Bob Dylan goes deep on life, religion, politics and the modern world 1985

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This is my favorite interview.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/sincerelyabsurd 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is a great interview. Interesting to compare the raw footage to the piece that was broadcast:

Makes me grateful to live in this era where, because of the Internet, longform conversations are plentiful and readily accessible. The strictures of broadcast television are suffocating.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hajahe155 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is amazing OP! Thanks!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ween77bean 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

This interview is exactly why I'm baffled by people here who applaud shit like 'Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story' because Dylan fooled us. We expected a genuine documentary featuring sincere interviews with the man himself, and instead we got a load of lies. Very cool. Ha ha. What a wasted opportunity.

Relative to his stature in music and culture, we have so few videos - or even audio - of Bob actually talking sincerely. This video is an example. And it's great. But the evasive, combatitive interviews where he spews a load of bullshit? The "Bob Dylan is a character!" shit? It gets boring so fast because lies are shallow.

This subreddit heralds Dylan as a modern day Shakespeare. If that's what he is, then I'd love to hear his sincere thoughts. When he's dead and gone, we won't have that opportunity anymore. And at that point, I for one certainly won't care to re-listen to Bob's bullshit tale about the documentarian Van fucking Dorp.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Practical-Parsley 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
how's a -80 be recording agra fort state machine 60 cycle same to sound or member to this is 2020s production of those is called Dylan special number in M 7 6 7 & 8 is 9 1985 this is 16 millimeters parental situation about 2 1 take 1 it's a soon to want a hot dog yes the the place to start would be with the approach you took to to your new album it's the first one you produced yourself isn't it yeah what sort of decisions did you make you know in connection with this album that you hadn't been making before well I put the tracks down upon myself and you know decided what I wanted on the record and then had it mixed at a later time whereas the earlier I would have done the whole thing all at one time with a producer and who you know we were recorded and mixed it at the same time and I doesn't feel like I wanted to do that anymore why not well you know you use other people's ideas and sooner pretty soon you're just you know you're not aware anymore of what you know where to quit someone else is putting the stuff on or mixing things or leaving things out that that you might have wanted on and I just just feel that you know have to do that did you feel better about the about the way it came out yeah I did I did you know I did because uh it was worth of what I wanted it to sound like and what I wanted you know what I wanted lay down to the tracks have you changed your mind anywhere do you feel differently about using the studio technology that's available now as opposed to just going in and doing it I'm not familiar with the studio technology all I can do is play some artists know how to handle the studio as another instrument just about I'm not really on you know that's end of things so I would have to you know need somebody who would be familiar with the studio because it's such a new thing I'm just not familiar with it do you prefer not to get into it at all well it seemed it's a little bit too technical for me is too many buttons to push in this and it's too complicated it's like for me anyway that's I thinking too old or something sure when you first started recording you just went in with a guitar come on yes that's the way I still do it because that's all I really know how to do I'm not one of these the new kind of artist so that no like I said more I'll handle the board and play that you know as another instrument really I read that you prefer to do things in one take if you can or in as few takes as possible I used to do things in one take no I know not so much anymore but basically you'll get a rough track in one take but then once you get one you like you can work and develop that everybody does that they've also been making videos from the songs do you enjoy doing that well not really but it's just something that you do a new form that is necessary to sell the records so I'm still recording so I guess I'm gonna have to do them would you take a particular approach to them as opposed to doing say concepts well I haven't been too successful at videos because I haven't paid too much attention to it but I might have to stop start doing that now I don't know do these changes bother you I mean they wish they hadn't happened to her no not really because because uh um really just make records in my live performers so you know things change I'll just do whatever it is I do and there'll be an audience for that the same as audience more the new technical type of things I'm not sure if it's the same audience in uh are there any tracks that you particularly that have better your favorites on this car for less I like that song I'll remember you and [Applause] all right them all really know that one stands out for any particular reasons or well it's it's it stands out I still feel exactly this anyways I did when I wrote it and I figure I said when I had to say in this end it in a way that was very concise and very brief over you know yeah now all through your career there have been tons of material obviously written by people who don't know you and who are either trying to figure out what you say or I suppose worse believing that they know what you're saying and then writing about that it must be strange to read those things or or look at them and realize they're writing about you yeah it's something sometimes they they don't know they they write about me instead of what what it is that I'm doing you