Bluetti AC200 Max. NO YOUTUBER HAS TOLD YOU THIS! Any Good??

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welcome back to the channel guys and welcome to the bluet ac 200 max let's address two elephants in the previous frame yes i said bluet if you head on youtube and you type in bluet tech advice there is a guy from blooty saying blooty i may say blewetti during this video but believe it or not it is blooty and this is the other thing if we want these videos to progress on the channel to grow these are the kind of steps i'm gonna have to take that is a new camera i hope it shows this is a wireless microphone this means i haven't got a shower across the driveway to you guys and hopefully no matter what i do even if i turn around and do the macarena like this hopefully the audio stays exactly the same let's take it away so all jokes aside thank you once again for joining me and welcome to the ac200 max in this week's video i promise to keep it relevant to our niche so if the youtube algorithm has brought you over to this channel and this review of the ac200 max then the chances are we share a passion for all things off-grid camping trailers trucks campervan in all of that kind of thing what i also promise to do or not to do is make really really irrelevant tests such as running a lawn mower running a refrigerator straightening my hair using a hair dryer that kind of thing i'm going to keep it relevant i'm going to tell you all the things that you need to know i'm going to tell you what i like what i don't like and how to make full use of this whether or not you are starting to build from scratch or if you already have a full van setup and you want to make use of the power inside here let's talk charging now bluetooth do say that there's seven options to recharge the ac200 max but i'm going to talk about three of them because they're the ones that are relevant first and foremost is the 240 volt brick that you will get and that is obviously an adapter from 240 to whatever voltage this needs that will put 411 watts into the bluet that will charge this from zero to 100 in about four and a half hours plug that straight into the side of there now on this side next to the 240 volt inlet you have an aviation style cable i absolutely love this i think bluet i've absolutely smashed this out the part let me come and show you because it has on the end there a screwed thread so it's two pin you cannot get the orientation incorrect you would literally spin it around until it kind of just slots in place now but the fact that you can actually screw that up what that means for me and you is when you're driving that can no longer come loose that cannot come loose i've seen power stations where the cables fall out of it and you get so much wasted energy because you think that you're getting solar and you're not that is awesome i absolutely love that and that will go to an xt60 you get two options then one is your cigarette lighter this will bring in 90 watts i believe from your cigarette lighter at any one point now if we're comparing that to a b2b and we shouldn't because it's not the same that doesn't sound like a hell of a lot but you cannot very well expect 25 amps or 30 amps to come out of your cigarette light this is a plug and play system we've not done any wiring we've not done any crimping any soldering this is a plug and play they probably could increase the input on that but you probably melt the canvas of your vehicle this is a plug and play option please do not compare this to a dedicated victron b2b it just doesn't make sense it's a different product the other option on the xt90 is mc4 i love the fact that bluet have supplied mc4 so they're not holding you ransom to a silly eight mil jack port or you don't have to buy their extension cables you can attach this to any solar array that you want so any array that's already on your van for example chances are you've bought two wires down and they're mc4 you can plug them into that i absolutely love the fact that they're allowing you to do what you want because you can put 900 watts of solar into this unit at any one point now blooty do do they do do the briefcase panels are 350 watts they are also mc4 on the other end i've got a set and i'll show you them shortly they're absolutely awesome if this was a portable power station i'm talking about integrating this into a van so the chances are you've got mc4 somewhere and you can literally plug these in and your whole solar array will take over now you mustn't forget that you can actually charge 240 volts and solar at the same time up to 900 watts so that could be a collective of 1300 watts you can push 1300 watts into this unit at any one point will prowess over in america hi mate you are a solar genius he has he's rigged his bluet ac200 max up to an array of 1300 watts now as long as you don't go over the voltage which is something silly like 154 volts as long as you don't go over the voltage all it will do is channel it down to 9 900 watts so you can't over watt it it will literally just throttle it down to 900 watts he's been running his for months and it's worked absolutely fine the only thing you need to be aware of is you literally need to go into your settings here click between pv or the picture of the car this shares the same input so you would literally you can't charge it via your car and your mppt at the same time or your solar array should i say you literally need to take that out and plug that in one or the other or you can combine solar and 240 and that's how you charge the bluetoc 200 max sweet that was energy in how we going to get energy out on the front here we've simply got four 240 volt outputs four i absolutely love that i'm not naming any names but there's another power station out there that has one and what you're contending there with is double plugs splitters extension leads that kind of thing as long as you don't go over the 2 200 watt capability uh it has a surge of 4800 watts now what does that mean when you first plug something in it will peak there'll be a power peak so if it was 2 200 watts alone when you plug something in it would probably trip it we've all heard the word trip tripit or the expression this will allow a surge of 4800 watts which is absolutely massive four outlets as long as you don't exceed that capability you can be using four items at once or you can have four really powerful items plugged in constantly and use them one at a time i know that