Bloons TD 6 l My Viewers Choose How I Play!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Ryan a 2t and today here on the channel we're gonna be doing something a little bit different of course we're gonna play in balloons tower-defense six but on top of that I'm not gonna be making the decisions I'm not gonna be calling the shots you guys are in today's stream I'm gonna have you guys decide everything that I do are you guys gonna be able to carry me to a victory are you guys gonna be able to let me to allow me how to play I don't know are we gonna win are we gonna lose that is entirely up to you guys so hello everyone thanks for coming out to the stream today let's do this so yeah basically this is how it's going to work everything that I do and I mean everything is decided by you guys so everything you want me to do you have to save in shat and I'm going to do that obviously everyone's gonna be saying different things so when it comes to making a decision I'm going to what pick what I see the most in chat so if I say uh what what am I gonna do and whatever somebody says that I'm gonna have to do that so when placing a tower you guys need to say like glue gunner put it here right so glue gunner top left map but glue gunner you know things like that so I need you guys to be able to tell me what how I'm gonna play you guys are gonna upgrade my towers for me you guys have to decide the hero the map the difficulty everything that I do is up to you guys and I think this is gonna be a little bit ridiculous but I think it's also gonna be a lot of fun so without further ado let's do this so the first thing first is I have to select my hero what hero should I select everyone so right now comment down below what is your decision of what hero I should play with whoever has the most votes I'm gonna do this striker Jones Ben Ben Benjamin Benjamin Quincy that's a lot of Quincy's lotta Gwen she's a lot of Benjamin's I see Quincy mode ooh it's between Benjamin and Quincy right now I'm gonna go I'm going with Quincy everyone everyone saying Quincy everyone says Quincy alright we're doing Quincy thank you so much the $2 super chat can you give me a shadow please hey face cultists thank you so much for the $2 supers yet you're amazing I appreciate you okay also I need to move my mic my mic was like too close here better yeah that's better okay perfect so without to do we're gonna play alright what map do we choose now everyone everyone pick what map do we choose okay you guys start naming I'm sorry - I do like an eye only have I don't have any other I don't have any expert maps unlocked except for a workshop workshops the only expert I have advanced I have Pat spawn cargo high finance Peninsula we got moon landing monkey meadow tree stump carved carved everyone saying carved carved everyone once carved okay everyone's saying carved alright we're doing carbs okay easy medium or hard these are the these are the decisions we have to do easy medium or hard everyone now we're we're seeing what's that hard hard everyone's saying hard obviously okay okay alright now do we do standard magic monkeys only or alternate balloon rounds what okay those are those are the three that we can decide from everybody um a br alternate balloon rounds alternate alternate everyone's saying alternate okay alternate balloon rounds I don't know what way what does alternate blue rounds do I don't know what I forgot what it does what does alternate balloon rounds what does it do I totally forgot what it does okay what's the first what's the first decision guys what do I do guys what's my what's my first tower that I put down we have to see TAC TAC we see ninja ninja there's a lot in Glu cutter boomerang Quincy dart monkey boomerang magic Quincy glue ice monkey there's super monkey I can't put a super monkey down it's too expensive sniper I see a lot of sniper I see a lot of sniper we're going with sniper we're going with sniper there's mainly snipers okay I put the sniper down okay what do I do now do I start the round I 1,300 gold I have 1,300 gold we do we have ninja I see a lot of ninja now do we okay ninja I think I think a lot of people are saying ninja now okay where do I put the ninja I'm gonna get the ninja I'm gonna put the ninja here okay I'm putting the ninja right here now alright we have 700 gold left now do i what do i do do i upgrade the ninja do I upgrade the sniper or do starts around let's see upgrade um let's see upgrade level 1 1 0 ok someone says 1 1 sniper ok I'll create the sniper 0 1 1 sniper what sniper what sniper upgrade should we do what - what sniper upgrade you gotta tell me sniper bottom let's see there's sniper every everyone's saying sniper but what 1 okay I'm seeing 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 I'm gonna do which one do we want to do let's see bottom top people are saying the most the most sniper ones are okay people are saying to do that one first god that's the one I see the most so we're gonna start the round now and we can just do extra speed now all right so what's the plan guys what are we saving up for what are we getting