IoT Temperature & Humidity Monitoring & Control System using ESP32 & Blynk 2.0

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hi everyone welcome to IT projects ideas in this project we will make a temperature and humidity monitoring and control system using esp32 Wi-Fi module and view data on blink IIT app there are many potential applications for an iot based temperature and humidity control system some examples include controlling the temperature and humidity in a greenhouse maintaining optimal condition in a mushroom grow room regulating temperature for humidity in a wine cellar creating the perfect conditions for aging seeds keeping a server room is the optimal temperature and humidity for equipment performance maintaining the ideal conditions for drying and storing Force optimizing the conditions for storing and displaying Museum artifacts and regulating the temperature and humidity in a laboratory commercial buildings Etc by the end of this tutorial I will show you how this small device helped me to grow mushrooms in extremely low temperatures two major temperature and humidity of surroundings I am using a cheap and easily available DST 11 sensor the 0.96 inch Olay display will display the blink iot connection status current temperature humidity operating mode temperature set value and humidity set value the blink app will show you ds211 sensor data current temperature and humidity using the blink iot app we can also say temperature and humidity threshold values using these sliders Additionally you can switch between Auto and manual mode as well in auto mode the heating and humidifying devices are automatically turned on and off in order to maintain a Target temperature and humidity level when the system is in auto mode it continuously reads the current temperature and humidity levels from a sensor and Compares them to the Target temperature and humidity levels if the current temperature is below the target temperature the heating device is turned on if the current temperature is above the target temperature the heating device is turned off similarly if the current humidity is below the target humidity the humidifying device is turned on if the current humidity is above the target humidity the humidifying device is turned off the user can toggle the system between auto mode and manual mode using a mobile app when the system is in manual mode the heating and humidifying devices are controlled manually by the user rather than being automatically turned on and off to maintain a Target temperature and humidity level when the system is in manual mode the user can turn on the heating and humidifying devices on or off using a mobile app as well as dedicated physical buttons to make this project more practical I have 83 push buttons to control the device locally it comes in handy when you don't have a mobile phone or your system is not connected to the internet because this device works even in offline mode the first green button allows the user to switch between modes the other two red and blue Waters allow the user to control the heating and humidifying devices next interesting features in this project is it uses the preferences library to access the device EP ROM and save on or off state of the heating and humidifying device Auto or manual mode of the system Target temperature and humidity this allows the device to remember its previous stage and settings even if it is powered off the program reads the values from Eep ROM when it starts off and uses them to set the initial state of the heating and humidifying devices so without further delay let's get started with Hardware you will need for this project esp32 Wi-Fi module deals to 11 temperature and humidity sensor 0.96 inch OLED display two channel relay module three boosts buttons Mist maker ball with holder use 100 watt halogen ball to produce more heat zero PCB board and jumper cables now that we have all of the materials that we need let's start by setting up the hardware first connect the OLED display to the esp32 using i2c Str and SDA pins to d22 and t21 pins next connect the deals to 11 sensor to the esp32 d23 PIN then connect the two channel relay to the esp32 d18 and d19 pins while VCC is connected to the VIN pin for a 5V power supply interface buttons to d25 d26 and the 27 pins respectively connect all gnd pins to gnd and VCC pins to the 3.3 volt pin of the esp32 y5 module now we have set up our Hardware to test the project you can use breadboard assembly but if you want to implement this project on your home Electric Board then I recommend you to use a zero PCV or use a custom PCV to avoid any loose connections and salt circuits I have already designed a custom PCV for this project you can go to download links to download the project cover file and Order directly from because PCB way is one stop solution for all your PC winners like PCB prototyping SM distance sales PCB assembly Etc so get your first prototype PCV ready from the link is in the description below just click on the PCB instant grid tab then click on quick order PCV now upload your Gover file select your preferred shipping method and place your order let's set up the iot part of this project first we will set up the blink dashboard shine up using your blink email and password and then create a new template assign a name hardware and connection type to the template from the web dashboard create eight widgets one level widget two girls Wizards two slider Wizards and three button Wizards you can resize drag