sounds stupid but when as power stations only got one output you would literally be taking one out putting one in with this you could have a kettle plugged in over there an induction hob over there and then select from one to one i know that sounds petty but that i believe is absolutely awesome and every output comes with a dust cover um i wouldn't go as far as saying waterproof splash proof yes but dust proof obviously in van life is absolutely vital we also then have four usb a's on the front two of them are going to be a fast charger and then we have a usbc absolutely love that we also then have this fit in here which i don't know what that is i'm going to be honest with you we we're not going to use that over here in the uk 10 amp cigarette lighter plug that in use a single appliance this is the van life output that's what i'm calling it it's the van life output you will need to purchase a lead totally separate i'm going to put the link below to that i'll put a picture of this lead up here i think it's called the rv cable it has the same aviation style connection as the input on the mppt once again once that's plugged in it cannot come out i absolutely love that and that goes to an xt60 once again like that and then that will lead to a power pole so you'll click that in there and that'll lead to a power pole i'm going to show you how to integrate this shortly but all you need to know is that will give you on an output 30 amp regulated that will run a whole van believe me you are not going to need any more than that and that is a constant regulator 30 amp i'm calling that the van life is lead this if you're going to use this for the same purpose that i am make sure you don't forget this lead most importantly and this is the bit that none of the other youtubers ever mentioned how are you going to use it so they all sit there and they plug stuff in and they say yeah it's great you can power this you can power that it runs for this amount of time but no one actually says how you're gonna make use of that energy now there are a couple of options now one of them is quite simply charge it up before you leave put it in the corner of your van and use it as a backup power supply now what you can do from that is charge up all of your power hungry devices that your van can't quite take care of so for example this man that i'm sat in here has actually only got a power supply of 100 amp hours i have all kinds of different ways of charging it which is absolutely fine there's more in this box than there is in my whole van build it's absolutely crazy now what i mean by that is and the relevance there is my van can take care of my van it will run the fridge it will run the fans i didn't quite allow for all of this i didn't allow for all the cameras i didn't allow for this camera my two gopros my drone my gimbal all of these extra appliances i keep plugging in they all add up now you can use this just sit in the corner and charge all of your power hungry devices you can even charge an e-bike if you needed to you can simply use it for what it is and that as a standalone sit it in the corner and away you go absolutely great but what if you were going to run a van off of it people say you can all the youtubers say you could run a van off this i just did a minute ago how and i'm going to show you how two options that i see one you can literally that rv cable that i mentioned before split that anderson there that is like an anderson power pole positive and ground and literally take it straight to that fuse board chances are in your 12 volt setup you've got a fuse board like this ground positive split that plug that straight in your bluet is now running a whole van and all you do for your 240 devices is plug straight in or maybe use an extension cable if you need the location of a 240 outlet to be somewhere else absolutely fine what if you've already got a setup what if you've already got a setup but the battery supply is a little bit on the low side that kind of thing or you want to increase it or you want the option to increase it if you ever needed to if you spent the whole weekend in one spot you're not driving the van the sun isn't out like it never is in the uk apart from at the current time and you want to bolster your supply two more options one being a little bit intrusive the other being a total hack so like i said hopefully you got one of these in your van somewhere all you would need to do is cut these two wires so you're gonna basically intercept the ground and the positive that go to your fuse board you're then going to choose whatever style fitting you like so whether or not you want to use an xt fit in or an anderson fitting or a power pole however you decide to you're basically going to put a male on that and then a female on that end and give yourself the ability to plug it straight back in so at this stage you've cut it and rejoined it you then when you need to disconnect that wire and connect this wire you would put the chosen selected fitting on the end of there if that makes sense and plug that in your bluetooth power station has now taken over your whole van and totally negated the flat rubbish battery that your van might have absolutely awesome so when people say you can use this alongside a van and things like that if your battery died in your van your agm battery how do you then recharge your fridge how do you then re-power a fridge or your max fan all the wires are so deeply hidden you can't access them so yeah you could charge your torches and charge your phone and your tablets and things like that if your vans battery died or your hab area battery died you could basically hack straight into that or have the ability to take over the fuse board now dropping down on a less intrusive simpler version than that trick your man into thinking it's on a 240 setup so if your van has a smart charger so when you get home from a camping trip do you plug into the wall and charge your batteries up to 100 via a smart charger basically usually just plugging straight into your van somewhere in there you've got a smart charger use this as a mains power supply trick your van into thinking that you plugged it into the wall i did it to this van as a test it works absolutely fine i had the solar panel set up um the briefcase style i had 350 watts coming in i then ran the lead from the bluet into the van and i checked it on my app it was taking 350 watts in and given 600 watts out so that means tick