Blox Fruits, But You Can ONLY Choose MYTHICAL Fruits...

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today in Blox fruits me and my friend will be fighting with only mythical fruits but we won't know which fruits we'll be fighting with so we'll have to ask yes or no questions to help us pick so the first to win four battles is the winner okay drop me my fruits number okay okay okay all three of them all three of them all right all right you got that one as your first one okay I thought you got a duplicate for a second okay here's all three REM mythical fruits what is your question um okay I'm trying to think of what would be a good one uh okay this is easy which one has the highest value oh do I have to tell you the number yeah just go top to bottom highest to lowest value out of all three of them highest to lowest number three number two number one okay I'll take number three okay okay I'll drop yours drop mine boom Oh boom Oh boom oh okay okay this is going to be interesting video okay what's your question which fruit has the color blue if it has any and if it is what number is it that's one question that's two all right fine fine fine fine fine fine I'll change it up okay what fruit is blue what number is it number three all right give me number three oh my gosh okay okay you going to be like that bro yep come on come to over here side come we're on the other side stop going the other way you stop going that okay ready one two 3 show what give me my Kitsune give me my kitun bro okay it matches my hat spec number no one cares about your fake Dominus you're going to get dragon all over okay well you're going to get katuna all over over three 2 1 go be why are you shooting that you know it doesn't reach that far I'm flying up go away no no flying anymore I just shot you out of the sky I'm a sniper come here I'm going to snipe you yeah how do you like it that's like half my health are you kidding me dragon is no Coke bro imagine if it was awaken bro I would be destroying you waken Dragon that's not a thing and it never will be I mean the next update bro Oh you mean rework Dragon but same thing bro can you get off by okay I'm big I'm okay okay we're playing this game we're transforming yeah let's see you transform hurry all right watch this we can transform to can play this game just got to snipe you right there bro go ahead and do that yep ow ow ow furry take this one why aren't you getting slashed in the air there's a dragon on the loose going after furries well you are furry yourself Bo what are you talking about going after furries you're a furry yourself since when are like I can't even do move get off me that damage is crazy I'm at 2,000 Health come here snipe oh my God what that range is crazy I just sniped you so far and you didn't even kill me I died to like your burn damage that's crazy okay okay you got an OP fruit this is going to be an OP video number every fruit is a mythical so you're going to get destroyed one Z one zero okay number I might have got the dragon fruit I'm going to drag this L across your face okay boom boom boom okay three fruits um they're all good cuz they're just mythicals you know but you're going to choose the worst one out of all of them how about this question which one's the best one out of all of them bro how's that question work which one do you think is the best and in what terms in what terms bro in terms of popularity oh yeah okay recent popularity or overall overall overall overall popularity blord has been out for Years bro so I don't need a whole life story so uh one of them is recently in poopular uh probably a couple months the other one's years give me that one give me that one recent one actually I want that one that has to be like sound fruit T-rex or Mammoth those are the only recent fruits or ksun has to be one of those right it's recent I don't like you okay okay just draw me my fruits okay okay okay perfect let's go ahead and see okay that one's uh I feel bad for you I feel really bad for you I feel really bad for you bro I I already smell the control fruits through the screen bro oh gosh what's your question I got to think really hard uh even if you think hard I don't think you're escaping okay I'm I'm a big brain this right now out of all the fruits there what's the best fruit to kill the furry kitsun fruit none bro okay just give me the first one I don't care you want the first one yes okay I'll give you the first one all right come to whatever side where are you there you are okay monkey there you go buddy you got two controls in a ground look at your side it was my side oh my gosh what what what I I got ksun again the game might be like a rewarding you but bro rewarding is an understatement this game I am the come King number I am the comeback King G number time to lose control area you know what because I feel bad for you go ahead and get some free hits inspect you're going to need it buddy go ahead there as many tree hits as you'd like oh oh oh combos combos bro there there's a giant pause bro that tickled all that for nothing bro yeah boom Rock oh wait wait wait