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is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Applause] a [Music] chy yeah what is it Lisa Lisa what what what [ __ ] what happened do you think happened don't like me hey guys the movers left what happened nothing [ __ ] is that what I think it is it's our China I just wanted to show my sister the view from the guest room we know about the view from the guest room we bought the house remember oops oops let go get something in the car good idea that was mom's favorite China hey hey hey hey relax honey relax I'm just tired I know we're all tired it was a big step for us it's our first house you know I've just had this feeling of dread about this whole thing you know you've been saying an awful lot since we first got here oh no it's not you you've helped me through my mom dying sh sh everything's going to be okay you're standing in your new home 50 miles from where all those nasty old memories lie I'm sorry it's [Music] okay you don't mind my sister staying with us for a while just at least till she gets back on her feet no why don't you go ahead and uh pick the rest of that stuff up and I'm going to go order some pizza okay [Music] hi you know [Music] hello neighbors oh hi hey we're fostering adua from next door you must be the new owners yeah I'm I'm Barry Resto this is um Lisa Lisa resta she's a be great place to have youngans and make them too oh Foster of our business we plan on having two kids don't we honey you uh expecting trouble no I'm I'm a cop oh good well the neighborhood just got safer didn't it certainly did mhm well you twoo we're going to let you go and when you get settled you let us know we're going to invite you over for a dinner than thanks that'd be great looking forward to it good Good Day DIY bye see he's a cop I don't care if he's the attorney general what we want is in that basement a day earlier and there would not have been a problem I hate cops he's cute they're both cute I hope we don't have to kill them who was with you saying we're married just having a little fun I hate neighbors they're cute uhhuh yeah they're [Music] cute what's up Christine look um there's something downstairs what I'm serious there's something down here is it Chris some house no it's behind that door let me get this open damn it I thought you told me that the realtor would get this [ __ ] thing open there's something in here honey there's nothing in there look there's no windows and this door was built for a bomb shelter or something come on it's spooky what's with the cross and the haven't seen one of those in a while what do you mean this thing it's Amish H it's supposed to imprison evil spirits how the hell do you know that I dated a guy in college who had Amish relatives you never mentioned that before I mean you know being with the Amish and all must have been interesting actually it was stimulating stimulating sh there's something in here can't you hear it see Bo that's so not funny you didn't see your face can't believe I fell for that there's something in there I can feel it honey look at this door it hasn't been open for years okay look at the Lock it's titanium nothing's going in nothing's coming out let's get past this okay you want my opinion not really not unless it's stimulating it's some kind of cell don't go putting thoughts into anybody's head okay it is what it is and that's just a lock door preventing me from having some extra storage space okay maybe that's why you got the house so cheap maybe that's why we're not going to lose any sleep about it tonight who wants some pizza come on you want some pizza me come on Chris Chris come on up Chrissy just pass to I said a that just went the afternoon I know this little Potter we should call up everybody and mo it was aot let's go some this let's go some that place is getting ug we should hit it while we still have the [Music] [Music] chance honey why do you think they built a vault in the basement probably just some crackpot worried about the end of the world or something you don't think it was used as a holding cell like Lisa said it was why don't we call that uh haraldo Rivera guy he can come open it for us I'm serious that's all you ever are what you think I'm too serious you know sometimes I don't think you love me how can you say that after everything we've been through in the past year I'm sorry Barry I don't know what you seeing me sometimes look we're both tired let's just get some rest okay give me a kiss good night good [Music] you do you won live that dream do you do you do you do you War up War up with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no what do you [Music] want Barry what's the matter I had a nightmare what were you doing uh Lisa she couldn't get her uh her window closed did you close it yeah it's Clos now [Music] morning hun no eggs and Ash Browns the Danish some cold pizza in the fridge you know what you can take your ass to the store if you don't like it said there's nothing else to do up here anyway right no there's not as a matter of fact why don't you and Chris go me and Chris go to the store together youd love that wouldn't you oh yeah I just love for you guys to go shopping together would just make my day it's it's my fantasy actually look I'm sorry I just don't like all the sneaking around you used to not [Music] fair look I'm going to do this one by the Numbers okay first I got to prove she's uh unstable play the concerned husband that way when the accident happens or suicide all in due time my dear all in due time I can't wait to tell my lawyer about