another box it allows pass-through charging so you can charge it and use the energy at the same time absolutely great an absolute non-intrusive hack keep this with you if your battery dies plug it in yes there will be an energy loss i appreciate that it's not the best way to do things because you're taking 12 volts or essentially 50 volts turning it into 240 and then going through a charger i fully appreciate that but it is simple who is this blue tea power station for it's for absolutely everyone if you're starting a new build of course you can use this and if you think that 2048 watt hours isn't enough good news it's expandable absolutely awesome you literally buy another pack you get one cable that fits into the side of there fits into the pack you can double the capacity actually you can triple it forget that you can quadruple it i think you can go up to 8954 watt hours that's absolutely huge so literally if you decide to choose one of these you realize it's not quite enough get another power bank and it would still be cheaper than your conventional independent separate items building a power pack together now it's not the smallest thing in the world don't get me wrong you're not carrying that in your handbag down the beach to power your bluetooth speaker they do do they do do little versions they do power banks write down shrink shrink shrink consider what is in that box and tell me that it's big or heavy that is the similar weight to one 100 amp hour agm battery and in there you have got the equivalent to 200 amp hours of lithium you've got 2 200 watt inverter an inverter alone weight and physical size is probably about the same as that they're just usually a little bit longer consider that all of that there's an mppt in there there's all of the gubbins that's a professional word that make it work all the screen all of the display i've not even mentioned the fact that it's got two of the contactless charges that you just put your phone on the top and it just starts charging honestly there is so much in that box for the weight and the size and the price i don't think you can go wrong i think i might have went on a bit of a ramble i have calmed myself down so van builders yes if you are starting a diy van build or even a professional build from scratch this is definitely an option it's expandable the amount of stuff that's in there it's simple plug and play easy to use absolutely great another example in the van world of people this might be aimed at are transporter owners now i don't mean to single you guys out but i went to camper jam the other day and on the sunday morning the amount of engines that were running was absolutely crazy now i can only imagine that they were trying to replenish their hab area battery their leisure batteries from their vehicle batteries i know for a fact when people design vans like this they go a bit crazy with the battery supplies they assume that they're gonna have fridges and heaters and things like that transporters as far as i'm aware usually and i don't mean to be stereotypical they usually have like 100 amp hours of agm battery with an old-school split charge relay and then we have all these devices and the kids bring their ipads and you have tvs running and things like that and it's just not enough you can either replenish your leisure battery via this or literally use it for the power hungry devices that's absolutely great and the other people are the coach built so the motorhomes the motorhomes that have got the intricacies of the wiring that you just wouldn't go near my buddy chris sloans go check him out absolutely awesome channel he has a grand cali absolutely lovely bit of kit but the electrical system is driving him crazy things are turning off can't charge it when he wants to and he won't mind me saying this because he is his own biggest critic when it comes to his vehicle he won't mind me saying it check this thumbnail out he would make perfect use of this that would make sure that no camping trip was ever bought to an abrupt end because his electrical system has let him down and on the flip side i wouldn't want to go anywhere near his electrical system it's all integrated to the canvas and things like that so people with coach built hymers motorhomes if it comes with like a switch panel that is all built in one stay way away and just keep one of them with you and the beauty of that if you ever changed your vehicle you take it with you and you haven't molested or cut any part of the van absolutely cracking at this stage i should probably turn it on and cycle through loads of settings and get really really boring and technical i'm not going to i don't think i need to it is so simple that there aren't parameters in there that you need to set up there's two things that you need to do and that's um select when you want your ac and your dc and you would literally turn on it says ac on dc on ac off dc off simple as the only tip i'd give you is don't leave the ac on because the inverter costs you energy just to have it on so for the sake of the inverter being on it will chew away your battery supply i didn't find that it did that much with the dc i've left the dc on now for a couple of days and it didn't really seem to make a difference but the ac inverter will cost you energy to have that on and then the only other thing to let you know is if you scan the qr code on the back of the unit and download the app that will automatically set up your bluet to your phone and you can control ac on dc on and likewise off and on by your phone it will monitor the whole situation let you know what percentage you've got it is so simple i'm not gonna bore you with flicking through settings it's very very simple and then the only other thing you need to do is select between the pv and the cigarette lighter which is the picture of the battery and that's it it's plug and play guys you literally plug it in and that is the beauty you don't need to be a van builder i very almost missed the opportunity to say that is the beauty of the blue tea roll the tape you don't need to be a van builder you just need to plug stuff in absolutely cracking check it all out in the links thanks for watching join me again
Channel: UrbanArkOverland
Views: 78,279
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Id: suQVLU-XqxU
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Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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