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[Music] welcome back to the channel guys you know what one thing i love about owning a bmw and especially in e36 is it's always surprising me whether that's me learning about a crazy cool new feature that it has that i never would expect it on a car like this or whether it surprises me by breaking down the side of the road right when at least is expected you know what i can't really say that's true but it's kind of a cliche so i gotta mention it in a bmw video this car has actually only left me stranded once i think in the almost four years that i've had it it is one of the only bmws that is actually scotty kilmer approved and when they made him as strong as they did back in 94 i've seen these things with 500 000 miles on them and they're still running strong an excellent design if you've watched his videos you know he pretty much hates bmws but not this one i guess so today we're actually talking about not being stranded on the side of the road but some crazy cool features that not only this bmw has but many others i've actually made a video like this before my most viewed video i've ever made where i talk about a lot of cool hidden features that you really have to dive into to figure them out so if you haven't seen that video click up here and then come back and let's go for part two the first insane bmw feature that really surprised me i just found out about is not the fact that there's a cool flashlight in the glove box but that this actually doubles as a taser if it is fully charged i guess they figured that driving around a bmw 3 series back in the day made you look like you had a lot of money and maybe people will be robbing you so they wanted to give you some defense mechanisms now just turning it on turns on the light you got to go through a couple secret steps to unlock the taser let me show you so the way that you unlock the taser on the flashlight is not simply by putting it on obviously you'd shock yourself all the time you have to do a couple things with this button to make it unlock so the first thing that you do is turn it on wait for three seconds turn it off wait for three seconds and then turn it on and off three times within three seconds at that point the next time you gotta be careful because the next time you flip this switch it's gonna shock you so let's try this so what i'll do or hold it away from me is turn the switch on what's gonna happen is absolutely nothing because it's just a freaking flashlight let's move on to some features that are actually true so sit back relax and come along with me for some features that might actually shock you i guess since we've been messing around with the glove box we'll talk about a hidden feature in here that's in other bmws as well but pretty much nobody knows about and it's actually really relevant because no matter what bmw drive most of the cub holders really suck in this e36 especially these ridges make it so small that you cannot fit a normal sized cup in there without it tipping over and being super tipsy so this is especially useful what you'll see when you open this soft opening glove box are these two little ridges here what these are is cup holders and they're actually really really useful because this glove box is designed to open and stay level to the ground so things won't tip over and if you got just one cup you got a bunch of extra room for some food whatever you want to put on here and that's especially useful as well because when you surprise your wife or girlfriend with a magical trip to mexico and they get all excited and you end up in the streets somewhere to do some racing she can't be that mad because at least you provided her with an experience like you would an airplane where once the flight is stable you can pull down the tray and have yourself some refreshment as much as i've been poking fun at stuff like this this one's actually really cool it's something that i wish most cars would come with like every car especially in the back seat if you're a passenger that just is something that makes eating in the car so much easier and even with the glovebox tray down i'm six foot four and i still have tons of room for my legs it's really comfortable so you can tell this one was well thought out good job bmw for this next hidden feature we'll go ahead and have a seat in the driver's side because we need to access the onboard computer for some hidden menu this right here is what's called the obc or onboard computer there's a bunch of buttons you can see here to read some different readouts ones that i use quite a bit are the consumption just so that i can remind myself how terribly i'm driving and maybe floor it less never works or even this range one so i can figure out how many miles i have to drive until empty now let's be honest if you own a sporty bmw chances are you're going to modify it if you do that it's going to screw up the actual mpg and it's not going to make it very accurate but bmw knew that they thought of that so they provided a way that you can put in a correction factor to correct the mpgs to what is actual that way no matter what mods you have whether that's a turbo or just normal bolt-ons different size wheels adding a removing weight it can all be set to be accurate to access this hidden menu in the obc you may have to unlock the obc first i've already done it but i'll show you the procedure first thing you do is click these two buttons on the left you'll see this test nr come up you enter the numbers 19 hit set it'll say lock on at that point just enter the sum of the month and the date so for me it is may 3rd so i would enter eight push that eight times and then hit set again it will unlock it so to get into the point where you're actually going to enter the correction factor to correct the miles per gallon fill it up all the way drive it again to empty and calculate your mpg using the calculator on your phone once you know what that is we can figure out what the correction factor is to enter to get to the point where we'll enter that hit the two buttons on the left again enter 20 hit set then you'll see the kvbr this is the correction factor right now it's defaults to a thousand to figure out your correction factor it's really really simple what you do is enter in your actual mpg that you figured on your phone let's say for me it was 25 and then you divide that by the number that your obc says for the consumption let's just say that that was 28 equals and then you times that by what the what the correction factor is up here which is a thousand equals 8.92 so then what i would do is go into the computer make sure that this says 8 92 and then hit set and then your new correction factor will be in there and your mpg's will then be accurate i tried to do this in my truck recently which is seven years newer than this car and it doesn't have the capability i had to buy like a little separate scanner an obd2 reader that had that function so that i could be able to do that so it's pretty cool that in this 90s bmw and even older ones you can do stuff like that now although i live in the united states and this is a u.s spec e36 i haven't forgotten about you guys in europe and this feature is actually something that only the european bmws have to my knowledge hello hello so this right here is a parking light when you