Kayak Motor TESTING | New NK180Pro vs NK300 ( SURPRISING Results )

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wow I can't start the video right there because of the sun let me sneak back in here what is going on guys welcome back to the channel this week's video is going to be a fun one today we're finally going to be testing out the two different Motors that I've got from Newport Vessels I've got the nk300 and I've got the new NK 180 Pro and we're going to be doing a speed test as you can see I've got both of the kayaks on The Double trailer were loaded up this morning and ready to go and I'm trying to make it as Fair as possible one kayak is extremely heavy a lot bigger and the other kayak is the new Bonafide power and it's extremely light it hasn't been rigged out yet there's nothing on it besides the motor that we're going to be adding today and it should be a pretty good fair comparison let me show you what I'm talking about so most of y'all already know my green machine here this is my 2021 Hobie Pro Angler 14 uh we've got the motor guide on the front now I was going to take that off for this test but to keep it fair because I'm want to do a fully rigged Hobe pro angler with the 300 versus a lightweight Bonafide so I'm going to keep it on because this is normally how I would fish it so I'm leaving all the electronics on I'm leaving the motor guide up front and we're going to have the 300 on the back of this I've got the yak yak attack black packs back here I've even got my new top stack or I think that's what they call this thing check that out you can add on to the top of your black pack now which is really cool because the bottom of mine was just for my batteries I've got my new port for the 300 and the power Queen for my front troller motor but now I've got an extra storage box on the top that's pretty cool but anyway I'm getting sidetracked this is going to run the nk300 this big bad boy right here and as you can see there's definitely a difference in these motors this is the new 180 Pro super lightweight but the numbers on this say that with that lighter bonafide I should be getting the same speed and distance out of this motor versus this big bad boy right here this is my 300 that is going to go on the back of the Hobie now for the 180 Pro if you've been following along we just picked up this Bonafide this is a brand new pwr 1229 zero modifications to it so far the only thing that we've added is the motor that we're going to be testing today haven't even ran the wires or anything like that everything is going to be quick detach and if you follow the video you know I'm doing that on purpose so that I can take everything off and throw it on back of the truck I've even got the throttle just in a quick cell phone holder here so that I can take that off and throw it in the back seat of the truck and and then rooftop the kayak if I need to but today we're going to be trailering them I've Got The Double trailer out I'm taking my wife with Me So the plan is is I'm going to put her on the lightweight Bonafide because she's super small and I'm much bigger than she is so I'm going to get on this this is just my normal kayak I'm going to fish you know we're going to run it just like it would be normal and we're going to do a speed test I'm going to hopefully once we get out on the water I can have enough service to do a GPS speed test on this one with a screen recording for you guys and then I'm going to let her do the same thing with the same app on the Bonafide and then we're going to get side by side and we're just going to race down the river I'm going to try to bring uh a drone with me if I can if the weather cooperates I'll get a drone in the air so we can get some cool shots today and it should be fun now we be film filming today with the phone and some action cameras so the quality and the audio might not be as good as my normal videos so y'all just bear with me but I'm hoping to get some good numbers out of this to do a test to see if it's worth it to just get the new 180 Pro over the 300 for some of you guys a lot of you guys have been asking me ever since I picked up that 180 Pro should you get the 300 and then you let me know which kayak you had and today we're going to find out if you've got a lighter weight kayak and you're not running a big old you know Battleship of a kayak like I run it might be better for you to go with the 180 Pro but either or if you decide you want one of these motors today I do have an affiliate link that is going to be linked below this video with promo codes for you guys to save money so whether you want to go with the 180 Pro or if you want to try out the big 300 I love the 300 don't get me wrong I'm I'm not trying to push people towards the 180 Pro but today I mean if you would if you have a lighter kayak and it's going to be just as fast with the 180 Pro why wouldn't you get the 180 Pro you see that's what that's the reason I'm trying to make this video for you guys today but anyway I'm going to quit talking if you want to get you one of these motors use the promo code below it'll save you some money at checkout and you get you one of these kayak Motors let's get to the water and test these bad boys out all right guys we made it to the cusa river we're at one of my favorite places to put the boat in little it's a little bitty lot down here on it's called lak Shore Landing in ohat Alabama and we're going to do the test I got the 180 Pro and I've got the 300 here we're going to get we're going to go ahead and get them put in I didn't bring any fishing poles today's video is going to be strictly for Speed Test we're going to do a race we're finally going to get around I know a lot of you guys have been wanting to see the race between the the Hobie and the Bonafide so that's what we're going to do today I'm going to throw these motors on really quick we're going stick them in the [Music] water for [Applause] all all right you ready think if you want to pull that green cord to your on your left side unhook it from where I got it you