her obsession with that room downstairs I know my lawyer is going to [ __ ] good morning morning morning huh excuse me sleep Bab not really what were you going to tell your lawyer not my lawyer um a defense attorney you know in in a case of mine that I'm working on it's giv me a hard time you're going to work right now yeah I got to testify in a drug case um just uh different different lawyer and just a whole different case you sure have a big case load one of us at the grocery store I know Barry had his heart set on us going together but that's funny look I'll just go on my way home from work all right no don't don't worry about it I have to go into town anyway I got to find a lockman oh yeah The Mysterious Room spooky [ __ ] Chris see you guys um I have to get something out of your car [Music] [Music] Le she could see out the window so kiss me you're driving me crazy with these inuendos maybe you sh them again a am I stressing you out I'll make it up to you come home from work early I'll make sure she's at the store this is taking too long she's going to get suspicious I'll wear an outfit for you I could be a nurse you want to play doctor come on not even Christine's this dumb could wear my stars and stripes bikini no wait we're in the country I'll Be a Cowgirl Lee I got to go oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the cop's gone there's still another car there and what I want to avoid killing anyone else at the moment if it's okay with you suit yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] anyone there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Chrissy yeah this where we're putting the storage stuff yeah right there can't get in there you know it's like Solid Steel I wasn't trying to get in right we really need to get you a hobby you know I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry you've had such a hard time since mom died what do you care you never liked her no she never liked me she thought I reminded her too much of my own mother she hated her for getting pregnant and making dad marry her first did you know that she wouldn't even allow me to keep a picture of my own mother in the house I'm sorry she could be [Music] cool well you know life goes on um so are you going to go to the grocery store and talk to your locksmith about that door yeah did you want to come I'll pass I think I'm going to make some phone calls and you know just chill out hey Lisa yeah do you think bear has been acting kind of strange what do you mean what do you mean nothing I'm glad you're staying with us [Music] thanks Lisa is not sleeping sing with my husband she is not sleeping with Barry do you hear me stop [Music] stop Foster we're on [Music] yeehaw for [Music] [ __ ] can I help you no I need a locksmith oh just not having a good day want some fries you're good that's okay hey lady found your locksmith back here sorry I got a little hungry no problem hope you weren't waiting long not long at all I had a chance of taking the sights sites yeah a beauty salon two stores over I got to get my hair down one of these days all right it's fine the way it is you have a pretty [Music] face okay what's going on Hi luk how are you good that's good help yourself some Cofe where you headed oh I'm going to go down to jard put a couple of Medico deadbolts on for a woman that says someone's using a bump key to get in her house sounds good I'll be gone a while I would think what's your ETA back I would have to say I think probably about 3 330 maybe sounds good takes me a little longer I'll call you and let you know all right sounds good I'll see you then okay sure bye so what can I do for you christe Christy hi I'm Luke nice to meet you I noticed for sure what can I do for you Christie I need a lock open Luke okay I bought this house with a lock door in the basement apparently it was last owned by survivalists the old warold house on tally Street yes did the realtor hire you already no well would you be able to stop by and take a look actually I'm kind of booked right now is there something wrong not at all all right well thank you and uh I guess I'll try somewhere else Christy wait a second it's just that lock isn't meant to be opened why is that some secrets are better left covered I I feel bad that the house was sold to you but what do you know well the man that owned the house before you was kind of a nut um my father knew supposedly used to come over my house all the time and then about 40 years ago he stopped in fact he dropped out of sight all together locked himself in his house with guns and dogs no one knows why well he was a bit strange he was some kind of Ghost Hunter this is before all those people cropped up on the Discovery Channel um made a living at it I guess he worked briefly for the Air Force so basically he imprisoned some sort of spirit that would almost make sense alls I know is that lock was built by my father to be impenetrable there's no key it's not meant to be opened you been to big help I do have a theory go ahead oh I think he bottled up something something bad um I do know there were some murderers in this town back then and they stopped right when he had that door un loock made what you're saying is that something very terrible may be behind that door look I don't know what I'm saying every town has that one house that's supposedly haunted that's our towns look you seem like a nice person maybe I could swing by later and take a look no guarantees thank you thank you so much Luke look it was really great to meet you you too [Music] EX [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy