the naked eye you would see little particles of energy marching just like obedient soldiers right towards the a coin and as they touch the Acorn like that like the two drops of water they become one with the Acorn and this process is continuous it's continuous and the only particles of energy that CLE Acorn can attract are the particles that vibrate in harmony with it they're on a frequency and the Acorn keeps attracting and keeps expanding and the shoots come out of the bottom then it breaks through the earth which tracks from the atmosphere oils from the earth and before long you'll see a giant oak tree all by attraction it's all energy moving there's one source of supply just one well do you know that you are attracting to you right now from an infinite source now if you're holding thoughts of it lack and limitation that's what you're going to attract the universe by law can only give you what you put in the order for it what are you putting in the order for we talked in a previous video about thinking there's a law of thinking well as you think you attract so think about it what have you put in order for what are you attracting everything comes from one infinite source you might say well I don't really understand that then just take my word for it because I do understand it and if you study it for a while you're gonna start to understand it like Solomon said and all you're getting get understanding well let's understand where everything does come from there's no lack there's no limitation as long as you live through your sensory factors and just go by what you see then there will be lacking limitation because you're dealing with a very limited view but when you start dealing with the gods eye view you see things from a much higher level there's no lack of no limitation and understand this what you think you attract and you attract from one infinite source of supply study this law of supply it's a phenomenal law and it works for every person every time everywhere this is Bob Proctor thank you hello there and welcome I'm Bob Proctor and I am attracting good great and wonderful things into my life money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis through the law of attraction and that's what I want to talk to you about the law of attraction see the underlying law that regulates supply in the world of effects has two important phases one is desire and the other is expectation I want you to imagine that you're fishing then you may have never gone fishing you've certainly seen people that have gone fishing and you take in you get the line all fixed and for whom you cast it out as soon as that plug hits the water bang a fish strikes and you got the fish on the end of the line but you are never going to have that fish if you don't reel it in well you see when we desire something we are instantly connected with the invisible side of whatever good we desire its expectation that reels it in now most people don't understand this and they attract what they don't want rather than what they do want I remember of years and years ago I get a bumper sticker that said expect a miracle and and I kept looking at that bumper sticker and I kept looking at it looking at it and I got to the point where I was expecting something so good to happen in my life that I wouldn't be able to explain it to see I come to realize that a miracle is a word Voltaire said it's a word that we invented to express the known effects of unknown causes yet something that's so good that's happened to us that we're at a loss to explain how it happened I want to explain how i attracted something into my life that literally changed my life changed my business but it changed the lives of two or three-hundred million people as well I got a phone call on my cell phone and it was a very garbled message I had difficulty understanding it and I didn't delete it but I just kept hitting the pound of the hash and leaving it there in the and one day my phone was full so that way I should empty the thing I think I was in an airport at the time so I sat down and I took all the messages off one at a time and wrote them all out and then deleted them and I phoned Jenny Hayden who's worked with me for the past quarter-century and I said Jayden Gina I think this woman's name is Glenda and I think this is the phone number it sounds like an Australian phone number where'd you phone either something about a film would you phone and see if if the numbers even the right number now I'd had it on my phone for a good month and so in any rate a couple of days later or maybe even later that day I forgot now and I'm talking to Gina and she said well that was the right message her name was Glenda and the other a phone number and there's a film crew in from Australia and they're shooting this film and they really wanted you in it but they have been able to reach you and they're shooting in Aspen all weekend and they're going back to Australia first of the week and Jana said isn't that strange Bob's doing a seminar this week in Aspen now I hadn't been in Aspen for a couple of years and I check into my hotel I just went next door where they were shooting the film and the film of course was the secret and you know all of a sudden all over the world now people know Bob Proctor and they know about the work that I did that I love doing I believe that i attracted run to burn into my life but I also believe Rhonda Byrne attracted me into her life and you see the secret I attracted I expected something big to happen and I'm gonna tell you something I expect something even bigger to happen now the law of attraction is it's a lot that many people now are very familiar with and of course I think the secret has probably communicated that law better than anything that that I have come across in all the years I've been in this business they deserve the people that put that all together serve a lot of credit they lot of people think I made it I didn't make the film I just sat there for a couple hours and talked sharing what I knew and a lot of good things have happened now the law of attraction is not a primary law the law of vibration is the primary law see everything in the universe vibrates we literally live in an ocean of motion I want you to look at the walls that surround you you think those walls are solid they're not solid nothing is resting everything is moving a body and a confidence moving now you may think that I'm sniffing something but I'm really not if you go into a into a funeral home and pick up the remains and look at it through a microscope you will see particles of energy dancing right before your eyes now if it wasn't moving how would it ever change to dust well do you see you and I have a brain and our brain is an electronic switching station and our thoughts activate brain cells and control the vibration we're in and the vibration we're in controls what we attract into our life that this law of attraction is a phenomenal law and and I think the law of attraction as its brought out in this series is any it's very well done and I would encourage you to study into it in some depth because everything that comes into your life you attract into your life now you may be saying does that mean that I have a call that I sat and thought I'm going to get a call no it doesn't mean that at all but you did attract the cold just say I don't think you you sit and think I'm going to attract a called I think you put yourself in a very confused vibration there's a law of gender it decrees that all seeds have a gestation during an incubation period and after about 30 45 days of going through that indecision that confused state you have a cold that's what the cold is it's just the expression of all the confusion anyway we do attract everything into our life now for many many years I am I had terrible time with money as most people do and I was forever letting my outside world control my thinking so my outside world was dictating what I was going to attract though I didn't have any money I had debt and I'm thinking that I attract that if your goal is to get out of debt you're gonna stand dead forever because whatever you think of you attract you'll save it I was thinking of getting go to dad I don't care if it's get out or get in you've got to start seeing what you want in a previous lesson we pointed out that that you don't work on cold if you're cold you work on heat see cold is the absence of heat so you work at creating heat well if you want good in your life quit trying to change the bad quit trying to get rid of the bad let it go let the dead bury the dead let it be part of the past start to see the good that you desire visualize it see it as present in your mind the second you've got the idea in your mind you've got it intellectually the second you internalize it you've got it emotionally and then it's only a period of time until you attract it physically attractions a very powerful process we are all magnetic creatures we're all made a massive energy everything in the universe works on the law of attraction you go into some restaurants and they're always busy the energy is good in those restaurants you go into others there's hardly anybody there that's strange you went into a clothes store and you you may be the only person there outside of the person that's running it you go into others and there's people coming and they're going all the time it has to do with the energy of the place of business and the place of business is nothing but an expression of the consciousness of the person that's running the business when we start to understand this when we start to understand that we literally attract everything into our life and it's our thoughts that are controlling what we attract our whole world's going to change you see nature's does is not just deprived of any or desired thing now holliwell points us out so well it does provide us with the mental equipment and the inner power to acquire ended joy the essential good to ensure a happy and a worthwhile existence and it all happens in a very simple method it's it's so complicated because nobody studies it see I always feel if we can teach a little child that maybe is just learning to walk how to talk we can teach them language we can teach them multiple language a baby at birth is a linguistic genius if we can teach the child language surely we can teach them something so basic as these laws you say well why haven't we because hardly anybody understood them the parents not gonna