okay that I half Health why did that hurt so much get off me oh my gosh I'm about to die okay I was being too funny hold on I was letting my guard down way too fast wait all I have to do is just stand here spec what are you going to do from there bro get in my bubble ow how am I bro what is that going to do spec hey chill you're not getting any more help hold your Z ability now hey oh oh oh oh you put your gun down I'm K tricking it good BP ow get out of my face be nice next time or I'm going have to end you for real I'm using my ragon on you bro bro I'm going to put you in again Jitsu this is my ragon bro get off me I'm a 300 health back you're I'm just going to kill you now okay buddy hey where you going where do you think you're going bye-bye spec oh I missed all right goodbye spec two more games goodbye spec stop running around I'm not playing these games bro oh what happened all right goodbye spec there we go I I okay I live for a while I I call that a win in my book okay you're alive because I you to bro I controlled it you were in my bubble you were in my domain number yeah too bad your domain expansion skaka compared to mine okay furry 02 but I'm coming back all right spec I feel bad for you so I'm going to go ahead and drop yours first all right buddy okay all right let's see what we got for the first one hey okay not bad not bad not bad okay interesting oh no don't oh no me bro it should be oh furry no it's not that I'll tell you right now I'm not trying to trick you spec just oh no bro okay okay okay um rank them from worst to best about who would have the most teeth most teeth yes huh who has the most teeth in like pounds if they were to have like ounces of teeth how much ounces of teeth do you think each one would have oh collagen bro collagen are you sure want to change up your question okay that's a whack question but I'll go ahead and tell you so starting from worst to best we'll do three one two actually no no no 3 2 1 in my opinion that's my opinion um and and then teeth I'd say they're both on par weight number one's way bigger heavier at least heavier wise yeah that's pretty much all you get so which one has the both teeth again I'd say they're tied two and one okay give me number one number one teeth kind of guy you know all right all right number one it is K drop yours Boop okay Boop okay and poop okay all right now tell me spec yes number skull which one would you use in your opinion H I don't know so make sure of one or two oh and I want to be like a math teacher so show me your answer explain your answer oh okay so retention wise we want we don't want repeat so number one so that's that's my answer okay okay number one will have higher retention than number two number one will be better choice for sake yes yes yes for retention okay I'll choose number one just for you come here show me what I got okay Shadow fruit and you got Mammoth okay yeah think number two would have not been the good choice I would have just stomped you out so hard oh I feel bad spec I can't believe I get those look at your options bro you did not even get a single ksun you got controller Dragon again bro oh yeah Mammoth is not bad bro Mammoth is not bad you've had katune the last three drops but but MTH is not bad but is a match for my shadow though that's the real question I'm going stomp you number okay number get pounded you're the one that's going to eat my part bro I don't know why you're talking anent cutter nope go ahead and get hit by my fart cloud oh oh okay you thought you could get away go away uh-uh fart cloud oh you dodged by fart cloud oh you went back in it yeah bro I'm lagging bro Donald's Wi-Fi uh there you go right you want to you want to get close to me bro I think I'll just fly right above you you're damped bro go ahead and heal off you oh never mind that yeah nice heal you just took 200 damage which is half of your health bro can you die that's not even that's not half of my health bro does not know the MTH ow oh that was half your health that was almost half my health what the heck is that damage bro go ahead and do this you're just dying bro are you sure Stampede is the move for this one stop stop stop yes all I got to do is just run away and then you just run towards me and I just stomp on you until spe gets hit by my ultimate until you get hit by that are you scared are you shivering in your boots now I am not quaking come here spec come here oh right into my open no no no no no no no how low are you how low are you uh not low enough look at you run do you know why you're running because you're a big fat Woolly Mammoth why you talking about your mom okay I told you number it's comeback season you might have won that one but that's the only one you're getting spec ah no I got many wins tonight many wins one with your mom all right I'm dropping your fruits cuz you're talking smack now you're going to have to ask the first question oh good luck for me control nope might only be able to use one out of these fruits let's see go ahead and ask your question okay one out of the fruits that means there's only one possible