what the hell are you doing in here now take it easy look you get out of here you old pervert I'm going to call the cop hey you're not calling anybody Tire up huh take her downstairs and be quiet stop whimpering [Music] [Music] first we'll remove the hex symbol [Music] if I were 30 years younger you'd be in a lot more trouble than you are right now forget the past lover you'll soon be immortal and now we have a gift to sweeten the deal I step one completed and now for step two [Music] is [Music] that how you expect to [Music] no I'm sorry sir oh I must be getting old I didn't mean to call you was a silly mistake mhm well you have a good day too sir come on [Music] [Applause] hey here I need a hand FOC this quick thanks that's good you know what's in there yeah something special what why he's been waiting a long time time it's the last of his kind tell me what [Music] how's it [Music] coming we're getting there this Diamond Cutter drill was worth every penny well it seems to be doing the job it sure is where'd she come from why don't you ask her where' you come from oh I bet she's that cowgirl's lover what a world we live in well I suppose he'll be thirsty enough for two well the next Uninvited Guest gets a bullet that I [Music] [Applause] promise we're almost there wo [Music] help me hold on in a second hold it on your knees now don't even think about it grandma put your gun down if you'll just let us open this door it'll explain everything what is this no uhuh keep your hands up some kind of a home invasion right please sir you don't understand yeah I do no [Music] hey babe what the you [ __ ] K what the [ __ ] was all that about don't know don't care cuz we're about to ni a problem in the but what Goa oh come on Christine you really didn't think I could love someone as needy and sheltered as you did you just blow the rich [ __ ] away already here's how it's going to go down I come home from work find my house broken into and my poor little wife is dead I confront the robbers and come out on top just don't know why they had to be the extras from The Golden Girls pull the trigger all right all [Music] right hey Christine say hello to your mother floors okay what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] spe [Music] just go I'm calling the cops I'm calling the cops you going to come no [Music] 11825 code 6 105 North Avenue 52 600 6 Department 4 open 9 179 we picked up that hippie again possession it's out here waiting for you okay I'll be at the moment okay let's start with a description it wasn't a ghost at all Mrs Resto we need a description on the per Miss rusto just miss not MS was a vampire a vampire this isn't a [ __ ] joke I watched him feed off their blood sit down that's why there was a cross on the door okay give me a description on the vampire yellow eyes like a cobra yellow I uhhuh I'm serious I'm sure you are got a minute yeah they found another body about a mile from here same bite marks as the husband it's out [Music] what's your story [ __ ] your mom last night she was one dry yeah keep sweet talking me Sugar Tits cookies you got the munchies there on BR yeah come on Papa Smurf let's go have a talk I'll probably see you next week too how you holding up sorry dumb question do you have anywhere to stay no you can stay with me if you want it was so evil it has to be stopped for [Music] [Music] don't look at me like that teenagers are supposed to Rebel [Music] hello Mom I told you I'd be home well I can only walk so fast all right I'll be there cozmo cozmo cozmo [Music] [Music] he got another one last night a girl walking her dog fifth this month it's not your fault someone has to assume responsibility I wanted that door open as much as that crazy old couple you are pushing yourself too hard you had no way in knowing that you were buying a house that imprisoned a vampire if you saw him he wouldn't rest while he was out there can only imagine sorry there is one good thing that came from all of this what's that you [Music] ah you're beloved that someone said I should get a hobby yeah I think they met like quilting not hunting a murderous creature of the night I'm speaking of night a bait tonight got a better idea we don't have any idea how strong or fastest Things [Music] become we can take him [Music] true [Music] [Music] learn your crucifix Buffy do you even have to ask [Music] Spike M yummy looks like I won't be kissing you anytime soon took so much of the stuff I don't know if to go for me isn't that a good thing depends on how you look at it me I want to draw that sucker out just be careful you're getting kind of far from the van one more lap and we'll pack it in I miss you already garlic breath and all look you got a [Music] visual whoa whoa you don't [ __ ] move than let's go [Music] motherucker how do you like it look I'm I'm Sorry Miss see sorry I'm 67 years old you can take that thing off of me I don't have that much fighting me with this busted Wing what have we got here I suspect the same as you we're all looking for the vampire you're the one that Unleashed this thing every death every single death has been because of you I know I know now you're reasonable where was this common sense when I was lying there tied up while you were drilling the door open I had hoped we could control it control it how do you control a Vampire the answer is you can't my wife and I were looking for immortality maybe you'll feel differently in a few decades when your joints hurt when you get up out of bed in the morning like I'm supposed to pity you what do you want to do give him the police