what's the what's the main goal here everyone this sniper guy is having a rough time I'm really glad we have the ninja we could have been really bad I see the ship alternate balloons wing makes everything almost impossible oh that's great this is very good max Drude super monkey well we don't have that much money right now guys you guys better make a decision quick these balloons are starting to get up on us okay alchemist glue gunner is very much Oh peek at it there's already there's already camo balloons round 5 thank goodness we got a ninja that was a good call guys that was a good call let's see sniper people want me to upgrade sniper more get a ventral that seems a little bit difficult upgrade ninja people are saying upgrade ninja ok upgrading ninja what what upgrade should we get what what upgrade um alright tell me you got to do me the numbers for upgrade 3:02 ninja ok so we're gonna do I'm doing that I'm doing that upgrade now for the ninja okay there we go yeah distraction we already wait what is distraction yeah we don't we don't have distraction too late we've already got the upgrade okay yeah that's the they get to camo sniper oh you're right getting camo sniper did you get night goggle visions to do additional weight detect and do additional damage just two snipers that's pretty good but I kind of want the fast shooting sniper but it's up to you guys what do you guys want do you want to get the those out spiked onto the trekked Cal trips I don't know how to pronounce that okay camo sniper ship a lot of people are saying ship a lot of people are saying ship fast fast everyone's saying fast okay we're gonna do let's get people are saying get double shot for him so I'm gonna get double shot for this guy and on top of that we're gonna do fast firing and then we're gonna do even faster firing there we go so we got this we're doing pretty good right now oh no LED balloons how do we deal with the lead balloons guys we can't deal with the lead balloons right now oh wait he can pop LED balloons yo that's crazy that's awesome okay he can pop LED balloons we have wizard we have a ship ship ship a lot of people are saying ship bomb tower bomb tower um-hmm that's true I did get the metal jacket upgrade I didn't even think about that put the sniper on strong yeah that's that's a good call that's a good call we're gonna put the sniper on strong okay yeah he's gonna go he's going ahead just dealing all these yellow balloons and then we got this like this this guy's doing good the sniper put sniper and strong yeah I put sniper on strong cuz you guys told me to okay you sniper only a farm somebody says farm somebody says monkey village someone says Droon ship middle path a lot of people are saying ship we're gonna put the ship down we're gonna put the ship down I'm gonna put the ship over here though okay so there's the ship and he said middle path so he wants a pirate lordship all right guys the ships down you guys got to tell me what's the upgrade path are we gonna take for it what's the upgrade path everyone okay pirate Lord people are saying pirate Lord a lot of people want pirate lord but I don't know let's see middle people are saying people are saying middle everyone wants middle okay well people want middle we're gonna do people I think they want the Crowsnest okay we're gonna do long-range grapeshot crows nests and hot shot and cannon ship that's the that's the upgrades that people wanted so we're gonna do that faster sniper yeah we can say but why is this guy have a little hovering effect over them that's really weird oh no it's not it's just because of the map okay yeah I was very confused there for a second Robert a gold alchemist middle path cell the sniper guys you have to everyone has to get together to say the same things or else I'm not gonna be able to do them okay because a lot of people are saying a lot of different things and it's difficult for me so if you guys you guys got a band together on what you want okay and if you guys all agree on something that's something I'll do okay sell sniper sell sniper everyone's saying sell sniper okay everyone's saying sell sniper all right here we go I sold the sniper because you guys told me to okay what next what do I do now everyone I saw I sold the sniper okay um let's see 502 wizard let's see there's a wizard glue gunner mortar okay wait wait wizard wizard get ace a super monkey someone said if people are saying super monkey guys you got to make it a sitting you guys got a group together bloons it to upgrade ship um wizard a lot of wizards there's a lot of wizards okay I'm putting down a wizard right now I'm gonna put the wizard we'll put the wizard right here okay here's a wizard wizards down wizard 5-0 - OH - five wizard 5-0 to wizard most people are saying 5-0 to wizard okay most people are saying 5-0 to wizard is that is what people are saying all right well I just upgraded them as much as I could I could I can't upgrade them any more than that so I can't because I have no money so I could I can get the arcane spike once we hit $10,000 and that's what that's what we're saving up to for now