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what up Bros and bro I'm hanging out with my boy Quinton and dude we've been filming we've been working trying to shoot some cool episodes for you but we're taking a day to go fishing and here's the deal like summer is it's kind of here actually but it's really around the corner schools forward facing sh are fishing deep and that and I'm like Quinn you want to go have some fun and fish some grass and pick it apart and fish shallow and that and he's like bro hell's yet cuz he's from Florida dude so he's all about it so what we're going to do we're going to drop the boat in super early take advantage of some low pick up a ChatterBait a spinner bait maybe a spook or something like that and we're going to go tap into the grass on like Gunnersville and see if we can't put a little something together little early summer shallow grass fishing so hit that like And subscribe button for me let's go get after it boys [Music] boys we came out with a spinner plug going a little OG old school style and uh my boy Quinton called himself a that is a sizable Critter buddy good looking fish there dude all right dude you want to get a release yeah let's get a released an know War Eagle dude I think it's like a Shad spawn fish to be honest with you dude keep it up I got to I got to change spinner baits dud he's freaking cleaning up like five so my buddy Quinton just caught himself like a four now five pounder I was throwing a double gold blade Catalyst I want to go with something that has a little smaller blades I gave Quinton the War Eagle um half ounce and I want to find something that's a little more I guess You' just say downsize so I'm going to dig through my spinner bait stash just like that that's what I'm looking for it's just a little War Eagle with those downsize blades that's a half o and um sometimes these fish when it come like spinner bait fishing is old school fishing so sometimes you got to play with your blade size CU it really makes the the spinner bait track differently like look at the difference between this look at that blade and that blade that's really going to make your bait rise versus go down and then obviously it depends on you know line diameter and all those things but playing with your blade size along with the weight is hugely important when it comes to like OG Blade fishing there we go that's a good one oh it's not a five it Ain Quinton level but she's pulling get up and cast towards him because I don't want him coming over here on the board with a 2 and 1/2 three pounder I'm sure it's something I have not have not seen they'll do that to mix oh you got one maybe might have found the long Quinn or you got what you got dinner number two oh oh nice dude quinon oh I don't care do you still on there I don't know you just get a quinon sorry buddy it's fine don't worry about it grab the it don't even matter I just don't want in the [Music] water no well I mean yeah you tried to boote FP a four pounder but whatever I don't get you so Quinton just broke one of my rods on a on a three four pounder nice job Quinton please don't boat flip the next like four PB fish you try to catch all right bro we're pulling up the Waterfront boat ramp right here we're going to go park the boat run into Paul's at Waterfront grab a couple spinner baits have Quinton pay for it right Quinton amen yeah so we're going to reup and then we're going to go try get some more bass on this little spinner bait pattern accident's happened guys I'm paying for this one # surface and out withit don't boat flip four Pounders on the medium heav of your Rod so we need spinner plugs we need the right spinner plugs Mike yep hey don't laugh at me about that that do is Spinner base got smaller blades on it and it it gets bit excuse me sir day doing goodself doing great you take me that little rabbish hole that going be happy the mega bass SV free spinner B that's got I know but it's got three and a half size budget I know quin's on a budget cuz he's freaking trying these do look a little bit bigger than I I was thinking so Quinton was feeling pretty generous we got War Eagle spinner bait this is probably one of the best spinner baits other than nickels that they make only Pro is full the Spiller they break or Quinton cast them off and I see actually JD recommended we'll talk about that one recommended this guy a little Ducket spinner Bay it's a little downside BD water slash so we grab one of those and then I show Quinton the magical art of the chatterbay mini so he he done got one he'll like that even if we go fre can SL it for that so we're going to get back out there try to pick up on the spinner Bay fight and see if we can't put it together only downside is the sun's come out and this is really a low light kind of I don't know choppy water kind of deal so I don't know if it's going to hold to but let's give it a try [Music] Quinton there's so the spinner R work again back on the [Music] board a little stop and go guys the sun kind of came up so I'm playing with some retrieves to