not a good idea oh really really besides you two don't look like the types that are going to turn me in anyway well perhaps I misread you perhaps you misread a lot of things what happened back there and how'd you get out it all started with the guy and his wife and the cowgirl outfit wait first backtrack to how you even knew that thing was in my basement and secondly for the record that wasn't his wife I was I thought she was no you two insinuated that whole you know forget it Barry was my husband okay continue and who is is he my boy none of this is relevant to the situation now if you don't tell me how you knew that thing was in my basement I'm going to shove this crossbow so far up your okay okay okay I'll tell you it all started with edu's brother he heard a rumor about a captured vampire that had been held by a ghost hunter in this town Jerry warhold that's that things Jailer got it you st in your house it started out really as more of an urban legend just a just a rumor you know but my uina she researched it she got online and she found a bunch of devil worshippers and can you imagine my edua talking with a bunch of devil worshippers I met edua I can imagine her doing a lot of things well Ed edua had cancer and she didn't have long to live and the fear of death will make you do funny things and at first I thought the whole thing was pathetic but the more information she got the stronger the feeling was that there was this captured vampire here and when these two men that she'd met online died in this house in the basement of this house over here and we came to town and sure enough there was police activity here when we got to town we met the couple that lived across the street and they confirmed that Jerry warhold had something confined down in the basement and then you killed that couple yes Lord knows they could talk your ears off but before we killed them they showed us the door we knew the vampire was in there edua said she could feel it in her head I felt the same thing on the day that we were going to drill open the lock you moved in the rest you know how come you live [Music] for [Music] [Music] help [Music] her do it do it [Music] no I soon realized I wasn't mortally wounded so I found myself a place at a motor in and I patched myself up and I've been wandering around town searching for the vampire ever since what should we do with them I still say the police listen I can help you I want this thing just as bad as you do maybe more I've been looking all over town for it we should join up with you you're 67 ago a busted Wing it's not so bad now besides he's not alone what that's right he's smartened up the police option is out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no wonder they won't call the FBI plus he's gotten the mayor [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been one hell of a weekend I hear that detective dildo's wife sure makes a mean batch of cookies leave him alone he's all right besides you're the one who needs to be a little more careful with their stash he trips the station becoming too frequent I need to be more careful you work around a bunch of cops all day well I know one thing man exactly I split that dude's head over on 4 the same black and I've never gotten caught besides working there has its advantages something like what aren't you Dave you're missing paperwork for one it was cool hanging with you hey uh what I wait for that bag has advantages get my regards to uh Chief smoka pole just's keep it on the download for a while okay detective did you follow me here I can explain you see what's the matter with your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] what does he know I think he's telling a trp I don't like them here neither do I but you know I can't stop thinking about J warhog why am you a sad existence play Guardian into that b he must have been so scared and lonely thank you [Music] everything I can end it up just like him [Music] scare I'm Already There falling to peace can't find the [Music] reason one more when this will be already already there falling to pieces I can't find the reason what more I swear this will [Music] be this is [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] man well um no what are you doing hey easy now people I just wanted to find out if you wanted to go check out where I think the vampires may be bedding down since we got a few hours of light left and you can think of me as a doctor get out shut the door maybe we should just dump them on the cops even though they are monsters give him a chance to redeem himself first why don't we just go to Florida sell the shop the house oh baby when we catch them I'll go anywhere with you [Music] [Music] so does anyone else have any ideas about where these things might be hiding cuz right now we're just burning gas oh stop whining it wasn't a waste of time how was I to know a Central High School would have such a big basement you know you can get out here I might as well after all I seem to be the only one taking this seriously look haven't you ever heard of narrowing the field your ex was a cop didn't you learn anything from him [Music] I [Music] it's the old Gilmore place I ain't been able to sell this for years I get the axe you won't be needing that come on beginning to think this whole thing's a wild goose chase Foster who the [ __ ] is he he was right there a minute ago really getting [ __ ] sick of this guy let's get out of here for [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey look at me I'll Grant you immortality [Music] and we'll kill her [Music] together