teach this something to the child that they don't even know the parents only going to give the child what they've got just see what you don't fix your kids are going to inherit you should put a big sign on the refrigerator attraction put it on the outside of your bank account hanging in your mirror where you put your makeup or shave in the morning put the word attraction everywhere and start to realize whatever you want you'll begin to attract that is an absolute law this isn't just my idea it is an idea that I've fallen in love with and I want to recommend you fall in love with it study these laws every day now keep in mind there's video series is just an overview of these laws get into it in depth get the script study the script you'd be so glad you did this is Bob Proctor for many years now in seminars that I've been conducting or conferences where I'm speaking I mentioned to the audience a personal growth program might be if it does not have a spiritual foundation in my opinion it's incomplete this program definitely has a spiritual foundation I'm Bob Proctor and I want to talk to you on the law of receiving here's a line from it he who seeks a greater life with getting as his objective does not seek life in kunis of spirit in other words they're gonna have a problem they are definitely going to have a problem now let me read another highlight from this program and that's exactly what this video series is it's it's a series of highlights that I've gleaned from this over many years of studying it in a state of limited understanding we reasoned that we must get before we can give and then we turn and walk in the same mental rut as before by reasoning that we must give before we can get but in our lack of understanding we continue to leave the getting idea foremost in our thought and we shut out the spirit of giving now giving which is the first fundamental law of life it's the first law of all creation the attitude of getting is the law of life in a congested state now I'm going to repeat that the attitude of giving is the law of life in a congested state or a repressed action as long as getting dominates a mind that mind is in a paralyzed condition being limited in its action in accordance with the fundamental law of creation many years ago I had a wonderful mentor who's gone now and I I really miss him Leland Bell Vander Waal he was a big man in stature but in understanding and he taught me something very valuable very early in my career in this business he said Bob you must willingly give and graciously receive he said you have to understand that this entire universe is based on a law of circulation you've got to keep the energy circulating you're merely a terminal through which it flows to see I have since come to the understanding that you and I are here to do God's work now God being the creator workers creation God's workers Christian and so you and I are given creative faculties and through the proper use of these creative faculties everything starts to happen and a very good way for us we have to understand the laws well we have to understand that receiving is a law now before you can receive you have to create a space for it in the last chapter in the born rich book or the program that I did a number of years ago I talked about the vacuum law of prosperity you must create a space for the good that you desire now to create a space for the good that you desire you must give something you have to let go of something before you can receive something as you activate ideas in your mind and send off a charge of energy your brain will take on an equal amount of energy of a like nature if you send out a negative thought your brain is going to take on an equal amount of negative energy however if you send out a positive energy your brain is going to take on an equal amount of positive energy this is so basic getting at it so misunderstood you see we've got to be relaxed if we're gonna help this happen you you've got to put yourself in a totally relaxed state and you have to operate with understanding now I'm not suggesting this is gonna happen just because you're watching this video but it will happen if you continue to watch it over and over and over again something's going to click inside I have found through repetition our perception of life changes in changes dramatically see perception is one of our intellectual factors it enables us to see life in many different ways as we increase our awareness our perception of life changes well we've got to realize that everything we're seeking is seeking us we've got to be open to the good that we're looking for in life we've got to understand that the only way to receive good is to give good we've got to put it out and we take it on if I cause someone I come in contact with to feel good about themselves I am going to feel good because I put that good through me to get to them so you see I receive simultaneous with giving they're all hooked together you can't separate them it's the flip side of the coin but before we can receive we've got to give now you know it's like we say how can I give if I haven't got it but you have got it you have got it you give what you have god you see I think you should give your time your energy your loyalty your knowledge your money keep giving it and you're going to keep getting more when we open ourselves up to receive we're gonna find that we are in a relaxed state let me read you something then holliwell pointed out when we relax from strain the law has a chance to reply to our desires and things begin to change for us have you not seen this work in trivial things such as books or clothing or invitations or a desire to see a certain friend possibly at some time you sent her to thought or a desire and then forgot about it just totally forgot about it the next thing you knew you had the book presented to you you received an invitation you were walking down the street and bumped into the friend that you desired to mean it happens all the time but you see if we're focused on it and we're straining and we're really you don't crying everything we've got we're uptight it doesn't happen my wife and business partner Jerry Robert and I were sitting in a restaurant the other night and it was rather interesting we had just sat down and this woman come over and she was bubbling over she says I can't believe it you I just can't believe I said to my partner do you see who just walked in here and and she said I just can't believe it you and then she pulled the secret out of her purse and then in a very excited fashion she waved her partner to come up he was the chairman and CEO of a company she was the president and chief operating officer of the company the company is world moon resorts their brand is the moon how'd you like that that for a brand everybody on earth can look up and see their brand doesn't matter where they are well she started to tell us a story how they were working on this project they've been working on it for about 10 years that they've been working on this project and they had spent millions of dollars and all of their time and they were almost ready to give up and I guess when they're almost ready to give up they just sort of relaxed and someone gave them the secret and the secret fired them up again now we were listening to them we weren't quite sure what they were talking about moon resorts and and they were going to build this place in Abu Dhabi over in the UAE in and and it was going to be the largest the largest project in the world 60,000 condos and we're looking at them and listening or thinking wow you know this is really getting pretty interesting then they gave me their two business cards and they said here's your ticket to the moon now he went out to the car and come back in and gave us a DVD I got home and I watched the DVD well it almost blew my mind it was absolutely incredible I want you to go to their website and take a look at it says it's phenomenal and you know these two people were so excited by what they received but they had been giving giving giving they've been putting out for years and somebody walked up and handed this to them and I thought well if they're that excited over the secret I'm gonna excite them some more so when I got home I sent them a science of getting rich program big box in a briefcase and they got it the next day tonight Jerry and my business partner my wife and I and Sandy another business partner mine we're gonna have dinner with them they're leaving for Abu Dhabi tomorrow but they're fascinating people they're operating with a huge idea these people are really into understanding this and they're putting out and they're receiving but you've got to understand it's the thought that you give it with that makes the difference do you know there's an interesting story that Billy Graham tells about one time this is when they were struggling this is when Billy Graham was really just starting out and $100 probably would have rented a real nice place for a month and bought the food that you needed but in any rate that collection plate come around and he put $100 bill in and later on he says to his wife my goodness I thought I'd put $20 in I put a hundred and she looked at him she said isn't that too bad you're only going to get the good back for putting 20 out what a great story and that's exactly the way it is you'll say but he gave a hundred wouldn't know the thought that he gave it with he was giving 20 you see it's thinking that controls everything it's the thought we give it with in the science of getting rich we talked about leaving everyone with the impression of increase why because by giving out good we're going to receive see the giving and the receiving are all tied together they're not separate you've got to be open to receive but you'll be open to receive when you really understand the concept of giving this is an order of the universe and energy is forever moving you have to understand that your life is full right now now it may not be full of what you want but your life is full your calendar is full all your time as spoken for they'll say well it's really not I've got a lot of waste of time that's how you're using it then we must replace the waste with productivity yeah and for everything in your life you don't want it's part of what your life's full of what you've got in your life is a reflection of what you've been giving and if you want greater good you've got to give greater good the more good we put out the more