go ahead and drop the motor in the water right there yep and the way you steer you're going to steer with your feet are they too far up for you I don't know yet all right I think I've got it shortened up for you now so now you can steer it there you go steering does kind of suck in this boat don't it it's a little bit different than what I'm used to but I mean I gu it's going to function all right so now you're going to throttle up on this yeah just barely throttle forward you got a screen there that tells you you their percentage there you go so you're at 7% now and you're going to turn with your left foot so you can turn the motor turn the boat just keep it low and go out in the main it's not turning though it'll it'll turn it it'll turn about that yeah right now you need to turn there you go completely lift know what happened all right guys we are on the water I had to teach her how to use it a little bit she went uh all the way to reverse really fast I don't know if you caught it or not but it it slings the motor up when you do that but I've got her behind me I'm on 7% on this nk300 what what percent are you on jumping between 19 and 20 you're at 20% and I'm slowly pulling past you which this test might be a lot different than I thought I thought that NK 180 Pro was really going to push you but we're we've got really nice flat water out here on the lake we're going to get out here where it's flat I think the first test we're going to do is I know you guys want to see it we're going to do the the speed test I got a busted lip right there it's killing me but we're going to come out here and do a speed test and just right out of the gate see how fast we can go or not a speed test we're going to race each other uh and then we'll I've got some GPS apps on our phones we're going to see how fast her top speed is on this nice calm day look at this no boats no jet skis it's actually early in the morning on Thursday so hopefully most people is at work and we've got a nice Flat Lake to work with got her behind me are you still at 20% all right bump it bump it on up and come out here with me and see what it takes I'm trying to conserve her battery and my battery enough so that we can do accurate tests as you can see my nk300 I am at 7% and I'm not sure the how fast I'm going I didn't I don't have my graph on the boat it actually my mount broke on the way here so I got to fix that but I'm at 7% and she can't catch me here she comes there she goes was that wide open yeah for a second it was I turned it down all right let's get out here and do a little race all right here we are test one it took us a minute to get together because the Bonafide does not want to steer now I do have it set up if you watched the last video I've got it set up so the rudder is the only thing that turns I've got the motor locked in a forward position but the steering on the boat is still really crappy it's not I I'm not happy with it I've contacted a few people to see if I can get the setup that Greg Blancher has I reached out to the wizard last week hopefully you're going to see a real steering Improvement on this boat in the next couple of videos maybe uh if I can get a hold of his stuff we're going to get it installed on this boat and then we'll really be able to turn it I've got the Tim Percy setup in this one everything turns on this boat by a knob and it turns on a dime and after us just cruising out here my mind might have changed I think this 300 might just smoke that 180 Pro no matter how light that Bonafide is because I was on 7% and this thing moves on this Hobie uh she was on like 20% and she couldn't even keep up with me but we're going to give it a fair test she's going to pull up beside me we got a long straight away right here in front of us and we're just going to go for it as long as she can hold it straight and I can hold this one straight we're going to go and and just see who comes out on top give it 100% on yours the crap out of me I'm going to give it 100% now looking if she done took off I give her a head start a little bit she's staying beside me kind of I think I'm pulling away I'm pulling away I'm definitely pulling away this nk300 is so fast on this pro angler you got to turn it I mean look at the weight this thing puts off behind the boat she's staying kind of right in there I mean I'm not completely out running her I mean I'm ahead of her I'm slowly pulling away now but she's kind of staying right right in there all right I'm going to back it down that was 100% I'm going to go back to zero home Point updated [Music] [Applause] all right guys so I've got the Drone in the air now we're going to do the speed test I'm going to start with a bonafied I'm going to follow her with the Drone and I'm going to throw in the screen right now the actual uh GPS speed she's got a she's screen recording her GPS on the phone I'm going to put that on the screen right now I'm going to chase her with the Drone and see what the top speed with her in this really light monifi is with the NK 1880 Pro are you ready yes all right go for it [Applause] so she was able to get a top speed of 5 miles an hour out of the nk10 pro and that is on a brand new Bonafide with no mods there's nothing extra on there so now I've got the screen recording going with the same GPS app on my pro angler with the nk300 fresh battery both of these were fresh batteries let's see what the top speed I can get out of this fully rigged Hobie Pro Angler 4 14 we're going to go full throttle [Music] all right we're running a steady 6 M hour right now on a straightaway I'm going to turn and head back the other way I I am noticing it does drop pretty quick whenever you turn so let me turn this around There's 7 m hour right there it is really hard to turn this Hobie with this head this nk300 at Full Throttle but it does it all right let's see how fast we can get her we're going back against it I've got both phones in my hand we're still running 6 M an hour I don't know if y'all can see that or not I should have it on screen for you though 6 M an