Blox Watch - A Roblox Horror Movie

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Teacher: I'm surprised you would get yourself into trouble like this Robbie. It's not like you. Robbie: I'm sorry, miss. Teacher: Okay, get yourself off home. Robbie: Huh? Robbie: Hello? (Footsteps) Robbie: No, no, y-you can't be here y-you're not real! Robbie: Dang it! Come on! Open! Robbie: No, no, no, no! Robbie: No! No! [screaming] Mom: Charlotte, guess who's home! The Last Guest: I've missed you so much! The Last Guest: Look what I found on my last deployment! Charlotte: What is it? The Last Guest: It's the shiniest crystal I've ever seen! The Last Guest: Thought you would like it. [Present Day] [Alarm Clock Rings] [Hit] [oof] *You have 1 new message* Mom: Hey Charlie, terrible traffic here. Just dropping your dad off at the army base for his new deployment. Mom: You know how busy he is saving the world as always. I hope you have a great first day in your new school. Mom: Love you lots! (Bell Rings) Charlotte: Oh! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. ???: Nah, it's okay! here? Charlotte: Yeah..My dad's in the army, so we're always moving around a lot. Charlie: I'm Charlie Leo: I'm Leo. Nice to meet you! Charlie: The legend of Guest666! Loved reading that book when I was younger. Leo: Yeah...I'm a bit of a nerd about it. I even got the t-shirt! Charlotte: I used to have nightmares about Guest666 for ages afterwards. Charlotte: Do you really think he's gone forever? Leo: I don't know..I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories that he was never actually a ghost. Leo: Some people actually think he's still alive today. Charlie: Cool! By the way, do you know where history class is? ???: Hey newbie, we've got history as well. You can tag along with us! Leo: I'll see you later! ???: First day, right? Charlie: Yeah. ???: Just a heads up, some seriously strange things have happened in this town. ???: People have been disappearing near the forest. ???: Jeez, why gotta go scaring her like that? Teacher: ....And it was only twelve years ago today that the great war between the bacons and guests finally ended. Teacher: Uhh, class, please welcome our new student. Teacher: Uhh...what's your name again? Charlie: Uhm..Charlie? Teacher: Oh, okay. Cool! Teacher: You can take a seat next to Vanessa over there. Vanessa: Heyyyyyyyyy, what's up girl? My name is Vanessa. ???: She already knows that, idiot! ???: The teacher's just told her. Vicky: I'm Vicky. You must've done something really bad in a previous life to end up at this place. Violette: I'm Violette. You can hang out, y'know, with us at lunch if you like. Charlie: Sure. Thanks. Teacher: Hey! Pipe it down over there, you guys! Teacher: Alright, where was I... Teacher: ...The bacon people. Felt like they were being treated like second class citizens Teacher: Outcasts, if you like. Teacher: Which led to a lot of discontent amongst the local bacon- Charlotte: What the...Where am...I? (Doorknob Rattles) (Rattling Intensifies) (Knocking) (Rattling Continues) (Rattling Stops) (Slam) ???: Sorry sir! Door was stuck again! My mom's car broke down.. Teacher: Hurry up and take a seat. (Toilet Flush) Charlie: What the heck... Charlie: What is going on? Charlie: Hey.. is everything okay? Violette: I'm sorry... Charlie: Oh, don't apologize! What's wrong? Violette: My brother's been missing for over a week... No one knows where he is! Charlie: I'm... so sorry... Violette: You're new...I shouldn't be making you feel bad like this. Violette: Let's go grab some lunch.. Vanessa: What animal does a turkey come from..? Vicky: Ugh..shut up, Vanessa! Vicky: Come on then Charlie...! What's it like having a famous dad in the army? Vanessa: Yeah, bet your mom has to watch out! Vanessa: All those women throwing themselves at him! Violette: Come on guys! Stop harassing her! It's her first day! I'm sure she'd rather talk about anything but her dad! Vicky: Okay! Sorry...spoil sport! Vicky: Hey, there's a party in the forest tomorrow. You should come! Charlie: Yeah, sure. Charlie: Who's that guy...? Vicky: Who? Zack? He's seriously weird... Vicky: ...always by himself... Vicky:... stay away from that creep. I don't trust him. Vicky: See you at camp, tomorrow night! Come on losers, let's go. Bully: What's the password, creep? Bully: Lost your tongue? Bully: Say "I'm a bacon terrorist" and we'll let you pass. Charlie: Hey! Charlie: Leave him alone! Bully: Oh! I'm so scared! Charlie: Bullying him because he's a bacon hair? You're pathetic! Bully: Nobody talks to me like that! Do you understand? Charlie: Get away from me! Charlie: I'm not scared of you! Bully: You are going to regret that-! Teacher: Is everything okay here? Bully: Yes sir, we're just introducing ourselves