Bloodborne Fear the Old Lore - Yahar'gul & The One Reborn

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welcome to another episode of fear the old lore where we examine the japanese and english versions of bloodborne as well as cut content to get a better understanding of the lore this time we will focus on yahara ghoul the unseen village and the one reborn and how they're tied to the school of menses understanding what happens in yahoo is crucial to understanding bloodborne's story but it presents a few challenges for those who delve into its lore we know the school of menses governs the area due to the ahar ghoul armor sets description and from the notes found within the unseen village itself we can learn that they're conducting rituals to beckon the moon with the school of mensis beckoning the moon close it causes the people of yharnam to transform into peace and uncontrollable numbers known this cell near the yargol unseen village lantern confirms this stating the menses ritual must be stopped lest we all become beasts it wouldn't be clear on an initial playthrough of the game but the moon that the school of menses is summoning is more specifically the red moon or the moon of the pale blood sky it's uncertain when exactly the ritual began or how long it's been going on but we can conclude it started before the hunter woke up in yosepha's clinic we can come to this conclusion from what we can learn about the red moon on other nights of the hunt for example a hidden note in a dark house an old yarn dimensions the red moon hangs low and beasts rule the streets are we left no other choice than to burn it all to cinders from this we can learn that compared to other nights of the hunt when the red moon appears the number of people who transform into beast rises exponentially to the point that the healing church was forced to abandon old yourname and set the town ablaze with the red moon being beckoned towards yarn and again by the school of menses it's caused the majority of yharnam's population to turn into beasts even before the hunter awakens in yosepha's clinic if we look closely at the enemies patrolling in central yharnam we can see the huntsman mobs have already transformed while they might appear human at first glance they're covered in fur have elongated left arms which influences their uncoordinated movement and they attack the hunter on site they might not be classified as beast type enemies but it could be due to not having taken enough blood to fully transform or not repressing their inner beasts strongly enough to cause a more violent transformation like in father gascoigne or vicar emilia huntsman's minions or brick trolls have also transformed somewhat and judging by how the shoes have been split open it probably happened very suddenly and quickly additionally the nails on their fingers and toes are discolored and more claw-like compared to a normal humans and we can even see a small tail coming out of their back while the large huntsmen aren't quite as wolf-like as the scourge beasts that prowl around yharnam it's clear they've transformed into beasts despite that they seem to have some semblance of intelligence as they're still bipedal and continue to effectively use tools the small horns growing from their heads are somewhat reminiscent of the lore and cleric sound in the chalice dungeons and it might hint that the beastly idiocy of man might be overplayed or not well understood by many characters in the game by all accounts central yharnam is overrun with beasts and as the note in the dark house eludes the situation they are so bad the healing church would abandon it just as they did to old yharnam on that moonlit night with the school of mensis beckoning the red moon close it may have had an effect on the perceived duration of the night and multiple characters like german ariana yosefka and the imposter doctor remarked that our night of the hunt is long in seeming contrast to the other knights of the hunt the red moon is present in the very beginning of the game but it cannot be seen because the school of men's rituals beckoning it are being hidden by rom the vacuous spider the biggest hint that the red moon is always present comes from a node on the streets of yahagul it says behold a pale blood sky because jahargul can be visited in both the evening and full moon phases of the night as well as after the red moon is revealed it makes it unintuitive which sky is the pale blood sky or what information the node is trying to convey had it not been for game director hirataka miyazaki's drain of blood interview with future press i don't think i would have been able to figure it out myself either here's what he had to say about it i think there are two different ways you could interpret pale blood here one is the color of the sky after you defeat the vacuous spider and the men's secret ritual is revealed the sky there is a very pale blue like a body drained of blood i think there's also a message placed in yahar go unseen village that calls back to that this is before the ritual is revealed so when you're kidnapped and go to yahar ghoul you don't know what it can mean yet then after the ritual you could look at it again and it'll dawn on you that was my intention anyway but i have to admit that's probably a bit tough to pick up on in other words even though the sky changes appearance the note isn't incorrect in saying it's a pale blood sky it's always there but the hunter is unable to perceive the true state of yara ghoul because ram the vacuous spider is concealing it it ties into one of the notes in the hypoche in jail which says mad men toils surreptitiously in rituals to back in the moon uncover their secrets the japanese forward is a bit clearer and a more literal translation of the note would be something closer to mad men their rituals beckon the moon and it is being hidden the ritual's concealment must be destroyed rather than secrets needing to be uncovered it's more explicit that the rituals are being hidden and that whatever is concealing them needs to be destroyed and according to the note in eden chapel all manner of rituals are being hidden by the burgundy word spider meaning raw must be defeated to reveal the pale blood sky once ram is defeated the red moon will be revealed and descend with the cries of an infant the hunter will lose consciousness and upon awakening they will be transported to the entrance of yahar ghoul in the cathedral ward and a note will appear on screen saying ritual secret broken seek the nightmare newborn the japanese version of this note differs slightly by saying it's the concealment of the rituals which has been broken rather than the ritual secret it makes it more explicit that rom was altering the appearance of the world rather than everything suddenly changing