know but don't think it can be helped I don't think anything doesn't change that this is the way people are you know do you take a particular approach to a song in terms of music and lyrics and start with the music I start all all the all the kinds of ways that sometimes I'll start with a guitar part sometimes I'll start with a lyric part and then the turns I may hear the whole thing in my head when if I wake up or for a little bit sometimes it's sometime a whole thing we'll just we'll just have no hear it no you know try to put that down but is it is it usually more like an illusion the the lines that come to you or or you think of specific things and then develop your lyrics from from that well the best ones are written very quickly the longer it takes to finish the song the the more the more difficulty it you haven't been trying to pin it down and focus in on it you might lose your original intention I've done that a few times yeah well I sort of just leave those things go or there's a song something that really can't be defined in terms of other well there's good and bad poetry I don't know I sometimes I they can be read off a printed page but the old qualities to sing their songs anyway and I never really started out thinking to myself as a poet but Alice when you say you're coming in the back door what did you make when I came in with a guitar and there wouldn't be any need of me to stand up on a podium and recite poetry I know people who have done that I know some poets that do recite without the guitar and it's just as it's just as effective really as as someone with a guitar some of your songs have really beautiful allusions and metaphors in them and others carry very direct messages do you set out to do either one kind of song or another well there are all very simple songs the the support structures are very simple and the timing of them is very simple it's just rooted in either folk music or country folk music or or maybe country blues and that's the only type of music that I really that's where I learned how to play and I'm not really very an advanced technician on my instrument but it serves me well to do just what I feel I need to do for myself I can I can play alright for me so I keep it right there really a nobody expand on into too many areas and in the familiar with musically those are the lyrics do you have a I mean some songs or story song somewhere I suppose you to win it to the civil rights movement in the 60s and people are still writing protest songs today you know in the punk movement when you were writing those let's say the protest songs did you did you want them to to carry out as far as they did in society and in other words some people began to use them obviously to either support or you know to kick off their own political ideas well I'm not too aware of anyone who kicked off any political ideas but when I was doing that type of thing which I stole my audience really was not as large as it later became so I wasn't really aware of who was doing what you know with it I think a lot of the songs became popular two three years after I had done them and I was already beyond those things and doing other things by that time do you are you happy with do you think that they have brought any kind of change that you're that you're happy where they're satisfied about the songs well lyrically I think they have musically and I'm a you know the stuff that's popular I don't think it would have been would have been happening now if if what we did back then hadn't happened and and meeting musically to know that there's a certain you know group that play just very simple music and I think it's had some influence into that and you say lyrical you're thinking I think so lyrically also yeah in in what we were talking about some of the lyrical changes that have come about it and some of the changes that have come about as a result of your lyrics a lot of songwriters were influenced by little and there were social changes as well that that came out of them don't you think well you have to be specific and look really I'm not sure he did I think I think a lot of people were were inspired if you want to use the word to get involved in the in the civil rights movement the anti-war movement as a result of having listened to you and listen to your songs like the times they are a-changin yeah possibly I wrote that in 60 something bill 60 early 67 so there again you know they might have picked up on a two or three years after it was done which that happens with a lot of my stuff but I'm not one to really say that this one affected this or this song effective that I really don't know what's something get the done it's just for whoever wants to pick it up you know it's hard to say what really causes anything to happen I don't know if a song can really do that but say them but I never do you think there's any hope at all for any political system that would appeal to you or that you would be happy with I don't think any political system really um I'd be happy living under a king really if she was you know the right king yes you know what everybody think about systems I'm gonna live where you where you where you live and then where you find yourself you have to make they make the best out of it you know do you think it's worthwhile to try to the system or to work for change or is it going to come out the same anyway well the Jerry mean in the States well I don't really know it's it's it's the same it's a two-party system and there's there's that seems to be a way it's gonna be unless something unforeseen happens I don't know what what what what reason there would be to come up with something unless someone came up with a different system rather than changing this system within itself you can always do that but the alternative that we didn't make another system I don't really know about that is there any I mean do you have an idealized picture of the kind of a way you'd like things to be well it's I don't really think about those things I just think about what what is you know and have to deal with that the best way and that that there I know how to deal with it and how do you deal with it well I just deal with it the way I do and I would I guess I would do that I mean any place I