because nobody's told me to do anything differently so since nobody's told me to do anything differently I'm not gonna be doing anything different super monkey super monkey a lot of people are saying okay people are also saying super monkey now where do I put the super monkey guys you have to tell me where you want me to put it this is a pretty big this is pretty big Tower where should I put the super monkey should I put them down here up here over up in the top left corner let's see it's up to you guys um let's see super middle um let's see let's see middle people are staying in the middle okay well that's the middle top and left somebody said top left I'm gonna do top left let's put on I mean top left is right here that's top left all right well if someone says top left at the at the nose people are saying at the nose okay that's that's what most people are saying is like in the middle okay we have $10,000 now what should we do with this $10,000 can we have the super-monkey a lot of people are saying farm five to zero a lot of people are saying a lot of people are saying farms now banana farm banana farm okay someone said is a five to zero farm well I'm gonna get I'm gonna put one of these down just naturally because I don't have to collect from it so five to zero okay so there's that fun there's I'm getting the the banana farm now somebody said the farm farm everyone saying farms okay so we're gonna we're gonna put down another farm because I think people want another farm there we go we're gonna do another farm alright there's another farm there we go alright we have to so 2:05 super-monkey okay people are saying 2:05 super-monkey spikes is zero to five spikes a lot of people say spikes okay we're gonna put down a spike factory and a zero zero to five spikes okay so there we go we're gonna put we're gonna put spikes down because people want the spikes okay and then let's see what do we what do we want to do now okay see five zero two five zero two ninja okay well they're gonna get the balloon jutsu and we're gonna get that because we can upgrade them now because people are telling me to upgrade them so we have spike carpet people are saying spike carpet all right well we're gonna be able to deal with it Oh yep we got it okay monkey village ace upgrade ship okay we're gonna upgrade the ship monkey pirates all right we got monkey pirates say I'm also awesome you are also awesome face and what does he say also zero to five wizard well okay you asked I'll start working on getting a zero to five whiz odd let's put as an alchemist that's not always odd let's put the wizard here having the wizard like right here is always nice and then zero - there we go that goes 25 so it's pretty expensive so let's see let's see what else do we want sell boat legend of the night legend of the night tax shooter five two zero five two zero dart two zero five four super monkey a lot of people are saying the two zero five upgrade for the super monkey so that's what we're gonna do that's what most the majority of people are saying for the super monkey is that is legend of the night so we're gonna work on trying to get legend of the night I know it's not easy but so there's the Dark Knight let's get so we can get the the laser blast and then the plasma blast as well because I think that's gonna help a lot that's a really cool staff that dudes yeah oh it's like a oh a spooky thing there we go can I get plasma blast boom plasma blast there we go alright how are we doing are we doing pretty good alright what else do we got upgrade spike factory okay how do you how do we want to upgrade the spike factory what's the spike factory upgrades everyone tell me the spike factory upgrades okay everyone we gotta go let me know what the spike factory upgrades supposed to be guys um let's see five two zero zero two five zero two five zero two five everyone sings zero to five okay deadly spikes there we go I wanna I can get Parma spikes but that's gonna that's gonna take a little bit of time that's gonna be well that's $32,000 so that's gonna be pretty expensive eventual sun-god there's no way we're gonna be able to make a vengeful son got it you guys crazy that seems like something that we will most certainly cannot do alright sell boat sell boat some people are saying sail boat well we'll sell the boat perma spike okay let's see five two zero a lot of people are saying helicopter a lot of people are saying helicopter okay we're gonna we're putting down the helicopter a lot of people have been requesting that we're gonna put down the helicopter I'm putting the helicopter where this is okay Gabe really good you know super chat okay so we're gonna do okay what do we want five to zero pilot okay we're gonna get pursuit on him and we're just gonna leave him alone alright where do we want to do okay ace three zero a lot of people 505 zero let's see five - oh there's a lot of mortor a lot of people want mortars mortars are pretty expensive guys you have to remember I don't have a ton of money we don't have a ton of money to just buy everything okay 5:02 ninja a lot of people want me to finish