we're going to take on we don't have to worry about what we're going to receive let's understand the receiving is governed by law and the basic law behind it is in giving and as you give you receive you see if you're sitting at a chair right now you can't you couldn't put anything where that chair is until you get rid of the chair this way the vacuum law prosperity is such a beautiful concept nature truly of the horse vacuum you give and you give in abundance press down and running over and I guarantee you you'll never have to worry about what you're gonna receive but like my old mentor said we've got to willingly give and graciously receive and you see willingly giving that's the expression of a lot of faith but it isn't blind faith it's faith based on an understanding of these laws so as you dig into this law of receiving start to thinking of who you can give to what you can give where you can give and then give everywhere you go gives that very best you've got and you know something you'll receive the very best the universe has it's sitting there waiting for you this is Bob Proctor and thank you hello there and welcome I'm Bob Proctor now I want to talk to you about the law of increase you see I'm betting that you would like everything in your life to increase I bet you want more love I bet you want better health more energy more money more business and that's very natural you should want it but you've got to understand you can have it that's the beautiful truth there is an infinite source of supply I love the way Thomas TRO word put it when you're dealing with infinity you can never take more than your share you see if we had a pie and we'd cut the pie maybe in six pieces we can all relate back to this more kids if you wanted a bigger piece of pie someone had to get a smaller piece of pie but we're not dealing with a pie we're dealing with creation and we can make a bigger pie and then everyone can have a bigger piece increase in life is based upon laws you know there's a marvelous series of programs that you probably have and you probably love the science of getting rich in fact it was the science of getting rich that the secret was based on it was a science of getting rich that Rhonda Byrne read her daughter gave it Tory and everything started to happen in her head well Lloyd Conant gave me the science of getting rich in 1968 it wasn't long after that and I come across Raymond Holley oils work on the law I was looking for a book or a program that explained the law in practical everyday person's thinking way of life and I was having difficulty finding and I had bucks on the law but most of them were so heavy the average person would have just died trying to understand them and I got picked up at O'Hare Airport in Chicago one day by a lady that was taking me to the hotel to do a seminar and she had a bench seat in the front of her car and beside her was a big brown paper shopping bag and when I get in the car she's you want to look in that bag I found a new book start and I put my hand in and I pulled out this green book working with the law by Raymond holliwell and I looked at her and I said you've got one last book I'm taking this book with me I have attracted this book I had been looking for this book for a long time now in that book holliwell talks about all this information that we're sharing with you Mary Morris and I have studied the same material for a long time and we created this program that you are involved in right now and you see this series of videotapes is really just an overview of these laws and the law of increase is one that you really want to understand if you're going to increase anything in your life you have to raise it yeah you may say well how do you do that well in the science of getting rich the seventh chapter is on gratitude and the more grateful you are the more you're going to receive you but you've really got to be grateful now praising and gratitude or very much along the same line see we want to praise our source of supply we're in a praise spirit we want to praise abundance and it's going to come into our life now let me share something right out of the book listen very carefully to this have you ever had someone condemned or criticize your efforts when you were given the best you thought you had and really tried to please them I'm sure you have I know I have and I'm sure you have didn't you feel like folding up and just quitting let's say it's over perhaps even felt like quitting the job and letting someone else worry about it well least of all such an experience suppress your interest your zeal you see and you did not desire to do better now holly was mentioning this that's how one reacts when the law is reversed whereas when someone praises you for efforts you feel like expanding and do better trying harder to be more perfect your interest becomes greater because of that pleasure and within your happiness you bring happiness into your work and all around you it is a well-known fact that every plant is responsive to praise for I've even seen flowers praise to longer life and beauty we say a person that praises the plants has a green thumb they say that person just has a green thumb they've got such beautiful gardens but they love their gardens they loved them they said nothing but loving energy to the plants well when you send loving energy to your source of supply you're gonna find that increase is just automatically going to happen you're just gonna get more you know I have read time and time again and I experienced this myself so I know it to be true that people that are very successful in something have a very difficult time differentiating between work and pleasure and that is because they love what they're doing there forever they're forever grateful for being able to do what they're doing they do praise it and the more you praise what you're doing or the people that's working with you the more you're going to win it's been proven that a failing business can be praised into success supposed lost friends have returned their affections when the law of praise was used think about this when you put good into anything Goods going to come back we started this whole series out with thinking we pointed out that every great leader that has ever lived has been in complete unanimous agreement that we become what we think about well if you think bad thoughts and if you're looking at things and you're looking at the downside and you're condemning and criticizing everyone what kind of a vibration are you in but if you're looking at what they do good you're looking for the good and everything and you're praising them what happens do you know that a child that is raised with criticism grows up very insecure human being it's true this is a known fact that child that's raised with praise grows up very confident the child that's raised with criticism usually struggles throughout their life the child that's raised with praise goes on to become a great leader and very confident this is so obvious it's true in plant life it's true with money it's true with your friends praise your friends praise what they're doing I guarantee you they're gonna think better thoughts of you they're gonna be looking for what they can do for you to be a rocket scientist to figure this out praise changes our observation our whole outlook of life in the past we were in the habit of seeking our weaknesses and feelings as well as the shortcomings of others but now we see differently to see praise changes your perception now think of this for a moment if you're going to praise people for what they're doing you're first gonna have to look for something they're doing good and if you're looking for something to do they're doing good what you're doing is you're using one of your higher faculties one of your creative faculties called perception you're looking for it you're seeing the good in it then when you see it you want to make them aware that you see it well this doesn't just work with people this works with plants it works with animals it works with all of life because we've got to realize that intelligence is omnipresent intelligence there's intelligence in a garden Rock there's just no conscious awareness of the intelligence see intelligence is omnipresent we're talking about a power that's a hundred percent evenly present in all places at the same time yet this power operates in a very exact way it's by law so it only makes sense that if praise works with people it works with plants works with animals it works with all of life and if we're going to praise anything we're gonna have to see the good in it we want to look for the good and then we want to praise it now if I were looking for the bad you're not gonna praise bad you're gonna criticize it you're gonna condemn it you're gonna feel bad you're gonna feel sorry for yourself but if you're using your perception to find the good in life then it's gonna become easy to praise it be grateful for it see praise is it's a great concept and you want to know something it is the basic foundation governing the law of increase if you want to increase anything in your life begin to praise it be grateful for whatever you've got and see greater good coming now remember we talked about receiving you've got to be open for it gotta be relaxed if you want to receive increase you got to be open you got to be relaxed you got to praise what you've got I know that you're enjoying this series I know you are because I'm enjoying doing it I'm enjoying sharing this now if I am enjoy sharing this with you I know that you're enjoying receiving it what I want to suggest is you do what I'm doing it works it's helped me earn millions of dollars it's helped me build an enormous abundance of friends all over the world it's helped me build a business right around the world so I want you to do what I'm doing I am enjoying sharing this and I'm praising you for using it you go and extend it let's keep this energy flowing to me through me to you through you who are you gonna give it to you know it works you want to increase praise what you've got and share it willingly give it and graciously receive it a law of increase is based on a fundamental principle praise this by procter thank you you know it's written in the good book that whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap well you know Emerson said that was the law of laws and he said if that law didn't exist we should invent it I'm Bob Proctor and I want to talk to you