Bloodborne Lore Revisited | The Curse of Kos

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kirsta fiends their children and their children forever true a call to the Bloodless wherever they'd be mother seal this beast where the blood grazed phone Dragonland blasphemous blood had traced fins enjoyment for the wretches by the rat of mother cos and sone meant for the wrenches lay the curse of blood upon them and their children and children's children for evermore one of the most important events in blood-borne is the massacre at the fishing hamlet and I wish to examine this event in some detail look at some themes are explored within the hunters nightmare as a construct of sin a world created by the sins of the past in this video i want to discuss these events of the hamlet massacre which is defined as i see it by three powerful ideas original sin or ancestral fault the trespass of a sacred covenant and the idea of blood curses before we began I'd like to thank JSF and st. Clair Laura who both chatted to me about us in a more informal manner in a previous podcast which I will link below and I fighting for that chapter one ancestral fault [Music] how we experience the hunters nightmare is like a journey back through time a journey back through the crimes of those who came before us we first experienced a very familiar memory which is the slaughter of beasts on the streets of yharnam except this is a twisted reflection of that is a purgatory where those who have lost their minds are damned to murder their defenseless victims over and over again the church agent Simon tells us of this curse and why this hellscape exists do you know why the hunters are drawn to this nightmare because it sprouted from their various things that some would rather keep secret a pitiful tale of petty arrogance really high time someone expose the hole for all later near the end of his journey he laments so our forefathers send we hunters cannot bear their way forever isn't fair it just isn't fair this is much like the court of salon that you saw at the beginning of this video which I'll briefly read again the guiltless will pay for the deeds later either the man's children or his descendants thereafter this is the concept of ancestral fault or later known as original sin it was a cultural view that implied that though we are innocent we must pay the price old from those who came before us and they exist in the normative sense of collective shame and guilt that certain communities or societies may feel from past actions yeah this idea is more expanded upon in Christianity and the concept of the original sin as I mentioned before the original sin is the sin committed by Adam and Eve by eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden and that sin was inherited by every single human is the state of all humans who are born and has a very basic interpretation of the original sin actively like the way is characterized by a knife and a lot who rewrote the text for-loop ex dance of death it says this think on adam's bankruptcy which brought you all in debt me to us as quote neatly characterizes it's not necessarily anything that we have done wrong yet we must pay the debt and as a hunter and blood-borne is the normative state of things for a hunter we are born to fall to the blood drunk curse that was born from the truncation of something secret this crime this transgression dates very far back into the history of the hunters and we must go back to the very beginning of this tale but to the events that unfolded at the fishing hamlet chapter 2 secret covenant from the current bloodshed on the streets of yharnam we move farther back in this nightmare to the earlier days of the church to the research Hall we know this is the early days of the healing charge for the fruit of this research the brain fluid reads as follows in the early days of the healing church the great ones were linked to the ocean and saw the cerebral patients would imbibe water and lesson for the howl of the sea brain fluid rides inside the head the initial makings of internal eyes this research and the crimes committed here against the pure test subjects are a further fruit born of the crime committed by the hunters of bargain worth at the fishing hamlet years before and so we will begin there and go past the research hall farther into the nightmare this single is committed by the hunters all these years ago is one of the most important in all of blood-borne lore there was an act that was so wrong it was a violation a transgression please I need you to do something this village is the true secret testament to the old sins it feeds this hunters nightmare please bring to an end the horror this is the secret buried beneath the center of the nightmare and as the heart of everything is a testament to old sentence ie is a horrifying recreation of those events that happened back then these events began as per the description of the cost per se which reads as follows when the carcass of course washed up on the coast its insides were teeming with tiny parasites unlike any found in humans the corpse of course washed up on the shore has long been hypothesized by Redgrave and others that the Stein resembles a wheeling Titan and of a Titan that would process and use the products harvested from wheels which explained their processing facility or refinery the wrecked ships off town also seemed to be further evidence towards this as to the function of the stone that these could have been wheeling or at least fishing ships therefore some take the function of the village as evidence that cost was killed by the denizens of the village and then she washed ashore and provided the village with a bountiful never-ending crop in parasites there is a concept in Japan known as the drafting assured God this would be an especial event and where a large whale would either come to be beached or trapped in the shallows nearby a village this whale would then provide a large amount of sustenance fuel and resources for a small village to the point where it seemed like a gift from a God and time due to the resources provided by these wheels they were considered to be deities of