the upgrade on the grand master ninja let's see who is doing the most work here I think this guy's doing alright that guys doing this guy is doing a lot of work which is really nice I need a forgot I can use that ability I need to use that ability way more ok let's see let's see dart monkey zero to five glue gun er glue gun er a lot of people are saying glue Gunners ok we can do we're gonna do glue Gunners if it you really want glue gunner ok a lot of people are saying glue gun oh we're putting moves on there down you guys got to tell me what upgrade path we want for the okay we need though we need the glue gunner where's the glue pen a glue gun a gunner where is he there he is all right there's the glue gun we're gonna put them right there alrighty engineer glue Gunners zero five two five zero two a lot of people want the five zero two glue gun alright if that's what you guys want we can do the five five zero two blue is what they want I sold him an accident my bad that was not my intention okay alright glue fire all right there we go oh I didn't know that you hit that is no up that's pretty cool that is pretty darn cool okay five zero two people went to five zero two glue gun or well let's get them to five zero two blue banner I kind of want the pirate Lord Wyatt I think that's fine blue solver okay there's the balloon solver it's what you guys asked for and that's what you guys are gonna get it doesn't decent not have any balloons is this guy pop he's already bought three thousand Wow look how fast it pop that's crazy good hope that's what you guys asked for okay so max pirate pirate lowered pirate Lord okay everyone's saying pirate Lord we're gonna save up for the part Lord cost 20 mm how much is just made it's not made us that money that much money at all okay let's see the pirate Lord a lot of people are saying pirate Lord all right we're saving up for the pirate Lord then if that's what you guys so so so much desire pirate Lord it's Shelby who's some regrow camo little uns that's kind of spooky but that's okay all right well if that's the case can I wait can I just there we go boom there goes that mo lab feels pretty good okay can I get the pirate Lord called 20 mm ooh pirate Lord is online everyone all right we got some spooky pirate Lord he's doing his thing having a good time I want to save for when we have like I guess we can do that and take out two modes at once okay so a lot of people are saying the Apache everyone wants the Apache okay let's see see you Apache okay let's do the everyone says Apache all right we're doing we're working I'm gonna work on getting the Apache dark tip which costs $21,000 which is really really expensive five two zero well yeah yeah we're doing we're doing a five zero two upgrades that's what everyone wanted you know thank you started the $20 you have a chat please do elite defender and the master crossbow be my friend of bt6 my username Patriots man I don't know if you can actually be friends on PC t6 but definitely so in the master crossbow and do elite defender so elite defender is here I can work on getting you the cross belt a lot of people I'll get I can get the crossbow so let's do a leaf defender in the master crossbow and be my friend on BT d6 username patriot fan let's do quick shots there we go and then we can turn them into the crossbow master okay the Apache are oh yeah that's true I can get the arcane spike boom there's our King spike so now he does even more damage to Moab's hey mom thanks for coming out of the stream mom what should I do tell me tell me what tower should I buy mom should I buy a normal Dart monkey a nice monkey what should what should be my next move I'm gonna let my mom decide that next move I do because I'm letting the viewers decide how to play so mom what do you think I should do what should be my next option mom alright let's see I mean I'm interested to see what she'll say ice monkey for sure mom says mom says ice monkey okay well mom says ice monkey mom knows best so we're gonna put the ice monkey we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna put we're gonna put the ice monkey right here we're gonna put him next here and then we're gonna okay how should we upgrade the ice monkey guys all right mom you know what you're watching mom should I get the first the second or the third monkey path what's which one should be which one is that first was the most important monkey path mom my mom knows best Brahman I promise she's good she's she's okay she's open um let's see let's see what my mom says it's behind number door number two mom mom says the door number two okay that's good because I was hoping you picked that one we're gonna do that one and let's also do larger radius and refreeze perfect thank you mom good good choice mom ten out of ten decision we got the ice monkey he's too cool look at those sunglasses he's got going on there we can get after the zero but I really don't care about it right now okay and we have that I think what we're doing is we're saving up for the Apache tarde ship advance what everyone I like it way up this super-monkey you just