Blynk 2.0 Getting Started Tutorial, New Blynk App V2.0 with ESP32, setup

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this video is brought to you by jlc PCB over the last three years I made several iot-based projects using the Legacy version of blink blink Legacy or blink 1.0 and the bad news is the Legacy server is going to be completely shut down on December 31 2022 so if you have an older version of the blink installed in your cell phone stop using it because number one blink Legacy platform support has already stopped on May 27 2021 number two blink Legacy app closed for new user registration on September 5 2021 number three it was already removed from the App Store and Google play on June 30 2022 but the blink 1.0 continue to work for existing users so if you remove the older version of the blink then you won't find it in the App Store and Google Play right now if you go to the App Store and search for the blink app you will see blink iot number four in-app purchase is deprecated on September 30 2022 and number five is I have already said earlier the blink Legacy server is going to be completely shut down on December 31 2022 this means we have to migrate from the 1.0 to playing 2.0 blink 2.0 is much more powerful than the Legacy version and it maintains The Familiar graphical user interface for creating mobile applications and you can also add a cloud dashboard just like error fruit Arduino iot Cloud UV dots thinkspeak Etc so before the blink 1.0 completely shutdowns by the end of this year I decided to make a getting started video on the new blink V 2.0 after watching this getting started video then you will be able to migrate any project from blink 1.0 to Blink 2.0 is a beginner the only things you need to focus on are number one how to set up a dashboard on number two how to add different widgets in link mobile app and number three the most important one how to use Virtual pins to send and receive data from a Wi-Fi supported controller board like esp32 or esp8266 Etc and this is what I'm going to explain in this video I will be making a two-way communication system for controlling an LED and from a neutering of potentiometer after learning the very Basics then you can replace this led with a relay or a mosfet for controlling High ampere loads and the same thing applies to the potentiometer which you can replace with any analog or digital sensor anyway first I'm going to share with you the final test results and afterward I will explain everything else this video is sponsored by jlc PCB feel free to visit their website scale to not only find out what awesome PCB and assembly Services they offer but also to easily upload your Gerber files [Music] automatically detects the number of layers and dimensions select the number of pcbs you want to order [Music] select your favorite PCB color the price is automatically updated as you select different features finally you can click on the save to cart button you will only need to pay two dollars for one to four layers pcbs and zero dollars for your PCB assembly besides this GLC PCB also offers industrial 3D printing services starting at only one dollar you can start by clicking on the first link in the description I have connected the potentiometer and led Ace for the circuit diagram which I will explain in a minute right now my esp32 development board is connected with a Wi-Fi Now using my cell phone I can control this LED and monitor this potentiometer from any part of the world provided if an internet connection is available [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] exact thing using my designed dashboard on the [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] idea of how does the system work so without any further delay let's get started [Music] the components and tools used in this project can be purchased from Amazon the component's purchase links are given in the description I'm using gpio0 to control the LED and I'm using gpio 36 for monitoring the potentiometer if you want to use your laptop or PC for powering up your esp32 Wi-Fi plus Bluetooth module then there is no need to add this regular FireFold power supply you will only need this if you want to externally power up your entire project these are the PCB ports which I received from the GLC PCB is you can see the quality is really great the silk screen is quite clear and the Blake solar mask looks amazing next I started off by placing the components and completed the solding job this is how my esp32 development board look after soldering or the components I will use this development board for testing all my asp32 based projects and now forget about all these relays [Music] anyway I connected the LED and potentiometer as per the circuit diagram and now let's start with the blink go to and register a free account there is nothing complicated just follow the same exact steps foreign [Music] if you want to follow a step-by-step guide then you can click on the let's go button it will help you with hardware setup IDE blink Library code and device activation anyway I am going to continue by clicking on the cancel button free plan supports five users and two devices if you want more users and devices then simply click on the get more button anyway I'm going to start by clicking on the templates foreign name [Music] select the hardware type select connection type [Music] you can also write a description [Music] finally click on the done button on the data streams click on the new data stream and select virtual pin [Music] write the name select virtual pin data type you can also select units and you can also set the minimum and maximum limits alter all the parameters are set then you can click on the create button now again click on the new data stream button and follow the same exact steps for the potentiometer [Music] you can also see virtual pin is automatically incremented after you have defined all the parameters then you can click on the create button [Music] our two data streams are ready and now we can click on the save button now go to web dashboard [Music] click on the edit button drag and drop the switch for controlling the LED [Music] click on settings select the data stream activate the show on off labels foreign if you want you can also change the color [Music] finally click on the save button now I'm going to add a gauge for manuting the potentiometer [Music] foreign once you have added all the widgets then click on the save button my dashboard is ready now I can use this button to control the LED and cage for monitoring the potentiometer [Music] on the search click on new device [Music] click on from template to create a new device select the template we just created now we have to use the template ID device name and authorization token in the programming [Music] copy the template ID and paste it next to the blink template ID [Music] repeat the same steps for the device name and authorization token [Music] you can download this entire project code from a website I will provide a link in the description finally you can click on the upload button you will also need to install wi-fi.h Wi-Fi client.h and blink simple esp32.h libraries for this you can watch my getting started video on the esp325 plus Bluetooth module using these tips you can migrate all your blink 1.0 projects to Blink 2.0 anyway once the code is uploaded go to the App Store and search for the blink app make sure you install the blink iot once the bling ID app is installed then login with the same Gmail ID foreign click on the developer mode add a button click on the button select data stream select switch [Music] now add a gauge and repeat the same steps [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mobile app is also ready and now let's start the testing foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] support me on patreon for more videos I hope you liked today's episode like and share this video with your friends see you in next episode and thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Electronic Clinic
Views: 37,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blynk 2.0, blynk v2.0, how to use new blynk, new blynk getting started tutorial, blynk 2.0 getting started tutorial, new blynk app v2.0, new blynk 2.0, new blynk with esp32, esp32 blynk 2.0, new blynk two way communication, esp32 and blynk 2.0, esp32 and blynk v2.0, electronic clinic, how to use blynk v2.0 with esp32, setup, blynk iot, blynk iot app mobile setup, blynk mobile setup, blynk iot dashboard, blynk cloud dashboard,, iot, esp32 project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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