"Blues" Quilt All Done!, Grass Eaters, Shirt Kit DRESS and Favorite New Quilt Pattern

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hey everybody joy here it's um tuesday september 7 2021 and we're going to just talk about what i've been doing so if you think that's a completely boring topic just say goodbye and come back next time i teach something okay i am going to teach something though but you have to watch it to find out because i don't know where i'm going to put it in this video i'm just starting it but i have a list i have a list i have decided if i'm going to remember things these days i'm going to have to write them down so i have for you my finished blues for jeff quilt i have a fashion show for you i have some information for one of my subscribers who asked me if you can use the shirt kit to make a dress i can tell you all about it because i've been using the shirt kit again i'm going to show you some pictures of some very exciting grass carp i know that'll excite you and then i'm going to tell you about some new quilts i want to make and do and where you can go look at them okay so let me take the camera off the pole and i'm going to turn around and i'm going to show you the um blues for jeff quilt all done stay with me okay so here it is here it is this is a queen-sized bed the quilt is not a queen-sized quilt it might fit a double bed i have a double bed downstairs and i'm going to try it on it we have a king-sized bed in the rv so it can't fit that and i just put it here to show it to you it's not staying here oh i just love it i love a new quilt and i love the thread i used to do this with i love the thread i love the pattern the pattern was from a design set called edge wood and it's from my creative stitches edge wood and it was an edge to edge obviously i think you have three choices in those sets and i really really i'm happy with this i'm going to take the camera off the pole and i'm going to show you up close hopefully the light is better in here and you'll be able to see the quilting i have put it in the washer and the dryer it took five of those color catcher sheets first i just put two and i opened it up about halfway through they were totally totally soaked they were this dark totally soaked so i put three more in and so the next three just came out lightly colored and none of the white please please please don't ever wash a quilt without using those color catcher sheets none of the color came off on all of this white so i was very happy about that all right my friends a done project my next one is going to be um the just the solid fabric that pretty batik i bought and i'm just going to make a bed spread we'll call it because it's not really a quilt it will be quilted but um i don't know a comforter a quilt a throw whatever it's going on the king-size bed in the rv when i get it done let me show you up close of this so here's the corner and it's not flat because it's touching the floor look at the thread isn't it pretty i'm so happy with the thread and the binding is on i used a two and a half inch binding this time because i wanted to sew through the front and catch it on the back so i used a two and a half inch this time instead of two and a quarter you know my quilts don't go in any shows anywhere i don't care who likes my quilts and who doesn't i don't want any strangers touching my quilts i don't care anything about winning some silly ribbon i remember going to linda taylor's store one time and she had up in the corner of one of her walls well halfway across the wall she had a whole bunch of ribbons hanging there and i just thought oh my gosh dust catchers something to get cobwebs i was not impressed i just was not impressed i never have been impressed with trophies and rewards and stuff like that i don't know why i'm just an odd duck i'm just such an odd duck now see it doesn't hang over this corner because it's too little but isn't that a pretty quilting pattern ah just yummy just yummy okay my friends that's my blues for jeff quilt that breaks my heart that jeff will never see it but i will always love it okay so you saw my quilt so i was going to show you the fashion show next but i can't show you the fashion show because it will be way too long so the fashion show's gonna be all by itself in a separate video okay so i'm crossing off fashion show that's not gonna be here it'll be a separate video maybe tomorrow so the next thing i'm gonna show you is how jerry finally finally finally had to drive 75 miles from here and he finally got these special fish they're going to eat all the grass in our ponds and so i said can i take a video of you because everybody will want to see so please get excited will you i'm going to show you right here all right we're in our jeep we're headed down to the big pond there's very barns we can't get to the four-wheeler so we're having to go in the jeep but jeeps are supposed to be able to climb rocks and everything else so hopefully it will come down this very spooky road it gets really steep here in a minute this used to be real nice there's the trees remember i told you there was another big pile of trees there he had to burn and there they are yeah that's one call i mean there's another one other than this oh my goodness look at that hope we don't burn the woods down somebody's talking to me my phone's hidden in here jerry's gonna go move some wood out of the road this used to be real nice when our grandkids were little we came down here all the time the kids just lived in this pond down here we fished oh my gosh we had so much fun fishing the kids were little my little granddaughter wendy she could outfish all the guys she was great at it we think there's too many fish in the pond now because they seem to all be the same size so we're gonna go down this road again it's very steep here we are oh my goodness jerry oh how are you going to burn that with burning down the hole without burning down the whole forest just burn it slow oh my goodness somebody ought to come get that for their wood burning business i bet they would if we told them about it so here's the pond jerry belt with his bulldozer took him seven years it needs some tlc down here that's for sure the guys wants to mow down here today see all the ick in the pond that's what we're going to get rid of these grass carp are going to eat that that is the whole point of it okay i have been dropped off at the dock it's just a pond not humongous but it's humongous enough for us we love it and the spiders really love it check out that spiderweb right there so pretty this is all our land up there we got two little