Blueprint VS C++ in Unreal Engine 5, Which One Should You Choose ?!

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one of the key decisions you should make when you want to start a project scenario is choosing between C plus plus and blueprint for your game logic I am assuming that you are a hobbyist a beginner or an intermediate level user in RL and you want to decide whether to go with blueprint or C plus plus for your projects in the engine this video will help you to have a general understanding about them and make better decisions when faced with the question so without further Ado let's Jump Right In and get started foreign between C plus plus and blueprints will greatly impact the development of your project so it's crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option you can also use them together in your projects both C plus plus and blueprints are designed to complement each other so if you have enough skills and knowledge in both of them you can get the best of both worlds they both have pros and cons and when used together they can make up for each other's weaknesses now let's take a closer look at them and get familiar with them on a deeper level let's start with blueprint blueprint is a visual scripting language based on C plus plus that enables developers to design the game logic through a series of interconnected graphical nodes it's a bit similar to a flowchart letting you understand the code's execution easier you can't trace the flow through the path which makes it easier to understand what exactly is going on epic games focus on blueprints in the latest versions of the engine make it easier for non-programmers to start creating games and projects it has lowered the barriers to entry and allows everyone without programming knowledge to implement their ideas in the software I myself come from a non-programming background and have no prior experience in coding maybe even if I had to learn C plus plus to make what I need I would not enter this part of the industry in the first place but using blueprint I was able to figure things out in a very short period of time and basically get everything I need from the engine using only blueprints keep in mind that at the same time blueprints also offers a comprehensive and Powerful tool set for advanced users too its accessibility and user friendliness doesn't mean it's not a good tool for advanced and complicated projects at all of course blueprint has a couple of downsides too and there are reasons that in some cases make developers prefer to work with C plus plus in the engine C plus plus is the patch Pawn of unreal it is an extension of the C programming language and is widely used in different Realms such as the development of system software application software and video games it is known for its efficiency and ability to handle low-level system resources making it a popular choice for demanding computational tasks when you make a new C plus plus project scenario you have access to all the engine tools features and options which may be limited in Blueprint working with C plus plus in real allows you to make any desired changes to the source code this requires a GitHub account and a high level of proficiency with the language so if you are an advanced user and confident in your abilities you can do a lot of things in C plus plus which are not possible using blueprints now let's compare them in different areas and see what advantages they have over each other in each section the thing that has a lot of importance for almost every user is the learning process and user friendliness blueprint is easier to learn it's intuitive and self-explanatory and easy to understand even in some cases it does exactly what it says in the node's names it's well documented and there are more than enough educational resources to learn it and be able to use it in a very short period of time on the other hand learning C plus plus from scratch is not an easy thing to do and it can consume a lot of your time and energy you are basically learning to code and if you don't have prior experience in coding this can become an extremely overwhelming challenge for you it's not even an easy language to learn compared to something like python which people nowadays usually start decoding Journey with so about learning curve and user friendliness blueprint has the upper hand another thing that we should consider is their ease of use it means that after you learn them how fast can you implement your ideas using the tool when you use blueprints it is a lot easier to turn your ideas into playable prototypes and compiles faster and lets you work entirely within the editor you can drag and drop whole sections of game logic into the graphs and be ready to go as fast as possible which may be not achievable using C plus plus so about prototyping and ease of use blueprint has the upper hand too another topic that we should cover and sometimes is underrated is their functionality as a guardian angel blueprint can act like a guardian it fires off warnings whenever you try anything that might cause the engine to lock up or crash it warns you when something is wrong so it's basically guards you from breaking anything in the engine if you are not an advanced user this feature is absolutely a blessing without it you would probably destroy the game and the engine using C plus plus you have access to everything and if you don't know exactly what you're doing which is usually true for most of us you will break things and fixing them would be an extremely painful punishment which you probably want to avoid the next topic is limitations of course if you're an advanced user and completely know what is happening behind the scenes you can enjoy the possibilities you have with C plus plus which are limited in Blueprint so in this case C plus plus can be a good choice and the last topic we will cover is there is speed in running code another thing about C plus plus is that it generally performs mathematical calculations much faster than blueprints resulting in quicker functionality this difference may not seem significant for smaller games but for even medium-sized projects there can be thousands of math operations per frame which can quickly make a noticeable impact on your performance so if you want to make it big and complicated project and you want it to run the code quickly C plus plus can be a better option [Music] well there you have it of course there is more to talk about and the list of pros and cons can get a lot longer but I think the topics we talked about are enough for you to make a good decision in choosing one of them in your projects I hope this information can help you get a better understanding of the subject in my opinion if you are not an advanced and Technical user of unreal which is true about 99 of the target audience of this video then just go with blueprints and be sure that you won't regret it if you are a 3D artist looking to create awesome games and project scenario blueprint is completely capable of giving you what you want in a user-friendly and intuitive way and you won't even notice its shortcomings we talked about earlier yeah and that's it for this video and I hope you enjoyed it if you did please don't forget to leave a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel thank you guys for watching catch you later
Channel: Unreal ART With Alireza
Views: 14,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial beginners, tutorial unreal 5, tutorial ue5, how to use unreal engine 5, learn unreal engine free, download unreal engine 5, introduction unreal engine 5, level design unreal engine 5, level design ue5, ue5 level design tutorial, unreal engine project size, materials, materials in unreal engine 5, blueprints, c++, coding
Id: vpysMjReREw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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