was some writers have have described some of your songs as apocalyptic and that's that's a big word I think one of them applied it to the new song when the night comes falling from the sky is is that a word that you'd use in describing the apocalyptic elliptic yeah no I guess but apocalyptic is just the the end of at the end of what would come next would be the new beginning so apocalyptic to me isn't necessarily a negative type word do you think that there will be a new beginning some kind of new beginning oh yeah sure I think this all things got in yeah what would the new beginning be like well there's a Messianic kingdom that would be coming in no that would be when it comes in some people say tomorrow you know I don't protect what I think it's gonna be tomorrow but I believe it's gonna happen do you do you have a guess is to win on how yeah I have a guess as to win it's just uh I guess it's the win but if all the calendars look like it's gonna be in about 200 years the calendars the biblical calendar in weather calendar even we are now religious experiences in various ways what did you gain from those experiences well I gained a lot of things really hard to really say a few words for the game for the victim can you say in what ways of negative Clara well it's always easier if you understand something but if you don't understand something if you don't understand something you just tossed about you know and it'll be continually tossed about if you don't understand what's happening it's it's yeah if there's a storm coming up it's always what's easy onion knowing that it's only gonna last a certain time you know there's a song on your new album that's called trust yourself that some people have interpreted as essentially a message to people who we've made a kind of myth out of you who is that an accurate interpretation that a myth yeah I mean we're that it's a message to people to to trust their own instincts and not to follow not to put so much stock in that's pretty accurate yeah did you write it with with people in mind or with one person in mind or with just everyone everyone in line um no I didn't have anybody specific in mind when I wrote that I just felt like writing a particular type of song with an attitude like that it might seem contradictory to some other songs I've written but if you listen to all the lyrics I don't think it really is there is this is difficult to ask you about because it's it's so broad but there has been this old mythology that has built up around your career and here you are does it affect you in any way do you look upon it to you the it really doesn't it does it what do you think about it I don't think anything of it another thing there's not really much one can think about that sort of thing you can't so they would doesn't make anything any any be less bearable or more bearable there have been people who have gone through your garbage at various times people who have written lost interpretations and I suppose a lot of that has to do with the way the the media handle things too I mean who the judgments tend to change week by week instead of over a lifetime as they used to change has that affected your that looking over your career right no not really I mean people being so persistent in firing a little bit facts and things happen well at certain times it's affected me more than other times but it really hasn't meant that much when it affected you at those certain times how how did it well it's always it's always discouraging you know to see how your privacy is invaded in so many different kinds of ways you just have to dig deeper down you know to find someplace where what where it can't be invaded and that's well as many things you can do but but there there are worse problems than that but I guess basically it's being alone is one of the few alternatives to oh well even if you're alone you can be your privacy ready but like I said it's not a it's not a really anything that concerns me that much because that's just a type of world and find myself in you know anybody famous I guess they have their privacy invaded you know to I just keep going on and you don't know if it's gonna stop or not stop I will take anything for granted when you say you have very little belief in yourself in in what sense I mean has it you're just well you can only do so much you know who knows what's lurking behind the corner yeah at any time they come up so we can have these big plans and dreams but there's there's no guarantee that any of it is gonna come off unless we're allowed we're allowed the time and we're allowed to have it come on now when you say big plans and dreams do you at least have those no not really I just go from day to day and - just keep at it excuse me but we still we're still not sure sure the song clean-cut kid on the new album has a lot of sympathy or it seems to me to have a lot of sympathy for the Vietnam veteran who has had to return and then got put back in without any brakes as you put it how how do you feel about those those guys the the veterans who were the ones that went during the war do have a beautiful - they were they were trapped that they could or should have done more for them that's Keanu veterans it probably were subjected to a lot of things people never been too subjective before and other wars with the chemicals and things which have them probably compensating for then again I know the I know something does it we're in even today if you ask him why they fought there they don't really know they just went because they were asked to go and they were told to go you don't really know why they went where it's usually in a war if it's a real war every man woman and child is in the army though there's no getting away from that if you're attacked if you're if you're in a war that's that's that's for peeps everybody's a soldier in that war it's not like you can have a standing army and send them somewhere you know to fight somebody else's battle if people don't believe and know why they're fighting that they can't win one of the things I'd like to talk about that I've read you you talked about in the past is is your phrasing you have a real sense of phrasing in a song that's influenced a lot of other people and it's sort of unusual