hour running back into our wake we hit seven at one point it didn't stay there long but we did hit seven all right so she got between you said it was bouncing between five and six yeah mine was bouncing between six and seven so there's a good mile an hour difference between the Bonafide which weighs half or maybe even less than what this Hobie weighs and the nk300 versus the NK 180 Pro so there you go I will say the jump on this nk300 is huge like if I hit Full Throttle we we just take off look at that she's going to see how fast hers just kind of jumps the gun there's wide open it picks up good really good I could probably lower that motor about an inch into the water cuz it looks like it is just a just a bit high I can hear it grabbing air whenever she hits waves that's as tight as a circle it'll go yeah the steering is the reason for that but it moves [Applause] all right so we've morphed back to the shop because I wanted to end the video here so I could give you kind of a recap and my personal opinion on which motor you should go with if your decision is between the new nk10 Pro or the nk300 the NK 180 Pro as you seen it was much lighter and after both kayaks topped out in speed it was only about 1 mph slower but we were also pushing a very lightweight unrigged kayak but it was still 1 mph slower than our heavy uh Hobie Pro Angler 14 with the nk300 now that being said the takeoff speed for the nk300 was like a rocket this thing gets up to top speed instantly and it holds it pretty good now neither one of the these kayak Motors you want to just run at 100% throttle no matter if you get the small one or the big one you don't want to just run wide open everywhere because you will drain your battery very fast like that I don't care what size battery you got if you run these at 100% everywhere you go the battery won't last long you just need to get up to a good speed and then you can back off and I found out that using this 300 on the Hobie once I get to top speed I can usually pull back down to about halfway throttle or even less and it will maintain that top speed without being at 100% throttle and it saves me a lot of battery I can fish a full weekend you know two Saturday and Sunday on one charge on my battery with this nk300 as long as I'm not goosing it like if I would have kept doing what I did today just wide open all the time it wouldn't lasted very long so that being said if you've got a heavy kayak you want to spend the extra money I think there's about a $200 difference when choosing these two another thing that you need to keep in mind though is this is a 24v system versus a 36volt system and when you're thinking about that think about the future if you plan on getting another motor in the future this 24volt and you've already got the battery and that's what I love about these Newport Vessels Motors is you can run them you don't have to buy their battery this is not a specific style these are Anderson plugs the cables hooked to a regular style battery as long as you have the correct voltage so you can get a couple couple of 12 volts wire them together to make 24 volts and you can run this motor or it would take three batteries to do this but what I'm trying to say is if you think about it in the future think ahead if you plan on getting another motor uh that would use the same battery it would benefit you a lot so if you're planning on jumping from a 300 to a 180 Pro or a 180 Pro to a 300 just remember that's a different battery set up and you'd have to go you know if you've already got the 180 Pro or the 180 and you're trying to decide if you want to go on up to the 300 just remember that extra cost you're going to have to buy that 36 volt battery or 312 volt batteries or whatever but like me I've got a kind of a upcoming motor video that I'm going to be doing with you guys if you're still watching check this bad boy out now this is not the video that I'm going to be debuting this but I didn't want to show you this while we were talking about batteries because this motor is the Newport Vessels nt300 and it's also a 36v battery which means I'll be able to run my same battery from my kayak on my johnboat I didn't have to buy an extra battery for this I'll be able to use the same one and I can't wait to test this motor out this thing is going to be Wicked on the back of that really lightweight John Boat that we're fixing to build if you haven't seen that video make sure you go check it out I just debuted it we haven't started the build yet I'm still Gathering supplies and stuff for that so but I'll be able to use the same battery for my Hobie and just swap it over to the johnboat when I'm ready to go but anyway that's enough talking I hope you guys got something out of this video these motors are the best on the market if you're looking for a kayak motor just go to Newport Vessels I mean they've got what you're looking for they're the best there is I've used them all I really I'm really happy with these motors if I my mind changes in the future I'll let you know but so far I've been running this 300 for a little less than a year now no issues with it I still love it still my favorite part my kayak and they're awesome so links are below promo codes are below go get you one let me know if you got one or if you uh plan to get one in the comments and I will catch you guys next Monday at 6 o'cl peace
Channel: Kayak USA
Views: 4,922
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Keywords: kayak fishing, googan squad, kayak diy, kayak bass fishing, custom kayak, best kayak mods, yakattack, kayak rod holder, kayak trailer, kayak rod pod, kayak fish finder, kayak anchor trolley, kayak carrier, kayak lights, best kayak camera, kayak action camera, bixpy, kayak motor, bixpy motor, torqeedo, cheap kayak, kayak storage, best fishing kayak, kayak fails, kayak camping, kayak mod, kayak cart, storage, kayak rack, nk300, nk180pro, newport vessels, best kayak motor
Id: aGt2Mix0WPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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