BLUE EYE SAMURAI Ending Explained!

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blueeye Samurai is a show that looks gorgeous with an insane cast and some of the best action sequences I've seen in a long time but the show also contains a lot of twists and turns and unanswered questions so in this video we'll be taking a deep dive into its ending and explaining some of its biggest mysteries but before we begin make sure to like And subscribe the Shogun demands it most of bluee Samurai takes place in 1657 Japan a period of isolation from the outside world known as sakoku during this time westerners were barred from entering the country and children like our protagonist Mizu were treated like second class citizens because they were half Japanese half Western this is why we'll often see Mizu wear these glasses to conceal her most telling Western feature her blue eyes the series final episode begins with a flashback to the moment Mizu made her vow to track down and kill her father she doesn't know who her father is but she has narrowed it down down to four men one of these men raped her mother and was responsible for making her this half breed monster a source of all her life's Strife additionally her father is said to have engaged in the trade of young women for prostitution as well as selling guns and opium so she makes it her life's goal to kill these four men at any cost I am owed my revenge and I will have it at any cost we'll see that Mizu has a tattoo on her arm a cross with a DOT the dot symbolizes one of the four men she's already killed and it's assumed that each quadrant will be filled with a DOT once she has killed these men we never see Mizu kill this first man and little is known about him abija Fowler The Season's main antagonist calls him Violet with Violet already dead Mizu moves on to Fowler a white man held in an almost impenetrable Castle because Japan does not allow westerners Fowler is essentially held confined in this building but given almost any luxury he could desire because he secretly helping the Shogun trade with the West making the Shogun the second richest man in the world Fowler will ask to dine alongside the Shogun as reward for his good work but is denied based on the color of his skin this resentment has been building in Fowler for over 10 years and thus he has orchestrated a coup to take down the Shogun install a puppet leader and Rule Japan for himself but how could one imprisoned man possibly take down one of the world's most powerful armies Fowler's connection with the West allowed him to amass hundreds if not thousands of guns something the Japanese do not possess by aligning himself with Shogun detractors such as Hai shindo and master Chiba who have armies of their own they can make quick work of the Shogun who will be no match for this Superior technology to make matters more complicated we have princess aemi whose father married her off to the shogun's second eldest son something she's not too pleased about she learns from one of her handmaidens a former prostitute of this impending attack and immediately tells her father in an attempt to warn everyone but to her surprise he already knows in fact he wants the attack to happen if the Shogun and his sons are killed that means aemi will be next in line to the throne the people will rally around her and he will become the deao ruler of Japan aemi has never had a choice in her life as a woman she's merely been a pawn of men her only purpose to make babies and establish alliances at the end of the season she finally has the chance to make her own choice run off with her former lover Tagan or remain with her husband most of the season has seen aimi searching for what she wants in life and here she makes her decision I want to be great and she can only do that by remaining where she is we've seen how aemi is a master manipulator and even though she is subservient to her husband if she can control him it will give her tremendous power I want to be in control of my life then take control of him his the theme of what it means to be great is something espoused by almost every character Ringo wants to be great at something although he hasn't found out just exactly what that is Mizu wants to be a great swordsman and aemi desires greatness it's aem's longtime Mentor instructor and friend SEI voiced by George teai that ends up saving a chemi from her imprisonment they even end up locking her father in a Cell as Fowler's coup is set in motion the last we see of her father Flames surround his cell during the Great fire of 1657 of which the last episode is titled this is an actual fire that happened in Edo at the time and estimates are that 100,000 people died in the show this fire is depicted as starting when Mizu tries to block Fowler's Escape it spread like wildfire considering most of the buildings at that time were made of paper and wood no one knows how this fire actually started but Japanese Legend states that it was started accidentally by a priest who was cremating an allegedly cursed kimono Fowler will later State biggest city in the world is burning to the ground as a blood sacrifice to your revenge the show encompasses themes of hate and revenge taking the stance that violence only begets more violence mizu's quest for Revenge has now resulted in the deaths of over a 100,000 people had she never embarked on this Quest she would have never started the fire that killed so many and that's not even counting the dozens of others she kills on her journey back to akim's Father the last time we see him he's surrounded by Flames but we learn that he survived a chemi says that he needs time for quiet recovery under her care so it's possible he's severely burned and aemi has other plans for him possibly to make him suffer for what he did to her with Fowler's men easily taking over the castle they locate the Shogun and his last remaining guards for over 20 years Fowler had been secretly brokering deals between the Shogun and the West making the Shogun extremely rich while Fowler was was treated like a second class citizen his plan is to install a new Shogun who will open Japan up to the West Fowler kills the Shogun but before he can finish off his kids is attacked by Mizu allowing the next in line to the throne to escape tan here is able to kill Hai shindo the man who tortured him at Fowler's Castle tan has had an interesting season whereas Mizu seemingly has no honor honor is meaningless Tagan has too much of it in episode one he's defeated by Mizu and humiliated by having his Shong cut off he spends most of the Season wanting to reclaim his honor by challenging miso to a duel but I got to say there are a few moments where Mizu and Tagan Bond where you kind of see a romantic connection Brewing between these two and now that the season ends with Tan's separated from aemi I wouldn't be surprised if he follows Mizu on her quest to London but The Season's biggest reveals happened during the epic showdown between Mizu and Fowler Mizu has spent the majority of her life training for this moment she could could kill Fowler but decides not to that's because she'll need Fowler to hunt down the two remaining men she's vowed to kill the two men are not in Japan but London England in their brief conversation we get a bit more information about these men and mizu's past first Fowler himself isn't sure if he's mizu's father stating that he thought he accounted for all his bastards we also get the names of the two other men Mizu are after and both of them have physical qualities that could make them mizu's Father there's skeffington a tall man and rley a man with pretty eyes the final shot of the season is Mizu on a boat with an imprisoned Fowler now we aren't sure if season 2 will start immediately in London or if it will follow miso's journey to get there a trip from Japan to England in the 1600s would entail countless stops along the way I should also mention the question of mizu's mother bowler tells us that she was murdered when Mizu was a baby but how can that be if we saw her when Mizu was an adult in episode 5 Mizu finds that her mother is still alive but it's actually not her mother at all it was the maid who was paid to take care of her until she chucked Mizu aside when the money ran out this woman was an opium addict and prostitute so when Mizu arrives as an adult happy to see her quote unquote mother again she sees this as an opportunity and continues the ruse of being her mother eventually marrying Mizu off to a lord where she can live a much more comfortable life it can therefore be implied that it was this woman who turned Mizu in for her Bounty and episode 5 and not her husband so we can see that mizu's life has been one of constant betrayal no wonder her heart is so full of hate she cares for nothing but Revenge even if it means hurting those around her if she's going to grow as a character she'll need to heed Master EG's words that the soul has two chairs one for good and one for evil and if you're not whole the demon will take both it will be interesting to see how mizu's journey to England will shape her as a person will she let hatred consume her or will she find a greater purpose to her life than revenge but now I turn it over to you what did you think of Bluey Samurai I want to hear your thoughts and theories in the comments below thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe and for more bad takes you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at thinkstory YT until next time remember Daddy loves you very much
Channel: Think Story
Views: 213,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bes, blue eye samurai, blue eye samurai ending, blue eye samurai explained, blue eye samurai ending explained, blue eye samurai netflix, blue eyed samurai, blue eye samurai breakdown, blue eye samurai review, mizu, taigen, akemi, blue eye samurai anime, netflix anime
Id: VRNyjssBhMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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