of you do you work for that or does it just come naturally to you well it's just uh now it might come out what sort of I don't remember the Jazz poets used to it used to be poets guerrillas guy yeah there was a guy Ted Jones you've heard of him from Getty of those guys used to recite their poetry Ginsberg used to do that Gregory Corso mr. recite stuff in the end the way they phrased the things was for in a very dynamic way and I guess I kind of took both styles and mixed them together Gregory's to read this poem called gasoline and it was pretty much an emphasis on the second the second syllables of all the words and then the Calypso poets also praised much differently than in English their arrest of the English guys because the there they can take words that you don't really think of as as being rila boards and and they make an entirely different language out of it I can't think of anything specific right now but all that stuff I heard coming up you know and it just went into my style of music do you do you feel like some artists do you feel an obligation to fans or to a public or does that enter your mind and you're doing your work I like the fans but I don't feel an obligation that I have to be an example to them like say yeah maybe a baseball player Twitter or a football player or maybe some other type of musicians I don't feel I have to really set an example or you know that somebody else has to live up to that cope I suppose depending on what Peter dropped in as your music continued or dropped out and wake up and have to be somebody else there is a line in in dark eyes that says I believe it's I live in another world where life and death are memorized where the earth is strung with lovers pearls and all I see are our dark eyes that's yeah that's people were picked up on no it's very simple line actually I was thinking of changing that line I wasn't really sure I was that happy with it but I wrote up the whole song so quickly but I just left it and it seemed to sing right song like that usually I'm not sure how effective it would be on paper about to read but you know like the stuff I do you have to listen to you have to hear it being sung it's I'm not sure if it comes off on on paper your friend somebody to read that particular one does actually I think you can real visual II and and and get a sensation from it now is alignment when you write lines like that do you have a literal camera the line we were talking about in dark eyes and you were sort of describing you said first of all that that you were thinking of not including it and then it sang well so you included it did the line itself come out of so was there some literal meaning behind it or the lines like that come to you from another direction that old song came from another direction I just like I picked up my guitar and I started playing and that song just came right out do you and then and then I friend and I forget afterwards a lot of the specifics of reinforcing uh yeah TS Eliot said once that he didn't sometimes didn't know the meaning the exact meaning of what he'd written until he read what the the critic said about it the mid you ever feel that way sometimes but I don't know if I really know what the meaning is from reading the critics either I haven't seen many critics that that that I really offered any insight into the meanings of my songs in a while they fight over a hand I'm not sure do you think people will eventually get more out of your songs than they have during all the time you give send them well it would be it would require time I don't know I mean they're really done for the moment you know I'm not really sure about that you know longevity of music scene what deeper kind of meaning they're gonna carry over the years I really have no idea if any I read once where you had said that blowin in the wind was one of the songs that from way back that you could still sing and enjoy singing is that said akka well I can sing most of my songs if I'm in the right frame of mind that's one that I could I usually do sing cuz people like to hear that one does it have a special meaning for you or one in the catalogue well it's more of an anthem type thing and for me I'm not sure how valid it is I usually sing it because people always call out for it and they're gonna see something you know that I mean they always seem to want to hear whether they really do it I don't know no but I usually sing it or Sumter's I haven't sung it on and I haven't missed it at all but I guess you know some things you have to do all the time you know yes everybody does Henry Miller who was an offer you like I understand this is that true yeah like every meal it Henry Miller said the the role of the artist is to inoculate the world with dissolution he did say that I guess yeah you do feel that as well well that's a much inoculate the world what did he say dismissal is dissolution I must have a lesson too like that line when I must have been must have had something to do with something that was being asked at a certain time I don't know if an artist can really do that life experience does that well usually when you when you read something of an artist or you see something or hear something it's just a confirmation on what you really think and believe but can't really articulate it right but you might see it right there you know and and it'll it'll give you more belief in what might have been just a spark of an idea before or a spark of a feeling and then you've done that for millions of people if not inoculate disillusionment at least to give them a spark of the feeling an idea that they could or hadn't that they felt what they hadn't verbalize right somehow well I'm glad to do that if I have done then I'm not sure if I have but that's what that's what artists people people like that do for me that's what they've done for me all the work out that I respond to has been work that just gives me an idea of something I've already been feeling anyway I just haven't maybe thought of it that way was it a big step for you to say go into the we are the world video is that is that something that you wanted to do something I did - yeah I did what do you think the Farm Aid concert will result in anything positive I mean do these things bring