after the appearance of the red moon however the discrepancy between the english and japanese doesn't seem to be a mistranslation or a product of localization the korean matches almost perfectly with what's written in english and linguistically would be almost impossible for the korean and english to be the same yet different from the source material additionally there may have been meant to be a bit of wordplay linking yahoo's name to the hidden rituals while it's called the unseen village in english its japanese name is closer to the hidden district using the same set of characters that describe haram is hiding all manner of rituals just to be clear i'm not trying to condemn the localizers it's extremely difficult to notice how a single word that's repeated maybe once or twice in a large project can have more significance than what exists at a surface level there's also the possibility this connection was mere coincidence since jahargul's true nature is unseen or hidden to the hunter until ram is defeated it's difficult to make any definitive claims about what events truly occur there before the red moon is revealed however it's clear from being abducted and listening to sister della's dialogue in the hypogeam jail that the school of menses has been abducting people for some time in sacrifices in their rituals it's unknown exactly what rituals the school is conducting or precisely how they work but it's likely multiple rituals are ongoing throughout the night the note near the lantern in the hypogean jail alludes to the voice of the nightmare newborn being used in conjunction with their rituals to beckon the moon though it's a little cryptic in both english and japanese the official english localization for it is nightmares rituals crave a newborn find one and silence its harrowing cry whereas a more literal rendering of the japanese is the nightmare ritual is with the infant find the infant please stop its crying voice while it's not initially clear if the note is referring to a specific newborn with context we can conclude it refers to the nightmare newborn mergo it's a little difficult to piece together how the rituals are using mergo's cries to beckon the moon but the language used in this note was supposed to be reflected in the moon rune which can be found on a nearby corpse just as the japanese note specifies as the crying voice of the newborn that needs to be silenced the final paragraph of the japanese moon roon states the nightmare superior being is a so-called responsive mind therefore there are many cases of it responding to the voices of those calling out the moonrin's description was meant to fill in the gaps that the great ones of the nightmare can be beckoned by the voices of those who reach them even so it's still unintuitive based on the note in the description alone what truly solidifies this connection and makes it explicit comes from miyazaki's drain of blood interview where he mentions in the world of bloodborne babies that are treated as special in one way or the other are offered as lures to the great ones the great ones have all lost their children because of their positions and as a result they're attracted to these special babies the babies are one way of calling them and once ram is defeated and the red moon is finally revealed we can hear mergo's cries because they're what's used to beckon the moon in order to end the menses ritual we must kill around to be able to proceed through the rest of yahara ghoul to seek the nightmare newborn and silence a tarot and cry while we might know why the school of mensis was using myrgogo's cries to beckon the moon the other activities occurring in the unseen village are more of a mystery kidnapping people off the streets wouldn't necessarily help draw the moon any closer so it seems the school is conducting other rituals in addition to beckoning the moon unfortunately we're not given much information and have to rely on inference and individual interpretation for the rest of yahoo when we first find adela she mentions she was with others but they were taken away she has heard moans in the distance ever since they were presumably sacrificed in the school of menses rituals but the school should have already been in the nightmare judging by the corpse wearing a menses cage next to the hypogean jail lantern it would imply that they were sacrificed for other reasons than beckoning the moon it seems likely that the school of menses was gathering yarmites and hobbling them together in attempts to either reanimate the dead or construct entirely new beings once the phase of the night shifts to the red moon we can find chime maiden summoning the dead from pools of blood and the kidnappers that used to stalk the streets are replaced with monsters formed from grotesque amalgamations of body parts one of the questions this raises is how much of yahar go is concealed by ram were there always corpse beasts and cramped caskets roaming the streets were they just disguised to look like man-eater boars or is what happened meant to be similar to the insight mechanic where having more of it can cause different enemies to appear or have attacks they normally wouldn't the sudden appearance of the ahmedali throughout the hidden village was suggested similar to insight yet the corpses of kidnappers would suggest there's some passage of time perhaps it's a mixture of both since it's uncertain how much time has elapsed between falling unconscious in the moonside lake and waking at yar ghoul but we may never know for sure there is also the possibility that with the red moon drawing close that the lines of reality have become blurred to the point where the nightmare is starting to bleed into the waking world if so then perhaps enemies like cramped caskets or corpse beasts are a natural byproduct of having so many bloody body parts in close proximity with the chimed in summoning the one reborn and reanimated yharnamites some of which might have come from the cells of the hypogean jail there's a good chance they're responsible for the corpse beasts and cramped caskets as well the only information we're given about the maidens comes from sinister chalices which describe them as temerian mad women the how and why they're working for the school of medicine is a mystery though if tumerians are working with the school of menses it could help support that the giant church servants employed by the healing church originally came from tomaru from chalices we know that body parts can be used in rituals to access other places and with the school of mensa's fixation on the nightmare they may have sacrificed the people of yharnam to access it from there they may have experimented on various methods to achieve cosmic enlightenment or the bodies of great ones for themselves the creatures and the nightmare