turn it on that light goes solid and that light goes solid kind of like your flashers but it's just solid light if you have a european bmw one really cool feature is you can actually turn those parking lights on so it's either just the left or just the right and its purpose is so if you live in like a busy city where you're parking on the side of the road a lot there's lots of cars going by you can turn on just that one side parking light even when you're not in the car whether you're getting in and out of the car or even if you're not in the car to let people know hey there's a car here something's happening i might open the door just be aware and that could prevent things like this happening or something like this happening how you access that is simply by turning the turn signal down you'll obviously see it's blinking at this point if you push it harder it's kind of stiff on the euros from what i hear push it harder so it'll click down one more time instead of that one particular side flashing it'll be solid again not something that's outrageous but it's something that's very thoughtful and shows that bmw put a lot of thought into programming these cars and giving you a lot of cool features besides what you'd normally find in any car these last two features we're actually going to access through the obc and we do need to have it unlocked so as i showed you before you have all these little menus here consumption temperature speed you know distance if you can set a limit if you want your range other things as well but when you're driving those can be a bit of a pain to access because you have to get your eyes off the road and look down make sure that your finger is going to be hitting the right button and it can just be kind of dangerous this stock actually here on the left for your blinker if you click it there is a default order that these things come up well maybe i don't want to have to click through this a bunch of times to see the one that i just want to know which for me is the temperature so what bmw's allowed you to do is use this stock and these buttons to set the order that you prefer to show you how this works and to prove to you that it works when i click this button the first one you see is consumption second one you see is well the second consumption because you can sort two of them then the range then the exterior temperature now i want to change that order to what is my preference the things that i actually want to see most often and how you do that is by clicking this stock and holding it down it'll go to program one so what's the first thing i want to program for me is the temperature so i just hit the temperature then you'll see program one is for exterior temperature for whatever the second one is you'll hit that for me that's range for whatever the third one is you'll hit that for me that's consumption you'll see program three consumption and then you just go through to where it's programmed the way that you want it i only care about programming three so once you're done just hit the set button and then you are good to go now that that has been programmed what you'll see is that the first time i click the button now it shows me just like i programmed the exterior temperature next thing should be the range let's see if that worked it did next thing should be the consumption one let's see if that worked and it did i know i said the next two features we're going to talk about are both in the obc but this last one is actually through the radio now my radio was still the stock one with a freaking cassette player i like it because it stays period correct with the car it looks like it belongs i'm not gonna change it plus i never really listen to music in this car because i'm i'd rather listen to the intake sound in the exhaust these three sixes sound awesome a common feature in most cars is the ability to have the volume go up or down with the speed of your vehicle usually the faster you go the louder it gets so it automatically adjusts the volume so that you can still hear it when you're going faster and it quiets back down as you go slower what's really cool about these radios here the stock ones is if you hold this m button you do have to hold it for a while just maybe five or six seconds and then this little menu pops up and shows you your serial number you'll want to use these plus or minus signs hit it twice and you'll get over to gal and whatever the number is currently i have no idea what gal means but this is the menu that allows you to adjust how sensitive that volume change is going to be you use these arrows then you can go all the way down to the minimum to where there really isn't much change but there still is a little as you're speeding up or you can go all the way to the maximum which if you have a modified car like me with a louder exhaust a loud intake and whatnot it can be useful because then when you're driving you'll still be able to hear the volume if you like to listen to the radio if it were to be on the minimum or what might come stock you may not be able to hear it at all and then you have to fiddle with the volume as you're driving this last one i actually was not planning on showing you guys today but it's such a cool feature and pretty much all bmws have this and hardly anyone that owns these cars knows that they can do it so let me show you let's say it's a nice day like it is today real sunny great temperatures so you're cruising around with your windows down and maybe your sunroof from moonroof is open so you get to your destination you get out you're about to lock your car to go away and you realize you left your windows down or maybe you left your sunroof open or both last thing that you want to do is have the inconvenience of getting back in the car shutting the sunroom shutting the windows and getting back out and closing it all again well if you have a key like i do go ahead and put it into the hole hold it in the lock position and your windows will go up once the windows go up your sunroof or moonroof will close now what's even cooler i know i have a fob for an alarm but if you have a key fob that locks or unlocks your door you've got an extra feature if you hold the unlock button it'll do just the opposite it'll open the sanu for moon roof and roll down the windows and that one can be especially useful if it's a really hot day and you've had a lot of heat filled up in the car and you want to let all that heat out before you actually get in well guys i hope that you enjoyed today's video i hope that you learned something new there's a lot more tips that you can do a lot of really cool hidden features in the obc that you have to unlock to do if you guys want to see more videos like this put it in the comments give the video a thumbs up if you're not subscribed hit the subscribe button with a notification bell of course and i will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Treats On The Streets
Views: 59,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw, e36, m3, e36 m3, tips, and, tricks, hidden, features, unlock, hacks, secret, digital, tach, tachometer, speedometer, e46, e30, race, exhaust, loud, lowered, coilovers, turbo, tune, 328i, 325i, adam lz, new car, buy, doug demuro
Id: 7_YlHXbVN20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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