like cadelec I also want permit but so many things that I want okay oh man that's a lot of fortified balloons oh we're fine we're fine no need to worry everyone calm down okay there's the Apache dart ship we got the Apache dark ship he's gonna get be doing a lot of work for us we're already at around 72 out of 80 here we can just we're gonna just I keep not using it enough oh I gotta use that ice ability that's really good oh and get the preemptive strike well I'm too poor to be able to get all these I feel it the most important one to get right now is the what was I trying to get I think I really want to get premise fight permits bikes are just really really nice Apache prime Apache prime it's so expensive it's a fort it's 48,000 that's gonna be way too hard to get its we only have six more rounds left so I love you too ran number oh thanks for coming out to the stream do a super monkey I do want to upgrade I think just I forgot I could just I need to use that more often okay let's see what else upgrade the minute upgrade to banana farms ace up the monkey farm well you guys sure we want to upgrade that we keep on let's see Flying Fortress monkey spike Factory oh yeah the spike bakery does oh my gosh come spike factories popped 5,000 that's really funny I haven't even noticed that all right I want to get the perma spike factory I think that's I think that's what I see the most up let's see um zero five - super monkey yeah I mean the spike factory still I mean he's popping balloons it's fine I'm happy with that every once in a while he still pops like a lot of balloons you know two five zero sniper engineer can you do my tower please also find my comments well phrase which one did we raise make sure that you go to super chat let me look you see if I can find it I don't know if I can find it face there's a lot of people I mean there's 157 messages a minute to use that and then get some of those Moab's off the street we have $32,000 so what do we do elite sniper clean guys what do we do we have thirty four three thousand dollars I need your help guys all right I need your decision you guys got to tell me how to play engineer engineer sniper sniper sniper Dark Lord boomerang perma spikes I do a sniper engineer in charge image engineer engineer engineer a lot of people are saying engineer I see I see mainly engineers okay we're doing engineer we're doing a 5:02 engineer build because everyone a lot of people have been asking for that hey we hit level 60 awesome all right let's take a look at our engineer or these are support tower I think what we want to do is we probably want to put them here and then we're gonna do a 5 0 2 is what I'm pretty sure people are asking for what first thing first is leaking it there we go and then I think we do we want larger I feel like larger service area is the way to go with this one well we're gonna do a lot of people are saying that so we're gonna do that and now we got these guys doing their madness thing can you play a match with me thinks if you do unfortunately this is the only match we're gonna be able to play for today I had a lot of stuff I got to do unfortunately my editor Sam's going out of town so I got to film a whole bunch of stuff for him also today is Sam's 21st birthday everyone Sam I know a lot of you people don't really know Sam is the mastermind behind a lot of things on the channel he does a lot of things he does all the thumbnails he does all of the editing for all of the videos he does he comes up with new titles and writes descriptions and stuff a lot of the times so Sam is actually you know the channel is basically run by two people it's myself and also Sam and Sam doesn't always get a lot of recognition but Sam look really awesome dude and he helps out of time so thank you Sam and happy birthday to you dude you're awesome so happy birthday Sam yeah everyone can you everyone spam and shot happy birthday Sam just for me thought that'd be everyone just say happy birthday Sam that would be awesome if you could to do that because you guys are amaze and we ended up winning everyone spam happy birthday Sam Gary happy birthday Sam whoo thank you everyone for wishing Sam a happy birthday you guys are awesome thank you so much I'm gonna send that to Sam I'm sure that'll make him happy and we won guys we won on Hard difficulty using you guys's stuff so hey we got we got 20 out of 20 what did we get so we ended up I want this instant monkey 0:02 awesome and what's this one and instantly cool well that was that everyone I hope you guys enjoyed today's stream if you did make sure to leave a like on the video comment down below what was your favorite part and should I do this again let me know and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 194,135
Rating: 4.9034157 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, tewtiy, iphone, mobile, family friendly, live, livestream, steam, action, funny, upgrade, bloons, op, vs, secret, hidden, bloons td 6, hack, glitch, cheat, hero, crazy
Id: yq5r4HBzzZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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