good one um rank them on best or worst on how easy they are to use okay two and three are about the same give or take I feel like three might be a little bit easier number one's probably the most difficult okay okay then I'll go on number three since it's the easiest to use so probably op and spammy and no skill okay okay okay not a bad choice now go ahead and drop my fruit Boop oop ooh oop ooh oop ooh okay spec by those reactions I'm going to be the complete opposite of you choose the one that has the most high skill cap highest skill cap yep so the hardest fruit to use three okay show me what you got let's show each other bro control no keep it hardest to use what kind of question was that and you chose the hardest to use one brother there's leopard it's okay it's okay you need to you need that fruit trust me I'm going to destroy you with the other oh this is way more easier Shadow is more easier I think you're easier with Venom bro I'm pretty sure easier is not language but this is way more easy and Venom will destroy you okay you know what I'm hearing hi Kevin okay number time to take the poison okay well I guess this fight's not going anywhere cuz I'm staying here buddy oh yeah yeah bro that didn't work ha nice rock loser it's like you're the loser you're the one with Venom not Afra and you're the one afraid to fight a control user come on spec bro I'm just waiting for my furry meter to go up oh you're trying to trick me try to do 100 IQ this back yes I'm touching you come here come here poison poison ah bro I don't even have to how you die to this I'm just near you wait you're actually just running around throwing boms stop stop that's how you're supposed to use control what do you want from me oh going to die bro bro get close to me okay that I didn't mean that close just he he's said get close to you bro bro okay okay I'm I'm getting out of the bubble I'm an he spec how are you losing to control bro you're being weird what are you talking about I got you I got you spec spec you can't let me beat you with control bro that's disrespectful I'm like 1,000 Health that is disrespectful you can't let me do that to you bro come here bro why are you running from me I should be the opposite way around bro you're not taking damage oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh Come Back come here what oh you're you're going to get poison to death I'm suffocating I'm suffocating you I'm suffocating you this smell oh bro you just took my extension you just died it's your fault for being stinky buddy go take a shower go wash my butt I smell like this because of youy guys look it's a guy that doesn't wash his butt in the shower I bet that butt is real stinky okay you're just mad that I tied it up and now it's 2 two okay I'll drop for you this time since you've been dropping for me but just like how you just dropped dead in that last one all right you're dropping dead in this next one yeah oh that one's horrible oh that one's horrible oh that one's even more horrible all right now I'm going to feel bad for you give me the primary color of each one okay so primary color H this is hard there's many colors on this one but I'm going to say the primary is probably blue there's many colors many colors next one's the same thing uh probably blue the third one is green so blue blue green I'll take the green it's probably dragon or T-rex M okay okay all right I'm going drop yours now spec okay interesting oh okay interesting interesting okay you have some interesting options here okay okay what is your one question spec I'm trying to think I'm trying to Big Brain this okay okay I actually can't find one ah out of all three of them rank them from H which ones have a transformation say yes or no if they have a transformation all three no they do not all have a transformation none of them have a transformation one of them do okay which one number two okay I'll take number two okay and you want to the green one right yep all right come this okay oh my gosh two kids to days you got two that's crazy okay well you got leopard and I got my dragon what were the other ones what were the other ones oh okay yeah you got the good one you got the good one you're going to get furry span BD you're going to get actually destroyed I think I could be dragging these nuts across your face anytime okay lizard boy you are scaly and ugly I'll whoop you with my tail at least I don't got something in my butt tail boy E I am Speedy quick boy Speedy you can't catch me if I play my card right I can destroy you yeah yeah keep your distance oh oh it worked it worked it worked bro it worked actually stop stop it worked it worked it worked you're actually going to one shot be come here you're in so much trouble bro bro how did that hit me trouble you're in so much trouble bro no oh my gosh be you actually about to get outplayed you're actually about to get outplayed spe I got to use my moves to like get away from you bro leopard is inferior to my dragon ow no you canceled my ability come here spec stop stop stop stop I'm actually so low go away go away go away I'm going