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man one thing that people are mad about is the price of bass boats and I for one do not get it now don't get me wrong like boats are expensive they they are expensive people just skim over this issue almost like boat manufacturers are out to get them and it's almost like talking politics you know people talk about politics almost like is this evil machine that is run by some outside alien source to kill the people that's why that's when I hear people talk about boat price that's kind of what it feels like to me and they don't really think about all that's changed with bass boats over the years I mean a lot of stuff has this ain't no 1993 Javelin that you're driving anymore you know when you look at what boats used to be boats used to be zero computers on them you had a little 5 in graph at the front you had maybe a graph at the back if you're were lucky probably no no graph and a flasher at the back your engine for certain had no electronics on it it was going to blow in a matter of about 30 to 50 hours that engine was going to blow honestly both if you really want to be honest both have come a long way I can I can say that in all confidence being that I've had boats from my first boat was a 1990 model and obviously I've got you know the current year model right now and when you compare the two pieces of machines it's not even close like what I used to have compared to what I drive now is not even it's night and day difference and I think when you start if people would take the time to break down the accessories on a bass boat if they would take the time to really look at what you're buying Now versus what you were buying in 1995 if you were to buy the equivalent of what you had in 1990 whatever you want to say listen even 2000 something if you would actually break that down you would realize oh you know who's the blame it's the freaking fisherman it's the fisherman who's the BL you can talk about boat prices you can talk about this you can talk about inflation you can talk about the government you can talk about interest rates and the banks you can talk about whatever you want to talk about but at the end of the day it boils down to one simple thing it's why boat prices are astronomically higher than they've ever been in our entire lives boat manufacturers have tried over and over and over to make an affordable bass boat for the consumer and if that's truly what the market wanted was a cheaper boat it's easy boat manufacturers can do that they can they could use a little cheaper product here they could use plastic instead of fiber glass there plastic instead of metal here and they could get the price of the boat down significantly but what has happened is you see that the market doesn't want that they've tried it several times they've tried to make affordable boats that have a few less options the trailer wheels maybe are not quite as nice or the trailer's made differently or maybe it has different type handles or different type seat covers um a smaller trolling motor less horsepower less color options all those things for a boat manufacturer take time cost money and they could get their price down but the simple fact is the market has said we don't want that we want the most expensive biggest most accessorized boat that there is so you know what the boat manufacturers keep doing they keep making what you're buying if you wanted a cheap boat they can make it they've had options I remember back in the day let me know if you remember this do you remember back in the day when Ranger made boats they've tried it several times they had my very first boat was a ranger 195 a ranger 195 vs was a was a option to the Comanche the kamanche was the high class boat with all the options and all the accessories on it I had the 100 series Rangers they had a selected color section you're going to get white and black red and black uh sand and blue or sand and red you had like four colors you could get um it didn't have the same size you couldn't get like a 36 volt troller motor it came with smaller graphs and it was like5 or $6,000 cheaper maybe it was like $10,000 cheaper than the Comanche version of the Rangers even go back further into the 880s and 90s I think this was the early 90s Ranger used to have that Apache series the Apache series was the same thing you had four or five color options that you could get they came with smaller less good components on it and the market decided that they didn't want it so that those items always flopped so the biggest problem that we have why boat prices are as much as they are is because of us the Anglers the buyers we're the reason that these boats are $100,000 you see this right [Music] here this is a product list for just the electronics that are on my boat I get my boat bucket naked we say that in the country bucket naked I get my boat every year doesn't have an engine on it it's just the boat and the trailer with nothing in it no batteries no nothing this list right here this long CVS style receipt is literally just the electronic install on my boat I'm going to read it out to you this is a listen and this is at a discount tactical sonar this is a $10,000 $10,000 of electronics and listen not for the four graphs cuz I went and did a second graph install after I had these installed I started the year with just two graphs no no no no not two graphs on the console and two graphs on the bow two graphs total is