source and cults would spring up around them in coastal villages and they're known as the drafting assured God's a cult being belt around the corpse of something that is eaten and consumed by a village we can see this exact so a relationship evolving in the fashion Hamlet one day a God floated to shore and provided an endless bounty and time a sacred pact was established between the people of the village and mother costs mother to the village a cult was established and her name the people pray to her Ana priesthood was established to maintain the religion a divine covenant and a symbolic relationship were Bell and it was a sacred thing we can see the symbiotic nature of this relationship given that the people of this village become more aquatic and like--'cause herself who is appearing to be an aquatic being but word would soon spread for the villagers did not know what cost really was yet there was a group of scholars dedicated to finding out more about costs and her Ken chapter 3 the crime [Music] a powerful covenant have been established and the fashion Hamlet and the hunters were less than respectful of their divine relationship hearing worried that a village Hamlet was worshiping the corpse of a great being would have piqued the interest in the bargain more scholars who'd already dedicated themselves to studying that of the great one we can also possibly assume that the bargain worth scholars only seen signs of the great ones through their parasites and other ogres but rather hearing about the corpse of a great one themselves too great an opportunity to turn down we know that they came here firstly from the dialogue of the fashion Hamlet priest who says this Bergman was black and blasphemous mothers had traced things and then we have the accursed brood item description we can see that it is the skull of a village denizen and you can see a similar our asset hanging from the trees in the village suggesting that not many survived this brutal examination and there defile corpses were hung as grim reminders when we reach Maria in the dream she says this a corpse should be left well alone oh I know very well how this Secrets beckons so sweetly red brief and his pale blood hunt which I highly recommend you read if for some reason you haven't read it and I'll link that below cites this phrase and believes that instead of it being about Maria herself she's in fact talking about the corpse of course and I agree this interpretation she says this because she was there upon the raid on the fishing hamlet she was part of the heavies sent by the Berg north scholars to tear up this village and find evidence of the great ones Redgrave on goes on to describe a series of events which I more or less agree with and he states this garmen the first hunter traveled along with his greatest people Maria to the hamlet and butchered the kin the skulls were split open in search of ice and the first hunters carved a path towards the corpse of course is there that their greatest blasphemy was committed Hermann and Maria discovered that the dead course had been pregnant the unborn fetus still intact in the nightmare we experience a manifestation of the orphan that as a manifestation of his rage and suffering yeah isn't a real reflection of what actually would have been in real life the orphan that would have been encountered by Garmin and Maria would have been a defenseless thing Maria and Garmin would have taken the corpse the unborn fetus and allowed it to be desecrated by the bargain worth scholars the corpse of a God handled so apparently it's child pool they intersected for a greater understanding into the great ones this harkens back to the speech of the Pamela priest upon entering the village who says this about the child mercy for the poor wasn't child please the treatment of this religious cult the violation of the corpse and the child of a being who is known to be a God is a shocking event it is a crime against humanity and against the order of the cosmos as a crime that was never faced up to and in fact was buried and sweep under the rock very deep within the consciousness of those who committed it it would take the concerted efforts of Simon and ourselves to expose the whole Sharad to quote him not only this memories hidden but it has kept far away and locked down by breed or an assassin of the church he will kill anyone who has had sight of the memory the bees using will not be found here go back to your heart and if you have the chance behind you a farther way that the church will suppress the truth about the crimes that were committed by those who came before them the bargain worth scholars chapter 4 the wrath of mother costs [Music] these crimes and the referent way of dealing with a divine being is a blood crime that gives power to the real wrath of mother cause cause is physically dead but she has a great one our existence on her being is beyond the physical wars or beyond our understanding she has power so when this crime occurs and those Hamlet worshippers call upon her call upon those transgressors to be cursed something real actually happens they invoke their sacred covenant with their God the survivors of the massacres either in the real world or their recreations in the nightmare laya blood curse upon the hunters cursed affines their children - and their children forever true a call to the Bloodless wherever they blood grazed fell one part of this chanting that's most relevant to me is the part that says lay the curse upon them once again this harkens back to the Bible but a different story this time in the New Testament the book of Matthew it is during a pilot's pronunciation of the sentencing of Jesus Christ where he talks to the crowd about who's to blame and who's got the blood on their hands and the conversation can have goes like this when Pilate saw that he was not succeeding at all but that our riot was breaking out instead he took water and washed his hands in the sight of a crowd saying I am innocent of this man's blood look to it yourselves and the whole people said in reply his blood be upon us and upon our children and the Bible passage I just read the people in the crowd take the