THE CROWN Season 6 Part 2 Ending Explained! Real Life History, Differences and Comparisons

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if you're like me you couldn't wait to get your eyes on the final season of the crown if only to master the Dutch Bonnet napkin fold few have truly mastered the Dutch Bonnet napkin fold it's hard to believe that the first season came out 7 years ago with a Cavalcade of actors portraying the royal family from 1947 to 2005 but like Prince Charles and Diana's marriage it must come to an end even though there are plenty of more Royal stories for a season 7 including Prince Andrew's travel to Epstein Island Prince Williams alleged Affair and of course Prince Harry and Megan markle's estrangement from the royal family and be sure to stick around till the end of the video as I go into what the Queen's speech the one she decides not to read actually says now I hope you're about as excited for this video as Prince Phillip is taking a family photo CHR take the photo God's sake take a bloody photograph will you and like And subscribe it means a lot the very first image of the final episode is that of a fox a symbolic nod to the Royal Family's ability to adapt in fact much of season 5 and six have centered around the Queen's ability and sometimes inability to adapt and change over time there's a delicate balance of making sure the crown survives while maintaining its customs and traditions in fact the series final episode involves a moral dilemma reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II must face does she break from tradition and abdicate the throne so that Charles can rule R in his prime or does she do what the crown demands serve until death I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be diverted to your service and it's kind of fitting that the Crown's final episode sees the queen having to plan her own funeral an event known as operation London Bridge while the events of this episode take place in 2005 it won't be until 17 years later that the queen dies in 2022 and yes it's true that the Queen's Royal Piper played sleep Deary sleep at her funeral which also happens to be the name of the final episode another decision the queen must make is approving Charles's marriage to Camila Parker BS a decision that sees her Consulting with the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Salsbury remember that the Monarch is the head of the Church of England and the church doesn't want it to seem like they're condoning sinful Behavior by approving a marriage that was founded in sin and yes during their own wedding Charles and Camila had to repent and ask forgiveness for their sins well part one of season 6 primarily focused on Princess Diana part two spends most of its time on William we pick up with him shortly after the death of his mother I just want things to go back to normal as quickly as possible but rather than process his grief he shuts it out becoming increasingly isolated from everyone including his father set this against the backdrop of Will's Mania where swells of teenage girls basically throw themselves at him it makes for an awkward combination what will hasn't done is Express his feelings about what happened believing his father's decisions are what led to Diana's death don't you think there might be a connection between where we will are now and you're part in it it's an accusation that destroys Charles and opens up even more wounds such as William believing Charles resents him because he's more popular and more like Diana you think I'm just like her and you hate me for it it's only when will has a heart-to-heart with his grandfather Prince Phillip that William realizes it's easier to be mad at his father than accepting who he's really angry with his mother but how can a son really be mad at his own dead mother it's an agonizing position to be in Diana not only left him but left him with impossible shoes to fill he's not as comfortable in the spotlight doesn't have as good away with the public and there must be some underlying resentment here it's only when he realizes this that William goes to his father and without saying anything gives him a big hug I think for me this was the most emotional part of part two and a Prof found lamentation on how we process grief but it's not all sad for the young princess episode 7 delves into his love life an eventual relationship with Kate Middleton now the show will have you believe that Kate met William in her early teens while he was out with Princess Diana but official statements say they met each other during the first few weeks attending St Andrews University in Scotland Kate was deemed to be the prettiest girl at school and William and Kate both took art history and shared a mutual love for swimming which we'll see in the show it's also true that Kate switched from the University of Edinburgh to St Andrews after the announcement William would be attending but we can't be certain what her true intentions were St Andrews did see a 40% increase in applications after the Royal announcement it wasn't a hot love affair right off the top as a romance between these two took a bit of time the show depicts William having a girlfriend named Lola airdale Cavendish concade try say that three times fast well Lola isn't a real person she's believed to be based off two women from Williams p past first Carly Massie Burch who William dated for a few months and Arabella Musgrave who seems to be more of that socialite type and now heads PR for Gucci as seen in the show Kate dated fourthe rert Finch considered the best catch at St Andrews they dated for less than a year but the show insinuates Kate was only seeing finchy to make a point to her mother that she can't meddle in her love life as fate would have it Kate and wills romance would Blossom during the night of the fashion show while it took a few months for them to become official they would go on to share a flat together the show also paints Kate's mother Carol played by Eve best a royal in another low-budget show as the real Matchmaker here purposely signing up her daughter on different events so that she'd be closer to the prince however there's no evidence to support this I thought it was interesting that multiple times throughout Will's Arc we'll see a copy of JD salingers Catcher in The Ride near him it's a book that has themes of alienation depression loss grief sexuality and coming of age all things William goes through in no doubt would be able to connect with the final episodes also sew the seeds of Prince Williams eventual estrangement from Prince Harry in episode 5 we'll see them being Bros enjoying drinks together and being there for one another this slowly erodes the further we get along and long-term resentment builds William is seen as the perfect first child allowing Harry to be the Royal screw-up he's even referred to as the backup cuz there's no need for number two in this family except as entertainment Harry lashes out