about the law of compensation I first learned the law of compensation from Earl Nightingale Earl Lindt Gil explained it probably better than anywhere I've ever read it no I've read Emerson's essay on compensation and we of course have the law of compensation here in this working with the law series but the law of compensation is a law that we must understand and we must understand it if we're going to apply it and when we do apply it we're going to find that the universe is very friendly towards us the law of compensation is based on three steps the amount of money or good you receive is going to be in direct ratio to the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there isn't replacing you I want you to think about that for a moment the amount of money or the good you receive in life is going to be based on just three points the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there will be in replacing you you see I quickly learned that there is a phenomenal need for what we do in our business people are confused people do not understand the laws people are are watching too what's going on in the world we're dealing in a very fast changing world we're not dealing the world's not getting bigger the world's getting smaller we're dealing in a world market today you're only just a touch of a button away from anywhere in the world we can look and watch what's going on in the opposite side of the world on a television set that's strapped to our wrist the size of a watch hit a button today and we send a message to a million people all at once and they get it wherever they are with email think of how the world has changed it's changing so dramatically and you know what it's looking for it's looking for a fective people that's right everybody on someone to serve them now think is there a need for what you do I would suggest there probably is there's probably a great need for what you do and you didn't even have to do anything to create that need it's there the second step it's your ability to fill that need how good are you at doing what you do that's so important we understand that most people just do enough to get by it's been often said that most people were just diligently enough so they don't get fired and the company pays them just enough so they won't quit it doesn't work it doesn't work it's in violation of the law of compensation see the second step your ability to do it he is going to take care of the third step if you do the second step right then difficult either is and replacing you when you become so effective at what you do you're very difficult to replace that's when your stock goes up you will find that there will be people waiting in the wings to hire you to pay you to go and work for them when you perform your task to the very best of your ability or when you are through your work and you do it well you infallibly bring out the best there is in you and you see I learned a long time ago that if I make up my mind I'm going to learn how to communicate this more effectively all the time then my income is going to keep going up my customers are going to keep coming now we have people come to us from all over the world that is not an accident that is by design and it's by law now you might ask where you live I live in Toronto in Canada now my office is in Phoenix but I have other offices around the world and I work with people all over the world but how did you and I come together I'm going to suggest that you and I came together because I need a decision many years ago that never going to stop attempting to improve the service I render and hopefully I would attract people like you into my life because I was giving the very best of God and always trying to do it better see every day I study I study every day now I've been doing this since 1961 prior to 1961 I never studied never did anything I just tried to get by and of course I didn't do very well I was earning just a little bit of money and I was in debt over my head and I had a difficult time finding work today I don't have a difficult time finding work I'm hiding from it from periodically but we work all over the world why well three steps the law of compensation the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there is in replacing you now if you make up your mind that and understand that you have infinite potential no one knows what you're capable of doing the most erudite science to live will not even guess at what you're capable of doing flair is integers concerned we've studied this many ways you've got about eleven million kilowatt hours per pound potential energy locked up in the electrons in the atoms of your body your brain is an electronic switching station that boggles the mind of the wisest your central nervous system is the most phenomenal electrical system in the entire universe it would make a supercomputer look like a toy do you know that the blood circulates through hundreds of miles of passageway every 33 seconds just like that it carries all the food in all the garbage out in one sweeping change have you ever stopped and thought about the power that you represent you've got all these mental faculties you can tap into an infinite source of supply listen when we talk about you we're talking about something that is awesome the highest form of creation on the planet that's what you and I are now are we using it well for many years I didn't my whole idea was just getting by but then they started to study this material and it started to make sense and I thought I'm going to change I'm going to change how I'm living and I got into our own eight gills material now get into Napoleon Hill first and interneural and I began to study it and I get into this law of compensation then he read Emerson's essay on compensation then I get into Raymond Holly Welles material in compensation it's all telling us the same thing it's up to you it's up to you the universe will give you whatever you asked for but you ask in the form of providing service you see you get back exactly what you put out you put a lot out you get a lot back we are raised with the misconception that you go to work to earn money you don't go to work to earn money working he's the very worst way to earn money we have a company called the Chairman's Club and the Chairman's Club is designed for one thing to show people how to earn money you just go to the life success or LS Chairman's Club calm life success Chairman's Club calm looking at that that's a sole purpose of it and in that Club we show people how to earn money how to set up multiple sources of income but the whole thing is based on providing service you got to provide service see the concept behind the club is that you can earn so much money when you're sleeping you can do whatever you want when you're awake now that sounds bizarre to most people but most people don't understand the law of compensation we're raised with the idea you go to work turn money you know go to work turn money you go to work to gain satisfaction you should spend your days doing what you absolutely love to do but compensation think about it our compensation comes to us by law it's based on three factors to me for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there can be in replacing I know you may have doubts you may think well if I do more I'm not necessarily gonna get more well you may not get it from where are you working it may not come from there it may come from somewhere else you say but the company makes up their mind how much I'm going to earn no they don't you don't get your pay from the company you get your pay through the company your pay comes from an infinite source of supply you see we've got a lot of these ideas wrong and looking if you become bigger than your present position by law you must move ahead that is an absolute law that's that that's the basic law of the universe when something becomes bigger than the position that it's in it moves on to the next space and if your company is not going to give you more there's going to be a dozen companies waiting in the wings for you to come along and help the lot of compensation is probably one of the most important laws I would suggest that as you turn this set off and you stop watching this particular video ask yourself how good am I what I'm doing could I get better at it could I get a lot better at it how can I get better at it understand this you've got the potential you've got more power than you than you will ever hope to utilize are you applying it who does a better job at what you do then you do are you studying those people study their lives find out what they do do what they do read the books they read the more you study this material the better you're going to get at what you do but always remember the law of compensation is based on three points the need for what you do your ability to do it and the difficulty there isn't replacing you and as you go through all the material in these laws and you study the law of compensation get the material get the physical material and study it it's all there you're gonna find that all the way through all this material those the three steps keep coming up the law of compensation it's based on what you do put the under job there put the effort note get better at what you're doing say I am going to get better every day at what I'm doing and your whole world will improve this is by Proctor thank you you know the law of non-resistance is a law that 9 out of 10 people violate and because they do they cause themself a lot of problems it's a pretty well-balanced individual that understands how to live in harmony and not let this get to them the law of non-resistance think of this for a moment when you go to do anything that's out of the box where you're really going where you've never been before you're gonna meet with resistance as a matter of fact if you don't meet with resistance you're probably going in the wrong direction you're not going ahead you're either going sideways or backwards resistance is a signal that you're moving into a new area however whatever you resist persists and what we're suggesting here is that you do not resist the resistance and it sounds like a bit of a mouthful but I understand this you and I are programmed to resist resistance it's part of our animalistic nature fight or flight what we want to do is master this instead of fight or flight or react let's respond you know there's a a beautiful concept is the law of psychological reciprocity