blame for the death of the child of God yet in blood-borne it's slightly different in that the hunters do not take the blame at all and in fact the blame and the blood curse is lay upon them by the worshippers of that God I've been a self lead curse as it is in the passage I just read to you I find the parallel is pretty interesting here as it gives us an idea of the nature of the cursive cause of the wrath of course that is something that is bestowed upon II people and it will carry on through the generations for something that was not done by the people who inherited after the desecration of her child and her worshippers an endless curse is laid upon the hunters by contaminating to fall to blood drunkenness is a curse that is known to the hunter community and is one that affects us all we are all damned to fall to it by taking out the hunt the hunters of hunters are the ones who have the job who are tasked to bury these embarrassments to the hunter community look at you usury drunk I'll string you up like the filthy beasts you are you shall not abscond your crimes were you not once a hunter few hunters can resist the intoxication of the hunt as Aileen says here the intoxication of a hunt is something that leads to the inevitable downward spiral towards blunt drunkenness a state where we completely lose our minds and lose ourselves to our most violent urges from the old hunters dlc we now see that this is in part the cause of the curse of mother cause and that those who follow will fall to their bloodlust not only that but there is a special world a special hell for these people to go to at the end of their blood drunkenness the hunters nightmare this is a purgatory where the cursed every hunter will eventually be trapped by their crimes and the crimes of those who came before them the hunters of hunters tried to stop this and get released to the blood drunk before they are drawn into this hell into this nightmare for aliens attire reads as follows the first hunter of hunters came from a foreign land and gave the dead of virtuous native ritual rather than impose a blasphemous yharnam burial service upon them with the hope that former compatriots might be returned to the skies and find race in a hunter's dream we have the hunters equivalents of hell in the nightmare and their heaven which is the hunter's dream referred to in this text from aliens a threat is the hunters of hunters who protect the legacy and the reputation of the hunters by killing their shameful brethren pre dlc we don't understand why this happened but now we understand what truly is the cause of this blood drunkenness and unfortunately what they ain't stay of their says we hear a chant as we are drawn into the hunters nightmare kirsta fiends their children to the themes being referred to of course the hunters the same title being bestowed upon them in the original curse that I played at the beginning of the video from the words of the hamlet priest and the curse being that of losing one's mind to blood drunkenness and being drawn into the hellscape of the hunters nightmare to be punished in the shadows of our sins one of the tormented is Ludwig the horse who endlessly kills the cursed over and over at the river of blood we click this copy best to me calls to mind the concept the Buddhist concept of Avicii which is the lowest level of hell essentially we're only the most sinful goal and this hell when one dies they are reborn in the same place to suffer for oral eternity and in a way this nightmare plays the same role of that eternal hell to punish sinners where people are killed by Ludwig over and over again notably when the other parallels between this is that one of the reasons one can get Santa ichi is by killing an are at an enlightened being which is certainly relevant when we consider the murder of course is the cause of everything here yet why are we so certain that this curse and the events of the hama massacre birthed the nightmare and the blood drunkenness well if the evidence and the parallels presented aren't enough it can be simply a matter of dreaming geography all dreams are layered on top of each other in the dream worlds and the dream lands as we could call them and at the same tour of this nightmare at the core of this dream under the various layers is the hamlet massacre which is the heart or core of this nightmare the simple chant by the villagers was given power by mother caused herself and the blood of her child any powerful blood cars2 grew into the line of hunters who would follow this is the rotten core of the hunter's heritage inheriting the curse the inevitable downfall brought upon us by the actions of those who came before us so thanks guys I hope you like that interpretation of the hamlet Massacre and the events that took place there and the ramifications of it and I was kind of the center of a lot bad things that can happen to the hunters if you like this video please subscribe and follow me for more as I always do tons of souls boring videos I'm definitely planning to do more blood-borne if you want to join the debate please check out my desk gourd server where we all kind of talk about this lore and be really great to have you there finally I'd like to say thanks to JSF and st. Clair lore again for trying this through again our original discussion and podcast is down below I fight them for all the discussions we had thanks to my patrons and finally thanks to you guys for watching this I hope you have a nice day see you again soon you
Channel: SmoughTown
Views: 183,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne, Lore, story, Old Hunters, DLC, Kos, why, Mother, Mother Kos, Orphan, Orphan of Kos, Fishing Hamlet, Research Hall, Brador, Hunters Nightmare, Original Sin, Simon the Harrowed, Lady Maria, Hunter's Dream, Doll, Gehrman, Yharnam, Byrgenwerth, scholar, murder, hunter, Hunter of Hunter, analysis, in-depth, review, revisited, Ancestral Sin, Master Wilhem, new, Blood Drunk, School of Mensis, the Choir, FromSoftware, saw cleaver, Pale Blood, Hunt, Baneful Chants
Id: Fvhl-J8-leo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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