any kinds of changes other than on this type of thing this Farm Aid thing is just from what I understand I'm gonna financially help our farmers who are losing their farms and that's all I'm concerned about do you respond to any let me ask about it other artists who had been influenced by you and asked your opinion of them Bruce Springsteen Bruce yes I'm glad to see Bruce making it so big it's good it's good for it's good for the reality rock n roll music you know John Cougar 2 there's another artist in contemporary I think does that good signs you know that it's it's people can make it in him and have an individual point of view and get that across on a larger scale what makes you happiest in in your music whatever doesn't make you happy music I mean is that yeah that's all I do you know I don't know how to do anything else doesn't make you happy I mean is that a boy - oh yeah it always does it's cool it always has expected always will is there anything about about life outside of that that that makes you happy I love love love living every moment you know everything makes me happy certain things make me happier than other things but I don't get too down about anything there are a couple of clips that you mentioned earlier I think one from don't look back and another from another tour could you describe briefly what those clips are and what you like about them I'm not sure what they are I just know that he's got them I haven't they've been in the files for a while and you're trying to put together a some type of documentary I don't think that's what he's talking about using if you like them he can use them there was another line I read it and all this research we've done that really affected me or appeals to me a lot it was very simple nothing to music but he said something like deep down inside us none of us really have a name and I think you were talking about the about having changed your name you know what that meant to you one doesn't really mean anything to me it means more to other people than it does to me I mean a lot of people change the names I don't know they left a scout in general and I said well kind of it feels like oh now a lot of people I think also had experiences another thing that comes up a lot of people had sort of it seems expected to you to stay poor run on the streets and you know not till almost as if they didn't want you to live in a nice place or then you want you to experience that you had a line where you said it that's it's not necessarily not necessarily bad for an artist to to have a nice place to live in a nice surroundings well you know you make you make of it what you make of it nothing's forever everything is temporary you don't leave in a nice place behind or it's you just have to you have to you have to have some kind of a focus on what you need and what people force you to need but who said it somebody said it recently and I can't remember what this something about leaving what whatever you leave behind it's only your work you leaving behind um is there another world after this one do you think there's some place else to go isn't it would this be worthwhile if there wasn't any what was this this is a testing ground we still yeah I think so oh no no but we're almost done but other things to say where we left off would would this life be worthwhile if there wasn't something to follow so um I guess it would be you know I mean if this was all there was that be all right - but you said you think this is a testing ground how would I describe but we were where your place Susan I wouldn't I wouldn't assume to know that [Applause] but [Applause] at a certain time all the people from history will stand up and you know I believe in the resurrection and [Applause] that there are certain things there are certain knowledge that that I'm not sure if it's available right now and I'm on a mass level it may be some time because some of it is a little extreme it might go against what a lot of people already thinking what a lot of which a lot of what's happening today throughout the world operates under a something like a spiritual religious order but is actually more more in happening more in terms of financial it's more like a financial empire and and this is from what I can see you know and has nothing really to do with a spirituality or the next world or sailor or the soul you know the tripper though that the soul I don't know I mean I could go very much I could go deeper in but wait it's more of a I'm not sure how much of it I want to just state right out and and say because I'm not sure how much it applies here then again and also you have to be very very sure of what you're saying in this area because it's so much people believe so many different things a lot of wrong things you can say you know but [Applause] in the past you've been reluctant to say do a television interview like this to go on television and I think that has to do with your review of the media in general could you tell me why no there's no real reason for it usually people ask you no questions in the past which really up until recently they haven't really asked me anything that I really care that it's more like the interviews and the questions that they start out asking and with the new music magazines you know there was you know it's more like that what you eat for breakfast type of thing most people just want to know that I wanna go into your personal life and questions which are you know I didn't really feel like that I want to take time to really answer our text by on the phone but this whole concept of mass communications is well sometimes you have to be you know you have to do publicity things so people will actually sometimes just leave you alone as if you know what they want to know maybe really isn't that important after all then again you also want to sell records and that's but I'm not sure whether interviews or publicity sales records I'm not convinced of it you know what you do wanna sell records sure cific other reasons other than the financial one care well everybody wants to sell records that's why you make them you know yeah yeah go ahead I'm sure no I always don't have to prostitute yourself to do it you make them and you want to sell I mean it's just an