getting caught smoking weed and of course leading to his biggest mistake dressing up as a Nazi but resentment can go both ways in episode 9 William expresses how Harry can do whatever he wants well he has to be perfect there's more freedom with Harry but as Harry States there's one thing William has that he never will protection from the system you may have heard the term the system throughout all six seasons especially in season 6 it's a broad term for every protocol that encompasses the monarchy and they're in place place to protect its survival if William screws up the system will be there to protect him and his image not so much for Harry the system protects number one number two tends to the queen would know her sister Margaret number two was known to be much more Reckless and in need of care than herself the system protecting Harry is almost non-existent case in point the Nazi costume in fact Philip calls the costume shop to chew them out not for renting a Nazi uniform to his grandson son but rather for the historical inaccuracy that Nazi soldiers in the Africa core never wore swastika armbands now the show depicts William Kate and Harry picking out costumes together which is not what happened according to Prince Harry he called William and Kate and told them about his idea to dress up as a Nazi and they both loved it he'd even try it on for them at home and they supposedly howled with laughter this is quite different from the show in which Kate expresses her reservations I don't know maybe cover the SW Harry would go on to say quote it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and in an effort to salvage His Image speaks with rabbis and Holocaust Survivors given a short epilogue is Dodie fed's father Muhammad whose quest to implicate the royal family in the death of his son and Diana leaves him angry and bitter after the investigation shows his accusations to be unfounded while I couldn't find the exact speech where he refers to English people as electing donkeys and in caves the man never held back his views of the Royals and especially Prince Phillip but his Philip is a gangster is a bloody Nazi German bastards come from nowhere right come on tell us how you really fa this is a complete reversal from the Muhammad we saw in season 5 who adored the Royals and did everything in his power to earn a place among them not realizing that no matter what he did or how rich and wealthy he became they would never accept him as we embark on the Crown's final episode we're met with the backdrop of the Iraq War to 2 years in to be exact Prime Minister Tony Blair seen in almost this Godlike status when first elected has plummeted in popularity it just goes to show how politicians come and go but the crown always remains Charles asked the queen to allow him to marry Camila something she ultimately agrees to but things get exciting when rumors spread that the queen has prepared a speech that she's allowed no one to read many of the Royals including Charles think that this secret speech will be the Queen's announcement that she is stepping down to let Charles rule according to Royal historians the queen never seriously considered abdication but the show makes the tension of the Queen's decision one of the focal points of the finale we'll even see the queen skip through several of these note cards which have this announcement on it suggesting her decision was left to the last moment if you zoom in on the note card you can see what the show has written down the first thing I want to bring to your attention is the page number on the top right the queen flips from page five to page eight leaving out three whole pages from the speech which is probably why William says nice speech granny though surprisingly short now it's a bit hard to read and I had to do some zooming in and capture a few frames but it more or less reads as follows it has become a cherished Axiom that the crown is for Life a truth that is constantly impressed in those who wear it in a thousand years of blank her thumb blocks the word here the only exceptions are those who have been deposed those who have been proven unfit and often a mixture of the two the rest I can pick out only a word or two but this definitely proves at least by the show's depiction that the queen waited till the last moment to make her decision it's fitting that the Crown's final scene starts at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle the place where the queen will eventually be buried Prince Philip has a particularly Grim outlook on the monarchy quoting a line from poet John Dryden stating all human things are subject to Decay and when fate summons monarchs must obey he's essentially stating that nothing human can last forever and since the monarchy is a human construct it must one day come to an end the queen sees a vision of the piper playing her lament as she walks past her own coffin crown and Rod this is all in her head as the camera switches to the wide shot and the coffin is no longer there but the queen isn't alone alongside her are past versions of herself note how her current form is dressed in white while her past selves are in Black almost funeral like suggesting they are dead and in her past the final shot is over a minute long a minute and 15 seconds to be exact and it felt as long as the Queen's Reign herself the final image is that of a flood of White Light bathing the queen as she exit symbolic of her entering into the next life although she still has several more years until her death this was a way for the show to end in a way that elicits this feeling of closure without actually showing her die with no season to show her final years I thought this was a good way to end things but that still leaves a lot of stories yet to be told Creator Peter Morgan hasn't stated what his next project will be but no doubt they could do an entire series just on the Prince Harry Megan Markle drama alone I'm excited to see what project he comes up with next but now I turn it over to you what did you think of the crowns series finale I want to hear your thoughts in the comments below thanks for watching please be sure to like And subscribe and for more bad takes you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram @ thinkstory YT until next time remember few have truly mastered the Dutch Bonnet napkin fold
Channel: Think Story
Views: 181,803
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Keywords: the crown, the crown season 6, the crown season 6 part 2, the crown season 6 review, the crown season 6 part 2 ending explained, the crown comparisons, the crown netflix vs real life, the crown series finale, the crown season 6 ending, the crown season 6 part 2 netflix, the crown netflix, the crown season 6 part 2 vs real events, the crown season 6 explained, the crown william and kate, the crown season 6 william and kate
Id: PcoLcZnl_4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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