that rests on this law that law states whenever you put good out you'll get good back but very rarely right away when you put better dang you get it right back well let's think about that for a moment we'll use the martial arts as a metaphor here karate is a very hard form of martial arts you whacked me I whack you you kicked me I kick you and we think the daylights out of each other that's resisting resistance karate is not the way we want to approach this when somebody yells at us let them yell let them vent all the negativity but not hit back then you take judo judo is where you take the strength of the other person's shot and put them down you know when much doing then if you know it's reported that Sir Winston Churchill was a master at psychological judo one time Bessie Braddock would being a member of parliament her Liverpool said Sir Winston your drunken disgusting he said yes madam I am he said in your reg'ment you're ugly but he said tomorrow morning I'm gonna be sober what are you doing win the battle and lose the war lady Astaire one time said to him Sir Winston if I was your wife I'd put arsenic in your coffee he said madam if I was your husband I would drink it resisted he loses George Bernard Shaw apparently had sent Sir Winston an invitation to Pygmalion when it come out in London that's we probably know better as my fair lady today and on the invitation he put a written note bring a friend if you have one it's a Winston Sentinel note back in saying that he was sorry he was tied up opening night but he said if the play still running the second night I'd be glad to come and see it and you see psychological judo you put the person down with the strength of their shot you win the battle but you lose the war now there's another way to do it the non-resistant wait it's called a Kato that's where you take a shot at me I duck and let it keep on going I take in mend and I duck and kill you kick i duck and keep on let it keep on going I do not let you touch me I don't fight back I stay fresh and when you vented all your negative energy I'm as fresh as a daisy and they could lead you to where you want to go that's non resistance see there's a law of non-resistance whatever you resist persists so the next time you meet with resistance rather than fight back just let it go it's not that important and if you can get this law down past I guarantee you you're going to have a good trip all the way to the top because you see it's whenever we got out of the box when we're moving ahead I'm working on a new project in fact I've been working on it for a year I have met with enormous amount of resistance I just let it go I just let it go and I know when there's a lot of resistance on a program that I'm involved in I'm on the right track to see if you're just goin sideways there isn't any resistance you're doing something you've already know the law of non-resistance of these eleven laws that you're getting this is one of the most important burn it into your mind and remember don't react respond I remember to close off with I was doing a seminar with a bunch of teenagers in Hawaii one time and I asked the kids I said what's the difference between reacting and responding this one a little fifteen-year-old girl looked up into space and put her hand up and she says reacting is a habit to respond you have to think who's the best answer I never got 15 years old to react is a habit to respond you have to think now think of this when you react whatever it is that's causing you to react wins you lose when you respond you win the law of non-resistance it's a great law to understand use it and you'll win this is Bob Proctor and thank you this is one law that I have really learned to love now I paid a big price before I learned it but when I did learn it my whole world changed and you know it wasn't until I had studied this material for some time that this law made sense let me read you something here that scientists have given to us these are very great people must understand that 90% of all the scientists that ever lived are alive today scientists accept the truth that the body of a human is moved by the mind that all its functioning is governed by a ruling thought whether that thought is subjective or objective whether it's conscious or unconscious those who study the mental processes find that all the conditions of the body are created and caused by the mind it is known that creation in and every form is governed by and subject to a law hence when one misuses inverts or violates a law this mistake is called a sin as interesting a sin is a mistake of misunderstanding and a misjudgment a mistake is falling short of or disobeying the law whether that law be mechanical or spiritual correction is the only method of adjustment or of appeasing the law thus repentance and forgiveness are the only means available to alter and correct that mistake I'm Bob Proctor and I want to talk to you about the law of forgiveness now for a long time I never understood this sin is truly transgression of the law now when I was a little boy I was sent to Sunday School like a lot of little boy that grew up in the part of the world where I grew up and if I didn't go my older sister would tell and so I was punished when I didn't go yeah I also learned that if I said this word or that word it was a sin and I was taught that the price of sin was death now I thought that was rather severe but that's what I grew up with that was the idea that this little boy learned at a very early age yeah I was a curious kid and I was told if I said this or if I did that it was a sin and again the price of sin was death well I thought I think I'm gonna take a bite out of this Apple and I said it and I didn't die I thought AHA I think I'll try this and I did it and I didn't die in fact it was fine I thought that must be true but you know later on in life as I started to learn the truth about how the universe operates the laws I found that it was true it was my understanding or perception of what these people were telling me and that was probably the problem and it probably was even further than that it's because of their intention of what they were saying because I think I was getting what they were saying to me what do you see there's a very basic law of life and that law says create or disintegrate we're going ahead and we're going back now disintegrate doesn't mean that you're just going to disappear you know when we talk about live or die that doesn't mean that our hearts gonna stop and the blood stops flowing and we're either you know incinerated or placed in the ground that doesn't that what that means it means that we're either going ahead or we're going backwards that means things are getting better or they're getting worse if we violate the law the price of sin is death means things are going backwards things are not going to be as good as we want them to be if we live in harmony with the law we're going to go ahead so do you see Cynthia's transgression of the law price of sin is you're gonna go backwards live in harmony with the love you're gonna go ahead now forgiveness is a phenomenal concept I never used to think much of it I thought forgive you know what's it mean it means let go of completely abandon forgive yourself you can't change what you did do you know there's many people wander around with great feelings of guilt guilt is a very very guilt resentment are two of the most destructive emotions that you'll ever come up with I was raised with guilt now I've been telling people for years if it gets to a point where you can't handle a problem that you've got you should go to a professional well I think I said I like a chef that'll lead his own cooking I was raised with guilt and so I experienced a lot of guilt I was having difficulty getting rid of it and any little thing I did that you know that I just didn't think was right I was have great guilt over it so I went to a psychiatrist in Southern California in Century City and I only went to that psychiatrist three or four or five times I guess and I was on my way down the last time that I went and I realized I didn't have to go anymore and I phoned them and I said that I wasn't coming he said well come on down anyway because I like what you're doing I want to find out more about what you're doing and he he was able to help me get rid of the guilt it was all simple concept of forgiveness forgive means to let go of completely let it go forgiving is a very healthy concept we've got to learn to forgive ourselves we've got to forgive others we have to realize that what we did yesterday we cannot change if you did something deliberately wrong let it go forgive yourself if you did it and you didn't do it deliberately forgive anyway let it go if someone else has done something to you don't hold any resentment let it go now that doesn't mean that you want to go and give them an opportunity to do it all over again you may move away from that but you cannot hold bad thoughts in your mind and move in a good direction listen to something else that holliwell brought it out here he said a noted physician talking before a group of other medical people on this very subject of thought being the source of disease was recorded as having said in his concluding remarks abnormal tumors and cancers are due to a long period of suppressed grief and anxiety another way of saying that such diseases are due to a lot of sinful thoughts getting bottled up and suppressed within our minds if this state is so destroying it might be wise for us to probe into our own selves and note the effect our emotions have upon the physical organism then let us seek by every means at our command to overcome and abandon and forsake every emotional tug that has a debilitating and disturbing effect general that's such excellent advice do you know if you go way back found out we're just absolutely ridiculous a lot of bad blood comes from wrong thinking try and understand this everything works from a higher to a lower potential when you're dealing with electricity you must work from a higher to lower potential we don't even know what electricity is but we do know the laws by which it operates if you want a greater flow of electricity put in a bigger bub get a bigger transformer the only limit placed on electricity is the limit that's placed on the form through which it's flowing well it's exactly the same with us we work from a higher to a lower potential we go from the thought to the thing spirit always