where how I started the year and those two graphs total this $10,000 list came from that now that did include my batteries that included let me just read this to you all right so six Channel dual bus $37 HDs live 123 12 was $2,000 ATS live with no transducer was $1,800 $47 there's another $47 ghost sonar adap table 0.1 antenna C clear harness tactical sonar sleeve DVT there's a bunch ofu there's $10,000 of stuff on here I I think it's redundant to go through this whole $10,000 for two units I ask for that to be installed the boat manufacturers didn't install this they get not a single dime for the $10,000 list that I put on here Falin gets zero pennies for that so most of the stuff that you see on your boat that's costing the most money is it the actual boat it ain't even the boat anyway a lot of the things that's jacking up the price of your boat each one of these graphs right here $3,000 that's six grand right there you can see I also got two up front that's another $6,000 right here 12 Grand between the console and the bow all right one thing that's been real popular the last few years is GPS style troller Motors on this boat I have a Lance this boat right here has a laurance ghost on it okay Lance ghost $3500 that's another $3,500 to your tab now you're talking about $155,000 extra that you're putting on your boat now I guarantee you nobody has a boat a bass boat anymore without these guys right here these are my power pole shallow water anchors gotta have them what's amazing to me is that everybody's using for faing sonar to catch fish we're going to get to that part in the moment but everybody's using forace and sonar to compete now shallow fishing is kind of like on the back Runner that's old school people call but they still put power poles on their boats everybody's got dual power pole anchors $2,800 a piece there's another five or six grand so we're what over $20,000 just in accessories the boat manufacturer ain't made a dime yet we're over $20,000 now you remember I told you in my story that I had a ranger 195 was my first bass boat my first brand new bass boat that boat I remember it like it was yesterday $23,000 is what I paid for that boat in 2004 just in my electronics and my trolling motor and my anchors I have over $20,000 in gear on my boat and we haven't got to everything yet there's still more to talk about on this boat remember the boat manufacturers since we say boat manufacturers have their prices too high remember that's what we say that's what we all complain that's what everybody says on social media and on the post and on YouTube Everything boats are too high remember with that number that over $20,000 figure the boat manufacturers has made zero zero yet they haven't got a dime yet all right you see that right there that that is my hydraulic jack plate everybody probably knows what that is if you're watching this video the hydraulic jack plate lets my motor up and down on the Jack Plate everybody talks about hydraulic jack plate and how you can use it to get in the shallow water and how you can use it to get over a sandb bar over a grass flat over stumps over rocks protect your investment that's what everybody says when it comes to a hydraulic jack plate but that's not why I put one on my boat I put one on my boat for a very very different reason the number one reason that I put a hydraulic jack plate on my boat is load distribution so I can handle my boat better when I'm driving with a hydraulic jack plate when you let the boat motor down I've got more control I got more Corner speed the prop is lower below the pad of the boat and when I'm in a creek and I'm making tight turns I can make the front of the boat grab and I've got total control when I got full tank of gas full live wheels and a 400lb co-angler with me I can be carry that engine down in the water I can get the torque that I need to get my boat to run properly but if it's just me by myself and I want to let that mercury 250 horsepower Pro XS eat snort let her rip 74 M hour back to take off and it's just me I can trim my engine up get the highest RPM possible and gain 3 4 M hour that's why I run a hydraulic jack plate there's very few times where me getting into a shallow area is dependent on my hydraulic jack plate for me it's about performance but I ain't buying a boat and not having it but that's also another $2500 that transducer right there is probably calls more than the first graph that I had on my boat I got one transducer right [Music] there there's another transducers buried somewhere down in all of this stuff down in in there there's my forward facing transducer right there I know people are going to be in the comments talking about this guy right here then there's another transducer that's somewhere in this head of this Troll Motor right here for my 2D sonar on my boat I've got three transducers three ways of seeing fish now some boats got five and six transducers but every one of those transducers cost money I don't remember how exactly how much it is but I guarantee you I'm probably over ,000 in just transducers that little Lance I can't remember that I had on my Ranger 195 I'm almost certain it was less than $11,000 that I had back in 2004 and now my transducers cost more oh by the way remember the boat manufacturers hadn't made a dime yet on this price chart that we're making now tell me that your 2011 Stratus Pro XL from 1998 did the battery apartment look like this I got two