of mensis are a testament to this with dogs and crows having their head swapped and some scholars having their heads transplanted onto spiders where the school of menses experiments purely academic or did they have more practical reasons for conducting them i'd like to be clear that what i'm proposing next is speculation i'm not sure how much i believe in myself but the experiments may be related to the brain of menses and it might have been meant to be transplanted onto the one reborn there's very little in-game evidence to support this idea and much of it relies upon looking at the internal enemy file names internally the one reborn is called narisoko naijashin nadisoko and i mean something that's not fully formed or something that's failed to live up to its potential like a monkey joshing means evil god and it is also the internal name for the amigdala so if the one reborn is a failed joshin then would imply it failed to become an amygdala considering how statues of the amigdala supplant traditional healing church imagery throughout yahar'gul the school of mensis may have revered them as god-like figures associated with the nightmare if so attempts to either recreate or become one wouldn't be unthinkable but the similarities between the one reborn and the amigdale don't end there going back to the brain of menses when we examine it closely we can see that its palms have the same kind of stigmata and his hands have six fingers with an extra thumb on the outside just like an amigdala a user by the name of mug on the bloodborne subreddit's discord server also discovered that the brain of mensis uses the same texture files as an amigdala though in addition to having 68 small eyes the brain has seven large ones so while the brain of menses and the one reborn obviously aren't amigdale there are a number of curious connections between them it's debatable whether these connections are canon within the final builds of the game but it's interesting to consider nonetheless i've mentioned before in previous videos that singular and plural isn't often clear in japanese as a result it's a little ambiguous as to whether or not it should be understood as the one reborn or the ones were born i think that multiple skeletons cobbled into its body make it more likely that it's the ones were born but others believe the one reborn is an attempt to recreate or reanimate the dead body of a great one this theory was more popular before the dlc was released with some thinking the one reborn was a reference to costs since mikkalash mentioned her and she wasn't included into the base game at that point so while the one reborn might not be related to cost now it doesn't rule out the possibility it could still be related to another great one [Music] beyond that there's not much else that can be said about the boss we don't even know why it's being summoned to the advent plaza when the base of the school's operations is in the nightmare of menses it can be extremely dissatisfying but the most convenient explanation for all of the grotesque abominations seen in yahoo would be that they were there merely to prevent the hunter or other inquisitive minds from interfering with the menses ritual once the one reborn is defeated we can access the mummified corpse of mikalash in the advent plaza and use it to gain access to the nightmare just like some of the figures seen throughout yahar ghoul mikalash and the corpses surrounding him are wearing menses cages which are said to act as antennas to the great ones in the dream and what delivered the scholars to their nightmare while there isn't any explicit confirmation perhaps the lattice structure of the cages functioned similarly to the tonsil stone by contacting amigdale with it it might have been what granted them access to the dream overall yahoo the unseen village serves as a bridge and a barrier for the hunter to learn more about the menses ritual and bring an end to the hunt while much of it is still shrouded in mystery we can see from the imagery that's on display there that the school of menses values diverged from those of the main branch of the healing church with the etymology of menses coming from moon it may be more appropriate to regard them as the school of the moon which may tie into why they sought to attain cosmic enlightenment by beckoning the moon towards yharnam despite going into as much depth into yargol as possible there's still much we don't know the people fused into the walls before the advent plaza might be related to the skulls and the rocks we find in the nightmare of menses but it's unclear if they were sacrificed on our night of the hunt or if they're related to the red moon that appeared over old yharnam either way it would imply that the school of menses discarded their humanity in using ordinary citizens to further their goals of becoming closer to the great ones the skeletal figures that are on fire infused into the ground in various places after the red moon are also an enigma because of the ringing sound they emit they might be related to the chimedens or act as a kind of arcane amplifier for their rituals as for the various statues in the area it might imply there's more of a connection between the celestial larvae and the amigdale or that the school of menses could have been influenced by the things discovered in the forbidden woods the statues of people fused together might be related to the cramped caskets or they could have been yarnimites that were sacrificed and pestified in other rituals it's also possible they could be showing part of the process for transforming into another being like an amigdala i hope in spite of how little is certain about yara ghoul that this video has clarified what we do know and can be used as a tool to facilitate further discussion about it the lore doesn't have to be set in stone to have value and there's room for civil disagreement and personal preference in examining it if you enjoyed this video please consider liking it or subscribing to my channel for more content in the future thank you for watching fear the old lore
Channel: Last Protagonist
Views: 64,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, fear the old lore, fear, the, lore, old lore, bloodborne lore, explanation, bloodborne's, bloodborne's lore, dream, nightmare, old, story, explain, analysis, analyzed, dark souls, from software, elden ring, ps4, last, protagonist, lastprotagonist, video essay, essay, yahar'gul, yargul, the one reborn, one, reborn, TOR, great one, great, amygdala, unseen, village, mensis, ritual, rituals, school of mensis, bloodbourne, yahargul, micolash, rom, vacuous, spider, brain, lost, in, translation, explained, moon, mergo
Id: STv7KpIIl8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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