I don't think [Music] so you stupid [ __ ] are you okay great go get the axe it's out in the van but I'm not going to leave you in here go I'll be fine look I'm serious I'm not leaving you I'll be fine go I'll be back in 2 seconds all right [Music] another one we'll cut their heads off then we'll burn the [Music] place uh uh uh don't want to hurt him now do you let him go Foster I'm going to it you know you're pretty good with that thing good reflexes this was you wasn't it set this whole thing up yeah I did I'm not a very good person but your wife is dead I'm not I made a deal with the Vampire immortality awaits what the hell are you talking about you he wants you just like you want him I was lucky you could have gone off with Jim Bob here but no you stayed behind big mistake he doesn't like mistakes [ __ ] you let him go uh- uh- uh not until Simon said is and there comes Simon now ahuh Missy put it down or I'll kill your boyfriend don't [ __ ] do it CH shut up you see you'd only piss him off he can't die oh you can hurt him but he's the first of his kind he's not like these weaker strains that you already got they're vulnerable to wooden such that's why the guy locked him up he couldn't keep him down any other way now drop it or your boyfriend becomes the Headless [Music] Horseman and the steak in your pocket now remove the napsack look we got to get out of here run christe [Music] broke my nose you [Music] [Applause] bastard no please please no please I can't do this hey boss you want to change me now before my nose gets any worse I don't want to live for Centuries with a swellen nose like this pleas I hey remember me I'm the one that brought her [Music] here staring for Beast of nothing Town building an army of his own [Music] [ __ ] [Music] pass I feel creeping in my mind quietly biing precious timeing in to train my St to hold me [Music] look what have I [Music] done we're almost done [Music] what [Music] you [ __ ] I'm so sorry [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] think [Music] [ __ ] this hi Missy [Music] you yeah mean not bad for an old man a I have to admit he kept his word and just in time too I have Vampira it's the undead version of Viagra you're looking at an immortal you killed luk so it's not as if you can't get another one I've seen how you operate besides you look better with your hair down you don't look so bookish do they use that phrase anymore your wife is dead was it worth it all I think so here let me help you [Music] so much for immortality not [Music] fair come on show [Music] yourself [Music] [Music] power it's true you can't die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] no my blood is full of garage [Music] enjoy the ride [Music] somebody there [Applause] hello you're alive what are you [Music] doing you didn't take your medication did you no not Carli it's it's for your uh you know your nerves than Lisa hey that was the old couple down the street inviting us to dinner [Music] so no one's open this door no the the real I'm going to ring her neck forget it never open it okay sure whatever you say hey why don't you go lay down honey you uh you had a rough few weeks go ahead I think I yeah we got this don't ever open that door for anything Roger that go to sleep you know I don't care what our doctors say I still don't think she's gotten over that breakdown yet well you know how much she cared about her mother right she P out that real her died down here let's talk about something else sure so um why don't you come home early from work tomorrow I'll make sure she's gone and I'll wear something country western you're making this so hard let's go so that you know that old couple and Lena and Foster I think they thought I was your wife did they mhm [Music] it's been a long day and even longer night calling it quit now on my [Music] life seeing the Shad dancing and I'm seeing the colors in myself here in this grave didn't you see the man couldn't you free your mind didn't you live the life you always want to you always wanted to once a long time ago there was so what I used to know thinking about it he looked a lot like [Music] man I just can't Seemy that your old friend of mine hope he still all right hope you still alive didn't you see the light couldn't you free man didn't you live the life you always wanted that you always [Music] wanted suddenly I'm surrounded by the Lord suddenly I'm surrounded by the Lord why suddenly I'm surrounded by the Light [Music] I'm it's been a long day and even longer now iniquity on my [Music] life seeing the Shadows dancing watching the colors F finding myself here in this grave didn't you see the light couldn't you free your mind didn't you leave the life you always wanted to know that you always wanted to that you always wanted [Music] to why don't you shove an apple in your mouth shut up I messed it up hey Mom
Channel: Kings of Horror
Views: 1,745,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror, full movie, full free movie, b movie, low budget, indie, independent film, new movie, vampire, slasher, mystery, twilight, haunting, survival, dracula, Ashley Gallo, Gregg Biamonte, Debra Gordon, Dominic Koulianos, William Victor Schotten, 2008, hollywood, free movie, english film, creature feature, scream, serial killer, spooky, halloween, undead, supernatural, full youtube movie, free, american movie, best horror movie, 2020, new full film
Id: Ab9p7ReVfQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 44sec (5324 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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