manifest through its polar opposite you go from the non-physical to the physical you and I have the ability to tap into a non-physical world a world of thought and we can choose our thoughts we can choose any touch we want General Victor Franco is a Viennese psychiatrist spent the war years in a concentration camp and he said it was well he was in the camp that he realized that we journalist of the physical or intellectual abuse that he was subjected to no one could cause him to think something he didn't want to think you know that's where attitude begins attitude is the composite of our thoughts which cause our feelings which express in actions see our thoughts feelings and actions when they're all in sync that's an attitude but we want to have the proper attitude we're gonna live in a healthier body we want to have the proper attitude we're gonna enjoy the wealth that we look for we want to enjoy the proper attitude and we're gonna have the friends that we want but one basic concept is that you have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive others you see guilt and resentment are without question two of the most destructive emotions that anybody can experience of all the laws that you're going to study this could be one of the most liberating of all of them forgiveness letting go of abandon just let it go yet when it comes back into your mind let it go again form the habit of not holding on to anything that's causing you to feel bad start to love yourself start to respect yourself have a healthy respect for what you're capable of doing and understand this carrying bad thoughts about anyone or anything is not doing anyone any good it's sinful its destructive and the price of sin is death now that doesn't mean they're gonna bury it but it may be burying your company it may be burying your income it may be burying your friends because they won't want to see you forgiveness it's gonna cause everything to grow it's gonna cause you to be healthier it's gonna cause your income to grow your friends to grow your business to grow forgive it's a beautiful law forgive means to let go of completely abandoned we placed the thought with one of beauty with one of plenty with one of abundance you'll be glad you did I did it I'm a happy healthy wealthy guy and you know something of energy it just flows freely to and through me I forgave me and everyone else that occupied a bats place in my mind you do the same the law of forgiveness could be one of the greatest laws you study this is Bob Proctor thank you hello there I'm by procter and this could be one of the greatest misunderstood laws that there is it's the law of sacrifice do you know the way I was raised and I would imagine probably the way you were raised we were raised with the idea that sacrifice was letting go of something that we really valued and it was sort of losing losing something that we valued it you know there was some people that made great sacrifices and they were considered very special but the average person just never made those great sacrifices well sacrifice is it's a law that will bring nothing but good into your life if we understand it but we've got to understand it and most people don't understand sacrifice is giving up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature I taught one of the other laws about the last chapter in the born rich series and it was on the vacuum vacuum law of prosperity well sacrifice has to do with the vacuum law prosperity you move something out to make room for the good that you desire sacrifice is giving up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature and you have to give up the thing of a lower nature before you can receive the thing of a higher nature so you see sacrifice is based on a very good understanding of faith as well faith based on understanding this is tricky this isn't something that's just gonna happen like that now I want you to think of this for a moment I want you to imagine that you've gone to a great concert and you are marveled at the performance that you see or go to a great stage place and you see acting that is impeccable or watch a young a great award-winning movie and you'll see acting you'll think wow well you may watch somebody like Tiger Woods what's the great athletes some great soccer player a great golfer a great ballplayer what's the Olympics and you see those swimmers are those athletes and you think wow how does that happen well it doesn't just happen because this author said granted they may be exceptionally gifted but those final magical results come not by chance or accident but they come from discipline discipline that is consciously chosen ardently desired and patiently persisted in let me repeat that discipline that is consciously chosen ardently desired and patiently persisted in I have often said that discipline is the ability to give ourself a command and follow it I will master this I remember one time reading an article in air man airline magazine and Walter Cronkite was being interviewed and he was asked in the magazine in the interview and how did these astronauts develop the courage take it into those space capsules he said didn't take any courage for them to get into the space capsule and as I read that and I thought it's easy for him to say he's sitting behind a microphone announcing it he didn't get in the space capsule but as they kept reading I realized he was right he said what took the courage what's this sacrifice as they made the study the hundreds of hours of study the repetition in the simulators said that's what took the courage to prepare them to get in the capsule it took disappea it took discipline how did Holly walk alone he's a discipline that's consciously chosen ardently desired and patiently persisted in no one ever becomes great at anything by accident we talk about people getting something for nothing there is no such thing as something for nothing that's absurd when we're talking about the law of sacrifice we're talking about letting go of something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature in other words it's saying I'm gonna give up the ice cream cone now to get the bicycle a little later this is based on faith and it's not blind faith that's faith based on understanding it's understanding that we have this infinite potential we've got phenomenal potential we can do better I talked about it in the law of compensation and we're going to get better but only if we give up something that's valuable to us to receive something that's even more valuable I think of this study the practice you know I like watching two movies Lawrence of Arabia and Patton General Patton great American General in World War two who also thought that he was a general in the Napoleon's army believed very much in reincarnation and then Lawrence of Arabia watching Peter O'Toole who literally mentally became Lawrence and Omar Sharif you watch these actors they're magnificent you watch warrants come across the desert on that camel look in his face they do a close-up on his face he's not acting he's living the part watch Patton what's the great speech right at the first of the movie get those two movies buy them watch them over yeah you want to see people had made sacrifice understood that law and lived in harmony with a lot to develop the greatness that they always had in them you'll see it in those movies watch Patton he's so good that you watch Omar Sharif Wow acting is phenomenal they understood this law of sacrifice they gave up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature but they had to understand this concept of discipline see Holly Ross said something always has to be sacrificed for something else there's your love compensation coming in here you've got your vacuum law prosperity coming in here you've got to create the space for the good that you desire listening listen to what he says here people everywhere are awakening to the necessity of disciplining their thoughts and acts we train domestic animals carefully we harness the forces of nature to serve us regularly and well and yet when it comes to our self the most valued of all we let our thoughts run wild no one can obtain their ambitions until they learn to discipline their mental force and are able to control their thinking see that's what this whole series is about that's what all these laws are about it's about working with the law it's about bringing our mind into harmony with the law it's about letting go of things of Ellora nature so we can receive things of a higher nature this doesn't happen by accident the greatest marketers in the world they spent years studying what they're doing the greatest athletes they spent years perfecting their skills there's no free lunch you're not gonna get anything for nothing you're gonna have to make sacrifices you're gonna have to give up something of a lower nature to receive something of a higher nature this whole universe operates by law the law is something that happens every time for every person everywhere and we've got to understand that sacrifice is a law get in harmony with it understand it it's so priceless listen to this Holly well said you cannot enjoy the satisfactions and pleasure of a true friendship and indulge in a bad temper if you will not sacrifice your temper for friendships you're gonna sacrifice your friendships for a bad temper is that good one cannot have a sterling character that friends will respect and trust and resort to crooked practices if he will not give up his crooked ways of trustworthiness he will have to sacrifice his trustworthiness for crookedness you don't even have to think too deep on this to realize it's true but I'll tell you something you will have to do you'll have to work at it every day to make it a habitual part of your life to make it a part of your paradigm you see most of the things we do are controlled by paradigms habits paradigms nothing but a multitude of habits and if we're going to change your life we're gonna have to change our paradigm we're gonna have to sacrifice the habit of Ellora nature for one of a higher nature so do you see as you study into this you're gonna realize just how important discipline is and I want to leave you with just an absolutely beautiful concept you've got to discipline yourself it's discipline that is consciously chosen you've got to chose it someone else can't give it to you this is done from within its discipline that's consciously chosen ardently desired you've got to