and drop the Wizards to your desired location for the labor widget choose the virtual pin v0 and set the data type to string this will be used to display custom text messages for the current temperature display in the gauge select the virtual pin video and set the data type to double set the units to degree celsius and the maximum value to 50. similarly for the current humidity select defaults or pin V3 and set the data type to double set the units to percentage and the maximum value to 100. for this say temperature slider assign the virtual pin V4 and save the data type to integer this slider is used to set the temperature threshold value similarly for the set humidity slider who is a assign the virtual pin V5 set the data type to integer and set the maximum value to 100 percent it is used to set the humidity threshold value now configure the button for switching modes name the widget auto mode and assign the virtual pin V1 save the data type to integer if this button is in the off State the device always set to manual mode to turn the heater on and off assign the virtual pin V6 and set the data type to integer finally to control the humidifier assign the faults or pin V7 inside the data type to integer click save to save the entire setup in addition to the web dashboard you can also set up your mobile app dashboard we will set up the blink mobile dashboard after adding the device to the newly created template and uploading the program code to add a new device to your blink dashboard click on the source icon and then select add new device from the options that appear choose from template and select the template you want to choose give your device a name and click create a new device will be added to your dashboard you can find the code header file copy this code and then paste it into your program code this will include the template ID device name and authentication token this is the program code for the iot temperature and humidity monitoring and control system with esp32 and blink 2.0 you can find this program called step by step program code explanation blink sheet of guide and a circuit diagram on our website I will attach the link in the description apart from this update the Wi-Fi access ID and password from here you can install the required library from the link provided in the description after necessary customization it's time to upload code to this esp32 to upload the program code select the esp32 divkit P1 board and the correct com Port from the tools menu click the upload button to upload the code the code will take some time to compile after compilation is complete press the boot Button on esp32 for a few seconds then the upload process always started once the code is uploaded the device is ready for testing the esp32 will try to connect to the Wi-Fi network once it is connected it will connect to the blink platform using the blink authentication token now let's set up the blink IIT dashboard for mobile phones first download and install the blink app from Play store or App Store after installing the application log into your account you will see a new device iot temperature and humidity controller click on it and start configuring the mobile dashboard as done on the web dashboard I have used one level widget to Gauss Wizards to slider Wizards and three button widgets see this video for this device step configuration instead of of each widget using this project so that's all for the mobile dashboard setup now the same data can also be viewed from the blink iot app or the blink web dashboard from any location in their world I have already discussed the useful features of this device let's see how this system helps to grow mushrooms in low temperature conditions it is very important to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity levels for growing mushrooms as these conditions can greatly affect the success of the cultivation process by using this iot based temperature and humidity control system you can easily Monitor and regulate the conditions in your mushroom grow room ensuring that your mushrooms have the best chance of growing and thriving with the ability to remotely Monitor and control the conditions in your grow room you can fine tune the temperature and humidity levels to meet the specific needs of your mushroom variety even in low temperature environments by following these steps outlined in this tutorial you can learn how to sit up and use an iot based temperature and humidity control system to grow your own mushrooms at home for more information about the project including device details purchase links the source code and a written guide visit the eye to Project's ideas website if you have any other questions you can leave a comment in the comment section below thank you for watching and see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: IoT Projects Ideas
Views: 5,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iotprojectsideas, iot projects, iot projects ideas, IoT Temperature & Humidity Monitoring & Control System using ESP32 & Blynk, Temperature & Humidity Monitoring, iot temperature controller with esp32, iot humidity controller with esp32, Temperature & Humidity Monitoring & Control System, IoT Temperature & Humidity Monitoring & Control System, esp32 based temperature and humidity controller with blynk iot, esp32 iot temperature and humidity controller,, blynk 2.0
Id: MttKWfkbpoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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