see if it makes makes a difference on that fish dude when the moment I stopped it and look how she ate it she came up behind it and said that's mine not yours stay I think I got a halfway decent one you got a good one I mean not like not a Quinton level bass fish but uh bro I mean when I say stung that spinner bait I had to freaking hook that thing over my head I'm walking back freaking Sol here's how you do it Quinn okay just like that buddy that that's the correct boat flipping it ain't as big is quinton's though s you can put that one in the mouth just like that nice fish Quinton all right so power pulls down and this is kind of how it works guys so you you'll hit a little stretch especially when you have the proper bait but you hit a little stretch and you just kind of power pull down stop and then you're going to pick it apart and usually I'm not saying they're in a school but usually there's kind of a pod roaming around so we're going to keep firing at them so quinton's got the two bigs for the day like smoked them this morning but in the past like 50 yards I caught like three or four dude and he's getting all moany and groan in the back cuz he's got the Ducket spinner bait tied on and I got the War Eagle dude he's like my spinner bait sucks so now he wants to retie well when we rolled into Waterfront they didn't have like that white chartreuse we got a little bit of stained water there's a lot of wind chop you want something that looks like the Shad but has a little brightness to them to call up so that's the color we got right there what I'm actually going to do is go ahead and modify that using my spike it just to give it some little brightness and actually it's it's going to end up looking practically exactly like what we were throwing this morning so let me crack this thing open right here now I'm going to use the cardboard down here I'm just going to lay the spinner bait on there and that's why these markers are cool cuz the dip it things can get a little out of hand but all I'm going to do is on one side I'm just going to go and marker that that skirt material and actually it's going to put the whole garlic Spike scent on its stuff but I can marker kind of one part of that skirt material and then let's take a look we got to we got to get quinton's approval is that enough you probably want a little more shre a little bit more all right so we're going to get a little more chartreuse on there do some more skirt strands but it's a cool thing you can do that's why you can almost travel with you know like one spinner bait in white or in this like kind of like ghosty Shad color and then you can bring that chartreuse marker and then just adapt to the the water conditions you know maybe you're on smallmouth and you want to put some pink in there spots and you want to brighten it up with like a pink or like a different color something that's a little louder or you want to go darker and put some orange in there because you're dealing with some winter conditions so that's what we end up with right there I'd say that that looks pretty good right Quinn yeah cool with that it's got a little brightness it's got that little ghost skirt and uh Quinn will be a lot more confident in it won't you you're m d May fish you moed we'll tie this thing on that's a great fing big one that might be a donk dude he freaking dead stopped it yeah so Quinton kind of dialed in the first round guys I'm fishing like more of the break he was uh yeah it is he um he really had it dial in shallow and what I did is we're kind of we backed off the edge it's like kind of day now so I backed off the edge and I'm doing an old school kind of slow rolling the grass Edge technique something I used to do in Wisconsin with a spinner bait all the time oh they creeping closer Quinton they creeping I mean I would do the same thing got to catch them got to get theirs got to get them ffs fish [Applause] boys nice job quiton we're playing chicken with some guys throwing a Glide bait on a freaking Creek dude nice fish is super green dude like super duper green got himself one on the sticky Dicker look like right like a worm I don't know oh we're going to tangle it's going to get ugly boys that might be a little better one it's actually looks like a good fish dude go we got a double up nice oh we got a couple good ones freaking get in here dude that is a post spawn fish if I ever saw one dude that joker is so thin big as I thought Quin ain't got a big one chatter donker versus spinner bait fish chatter dunker fish Works dude that's nice double that was freaking cool dude right right now yeah love it that was a win Quinton that was a win guys I don't know what happened I don't think we did anything wrong but like these guys pulled up on this and and they're off on the channel and and it's fine and we were power pulled down and they just kept creeping closer and closer and we're catching fish so I understand it in that but we're kind of playing chicken for about 45 minutes and let me let me tell you something we won I think we caught about 20 of