boats over there we bought for the boys when they were little boo bear and his brother jacob who bought those two little boats for them and that other thing's a grill watch out for that giant cobweb so i had to bend down and get some water in that picture because jerry doesn't bend as good as i do and there's our fishes jerry had to drive how far 50 miles 50 miles all right so you're going to dump that pitcher of water in on top of them well good they'll be excited and that's supposed to acclimate them it's got that sunscreen in it maybe they'll like it for their eyeballs oh it'd be wonderful to see all this grass look at that over there it's everywhere everywhere everywhere the grass it's just nasty it's never been this bad before never in all the years we've been here so we're going to get rid of that i hope they eat fast they eat two to three times their body weight in grass every day they do not oh did you hear that say it again they eat two to three times their body weight in grass every day wow how old are these grass carp i'd say probably a year old maybe less they get really really big we had some in our other pond but they weighed about 20 they go to about 20 pounds and they died so if they eat their weight in grass every day they'll be 20 pounds by next summer i don't know about that but hello hello i'm your new mother i'll take care of you i will feed you very very well here are you going to touch them i need some more pond water more pond water look at all the cattails over there and i eat those too they eat the cattails yeah oh my gosh that would be nice they'll have to climb out of the water to get them goodbye goodbye thank you for eating all this grass goodbye so now we have four more all right that's all i'm going to show the other four can be non-famous you know just let two of them go why i need two in the other pawn that little font oh the other pawn gets two so here we are down the hill you can see down the hill this is the first pond jerry built it's a little one it has a ton of fish in it jerry stockton both with black bass and bluegill this one's a little bit higher than it was look at there's big old fish over there this one's not near as bad as the other one jerry this pond doesn't have any grass in it i know these uh grass part might starve over here there's no um cattails either so here we go and i don't fall in i'm glad we're getting a christmas tree here look at our little christmas tree how nice did he like it here hold the fish up and show my people there he is okay throw him in there so they're still alive and they like it i don't know what they're going to eat in there i don't see any grass i see a little bit floating around maybe they can eat the trees hanging in the water you all remember lucy my mannequin do you see lucy's wearing a dress yes she's wearing the dress i made and guess what i made it from to my viewer that said can you use the shirt kit to make a dress this is the shirt kit this is my envelope where i made two tops that made the top out of this fabric and a top out of this fabric and all i did was lighten it down to my knees and i made a dress and that was back in september of 2012 2012. you know how many times i've worn it none i'm going to work though we're going to be going to church one of these days we're taking our rv to san antonio and we are going to church so yes yes yes fitness system surefit design system make your top in sure-fit designs you have a skirt on the back of the top turn it around put the skirt on it make sure you have plenty of room in the hip and just extend it and you have a dress my friends you can use the dress kit for it of course or the shirt kit now the shirt kit does not have a skirt it doesn't have a skirt but it doesn't matter because you can make your top i just made mine i just made this yesterday i made two tops out of it and you can see how long it is and so to make a dress all i would do is make it longer it'd be so so so so easy i almost did it but i didn't really have the time this morning to do that and i've been wanting to make a video to update all of my friends out there on what i've been doing and what i've been making and where i've been going which is nowhere so here is my dress let me move it up close so you can see the embroidery can you see the embroidery when you have an embroidery machine you really should use it so i embroidered here and here and i embroidered at the hem of the sleeves the back has two waist darts two-way starts the way starts are in the shirt kit my dress has a bus start everything i make has a buzz dart has to so even though the shirt kit does not come with the bus start glenda shows you how to do an fba and she does it in the book exactly like i've shown you how to do it for years okay so yes make a dress it's so so easy and once you get the pattern done to where it's got all your little idiosyncrasy corrections in it like i have you can just you could make a dress a day oh just fabulous just fabulous i love these kits what about fitness compared to sure-fit designs fit nice does not have a dart fit nice doesn't care if you ever have a dart but same exact thing just draw it longer to the length you want it and you've turned a shirt into a dress it is so simple i hope that makes sense and so guess what else guess what else if you are into the shirt kit you've asked me many times why don't you use a shirt cap why don't you use a shirt i already made a video and i already showed you several things i made from the shirt kit and how i made it but it's not going to be live until september 11 so that's saturday because in it i'm announcing hello a shirt show that glenda's going to do so if you're into the shirt kit watch me on september 11 and i'll tell you about her shirt show that'll be september 11 right here and then on september 18 which is a saturday the following saturday you can watch her and she will show you all kinds of stuff about the shirt kit okay and hers is 18 something i think you have to pay but she gives you lots of free stuff so be sure and watch my video on saturday and i will go into detail about that and then make yourself a sign and hang them all over the house so you might actually remember it that's what i have to do these days that is what i have to do these days i actually have to make notes of what i'm going to tell you or i forget half of it okay so that is talking about the shirt kit and so now i've told you about the blues for jeff told you about the exciting lurling grass car and the shirt kit and so now i just want to tell you about quotes you want to talk about quilts i have a new friend