around the corner in trouble you're in trouble spec stop you canceled my CA ability come here spe yeah back how' you lose bro leopard versus dragon I played my cards exactly how I wanted you fell for the Trap right into my palm lowkey Dragon kind of outplays leopard oh my gosh what was that I couldn't do nothing you know what my plan was all along what this okay number might be 32 the odds are against me I'm up against the wall but my butt has been up against many walls okay so I'm going to drop these fruits and respectfully ask the Blox fruit Gods to drop me something legit oh okay okay pretty legit if I have to say so myself so I'm going play C right now and right now you're going to get Town fulled you're going to ask your question now I don't know what you said but I do have a question yes yes yes yes yes I'm here to answer all your questions stop talking to me like that anyways my question is which fruit is the spami of them all which one has the fast this cool down H you don't like that question this one's like a comboy one this one is kind of spammy this one wait I forgot the moves for this one can you ask another question no no no no no answer the questions bro I don't know okay two is a combo fruit one and three are kind of spammy okay give me the one with the shortest cool Downs now bro I don't know the cool Downs off the top of my head with the shortest cool down spe one second we got to look up which one's the shortest cool Downs off the top of your head that you remember getting clapped with so hard so many times which one's so annoying to fight fine I'll change the question which one's the most annoying to fight probably the second one all right choose that one for me all right I'm dropping yours okay okay okay okay okay okay interesting you can't really go wrong okay I got a good question what's the RGB of each one the primary RGB primary RGB uh first one's green the other two are kind of split there's no Primary in those okay I'll just do the green one cuz we have not got T-Rex yet and there probably T-Rex are you sure yes are you positive yes give me it okay I hate to break it to you spec but it's not T-Rex give me my dough give me my dough I knew it I knew bro the same thing twice spir okay whatever you just destroyed me with this thing I'll destroy you with the thing you just destroyed me with okay are you sure cuz that takes skill spec I am skill number that's my middle name okay number I'm ready lay in the air all you want buddy I could grab you out of the air okay hey you slammed me down too I slam my D wheel you canceled my D wheel but I can snipe you still you can't get me get out of the sky yes I got like a fly like a fly ow oh my gosh I'm about to die I'm about to die there's no way that thing hurts that much bro yeah now how do you like how it feels bro hey stop playing around the building you monkey how do you hit me oh my gosh you're dead now you pay for your consequences spec oh you're still alive you're still alive come here goodbye spec should I kill you now or kill you later when do you want it spec uh not to do that oh I missed when do you want it give me an answer spec I'll end you right now all right goodbye oh you lived I felt that on my toes bro did you get a whiff next to your butt cheeks okay stop talking about my butt cheeks all right come here I'm kind of healing up here I kind want to chill up here what if I tell you no more healing oh my gosh it doesn't even reach up there bro what am I supposed to do that's not what's supposed to happen spec doesn't reach from there Bozo who I'm up I hate this try comboing me now bud I'm a big dragon okay what what that knocked me off okay no I'm going to burn oh what how you how did close how did that not hit cuz I teleported away what do you mean how did I not hit you want to play the running game we could we can move around a little bit spec I don't mind oh you missed the most important ability of your life dude why is that hit so far what there's no reach on that yeah there's no reach on that why you think it's getting a rework buddy what no I missed I choked yes I stopped it I stopped it in trou I de heed you're in trouble you're in trouble you're in trouble spec oh my gosh yeah combo was so juicy oh my gosh be how does it feel getting those cheeks absolutely obliterated you're actually a weenie and if you're still watching if you think number is a weenie uh make sure you're subscribed
Channel: Spekツ
Views: 31,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox blox fruits, roblox bloxfruits, roblox bloxfruit, roblox first time playing bloxfruit, roblox noob to noob, blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, one piece, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, roblox one piece, blox piece, noob to pro, russo, MeEnyu, NotOG, Kitt Gaming, TheGreatACE, Gamer Robot, DernD, ShisuiXI, Axiore, Foltyn, Third Sea, rektway, numberskull, mythical, fire fruit, Lucky block, colors, color, senpirate, koopekool, inhe
Id: Sw2vjKpIfBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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