them including a couple like two and a half three Pounders so that's a win no no confrontation nothing escalated we just minded our business and did our thing caught fish but that's that's a w buddy I like it that's a W for this sorry Quinton can you move you're good buddy have at it oh nly I come off he come off oh we're just talking about losing fish talking about the video that would have been the end guys that was a four and a half five that was a really good fish you might have beat me for big F if you could have got that in you didn't get it in so you win some you lose some guys damn it yo spinner plug freaking took them to school boy I was talking to Quinton and I'm like Quinton we've been filming all these days I'm like bro me and you have a good time together let's go have some fun and pull on some and I'm like here's here's the caveat too like all summer long we're going to be fishing Deep Fishing forward facing sonar fishing schools Let's Go Fish some grass and I was talking to my buddy miles Murray who's a God on Lake Gunner so if you guys ever needed trip or any kind of like info trip graph trip for gonville hit him up super cool dude and an absolute hammer on the lake and he's like Mikey he actually talks like he's like Mikey bro Mikey like dude there's fish in the grass like get up in the grass get you blade get your chatter Doner and go catch some and I'm like bro if you're telling me that I know it's on so what we did is we hopped around we got a little bit of dirty water it's starting to kind of clean out and basically slung that Blade the magic one and this is the magic spinner bait it always has been a little for War Eagle spinner bait there's something magical about them biggest warning I will give you if you catch five fish with it throw it away or hang it on your wall because what happens with these things is it is like a finer kind of piano wire they will break but it is also why they catch fish and we did that mod on it with the marker we used that shark sh marker to actually modify what was kind of like a ghost skirt I like the double Willows water's warming up these fish are active you want to move that bait pretty quick so the double Willows allow you to kind of like like I don't know reel it up dude make it move they're chasing Chad they're chasing bait and that spinner bait's A Perfect mimic for it had that set up on 15lb Flor carbon with the rod my buddy Quinton broke thank God I have like four of them because I love this Rod it's an xd3 it's a it's a Workhorse rod 7t medium heavy SLX 721 the little sneaky deal I really really love throwing this ChatterBait mini and you're going to see it a whole bunch this summer I actually paired it up there's a new trailer from Komodo I asked Val build a trailer specifically based off the Komodo but for the ChatterBait Minx and he came up with this it's a down siiz Komodo but it incorporates four appendage Tails like that and dude it looks like a Min like it literally just swims and shakes I'm always about ChatterBait trailers that add or I'm sorry that don't add to the ChatterBait action but are influenced by it I guess that's the best way to put it I don't like all these Flappy Doodles on it I want the the trailer to sort of accentuate the ChatterBait and take away and use the action and the motion of the ChatterBait to swim and kick and that and that's exactly what this thing does had it in like a little Shad pattern that's white lightning with a little I little chartreuse kind of like a ghost or a mouse pattern on the ChatterBait half ounce 15lb fluorocarbon and I was running it on this is the Halo Rave I like doing this ChatterBait mini on a little lighter Rod this is a medium it's kind of like a cranking Rod has a little more moderate tip to it but you saw I was kind of sweeping it in that it's a a little kind of sneak retrieve I do where I'm fishing it like a football jig and you need that more moderate Rod to really do it correctly and have it load up for bites but a hell of a day dude there's still fish in the grass on Gunnersville come get you some we lost an absolute tangasaurus Rex right at the end but my buddy Quinton caught like a four five pounder broke off because he broke marod like another three and a half four pounder and then we lost that giant you can catch some absolutely everywhere out here right now so getting in the grass and having some f some fun before summer really kicks in was awesome thank thank you guys for watching this if you got any questions or anything hit me up in the comments I'll drop links to all the stuff that we fished with down at tackle warehouse and monster bass we will see you back out on the water hopefully not sweating our balls off yet but talking fishing fishing and probably hanging out with Quinton a bit tight lines homies [Applause]
Channel: mikeybalzz fishing
Views: 15,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drama, fishing fights, spinnerbait fishing
Id: UzPXMtCeMpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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