cranking batteries supposed to have three trolling batteries over there but I got one bad power pole two power pole pumps I've got two chargers there's a traditional charger right there and then I have a power pole charge back there so these two batteries right here are $300 a piece that's $600 those batteries right there are $200 a piece those are $600 more that's $1,200 my power pole pumps go with my power poles which are like 3 Grand a piece uh Miller Tech charger right there that's a traditional charger I don't know how much it costs let's just say $250 and then I also have the power pole charge back there to diagnose my batteries which is also probably another $800 if I had to guess boy look at them right there they say they they say they look like 17s but I keep them clean look I ain't going to buy a boat and then have some raggedy equipment on that's just me personally you ain't going to hear me complaining about boat I'll just get the boat that I can afford but if I'm going if I'm going to get a good boat I'm going to get the trailer upgrades I got an upgraded trailer with bigger more fancier Wheels they're not 24s they not 20 these are 17s but they I I even know I don't really keep them clean either but I just like the big trailer and the trailer wheels I think it's like $1,000 upgrade maybe it's $1,500 upgrade but for me it's worth it you ain't got to get that but I don't I don't know why you would I got the trailer steps that's another $1,000 right there for trailer steps so that's ,200 800 let's just say another $2,000 we're pushing $30,000 yet and we still haven't bought a boat y'all we just got accessories we still ain't got a boat at pushing $30,000 yet so I never thought we would get to a place where engines are as reliable as they are now now I know what somebody's going to say they're going to be that one guy that ran his mot into a rock or the one guy that blew his motor or he had something go wrong his battery went dead or whatever happened his cow flew off going down L he's oh my engine nothing do this that listen if you own the boat probably 2015 and older you know how far we came with outboard engines and how much better they are than they used to be them old engines sucked you know they were going to blow they were no good they used a lot of fuel they use oil they smoke they kind of smell good though I Ain even lie that they did sound good too but that thing sounds good but our engines do cost a lot now but that's that cost has come at a premium they're a lot better than they have ever been yes they still do break at times cuz I know somebody is going to be in the comments saying well I had to put two lore units on her I had to put two shift actuators on her I had to I slung two ears on my propit and I had to do this and I had to do that listen nothing's bulletproof but if you compare cars and trucks to the way they were 15 years ago the way they are now cars now are better than they used to be and so are outboard engines and they cost a lot more than they used to outboard engine now is probably going to run you about $25,000 so now we're at 50 plus Grand we ain't got a boat yet so Javelin 393 on bassb Central $50,000 plus we're at now we still don't have a whole all we have is electronics harnessing we didn't even talk about my My Graph mounts all we have is Traer motor a engine power poles batteries uh we talked a little bit about our trailer and we got trailer steps and we still don't have we still ain't got a hole and we're over $50,000 so when you rattle off about why boats cost so much they cost so much because of us we want all of this stuff we want extra graphs and we want hydraulic jack plates we want the best engine listen I I'll be honest with you I trade everything as long as you let me keep my Mercury you could go back to what listen listen Javelin man 393 whatever you had on your javelin in 1992 that aquar Pro craft man 47 four on BBC if we could go back and get them 5 in graphs and you would let me keep my fourstroke engine I would take that any day do you need the stuff that I have on my boat to compete at a high level I would say probably yes it makes you way more efficient honestly it's probably a lot more fun do you have to have everything that I just showed you and listed out and priced out on this boat they go out and catch fish and win your Club tournaments compete in your high school fishing tournaments to compete in your middle school tournaments and college tournaments absolutely not you don't need all that stuff to compete in those tournaments but if you want to be more efficient if you want that stuff you just have to work a little harder to get it it's not going to the prices are not going to come down it's probably always going it's probably actually going to go higher to be honest I can't think of a time in here IND where really anything got cheaper as time went on but just know the prices of boats are high it's because of us and it's really probably not the boat manufacturers is you and all the accessories that you require on your boat to get to sale from the boat manufacturer they would make a cheaper boat but you don't want it for
Channel: Brian Latimer
Views: 17,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish tips, bass fishing, bestfishingvideos, brian latimer, flw fishing, pro angler, lake hartwell, blat
Id: h66cGFuQfi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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