Bluetti AC180 - This is the power station to buy!

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what's up everyone I'm Matt with Ozark Overland adventures and got another power station for you the one that I've been most excited about that I knew was coming this year is is finally here and it fits it fits right here this is blue Eddie's eb-55 it's a 500 wattish power station this is blue Eddie's eb7ds it's a 700 ish watt hour power station then we make the jump to the blue Eddy ac200 Max this is the big boy this is 2 000 Watt hours and portable power and really the three of these plus the probably the ab3a for for smaller you know 260 watt hour power station that that would be right here but really these make up blue Eddie's lineup for what we would use for over Landing car camping you know off-road Adventures to keep our fridge running to keep all of our stuff charged phones cameras lights all that good stuff and for years there's been this one missing because you go from 700 watt hours to 2 000 Watt hours and there's been a lot of other Power Station companies that have been filling in this which is the 1 000 to 1500 watt hour segment that blue Eddie hasn't had in years they did make an older model the eb-150 that's been discontinued a couple years ago they haven't made that one in a while so there's been this void here but this is the brand new ac180 it's 1152 Watt hours and it has an 1800 watt inverter which compared to the competition that's pretty incredible I I've been so excited I have been asking blue Eddie for a couple years now when are you going to put something in this space because when you're looking at Power stations the 500 watt hour it does really good for an overnighter you know maybe a two-nighter to to run a fridge charge all your things this is this is without having to recharge things so this is really good for a weekend and it it charges kind of slow um but it's it's a good Power Station the eb-70 you're definitely this is this is the one that I recommend if you're a weekend warrior and you're going out Friday through Sunday this is the one that I always recommend it is a great power station it's 700 watt hours it's 800 watts of output so it it does really good but then he had to jump up to this one and this sucker is 60 pounds and this one is you know this one this is like for your your week-long trips um or for your for for powering your your little trailer because it's got a 30 amp plug on it um this this is for most of what we do this is too much you know for just being in a vehicle if you got a small trailer this is good to have but you know for just being in your rig for a few days this is overkill like way Overkill but now there's this one the ac180 I think this is The Sweet Spot in the blue Eddie lineup to give you plenty of power for extended trips charges quickly has a few tricks up at sleeves too that I'll show you um but in the blue Eddie lineup this one's my new favorite I I love this one all right let's get into the details of this thing first the the form factor uh I think blueberry has absolutely knocked this out of the park it's it's Square it's boxy it's flat everywhere two handles built into the built into the case um it this fits in your rig you can stack things on top of it um this is the perfect form factor for a power station some form of boxiness no no weird angles no weird handles just just give us a box that that's all we need that's the best thing for being able to organize and stack and you know but and store it in our vehicles um it it of course has the standard things that you'd expect it's got four AC ports 1800 watts of power it can do more which I'll get into in a little bit for AC outputs nice big display here tells you everything you want to know amount of watts in amount of Watts out how much time is left what your battery percentage is they they basically took the screen from the eb3a and and put that in here because the eb-55 and the eb70 screens very little information enough but not a good screen blue Eddie's finally giving us a good screen so yay for that big buttons here turn on the AC turn on the DC very handy there one two three four five USB ports you know how I feel about USB ports the more the better five is okay five is okay so four USB a they're all 15 watt USB a ports and then one 100 watt USBC PD Port so yay for that for the 100 watt uh usb-c port laptops all that sort of stuff charge it no problem and then of course one 12 volt Barrel plug cigarette lighter style adapter here and then here is your DC input so this is where you plug in your solar panels your car charger and something else that I'll show you here in a minute that goes there if we turn it around to the side here this is where your AC charger goes just a standard computer plug Nothing Fancy no big brick all that's done inside so no big break but like most power stations on the market now all you gotta have is a power cord so that's awesome then you get a reset and this is a grounding plug I I think that's important if you're like setting this up in your house as some sort of thing I don't know I don't I've heard that's a good thing I honestly don't know um fans on both sides lots of batteries in here and a 15 watt wireless charging pad on the top I mean it's a nice flat space why waste it so Props to the props to Blue Eddie I love the fact that you can just take your phone drop it on top and then boom you got wireless charging so if you're sitting around Camp power goes out you don't you know I have to you got other things plugged in take your phone just put it on top easy works really good weight 37 pounds so not bad um you know definitely better than the big 60 pound Behemoth of the AC 200 Max but you know you got the two handles here so 37 pounds that's that's doable now let's talk about the inputs this thing can accept up to 1440 watts of AC input now in standard mode which is what I've been charging this at you're going to see you know a little over a thousand watts of input which still I mean you're going to have this thing fully recharged in just over an hour but if you're in a hurry you can turn this thing into turbo mode and get that 1440 watts and get this charged crazy fast like faster than any other power station in this category that I've ever seen so that's really awesome solar input 500 watts not bad very respectable so you know carry around three 200 watt panels a couple 300 watt panels and if you can get this thing recharged from zero in what three three showers a little over maybe probably a little over three hours depending on the