her name is avandra is that just a beautiful name um avondra and she does everything in the world i mean everything she quilts she makes clothes she knits she crochets she spins she also takes care of some rental properties that she owns and she does the repairs herself on those i'm like you're going to be a really good friend to have but she doesn't live here she lives far far away but still because we have face time and we have zoom and we have text and we have facebook you know isn't it nice you can make a new friend you know i could have a really good friend named hellmuth i love you i have a really good friend named helga in germany and oh my gosh if there was any way we could get together it would be like in the movies where you see them running slowly slowly across the grass and they finally meet and they hug each other so that's what it would be like if we ever got to see each other in real life so thank god for friends let me see is that the end of what i wanted to tell you today no the quilts this morning i was talking to ivandra about it she's an amazing quilter and i was talking to her and i said have you seen this dude edit a video and she said oh yes i've seen this new episode he edited a video and i said i have got to make that wedding quilt that is the prettiest quilt i've ever seen i love it she said oh i love it too i'm going to make it too so we talked about making it together and then maybe her coming here and we could quilt them together or finish making them together i don't know what we're going to do who knows i'm not going there because i don't get on an airplane but she flies all the time so we'll see you might get to meet my new friend one of these days oh i get to mute her myself one of these days still going to meet bev one of these days bib always says one of these days we are going to sew together we may be in heaven in heaven sewing room but one of these days all right dear ones i'm going to show you right here just a little clip from the uh what'd she call it then she calls it tahoe the tahoe quilt right here you can watch the whole thing yourself i'm gonna show you a little clip right here so this is the mail i got this morning from edita and it has a link here to her laundry basket quilts quilting window live and so what you do is you click on that link i imagine you all can find that link at laundry basket quilts it's going to eventually take you you click on watch on youtube yes now i can't show you her video because it's not my video it's her video but what i want to show you is that quilt behind her oh i just gasped when i saw it she made that for her daughter her daughter's getting married next week and she says she has to quilt it and bind it before monday i think she said oh surely she didn't mean yesterday oh my goodness but i just love that quilt i think it is so beautiful and she named it tahoe so then she also made another quilt for her daughter's mother-in-law can you believe that oh my goodness if i had a son who could marry her other daughter of course he would be very very old let me see if i can get a more close-up of it do you see that quilt that she's lifting up on the table i think is it called bear the bear quilt i can't remember what she's calling it this is all made with her bluebird bundles her new bundles i think she has the most beautiful fabric let me see if she names it yes it's called little bear little bear and she made that quilt for her daughter's mother-in-law wow [Laughter] wow could i be your caretaker or your cleaning lady or something oh my goodness her quilts are so beautiful but for that one in the background let's go there again for that one in the background ivander and i are going to make that quilt she is going to have a kit for that quilt it's called tahoe and we are going to make it and uh i just i don't know it could take me years to make it we talked about trying to do it together but she may not realize how slow i am at making quilts but oh my goodness and then of course she has all those beautiful beautiful fabrics and all the quilts she makes i just think she's the most amazing quilter on the planet she is my favorite so that's end of the quilt i wanted to show you so how about that how about that i cannot imagine myself getting that quilt made in less than two or three years i made the mystery quilt and um makes these quilts in no time i don't know how she does it and she says she makes all her own quilts she doesn't have anyone help her so i decided this morning to go ahead and order the half yard bundle of her new what's her new pattern called bluebird i think it's called bluebird and it's of course blue she just loves blues and whites i love blues and whites you love blues and whites and so i went ahead and ordered the half yard bundle um just so i know i'll have plenty of it and then i'll be able to make some of her other blue and white quilts too um avondra bought the um is it called the teddy bear the teddy bear quilt that doesn't sound right in the little video that you can watch it's the one that anna made for her mother-in-law her daughter's getting married i hope they show lots of pictures of the wedding somewhere so we can watch that did you watch a pioneer woman's daughter governor can you believe it i was around that girl's board her little brothers are just babies oh my goodness and they are married no wonder i feel so old okay let me see i think that was the last of my list that i wanted to talk about today to edit a quilt so next is go downstairs and pack that sewing table up you know i bought that great big sewing table well i thought it was a little tiny sewing table because i was going to put it in my rv and now we've just decided to use the table in the rv which is brilliant wonderful fabulous i love it i've already sewn in there oh i love it and so we've got to get that wooden table packed back up in the box it came in and you know how impossible that is and there's styrofoam all over the garage floor and we're like oh where does that go where does that go where does that go we're going to get it in that box and we're going to go get it returned so i'll be back soon because i want to show you the fashion show from footnice so maybe tomorrow bye bye for now
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 3,683
Rating: 4.9681697 out of 5
Keywords: Edyta Sitar Quilt, Tahoe Quilt, Surefit Designs Shirt Kit, Joy Bernhardt, Sewing, Grass Carp, Quilting, Carpenter's Wheel Quilt, Carpenter's Star Quilt, Jerry G. Bernhardt
Id: npJnEiIG2o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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