really want it man I so want to be better at what I'm doing and patiently persistent in patient persistence seems like an oxymoron is it's not patient persistence just steadily focused where you're going you've got it you've got all the talent in the building you've got it inside but if you're not prepared to sacrifice what you've got you're never going to get anything better and understand this it's create or disintegrate if it doesn't get better it's gonna get worse you've got to discipline yourself and you've got to live in harmony with this law of sacrifice you'll be so glad you did working in harmony with the laws it's such a winning concept I've proved it my life my friends all have in their life that's why they're my friends we work in harmony with the law we're not perfect we're working at it every day I want you to work at it every day this is Bob Proctor thank there's a marvelous poem in this program working with the law by Henley it's one I have loved for years Invictus listened carefully then read it over and listened to it over and over out of the night that covers me black as a pit from pole to pole I thank whatever the gods might be for my unconquerable soul in the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade and yet this Menace of the year's finds me and shall find me unafraid it matters not how Strait the gate how charged with punishment the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul and you know you can say that exactly the way Henley wrote it by working in harmony with these laws and especially the law of obedience you know a lot of people grow up and they don't want to be obedient and and you're going to find some of the greatest leaders in the past if you studied their lives according to society they were definitely not very obedient many of them spent time in jail they didn't follow the rules of the land always but you know they where will beat into the laws of nature or they would have never accomplished what they did Holly Roth said that you should be a builder and to him has given all the materials out of which to construct the kind of life you desire to live you build in wisdom or in ignorance according to your obedience according to your understanding of a divine law and the use event in your daily life now think obediently is not always an easy thing to do but it's always rewarding I'm not talking about you being subservient to some person that really doesn't understand what's going on in this universe I'm gonna go back and share with you again what I just read he said here that you should be a builder and you've been given all the materials out of which to construct the kind of life that you desire to live now you're gonna use these tools you're gonna build in wisdom or in ignorance according to your obedience to according to your understanding of divine law and the use of it in your daily life if you don't understand the laws you're never going to be obedient to them you're gonna violate them at every turn in the road why because we have been programmed to we've been programmed to be good little go-getters and yet the law says give and you'll receive we've been programmed not to live in harmony with the law of sacrifice don't now don't let let go of it keep what you've gotten get more that violates the law who isn't is something else that he wrote hear the word obey means to submit to rule or to comply with orders or instructions obedience then is the governor of all movement whether it be mechanical literal or spiritual a giant machine without its governor would tear itself apart would be utterly destroyed because it failed to obey its own laws of momentum and gravity an intellectual giant who fails to comply with the laws of learning will become as an idiot a student failing to comply with or to obey the instructions of spirit the law of God will reverse the good and create evil we are dependent entirely on obedience for our success or failure in this life now business is founded on obedience and as each member obeys the laws of Commerce they're going to succeed to see as we study these laws we have to understand that we've got to become obedient to them now I don't know about you but I spent you know years of I think I mentioned in this series in the Navy I wasn't particularly fond of Bonin being obedient to the orders that they dished out first of all some of the things that were telling me we had to do really didn't make a whole lot of sense even to a thinking person and I really didn't appreciate what they were making me do and when I wasn't obedient I was punished I paid fines and I did a lot of punishment on a parade square because I wasn't obedient see I am NOT obedient to a lot of the things that society dictates because I think a lot of people are moving in the wrong direction but as you start to study the law you've got to bring discipline as we just said in the last lesson into your life it's consciously chosen you see ardently desired and then patiently persistent in such a beautiful way to describe it well we've got to bring discipline in our life yet we've got to become obedient to these laws yet if we don't become obedient to the laws we're going to lose it's just that simple it's like you said about a machine that isn't obedient to laws of momentum and gravity it's gonna fall apart well I think it's becoming apparent as we get into this that this is not something for lightweights this isn't something for just anybody up and down the street although will work for everyone not everyone's going to do it not everyone has brought discipline into their life not everyone follows all these answers now listen to this for a moment we see in nature of the answer she no trouble she cannot overcome she has no problems she cannot solve she has no burdens she cannot bear no tasks she cannot perform we're talking about nature why all our operations are governed by the mighty law of harmony and order which constantly removes every discord which heals all diseases which rights everyone wrong which supplies every need nothing he went on to say if in the winter a young sprout attempts to break through the soil before season mother nature destroys that sprout rills it off or freezes it out yet at the same time the very snow and ice that freeze the little unruly sprout serves as a blanket of warmth and protection to all other seedlings complying with her law when man wishes to use nature in his work such as farming or gardening he must know how to comply with nature's laws in turn as he obeys her laws he drives the best results and in the end will enjoy the greatest harvest and you only have to play with this for a little well and you're gonna realize just how accurate this is he who obeys the laws of nature and acts as her obedient servant later becomes the master and reaps a full harvest I known in my life I don't do this perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I'm getting pretty good at it and I'm a lot better at it than I used to be and you see where it really starts it starts with understanding these laws now the more you listen to these videos and keep in mind the videos are just really an overview it's just to really give you a picture of where you're going with this but as you dig into this in some depth yes as you get into this and then as you get into the other the science of getting rich series that we have and I'm sure that you're aware of that as you get into the laws there we're getting into very basic laws that govern how everything happened I got to go back in court rauner von Braun again here's a great rocket scientist he said that these laws are so precise that we don't have any difficulty building spaceships sending people to the moon and we can actually time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second now think of this for a moment I want you to think of your health think of your health for a moment just think the health of your body now I don't want you to think of your finances the amount of money you earn and I want you to think of your friends your social life think of your own family your family think of every aspect of your life and understand this every aspect of it can be better if you live in harmony with the laws now did you know by doing this you could be accused of being selfish I like the way Oscar Wilde put it he said selfishness is not living as one wishes to live selfishness is asking others to live as one wishes to live there's a lot of selfish parents there's a lot of selfish people they want people to live the way they want to live you've got to be true to yourself if I want to be free I've got to be me I've got to be obedient to these laws had the more obedient I become the more I'm gonna win but it's based on the understanding and the understanding only comes one way if there's another way that you know of let me know because I've been looking for a long time you must understand these laws to live in harmony with them understanding only comes through study study these laws dig into this program I guarantee you you will be so happy that you do and then share it with as many people as possible you're gonna love the next one the law of success it's a beauty this is Bob Proctor thank I sincerely hope that you get as much out of this law of successes I've got out of it over the years when I came across this I absolutely loved it I have probably read this first page at least a thousand times I've shared it with hundreds of thousands of people all around the world and now I want to share it with you from how I see it I'm Bob Proctor and I want to talk to you about the Laws of Success as Raymond Holywell shared it with me he said God intended every individual to succeed isn't that a nice idea every individual that included me that includes you gets God's purpose that you should become great Jeannot I remember reading a book a number of years ago by Robert Russell and he said there's no secret to becoming great he said you become great by doing little things in a great way every day isn't that good well holliwell saying it's God's purpose that man should become great it's God's will that man should not only use but enjoy every good in the universe the law of God denies us nothing he says man is born to be rich well you know I created a program a few years back based on everything I had learned up to that time and I was called you were born rich it's it's been considered one of the most complete programs on personal growth that you ever going to