sun and everything maybe four hours depending on on you know the sun conditions uh I have the blue Eddie pv200 I've got one of those so Sun's pretty bright today a little hazy a little overcast at times and so I I threw it out there and I was getting about 135 140 Watts out of it in these conditions which is which is fair that's that's pretty darn good it's it's not perfect conditions today and so 500 watts as a solar input that's really good of course you've got your car charger you're going to max out 100 watts in that so that that's just standard there's there's no way to make that better charging from the the cigarette lighter in your vehicle now one of the things that you have heard me gripe about if you've seen no other Power Station videos is with the fast charging which is fantastic I mean be able to charge it from zero to 100 and just over an hour is that is a sweet feature the downside to that is is that it requires a pure sign inverter in your vehicle if you want to even come close to being able to charge that some other power stations will let you dumb down the amount of power and you know set it to 400 watts or 200 Watts and but the inverter in my Gladiator is not a pure sign inverter so even doing that doesn't work with these things um but because blue Eddie has their their tried and true Barrel Port for DC input that's been on all of their power stations for years so what you can do is either either buy or borrow if you've got one of their other ones one of the bricks from this from another Power Station this is from the eb70s it's a it's a 200 watt power supply and so I can take this plug it in my AC port take this plug it into the DC input and now I'm charging it instead of just just 100 Watts or probably more like 96 Watts plugged into the 12 volt I'm charging it at 195 Watts so I'm cutting my charge time in half by by using that instead of the 12 volt so that's awesome now with 1800 watts of output what can this run now normally I would plug a whole bunch of things into the power station to show you what it's capable of but I don't need to do that with with this one because with 1800 watts of output power it'll it'll run almost anything in the two most recent Power Station videos that I've done those power stations had 800 watts of output I think one had 1200 watts of output but had the technology where they could fake doing more which is great if you're you know running a hair dryer or maybe a electric coffee maker that sort of thing but if you're using that for you know Electronics like a microwave things go bad very quickly so I could not run the microwave on those power stations so if this will run the microwave it it'll it'll run anything just about anything like anything that you're going to face or potentially have at camp this thing's gonna run it so one minute pulling 1680 1680 1680 Watts I mean that's that says it all right there the fact that you can have a 1152 watt hour power station that can do 1800 watts of output a normal output just just normal output not fake output but normal output and run a microwave it'll power anything now both of those power stations also could not run a hair dryer at at full capacity they could they could run it but you know tone down because they regulate the voltage to fake that you know 2000 watts of of output but this can legit run a hair dryer on high [Applause] it pulls about the same amount of power as the microwave so there you go hair dryer on high not a problem at all so I I'm not going to take up this video plugging in the the waffle maker and plugging in you know all the different things that can charge and run and that sort of stuff because if it will do these two things I mean it's going to run anything just about anything I like your blanket no problem electric heater no problem charge all your things at Camp not a problem power tools not a problem so I mean these are the if it can run these you're good this is a lithium iron phosphate chemistry power station so bloody rates it at 3 500 life cycles now that's 3 500 Cycles to 80 capacity yeah it's still got a lot of life left of it so they say 3 500 Cycles or 10 years worth of life out of this to 80 capacity not not to dead but just to 80 capacity so for this to about a 850 watt hour power station in in 10 years or 3 500 Cycles and they backed that by a five-year warranty which is is awesome a lot of power stations give you two maybe three years blue Eddie five years that's awesome a couple tricks that this thing has up its sleeve uh it will work as a UPS as an uninterruptible power supply so you can you know if you maybe you work from home and you can take your your home computer you can plug it into this have this plugged into the wall in case of a power outage boom instantly switches over from wall pass through to power station they say under 20 milliseconds so you can be you can be working power goes out and you won't even notice it except it's dark in your room but your computer's still on and you're still able to get get what you need done so yay for this being a UPS now maybe 1152 Watt hours just isn't enough maybe you need a little bit more well blue Eddie has released their brand new b80 expansion battery which can also serve as its own Standalone power station too but the b80 is an 806 watt hour expansion it's designed for the ac60 but they make an adapter where you can plug that into this and expand this by another 806 Watt hours so it it can grow and then you can attach multiple of those together and expand it even more so this isn't limited to just the 1152 Watt hours you can you can expand it as needed now one test that I do with every Power Station if you've been you know watching all my power station videos you know is I take the power station I plug our Dometic cfx 355im Fridge it's a 55 liter 12 volt fridge and it's got two two liter bottles of water in there to help regulate the temperature it's inside the house where we keep it at about 73 74 degrees that way all the tests are you know pretty consistent this one came in at 84 hours and 12 minutes which is honestly exactly where I expected it to be based on all the other power stations that I've tested uh you know in in this range and others this one fell right where it should so you get what three and a half days out of this run in the fridge at least in our test and that's really good that's very respectable and good job in the Box you get everything you need um they don't they don't make you have to go buy extra adapters or anything like that you get you get the the power cord that uh for for the AC