obvious thing you don't want to make records if you know put them in a closet or something then again I know I don't know the 60s where people usually associate me with every time you see or money a man she was always the 60s this is the sixties that and the sixties really seemed to be since you went through the sixties what what do you think they were about what do you think came out of it if anything well I know I discovered a whole lot and probably a lot of other people did also but they don't like it any time any age people always think they're there they're at the most important time and I don't know in the scheme of things if they were that important people make them out to be I don't know why they were so important sometimes it sounds a little as if you're saying things are gonna be the way they're gonna be and in the end nobody really has that much control over them or nobody can really bring a kind of change [Applause] [Music] do you feel that way well people who usually take control and become leaders that are turning out to be false prophets for some reason this is always been true and it was truly true then and it's true now without a false prophets not asking you to be immodest but if you if there were a place in history or if you could assign yourself a place in history or describe yourself I know it's still going on but how how would you like to be described I don't know you know it's it's I don't really don't know we want to know I wouldn't want to think about it you know you still feel that way I don't know I'm good you know I'm not sure and I guess the last question is do you were talking about the sixties a minute ago do you miss the 60s or do you miss the what was going on then well there's a lot of people that that aren't here you know that I kind of miss [Applause] I miss some of some of the old people there's not much else though I mean I [Applause] don't know I can't really say I missed that the 50s either I mean the people the 50s are looked at as a very romantic type of age for some reason you know but they weren't there was a very tough tough period there was a lot of suspicions going on there was a lot of restraint on people there was very it was very claustrophobic in the 50s as I remember I don't remember me it wasn't the way people make it out to be the music was always great and there was certain certain people that cut through all the all the phone enos of the 50s and that's the great part of the fifties I remember but as daily life for the 50s was seem to be very dull I guess the reason I asked that question was to do you feel that you have as much creative energy now as you had then and do I can't go as as as long as I could then I could go then with four days you know I could go out three four days without sleeping it's been a while since I've done that but but uh that's about all the difference is okay next along I have one thing tail slate on it just Pat it sound sound it down or something the sound down a little bit for us yeah we go okay if you want to talk about that whoa okay took that before yeah yeah SVA the live 8 concert came everybody have been waiting all day for your appearance what happened when you when you got out there piling for that particular show well we were sabotaged in some kind of way they there was no way we could really perform there and there was no way they took what to call you know when you're playing on stage you usually need monitors they took her monitors and dropped the curtain that guess and so basically we couldn't hear that's that's about all all I remember but you know we were there so we had to do that pull that off in some kind of way but it's difficult to play if you can hear there was a statement about South Africa yeah my voice is important a lot of musicians have come together to do a record called Sun City they're speaking out about apartheid you can be participating in it they tell us why or author of mean what what why you would be involved in in how you feel about the South African situation I've never been in South Africa I don't know what the scene is there it's a a few whites rule over lots of blacks I guess and so this is a record that Steve and Arthur wrote and sent it I listen to it now probably next week put some kind of thing on it and I haven't listened that closely to the song that's all I know I can do something want me to say something else they asked me to ask you for something that they're doing so they're gonna try to do a little video about the making of this want to try to get a statement from all of each of the artists that they can use as part of the you know why why artists are doing it so I just want to try to get some he has to be you see if I can get some sort of these positive statements from you about it I don't know why artists are doing it uh I don't know it I mean is it money from the record gonna go to South Africa yeah but it's not for money it's mostly for awareness about the problem I think everybody knows about the problem it's for hardest to say that they're not gonna play there that they're gonna stay away not to play in South okay well I don't think any artists are gonna be playing in some city but a lot of artists have played Sun City you know I've never played some city I've never been asked to play Sun City but some artists have asked I've been asked to play Sun City and haven't and others have been asked to play and a hand hand I don't know what the point is it just sounds like with all this going on there's there's a lot of pressure and being Bob Dylan well I don't feel the pressure being Bob Dylan I wish I could take something relevant to say about it I'm not quite sure on what the idea of this Sun City record is yeah because I heard the song and I called him I said what do you want me to do on this it was it was it was full it was full up [Music] or do you want to live like this tagowit rather than you okay none of the tail snake that was taken seven of the 201
Channel: Peter Stone Brown Archive
Views: 322,894
Rating: 4.9038954 out of 5
Keywords: interview, religion, politics, modernity, rare, bob dylan, rolling stone, faith, history
Id: SXmLlhRw9Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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