to the new girl. Teacher: School finished ten minutes ago. Hurry home. Bully: Next time I see you, you'll regret it! Charlie: Hey, you alright? Zack: Yeah, thanks. Zack: You should'nt of got involved. They'll come after you now. Charlie: They don't scare me. Zack: You can see into the dark world, can't you? Charlie: Wait, can you see that too? Zack: I shouldn't have said anything. It's too dangerous. I have to go. Charlie: Hey! Zack! Wait! Zack: What are you doing here? Charlotte: Look, I know where you live so I'm not going until you tell me about this "dark place" Zack: There's so many things you still don't know. Zack: That dark world we can see into is called "Limbo"... Zack: ...and inside Limbo are a lot of evil creatures wanting to get out. Zack: Being able to see into Limbo is one of the abilities of an Astral. Charlotte: What? What's an "Astral"? Zack: I can't tell you any more. If "it" finds out about us, then we're both dead. Albert: Hey Megan, I sure hope there aren't any murderers here! Megan: Do you like, ever shut up? Albert: Hey Megan, are we in Vietnam? I feel like these trees are watching us. Megan: Yeah, it's kinda spooky-looking in here. Albert: Hey Megan, did you know that- Megan: Uhh...Albert? Megan: Albert? Albert: Wh-wh-where on earth am I? Albert: What was that?! (Foot Stomping) Albert: You're not Megan! (Roars) (Screams) Leo: Hey stranger, how's it goin'? Charlie: Okay, as far as school goes. I suppose. Charlie: Ugh..This is a really random question, but, do you know anything about "Astrals"? Leo: Yeah...legend says that they have the ability to manipulate the laws of physics and move objects with their mind... Charlie: telekinesis and apparition? Leo: Exactly, and the only way to tell them apart is by the glistening colored glow in their eyes when they're using their powers. Leo: There have been rumors of a very powerful, dark Astral who wants all the powers to himself. Leo: Legends claim he was the first ever Guest in existence. Leo: Some say he's the devil himself. Charlie: What's...his name? Leo: Blox Watch. Leo: But that's just some weird urban legend. Charlie: Gotta go. Are you going to the party in the forest later? Leo: Yeah, I'm goin'. I'll see you there later. Zack: If you want my advice, stay away from the camp. Charlie: My dad taught me to be strong and not run away from my problems. Charlotte: So no, I don't want your advice. Stop hiding and stand up for yourself, Zack! Student: Let's get this party started! Charlotte: How do you know so much about Limbo and Astrals? Leo: That's the perk of being a nerd, I guess. Vicky: What's up, girl? Glad you could make it! Vicky: This here is my handsome boyfriend. Bully: It's such a pleasure to meet you again. Vicky: Anyways, see you around. Leo: Everything alright? Charlie: I'm beginning to think coming here wasn't such a good idea. Charlotte: Wasn't that Violette's brother? Leo: Can't be...He's still missing...Isn't he? Charlie: Let's check it out. Leo: I'm not sure that's such a good idea. Leo: Just so you know, if you get us killed, I'm blaming you. Charlie: Yeah whatever, you wimp. Charlie: Anyway, thought you were my "protector". Leo: Yeah, well...I'm a believer in equal opportunities. (Screaming) Leo: What was that?! Leo & Charlotte: Hello? Charlie: I can't see anyone. Leo: I don't like this... Something's not right. Leo: Let's go. Bully: Oh boy... [maniacal laughter] Bully: You should've seen the look on your face... (Plays a screaming audio) Bully: Now I do believe we have some unfinished business from earlier... Leo: We don't want any trouble, okay? Bully: Oh look, she brought her boyfriend with her! Bully: I don't even know who you are. Stay out of this! Charlie: You're in our way! Come on, Leo. Bully: Oh you're not going anywhere! Bully: Grab him! Charlie: Zack! What are you doing here? Zack: Thought it was time I joined the party. Sorry I'm late. Bully: You! Bully: I'm gonna make sure I break every bone in your body! Charlotte: No! Stop! Bully: That's not possible! Charlotte: I...I don't know how I did that... Bully 2: This is too weird, bro. You're on your own! Bully 3: Yeah. I'm out of here, man! Bully: You bunch of wussies! Bully: Robbie? Where on earth have you been, man? Bully: Everyone's been looking for you! Your sister's been worried sick! Leo: That's not Robbie... Zack: Blox Watch. Blox Watch: Hello, Charlie.
Channel: ObliviousHD
Views: 9,695,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Movie, The Last Guest, Blox Watch, Guest 666, A Roblox Movie, The Oder, Roblox Movies, ObliviousHD, Roblox Animation, Horror movie, roblox scary, roblox scary horror, Blox Watch Roblox
Id: lHKstsDHeBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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