charging you get the um solar adapter uh mc4 to the barrel plug you get that you get the car charging adapter so this is not an add-on you get that and you get of course the the warranty card five year warranty and you get the owner's manual the tells you everything you need to know about it so okay for that blue Eddie has joined in with the competition and are giving this a really good app it's not quite as detailed and and quite as awesome as some of the others but it's really good and does what you need you can add multiple devices as you can see I've got the AC 200 Max in here as well but click on the ac180 and it tells you everything you need to know it tells you that your inputs it tells you your outputs both AC and DC you can turn the AC and DC ports on and off so the AC port is uh is currently off so from the app I can turn it on so if I've got something plugged into it I'm in my tent I need to turn it on and off boom I can't you can go into the settings and this is where you change that charging mode standard silent um you know this isn't loud when it's charging normally anyway but you can put it in silent mode it'll charge a little bit slower rate but it'll be it'll be real quick so maybe you need this to run something around a baby then you can put it in turbo mode and get that maximum 1440 Watts worth of input there you can turn I love this feature you can turn Eco Mode on and off I like to have it off because I don't want this thing just spontaneously shutting down on me but depending on what you're powering if something is is maybe charging and then you want after it's finished charging you want this to shut off uh you can do that you can turn on the Eco modes the DC eco mode and you can then set you know a timer for how long it's looking for something to be running in there you can set you know the power so if it dips below um so if it dips below we'll say two Watts then it'll it'll go to sleep you can do the same thing for AC and here's this power lifting mode so powerlifting is just like the the turbo and the other things that other companies have where it will regulate the voltage down to increase the amps to mimic higher wattage so I I couldn't find anything that needed more than 1800 watts to to put this to the test because the fact that this is 1800 watts you're going to run just about anything anyway but if you have something some Electric toaster oven or some I don't know that that needs more than 1800 watts you can turn on power lifting it won't give it the full power because just like with all of them it's going to regulate the voltage bring the voltage down that we can kick the amps up and make it think it's getting the wattage it needs so I mean it's I I don't I don't use that feature a lot I don't because I want things to run normally but if you need to you can't then you can check your firmware Updates this is a pre-release model and so far there's been two firmware updates since I've had this right now I am up to date on my firmware and then you can go into advanced settings and turn on a couple things that and reset there so super handy app and it's it gets the job done and it does well and in power lifting mode it can mimic up to 2700 Watts which is just Bonkers I don't I can't think of anything that uses anything close to that much power that we take on our trips or even around the house so but 2700 Watts you can mimic that high so that's that's pretty cool um let's talk price for this um I I don't know honestly I don't know like I said this is this is pre-production this uh it is currently June 2nd when I'm recording this uh this should be released here in just a couple weeks from when this video releases so blue Eddie's they've already announced it on their website but you can't purchase it yet so I I don't know what the price is um I know blue Eddie is always very competitive and there I I compare things by price per watt hour and blue Eddie's price for whatever is always in the um the the low to mid 80 cents per watt per watt hour so I don't know how much this is is going to end up costing but I would expect it to be in that low to mid 80 cents per watt hour now when it first comes on sale I wouldn't be surprised if they you know do this really cool launch price and it's below 80 cents per watt hour and if if if it's low 80s 80 cents per watt hour buy it absolutely buy this thing because this this is the power station I've been waiting for this is this is it as you can see I think blue Eddie had a home run with this one just knocked it out of the park um it's it's well designed it's got killer features performs well and this right here is my goat this right here will be my go-to I just think it it packs everything you need the amount of power that you need and The Sweet Spot for what we do so ac180 is is the new top recommended power station by Ozark Overland Adventures so I'm very anxious to see their official launch and what the actual pricing is going to be because if it's if it's where I think it's going to be get you one of these sell your other power stations get you one of these uh because it's it's going to be worth it I I hope you found this helpful I hope maybe you found yourself a new power station link and everything is in the description give the video a like if you would subscribe to the channel if you're not help us hit that goal of 100 000 subscribers by the end of this year if you like what we're doing and you want to support the channel you want to gain access to special content special events we just announced a big one coming up in um in in December we got big patreon event coming up in December super pumped about that if you want to gain access to that and all of our GPS data check out the link in the description for our patreon supporters and for Ozark Overland Adventures merchandise like t-shirt and a hat go to thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: Ozark Overland Adventures
Views: 45,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bluetti ac180, bluetti solar generator, ac180 bluetti, Bluetti AC180 review, bluetti ac180 portable power station, bluetti ac 180 review, bluetti ac180 power station, Overlanding, overlanding power setup, overlanding power station, overlanding power systems, overlanding portable power station, solar power overlanding, car camping, van life, RV, rv living, rv camping, car camping power station, van life power station, rv living full time, rv life, overlanding for beginners
Id: Jff5xaUtIBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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