find if you go to Bob Proctor calm and take a look there the born rich learning system because you were born rich you have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you you're probably just a little short of money but this program will show you how to do it there's a company in Australian new ways and every one of their leaders give credit to the Borden roots program for taking them right to the top of the company most time I've watched it over and over and over again well man is born to be rich said the powers inherit in you are in exhaustible a think of that the powers in here in us are in exhaustible this is a law he said each normal person is endowed with a complete set of faculties which if properly developed and scientifically applied will ensure success ever-growing success you know Napoleon Hill said that an educated person is not necessarily a person with an abundance of general or specialized knowledge he said an educated person is a person who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want where it's equivalent without violating the rights of others do you know what the faculties of your mind are do you if you don't arjuna develop them we're born and raised with sensory factors we go by what we hear see smell taste and touch and you know what that does that programs us to live from the outside in that programs us to live from the bottom up you're learning the physical control the higher doesn't work that way God works from the higher to the lower spirit always manifest through its polar opposite the non-physical manifests through that the physical if you're going to do it in harmony with the law that's where you're gonna have to work you're gonna have to work from the thought to the thing and not from the thing to the thought you may be saying what what do you mean well you don't let the bank account dictate your financial status don't do that see one of the things I ask people when they first come to work with me is what's the most I've ever earned in a year I have a business partner Jerry Robert who runs the life success publishing teaches people to write and books if you haven't got a book you want to get in touch with that life success publishing there on the site at any rate and he shows you how books will change your life everybody's got a book in them well he had written a book and I asked him when I first met him work there Hansen introduced me to him and asked him what's the most you've ever earned in year and you said $100,000 it's pretty proud of it and that was pretty good money twenty years ago that's when I asked him and I said if you do exactly what I tell you I'll show you how to change that into a monthly income do you know within months he was earning that every month the chairman's Club that we have you just go to Bob Proctor comm and you'll see the chairman's Club advertised we teach people to turn their annual income to a monthly income by setting up multiple sources of income now he says here each normal person is endowed with the complete set of faculties which if properly developed and scientifically applied will ensure success ever-growing success now I'm going to tell you what they are I'm not going to Quinn in any great depth on how to develop them we do that at another time you have perception you get your way you look at life you have your will that teaches you to concentrate you have your memory there's no such thing as a bad memory you have a perfect memory you have reason okay that you're thinking and you have imagination these are all phenomenal mental tools and you can use them to develop greater and greater success and you're going to have to use them if you're gonna live from the inside out ever growing success he said we're made for progress every person contains within themselves the capacity for endless development you know that excites me I don't know about you but I've been working on this now for forty eight years forty eight years I've been studying this and I know that I'm gonna study for the next forty eight years I just want to keep getting better at endless development advancement into all things is the laws great purpose now that's a phenomenal idea advancement in all things as the laws great purpose by learning to work with the law in promoting that aim you're gonna build yourself into a greater and a greater success show you wonder well what is the win in me for really studying these laws that's it you're gonna build yourself enjoy greater and a greater success you're gonna earn more money you just keep hurting more money I went from earning four thousand dollars a year now Aaron millions of dollars and it's easier I don't work as hard the play in hell says you know it takes more no more energy to work with the big idea and does it the small one well that's what we're saying here you're gonna have more friends better friends you're gonna live in a healthier body you're gonna enjoy your work more you're gonna work all over the world you're gonna do what you ought to do live the way you want to live by learning to work with the law in promoting that name you're gonna build yourself a new greater greater success now listen to this he said all of the processes of nature are successful nature no no failures that's huge she never plans anything but success she aims at results in every form and manner to succeed in the best and fullest sense of the term we must you and I must with nature as our model copy her methods in our principles and laws we're gonna discover all the secrets of success I don't know about you but that sort of excites me I know one thing the tide always goes oh the tide always comes in the night always follows the day winter flowers summer this is the law work it's perfect in all of nature and we can do the same thing in her principles and laws we're gonna discover all the secrets of success now he says infinite resources are at our disposal infinite there's no end to it infinite there's no limit to our possibility we can focus and individualize the elements the forces and the principles of the whole world that's a bit of a stretch isn't it do you know that everything in this universe will rush to your aid when you're working in harmony with the law this isn't some decision of some emotional or capricious God on a cloud this is the absolute law of the universe the law is the uniform and orderly method of the omnipotent God it's the way everything works everything works perfect infinite resources there's no limit to our possibility we can focus and individualize the elements fortunately the principles of the whole world we can develop a wonderful intelligence thus all of life's questions may be answered all of nature secret discovered and all human problems so nothing is impossible now you may be thinking well the world is in dire need of this oh you're so right absolutely but do you know it's because we're living in harmony with the law that we can live the way we do you know there's some people that have never seen a toilet do you know that there's some people that have never seen an electric stove or a watch do you know that the whole world lived like that not long ago do you know that the electric light is brand new idea relative to most the population of the world do you know that these things everything we've got that we take for granted they're relatively new it's all happened just in the last century or so think of that think of it this has happened because we start to understand the law think of what you can do higher faculties remarkable talent superior insight and greater power are dormant at all and by psychological methods these exceptional elements can be developed to an extraordinary degree for actual and practical use that's by you and me now I have been working at this for a long time I know this to be true every mind can develop greatness there are no exceptions simply a matter of knowing how true self helps self discovery self knowledge and proper instructions of applying one's principles of using one's faculties using one's forces it will advance any person see the mind is perfect it's perfect in man is mind and we can think and our thoughts turn into things practice will ensure efficiency use is going to bring forth results success therefore is within the reach of every aspiring person now he asked the question he said do you wish to succeed kind of remember reading this first time I read it well they said you can you possess all of the essentials within yourself all you need is to gain a right understanding of the principles and the laws upon which success is based and then apply the right methods of operating these causes until success is earned but you must earn it there is no free lunch now I have just touched on the first page of the law success as you get into this you're gonna realize that there's great help everywhere around us we can have everything we want we can enjoy all the good we want to enjoy but only if we work in harmony with the law and the odds of us working in harmony with them is pretty slim if we don't understand them we've got to study them now what I have done here in this series is give you an overview I hope I have inspired you to want to learn more that was really my purpose in doing this I was asked by the people who are promoting this series with us if I would give you a brief overview on film and that's what I've done and hopefully this will do what they hoped it would do make you want to study into this in greater depth and share it with other people you see locked up in this program is the system for you to earn all kinds of money have all kinds of fun and enjoy greater good in your life that's what I've been enjoying and that's the purpose of my life to help people like yourself do just that I want to suggest to you go out and do the same thing this is Bob Proctor and thank you
Channel: Affirmation Institute
Views: 1,887,696
Rating: 4.8018417 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Law of Attraction, 11 Forgotten Laws, Affirmations, Success, Coach, Business, The Secret (Film), positive thinking, self-help, wealth, money, mind, subconscious, consciousness, psychology, lifestyle, self improvement, compilation, lecture, Napoleon Hill (Author), achievement, Personal, Development, spirituality, motivational, speaker
Id: 1MbuyN3vfx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 56sec (7976 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2015
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